Par 2 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oregon Wednesday, September 9, 1953 In The Valley , Edited by HIKE F0BBE8 Sheridan Sheridan Senator Eugene Marsh will be the principal speaker at the water conserva tion meeting at th Sheridan high school Sept IS. J. J. Se- ' Christ, vice president of the Yamhill basin development committee will also b oa the program. J. W. Hammons has opened a real estate office in the build' ing connected to the Hi-Way Market He has been active In real estate In Portland for 31 years. Associated with Mr, Hammons In bis office will be Mr. and Mrs. P. J. McMaugh, who will conduct an insurance business. Mrs. Jean Ritner will estab lish a kindergarten class in her home for ore-school ehildre Activities on the agenda will be game, records, singing, stories. creative expression in crafts, mid-morning snack and rest, personal habit training, super . vised play and dramatised play. Dr. a. J. mutt, Sheridan dentist, and his family have turned from San Diego, where he spent the past eight months In the navy. Or. G. H. Harrison has maintained his practice while be has been gone. Mrs. Elva Smith was given household ahower last week. She recently lost her home by fire. This was the third time her home had burned. Dick Burdon, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gayle Burdon of Sheridan, Is among 34 young college graduates who will sail this fall for a term of missionary Ice under sponsorship of the Methodist church. They will all serve three years in Latin America, southeast Asia, Japan or . Korea In educational and social service projects. ' Burdon la a IP33 graduate of OSC In landscape design. - Karen Chamberlain and Sol veig Magnuson were honored on their birthdays with a picnic given by their grandroother, Mrs. O. W. Magnuson. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. Law rence Chamberlain and family, Miss' Yvonne Blair, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Knutson and family and the Magnusons. Phillip Weaver was given a surprise birthday party last week by his mother, Mrs. Helen Weaver. His guests were Har old Levy, Ronnie Wells, Tom my Nelson, Andy Paul, Doug las Bryant and the honored guest Mrs. Prank Cody gave Mrs. Charles Frank a surprise birth day dinner this week, when guests were rather Sheffield, Mrs. Sophia Amacher, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hage.nen, the hon ored guest and the hostess. The PL club met at the home of Mrs. Nancy Coddington, with Mrs. Lois Levy, co-hostess, to install officers for the new term. They are: President, Gertie Reed; vice president Lois Levy; and secretary, He! Aurora Aurora Members of the Past Chiefs club of Una tem ple No. 26, Pythian Sisters, met at the home of Mrs. George Wurster Friday eve ning, Sept 4. Real estate transactions closed during the past week included the house and acre age owned by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Bushman of Aurora, sold to s Hubbard resident, who plans to take possession short ly. Virgil Miller, former Canby resident, recently bought the IS-acre place at Needy sold by Mrs. Myrtle Ball. Mrs. Ball purchased a house in Canby. A cottaje on South ivy street in Canby, formerly owned by Mrs. Katherine Prahl, has been sold to Weldoa Hamilton, a soldier now on ac tive duty. The Clinton Craftston 40- acre farm near Central Point went to Paul Kebara and Ted DOUBLE TAKE V: state convention Sept 1. Weaver. Five delegates were appointed to attend the!". ,rl" , i. mi.ii. (Linker bought the Clayton L. ion Hall road. Aurora grade school will be gin Tuesday, Sept I, however ataay of the pupils will not en roll until several weeks later of Pomona, Calif, was a guest MMkBrrie. n. Willamina Wlllamlna C J. Thompson is s9 . FWFWEF00O vfT Chinese COME TO MY PLACE Chines ... Tea Gerden Bltfet . lOM Ne. C Betwaea Male Ceatt St DANCE TONIGHT Crystal Gardens Old Time and Madera Mask by "Pey Edwards i'Vr Sr'sT'JMk.i i a "L (stariSiiruajes-a?Tl Now. tksu Sot. see), as inn i udrs m last! week of his son. Orvi Thompson, and Mrs. Thomp son. Miss Lillian Mines, who is a student nurse at the Good Sa maritan hospital In Portland, was home last week to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Car roll Hints. