Pse 19 Wednesday, September . 1951 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sale., Orefoa 'I i' I I DENNIS Hi. MENACE By Ketcham 'CATCH.DW5.' CQRNRAKBSr AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES 3 Independence Persons Hurt Three Independence persons wera Injured and two of the three can Involved in an acci dent north of Independence Tuetday morning suffered con- liderable damage. Taken to doc tori in private cart were Mr. Helen M. Stut man, Mr. Charles Willlami and Roland Lorraine Dustan. Mr. Stutsman suffered a possible dislocated neck, Mrs. Williams 'bruises and minor shock and Dustan possible rib and nose fractures, it was reported. Investigating state - police said the accident occurred as Mrs. Stutsman's car was being pushed by a car driven by Charles Williams, Independ ence, on Highway 51, about three miles north of Independ' ence. The car driven by Dustan struck the rear end of the Wil Hums car, doing considerable damage to both cars and minor damage to the Stutsman ve hicle. Dustan said he had just been forced off the road by an other car and did not see the cars ahead of him in time to stop. Williams and his father-in-law, who was riding with him escaped uninjured. Quality Seal Cars 51 OLDSMOBILE "88" super 4 -floor aadsa. seres Mot, nu white . top, 1 owner, loaded! 51 MERCURY 2-DOOR A Ubek beeutr ...llTtl 50 OLDSMOBILE "98" 4-door codas. l.tone irefn, brbbd sow tlrei bad tabu. no o deodrl a tlltl LODER BROS. M CINTSTt PHONB 1-TO7! Four Corners AUTOMOBILES FINANCIAL fit HIGH PAYMENTS? WI CAM COT Let's Give Them the AXEI Use our consolldetloa flu. AUTO LOANS HOUSEHOLD FURNTTURS LIVESTOCK STATE FINANCE CO. in so. Biih at. sicrj DEGTDUY3 u wsnnfl rARntm SEDAN l. pari In. heater, tint M&t a Btnes stpsr sxdak Dreno, radio, beater DOtlOM IS BUICK SPBCIAI, STOAlf ...... -..,,. novsre. cood tonal 5 . .... ' 44 TOKO CUSTOM S SEDAN Mule air heater, custom radlA im uuUU "' 41 BrjtOK SUPIR STOAH Bedlo, bnut, eicollent saint, epotlese Interior .. whit tires. 1U nu ,.teu WHOOPIES .n .1236 .1205 .I1M ST OC KS V bt-331 rait LOANS UP TO $1500 on Alsnslurs. Puniltitre. Cr ST PERSONAL If "roe" promplir employed en or wbib. 1-rlslt lou . . . Phono Brat Yo MlKt koit payment dote 4) Mn warder loons. .. phone, writ, or oomo la TODAY! Personal Finance Co. - Four Corners Many holi day week-end vsiitors were guests in Four Corners homes, Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Richard of Hood River and their son. Earl Richard, who is stationed with the Marines at Cherry Point, N. Carolina came down for the fair and were house guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. White. House guests in the LeRoy J. Stewart home are Mrs. Stew art's sister and niece Mrs. W M. Blair and daughter Ann of El Cerita. Calif., and her brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. B. . Kolbe, Pamela and Diane of Yakima, Wash Another guest In the Stewart home is David Au of Koloa Kauai of the Territory of Hawaii.' He will be a student at Willamette this coming term. Week-end guests in the Law rence Pruett home were Mrs. Pruett's (brothers A. L. Lowell