Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 09, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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    Capital Women
Edited by MAEJAN l-OWBT rtdCBM
GOP Women Attend Meet
Of Daughter
Mr. and Mn. Edwin Schre
der are announcing the en
gagement of their daughter,
Miss Betty Schreder, to Ken
neth Alan Larson, eon of Mr.
- and Mn. Albert G. Larson of
The wedding it planned for
next dimmer.
The bride-elect if a senior
at Biola college In Lot An
gela. Mr. Larion will com
plete hit work at the Multno
mah School of the Bible thii
October Wedding
Among October weddings
will be that of Miti Jane Mc
Collam and Donald Clark, the
ceremony being planned for
Saturday, October 10, at
o'clock in the evening at the
Fint Presbyterian church. The
reception following also will
be at the church. The bride
elect la the daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. C. 8. McCollam and
Mr. Clark is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Lee Clark.
RETURNING the first of the
week from Klamath Falls
where she visited with friends
the past month was Mrs. Rus
sell B. LaFontalne.
A delegation of IS Oregon
women left Wednesday for
Old Faithful Inn to attend
conference of republican party
women leaders from 14 west
ern states.
The conference is opening
Thursday to continue through
Mrs. James W. Mott of Sa
lem, vice-chairman of the re
publican state central commit
tee, was in charge of arrange
ments for the Oregon delega
tion and is among those leav
ing with the group.
Others from this area going
included Mrs. H. D. Peterson
of Dallas, head of the Oregon
Council of Republican Women,
Inc., Mrs. Paul Van de Velde,
Salem, member of the council;
Mrs. L. R. Kauffman of Wald
port; Mrs. Frank Updike of To
ledo; Mrs. J. V. Robertsan of
Among others from Oregon
at the meeting are to be Mn
Marshall Coraett of Klamath
Falls, republican national
commltteewoman from Ore
gon; Mrs. Roy T. Bishop,
presiaeni or uio Oregon Fed
eration of Republican Women:
Mrs. William Burns, past pres
ident of the federation and
chief clerk in the Oregon state
Among speakers at the
meeting will be Mrs. Ivy Ba
ker Priest, treasurer of the
United States; Leonard Hall,
national chairman of the re
publican committee; Miss Ber
tha Adkins, assistant to the
national chairman and head of
the women's division for the
republican party; and U. S.
Senator Frank Barrett of
Wyoming. The Oregon group
went on the Northern Pacific
out of Portland to Livingston,
Montana, then will go on to
Gardner and from there to
Old Faithful Inn.
Wwraeaday, September I, 1151
is in the capital for a visit
with her parents, Dr. and
Mrs. George S. Hoffman. She
has spent the summer in Los
Angeles where she was with
the California state depart
ment of public health. Later
this month, she will return to
Berkeley to complete her
work for her matter's degree
at University of California as
a medical social worker. Miss
Hoffman has a full tuition
scholarship for the year.
Los Altos, Calif. If visiting
here this week at guest of her
mother, Mrs. N. J. Llndgren,
and with her brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. L. 3.
VISITORS here for a few
days include Mr. and Mrs.
Jack Slater and son, Danny,
from Oswego, guests at the
home of his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. .Richard D. Slater.
Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Slater
were Hera from Eugene over
the week-end for visit at the
parental home.
Tells Engagement Miss
Margaret Ellis, above,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Henry Ellis, has an
nounced her engagement to
Vernon Rucb, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Leonard Robertson.
Miss Ellis
Is Bride-elect
HOME FROM a trip to Lake
Louise, Banff, Jasper and Gla
cier National parks are Mr.
and Mrs. Harold Hauk.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Grant
Fallin, has returned to Salem
after a ten-day stay in Tilla
mook with an aunt, Mrs. Ernest
the Woman's Relief corns an
nounces its meeting set for this
Thursday hat been postponed
Because or. tne State Fair.
920 Mill street, will be hostess
Friday afternoon at 1:30
o'elock to the South Salem
Woman's Christian Temnerance
union. The first chanter of the
Christian social relations study
xor Aietnomst women thlt year,
- Aiconoi ana christian Re
sponsiblllty." wlU be reviewed
oy Mrs. c. W. Stacey.