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Ful ler of Lincoln. Neb., visited bis sister, Mrs. Carl John and fan ily last week. Mr. end Mrs. Charles B. Flynn, formerly of Willamina, and now of Housatonic. Mass., ara the parents of a son, Kevin Bryan, born Aug. 33. He is their fifth child. Miss Winifred Toal of Red wing, Minn., returned to her home last week attar a month's visit here with a brother, Lloyd Toal. Mrs. Ray White and Karla of Gladstone returned home last week after visiting here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dave Paine. Miss Darlene Page is home now from a McMlnnville hos pital after suffering from sn attack of flu and yellow jaun dice. ' Miss Yvonne Hubbard re turned to George Fox college In Newberg last week, where she will work In the office two weeks before school begins. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Kssnick of PeXU, Wash., were guests of his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Kasnlck. last week. , Bob Bufflngton is back working at a local grocery store after undergoing soother operation st a Portland hos pital. . Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Shetterly were guests of Mr. snd Mrs. nils Bryant last week to see some 33mm pictures Jack Bry ant had sent home from Korea. Scenes of the Pacific ocean and Japan were also shown. Rev. Waldemsr Hints and family are visiting here after spending the past three years In Hawaii Pastor Hints Helped organize the Lutheran church here. The auxiliary of the tire de partment will meet Tuesday, Sept B, In the fire hail ciud rooms, with Alice Anderson snd Jsckie Bellas hostesses. New officers will be installed at the meeting. I The employees of Ellinga- worth's store held a picnic last week at the Lloyd Anderson home. Those enjoying the eve ning were Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Ellingsworth, Mr. snd Mrs. J. B. Ellingsworth, Mr. snd Mrs. Jim Paul and son, Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Summers and Debbie, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Small and Marsha, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Buffington and son, Mrs. Glsdys McGee and Fred, Lar ry Davis, Dick Nokleby, Larry Godsey, Charles Werner, Mrs. Royallne Greenlaw, Mr. and Mrs, Anderson and daughters. The school yesr will begin st a.m. Mondsy, Sept 14. Chi! dren will be dismissed and the busses will make their return trips before noon on the first day. The school cafeteria will begin to serve lunches Tues day, Sept 13, with the 33 cent lunch in effect this year. Children entering the first grade must be six years old on or before Nov. IS, and must bring a medical record filled oat by a physican. PRES. QVIRINO ROME Manila 1V Pritnt T.lnl. dio Quirino returned home today after 10 weeks In the United 8tstes for two stomach operations. He made it clear be Intends to campaign for re-election In November. the Aurora area. Applications are being taken for a part time (evening) cus todian position starting Sept 14 at the North Marion Union High School. Mrs. Walter O. Fry, a clerk at the Aurora post office for the past 13 years, resigned her position effective Sept 1. Pre vious to Mrs. Fry's clerkship in the Aurora post office, she taught in the grade school here, from 1918 until 1938. Michael Lowrie, young son of the Walter Lowries of Au rora, suffered a fractured da vicle Sunday in a fall at his home. He is under care of a Canby physician. Mrs. Robert Mohning (Car ol Rose) is planning to leave Sept. 30, for Bermuda, to Join her husband, who has been on duty with the U.S. sir force there since July. '., I Its i ; '.. Silverton Amity Amity Amity Future Farmers of America set a new record for Amity by winning five championships snd nesrly 3330 in prize money st the Yamhill county fair last week. This week they are exhibit ing farm and garden crops, farm shop exhibits, their live stock chsmplons and poultry, at the state fair. Amity 4-H club members will enter the style revue. Bette Freemen snd Janet Jones of the Amtiy 4-H club, Marilyn Law- son, Mary Mclntyre and David are other Amity 4-H members competing at Salem this week. A picnic dinner was served st the Christian church Sun day following the morning worship service, honoring Mr. and Mrs. John Moore snd their fsmlly. Former residents of Amity, the Moores moved to' Twin Fails, Idaho, in 1343. A large group attended the dinner. Mr. and Mrs. Duryle Vaughn of Harbor Drive, Calif., were callers at the A. W. Newby home recently. A friend accom panied them here from Port land, where they are spending their vacation. Vaughn is a nephew of Mr. Newby. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Nelson of Eugene spent the Labor Day week-end with her mother, Mrs. H. J. Richter. Mrs. T. J. Moore left recent ly for her home in San Diego, Calif., after an extended visit with her sister, Mrs. F. L. Strout Two girlhood friends, Mrs. Ed Hudson and Mrs. Fred Kempf. of Eugene, visited here. They were all formerly of Cayuga, N. 1. Mr. and Mrs. Hall Ford. Portland, were guests of Mrs. Eftie Saylor, Sunday. They at tended church service at the Baptist church. Mrs. Saylor and Mrs. Ford are sisters. U.S. Navy Seamsn Da 11 Higgmbotham (right), Ever ettsville, W.Vs., slows down to take an over-the-shoulder look st Miss Jacqueline Bolens, New York City and her escort Bernard Kotxen. Charlotte, N.C., as they pause on Philadelphia's Broad street on the way to semi-annual After Six Formal wear Manufacturers convention dinner. Mr. Kotxen said his attire was "a sensible aproach to for mal evening- wear during the current heat wave," while Miss Bolens admitted her outfit was just a gag prompted by her escort's sttire. (AP Wirephoto) Grand Ronde Grand Ronde Mrs. Robert Jones and sister. Miss Ruth Goode. visited this past week end with Mr. snd Mrs. Skipper Crab of Canyonville. Mrs. Rsy Roalson and chil dren of Portland visited her mother. Mrs. Ivsn Caligan. this past week-end. Robert Banuck, brother, also oi roruana, spent the week with his grand' parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Lar- klns and son. Tommy, of Port land, were week-end guests of Mr. snd Mrs. Ivan Caligan. A birthday dinner honoring Mrs. Thomas Bowers snd Mrs. Clara Tucker, was held at the home of Mrs. Jay Downing on Thursday. Bidden to the din ner were Mrs. Alice Knox, Mrs. Msurine Knowles, Mrs. Joe Bowers snd daughter Joan, Mrs. John MacPherson, Mrs. Roxie Kilgore, Mrs. A. M. Gill and daughter Beverly, and Mrs. Cecil Carllee and children. Mr. and Mrs, Don Hale of Medford visited the past week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hale. Mr. Don Hale is the manager of Stevens Auto Parts store in Medford. Miss Msrlise Martin, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Martin, has returned home from a visit in Orting, Wash. Mrs. William Murphy and children of Wecoma Beach spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Hale. Mrs. A. M. Gill was hostess this week to her pinochle club.' Those attending were Mrs. Katie Talbot, Mrs. Betty Mode, Mrs. Reta Ross, Mrs. John Ma jors, Mrs. Drew Hobbs, Mrs. Florence Young snd Miss Bev er'y Gill. Prizes were won by Mrs. Young and Mrs. Major. Mrs. Ted E. Smith will spend a few days in Salem visiting her sister, Mrs. Pearl Stro becke. While here they will at tend the state fair. Petersen's Rock Gardens snd Suttle Lake. ' Clifford Roebke spent the holiday week-end with his family. Mr. Roebke is employed ss carpenter in Portland since the closing of the night ohlft of the M at M Plywood plant where be bad been employed. Mrs. Norman Garrison is in the Good Samaritan hospital In Portland where she will have eye surgery. Mrs. Garrison re cently underwent eye surgery In Salem, but complications de veloped necessitating more ex teansive surgery. Mill City Kindergarten regis tration will be Monday, Sept 14 at the high school recreation room; morning session to regis ter st 9 s.m. with Mrs. Roy Kiersey and the afternoon group will be under the- super vision of Mrs. Agness Allen. Both Mrs. Kiersey 'and Mrs. Allen have taught before in the Mill City kindergarten which is sponsored by the PTA. Alfred Nesbitt is this years PTA president Mrs. Paul Horner is vacation ing in the middle west, stop ping over in Kansas at two of her brothers Carl Braden at Smith Center, Kan., and Gene Braden of Bushton, Kan., both of whom previously lived here. Mrs. Horner will drive on through the southern states making the trip in her car, alone. Silverton Miss Evelyn Hof stetter of Mull no, has entered the Pacific College, Seattle, a church school, for her college freshman year, specializing In home economics. Miss Hof- stetter graduated from the Mo- lalla high school in June, and was granted a scholarship in the Seattle school. Her par ents are Mr. snd Mrs. Otto Hofstetter. Miss Lillian Bloch is return ing to Silverton hospital ss sur gical nurse. Miss Bloch is the dsughter of Mr. snd Mrs.' Her man C. Bloch of Silverton. She has been residing in McMlnnville. No date has been set for the forthcoming marriage of Miss Ruth Barthold, Silverton, and Richard Sievert of Min neapolis, ' the announcement made by the perenta of Miss Barthold, the Lief Bartholds. The owner of the Silverton Turkey and Poultry plant. Jack Shoemaker of Seattle, has assumed managership of the plant and is moving to Silver ton, relieving Tom Rybvad, scting manager who is to be retained for a time in an