and Mr. and Mrs. George Low ell and children Mita and Dell all of Edmonds, Wash. They were down to see their mother, Mrs. Marion Lowell, who is in the Salem General hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ackerman and son Leland visited his sis ter's family the Rex Nicholsons. Miss Barbara Run! returned this week from Chicago, where she spent the summer. She will again enter Willamette U. for her second year. Congratulations go to Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Muzechenko (Dorothy Reichenberger) upon the birth of a son born Septem ber S at the Salem Memorial Br TM UWIM frees) Admiral cerporauan AlUcd CSesiebl AlUa CAblssere Amerlcea Alrllnee Amentia fowir LKfc American TiL A) TO. Amerlcea Tobsecb Anesendb Copper ...; Atchlso BaUroool Bethlehem atesi loam Alrplalab Co. Bon TifBir Borrow! Addlao MwbU' CaUlerala Pecbtnd Cenedtaa roctllo (HterpUlar Trector Ciiooom Corporotloa Chrrslsr Corporation ClUoo Bervtee Coaeottdeled Sejooa Cooeclldsled Veltse Crows lellerhech Curuss vYrujhl Douslea Alrerstt Do Pool ao ftcmeurt Bootaaa KodoS Bmtrtoo aodio Ocntrol Xloetrlo Ooooroi Poodo Oiotrol Motors Oooralo Poc ?iroood Ooodrou Tiro '. . - Ptomuuko Mlolst Co InurooUoool Horoootor Inttmttloool Popor . ..., Jobu uojkIUo KoUor Aluminum Kfonocott Coopor ...... labor McNofl Lockbiod Airerslt ... Loowot lAcorporotod Lou BoU MooUomorp Word .... Hub ailTlnitor Mow York Control Mortlura Poclfw PocUM American PloU PmellH Ooa Eloctrlo ' Poeim Tel Tel Pockerd Motor cor Peoner. i- C. -. Pennirlronlo R. a. .......... Pcptl Colo CO. PuUeo Rtdio Rodio CorporoUOB .... Reyonler lneorp , Rojonler lneorp. PIO. ...... Republlo Steel Rernoldo Metela Rlcbluld Oil ... aofewor atoroo, Ino. acott Paper Co. Scare Roebuck Co. Boconv Vacuum Oil ... aouthem Poclfle atandard Oil Calll sunder Oil N J. , atudebaker Corp uniblno Mining awlft A Oo Tranaamerlca Corp. . Twentieth Century Pol TJnloa OU Company Union Poelfle United AlrUnea United Alrcratt United Corporotloa United States Plywood Unltea States Steel Warner pictures '. . Western Union Tel Woatlnlbouso Air Brake Wastlnihoueo Bectrle WoolwoTtb . wl . 4ja . us . to . tt . M tb . !) . It ,. S3 ,. lite ,. te .. at 3H ,. 11 .. ISto .. oiH .. MV. .. Uti .. 3 .. t .. S3 .. 11 .. St .. n .. l .. 1Xi .. n " 5h ..114 .. H .. ( .. It's .. 13S .. Ve .. as .. S3 . . to . II . tl . Mil . 3i . f, . Sit . loi, . lle . IS . US . 31 . 11V, .103 '4 . 3 . IIS . It'i .. 33S . 13'. ,, J4H .. 2S MAR K E T QUOTATIONS owBTLAIIB TwaMtreo. ottuoet 10 psv Ptwmtaws SOAIteP, BMXV- Jt ol ou per eeol oeldlti do- Ireorad at PwntoM oo-Tle Dm Urot owei- Itp . O0 bee. ooooad ooellty. 03 Oe. Pallor rev tee pad oauatrp polnlo.' 8 ownM Moo. O OM bojBI owboo 00 wbolooola. trodoa AO, st eooco. ooc A orado. SS ocoro. wot; A M eeore. tto c. 00 score, tow. Afro re prtow btnoUp aomnoj. , Cbooos aelllas anwo I PwruoM wboloeolera. Oretoa alnsleo. dttb-eeoj Oresoa A lb. lool. tttt-MSe. Beao bo WblliiolllB ceaouea OOV ooatolatu no bis oooot tbclwdod ta.b. Pwtlaad A erode lareo. otSstoo: A brodo medium. SOW-OOc; a erode omoll. 