- -v r- Page IS THB CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sal, Ortroa WaJnedy. StyUMbar I. 1151 FOR SALE HOUSES rot I AM or trade. Beautiful ranch tree I bedrooai Aomc ! acrat. Phon. 7141. aiir 4 RIDBOOM, I balha, a fireplace, dea- bio utui, plr room, view. W1U trade lor Portland realdrnr,. 1-4444, sits JIM DOWN Ont bedroom bcuM em It acre at 1111 Brow Road. 14,744 lull t price. Very food our. laaulre tin or i ino Browa Rd. Mil' BY BUILDER Tw Vbedreon hornet. Birch kltehena, tilt dressing tables. 401.40 lou. Qual ity built. Oood loana, UN UN leal Court. a314 SELL OR LEASE WITH OPTION 4-badroom home, 1 reara eld- Ii Maculate throughout. 914,004). Ban town payment. ALLEN C. JONES. Realtor Ml M. High Ph. I-MH, . S-II4I LOW DOWN PAYMENT OWN TOUR OWN HOMEf lr let ta the family. We help with down payment. St smart, itt ft start! SUMMERS. RKAL.TOR ITU State St. Pa. daytva. 24443 all' Il llXBAN 1 bedroom noma. Approxi mately 1 acres. Bear school, hue by ' door, 413.404. Trade far I bedroom homa la Salem, Pbooa 3-30P4. eJll tiTTKACTIVI -bedroom dwelUn. Herd- wood floors, wia-u-wiu carpeting living room a ad balL Oil faaat. Lot . 44x314. Mseuy anruBoeo. awe mi Branch Ave. Call Pioneer Trust Ca. t-l ill. Salem. Ora. lor detail ol aala. aaao RT NICE I room homa. Penced yard. Outdoor fireplace, sprinkling eyswm. Work shoo, ft eitra lota. Si blck U bua. Easy down pay mania ana moninir. I Pric ( 0 Prica 44.400. Phooa 4-1744. tilf OWNER ANXIOUS TO BELLI Dandy one-be-drocm home. P1aer district. Mice lit. or room, dlnlnt roam Anal kltehcB wmblnetioo-. Hard wood floor a. Bath. Attached arata. Lana lot. Cloaa to atoras and bua. Low do payment. Tarma to suit. Put prico 4430. Can 4-3444 Bundar aftar I p.m. weak dare, a J II St-Afte Newly remodeled homa in ccllanl condltloo, between McKlnley rado aehoal and th naw B. Balam hlfh, t bdruf. aj den, 1tt. dining rm.. paw modern kitchen with nook, day Itaht basement with knotty pint play room, naw oil furnace, ptaa cornar lot with traaa. Ph. J-tlN or 4-uaa. a3l ONE ACRE Nov, vail built oaa-bdrm. homa with food wall. Oca acra, parad rd. OBly U.UO, with Urrna. KINGWOOD HEIGHTS Wall built mod. homa wiih full Mint, party rm S flrtplacaa. t bit bdma.. hr. rm., dla. rra., kit., all urea. Mwauit iurnaca, poiin it. lot. fll.Mt. CANDALARIA Waw homa ha Baltm'a Ilaaat dial. t bdrma. 4owo, floorad pttia haa room for 9 mora big bdrma.. ltr. rm., dia. rm . attractlT kit., doublo ta- rifi, lOOaiN it, lot. 11, Wo, with lioo down, ' ; $7250 Tht Buy of tha Month: a-rr.-o.d 1 -rm. liouaa, all lana roonu, w-w car pot, J, 07 1 aq. it. floor apae. Pull prica 73p. BURT PICHA an . aiah at. on.: Tfu.: Bob Conilla lrJ 1-toiT all l turn BUT! thU I bod room homa at 4 . Comoro. Favad atr..t. bu. br lb. door. Lincoln achool cloo.. 1414 Down. T40 a bod room, and both Llr. o, Dla. . room., aewlr painted In and out. But ' at th. door. Your tornu. X. A. McOLAUFUN KBALTOR lOlt Broadwar 1-Mlt, Bra. 1-7(41 all. A BEAUTIFUL BOMB KETZIR ' t larg. bed rm... nlc bath tn. .pa- clou, ltvlnr. rm.. flrapllco. dlnlna rm.. - ,.rr conv.nl.ot kitchen, nook, utlUtr in. . iari. aiooou 1700 m, it, rra, old. Dbl. lara... wondorlul .pot. tou mould ro.nr at. tni. homo. CALL BALPH UcQDEEN WITH. JOHN 1. DANH, REALTOR !l H. UUh rh. 41111, BY., 1I47 allT - rlror. Trrmj. run prlc. I It. too. OWNBa Klnnood B.lrhU horn, on Ugr ButlnoH OpportunlUM and Una good acre. Oood view, oil heat, double plumbing. Three bedroema, another un ftalahod. Roomy, altaaanl to lire la. Phone 3-3UI. a31T DON'T HAVE TO SELL . BUT would Ilka ta Mil thalr aomo looatod at 11M lMarDem at., tni. ..k, aa tha awn.n ar. Lannl for Arlaona, Tha bom. haa boaa nrr riaMoablr prkod at 111,904, but a. a apodal taducamtnt tor only a f.w dan, hara off.r.4 la roduoo th. nc. ta 111. 504. Whr not drlr. br and lira a look; w bll.v. rou ar. rolitlni aam.thlat. Fhoao 1-4SM. FOR T.IAWt afdm an t-bdrpa. Bsma, auto, dlahwaabn. III. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor 411 n. Pimn ar. - am FOR SALE LOTS LOT. NORTH of aal'ta, Itoo. Ill Don. 110 a Mo. Own.r 1011 Broadwar. 