Wednesday, September I, 1953 Past 16 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sttka, Oragaa Cop Assists in ; Baby Delivery - Weit Linn, Ore., lP) It w the Labor Day week-end and, appropriately, Patrolman, Ed Knopf of th West Linn police assisted for the 63rd time in the delivery of a baby. He was called last Saturday night to the nearby commu nity of Willamette, where be . found Mrs. Robert Moser at home and in childbirth. He took of his coat, cleaned his hands, and took charge. A girl was born and every' thing was under control by the time an ambulance and phyil clan arrived. . Knopf and his wife have two children of their own, both delivered, naturally, by Knopf himself. Miss Oregon Enters Atlantic City Pagean Atlantic City U.BPatti Throop, 19, Miss Oregon of 1933 from Portland, was regis tered here today for the Miss America . pageant, The Oregon beauty arrived yesterday with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin O. Throop, Carol Curtis Pattern and a sister, Sharon, 11, de claring she was just as nervous as she was when she won the Miss Oregon title at Seaside earlier this summer. ' Fifty-one other beauties also were on hand from the various states, their . possessions and territories and Canada. Department Stores Sales Less in August San Francisco, W) Depart ment store sales in the Port' land, Seattle and ' Spokane slipped in August, reflecting a national trend, the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco reported Tuesday. The last week of the month was poorest, with a 9 per cent drop in sales over the nation. The decline for the month ai a whole was 2 per cent. In the Northwest, August sales were down 8 per cent in the Portland area, 5 per cent in the Seattle area and four per cent in the Spokane area as - compared with August, 1952. Although their country is in the Northern Hemisphere, rest dents of El Salvador call the May-October wet season winter and the dry months in the rest of the year summer.. STEVE BOFEB peawAPS THE POSntttf BBOU6HT WEALTH A TODAY CHOV TELL frwe AJCTtOH MS. HroHBW ME, IS THIS TH6 THE GALLERY HLLS WITH 1 NAMe WUR ! LtE5 OF 6BEAT WEALTH y&OTHER MENTIONED1 KIT IS THE HCUQ TOR PCSHAPS LET ME LOOK AGAIN AT HIS LETTER. IT IS TRUE HE SAVS: T THE OBJECT VOO TELL OP J WAS NEVER POUND BV Ou LOOTERS IT MAY HAVE LEFT SEOUL ON THE PERSON OF THE FAMILY'S LAST SURVIVING MEMBER SMALL ? HI CHOMS' eoeo you cam eusss what we lausr po nun. sw FOGO THAT UXX UK OtP m SMmVMY- MY WOB, Vj WHAT 0K1N6S "TCP To THE J Mass.'afMatKtn THOUbHr. you wAa ' FLltCW THI TWtAKTULA WAPt ON TH6 SaMNA KKTPM, VIC T QUIT WUM I NO.. 1 UM kl CAMAtTA-.rreoT itxe vxxcuts. SO I VW PfALlri 1 T 4HIMMV.