41to-43oc: b iraoo lorto, oo-oswo. 10 0 rod act rs ajoylns Pr Portlond eolf oklu. 10-110 lb bo loadiiiow; oi sow aipt. nvieo ib.i ea oew kldoo. SlSb UV, booofdlbs walebl and auojltn baU aMoa. -oo .( siao atdos. M tar boat below prtoeo lor aooew o. I Bbodlaa BoroaWis, M-4o 0V4 akoU- L 00-410 BW bTbowaoo wbwlosoVs oolllu pel ooa. nral auolitp km rreeraettee, to-Mo BM sBoUoa. bobs ess her karees, bb-lae bVl ttokt borreo. Si-SM St. aw ako aook oborkH Ho. I baS Mb. S mum mi oaIA ao blob ao tl.TieA b bubal bollaonot tbo anrfcpaa Mas ktsk of II. Tl pot soao wees, vaoei owem sw oolptb were Its HI and tadaoirtoo wwro act re burers. . Whabt pined S-l lower, aopt. bi oo- 1 bile, aara S-ts atener, aopv as.0010- tb. aau aiabw, aopo. tiwj-, row te-lb. klakor. Sept. l.ltW. aopbewab K lower to lb kasbar, ops. e.awbvVe, sad lard s ooaU to is eta to b hundred SALEM MARKETS cut TOUfh WINNIE TO VISIT tJUEEM London W Prime Minister Churchill and his wife will visit Queen Elizabeth TI at Bal moral Castle in Scotland next week. The Conservative chief tain, who presided over a cab inet meeting Tuesday is grad ually resuming more of his governmental r e sponsibumes after a rest advised by bis phy. sicians.' ; 41 Bulck sapor Sedan .... 41 Cbrysler Bedon 41 Bulck Super Sedan .... It chorrolet Tudor TOO GET A BITTER USED CAR FROM TOUR BU1CK DEALER VUf4itrrwUlCar OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY OREGON'S NUMBER ONE DEALER 104 a HIOH IT, ..... Mna St-in. M-1IS Loans brer S3 00 uo to IIMC bndbp to 30 months to roper mode b Peroonol pint nee Co. ol Marlon Countp under the industriat uu mmw... Oreton. rail' Csn-1 at CenUr rOR SALE OR TRADE Equity Cher. giusjJrf. mono t-!3 0210' , KM 0217 n,, ili-tiit o.ur.,0. $$CASH$$ FOR YOUR CAR ALL MAKE AND MODELS TO CHOOSE PROM Western Motors 1111 Broadway Pnoao 10431 Lib. avill bad M-3M and ROT R SIMMONS VSURANCB AND LOANS Hsar "Top Trades" 11:0b Dairy K8LM UN Kb, , oa-NERAL P1NARCB CO. rsiANa lit So. Commorelal St Tel. 1-1 111 fe 4 trrrrrt TRAILERS EQUITY 1I '44 Model eU metal 34'A ft. r-m. Vn HUNTING OR fUhiniif l i., 1 All lev teWlar DIRECTORY BBABPEN1NO A REPAIR Lawn moworA oowo. lie. lltb eb D. tb. 1-4414. Proo pickup. QQ ITRWB1TEBS Bmlth, Corona, Remlbttoa. Royal, t7a derwood aortabloo. All makes (sod machined. Repairs o rent. Rooa, 44 Court. MT1I. WINDOW CLEAKPIO Acme Window Clean ere. Industrial floor waxlne. kotioooloonrns Pbxme I-333T set court 40 ,ooeeeeo joowpe'wpe)e'PPPwP LEGALS hospital. The little boy has been named Wesley Dan, there is a brother Michael and the grand parents are Mr. and Mrs. Wil liam Reichenberger, Belva, North Dakota, Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Novlesky, Minot, N. Dakota, and a great grandfather Daniel Reichenberger of Mar tin, N. Dakota. Better Trice to reunoraT oreae AA print. Ilei A canes. Tic: A anal Tit: aorton. TJ4t pnatA ana. boss to eredaeere CeadMd A A a Pttrtlend: Uneraded leree. 44-440 dos. orado AA tan. 440 doa.: A leree. Wo dot.: A4 medium, toe doe : A erode medium, tec doa.; A srada smalle aoavt- nil. lb-lee. Esse to Sotittiii -oiedo AA loree. eo-t A lareo. 74.1101 AA medium, ore A medium. 41c: A small. 