Campus Event
Annual president's reception
honoring new Willamette uni
versity students will be next
Monday at University House,
home of Dr. and Mrs. G. Her
bert Smith, between I and 10
Announcement if being
made by Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Henry Ellis of the engagement
of their daughter, Miss Mar
garet Ellis, to Vernon Ruch,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard
No date is set for the wed
ding. The bride-elect wss
graduated from Salem high
high school. Mr. Ruch is in
the army, stationed at Fort
To British Columbia
Mrs. Lucille F. Booster and
daughter, - Miss Sarah Lou
Booster, will visit Vancouver,
B. C, this week. They will ac
company her son, Dean, a sen
ior of Oregon State college,
who, as president of the Pacific
Northwest Student branch' of
the American Society of Agri
culture Engineers, will attend
a convention at the University
of British Columbia.
Today's Menu
Party for
Miss Johns
Honoring Miss Beverly
Johns, who is to be married on
Sunday to Bid Joe Van Horn,
Misses Bsrbara Seeber and
Rena VanHorn entertained on
Friday evening at a shower and
party at the. home of Miss
Johns' parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Chester Johns.
The fhower was a miscel
laneous one. Feting the bride-to-be
were Miss Janice CoffeL
Miss Margaret Barge, Miss
Beth Prebstel, Miss Joan Neal,
Miss Jody Boyer, Miss Lois
Shrake, Miss Arda Lien, Miss
Carol Lee, Miss Norma Cooley,
Miss Evelyn Toehold, Miss Bar
bara Colbertson, Miss Nancy
Rust, Miss Nan Steele, Miss
Marilyn Jones, Miss Patricia
McBath, Miss Judie Burdette,
Mrs. Chester Johns, Mrs. John
W. Dixon, sister of the bride-
elect, and the hostesses.
Lancasters Visit
Mr. and Mrs. Harry N. Lan
caster and sons, Robert, Doug
las and Gregory, of Las Vegas,
N M., were here this psst week
visiting at the home of Mrs.
Lancaster's brother-in-law and
sister, Mr. and Mrs. George R.
Duke. Mr. Lancaster is head of
public relations at Highlands
university. While in Oregon,
they also have been visiting
Mrs. Lancaster's mother, Mrs.
Bruce Garrison in Eugene, with
relatives In Portland and with
the Del B. McClures at Gear-
Parents Tell of
Daughter's Troth
Mr. and Mrs. Ernst Hausfeld
have announced the engage
ment of their daughter. Miss
Helen I. Hausfeld, to Donald E
Chittlck, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Ernest S. Chittiek.
No date la set for the wed
ding. The bride-to-be is em
ployed at the statebouse. Mr.
Chittiek is a senior at Willam
ette university.
for Visitors .
A family dinner was liven
Saturday evening at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. James Zigler,
nonorMg out-oi-town visitors.
Honored were Mr. and Mrs.
Gordon Thompson of Glendale,
lam., and their son and daugh
ter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Frederick Thompson and the
latter couple's son, Larry, of
Hollywood. All formerly lived
For the past week the Gor
don Thompson have been vis
iting at the home, of his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frederick
Thompson, and the Earl
Thompsons were guests of his
great aunt, Mrs. Wayne Price.
Others at the Saturday dinner
were Mrs. Wayne Price, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Price and
Miss Mary Ann Zigler.
The visitors all left Tuesday.
While In Oregon they also were
at Neskowln for a short stay.
Year Opens
Next Week
At College
Oregon State College. Cor-
vauis Here it Is. time again
for school and college davs.
Beaverville is all abuzz while
rolling out its welcome mat
for new freshmen. Yes, they
will be the first back to the
campus except for the special
groups who will be there to
meet them.
Talons and Thanes, women's
and mens sophomore service
honories, will be there in their
white uniforms to greet new
comers. Another larger group
Known as tne Rook and Rook-
ess counsellors will help Fresh
men find their wsy around.
too. You may identify this
on their blouses and shirts.
New student week starts this
Sunday, September 13. The
first meeting of the freshman
class, or class of '57, will be in
the form of a convocation to be
that evening in the coliseum.
Freshmen start Monday morn
ing with English placement
exams and other placement
tests. The freshman pledge
convocation will be Thursday
evening. The rest of the week
will be spent in school meet
ings and conferences with ad
visers to plan fall term sched
ules. AU is not work, though,
because evenings can be spent
in various ways. One fun-packed
party freshmen won't want
to miss is the "Freshman Mix"
where they can enjoy "picking
up paw paws." This event
will be held on Coleman field.
Furs Exclusively
For IS Tears
list Ferry St.