-. mm BP--rrtxj A i cot 9TIU. IN 7 WHU I RaTTUP CHAEAMN (MMC I X3U WMN6VMTHE&U Afrericu u in that 1 SOTFrCaTf STIFF AV TH sweep SWALLOW r F6ergc'euwAA PAMCYTtT pam' rrrt ' Blf Chrysanthemums. Step oranga-orown uowers wiui green leaves and stems are in the new, permanent transfer process which requires no embroidery. Handsome shower gift linens can be en hanced by hot-iron transferring the chrysanthemums right on to linens, towels, cotton or linen frocks, aprons, rportswesr cur tains runners, pillows. - Bend SOc for Multf- Color CHRYSANTHEMUM Transfer (Pattern No. 403) t moufs of SH Inches, t of 1 inch each, transfer and laundering Instruction!, YOTJR NAME. ADDRESS, PAT TERN NUMBER to CAROL CUR TIS, Capital Journal, 463 Mission fitreet, San Francisco 6, Calif. si. ''K' f mpjj I i3t" V.I "tst.CtV. Bi.,"i"' i ORPHAN ANNIE mmf MOW? SVEflHleDOBBOTf-A W WHflT A I THE A6WSTOKT a- I J FANCY 1 I M6NT10MB4ANHSH- ( OH, VH? THE StMND-w VESTHE I WHO'S 11 CAHOOTS WTTW7 SO-AHC-SO I tony Trrs Arsy ( mho framed HWMOB? 7 W44(-J ReMEMBER I tht aw- I RADIO PROGRAMS LIL ABNEB Simple and Smart! Imagine a wardrobe like this Included in one pattern: Jumper, styled tne prin cess way with smart stitching trim; also to oe worn as a sun back dress. Tti blouse doubles as a jacket and has sleeve choice and a wonderful convertible col lar to be worn for many different looks! : . No. 3SS1 Is cut in sizes 12. 14. 16. 18. 30. 36. 40. Sin 16: Jumper. 3 yds. M-ln. Blouse with short sleeves takes only X yds. 3S-ln. Bend SOc for PATTERN with Name, Address, Style Number and Sice. Address ' PATTERN BU REAU, Capital Journal, 663 Mis sion Street, San Francisco 6, Calif. HENRY y Carl Andersen Tmssooiirx h-here: 1 CRAZY IN HEKE.r V 'TIS PCEASC LET Px, HERE'S SOME MICK BABY CLOTHES AH ' made: OUT OFF SACK4-SO TAKE THE7T WATER . PlPt OFF. Tit wont J come: i rr --sV -W BOPALONQ CASSIDT JSSSC SHE'S SO T IT HAIN'T 1? HEAVY- 1 OUK U'i. AH MINT SON LIFT MAN WHAT4 yF OWN LI"L SO HEAVY lUtl' -ITS THE ffiT "l WATFt 1 AH IS TH'CENiUS " TAKEFt. HEED THAR WA4 A NEW CHILO HERE. THURSDAY y. M. "GVVn(OiNl(EX KSLM KGAE KOCO trnao wscbs mis ho w so m " If :4J sul . rrtr Art DiU TTn TwM. MU, So In IHTl5ni SOW. aw.. cirrw lW- .J W- I. U- (Mint lawn awk Ert "Tfoe ru aui owfrn I.r to a Nt S!lJ !! :SI L. J G-Ur lir "" IS SI M WU af OS Kara Htwi Ink " " J.15 mnW alk Akua T CSUIra auto.. . . " J lo Dr. rui uk'iiun r- um ii n " ' . . 3 ;45 b. out r TMrfil7 rt tk faitfc ri II as r It "Tm Ufi BnUI sTlrklua TlaX T r.M- ?.". "" "" . I'M HnU Bu ! C.I. C.rlH"- '-' I- J':4i Hlu 1 bm Slkk Hmr Tin Um M toMrt lul . "ST0 BUI SUn " r- B. Man. M.rrla Clrck Sun f rrU Tm TIm $:15 Ntn n r. vu. rioHt S-r Jkt GlMl Stor 5; JO u Htfg WmIS Ta C. U.r Wirf- Snff Oak Mnla 1:45 IS. hum rn-kO Sk CrtS Cl l"W Clak IS-m H .i wiU A-.rie WaaUwraaa O. Butur (Saaaaa Clak CaaAWUkt f-15 Maria War H.. Sallla rcrrrCaala Saar Clak aai suar (!0 Mil. Caata Etoetila Ott S.ra laaw CJak N.w. J:45 Sill. CaaUi ri.Tk.aM LUUalai sai Har aar Clak a Km 7Taa Baiak MMl Mlllla Slat a( Baai CIm. KIS Haal. . , Bwary 7:15 klwara. ! MUU. Slar al Bm Clae. SIS Haala Stars Sau 30 Fltal NlakU. L.Tkaa Htritaia Mail. Ilaa Off BaaaMaaa 7.45 rint NUkU. M.rluj. Mail. BaaMs 8:00 Haa'a r.aUr Jakaar Saw Criaw nun Dacaat Dwa :15 WarlS N.a. M.rrer STBakaa.IWCrUMril.ri BaaraaS) 