41 -etc Car- tens 1 cento additional. Cbaeso Price to re tenors. Portland. Oroeoa tlnilee, 4lt-44c: S Ik. wovea, -...tib.-,. trioiou. two leas than alO' lee. s-rcmium orano imsir-. . lb. tar elnile whoeU 40 Wo. rroeootod Am. orkaa ekeeao, l-lo. loorob to retail, 41 Vl 4so lb. i.a imiiaiao ina s waamr, - mlents): PYrere, 34-1 lbs, rbe: J-t 3c: beorp bona, all wiieata, lo-ioe, lUbl hens, all welskU. Ibc: old Oreoeed caicaiai we im.w reloilers. Prrero. brollero. ei-ioe io.; roooterA eU wto.. 44-4tc: Utbt bene. 14J1C! heavy hone. 3l-14c: eul-up Iry- era. all els. 44-110 lb.: whole diewb or- tte lb .... ,M SLobMla aeoreoo w - wniuo. 4-1 lbs. Ib-lSc: l-t lbs., ia-330 ik , .id doae. lO-llc few kltbor. Pr-eh dressed lryero to retaUer. dl-bloi ..n ai-fl&e. Cooalrr SilUd Heste Veafr Too qui. nr. se-m io.i Warles. JO-loc. .. . . HfoM V bMVJCMIB, eiw-brai o4 . Ulht. 3I-I4C. ,k , Lombe ewsi. 10-ste lb. . ... Molten asst. so-we y Beef Utility owj. U-4e lb 1 oonnor- cotton. 17-lie; eneim w io - Preeb Oreeeed Meobs Wkolooblera to retallerot Dollars pel Beet-ateera. choice. W4-1M loo- o to- leod. in.-4l.b0; eommorelol 117-lt- utility. 133-34: commercial cowi. t33-3t! utility, 131-111 Conner-cutters, Beet oato tyBoico " 7 tori, ISJ-tl: rounos. o-e: trimmed. 174-71; triootlei, en-JI lore. ouartere, 4M-34I bbucks, o-Mi Ill-Bo. . .nl-a all vooi ana i-air willhlo, 4M-1I: commercial. 134-j o. Loaieo cnoiee-primo, 113-17: eprlu Umbs. nole-bro, e.jj. blatsoo-eieoo omw. -- " Porb Cote Loins. No. t S-ll lbs. ehouvders. 14 "4.. soorerlbo. W-M; Jruk hams 14-14 lb. 4U-44: pork carcasses, eholee, 130-110 loe., tit M-40. , .v. fined lord la dram lle-ltAS; tlbb kbb- on. 444-71. Poruaaa msooeomwoow . . io ii. aace cam. new wivm. mod.. S.74-1.44; white J;"i"p- Wash, reuowa, aoen. ...--. U4-144. t . , Potatooo Local Trtomoho. hue) Vet . . hw. whites. No. 1A 311 s'.lt: No. 1 M lb. eeek, o4-4e: Oreiw Russetts no. 1. a.ev-a. " , 3c. local Rutseto, no. i. ''-"J Calif, lone wbltos, wo. in, .. 3A0-S.74. Rome oranoo so e.i. Russeta ll.7t-l.44i Week. Ions whites Ho. as 1 noon ollslto, do. Iteerod cor lots t.o.k. Poruand and Se- Aterl.LjrtrMio basla. WlUemltte Tol ley medium ll-blo lb.1 Bootora Oreeon fine end ball-blood. Ob-eao; Volley lomk wool elol ll-montk wool 41-100 Msbolr S6-IT4 lb. aa JJ-montk prow- lb. f ob. country ohlpplni polnu CeOBPiloS frees 11 been at basses 4, slots see ana awjaoaoo etaaoaoj 1 00 roll Beesrl Pood Prlmi Bobbet riOrte si 00 taa-ra, been. 44 30-tM Ilb4-lb. bu). sot Moob 11.44-1 U. Belrp Pood U.44-I.1S llb-la. keen II0-4.SI 14S win paotara mix. 4114 PoaKrr Barbas meat Co weed frreoa. see: oie rooetorA Ibe: ottered fowl, 1401 lot bora lowl, loo: roes tore. 34c. Keru BarlaoT Prliea ttt AAbtcI Urn A 44-44c: atecUum AA. 44e; medium A 47c: email, tie. oenoraUy 4-te kliksp eeore Loree erode a eenereilr oaoted as '.ci moaium, sec Balterfat Banns prieai Premium, wo. lie: No L 47-4401 Bp A 444. Mlor Wkoleoalt erode a paronwbbl. w, ,VO. PortUal Orela Portland teV-lfa ooa roe rrolu kki or Mieroo. - Wednesdays bar reMlpti: Wheel t4 borler II; Hour 1; won 14; ball 1; mill rarllaai Ueestoek PortUnd us Trodlno la eettlo elow