Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 09, 1953, Page 12, Image 12

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; i
BOB WW VI y Ml. I WU IUI W kivlVv
NoliU earrle top weight la '115 poundi. They sr Mal
tha Governor's handicap, tea-j tor Halley and Aimtof Circle.
tor raea f today's hone rac
ing program at the Oregon
Sute Fair.
The Governor'i handicap ii
the fifth race on the program,
which atarted with a quarter
horse race at 1:15.
Nolito by no means la an
overwhelming favorite, as
Other hones entered In the
race Include Misi Jordan,
Beautiful Sue, Smokey Babe,
Speed Car and Veil .Van.
Beautiful Sue won two fea
ture racei at the 1952 6tate
Another big crowd puihed
$65,228 through . the- betting
two ether horses are carrying windows yesterday. The fig-
Washington State Faces
Rugged 10-Game Schedule
Pallman, Wash. UJa Wash
! Ington State's Cougars, whose
bom dive last year was blamed
, In part to the 35-7 thumping
handed .them by .Southern
- California in the season's
opener, begins the 1953 foot-
bsll campaign against the same
Trojans, again a powerhouse.
What effect the Sept. 19
clash here will have on Cou
' ' gar morale and record book
" is anyone's gues., But it's a
dubious way to begin a rug
fed 10-game schedule which
also includes such titans ss
, :' VCLA, Texas Christian and
Iowa. 1
r'. Couch Al Kircher isn't say
ing how his Cougars will fare.
:' 11 Players Graduated
Kicrher has 17 returnees,
but 11 other lettermen, in
cluding live who signed pro-
Dodgers Hope to
Beat Yanks to
Clinch of Pennant
. Major Leagues
(Br Th Associated Prew)
' Brooklyn
t MUfraukee
, St. Louie
' Fhlleflelphte, ,
r New York
i, Chicago
I Pittsburg h W It
Teaseler's Hi
i Milwaukee 1, Ph.letle.phla t
f Only ernes ached uled
4 l .00. UH
11 fl .SSI so
U 03 .M 21
4 74 .464 33
SS 7t .43t 37
SS 11 .401
44 .314 13
New Tork U. The Dodgers,
opening their final awing
through the West tonight with
: a game In Cincinnati, were on
the verge of- making one of
Charley Dreasen's fondest
dreams eomo true beating the
Yankees to "T for pennant'
' Slav.
I want to clinch before they
, do," said Dressen. before, em
barking on the tour.
And now. with the "magic
: number" way down to four, it
looks like Dressen and hia boys
could be toasting their second
strsight National League pen.
n.nt in that famous old Mil
waukee lsger as early ss Fri
day night or Saturday, while
the Yankees will have to avsit
about a week before celebrat
ing their fifth straigm Aimr
lean League usg.
The Yankees, on the other
hand, sre fsced with the "magic
number" of 10, meaning that
any combination of Yankee vic
tories and Cleveland defeats
adding to 10 will give the
Yanks the pennant
The earliest that the Yankees
could reach that number would
be Sunday, if they won five
s -sight games and the second
place Indians lost five straight.
Such sweeps don't figure of
course, so chances are the Yan
kees clinching will be delayed
....til in the week.
Milwaukee's Braves cut the
Dodgers lesd to 12 games last
night by beating the hlllies,
J-2. in the only Major League
game of the day.
The Braves dtom
with an unearned ninth inning
run to give lefty Johnny An
tonelll his 12th victory of the
year in s pitching duel with
veteran Johnny Lindell, who
fesslonal contracts, won't be
back to help despite a WSC
news service prediction that
"pre-season ratings probably
will place the Cougars in the
cellar of the Pacific Coast
The Cougar coach will con
cede he has a "good passing
club," better balance than last
year and "probably a little
more depth and speed."
Obscuring Kircher's aspirin I
bottle is the broad shadow (
Bob Burkhart, an all purpose,
both ways quarterback who
passes, blocks, punts and kicks.
off with the best of the con
Burkhart, the kev to Cou
gar chances, holds the confer
ence touchdown tas. record
for one season with 15.
Speed Merchants
Bidding for the tailback
spot are three speed mer
chants. They are senior Wayne
Berry, 170; Jim Hagerty, 180,
Pasadena Junior College
transfer; and sophomore Bob
Iverson, 180.
Mert Purnell, fleet 180-
pound Junior, has a good
chance at wingback post. Ju
nior Chuck Beckel, 190, who
averaged 5.2 yards a carry In
1952, and Duke Washington.