1:30 k.r Banra Oaa. rliker Haraiaalai Bawbal 8:45 B.T B..r Oa St Mailt BaartaM 1:00 F.U.r Baaua Mr. Olta Harj BaaAall t:15 Kam ' BaauuiM FnalStat Malaal Nra BaaabaB S-30 Ouaalal Tlaa lat Clatiaa WaatCaak. BaatkaH :45 lat SB1 Lata Tlaa. WaatCaaka , BaiakaU 14:00 Bnartcr l-Slai riaal Flaal Ellttor rallaa Uaia BaaaaaU 10:15 Saarta Flaal Taa A Karli Daaaa Tlau Mad. Nlikl Maa 14:30 Bak a Bay BaaarS Srtat Daaaa Tlaa N.w. Nltkl Raa. 10:45 Bak Bat &orl skaa Daaa. Tl. Daalllaa NltklSaat 11:00 Ntn Nat'L Caul Daaaa Tlau Dtalllaa Nlikt Saa." 11:15 Ln.aM.Call Maato Daaea Tl. Maala Nltkl Saaa 11:30 CilrCaaatU Maala Daaaa Tlaa Mailt . Nlikl Saaa 11:45 CUT CaaatU Maria Daata Tla. Marl. ' Nlikl Saac 13:44'lCT Oil Mai Paaa Tla.lMaa Mtlaltl sia Off " nt M.: KOIN IS 1.1. S . a. to IS ? a. KEX K l, SMS la FRIDAY 6 A.M. TO 11 :45 A.M. ''' rfVE'RE HAPPY TO BBGIN lA HEW TERM - MISS r 9 j" -ak;, a 1 It , . 1 I IH IT-I-l 1 r, I I .1 r-NIIPa -ALL RVWI I WHCI KU 1 KJLL Wl THERE HE 60E5. UNCLE VV WtiW -c-w ". ONE OF CASilPY'S WHAT ARE MDU OOlNcj L CtTSMH0lJtu -" V0 Tr! BAR-20 HAHP6 TO CO ABOUT ITfy MUTT JEFF ' ' . . , fcy AgE VOU SHORT TpON'T- WAITANP Be: 1 NOWiSTHeY MUTT CALL Ol 'BED? NAW NOTX SWIND? GOT CIRCLES CHpOK- TIMETO I A DofiTOR.'.f, VET.' IM FULLAPEP.0 N ft UNDER YOUR ETVES? Bf(W i 1 FEEL (21 I M 60NNA LISTEN iPvyoU FEEL FAINT? 1 tI? LW SICK.' REX MORGAN. M.D. c? HOW If PK. MOHo AN, ROOM BOARD f AS I SAIQ CKMMOREI'M POSITIVE THE SOIL Or THAT WHffi P AREA AT "SLEEPY PINE SLOPES' IS OWPOSED PF LIME. SILICA AND ALUMINA THE STUFF f0. WAKING CEMENT.' . -I DlDNT MENTION IT 10 THE JUDGE BECAUSE VOU KNOW WITH A PROSPECT AS BIG AS THAT. HtD EVENTUALLY GUM IT UP LIKE THE BOTTOM ilil OF A MOVE SEAT L w HI raV"! H ,1 ffiSui.n ...I 11 ill 1 1 AT I 'I TSKNI t tJM'S:Buy By Antra jYES. HOW TRUE.' ' THE DEEOONThat' . 1 .1 fin 1 1 rr r n ir f 'I vftwnw vji wives i I Ht UwNtK JU rtx LtNl OF THE MINERAL RIGHTS-WM'- . CMATM0RE wia GLPiy IT BACK MISS Shay T MAY WAS Ti0 t SSI rkTy ANPWjgO DONALD DUCK Puf ASS, JUNE.' WE'vt rjlTL J 6or to muiwy if B'Si,Vw-E's 00IN9 TO BE I VOU WO K MOKfiAM . NOW, HMS5 SHAY.' WHAT'S I Hfi OOT THAT I OONT 1 T nOthinS, 1 MART WORTH : 1 11 :: 1 SOMETHING OA CHtiK Mwl SOMtTMiTrBB If WutTumi 1 THAT'LL St MY FATHER-IN Kinra J LAW ff. IS laff OOj'T T -MCiNAl THE OR&ANIST, IrJA.ANOTCU WEA6MN WHICH IS MY LEFT FOOT! A -Wi 4 :00 Data Wall BPD Orctaa Fara Haar Neva - XrTaatora 4:15 Data Wnl KOIN Klack Fara Haar Tiaakawar Naak HalaSr S;30 Data Wart KOIN Kwck Fara Haar Nw. s-.baat ' Firs Kim (;45 Fara Tlaa KOIN Klack Fara Martk Tlae Naak M.a 7:04 Calrt EalUr KOIN Klack N.wa Hcalaawar Braaklaal KOCOKIacT 7;15 Jakaar Will New. M. Braaklaal Naak KOCO KUck 1:30 """ '" BabCatit Br.aafa.1 Braakfail KOCO Klaak 7;45 K. Maaalat H. Babklll Bak Haaaa New. Naak KOCO Klack 8:40 Oil Saata Nawt Br.akla.1 Cell Brawa Jla Daair KOCO Klack' 8:15 Oil Santa Vcwa Clak Faallr Altar jla Daalr KOCO Kwek 8:30 Mail. Baa Helca Treat Breakfait Bibla R-u Jla Daalr KOCO Klaak 8:45 Meal. Bai Gal Saalar Clab Bible Haar ta Daalr Newt S:40 New. Seal Life Yew. Dr. Sw.rl Back Ttm" Kar'a 4:15 Mar. Wllaaa Ma Ferklaa Taaar'a Slar Caaealarr Mattaaa Becaria (:30 Beaaaea , Dr. Maleaa Daatktar Faitor Can Back Feaaa Bar'. 