eat the rwrUasd livestock market todor. Cottle lot. toldoTer 144: merkst nth. or elow. steady: fear smell loads abort fed heifers unsold; few rood short led stscn 30-33 lociudlns 1144 lbs. st 33; isw need nun choice bteere Monday II; few oommereiel-cood around 1.000 lb oteera II; caaner-cutter oowo T-4.44. utility scarce, few IM-1I; few llcht uimtr ouiio 11.M; medium-pood foodero eteero 14.00. COlvea 131: market lass active but about ttoody: few oood-cholco veelire 11-31; good-choice under 440 IbA calreo 14-11: utility calreo down to II Hoes lot; msrkot folrhr aeUve. atWdv to otrono; CAOlce 140-334 lb. 34.40-37 lew heed 17.31: choice 3sl lb. M: eVolee 131400 lb. aowa 11.00-31. Tl. Sheep 104. holdover 144: one 400 keod aona cnolcs-prlmo SO lb. ronio epr'ai lomba II welohed off trucks only elleht Ir hrshor quolity and condltlono eon sldered: prsettcally no other olaulhter lemoa onsrod: undortooo stronl to hlsh er; few utility lombe 11-141 tood-ckoloo ewoe 1.94-4.40. Chlaaab euo Treek lot sales! Deliv ered oebbtas otreet basts. Mkuusaa Tal low oisias eeaeraur oood ro-TS aar oeot S laobeo or lareer, s car 10 to oaulvaloBV rneta T4 par went s me nee or lareer o, A L t oarket oaarraleat. 00. atreat salee US lba.l: Idafca. Cellf or ela end Colorado) apaalsk s laches or lareer 1 as-1.74. baa mootlp 1.74-1.71; oomo fair oaadltlea Celeteda 1.44-1AS' Telle Olobee medium midwest bb-1 14. boot meeUr 1.44-1 It, aama, lair aoalltr omatt is. psw sors. a row 1 so; ernito Olobo S Brefcoo or larser end S to I lleao. Idako. Colorado and wasklbitoa smoUp Ma, a foe best at 1.44. rbleaca Uvosloek Chlcoeo on Br reduelno enrernleli! leads, the selllnt side ol the hot market menaood to clok up price advantooo of 14 to 44 oento a hundred pounda W-- nosdor. The estimated 7.044 hole on pub Ite oale fen around A thousand below Ike anticipated run. O at 1 1 0 supplies aloo wore reduced osvorelr. The tredo kad looked for 11,044 head and received but 11,000. As b ro- ouit prlcoo were otrocul to 41.40 bilker. Sheep were oteedr to so cent! un. Most butcher welsht hose aoM from 131.44 to 434.04 wltk only email lou eklnc but tn.ia. Bowa usuolly broufht I31A4 to 434.04, b few bsonttnt I3A1I. ' Moot choice and prime .leers sold from 431.04 to 144.44 with belter offer lose oolno aa up to aa klok as 134.04. This wsa the first ttnta fc this pries since July pa. Oood to prima toot 417.44 to 137.04 while eowo tapped at 413 00. bulla bl 413.74. end choice veeien ot asi.oa. Oood to prime native aprtns lambs were worth 414 44 to 111.44 kut ewes rtmslned at tl.40 and below. Salable ealvee wore oettmbtod at 444 and salable oheep ot 1,404. Chliium Slrelw Ohlcasa ur com anioyes A wruut burlnt move an the board of trade Wednesday after the essh srala brouiht b new hlsn lor the yeor, - Corn's upturn created a firmlns trend la other cereelo. However, best seine were not molntalned In anr pit and Jete In the session wheel dipped under ins previous close. Aside from one flurry around midway In the day tradlrur woo Tory elow. There wee no ooeelflo orela news to abuse heovr buylni or ssluns. Active Career Ends by Death Charles Era