175. hard driving junior, are
battling for the fullback slot.
Leading line prospects in
clude ends Howard McCants,
235. and Howard Steele, 190;
tackles, Milt Schwenk, 215.
and Vic Weitz, 190; Phil
Gardner,. 180; and Ted Brose,
215; and centers, Herb Carl
son. 195. and Skip Pixley, 210.
The WSC schedule
Sept. 19 Southern Cali
fornia at Pullman
Sept. 28 College of Pacific
at Stockton. '
Oct. 3 Iowa at Iowa City.
Oct. 10 Oregon at Pullman,
Oct. 17 Idaho at Moscow.
Oct. 24 UCLA at Los An
Oct. 81 Stanford at Palo
Nov. 7 Texas Christian at
Nov. 14 Oregon State at
Nov. 21 Washington at
urc is an all-time record for a
Tuesday at the State Fair.
The previous Tuesday high
mark, $54,547, was establish
ed last year.
Tomorrow's Entries
SUtt Iwt Quarter bareaa. all UM.
Orabe a. run km. i:i rudi.
1. wianera Lab, o, wmiu. lit.
S. Vuaiala ael. O. Waller, IIS.
1. Sink Roll. Jleatbek. lit.
e. Lmlt Ju. Herbbaoea, 111.
S. Dtbraoea ru, f. auaaala, IB.
. KlrkeiMb rjbatta. Pollara, III.
I. ScboU MM, e, Heaktbe.
S. tla ScboU. Sreaba. IK.
IWMi K l-fear-alda. ClltBtBl
IHMi. Faru M. t Pbribatb.
1. DrUUe. r. Oiu. Ill,
S. Mr. Arauocrel. Dr. 111.
S. NIU4 Ca, SUumla. 111.
i. Xw OUL Hoptlai, 1U.
. LrkMUer. McOho. 111.
. Tuu Lk, Folltrd, S.
S. Dtlru Blan, Pulvtr. 111. .
I. Mlu Ouau. ArUrbura, IK
111' EllltU)
S. Lla-Jtr-Kllb, tuunli, 1M
lb. Poaullb. Ybuag, 101. ,
II. Smokr Bob. Hncack. 111.
IS. Sltur Sbb. Aiurbbra. 1M.
WIL Standings
. (Br TIM bbMrlbUS Ft Mb)
Saul SuaStan
W U Frt. O S
Sbbkbbb MU M
UlbW O .St -tu I
Vbabbam 44 St Ml S4
Tiklbia Ml 4
SbbMbtba M M .Ml I
Sbltm It Ml S
c.u.rr .tu its
Trl-Clir II 41 .411 IS
Wbbbtcbbt ...... .... at 44 .411 It
Vklarlb It 41 J1S Itti
TbMSby'i BbbbHtl
Trinir 1. spokbu t ll ktauui).
Vlttorli It, UbUtba I.
' Titmi I, lilin I. ,
Vbbrauvtr S-t WtnbWhbt f-l. ,
Ciliarr It. Bdawatba I.
Salem, Indians Open Scries
At Spokane Tomorrow Nitc
0F Thb AbbbclbtbS Prbbt)
Ths Spokano Indians owb
share of the Western Interna
tional Baseball League pen
nant, bat soma at the credit
gees to a pair of second division
slabs and a rebellion In the last
scheduled game of th 1I5S
Th Tri-City Braves, in
eighth plac IS games off th
pace, took S-S decision in 11
innings from the front-running
Indians Tuesday night, and
Victoria, In last plac 18 tt
games from the top, downed
challenger Lewiston 10-9.
Th Victoria win wiped out
Lewiston's mathematical
chance of capturing th aecond-
TbirS Batb .rctrbtdl bad bb.
CUlminf ititoi. PurM 14M. t Purloaii.
1. an. am, p. imonu, in.
I. Tbka A Pomter. Youoi. 111.
1. Otu Oambli, Walkr, 117.
4. Rbd ActmiMr, Atktajoa, 114.
I. Squbrt Root, IfcOahaa, lllj
t. Lmi Puacb, Pollbnl, lit.
T. Ubcj Trcuurt. Pulvci, 111.
I. Htran, Honkiba. 114.
Aa Xll-.lbli . '
t. Doublb Couat. DUi. 114.
10. Subor Chic, L. D. Jodm. 11T.
11. Honei Rub. McObUba, lit.
Piarlk kbc 1-Tcir-oMi bbd no.