1-ar.ll, Br.. l-aiii. a.3l. FOR SALE FARMS 408 ACRES Choice M Luton Bottom aoU. One of vie moat productive tarma In tha valley. Pully covered by br it at ton, lake with gond fUhint and boatiag. Thu ta rata pun 133 ACRES o. oa as. I Ite. barna. aUoa, aouiea, part San tuna bottom land, lr rtaation. good atock ranch or farm ing land. Cheaw at 134.000. WB RAVI omailer tratta, aoma bottom oil. If Interested, coma In. let' talk BURT PICHA IT! M. BUh at. tru.: Don Wall 4-4411 Off. 1-4011 Hit Wa ACRES, 14 cult. M A. R.d ClHplm Fmcu. Fmcod and aroa. toncM, ,h,.p ii.ni, a room nou... pood w.u. lll.MO. sa.r hibi or win trd. I A. MrOLAUFLIN REALTOR ion Broadwar 1-1411, Eti. 4-1111 03 It" A REAL FARM WANTED A farmer thai waata toed farm, one that know aood land. pood value, and ona that can pay H NO down. Tbia Una 300-acre farm, located at the lower and of North now m will be real hard to beat. ButMlata art all mda-. good farm th. lo-ta. Irrigating wall littat a i ream. Wa eon Id go Into detaU and take up thta wh!t page, aa why net 010 oall and look II over yeur alf. After ail It'a not over 14 mil oway; Jtut a few nlnuto. Phone 3-44M Ld Lukinbeal, Realtor 413 ff. HIOH 1VB. call 2-47A4 nT. AN SCH nCMANN J-MI4 bill RIAL ESTATE FOUR BEDROOMS BEAUTIFUL RONMANDT fan 11? soma, oa a autet ,trt adlomtn, work and e,nrral.nt to Orada. Huh and Junior Huh acheola. Th, room. aro apacioua, Tn. undKarvd sraundi ar. 104 br ltd la alto, wub ouuid. flrrplar., flh pond, etc. Tha full ale. baaemBl hu a rerreollon room II br 14. Dmibl. plumblni. of outm. If row OMiro a fin. lor.tloa, .tr.otion.i onilraetloa and REAL VALUE, be . Sura ta M. thla. Th. prlc. u 111. 144. Center Street Realty 1741 Oratrr al. Fhon. 4-Hlt Bv, phonoi: Brllbt t-WU, OKI 1-7111 nit llAKIIPICO AOVEBTISfNa For Word. S Itajoa u Fro W.rd 4. Frr Word, I timoa Mt Fw Deri, I rantth .40. R. a.faadeMlalmara 14 Wrda BFADEB la LwaJ New, Irtaara Oalp. rt Hm4 t. Mtatroara 14 Word. Ta Placa Ad la Barns !aj"a aSBr, Phana t-t4M Be ara 14 am FOR SALE ACR EAGE 4 ACREB is sal. aorta. Aimnilli hi or IS. Modcra furaUhtd bouto. food drilled wiU. Terma. Phono Aumartlle 111 . J M.rrltt. .bill REAL ESTATE tbUiK.l WC SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WI HRD tISTINOS: Herat., rami. AtrtatM. Butlnoww. T.vcrni. Motor Coinu. Whol H.i. Tout If You Can Pay Rent yon cap afford to buy thia homa. Plat local lea far torta, achool and bua. Lovtir rard thiti' fancad in ttit back, Oil biat. Only 1 yra. old. Tbia ahould ba p dandr for as Ortton O.J. Pull prica only 17 7M. VALUE PLUS Will trada vary modern homa. t t4 only 4 yra. a. la tha but o. condJtioa. lor I U X pcraa. ruu prica nlr tnt. Tarma. ONLY $1200 DOWN oa thl S -bedroom houaa. Sap. ptUHr room. a iu la ted and weatnera tripped. Owner Itaviaf atatt. Not brand n but It'a really aood. Location la fine for ichooli, bua and atore. Approi. 1000 a. ft. floor ipaca. Pull prica only 1MM. A WONDERFUL BUY Only 1 mo. old. Haj trtrythlm. Oarbaaa dUpoaal. OuUlde plua and In- aldt flreplaca. Nkt brrakfaat nook. Jmall irMnhouaa. Porcad Air ell fur- saca. laaulatad. Tbia la a buy lor II J. to. Tarma. BOWLING ALLEY t new allrra la a nry rkn com munltr. Monthly rental oa blda. ilH, Thla alley la dolor welt. It yau ara In tare i ted la thla type af bull new, tha poaslbllltiu art almost unlimited. Pull prica Ul 0. . DUAL OPERATION And well oatabllihad. t aualncaaei ona. Vary aaar to operate. Equipment la all la tha beat of eooditioa. Tht u fira a per a lion If you don't want too mueh work and atlll make rood mon ey. dPull prico ail.bOO. 17-UNIT APT. to trada for another laooma property. All unite lurnlahed. Concrete bldf, Annual net over 1 1000. A aalf-oparnt- Inr propetfr. la a location where vac- Anclea ar almoat unbeard of. Pull price All OM. Income $402 Per Mo. 1 aalta walkloc dUtanee from atata- Boaaa and down town. All unite fur started. Vacanclaa Aim Ml uodeard of. Rente ara ettremely raajonabia. Mod ora and bathe la each unit. Only MOM aowa wiu naiHut. BUSINESS LOT an eitra choice corner property and Riant la the hub of Balam. Till la famine in ralu almoat by tha hour, to by 130 feet. Suitable for moat any typo of bualaeac bldf. Wa know thla won't iaat. No Phone information, Pleaie. Call far Al laaafc pareoaaUy. 20 ACRES Modera 1-bedroota houaa. to by 44 barn, hot houaa chicken houaa. OoodJp number of fruit and walnut treaa. School bua. Amity eoH. Map trada for city property. Pall price "CATTLE RANCH ; 1130 Acre, lylm in tht caacedu. Prte lrriiatioa rlchts. 2 eprluca, 2 modern home, one T-room and ona ft-room. I baraa. SeTtral outbtuldlnie. IN tone hay. IN head of cattle. Very lonf nit oi very good farm machta ory. Xicallent for aither cattle ranch. hunting trouoda or dude ranch. Pull prico 443, MM. Owner will accept good income property aa part payment. 23 ACRES Cloaa la taat. Very modera and clean novae, very good outbida. 74 a, aitTA good canebeniei. Larr family orohArd. Right on the Little Puddloa till for: SAN IBAAK (Ira, 4-MIII AIR. CRAWFORD IBro. 4-1010) RAT ORIU1IITT Itr.. 1-1471) r Farm, onlr, call fori MR. LEAVEN (In. 1.4711) B laivrr, call 4.234I F H.A. MORTAOAaES & COMVUt. TIONAl MTO. 10-YEA ft MATURITT LICENSED ALSO IN WASH. 4t IDAHO Al Isaak &' Co., Realtor oil. pnon.a 4-3111 or 17130 Br..: l-473t, 4.1J11. 