Sandwiches go over big
when they have a savory
cheese filling and are served
with soup.
Family Lunch
Vegetable Soup
Cheese and Pickle Sandwiches
Fresh Pears
Cheese and Pickle Sandwiches
Ingredients: Vs pound Ched
dar cheese, 4 to 6 medium
size sweet pickles, Vi cup can
ned sweet drained plmientos,
2 tablespoons sweet pickle
liquid, mayonnaise, 13 to 16
slices buttered bread.
Method: Put cheese, pickles
and plmientos through food
grinder. If you do not have
a food grinder, grate cheese
and chop picklea and plmien
tos. Mix ground mixture with
pickle liquid and enough may
onnaise to moisten. Spread
on 8 or 8 slices buttered bread
and top with remaining bread.
Cut in triangular halves to
' serve.
A SON, named Dan Halleck,
was born Saturday, August 32,
at the Naval hospital at As
toria to Master Sergeant and
Mrs. Donald H. Burt. Mrs.
Burt and son are now living
in Salem with Sgt, Burt's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. M. G. Burt,
635 North High, while he is on
duty with the marines in Ha
waii. The maternal grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs. W.
L. Zatinger of Glendale, Calif.
Camp Fire Group
Woodburn A meeting of
the Camp Fire Girl leaders in
Woodburn has been called by
Mrs. Harry E. VanArsdale for
Friday, September 11, lit her
home at 1:30 p.m. Discussed
will be the formation of the
groups again and the partici
pation of the girls in the North
Marion county fair at Wood-
burn September 24, 25 and 26.
World Service of the Engle
good Evangelical United Breth
ren church will meet on Thurs
day at 1:15 p.m. at trie home
of Mrs. Guy Eades, 16S0 Jef
ferson. Mrs. Grace Thompson
wilt be leader for the after
noon. A dessert luncheon Is
tmiY NEW
Yes, something arw to
liven ap your key's dull
Far Life of Garment
Sixes 4 1 12
"Store of Enchantment"
Family Reunion
A family picnic at the home
of Mx. and Mrs. James C. Jones
was an event of Sunday.
Out of town guests at the af
fair were Mrs. James P. Ham
ilton, Rickreall; Mrs. C. Walter
Bennett, Springfield; Mr. and
Mrs. Byron D. Bennett and
sons, Martin and Gregg; Mrs.
Floyd Martin, all of Coquille:
Mr. and Mrs. Ben Burkert, and
Mrs. Mary McKee, Woodburn;
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Bates
and daughter, Sharon, Mr. and
Mrs. Hollis Hamilton, Mrs.
Nila Grimes, Mr. and Mrs. J.
Courtney Jones and children,
Linda, Jimmy and Danny; Mr.
and Mrs. Daryl S. Jones and
children, Sandra and Steven;
Mr. and Mrs. James Fslk and
children, Janet Shanna and
Jimmy; the hosts and their son,
Dan, all of salem.
MR, AND MRS. Calvin Her-
sey and daughter, Sara, were
guests, over the week-end at
the home of Mrs. Hersey's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Fal
lin. The Herseys are living in
Reedsport, where Mr. Hersey
is on the coaching staff at the
high school.
HOME from a 10-day vaca
tlon trip to Canada are Dr. and
Mrs. Vern W. Miller and their
daughters, Joan Marie,-Marga-
ret, Julie, Nancy and Marilyn
They were at Radium Hot
Springs, Lake Louise. Banff,
Jasper and Glacier parks.
For new and old alike, reg
istration for classes will begin
Friday, September 18. Seniors
will have first chance when
the doors to the coliseum open
at 8 a.m. Registration will
be completed on Saturday and
classes will start the following
Monday, September 31.
Now for a glimpse at the
social side. Football will be
the main topic when we reach
the campus. We're hoping to
have a good team thl syear.
Two Salemites, Jim Rock and
Bill Johnson, wiU be in the
Orange and Black jerseys
fighting for OSC when pigskin
time rolls around.
Rushing will be another big
subject. Men's rushing will be
during New Student Week,
starting September 13. Wom
en's rushing this year will not
start until September 27 and
will begin with an open house
that day. Parties will continue
through the week and pledelne
will be the following Sunday.
see you soon on the campus.
WCTU to Elect
Woodburn Election of
new officers is planned at the
first fall meeting of the Wood
burn unit of the WCTU Fri
day, September 11, at the
home of the president, Mrs. A.