est Roblin, S3, who resided at 1S7 Center street for the past half century, died here Labor day. ' Roblin had been for 16 years chief of the records section of the Land Division of the Inter ior department He retired from that post 12 years ago. Roblin, who graduated In law from Willamette university in 1893 was the second man "to ever climb Mt Jefferson. He accomplished this feat in 1897. HeVras appointed aa a special agent to allot land to Indians in 1910 by President Taft Robin was born is vVinnipeg, Manitoba on January 16, 1870. He moved to Oregon in 1888. He was member of the Elks, Masonic Lodge 4, both of Sa lem, and the Aflft Temple in Tacoma, Wash. Services will be held at the Clough-Barrlck funeral chapel Thursday at 1:30 p.m. His re mains will be deposited in the Mt. Crest mausoleum. The Rev. Brooks Moor of the Salem First Methodist church will officiate at the services. He will be assisted by the Masonic Lodge to which Roblin belonged. : ( Surviving him Is his daugh ter. Rugh Emily Shants of Mil waukie, a son, Charles D. Rob lin, Salem, and two grandchil dren, Patricia Mae Shants and Carl Mlcheal Schauta, both of jwnwauKie. " The Rev. Cyril Lebold, OSB. officiated at the Mass of the Angels, and alio eonducted the graveside oprriee la Ceritaiy cemetery. Assisting prieftt were the Bar. rather Columb an, OSB, of Mt Angel Abhey, and the Rev. Hllde brand Iviel. ehlor, OSB, and the Rev. Clem ent Frank, OSB. Attar soya were Joseph Keegan, Michael Keeg an and Cletus Duerr. The St Mary's church choir sang, and Kiss Helen Keber was the organist Besides hit parents, he la ir vived by two Irrethers, Jccpaph and John 8challberfer, and t number of aunts, uncles and cousins. Pallbearers wera Dan lwk- ett, Ronald Waehter, Timmriaa Wachter and Kenneth waeatar. Unger runeral Hesse was in charge of the arraiigbonrntt.,. . Paul Duman Funeral service wera held from Our Lady of Lourdef Catholic church in Jordan Mon day morning at 0 a.m. for Paul Duman, 18, son of Mr. and Mrs. . Al Duman of Jordan, who passed away Thursday evening at the SanUam Mamorial hea- pital in Stay ton foUowlnf ma jor surgery. He was a graduate from the Stayton high school last May, and had never fully recovered frotu serious injuries received in a car accident which happened the last of May. He is snrwied by his parents, Mr. and MrsvAl Duman, also seven brothers and sis sisters. - Mesilla Davidson . Albany Graveside services were held at the Waverly Me morial cemetery Wednesday at 10:30 a. m. for Meaalla Jane Davidson, Infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. n. R. Dsvidsori, ' Albany, who died at birth at a local hospital Monday. Burvlv- lng, besides her parents, are a brother, Douglas and her grandmothers, Mrs. Dora uav tdson and Mrs. ' George Cal la-ham. DEATHS Mid Willamette Obituaries Be R. Jones, lata roil deal of WewporV Oreeea. at 4344 ruber! Ave-, la this em, aept. A aanrlvad bp deuehter, Mrs. Chorloo o. Burt, ejaieai. asiiawiani swo , been read to Kewport rot aorvsooa eaA interment bp the Tlrau T. siosaam ve. BBaahatk M. SawaUsa ' . Bllaabotk M. Johastoa, at Beofcer, Okie, aept. S. Survived