44030. 1-7171 If no aniw.r, c.tl 4-13(1 c31. VERY NICE! Thla epic and apen 2badroom home tn St. Vincent a and Hlahland dlatrlct may be aaaetlr what you're looklne fori La re a la tide utility, attached ga rage. Lot 40x114. Bu pa it front door. Homa only 4 rrari old. Asking 44, m. BASEMENT Thla home In tht At. Vtncaat't and Huh) and dUtrlet, also haa I bad rooma (2 down and 1 up, fireplace, forced air oil heat and garage. Deep lot with fruit treat. Only 1 yaara otd Prlfd at I10.no. RAMSEY, REALTOR 2044 north Commarrlal 4-1111 Eva. Al Bender 3-7444 Eve. Jim Ram aar 4-1444 till $500 DOWN l-bedroom homa Initde city Umltt. Dlalng room, also bre sklent nook. Ail aewlr rtdecorated. Lartt garage and workshop. Lars a lot. a good buy for only e7o. Balance Ilka rant, LET'S TRADE If your house It tee email for pour family why net twap It for this new S-bedrooin home. Beautiful hardwood floors throughout. Unique fireplace in larae living room. Eeautlful kitchen d salaried to accommodate your grow ing family. Overalted utility room. Larie corner let on paved tt. In reeinciea aisirict. KEIZER SPECIAL 4bdrtpom home, delstned and built b owner for his home. Now h has to leave town and U1 take 414 lot tar thla extra wall built homa. Larte ltv lnr room with flreplaca. Lars dtnine toem. Larte kitchen end nook. Doable garage an larae lot and close to school. aw una vara grocery atore. REIMANN REAL-ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE 101 South Rl.h Street Fhone 1-1141 Fb.n. cr.nln.1 Buodar: 4-1171, .i-jna. 4-mi. 4-uii, i-A.4 ciii' LOOK AT THIS! first, before pnej buy: A larte tB R home, lartt LR., DR., lovely kit. fie I shed tn natural wood. ndwd. firs., txtra lirie aar. Lot IMiiia. owner will take late model oar oa down payment. Prka 114.404. WILL TRADE for larie trotna. Thla homt hat t bdrma.. LR, dinette, kit. and bath Hwd fir., flreplaca. Oar. attached. 104 40s 113. flat lawn and ohruba. 2-B.R. HOUSE $3750 LR. coma. bit. St dlcollo. ulllll., taraaa, Jarre lot, .ic.ll.nl mil la clip. Ed Byrkit & Co. 1114 Broadwar Fhoao Jll.l e. IITtJ ar mil ciil To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS . . . . rAIKUOOMT HlLL-bttr-Uoa.! 4-bdim koaio. Ila.it louuoa. Olo. , W oll-lo-U c.rrllu. H- dla. rm . flr.plic. full bunt . .uvy. ou M.l. kx.lr rar " u"'- " CAU. BOI . rautla foo comimj auBUMAX 4-hdr. i.h 1... na. ub iiro. .poelou. tltebra dlnat tin. Bio. lilod bath. AU a .rr load T 1-bdr. horn, on mt let. 1 IN. BMullful .had. trm. tu MO Aroi. KM1 aior. oaa K aodod hkh mum o. oubdlrldod. jor D.tall-CAU. i. . . ACBB1 EAT-inaU boon .hlckta boiu.. k.rn. nrr food) aoU, parol road, .air II3M. Ta. CALL HOT . n.rill MB INVESTOR Hrr, H a bulau. bldf. Mpootallr tulM lor rouro- ai.oi or a. a "Mcuhtr" laftitmutt. Cro.r lot la .ac.ll.at buotaMd am l-.iorr bid. . wall baud, a.oroi. H a 1H lot. Jaooaa IMI oor Boata. Prca an.M. CALL H. S. LATUOM CHAMI tj INDITIDDAUTT la tbU milNl l-bdral. k.aw ( anal Itr U. H'. rai., rau til. Ilr.plac. din. rm.. kltoh ond Book. Tllod b.ib rmllr, liaralui uuulalod. a.aUi.r.trlpood. rodar-Uaod cIohu. M.uiifui ri.a it. a. br ... .nlr. call i. B. law GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS lit f. Llbirtr t. -'. Br.alou aj luadara call! t. I. Las Hill B- B. Laraioa 4M nor VirrU I MI. t ; REAL uTAlC NELSON OUR WEDNESDAY TRADES TRADE BNOLEWOOO DIPT. 9 "rm. homa with atep-aartaf kit., ee lcal fuel bill, eatra Ice. gar., 1 bit to bui, 4 blka. to achool, lot 41 x 14, older type home. Price $I3M. Will trade for l-bdrm. homo. Cell Mr. Woottaa. TRADE FOft I BDRata. WITH BAaxtllrlT ThU t-rr.-old l-bdrm. hem. la lo c.l.d aouth .oar McEloUr Mbool lth forc air boat. 1. bow too am.Il far (rowlm I.mllr. want nom. near a rhool. Will par VP to 14,0M. CaU AJ. WllU. 1-7345 TRADE HDRUJI. POR TWO Art you looking for larger home cloue to achooir Thla 1 ltl Oaod-alaed Ivlog and dlnlna room, and tfea, oa let floor. I bdrma. k bath up. fialshad baarmmt apt, ar 3 extra bdrma, for aaW. TRADE COURT arTREET INOOMB Valuable locatloo, eaap Income, llv- Ina ouartert and rente U. la excel lent cood. WIU take modern homa n trade. Priced to tail, fai.ON. Call Mr. Schmidt. NELSON & NELSON arEciALizmo realtor m rr. Hlah at. Fhen. 1-1BM cllf WANTED REAL ESTATE JroxicBi If pour aropartr t. tor aala. rent ar aten.nfa. nil II with aa w. bar. all klnda af .aab burorer STATI FINANCE CO., KBALTOM in a Run at Small houac In or near Sa lem In