D. Sprouse, 378 Gatch street.
The meeting will begin at 2
p.m. The meeting is a week
earlier than the regular date.
SALEM friends 'will be in
terested to learn Mrs. Seth R.
Huntington has moved to For
est Grove for the winter and
will be a house mother at one
of the dormitories at Pacific
returned from a two-week va
cation In Pacific Palisades.
Calif., where she visited at the
home of her son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. George
Givot. i
Junior Saddle Club
Sets Show Sunday
falem Heights South Sa
lem Junior Saddle club plan
Its show on Sunday at S pjn.
at the . residence of Dr. and
Mrs. Lynn M.' Hammerstad,
710 Winding Way. Entries will
begin at 1:30.
There are 13 events sched
uled for the ahow with two
being exhibition. There are
colts halter class; parade; boys
class, ten and under; girls
class, ten and under; boys class,
eleven and over; girls class,
eleven and over; Saddle club I
drill non-competitive; western
pleasure; horsemanship; cow
girl class; cowboy clan: Eng
lish class; bareback class; pony
and cart exhibition.
Ervin Ward, captain of the
Selem Saddle club, will be the
ringmaster, and judging will
be . Cecil Mollert and Glen
Conklin. Mrs. Hammerstad is
general chairman of the show,
All friends are invited to at
Liberty Groups
Plan New Season
Liberty Various xtouds In
the Liberty area are making
plant for their organizations
tor the coming year.
The Liberty Mothers club
executive board met with Mrs.
Lewis Clark at her Boxwood
Lane home last week to make
plans for the new year. The
group decided to recommend
that the club be changed from
mother's club to a parents
organization, with the meet
ings in the evenings and a
study group be formed for the
mothers for afternoon meet
ings. They plan to enter com
munity activities, and for a
special project, to promote
friendship among parents be
longing to the school; to give
special consideration for hot
lunches to those who need it;
have a youth clothing ex
change; to sponsor leadership
for the youth organizations; es
tablish a goal for fund raising.
The group also discussed room
mothers and named Mrs. Ivan
Royce as room mother chair
Meeting also last week at
the home of Dr. and Mrs. Lew
is Clark at their Boxwood Lane
home were members of the
cub pack 18 of Liberty. Wei
ter Schendel, cubmaster for
the pack made plans for den
mothers and committee mem
bers. Dr. Clark will serve as a
committeeman. Also present
were Mrs. Gardner Bennett
and Mrs. Ed Holden.
At Mallicoat Home
Several out-of-town relatives
and friends were here this
week-end to visit Cmdr. and
Mrs. Sam Mallicoat. About 25
were in the group. Cmdr. Mal
licoat is leaving September 17
for overseas duty aa an AFA
executive officer.
VISITORS over the week-end
to take in the State Fair were
Mr. and Mrs. Hollis Beasley
of Longview, Wash. With her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hsrry
Rowe, and Mrs. Grace Thomp
son, they attended the Frink
Hughes wedding at McMinn
ville, Sunday, Mrs. Beasley, a
cousin of the bride, Joanne
Frlnk, cutting the cake at the
see. s
RETURNING Monday eve
ning from a stay at their cot
tage at Devil's Lake on the
coast were Mr. and Mrs. Don
ald C. Roberts.
115 N. Liberty
Duo Wed
Here Monday
Liberty The Fint Chris
tian church of Salem was the
setting for the Labor day wed
ding of Miss Delores McClel
lan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur-. McClellan, and B. J.
Snltker, son of Mr. and Mrs,
E. J. Snltker, Monday, Sep
tember 7.
Before an altar of Dink and
white gladioluses and lighted
tapers, the Rev. Donald Payne
performed the nuptials. Mrs,
Elton Benedict played the
wedding march and Elton
Benedict was the vocalist
The bride was given in mar
riage by her father. She wore
a ballerina length dress of ny
lon net with inset insertion,
fashioned with a high neckline
shadowed with lace, a fitted
bodice with capped sleeves,
snd lace mitts. A flnaertin
length veil 'of illusion nylon
wss caught in a cap decorated
wnn seed pearls. The bride
carried a bouquet of white
gladioluses with pink roses in
the center. Her only piece of
Jewelry was a gold locket of
her grandmothers over a black
ribbon at the neck of her
Miss Shirley Peterson was
the maid of honor. She wore
strapless ballerina lencth
irocK or light blue nylon lace
with matching net stole. She
wore white accessories and
carried a bouquet of pink gla
Ronald Jones was best man.