Cltlmltu 1400l. Puru 1400. t Purlbnis.
1. ArUbbb CWck, Dlbb. lit.
I. Tehcoclr, Wblkrr, 117.
I. B-DUcortrr. alcOlhaa. 111.
4. Bver Olow. Barbbbdll. 114. ,
t. Top Shower, Slmbou. 114.
t. Boa Snow, PoUbrt. 117.
1. Tn Pub, HopkllU. 117.
i. Dtnnu lilchuL HldbUl. UI.
Alfo Illiible ;
t. Ttr5 Rltk, Hopklbl, 117. ,
It. Weitr Hill. llcObhia, 111.
II. Colt Tower. McObhta. 114.
11. RuOdjr B., Wblktr. 114.
Plttb lir, l-yebrbldb. Oretob brad.
PurM ttoo. t Purlonti.
Ortkba SUM ratarltr
1. Oreroa Flbf, Youdi, 114.
I. ChrUtlt U. Bemtndeb, 111.
I. Jullb'b Brlbr, Arltrburb, 111.
4. CouzKrr Klbl. McObbbb. 114.
t. Btr F. Flu, SlnobU, 111.
t. Ubnrjra Car, Uopklaa, 111.
7. Waa Check, Pollard, lit. '
S Mai Ba Pilar. Walker, 111.
Ilxlh Barb S.arolda bad n.
Clalnlbt ilaooi. Puna K01. ttt Furloaia.
1. Hlth Tuck, Dar, 117. v
i. Bad Bar, Pollard, 111.
t. Rrcro-Bata, Uoaklu, 117.
4. Tropie Sua. Artbrburn, 111.
t. Fera Quteb. Atklaaoa. 114.
t. The Wheel. SlmobU. 117.
1. Bubby'a Hober. Hebcbck. 114.
I. Bonnie X.. Htroandea, 117.
Alio Kllilble
t. Lbmb Warvel. Bernaadei, 117.
It. Problr, Pulrer, 114.
II. Sir Dale. Younl. 117.
IS. Ilar'l Laab Walker, 117.
Salem, Oregon, Wednesday, September 9, 195S Page 13 Imi l-raiT-okd nA .
OaUmioc (I0. rurit s)4M. Fviiew
I. Ampl.f.or, HetveocK, lot.
9. Serolod, It. D. Jooti. lit.
t. Kftrdlntv Walktr, 114-
4. Cryitil Oet, McOahftB. JIT.
ft. atodek. Artrrbtjrn. lit.
. Mo rolls. Pulvir, 117.
T, Text Book. Dii, 1H.
ft. Mlw Model, HopklDi. 114.
Also Bllilblo
t. BULdr! Oti-l. HoPkln. 114.
1ft. Prtttr Choleo. Heacock. in,
II. Moro Applos. Htrnlet, 11T.
U. Don tu lea, Fulvor. 114.
atLvkLlt tin l-jreAT-oldJ 4
Allowute. Fura ftftOft. 4 4 TmUmtB.
1. CrMl. Arttrbura. 111.
1. War Brit-, Walker. 111.
ft. aaa Sue!,' Hernamlei, lit.
4. omlcron, aim on It. lift,
ft. Oar Itooit, McOahaa. lift,
ft. Mm. aulllvBD, Pulvtr, 111.
T. fttltslta Lock, Hopklnj, 111.
ft. Carlr Burler. AtllU. lit.
Alto Kllaibla
f. Oolditoni. SimoaU. lift.
tu) i
i ;:..
was making his first start for. . L IpnnnrA
th PhiU since being purchssedi UUTCII UCOnarO
Leaves Estate
Of $2 Million
from the Pirstes.
PCC, Big Ten
To Renew Rose
Bowl Contract
Ssn Francisco JB Repre
sentatives of the Big Ten snd
the Pacific Coast Conference
meet today to renew their Hose
Bowl pact.
Big Ten representatives will
b Commissioner Tug Wilson
and commissioner Vic Schmidt
will represent the PCC. '
Members of both conferences
already hav voted to renew
the contract.
Ducks Prepare for
Opener at Nebraska
. The University
of Oregon Webfoots scheduled
another tough morning snd sf
ternoon workout today with
emphasis on fundamentals.