trade lor a 3-bedroom home. Also large demand for uburban property. Reimann Real Estate PHONE 3-8203 aallT WR ARB la and at flood houioa ta oau. la or a.ar aalcm. If rou wlab bp Uil Tour proportr for ..la, a. ORABENHORaT BP. 00 RBALTOBS u. a Libtnr Fh l-ini ... EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE BT OWNER, Wait Salem trada wanted. acre on Til war near cltr limit. Duplex, all electric, hardwood floor a, nicely furnUhad. Alio elder typo houaa unfurnlihfd. Pull price 114,000. Houaa to la.ooo in waat Balam aa down pay ment or $300 down. Balance II year contract at 4 u daalrad. can W7 cbsit" BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES POR SALE or leaae, I furnlahed apta. IM H. 12th At, d31T In ahopplng center. FURNITURE FOR SALE COMPLETE S BEDBOOM houaa of fur- nlahlnaa. Including 1413 PrlgldAlra. au tomatic waaher and dryer. All priced reasonable. Phone 3-404t. d3it "m'rw'Ww-mmte WANTED FURNITURE KM AUCTIONS AUCTION NOTICE NO SALES DURING STATE FAIR WEEK ONLY LANK SUDTELL AUCTION FOR SALE LIVESTOCK SIRE SERVICE BY ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION SIRES PROVED OR EAT By tha Performance Their Onatletted Deuahtera $7.00 per COW Ro roeoat aorvlr. .hart., a. h.rd eua up, aa memkonhlp iw. Dairp and CALL COLLECT WOODBURN 4191 ALBANY 2486 WARREN'S PROVED SIRE SERVICE 0114 TOl Nf, ORNTLE eaddlt hones and kid poo us. Trade for any kind of horsea at ae pound or milk oow. Ph. 2oi 3374 SUmton Rd. a317 2 Ry ntSTtvBKD American aaddie bred horsea, doublg 0-wheal trallor. Phone x-aisj. LIVESTOCK WANTED LOC KIR Bkir-White face JaraforsL 34. Locker pork 4e, Nothing down. 4 w war- vusiem gluing. Trailer loaned free, ft; am Meat c. 1234 s 3th. Ph. 3-P4 M PETS 2 NICE KITTEN to ii.. war. 17M Court. Ph. 4-144T. W11IU BRnlKTRRKD AIREnAUAOuAlllr con- Biorrrij. we navt srte cneapMt avis In town. Evcellent watchdoes, hunters Ma eniiartn a poia. sea pj. i)nd SL eel IS PARAKEETS. Choice young blrda. Varie ty of color. 31 a Uvingston. 3-1141 OC314 4 MONTH mate Cocker apaalel. Reaaon able. Fh. I4l. erin LOVE BIRna Sell r trad, for para- ami. JIM Lirraiitoa. 1-1141. aclll OU.TWOOD AQI ABIt M-lPM MrCop. on. blorb al of N. Capllol. II, blork. north f Madlaon. Fh. l-ltll. will RED rtrolPB atok aprl.M .an- aariae. Hi. t Boa SN, aaim. 4M3I REAL ESTATE PETS CHAMPION BRED BOXER puppla. ar err pap potential ehamokm. aAoore Tropical Plea. Parakeet. Turtle a. pup- pnea. a muea rrom lVaaeAater Uc Clear rood, 4-3771. cioaad Wedsaa dar. ecna FUEL FLANEB ENDS area or drr Out of town d.llr.riai. aawdut; blowor, and TO. WEST SALEM FUEL CO. tall Bdnwawr Fh. 14UI ... FOR SALE POULTRY Dressed Hens, ph. 4-1090 nil WB ABB hatchlnl N.w B.mpahlr. O0M-4V on sroad and Arbor acroa wail. ROCK, .nrr wMk. ap.cl.1 price, t. roar around frror trow.r.. Foi'e Hatchm, 111, Atat. St. Fhon. I-404I. I PRODUCE FICKLINO CURBS train dallr froat aur farm flald run 4. pound. Oriaaleallr rowa potatoea, rod or white. Faaenoe bow oa market. Fhllllpa Bros. Farm Mark.k III! Fortlaad Bd, Salem. Fbooo 14111. ff CANNING rOMATOBS. U-plCk. 4104 buahal. Holman'i oa eld MB Blfhway to Jeff.Mon. Fhoaot jefforooa 404 or 451. Hill MOST VARIETY of p.aah.i la aeaMa. worn lr.o oraranatata. iv. mm from brldfo aa wallaoa Rd. L. E. wandt. .rower. 11310 PETITE PRUNES now ready. 2741 N- RlT ar Rd. Ph. 3-3104. ff3lt IMPROVED ELBERTA canning paachea. Rensus Pruit Perm. 4344) coerry Ave. 4-1131. Bring containers. ff314 CANNING PEACHES ready. ff330 2444 PUBar na. PEACHES, Hale and Klbortaa. Tht Dalles. Tree ripened. Italian pranea. Puritan Cldtr Works, m Edit water St. ff317 PEACHES Bartr Improved Elberta poachat art now raady at the slaea Mathla Orchard and Pruit Stand. 4 miiea north of Salem oa IE. Bring eoatalners for you pick peaches. If317 IT-PICK BEANS 2c pound. Clear Lake rarmc Jit. a. sax 374. rnone o-iin. North Of Kelier. II320- C-PICV. Improved Blbarta Peaches. S3 buthaL Turn wait at Raiser school. follow paving one mile, aitn en right. Bring boxaa. ff311 CUCUMBERS for allla, $2 bushel. Phone uooe avantnta. iiai7' PICK TOUR OWN PEACHES Due to toadltlons, wa will turn our orchard over to tht public for barveol. lllPROVED ELBERT AS Windfalls 41.00 par box Pre-pick ad 13.00 per box Heavy Crop Bring your own Boxaa or Container, t- .t 12 Mil North an River Road. Watch for Slta. PR ED VIBBKO Oooaa Lake Perm Ph. Salem 43472 f30 DCPBOVBD ELBIBTAS D-Plck. 2U E. Chemawa Rd.. mil weet of Kaiser achool. Marshall Parts. ff320 NOTICE Bean picker urgently needed now. Oood beans. Clarence D. Htrr, Rt. 2. Box IN, All tar ton. 4 mile east and north of Central Howell oeheoL Phone Salem 31307. f!317 PEACHES Improved Siberia now ready at Ed sieiineki orchard, l mil east o Totem Pole. Phone 1-4711. II330' BBOCCOU FOB frmtni, Kentuckr wonder, (met. ar caa), Cucumber, for plckllaa. M.h.ma Oardaaa, ml. B atartea oa old hlw,ar. ffsio ALFALFA MAT. Third outttnp. Clean, no w.a. ptm surpruig, at. s, Boi 173E. ailt.rtoa, Fh. I-41SI. dsn. C-riCE aprar.4 BartlaU p. ara. Fhono 4-3171. 