Wednesday, September . 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Saka, Orefoa rtrt is J5RAND CHAMPION JERSEY COW GRAND CHAMPION, RESERVE STEERS Elak te-el:d:d H:cd cf VcrlJ E:r.k Washington m Kuiene K. ! a e a w Black, a former official of the aasaaslaaaaln,laaif Sis tat an an an lui ii n4 iifci in maf U Wa ( kttmmr fainlia. Dmm ear 94 klaiar faaaUai k WT (aiaartaa a Bi Chase National Bank la New York, has been re-elected pres ident of the M-utlon World aaaita. waaa aaaw nwr Bank. His second, five-year term will start next July 1. Black's re-election, announc . t ed last alght. Implied an en dorsement of him by the Ilsen hower administration. fit mmm Uaf fraal taaaa Umaili Ma taa II aiilH mt UaW taaai aa4 1 Sma aa warta. Safe far aav. laraa. aaaaaam taa a4 aaia aaaaa. Oat Daaal film) taaafi 7 77' . it rv f . ' 1 ... . . viMHiajia aa anaai mm airala, aiManajaai .awaai Hi aiikiiaa tial ailiawala, aia iailiilniliaaaiaaolariiaeialaiaf MMilillH.aa alaMa affuml aaaaaaaa. OaaH aielm jwu ttaaata U aaaa na U liaaa aMkar raa. Tir Doaa'a Pdb-a BIM mm. It'i aauafew kav am taaaa Haaa "i.:;-.. J-' J Frank Finnicum,' Grand Island, exhibit! grand champion " Jersey cow entered at Oregon State Fair by hia son, . Ronald Finnicum. Beautiful Jersey Cow Grand Champion at Fair By CLAUDE STEUSLOFF From at least two impor tant standpoints Chehalii Bea con VI was the right cow to elect as grand champion Jer sey female at the State Fair yesterday. , , , A beautiful specimen of Jersey type, she not only won the strong 3-year-old cow class but also took first place in the best uddered cow class. Owned and shown by Frank Finnicum, Dayton, she was re cently purchased by Finnicum from her breeder, Tommy Lis ter, of ChUliwack, B. C, Canada. Seven year old Design's An nabell Princess was made re serve champion. Twice a grand champion at prior State Fairs, she was complimented by Judge Walter Leth as still cow of great constitution and capacity. She was bred and ahown by . Elmer Deetz of Canby. Deetz. bred every one of the IS animals In his show string. D. C. Brock of Salem won the female Junior ' champion award on Designer Radar Ru by, a senior yearling. Radar Golden Blonde, another of the popular' strain of Jerseys Brock has developed, was first In the 4-year-old cow class. Brock's bull Aim's Royal Ra dar Blonde was first senior calf. The senior and grand cham pion bull was Jest-A-Wonder Royalist, a 4-year-old bred and shown by M. C. Malar, Bor ing. He was first as a senior yearling at the State Fair In 1851. Malar also took reserve grand on Sally's Standard Aim, a 2-year-old bull pur chased In dam from Fairmeade Farm, M liner, B. C. nlan Rnval of Avalon. shown and bred by Deetz, was 1 junior champion bull. Oregon Jersey queen Mild red Oman, 18, of Sherwood, distributed award ribbons to class winners during the day. Also present during judging were her court princesses, Mildred Baker, Pedee; Glenda Crutis, Astoria; Charolette Finnegan, Oregon City; Verna Hiskey, Silverton, and Gloria Sturgis, Albany. George Genteman, chair man of the Oregon Jersey Cattle Club youth activities committee, made presentations of four heifer calves to young sters interested in Jersey dairying. Gordon Stroebel, 16 year old F. F. A. boy of Prineville, received a heifer donated by Herbert Coleman of Wood burn. A calf donated by Floyd E. Bates of Salem went to Gary Turner of Bend, top 4-H Jersey dairyman of the year. Fred Meyer Stores donated two, calves, one to 14-year-old . 4-Her Royal Muller, Albany, and one to Lynn Rasmussen, 18-year-old F. F, A. boy of Hood River. "Rusty." 