ad visory position: Three teachers who. traveled in other countries during the summer months. Miss Hannah Oslon, Mrs. Irene Roubal, both of the Silverton schools, and Miss Muriel Bentson of the Salem faculty, have returned within the past few days to re sume their work. At the Reed home, Mrs. Carl Reed and Mrs. Tom Lynch en tertained in an evening shower party Friday complimenting Mrs. Albert Lynch, with 30 guests from Salem, Portland and Silverton, invited. Forty guests were present at the pre-nuptlal shower en tertainment at the Marquam Hall, Tuesday, complimenting Miss Miriam Paquin. Host esses were Mrs. Merle Bye snd Mrs. Arlene Stetson. . Max Lindholm, son of Mrs. Alta Merrifield of Silverton, who with his wife snd two children are now residents of Jacksonville, S. C, had one of his photographic produc tions used in a recent issue of the national magazine, Newsweek. Macleay Mill City MiU City The Mill City Ministerial Association had their September meeting at the home of Rev. and Mrs. Noble Streeter Sunday, Sept. 6; a no host dinner being served to th members and their families. Present were Rev. and Mrs. Hugh Jull, Wilms and Ralph; Rev. and Mrs. Lee Joiner and family; Rev. and Mrs. Harold ALBANY GOC MEET Albany What the ground observation corps means to the community and the nation will be explained Thursday night at the city hall where mem- i Martin and Susan and Rev. and: btn of the local corps will St Luke's School Will Open Monday wood burn st Luke s pa rochial school st Woodburn will open for the 1353-54 year Monday, Sept. 14. Registra tion will be conducted on the opening day of school. Sister Mary Blanche will head the faculty as superior ana principal. Other mem bers of the teaching staff are Sister Mary Alphonse, grades one and two; Sister Mary Lucy, grades two and three; Sister Mary Rosalia, grades three snd four; Sister Mary Bede, grades four and five; Sister Mary Adrian, grades six and seven; Sister Mary Blanche, grades seven snd eight; Sister Mary Cecilia, music teacher and singing con sultant; and Sister Mary Doro thy, housekeeper. KNOWLAND ON TOUR Talpeh, Formosa ) U. S. Senate Majority Leader Wil liam F. Knowland, on a fact finding tour of the Far East to day visited a jet training cen ter on this Chinese Nstionallst island. Mrs., Streeter, Susan and Ste- mttl wh s u. S. Air Force phen. I representative, it was an- GuesUlast week at the home nouncd Tuesday by W. O. of Mr. and Mrs. Melbourne j Ech' local found observation Rambo were Mr. and Mrs. Clif- j suprv'sor- ford Miller and son, Dwane, of 1 The pimento or allspice tree Glendale, Ore. The Rambosl. be'ieved to grow only in . ., ' . ) Jamaica. nn uicir guests wire among those attending the State Fair Sunday and Monday visited Macleay - Mrs. Harry Mar tin, Sr., won first in the iden tification of grasses snd weeds contest held during the lectur er's hour at the Grange meet ing Friday night Second place went to Harry Martin, Jr. Other numbers on the pro gram were vocal numbers by Hubert Aspinwall and a short talk by Ben Newell. The program was srrsnged by Albert Mader and Ben New ell, j During the business session questionnaire sent out by the National Grange on farm leg islation were discussed. It was voted to hold a fair and booster night Oct 24. It was announced that Charles Wsy was exhibiting cup cakes and Marilyn Martin biscuits at the state fair in the 4-H club exhibit. The parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Way and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin, are Grange members. Albert Mader of the agricul tural committee reported a gov ernment wheat support and an nounced a committee election would be held in the near fu ture. Mrs. M. M. Magee reported on home economic plans for the j coming season. Honored f.r birthdays werej Mrs. Harry Martin, Sr., and Mrs. Harry Martin, Jr., and for: their wedding anniversary were Mr. and . Mrs. Albert Mader. ' . j Serving were Frank Schaap, , Leonard Mosier and Morris: Keller. Lebanon Buys Hew Furnace Lebanon At a recent meet ing of the city council, Instal lation of two new furnaces to, heat the city hall, was order ed. Both were purchased from Holland Furnsce company, Sa lem, for 33,800, plus 3400 trade-in on the one furnace heretofore in use. A contract was awarded to Scott Plumbing company for a drainage ditch to extend from Hiatt to Franklin street Cost of the project will be about 3553. half of which wiU be paid by the McPherson Lum ber company, which Is owner of the property now without drainage facilities, . ; The council session ' was mainly concerned with street improvements, perking, and traffic. A motion was passed to provide for automobile parking on . Main street st Wheeler. Compalint was made that large trucks parking at the intersection created a blind corner. The installation of four 12- minute-limit parking meters, was ordered for the front of the post office, and an ordi nance was adopted to use the state traffic code, and to in crease the maximum fine for violation of the ordinance from 3100 to 3200. Dallas Church Buys House for Functions Dallas The Harris House building committee of the Pres- byterisn church reports that the building purchased from the Harris heirs will soon be ready for occupancy. It has been necessary to make extensive Improvements.' New solid concrete and block foundations have been install ed. New steps have been con structed snd necessary exten sions, repairs snd replacements made to the plumbing. A renter has been secured who will occupy the house ss soon ss it can be readied and is willing to do the redecorat ing of the interior. The building was purchased with the expectation of using It for church functions. went sight seeing at the Stat Fair Mondsy. Mr. and Mrs. Z4 Niles of Roseburg, relatives of Mr. and, Mrs. H. A. Petterson, spent the holidays with the Pettersonf family. They visited the Stat Fair, then journey ed on to Port land to spend, several days shopping. They will return to Dallas the latter part of this! week, then will return to their- home in Roseburg. i Unionvale i Unionvale Mrs. E. M.! Coats has been ill at her home- the last two weeks and a visit) to her physician Friday re-! vealed heart and stomach trou4 ble. ! Samuel Dixon of Delake was a dinner, guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Coats, Saturday. Mr. Dixon is a former Union-! vale resident. ! "Oil Town U.S.A." a Billy; Graham production picture.) will be given at the Unionvale Evangelical - United Brethren church the latter part of Sep-; tember. . i ; Dallas Dallas Jsmes Ferguson, small son of Mr. snd Mrs. Del mar Ferguson, who fell from their car Sept 3 suffering lac erations snd abrasions, is pro gressing satisfactorily. James is under observation at the Bar tell hospital. . - Donald Court er, son of Mr. snd Mrs. K. C. Courter, left Fri day by plane for Alameda, Calif. Donald it serving in the Coast Guard. His ship will sail soon on a five months patrol off Alaska and will make port in many of the islands before returning to his base. Joan Comer and Joan Mull- er were Salem shoppers Satur day. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Shet terly and Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth Jacobson attended the Rams snd Cards football game in Portland Monday evening. The members of the Pythian Sisters Lodge are making plans to hold a rummage sale Friday snd Saturday of this week st the KP hall. Mrs. Beaulah Evans visited during the holidays with rela tives and friends in Salem and DANCING Dsace H fat awsk el Ike Wtgot Wttseien steer aiaW. Satan (Jac ha WeiMieir, Sett tag J ararf, Seat a lifaJuiM SO, Sriartep 74 e; MJ 4-H lldg. State Fair TONIGHT! 1 GATES OPEN :tt SHOW AT T.U STARTS TONfTtl 2 TOP COLOR HITS! I (First Ratara gkewiag I . . . Regaiar Prices!) ! StsYiiig ' l . Abe . Bary Calk con Carioae Cahret ia "Powder Riier", rasiBBt eavagawr --- UatM aAIMsU, ttCaWM ft ; GATES OPEN f :4i SHOW AT 1:1$ Ah- rcndlllnw-d TechaJeeJer Ce-Bii Jena Payne Jan SterHa "TH6VANQUISHID" STARTS TONITI! 3 UNIT SHOW (Regular Prices Plas le far S-D Vtewer.1 "BUD ABBOTT & LOUCOSTELLO GO TO MAW" Ala Umji Bridges Marie Wlndiar ia "The Tall Texan" and 3rd Dimension l'au're Heard Absat It ... Nw gee II in "iniviv rue mimi m nn. g COUNTRY" I Tornadoes helped raise the number of people killed in ac cidents which took five or more lives in the United States dur ing the first half of 1953 to 1,000. cumrs Plantation Dinners 2Vs Ml. S. e m CHICKEN - STEAKS - HAM . ETC COMPLETE DINNER $1.35 one! up COUNTER BOOTHS DINING ROOMS Ne Parking PreMeas! a.W Week Hears: " CUaad Mj4iy P a Tm. WSk 1 1 V vv 1 1 X lie t'--J II ' II HELD OVER! tfv Wl-O-M'a ORCATtST -J TaTCHNieatoa) musical J V e4 sncs as nmmS M "As Americas la rtra"l J rSeTVsk efVas a lite a, m If asn j....m Fred AstUse- Ctd Charisse tifa-Rvtiifo-latei ALSO JEAN SIMMONS "CAGE OF GOLD" lJLLX)ti TODAY! TWO WONDERFUL COMEDY HITS! V Colorful Comedy Co-Hit! 5 l&iAXtflf.TYMfTBTftJV -kWtsW s Oinn (V' USA TODAY! TODAY! REGULAR PRICES Plus lie for Viewers Ilk fiUTIAMSO!llrKANI LOVEJOY -TS. CO-HIT 7 a.m. te 13 sis. laaelay. It Neea to 3 gvsa.