11.00. 11330 SWEET CANNING tomatoM. Left ol Bobuu achaol. Ird hou... L. JL zi.lk.. 11330 XMPROVXD ELBERTA PEACHU Prom on of Mission Bottoms finest orchard. Extra full bushela. Oet them naw while you hart a large tuaalty to aeiect irom. Also, ptckitng cukca, aort. od or field run. Presh dally. Order taxsa xar tanning bean and apples, Bartlett pear and blaekberriM. Phi). H pa B.-oe. perm Market, isog Portland noea, iwiem. rnone J-ssil. ff BAKTLKTT PEARS, fhUl flavorl. R. W. ciarke, itt. a. Box 431. orchard Helchts Road ffam HELPNTED CASMIEB-BOOBBEEFEB Bpeodwar Itutauraat, 1174 Cealar at. N. phon. HOP PICKERS URGENTLY NEEDED TO SAVE CROP nnrxn atrriw, tbiw . LEM-4JLVBRTON ROAD ONB MILE o.iunu vonTRAl. HOWBLI SCHOOL. TURN1NO RIGHT . Al ORAVEL ROAD. ION AT ROAD IN DICATE8 DIRECTIONS. ALSO, wine CPS AT EMFLOTMENT OFFICE wwwu. III. rKEO STADEL1 SILVER TON, 1-1714 OR 1-4114 ,317 itthen aiir-s.a ahop. 1404 Foru land Rd rrrRiN iw.nar.ni, liT, cmtw SI BEAN FICBBBS w.ntad. Frank Toner. jjti aruiem. af Keller. Fhone 317" BEAR FtCRIBS Wanted for nlatnon Fhoa. Mm, Mre. HuiUbM. mo- BEAN FlrKERS BMdrd badlj. B,r dar inri.ain. .unaer. i, sood plrklno. H .1 n.iaor an Dr.rbora Ar. Jweph A. H.rbr, 441 cl.n.r Rd. tllf BEAN FICKERS H.ITT ,r. Ml n,ld cloaa tm w.,k In,. Oak CT..I Farm. I wilM R ,i w.t aaum oa wm.ca Rd. ,3io FEAR FH'RRBR, b.arr crop. lot. pick rn. Oak CrMI Farm, 1 will Ro. of wt s.).in on Wallac. Rd ell," HELP WANTED MALE MAN WITH CAR to dutrlbute Fuller Bra.be. to euaiomnk br aaoohii... onlr. 414 ta till Mr wwk profit, to ...r,. rnon. a-ei)T. ..117 Lononto TBixRs'w.nud. line trrx heerr dutr. I hour trip, III M per m - miiamina bumeor ca. wil. lamlaa.Ore,ea. Fhono till. .all.' IXFEBIENrSD fiBOTEBrctEBTaaV. In, rrnl.r. lleo Forlland Ro.d. ,a HELP WANTED FEMALE WarTRMp, - Wrocjaf:,". San A.'-... 444 Fartlaaa ltd. atMaa aaale HELP WANTED FEMALE I'll KlOOl ,M waraTiarhoai Fhooo l-Udl. IUT CAB HOF Woodroffe'i au anoa. 44ea EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES GOOD JOB!" P Caahler heataaa Hyper gp r hmv. vaanier aa-at P Ioventorr Clark It. typing .igiai P-Oen. ofc. -. -da "liiSg r rec p.. (lrpei ..UN P-Counter clerk 3-U mual typt lioe P-AHU clerk It. typing .."".JJiJ P Recopt. Dr.'e ore. oot ewf tni. open PBalaa woman, tap. 11-40 ...... gioa P-At. bkkar. da. 34 -M ....'4304 P Bkkpr. part time j.jf r P Bookkeeper ,314 P Leaal aUaa. 43 M P Medical atena V3op P Leaal etraa. (North Bend, Or.). 4374 w . .euiw. hp. preierrodu.open M Bookkeeper taM COUUBRCUL PLACEMENT AOENCT 4M State St. (Or eg os Bldf.) 4.4311 f gf314 WANTEDSALKMAN ABE YOV NEABINO 40 OB OVEB7 X roar luiaro unceriaiBT bocal bucinoai opportunity backed by nattoaalir . " ""'-ir mn. -T aeceeaary. WtU be In VOur Lows aava tn H. aonal Interview. Write Xd Walker, po ox son. roriiena 1. gg313 WANTED--POSITIONS UUHT CBAWLEB dOllni, dirt Ur.l hill' p.. gradint. rnono 1.1134. EXFEBIBNCED DIESEL drlr.r wlaho. .Uadr erapHrmenL Fhono 1-1144 aim 4:04 p. m. : hill ATTRACTIVE LADT, 31. with dau.hl.rrf; a ana 11. bom. twrmanant Job and homo, carins for apt, nouoo ar ta molherleo homo. Oo aarwhua, Wrlu So 1 111, Capital Journal. hill SPRAT PAINTINO, Ralph Aleman. Ph. e-aouo 3-aaei. h334 PttOFESBlONAL aphoUUrlng, don? In mr noma, iteaaonatrio. rick up and de livery. Phone 3-4344. h314 AULINO LUMBEB, produce, hay, loga. www nHHh dvuwasi w-duej ereiiiDsa, h314 NXW LAWNal Prepared and aeaded. wr nooiBg. jjuana woioott. 2-4133. CHILD CABS in my homo. Board and iwfn. iir mi Biaqi, Reasonable. Phone 3-1733. B7lo- CABPENTEB Repair and remodel eab- autib atnaa earuu. tamaii joos wel come. Phone 4-434. hilt" would ilk. to bid as row palatini. Fhon. 1-4341. hill FAINTLNO Interior, aitarlor. McClabt and Ooldn. Fhoaa 1-1313 1-Jlll. HOUSEWORK was tad by hour ar dar. Fh. 38700. M.. OIRU IS TBABS. wanta child cara on. nlnia. Dan phon. 1-4411. 