952 pound Here ford calf fitted by Frances Deardorff of Prairie City, looked very sharp as he walk ed off with the 4-H fat steer championship. He r e c e n 1 1 y passed his 16 month birthday, has been on feed for 300 dsys,, during which time he has gain ed J.S pounds per day munch isf a grain ration of corn and oats. Judge Joe Johnson said Rusty was the smoothest steer of the show and estimated his hiru wis chock full of Juicy teaks and roasts. Frances is the 17-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Deardorff. Jimmy Towery of Marlon exhibited the reserve ehsm .pion steer, a thick, short-legged Angus. Irvin RlddeU of Monmouth, son of Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Rid- FASTEST KNOWN RELIEF FOX GAS ON STOMACH THANK HIA vms- t aMS kxnfMKm. " " 'il;"! WU TM m IM '"'"'''"J wwdWnM fcnMrr. to aottsn tor? af h-irUiura iriiu rtlundwl II n dell, had the grand champion 4-H club fat lamb, a South down. Irvin also was reserve champion 4-H sheep showman. The champion showman was Annabelle Edwards of Albany. Open class Aberdeen Angus Judging classes Included many animals which will be sold at the, auction to be held today in the State Fair sales pavi lion. Dale West of Merrill took eight of the 12 breed cham pionships with tne winnings of five animals. The grand cham pion female wn bis Black bird D W 5. Harold Rankin of Hermla- ton exhibited the grand cham pion Angus bull, Glenmere I 2nd of H R. The senior cham pion bull was shown by Haw thorne Farms, Hillsboro. Sheep judging arenas were crowded all day with the big gest show in years. Cheviot champion ram wis shown by Russel Alsip of Monmouth, champion ewe, Don Kessi, Harlan; Cotswold champion ram, Harms brothers, Canby, champion ewe, Kenneth Mc Crae, Monmouth; Columbia champion ram and champion ewe, Marcus . Vetters, Sher wood, both Shropshire chant' plonships to Gath brothers, Turner. Six exhibitors contended for Ayreshire awards. Meadow land Dairy of Portland had the senior and grand champion bull, Junior and reserve cham pion bull and junior champion female. The senior and grand champion female and reserve champion female were shown by Alfred I. Burnham of Rai nier, Wash. Poland China champions: All sow champions to Joe and Rose Wllhelm, Salem; grand champion boat, also senior champion boar, F. L. Zielinski, St. ' Paul; reserve champion and junior cnampion boar, Wendell Willard, Dayton. In spotted Poland Chinas, senior and grand boar cham pionships went to Franke brothers, Salem; Junior and reserve champion boar and all sow champions went to Elmer Stangel of Wilsonvllle . Yorkshires: Senior and grand champion sow, Zielin ski; reserve champion sow, Lyle McKinley, Woodburn: junior champion sow, Stangel. Grants Pass 4-H youngsters seem able to pass good judg ment on a variety of livestock subjects Vera Kellogg, her brother Pat and Bob Smiley, won the livestock Judging contest conducted Monday. Top judgea of the 4-H -poultry department were Wanda Her rick, Garry Scholz and Jim Maryott. The Grants Pass rab bit judging team, Jerry McAl lister, Jay Crutsinger and Larry Harlacher, was high in the ten county team contest. Salem 4-H members were prominent in poultry classes, Cherrill Doty won 23 Rhode Island chicks for exhibiting the best pen of the breed In 4-H competition. They were donated by K. I. Jennings, also of Salem. Joyce Mount won another 26 Rhode Island chicks by the same donor for the best pen of broilers. The 25 New Hampshire chicks for best pen of the breed, donated by Lee Hatchery. Salem, went to Dan Jensen, Portland. Jim Towery, Marion, exhibits bis Aberdeen Angus reserve champion steer at Oregon State Fair. Francea