bp two) cussah- lere. sere. riw Cellf, end Mrs. Alto B. Balsa, Me. , teilUS. tin i lOUT OOWO, jsreers tow, Salem: Devtd B. Johnston, Terpta. Osls,, Joe B. Johaston. BooAor. Obkv, and mat. atuBOll m. eovtniiem wm. Mires 0, CSJ1X.1 bh wroioBc, vtoww n. Shaokiatto, LoulevlUe, Br.: 11 sraadV children ead two or set irondehlldren. Bervlcoo at the VlnU T. Oeedoa Ufaevel Thtrrsdap. Bept. 10, at P P.m. swberasoni at Belerobt Meosorlal Park wlU tab Bar. ovear marut oxunetiee. Cbartoo B. Bobtea Chorloo B. ItobltA, lata tesiueai est , TI1 Cantor St, at A local aurslna home. Sept, 1. 1411. Survived br dsojhter, Mrs, Bulk Bmlly Gkanta. Mllweukle, Ore.l ooa. Charles B. Boblla of aalom; trandchlldroa. Vies ralrlelb Chaatl and 'lore. Services win bo hold Thunder, ; 10. as 2:so p.m. as sow vsouen- Norbert Schallberger Mt Angel Funeral services were held In St. Mary's cath olic church at S o'clock Mon day morning. Sept 7, for Nor- bert Schallberger, 9 year old son of Mr. snd Mrs. Jonn Schsllberger, who died at his hums Saturdav afternoon. Serj-iaeot. limhMi S H woo hnm DrtnbsM- Barrio Oiapal, Dr. Brooks f"oroffl- v, j.vw.3 in mt. aoici. Lodio No. A A. P. end A. if. stain TRANSPORTATION. jSspONIIBLE DB1VXB to help drive. pulllni a trailer, .u -. DIRECTORY ADPINO MACHIWSS AU makes used mscntneo eoio, rvmyv. roMlred. 4 Court Pk 1-4173. "we do enrthmr In the line of bulld lni. rree estlmstos. Phono - Bl'LLDOIINO "Losslnl. rood bulWlnt. cleerlnt. Ororst Wlrth, 1030 cendlewood. Phono MOTORCYCyESSCOOTERS. "-;: 1110. mono J-si... ,. AinOMOTIVEJEPAjfL BAVTWl BADIATOB TBOI.'BLE? VsUer M?c!T.rPU .1.1 join 3 "X loms and save you money. Pree eiit speedy service, center bl Lib ortr. " DSFSSMAKINO Alterslloni. hemitllrhmi. b u 1 1 4 tl. bucklrs covena. buttonholss. Mrs. H. M. snender. 3-ll. ''' EXCAVATISO TRUCKS HYSTER OtlB-TOR LIPT TRUCT1 m axcsLUtwT cosprnoti mmiA-no tkct BIRD EQUIPMENT 171 WALLACE f" . .' UNANCIAL AI1U LOAHS wtinurm cRSDiT ee in Sobtk Chores parklni o-Pleoty Pk. HUT Lie R -u -,M, KB CS FOR FARM. CnT OR ACRXAOS LOAPr3Bei vr WI SOT Bool Mis to eiortfoiee a oemtrbeep State Finance Co. tf Bilk tla BullfJoilnr. roul. Virtil Huiker, WH 1-31. cltartnc FUrvlew. uLb. phnnc 6335 iraJin. Und eltarluf. Pb. " . INSULATION IN TOTE CmCVTT COURT OF TK1 BTATX OP OMOOK FOR THS COUNTY OP MiUUON mo. ip,m TN PROBATS TN TOT MATTER OP TOT aWTATI OP CHARLES U. PRTE, Dtctutd. NOTICE Puriaant to order ot th Clrcull Court Of th 8UU 01 Orckuu. iw Umi iuii CU.- ty, tht underelrned. u coccutori ol the MUM of Chtrlei H. Prre. decetMd, will from sod after th 24th day of Sept., 1953, at tht office of tbilr attorney!, 0 term an and Willlami, 327 Oreton Bulldim, Salem, Orecon. proceed to eell at private eale both, or each, or any part of either of the followlot dtserlbtd tracta of real property, property, prop erty ol the decedent and hU eitate. to 'TRACT NO. I All of Lot Namhr Two, in Block Number Eleven In Yew Park Addition to the City of BeUna. Marion County, Orecon (Bee 1. Pate 3, Kerord of Town PlaU for laid County and State: and TRACT NO. n: Betinnlnf at aa Iron rod on the Weit lino of Lot One Block Eleven