Tuesday, September 8, 1S5S 1 THK CAMTAL10TTRNAL, galea. reto KNITS AND LEATHER 2 Combine for Casual As Well as Dressy Duos Knits and leather art do ing new tricki thU fall, team ing up for all kinda of unex pected costume, com carnal and suave, tome dressy enough for cocktail wear. The utilitarian leather wind breaker Jacket beloved of out door men and small boy has undergone some astonishing change recently, so that leather shows up in the gla- (at am htiim) 300 Freshmen Begin 'Cruise A "shaka down" cruise for tome 300 freshmen began on the Willamette university cam pus Tuesday in preparation for a voyage of four years over the east-ox higher learning. luesaty operation were the first of a week's orientation, calculated to accustom the yearlings to the rudiments of university life. They will regis ter next Saturday morning In the campus university. President G. Herbert Smith welcomed the tyros during a general assembly in Waller hall and Jim Hitchman, of Balboa Island, Calif., president of the student body also greeted the freshmen. The president pointed out the roads to success in the cduca-l tion fields and warned against the pitfalls that must be avoid ed if the freshmen are to secure their degrees four years hence. Members of the university administration staff were pre sented to the students early Tuesday afternoon. Later meet ings were held of the Inter-Fraternity Council, the Pan-Hellenic association and the Inde pendent Association. An activities carnival in Bax ter hall, to which all new stu dents are Invited, will close Tuesday's program. During the balance of the week the customary tests, phy sical examinations and confer ences are scheduled. mor category in such versions s high-style black suede eve ning coats and bejeweled pa- wi KiaMin cocktail jackets. Bonnie Cashin. vounr New York designer with a flair for the unusual, has teamed knits and leathera in some of the most effective outfits of the season. She shows, for in stance, a lean turtle necked sweater dress in hunting pink, worn with a grealcoat of high ly polished blsck goatskin lined in alpaca. The same coat, she points out, msy be worn at night, over a' black chenille knit dinner gown. She likes the combination of a lime suede shirt worn over a knit sbesth, or teamed with a black leather skirt, and a bright pink bulky knit coat, for, dressier wear she sug gests a scoop-necked black knit sheath and a suede coat with fur collar. , Little cardigan Jackets of white or pastel kldskin or suede are in high demand for evening and resort wear, wom en having found them as prac tical as fur Jackets, easier to carry around and more versa tile. These can come In styles as casual or as dressy as de sired, some of the latter being embroidered In jewels or trim med with mink or ermine.. y v - -. y 1 La -i - New Look in Sweater Girl , , . Bonnie Cashin designed these two outfits combining knits and leather. Left, vivid suede shirt over chenille knit sheath; right, alpaca lined black polished goatskin coat over sleeveless sweater with attached helmet. Ml North Liberty St, Salem, Oregea STORK BOt'RSl . 9:99 A.M.to S:39P,M. Friday Nifty till P.M. EXCITING COLORS! SOFT PURE WOOLS! Silverlon Has Church of Year Silverton A ' Methodist periodical, 'Church Manage ment" credit the new Meth odist church of Silverton with being "The Church of the Year," and gives a story of the building plans. The problem now is com pletion program. Floyd Fox has accepted ap pointment to the chairman ship of the completion pro gram committee. In this present plan, sub scriptions will be mad for a three-year period. The overall building plan calls for a sizeable wing to be built on the present new church building which is to house the Sunday school de partment class rooms, . the nursery, fellowship and social hall and a modern kitchen ette. Floyd Fox, chairman, will be assisted by Dr. Norman Dodds, W. Dale LaMar and Harry Riches. The first congregational af fair' planned to open' ht more sctiv work, is a Loyalty Din ner to be Wednesday evening, September 16, in the Eugene Field gym, when all necessary plans will be announced. Funeral Here for Mrs. E.M. Johnston Funeral services for Mrs. Elizabeth M. Johnston, who died September 3 at Hooker, Okla., will be held in Salem from the Virgil T. Golden chapel Thursday at 2 p.m. Rev. Omar Barth will be the min ister and Interment will be in Belcrest. Mrs. Johnston, 80, lived in Salem and Corvallis. She was born October 19, 1872, at Ce dar Flat, Ky., and was mar ried there in 189S. She and Mr. Johnston were living at Corvallis where he died a in 1951, and she then went to Hooker, Okla., to live with her son, Joe B. Johnston. She is survived by two daughters, Mrs. Pattie McElroy of Concord, Calif., and 'Mrs. Alice R. Hulse of Metolius, Ore.: four sons. Albert E. of Salem. David O. of Turpin Okla.. Joe B. of Hooker and Major Robert R. of the Air Force at Merced, Calif.; one brother. Wade H. Shacklette of Louisville. Ky.; 17 grsndchil dren and two great-grandchil dren. EfflBSflSfAIR- WEEK ' vii i ! . i i Pr ATI IPAI 169 North Liberty St Salem, Oregon STORE HOURS: 9:09 A.M. to 5:19 P.M. Friday Nlrht 'HI 9 ?.M. I 1-tAIUKt! COSIHIDOINI I I 1(4 Nort Liberty St, ' i A; L 'fy ' -,! '-- . - - 1 - ' I i ' '' x .! k . x j. .( m -t i J V New Store Hours for Foir Week Open 9 o.m. for Your Convenience lb 9l 3if dr'd --Cpsuals. in smooth or suede uppers! exciting new shades greene suede black suede spicetang suede blue suede grey suede brown smooth smooth leathers am Take these wonderful cushion crepe oxfords back to, school with you or wear them ot home! They' rt defin-, itely in the sportswear fashion news this fall In newest spice tones ond smooth leathers. Creamy soft, suede leather uppers, thick comfortable cu shion crepe soles. Sizes 5 to 70, AA, 5 to 10, B, A to 10, Sanitized linings for cleoner, better weor! DOWNSTAIRS STORE Wool (TVWK - - -, i -I .- A : ., .. ' v - . , .-. ., , ',x, ;; Cardigan ZJL Classics ony woman need's . . . beautifully mod weetert of soft weal, in wide wonderful color choice. What wom an couldn't "use a new slipover? And cardigans are newly important this year to wear as little jackets with casual dresses, luy 2 ... a set of cardigan and slipover. In matching ar contrasting color! White . . . vlvids like red . ... darks like navy, dark green . . . pastels like pink, light blue ... and new high shades. Sites 34 to 42. . FINNEY'S FASHION FLOOR (Second) LORETTE By Millikin 0RL0M WOOL SKIRTS Yours for campus or ca reering . . . Penney's 55 Orion, 45 wool pleated skirts in authen tic plaid colorings! Yes, these are washable . . . Little or no ironing need ed. Famous names of Lo rette by Millikin and KM ton by Stevens. Fashion Floor (fiee SHOP ON PENNEY'S EASY PAY LAYAWAY PLAN! ASK ABOUT IT K0WI Locked-in Color Tub-A-Gabv SKIRTS 98 A wonderful new fabric of Imported English fiber with "locked-ln" color makes this skirt completely wash able, shrinkproof, color fast, fade-proof, moth-proof and wrinkle resistant . . . Stop in today ond see this amaz ing skirt . . . Fashion Floor . -w. fir rt T 0 I f 718 So. Commercial Ph. f-Sl