Deardorff, Prairie City, right, shows her grand champion Hereford steer. Malheur County Judge Passes Ontario, Ore. (") Sewell Stanton, Malheur - county judge and a strong advocate of public power, died at his home there Tuesday night He waa S9. ' He was elected county Judge, his first political office in 1950 after he had retired an oil distributor ' here. He was born at Colusa, Call!., in 1894 and attended college in California before coming to Oregon. He was republican but suporled public power pro grams and was one of the or ganizers of the National Hells Canyon association, a group which urges construction of a high, multipurpose dam at Hells Canyon. - t The widow and two daugh ters, all of Ontario, survive.' Gov. Psul Patterson will name Stanton's successor. About a third of all users of eyeglasses in the United States have bifocals. TRIESTE ISSUE UP Rome () Premier Giusep pe Pella Wednesday called in U. S. Ambassador Clare Booth Luc for an hour-long talk on the thorny Trieste lssue..Yugo slav President Marshal Tito demanded last Sunday that the city and port of Trieste be made an international free city and that the surrounding area be ceded to Yugoslavia. " H Phone 4-1451 W 1 95 S. Commercial SAWS EARN SOOXER EXTRA EARNINGS Money ' placed In your account during the first, 10 days of ony month earns from the first of that month, v Start yomr extra earn' .' lags bow.' Open yomr accennt with Salem Federal. 40 Stat f tro uum ounoN How To Stop That TI2EDFESUX1C' and f Stronger Fasti If ban fMltn watk 4 tiro tattly, 4 want to (tl itromrr fag, r Mtnbcr the rati earn f roar UrtJ fMliftf Btijr b blood thert'i low la ire. sUrmrUwi iron -poor blood ... Rebuild tired blood wili faaUacting, bifb fotoner Gtritol wd watet Mnaml sartr sd atranvtb return! Ia jait n dajr GcrltoMros plot a bit PoUaejr aotabinatloa of brnodbiidiav fa tore arc ia yovr blooditraaai tmrrrini atrvtivth and enersT to every part of yoni body. Juat I tableapoana ffiv Jroej twice tae Irea la a aeaad ef calves liver. 1 tiaae the Irea la a aeaad of aalaaea. Oeritoi eea eoataiaa the eff active aetiaeaiie vitaaila Bij. B uee Oeritoi t aaild the red. rtmni blood which etopa that tired feeliat feat I Get Orftol, Jiqaid or tebkta, at roar drantore. Tea feel at rearer fart hi 1 dan or roar aaoaar back I Dm iroo eVjtoMcr mtmu CUTICURA CLEARS Sttin in 7 DAYS.' Yea, usually in 7darsezteraal)T caused Ufltmaoee. atacaiieaaa arc reiterea new amoothneat, radi ance appear wbea roa uae Cuticara xaoand Omtment daily, la r ft Um4it ktiffli. Bur uin drag of itt am. , mu ihmI SiMwam, cilci ui ithuh sunn Mli . rsiessi wummcm THI DIAN CLINIC 0e" 10 eeMI I U"4ev tfcreevh rtoey. Until 0 m. Meadey, Wewaeaeay oa rVtdef. OlreeeerHc fctsi(tea ... la ear WSnf rwa. Ml NOITMafT tSfOY tOUlt atw Telaejlietae 1t erelawi( 1, Qra. I ' ' us. s. t. US, A Ot. o. OkH. ax DBS. CHA . . . 1AM CHLVE8I NATVBOrATSa Cpstatra, Ml Nertfe Uketlr OffM Me satarsat N titt man ru Uiu rt rrt m tam- rrMiat. wnm uu. irnu fof iirMn (in. a. all. SCHOOL HIIICIMIS ALL 0YE8 kUlUCk kmoit 7. nr? w i aaiBaaaBaMBi '!f &r I J J I II II 1 utt atyaTT, niti ptm. WAtraa l ceeeea vimm i. asu MMai aoMaxsaox. ""1 Urn Uht4 . Kill.) il . . . f,,J UrKWwiw M. 1. Wowftaa, Im VkUmJm ht SaW m4 hmm MM UUtl Hlmm Cmt.ii SWI . WMMa, KaMat CI nn 1 jfcai SBaaMnaas l mu i l .MaaM pwaaaaaaaiaaaa aiMaaaaaaaa . H i 1 1 n a iwnalM Bi aaaaaaaaaaaal i23Li: lair .. "-aaa-" ' !lllj?