1-4114 altar a p.m. Mn. MiMEOURAFHiNO As trains, aualltr wore, raaaonabl, rat.MMra Fa.. 441 N. Ith. Fhone llltl. hU4 ROTOTILUNO Ulddl. Or or. Nuraarr, .930 ailrarton Rd. Fhon, 4-4411. h landscafino, tractor and Hilar work. acrriea center. Fhon. 4-1173.' h WIBMAL'S DAT NUBSEBT Licenced and atala InapMted. Fhono 1-4011. hill TREE WOBK Topplna, trlmmlnr. morlnc, lnaured. Joha Farna, phono a-vaa,. nil!1 MICKENHAla-8 DAT NURaXRT State licenced aad lndpectad. Fhon, i-i."". MI7' CHBISTIAN TOUNO MAN dealrea otaad outeiao emplorm.Bt. colleie iraduate, married, on, child. References. Fh. 344U. BUS RELIABLE BABT SITTER Will ta dan or ntchla. Fhone 3-,,fl4. B310 EDUCATION HIOH SCHOOL for dipiomu at home. Write American School, 4441 N. Inter state, Portland 3, Ore. hh334 FOR RENT OFFICB sfacb laouira al 104 S Blah rnono 1-4114. J. LABOR warabouia apaaa for rent or leaao. cement noor a, brick balMUaa Down towB. imalra R. L stiff Fur altur. Co. Fhon. l-tllt J FOR LEASE 1W ta 304 IM trOBtace oa BdcawaUr at. Wail Salem. Ira J Fltta. ah 11401 t. ...wr.,e,ei,,, FOR RENT ROOMS '. V., KITCHEW prlrllaiaa. IJOtO per month. Fhon, 17630. Jklio NICE LIGHT houiikupiss room, Ladr. ..a n. tiurcn. Jk330 ATTBACTIVE BOOM cloa. atala )kl!4 ouudinri. Ill N. winter. WANTED TO RENT COIVLE WANTS I bedroom houeo. an. ,urnnec. cau i-prit altar 1:04 p. m. lallS OB l-BEDROOM home la Salem Helaht. . Lloartr dletrtet. Reliable, permanent, Chrlltlan famllr. Fh. JallO" t REDROOM unfurnlihed houaa. Adulu onir. ,to. roone 4-4310. Jalll" GOVERNMENT emplorro wuhea ta leaac . , Dcoroom nome with flreplar., ba.am.nt. Option to bur. Fhoa, 4-sotl. , J alio Family with two tiro aeed, I bad room Route a.ar achool with place to keep horae. Refirencee. Fh. 4-11.1 FORRENT APARTMENTS z-riRDROOM apt. unfurnlahed. 114 N. 14th St. store, rtfrle.rator sad water furnlihed. Fhonelitti. jDm COURT AFARTMENT Turalabed. Cloe. in on h. Commercial. 1 room, and ....... rnon. i na or 1-4044. Jplll' CLEAN, qrirr 1 room ap.rtm.nL Riant downtown. Ladr preferred, atl Ferrr- JP31S' NICEIT FURNISHED apartment with ranee and retrtanaror. FrlraM bath. Wa,hl, farimi,,. ,, hMadlu Blll lllea. Cloa, to capltol bulldlma. 4-JII1. InllP CLEAN. FrRNlSHKO apartment. Ranees IfI,T!5""'. Jaundrr. UlUltlei paid. O1.I0. Fh. l-aoai. nti Iwl Arc ATTRACTIVE furnlihed Pullman apart Ttlii ,"",rt- 'rlrat, tatranc. l-ttal. ii, jtideon. Iplll THREE ri BNuniD l-oodroom apart-ruI'V'.''-", ,,n, "Ulterator,. AUa fornhihed ileeoln, roora. U ahop- "!Jc,L'JriJl1Jj-. "th at. ipiii ONE REDROOM unturnlahed apt. atorZ refrlterator and water furalihed In jeuirajwt a. llih si. iniil Am. IP bai.ador Apta IM Na Summn 4-REDROOM AFARTMENTTcround flaaV. -- .roadway. Fhone l-WIT. I-ROOM IT-STAIRS apartment, wett fur BUhM, 414. Laundrr 'aellltlee. 11.4 Map), Arc Fhono 17117, .Ml moraine. RICEI.T. rOMFI.ETri.T furaUhM I room apartment. 3M Center. Jplll JOE PALOOKA " 7" VtW. 1 GOT SOWt VatttA T.VtAM l I 'KrAORHV tttalSrt HAS, B4rfa VviAM TWATiA VhaS-S ipi iiatil I rC11", VHICHfrv1i 1 A IWlV HW M r"AtLlA Srtj TC4.D THIS r7a0rTTEf J THAT tin IU. AumT HELP WANTED Bean Pickers, Listen to This There is More Money to be made Now Than at Any Time Before at RIENCHE'S BEAN YARDS ' V The beans are large,- they're hanging thick 1 and they're at the top of the vines. Easy To Find $8.00 to $12.00 a Day Is Being Made-by Average Pickers WE CAN USE 200 PICKERS! Close in, 3 miles out South River Road, turn - right at sign. 1 mile toward river. . PHONE 4-2789 FOR RENT APARTMENTS LEE APTS. aalem'e Moat DUtlBluiatud Addr.u. Twa bachelor unite one at 111.40. th, other at 4M.M Aran. Die Sept. 10 14 reepocUrelr. Inepeetloa larlud. all H. Winter. Jplll' 4-BEDBOOM tutfnrnlahod apartmeat, Adults, No pals, Jl.ar ahopptas center. rnono run. jpi' FUBNIIHED l-roo apartm,nt for adulu. Na peu. Fhoaa I-4I7I. JpttO LABOR, CLEAN rooma, arlrat, bath. re. aw. at. rn. narp. rpizo' LABOR 4-BOOM furnlahed apartment. ututtlM. Fhon. 17117. Jplll' LOVELT, CLOSE DC tint floor apart- in.nt, lota of ,t,am and hot watr. ae, at III oaE atrwt. IPll,' LABOR I BOOM furnlahed apt. All !ec trie Itt Oak at. 1P117' t ROOM furnlahed apt. Bectrla ranie. BTlrate bath. 701 M. Llbertr. J-0047. JpllO S BEDBOOM nafurnUbed apartment. Rot waur belt lad floor, oarac,. 1 block front Memorial Hoopltal. Fhoa. 17417, JP317' SBVEBAL furnlihed apartment, loo. location. In.ulre B. L. atlff Furalturo -Fhono S-llSt. Jp DOWNTOWN, NICE furnlihed apartment with bod. Frirat. bath. Alee email fur nlahed duplex. Child pwmllaabl.. 744 Marlon after 11. Jplll' CLEAN, FURNISHED apartment. Frtrate bath. Fhono 41171. Jplll' FOR RENT HOUSES SMALL HOUSE. Electric water heater aa ranie. wired for electrle rani, at l.ria heater, soma furniture 411 R. Him. Jmlll' t BOOM m sarase. Rear. Wired for ranie. 