The Ducks leave a weeK
from tomorrow for Nebraska
and the opening game of the
, Minor League Scores
Th Ave,!aTrt
trrre?fTio?it iio
Vwtreal 1. Tirrmt I
Ottawa Buffalo ft
pprtntneltf I. Baltimen
Boch-irT 11 -1
! IHtii 1- MmntivMt l
rgnttii 1, rMrlMtrm ft
teilra ft. Kant-at Clt? t '
iBaiaaapoJU ft. Totda
Nlath Ear S-raar-okla and np.
Clalmlnf ( !. rura (400. 1 114 Mil.
1, Patir Comet, Heacock.
S. Pestr BrMla, Jonea. lit.
I. kr O Manso. Arterbura. lift.
4. Fiddle Foot, Heroaodea, lift.
ft. Draionet, Walker, lift.
ft. Mlophar, Day, 111.
T. Mud Puddle. McOahtB, 111.
ft. Nut Van, Pollard, lift.
AUo Ellttble
ft. SUklyou't, aim. Artcrburn, HI.
Tenia. Bae rar-oldi- and up.
Claim I nf ilW0. Puru 1400. I 114 Bl.
1. Pharsui, HeriiaiHet, lift.
J. Vana V.. ArUrbnro. lift,
t. Baca Lad. Walker, lift.
4. Lot Drive, L. D. Jonea, 111.
ft. Julian B.. Dlaa, 111.
ft. Valdlna Andlre, Pulver. HI.
7. Roamlnc Plower, Hopklna, HI.
I. Waiatca Ohlef, McOahan. 111.
AUo Ilifiblt
ft. Oregon Wood, Hcrnandei, lift.
Yesterday's Results
First Race. yarda: 1. Bherirtj Star
(Heaeoek). ft7.ft. 4.00. S ftO; J. Kandra
Beat (Pel lard) 41 IK. 1.10; ft. Pajarlta
Hfrrtandei), ftS.ftft. Tina: 11.7. Qalaltltt,
&37 so.
second Race, mva Fureeiti: i. waeay
Da iBimonU, 1 1.00. 40. 3 0: 1, Fmiotta
(Walker, I7.T0, 7.00; I, Belli' Charm
auili, 14.40. Time l:0l-3l. uinieia,
131 H.
Third Race. FlTt Furiooti: 1, Top
Charm Atkltuom. ftll.M, f 70, 4 10; 1,
Tarda Rick tHopklnil. la.oo, ; I
MUa Oueaa fDuncani, 13.79. Time 1:01
Oulolela. 4U.70.
Fourth Race: 1, Double Count (Dial),
14.00. 440. 3.10: ft. RuddT B. (Walker),
17.40, H: 1, Turn up Topi (Mmonist
5 40. Time: 1:01-4 'ft, Quinicia. S3I.O0.
nun Race: l, reair saaia iTounii,
47.40. 4U. ft.00; 1. Piddle Pool iPoiiard,
Is 1ft. S.40; I. Dreion-t Wa1ker). IS.ftft.
Time 1 40-4 I. Quinlela. 414 30
friith Race, ft. FurKmn: 1, LsadT Punch
(Pollardi. 17.40. 4.50, 1.40: 1, Buff lea Mia
(Dan, 14.40. l.H: I. Lome Marvel Rr
nandet), 13.10. Tim 1 33-4 ft. Qululela.
Ill 00.
tfteventh Rice. 1 Fu Monti: 1. White
Step (Pollardi, 41 W. 1 00, 140; I, Mu
Model (McOahani. ftT.oo. 4. to; I. Teat-
book iPulvert. I 34. Tim 1:11-41.
Outnlela. Ml 40.
Ilihth Race. 14 Furtonn: 1. RoVoeh
CWalkerl, ftlO M. ft 10, 4 JO: 1 Bhswium
I pouard I . ii.. iv, e.m i. orotunta mer
ninden. SI M. Tim 1 10-4, ft. Oulnlela.
144 10.
I Nin'h Rare, ft Purlon: 1. Wild Ctr
. . . r (waiRert. ni.eo. no, n. a, hww
Leonara roaae nis ionune in ntv (Mcoahant, n. im; i. Bua
Check iHnpktnn, ftJ 40 Tim 1.11-1,4
Outnie a. 113 to.
Tenth Rec. t 114 ;: 1. I Wonder
(Atktneon), (It 1ft. 1 7ft. ft 14: ft. Vela
Plover (Simon!., 41 TO. 1 00: ft, Mlophar
(Dar, M OO. Tim 1 44-1 ft. 4)atniia,
11 10.