-!I---:-TI. -.T TlffP I LOUIS "lESI IF f I V 1 8n' PI'sm snd me ' I ttkmo tuminn I II I 1 I I ( ) Ps.prr.Mste Pens at 11 8 each I tmt caaa . II J 1 I for which I enclose ( ) check ) money order I abtaw.. ... J II I P Name I Ca"r ITtj ' S I I I Addr. I ZSZ2tt2E jf I P0 J xt) uJ OPEN EVENINGS TIL 9 AaiiaDi in a color - , a n i i Available in I color Befllls 4a The erlilnal Pea that writes at all angles. I or DCLiUDLn cicnol V Oiimubi ler.a. ceaiBB, taee r . J APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITtO MPAIK C0-US N. UIIRTY Airthorlzed Repair on All Major Appliance and All Snull Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Ddrmy '' Large Appliances Ivan Boyae and Walt Claus, Owties-s ARCHERY "VSST Ph.2-4226 HARRY HOBSON 4230 PORTLAND RD. Located oa i Highway St Next to Totoni Pole (Chemawa) Custom-Made Bows. Arrows, Fishing Poles ... Ad-2HllAlche7 ,nd "htal Tackle SIX OUR BOOTH AT THE OREGON STATE FAJR AWIM.GS-TEIITS-TARPS Fh. 3-47C3 UUM TINT AWNING CO. 72N.UIIITY -Canvaa Goods ot Every Deacriptioa ANYTHWO MADE TO YOUR ORDER CHINESE FOODS Fh. 2-6596 ; CHIMA CAP! 20SS FAIRGROUNDS RD. Specialising In Chinese Ii American Tooda reaturlng "Good roods Well prepared" . Bring the Tamfly CaCfwReearvatlonsforDtetaaTStndPsgtlee ' CONCRETE SEPTIC TAIIXS Fh. 37324 M0HTAtLESLOCKC0 14ta4I.HOYT Approved. BetefoiReetanirutofieaTTB atanafaeturen of Mortar Bloeaa Intarlock"t l-locaa ' In Pumice or Concrete Also CMnmey bmcfca ' EilJP7t SwlCSrtSaMaalS ' File 3"CSb5 : KOvanues.iuss.izta st. v Oardea TUers Power Mowers Paint Sprayers ' Air Ceaaa a aanoex rtvnawng Tools rower ana nana snwsr Sharpening Repatra ea AH SmaQ Gas SDttsMa , FLOOR COVERINGS Ph. 4-5751 CAPTTOL pXOOR COVERINGS 217 S, HIGH ST. -' Armstrong aV Con goleum-Nalni -Asphalt and Rubber Tile Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs sad Carpets Estimates Gladly Given! IRRIGATION -PUMPS Ph. 2603S STimiR SUPPLY CO. 1110 LANA AVI. , Water Systems Deep Wall Turbines '., Alumlmtm and Steel Irrigation Pipe ' Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING ' Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment MOVING t STORAGE Ph.3-8111 RID STAR TRANSFIR IALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT "A Complete Shipping Service" Office 1180 N. Liberty - Whae. ISO 8. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES Ph. 3-5584 Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting . Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS . : CAPITOL OPPICI IQUIPMINT CO., SJ1 COURT R.W.wJOf"LAND OIL TO BURN Ph. 24151 ROAD 1174 Eyewater St OR S-S74 OILING WEST SALEM ROAD TWIIDII PUELS OILS OIUNG STANDARD OIL DEALER PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NILSON IR0S. PLUMBING t HIAT1NG Rapalriog ISSCbemeketa Contracting Resldsudsl Commercial Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS 24 Rem jama Ph.3-9123 We give Penny Saver Stimpa L THI QUISENIERRY PHARMACIES Ph. J-J1S7 . 130 S, Utf III (ssrt Dsastawi 2440 frse, rMksl (mM 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience. FREE Delivery Dally 8:00 A M to 11:00 P M 110 S. Liberty Store Open 11:00 to 9:00 P.M. and :00 PJ1. e 0:00 P.M. All Sundays and Holidays Radiant Glassheat Phona 4-6263 Recent Glassheat ef Solem 1 540 Felrf rounds R4. Learn sbout the Miracle of Glassheat before you buy any heat ins avstem at anv erica See Continental Glassheat a No Chimney a No Maintenance FHA Terms a Easy Terms xear uuarantee Ph.3-7577 Dessl:. Daaifsta w -tf Cr.ea nuuivncuuii Give-"'" Sumps MITCHELL'S Redlo-Televislee 1 SSO State Motorola Dealers for General Electrle Pick up and Delivery 1 ' , TELEVISIOHc,0 Ph. v'SK VALLEY TELEVISION CINTIR 1303 Fsirgrounds Rd. In Woodburn at 171 Grant St Featuring MOTOROLA - RCA VICTOR HOFFMAN DUMONT TELEVISION SETS , j? ;""-yr.?-. vai" " w A. v ' ' ' 4 ' . ...... j. .- , ? . ... v