te Yew Park Addition to tbo City of Bales. Marlon County. Oreton "ee Volume 1. Pate t3. Record of Town Plate for aald County and State), which ta ao as (Mt North of tht Southwest cor ner of aald Lot One; running thence Easterly and parallel with the North line of aald Lot One. Mil feet to aa iron rod; thence Southerly and parallel with the East line of said Lot, to. 00 feet to an Iron rod on tne eouto jine ei aara Lot; thence Easterly a.ont ino noma lino 01 saw LOl. 0J. lee ma rod at the Southeast corner ol aald Lot One; thence Northerly along the Eat line of said Lot One. 11 00 feet to the Northeast corner oi eaia uni .nmcr Westerly along the North line or said Lot One. 142 00 feet to the Northwest corner of said Lot One: thent-e Souther- lone the we line oi saia loi vdi, II feet ta the place of beginning. !. will he reported to the court, br subject to resale and to confirmation by said court la tne manner prowee or law. rt. w. BcnrKiurrt, JANTT SCHNEIDRR. Dete of Pint Publication: Autust It Other Publications. Aug. 2a, Sept. t I, II. i....iailon weatherstript. giuminuin icreent. Pr" aattmatea. T. Phone 02 ' MATTEESaES r.Diwi Bedding, renovatee. rau un itttraseee. rn. ; ft EN IT LEE SUPPLIES Deak ebalra, til filing 4wUea, aafee, -...HAS AitMk lanma. awpe- .Pi.MPia atMti. 45 Court, ioad r.EtmNQ est grader. Mt Raneoet. Pb- BOOFINO .ruf aldlaa ay eiptrU In Siht .nee. Phon. -0. " wnic T1M vamel's eeptM UrJU aieaaew. -nnaraateed work. fhaao - - - -.-..a.... mrrtm. Tankt cleaned, Srocter cioan. -.era. drama. Ima "Bewer. aeptie tanka, drains cie.iie4.Ro U.lter Sewer Strrtea. Pboao MT ADMINISTRATEIX' NOTICE OF SALE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN init AMELIA REAVIS. the duly appointed, qualified and acting administratrix ol the estate af Let. Hanrpton. decesued, win an end ftsr the 13th day of Oeto. hr iau. at :M o'clock la tha fore noon of aald Say at lit Pioneer Trout Building, Salem, oretoa. ten as prime salt for cash or npoa such terms aa the pvftari tnav aoorava azd la tht vanaef providiwd by law. tht following decritea real property: Lot a. Sunn Tilde Pruil Par No. 1. Marion County. Oreeoa. Thai said sale will bo made in pur onartpa af an 4rw of tht Honor a hie Ret XinveU, Ctrealt Judtt af tht State of Oreton for the County of Marlon, Pro bftta Department, ta pratea)4inta aoad :ne thereea entitled -in tha Matter af the Estate af Leta Hampton, Dwtatta, BbmlBAB eC'ajfVal llAIttr NB. 14. AMZTaU bkaVIA Adnuiattatrti f tht E7tete ot ltta RAMiTOlC. Xeeae4. Data af first publication: Sept. I, ItM Data last publlitatioa: 10. lbt NHOTFN. R HOT EN A SPEERSTRA 111 Pioneer Trait Butldiag Salem. Oreeon Attorney! tor A4mmutratr opt. S, IS, M. SO. ! CtJTrS''-5 jgjMjsrtrMiJTTAVi n u 4P" OP Whatever You llavo to Sell Whatever You Have to Rent Chances are you'll tin! who h looking for lust that very thing through the Capitol Joyrnd classified columns Try If NOV Phone 22406 Before 10 A.M. to Place Your Classified Ad For the Same Day's Paper SAY "CHARGE IT" Capital JJourna! TH. 22406 1 1 1 1 I i i b-' f S - -.' . --aSarlfaaWlaaj re b.;- .HS, o.-osr Xi-A.V:y.V'.C.'biU...Ma.