700 it. Oottan St. JmllO I BEDBOOM boua, located aouUiw.it. Arallable Sept. II. Room. ar. elio- abl.. Automatic au BeaL AdulU onlr. 140. Fh. IMI7. Jmlll' S BEDBOOM houaa at 1011 N. 15th at.. L. la. Fireplace, o. Km., Kltenea, Eeeemeat, 475.00 Bio. John J. Dann, Realtor. Fh. 41413. Jm3I7 l-BEDBOOM HOUSE. Balam Belshta. too. Fhena 1-1704. Jmlll' TO 1JIABB 4-ha.lroom houae, Bear acnoola, 114 month. Oall 4-4IM altar a:io p.m. Jmll7 l-BEDBOOM tmfuralahod houa, an 13th t, laqulra IlH Fir. Jmll7 SMALL, ATTRACTIVE cotton. 1-bed- room, saras, attached. Fhoa. l-sotl. JmllO ONE l-bodrooa Innulre llll JmllT Fortlaad Rd. CLEAN l-REDROOM tiBfurBlihed houac. win sir, a riant' Mud. llll una Are. Fhon. 10033. Jmlll LIKE Livmo in the couatrr. Small unfurnished horn. North. Suitable for couple. Oelr I rrere old. Verr eleen. Si, at 1417 N. Water. Fhoa, l-llll. Jmlll ONE BEDROOM houaa. With lot, of clo- eet epace. atore, rcfrlcrator. caraaa. aoma utUltlei. Ia.ulrc 1001 R. iota. JmllO 4USINESS RENTALS BUSINESS BUILDING with llrlns auar- tero aa North capltoL fbobc 1-0700. JoIlT OROUND FLOOB offloe ar store opaec for real. Call al Fltta Market Jo LOST A FOUND LOST Blu. pleatla Set' Fhoao 4-10,4. kilo MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCES D-DRITB movb TtwrtasxF 4AVE CAR RENT ALB STAKES . VANS TEXACO STATION II COURT ST. FHONB l-llll FAOB STXVEItaOR and AL MBFFORD SAND A) ORAVEL COM Coa tract wcrk Bead ClaarlBf Diuhtas Bewirr and Baaemeal soulpmeal Reatal Dltchtn, br the Feet Fhoao Dare 1-I4M atrea. 1-4417 ar t-7tu Salem, orocoa DENTAL PLATE REPAIR 1-HR SERVICE IN MOS1 CAS SB DR. HARRY BEULER. DENTIST Adolpb Bid,., auto At Commercial ate. SALEM FH 11111 LET US DO rear flab amoklas sad lie eaBmar. a-rooa. ratio BUILDING MATERIALS Remodel, Repair, Now Sere rear each far a ralar dar P. dewa peraeet, 4" Breathe to par Epping Lumber Co. 1740 BUrertaa Rd. Fh. 41111 OFBN ALL DAT SATtTRDAT a Red Cedar Shingles Beat srada. coaat er raeuBtala tim ber. Dellrered price: No. 1. 41.11; tc, 41 Hi Ire 14 00 : 44. 1114. COMMON LUMBER Complete min atflck. Shlplap, tit, and wider, del 411 p.r 14. At ap. TED MULLER. phea, S.leat 1-1 1H erealaia. ma HILP WANTED BUILDING MATERIALS FOR SALE LUMBER & MATERIALS FROM CALIFORNIA PACK ING CORP. AT 12TH & TRADE STS. BUYER TEARS DOWN BUILDING AND RE MOVES ALL MATER IALS CONTACT ROBERT W. FENIX, FINAN CIAL VICE PRESIDENT, WILLAMETTE UNIVERSITY PHONE 3-8266 mailt' ROOFING INSULATION. Teaet I a B Bllndi. Call Wealara Aula Supplr Co. for fre, cellmate. 1-7177. ma WINDOWS Largest atock la Salem. Mew weatav orstrtpped window, completely aseem bltd. I14.3P up. Large modern taahea and errata! picture window. 44 up. Pick your choice at bargala prlcaa. PLUMBTNQ Naw toilets with teat 12110 20"xlb" wash basin, complete .. 17.M Bath tub with flttlngg ...... 44 40 Colored bath acta .Bargain Double laundry tray, complete , 30.74 Shower cabinet, complete .a., 43.00 Double kitchen sinks, electric water heatera, pipe cheap 4H aolid Oranttberg pipe 34c 400 gal. ateal septic tank t47,M OTHER BAROAUiS Metal garaxe door with hdwg.....4B Mew 4ig piastarboard 41.40 4x1 waterproof we.iboard 11.14 Interior and exterior plywood ..cheap Halls, carload supply 44.74 Overhead garage door ad we. ....Ht.Pb Looat Insulation, per bag tl.oo Roll blanket Insulation bargain tt" "Jap Birch" plywood 34c - -Jap Birch" plywood lie i" Mahogany plywood 43c Ko. 1 Cedar ahlnalea (.,.a,2& Mo, 2 Cedar ahlnxleg .., 4.00 Mo. 2 Cedar shinties 4.00 3-tab roofing Bargain raaei aoora, narowood doora, ail typea glass doora lowest price Mew fir dopr Jamba 43 40 Painted cedar abakaa ,.14.7I unpaintoa coaar anakas .,.44 Of new asbcstoii aid ins to 4ti Extarlor white paint 92.41 Shake molding, par foot IOe Cedar fence pasta Cheap C. G. LONG &s SONS Ph. 4-4061 One milt M. of feliar ma NURSERY STOCK FERTILIZER Farm.ra, rebuild rour land. Rotted sa.nur.. I3..0 rard Deltrered la rour field. Fhono 3-0774. mblll FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS COMPLETE AMATEUR BADIO etatloa lor each, or trada for photeerephlc eoulpmenl. Call 1-1104 or , at 401 N. Cotteie. nil. GARAGES On your lot. to your apeclfkatlona. i months to pay. Prtt oatlmetee. BORJCMAM LBR. sh BTJWE. CO. 2440 StaU Si. Ph. 1-3141 n314 OR 4 ROOM Norra oil circulating heater. Excellent condition. With bar rela and copper tubing. 3-7443. 314 CUED B PLAT Alto Saxophont. 