Bud Hodges and Chet Daniels
of Dallas were the ushers.
The reception followlnc was
at the church and the bridal
couple greeted the guests in
the fireplace room. Mrs. Mil
bre cut and served the cake
and was assisted by Miss El-
nora Adyelott. Miss Margaret
Seeger served the punch and
Mrs. Harvey Roush noured the
coffee. Miss Ellen Roush was
in charge of the sifts, and Mi
Arlene Roush presided at the
guest book. -
For her daughter's wedding
Mrs. McClellan chose a navy
Diue Tailored suit with white
accessories and wore a corsage
of a white orchid with white
For her son's weddinv Mrs.
Snltker wore a pink suit with
white accessories and a cor
sage of a white orchid with
white carnations.
The couDle will make hlr
home on South Commercial
1 '
the professional football game
at Portland Monday evening
between the Los Angeles Rams
and Chicago Cardinals were
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard A. Ro
wan and Mr. and Mrs. Homer
G. Lyon, Jr.
Couple Honored
At Informal Parties
Several Informal affairs art
being given by friend to hon
or Mrs. Harry N, Cialn and
Judge F. Laurence Phlppe of
The Dalles, the couple to be
married on September 36.
This Saturday evening, Mr,
and Mrs. Richard D. Slater
are entertaining Mrs. Craia
and Judge Phipps at dinner. '
On Sunday evening, Mrs.
Crain and Judffa PklniM wilt
fbe honored at a dinner for
which Mrs. Cfsln't brother
and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs.
Theodore Arem of Portland
are to entertain at the Waver
ley Country club.
Farewell Dinner
For French Family
Mrs. Mary Fosnot entertain'
ed at her Park Lane home Sat
urday evening at a farewell
dinner in honor of her son-in-law
and daughter, Capt. and
Mrs. Robert T. French, and
Robbie and Curtie. Capt
French and his family recent
ly returned home from Lon-'
don, England after three years
duty in the Air Force.
They left Mondsy morning
for his new assignment as
personnel services officer at
Offutt Air Force base, Omaha,
Those present were Mr. and
Mrs. Lester Tehle, Sandra.
Philip, Julie and Bruce, Oak
Grove; Mrs. Lillian Mocabee,
Beverly, Melvin and Sharon.
Mr. and Mrs. John Coomler.
Judy and ohnny, Salem; Mr.
and Mrs. Claude Miller. Tal
bot; Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Schram, Merrtlee and Dick.
Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Hammond, Vickl and Herble,
uorvaiila and the hostess.
At Acton Home
Wlnser Acton, chemist with
the Hercules Powder company
at Wilmington, Del., Is visiting
at the home of his parents, .
Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Acton.
His wife and their little daugh
ter, Cathy, are visiting - her
people at Hoquiam, They will
return to Salem this week. '
Mr. Acton will leave on Sat
urday for the east but Mrs.
Acton and the little girl will
remain for a longer visit and
will be here to greet Mr. and
Mrs. Don Preiss, son-in-law
and daughter of the senior Ac
tons, the Preisses to arrive
September 26 from Concord,
Calif., for a visit
TRADE In yew eld WATCH
At Mack at $22,50 Alltwtd
443 State, Salem
vRfridir Night till 9
See G-E Booth-Agriculture
Bldg. at the State Fair
CJK lvalue
V, & i
A famous perfumes fo
Here's bread-saw, k.w-priced Oeaeral Btctnc Rang,
oe24 inches wide, yet (he yon i eorapiets de hue cooking
idUxt ill les
Tto Spacatnakcr 24 k ideal tor small or crowded kitcaaat,
helps tjve jot the room jon Med for ekit4 aiiother sxefl
nce. Pot R on yaw "must tee" lirt right swart
Now yon can afford to wear and
enjoy four of the world's most famous
perfumes. Tor Coty has packaged these
great fragrance classics together
and brings them to yoo at a price
yon can't afford to pass by. YouU
want them for your own pleasure
now. ..and to hide away aa
gifts for the future. Hurry
supply limited I
BO4, WIDI-OflNffraj MAfTsY
CAiiee kniti Txioueu-
e Bmu4MffD CAUOO sue,
.... vi?rvw use,
Opea Fridays Till P.M.
M N. Commercial