Ford Leading
Jockey at
Longacres Meet
Seattle W) Bobby Ford, 19-year-old
whiz kid who picked
up his riding pointers in Wyo
ming, emerged as the leading
jockey of the 19SS Longacres
Trailing Grant Zufelt for
much of the meet. Ford came
with a rush in the closing weeks
to finish with 52 winners. Zu
felt, trying to repeat his 1944
performance as top rider at the
nearby Renton track, was close
behind with 50 first plfce
Ford also had the best over
all record, bringing home 47
second place mounts and 54
third Zufelt's olace total was
i 50 and show 28.
Hump Roberts led the train
ers by saddling 21 winners. He
was slso far ahead with second
snd third place horses with 26
and 22, respectively.
Fresno, Calif. W H. B.
(Dutch) Leonard, who set the
American League earned run
average record at 1.01 'way
back in 1914 and was reward
ed with a pay hike to $5,000 a
season, left an estate valued
at $2,169,143
Walls Knocks
Out Layne in
Sixth Round
Salt Lake City W.PJ Cana
da's lsnky Earl Walla used a
dynamite right hand to knock
out Utah's Rex Layn in th
sixth round of their scheduled
10-round heavyweight scrap
here before 7,500 fans.
Walls weighed 186 V,; Layne
The Canadian, who kayoed
Layne in his hometown of
Edmonton two months ago in
the first round, proved last
night that his earlier victory
over the stocky Utahao was
no fluke.
It was a brawling, bruising
fight that saw Layne take
command in the first round
and press to an early advan
tage for five' rounds. But in
the sixth Walls dropped
Layne for s nine count with
a sharp right cross and it was
practically over. Layne stag
gered to his feet, bleeding
from a deep cut aver his. left
Cslifornia's lush Central Val
ley, growing fruit and wine
grapes. ' He bought a fruit
ranch while still in the maj
ors. After his retirement in
1924, he began expanding un
til he owned 2.500 acres.1
H. B. Leonard not to be
confused with Emll (Dutch)
Leonard died July 11. 1952.
He was 60. The appraisal of hisf i
estate to be shared, by Viola
Leonard, his half brother's
wife two nephews and a
housekeeper was filed Tues-
dy. . - .
Yesferdos Stars
fRf Th Aiioriated preiit
UHI Oran Hamnrr, PhUadelpnia
Phil, ilueted noma ma with Del n
bu en team only ran la M
,bm to MUVBUkee.
fHhiaf John tit Antoeiattt Mitvatrk
Privet, stopped PtaiUte tth hit
in pitchma 1-1 via. bl Utn etc
inrr aint ldffati ,-LJ9n,-, llLjn
wrarr.a. LMort
Tnr 7. D MAtnei ft
Omaha IS. Cotnratlo Sprittfti 9
a hii Cttp ft. Pi I
w.caiu ft, Uneoia A
Exit layne
, Earl Walls, Edmonton heavyweight, backa
gently away as Utah's Rex Layn sinks to
eanvas for 10-count snooz In sixth round, of rematch.
Layne, weighing 190 Vi, was dropped twic in th sixth
before going down permanently at 1 minute. 43 seconds
of sixth. The Canadian weighed 188J4.- (W) Wirephoto)
eye, ana promptly was seni scneauiea jaier mis momn
sprswling to th csnvss again
with a hard left hook.
Layn stayed down for an
eight count and appeared to
be all right Walla csught
Layne on the ropes and pun
ished him with several bard,
rights. As th men were sep
arated, Walls tsgged Layne
with a delayed left.
The Utah hopeful stepped
back, stsrted to move in and
sank to his knees. Referee
Rsy Floret counted Layn out
with Layne t hesd resting on
the lower rope.
It was a spectacular victory
for the dusky Canadian. The
end cam at on minute, 43
seconds of the sixth round.
Walls Immediately chal
lenged the winner of the
Rocky Marciano-Roland La-
Staria heavyweight title scrap
half championship, and gsv
th bunting to th Indians, da
spit their setback at Tri-City,
by seven percentage points. ,
As second-half champions,
th Indians will meet th Salem
Senators, first-half titllst. in
a best-of-seven playoff aeries
for th league pennant Th
scries is set to start Thursday
at Spokane's Ferris Field.
Games will b played at
Spokan Thursday, Friday and
Saturday nights, with t h
championship series moving to
Salem Sunday.
The fourth gam in th four-out-of-aven
playoff will b
played at Waters park Sunday
afternoon at 3:30. As many
night fames as necessary to
complete the series will b
played on succeeding nights,
beginning at 7:30.