145 N 30tb Bt. Phone 3-4477. B21T OAE RANGE and rafrlearator, C. E. ra fr Iterator, chrome dinette act, I piece eacilonal. vanity, and drees er. Box aprint and innerspring mattress, roll- a-way oao. ana ano wxw rug, tori Ptat, T V. pat. 2450 Portland Rd. n31T BOX OP mtacallaneoua ladles clothing, Sltea 14-14. Phone 3-4444. n317 PRIOIDAIRR RANGE 30-Lnch, with larre oven, iresa man year old. can 33054. n317 Lrviso ROOM ItlTE Oood condition. call 11470. After 4 p re. can S4UI. Bill YES, LAMBERTS ARE HERE AGAIN 1 Wa aro opening our store la tht old talesman building, 314 so. cemm.. with complete atock of good saod fur niture. Also antfaue turn. alsaa ware. Wa apectalitt in trada. oat piece or a houseful. Ph. 37343. nSlft WEIi CARED POR Kroehler davenport and chair. 444. Ph. 34734. nJia- i nto SINGER electrto combination trad dla, A-l oendition and guaranteed Cash price, 434.40. Singer Bawint Center, 134 M. Commercial, n3ia URED SINGER treddlt aewtng wiachlae Long shuttle. Oond aewtng ewtrdlUon Only 11444. Singer Sawing. Center. 130 M. Commercial. n314 4. B. MIXMARTR3L, ntvar bean used. Lambert's, 311 So. Comm. n3l4 FofSaUMISCELUNEOUt ANTIQUES eVltd roaawocd. 0C4iaa.al ahAlr, eab rtaiA Mpa with caaort. Mi alaat fraw ladtaa' daak. tad. doap-vaU aowtns cabinet, p44i VarbM topped oval tg pie, 443 M; aVtot and plAUarm roca ar. 444; BeauUfoi pair rapraduetloei lamp4 and ahadaa, IN. 1444 Portiaad i. BUT ITAKDAED POOL TABLE, oMmpleta, good coodltlon, Boi 44, phono 2341, OerraU. B,!1 AODKO MACtUhT column tlaetrlo Ph, 34174. n214 with aubtract, t"r COMPitKiftOE. com plate apray painting outfit with trauar. juaaooabM. rneao 43342 Of 43T41. a214 CAN NINO TIME, good preaber canner. Auo atont piCAiing jara. tamaerra, 314 So. Comm. i a31v CLEARANCE BALE Baw Slater elect rle cabinet tow lag machine, floor model and demotuira tor. New machine guarantee. 344 off on soma models. Sinter Sewing Center. 130 N. Commercial. n314 PIANO SALE!.' USED API HIT PIANOB Wurlltser Only m Baldwin Acrosoaic Bavo 4144 Winter, period model , th',i Story M Clark Used 4) Weeka (Trade in (step 447 REBUILT ODARAMTEED UPRIOHTS Mew Enxlana ...13b Brewster 4141 Lombard .....1M Eatey ..14 R. S. Howard 4144 Ludwlg 4144 Normandi. rcfinUhad 4144 Kiadler Collins Per achool or studio 1 Ellin ton , mi Klntsbury ...1334 Mara hall Wendell 4331 Bench, Delivery, Tuning FREE! Term to Suit Tour Met da STONE PIANO CO. UN atala at. Salem Bill" QUALITY HEATING! Check our Perimeter Heatln. b.l.m with wana air iiBlt, Urate acoaomlaallr. Bur bow and care Montgomery Ward tu l-llll 144 Na. Llbertr Bllte GOOD BXFRIOEBATOR, 171 IIS0M No. .m. rn. .-an ,r,nlnsa. alia TO SELL at once, 14-foot back bar, prima-rera wood. Uk, saw. Will sell for aaerlflce br ewaer. Fhono J-7154. . but. OUT-OF-TOWN client will aaarlt.ee 1 to I Belcreet cemeterr lets at 114 each. Reiular prico la 171 ie. See Mr. Vorheee with Denton ck Dcntm. Fhon, "441. Bill TOP SOIL Hirer silt and fin -tut. Pnapt e Ilrerr. Fhon, t-1744 a ospral BED for aala ar twsl a. U atui nreiture c. fbbbc I-41B4. B MeCULLOCM CM ATM PAWS, SOS Bdaw. water. wen Salem, aalaat Lasslas 8up Blr. Fh. 4-1141. R. Wenr1 MISCaLANEQUS Logs Wanted Top price ca lodarc market far leal ar chert eeeond srewth Itr lace. Fee prleea, phon. lltll dare. 417W ere. Inn. Watt Salem Ltnakcr Cc. Ills Wallace Rd., Balam. Bailie OUTBOARD MOTOR wasted for eaih. rn. H.7I. aallT WOODRT WANTS piaaea. Fhoa. l-llll. ' aa BI.ECTPUO ANOBS. waadrra. Fa. aa' 3-1110 AUTOMOBILES 1414 FLTMOUTH. meter nhullt, sec4 tlr.t, hrdrunauo brakes 1470 Lanalns Are, after I p.m. .Ill 1444 WTNDSOB CHBTSLEB, Bow UrH. sood eoad. 11310. Fhont 31411. alls' 1441 DB SOTO c-docT. Radio, kaeter, cuarantted perfect. Orlalnal e.n.r, 771. AUo. 1IU Flnaouth Suburbaa, Fhone 3-7744. , 47 BUICK aUFEB 4-dr. Cloaa, manr Mtraa. Muit a 11 thu week. Make f. f.r. 4311 Maclf.r Rd, 4 Coin.re. , .314 1M1 OLDS. "SS" HOUDAI OO CPE Ra dio, heater, hrdra., for aala or trade 114 a. LancatUr, phone 1-100) dan, at 141 N. Slma. Fhee. 1-4341 otcbIbi.. ellT 1441 FONTIAC TUDOR IMdaa. Radio, paint, rn. ai.i. araiiaa. BUT '41 FORD FORDOB RDAJH, "hot" ras ter, sood Uree, sood bodr. Mult cell I Beat offer. Fhoaa l-llll after t p.m. el if 144B 4-DR. PLYMOUTH OniT iTooS milm. 1 owner, new brakM, eood tlrea, heaur. sood condltloo. Price lira. Fhone S-ooM. .nr WHEN TRANSPORTATION IS SO CHEAP NOW1 COME INI LETS TRADE! ITD LOVE TO SHOW TOO WHAT WB HtVE TO OFFER 41 Cadillac "IT , IlH 44 Ford CI. Cpe. Perfect CM 41 Ford. Verr clean, low mUeeae. TM 43 Chevrolet Aero Sedaa. N.w paint, cat corara, RAH. Tea .hould e. thla on. H4 41 Chevrolet 4-door aedan. ahtrp. TP) '44 Ford. New paint, aad motor Juet ererhauled HI '41 Doda, 4-door. Run, ale, m K Model A 4-door. tr' tlrec, seed motor and bodr 44 CHEAPIES 10 Ford 4-door pa 44 Flrmouth l-doer ............. Ill ;!"', c!op 41 Cherrolrt 1-door KANNIER'S USED CARS H . iHInn) Neufeld. Mar. Ill Rood SI. Fhon, l-llll and 4-lsll ellt- By Ham Fisher ere? SUIT