4:45 Beaaaea Galla Lltkl "athlaa Bar. Caaaler Matlaae Keearla Mra. B.rt.n C. H.atler Olena HarSr Mallaaa Kara J" I' Farlr F. Maiaa Maile Telia Teal Mattaaa B Merle 10:30 strike Blck Nerak Draki Mr Traa Caca CaU Matlaae Bara lgjSa Strike Blck Brltkter Da: Starr Maile Mallaea Beeetea 11:00 Bak Heaa Granl Staa Wkliaerlac Ladle. Fair Metlaee Bara 111:15 Lallea Ckele Maala Saark Girl Marrlc Lallca Fair MaUaea Beeataa !Ms "feraaaa Vmb Haaaa Nm Qeeea let Matlaaa Bara U:45IMetwerk Feel Fartr Keen Keraei Dar IMattaea ' B.iarfc FM Met.! KOIN IS LI, 4 a.av to U p.a. BEX at J, S to S a DIAL LISTING KOAC. 15 Tkaralar F.M.l IM, CHI1. , - . -hj.. . n.wtw ttn,, tdeatett l:M. Eereae Beaartl l:aa. Newt, Waatkeri 1:IS, Ete ataa Fara S:M. BBC Tkaatatl :ae. Mallet t:U. MaSltatlaai 1I:M, Sin OH. U:aa, Netn, itkert U-.H. Oaaeert Bam 11 M, Nim aal Waatkeri l:ea, Freaek Maalal t:K. ucf Sl :a Far Waaea. ANXIOUS B - This unidentified prisoner of war returnee virtually "went overboard" as he sighted relatives on arrival in San Francisco with 437 other repatriated prisoners aboard the Navy transport Gen. Hase. (UP Telcphoto.) MOVIE BOOTH KILLS C Ogrono, Spain W) A movie projection booth collapsed on part of the audience at Torre- cilia de Cameras, near here Tuesday night, killing a fam ily of four and two other peo ple. , ACROSS 1. Aitensk 5. B-- ' 'I club 8. False rJ 13. Stack -.13. Befort 14. Ntw itar 15. Kind of cheesa 16. Light brows lT.Triba 18. Make sport of 30. Attrit 32. Auk aamest ly 34. Chirtty 37. Set frea 31. BiUow 83. AbvM 34. Merry 35. : i as 87. Only 88 Cheesa -"rii 41. F.t e tuber 44. Joins 48. Leave undona 44. Poorly SI. Central part 81 Division of an automo bile bight way 81 Horsa 54. Form Into fabric 83. Seaweeds 84- English river 87. Affirmative votei DOWN 1. Hastened 1 Motion of the sea IWinjlIke 4. Neelilent IslLlAlwnAjUPLSnS AP T olwUI fnE BSmM ' ISITlAlYU'OIVlWr I gt fc Ttr aimT dh(i p a C S jE IDMMN ISflA IT U M CJ PR 1 SljTmi: RATE, A I MaWANlESBT 0 N lltlMnl SE !i 5 RAinq A siEfs 0IAIR. SjBaMHIE SRAS!P I NGjrPiAITE: k e tWr a T fllE IV I l EISlsllolNldsLlDlLIClM Solution at Yssttrtfay'a Pun S Last India . - PPPr 1 Southern constella tion 1 Bridie hold ings 8 Urge on W U 'Tj "7" to u 'i.'f ;!':'':'': " " if -i ; 7S Ja :. '''. If 5i . : : ii ... . - - ., ',.'-. 5" 40 T7 j? r"5T 'k " ' " 35" TT IT ' ' TjJ TrF ' ' ' l 8. Deal out sparingly . 10. Roughly elliptical 11. Go ashora 19. Accomplish 31. Photograph! negative 33. Angry 24. Kemnant of combuftios 15. Meadow 38. Entangle 33. Past 34. Salt . 30. Organ of light 82. Informal 31 Leading femalt character M. Caws for shipment 37. Adhesive 34. Swell 40. At home 41. Horseback hockey 41 Author of The. Rubalyat 41 Prong 45. Sound 46 Silka,ona 47. Adjusts 80. Not lariet