Th Vancouver Capilsnos
bopped Wenatche 2-0 and t-8
in their season's final at Van
couver and clinched third place
in the final standings. Yakima
wound up in fourth plac after
shading .Salem 2-1. The Ed
monton Eskimos lost their last
game to Calgary 10-5, but end
ed in the No. 5 berth.
Salem, pace-setter in the
early weeks winning the first-
half championship, settled for
sixth place, one percentage
point behind Edmonton. Then
came Calgary, Tri-City, Wenat
chee and Victoria..
The race staged by Lewiston
and Spokan for th second-
half title was one of the closest
in the lesgue in years. Lewis-
ton opened th season with a
rush and held down first place
until the last three weeks of the
first half when Salem opened
Its drive and passed th Broncs
to tak th title.
Spokane, a six-place finisher
in th first half, passed Salem
midway of th second period.
snd Lawiston caught up with
tie Indians In th last three
The teams put on a neck-and-neck
drive which wasn't decid
ed until th final putout Tues
day night.
Pitcher-Manager Bill Bren
ner, who was personally credit
ed with 21 of L Wilton t wins
this season was charged with
th loss in th final pennant-
deciding game.
Brenner relieved Manny
Perec in th fourth after Vic
toria had scored its first two
runs. The Tyees scored three
raor off Brenner in that in.
ning and two in th fifth before
Brenner called for relief,
Spokan scored its two runs
in th third inning at Tri-City.
Both war unearned, resulting
from Ernl Hocksday s rror.
But Hockaday redeemed um
self by singling in th tying run
In th eighth and scoring th
-1 winning tally In the last of the
111th. '
Cl ' TaMtas
TaaabllU SIS llTTrarrs S I SIS SStabrtJ i
Darucf S S S i 4 I I s I WUauJt SIS S S S i
WlUutp.r SSI tiHWaL. (Si
luilaa.lf 1 S AaSraa.t till
Mutnl. S S SHbracfc ' 1
Colllai., 1 . 1 SUM. I t I I
Ueaiala 11.
SabbtlaU J t -
a-NelMa S S S S . (
TbUb at si is Tattlt St : 11
I WbllbS tar blUaa tb tth.
Sbleat SOS Ml tat I t 1
Tttuaa Sit atl an- I
Plubtr: IT AS X n Nil
CbllUU t tl I 1 J
lata! ... I U 1 1 I t S
aiM s st s i - 4
-trp-Caillat. Laier awatpib. lob
Mbba 11. Takau a. B-BbUar. lata.
.rc saar wauaaaa, Amnmm. urn.
KBI AaSanaa, UwH. B mtmiTM.
HulHbua. xv--uaBbbra a, iblaaaaal
Ltwu: ItUDbtri bnbbbbrlbH DTbM
Moraa bat Jbobbt. Thnb l:t. att
l."l. ..
,. Hi oat let tt s 1
.. tat tot lit ii a is i
a in, jfbw (in. :
Vlet.rl. KM Ul Mb Vt St .
Uwl.ton II1W IIS t It I
waiaar. pilar 111 aad Uulmi: Ferae.
Brenner (i), Ktbl A), llarabaU (I) aa4
Flrat eaaa:
wtaudiM tt st a a s
VaaebbTtr til tot S S
rune. Oabra ll bat BalatUi: Ber-
aand.1 aad Our.ttb
Secoat ibaM:
Wenatche. SOS tot Ml a S I
VaiKourer 1 all t it J
MObralu lie Banolbmal: StaribalL
Thomtbaa (11, Ounabnea 0i aa4 Lea.
til I
Bdmobtaa ,
Cbllbrr ..
MlNbltr. Coaaat (7l. McMulbr It) i
Mortaa; Kava, SUUa It) and Brlckar.
, N let it M I i
An auto from MARION MO
TORS will always act your
"stamp or. approval.-- lou
can't vn compare our used
cars wiTAOuvara yon t satTU
147 PnUa aatt
New rbaiBt, Mat r,ra, Tarlla,
meatw, Ti inenau rs-c
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Straight BoiJRBOX Whiskey
l 1:15 P. M. DAILT
Now thpu Sal.
V 4ltfif4JOT.
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Now you can re-power your
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rabal by ulherlitd rscendillener
Mate surg
' it's an Authorized
Reconditioned Ford Engine.
85-90 HP Engine .
Psaarnger Cars and Track
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