Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 08, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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Kuef ta hop to be doing four
yean from now featured the
before college party for
which Miss Patay Snider en
tertained Thursday erening
for friends leaving loon for
college. 1
In the top ttrlp are tome
of the decoration!, little
dolls dressed to represent
different professions.
Second from top, left to
right: Miss Sally Greig, the
press badge in her hat de
noting Journalism; Miss Bev
erly Mott, who has pencil
and book to be a secretary,
but an apron and sauce pan
"just In case"; Miss Snider
with her equipment to be a
decorator and designer; Miss
Charlen Woods, who plans
to be a secretary; Miss
Louise Owens, to be a dress
designer; Miss Mary
Schrunk, her ski outfit de
signating her "dream to own
Sun Valley."
In third picture, left to
right: Miss Carol Lee, a
, magnifying glass denoting
ambitions to be a detective
(so she says); Miss Roberta
Sears, as a teacher; Miss Ar
ris Lien as a nurse: Mist
Elsbeth Nelte, who wouldn't
tell her goal; Miss Sidney
Kromer, her outfit portray
ing a geologist; Miss Laurel
jierr, au set to be a secre
In the lower group; left to
ngnt: miss Doris Starrett.
her basket of groceries and
Lady Bountiful hat denoting
a social weuare worker
Misa Betty Zahara. to be
teacher; Miss Nancy Moore
field, a nurse; Miss Louisa
Lamb, a teacher. In front!
Miss Carol Svinth, as "mad
r:sM l '11 S
I. I
n iiiiii i miiiWiii wiiiw Tiwui
Jay cee-E ties Meet
Woodburn The first fall
meeting of the Woodburn
Jaycee-Ettes will be Thursday,
September 10, at St Mary's
Episcopal halt at pm. Mrs.
Al Ringo, the new president,
will be in charge and speaker
ef the evening will be Mrs.
Dale LaMarr of Silverton who
will talk on "Winter Bou
quets." Hostesses will be Mrs.
Gilbert Ramage, Mrs. Gary
Butcher and Mrs. Jo Walker,
' VISITORS ever the week
end at the horn of Mr. and
Mrs. Carl W. Chambers were
Mr. and Mrs. X. L. Wickttrom
of Pasadena. Th vistlor's
son. Kenneth Wlckstrom. is
entering Willamette univer
airy tills -wee.
Aid to Meet
Woodburn The regular
monthly meeting of the Pres
byterian Aid society will be
Wednesday, September , In
the church social room. Mrs.
A. G. Douglas will have charge
of the program and Mra. H. F.
Butterf Icld will lead the devo
tional service. The hostess
committee will be Mrs. Wil
Ham Pelts, Mrs. R. L. Ander
son and Mrs. Eleanor Vickers.
IETROrr The golden wed
ding anniversary of his parents,
Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Skidmore,
took G. J. Skidmore of Idanha
to Bcllinghnm, Wash., last
week. Mr. Skidmore flew from
Portland to Pendleton, where
he Joined his sister to driva tn
cllingham. Members of the
faintly and friends attended an
open house there Sunday at the
imsc aammore bams.
Today's Menu
Anniversary Event
Kelier Mr. and Mrs.
George A. Morse celebrated
ineir 07lh wedding anniver
sary at their home Wednes
day, September 2 with a party
i uieir nome. lxKal mem
bers of their family attended.
The honored couple were
married in Camden, Maine, on
September 2, 1898 and lived
in Maine until 1908 when they
moved to Minnesota. In 1S48
they moved to Salem. They
have eight children. 28 grand
children and nine great grant-children.
You'll like the COnsistenrv
and flavor of this different
dressing for raw vegetables.
Uuests for Supper
Broiled Steak
French Fried Potatoes
Cauliflower au Gratin
Sliced Tomatoes and
Cucumbers on Romaine with
Savory Herb Dressing
Green Apple Pie a la Mode
Savory Herb Dressing
Ingredients: , cup evapor
ated milk, s cup salad oil, 2
taoiespoons wine vinegar. H
teaspoon salt few aralni fresh.
ly ground pepper, I small clove
garlic (peeled), H teaspoon
dry crushed basil, H teaspoon
dry crushed thyme.
Method: Have evannnUH
milk and oil at room tempera-
mre. measure ingredients In
to a Jar that holds at least a half
pint Cover tightly and shake
vigorously about 1 minute.
Chill. Before using, remove
garlic clove. Makes about H
cup dressing.
SALEM relatives anil rin.
have received announcement of
me oirtn or a son, David Hath
away, on Saturday, September
o. at i;orvauu to Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Felnhart Frank Rein
hart of Portland, formerly of
Salem, is the grandfather mnit
Mrs. C. E. Relnhart of Salem is
in great grandmother.
Marks Lutheran church will
meet Wednesday evening at 8
ociock in the social rooms.
The Rev. Ed Svendsen. direc
tor of Lutheran student work
in Oregon, is guest speaker on
the subject of "Lutheran Stu
dent Work." Mrs. C. Clark
will lead the devotional serv
ice. A business meeting will
follow with Mrs. E. Hillstrom
All women of the church
and their friends are invited.
IMITATIONS are out for
the wedding of Miss Sharon
Lee Bates and Donald L
Jones, the ceremony to b
solemnized the evening of Fri-
oay, uctober 2. at 8 o ciock in
me lalvary Baptist church
The reception following ln
will be at the church. The
bride-to-be is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Bates
and Mr. Jones is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. James C. Jones.
Mrs. Klejn
Is Honored
Mt Ansel Mrs. Joseph
Klein of Albany was th f uest
of honor at shower when
Mrs. William Schaecher and
Mrs. Edward Schaecher enter
tained Sunday afternoon at the
William Schaecher home.
Th afternoon was spent in
playing games, with awards
presented to Miss Phyllis Wolf,
Miss Joan Berning ana Mrs,
Dean Hofstetter. Supper was
served later in the afternoon.
Guests bidden to the shower
Included Mrs. Orval Delaney,
Mrs. . George Delaney. Mrs.
Dean Hofstetter, Mrs. Arthur
Hassler. Mrs. Alois Humpert,
Miss Phyllis Wolf and Mis
lVola Duerr all of Mt. Angel;
Mr. Ambrose Schaecher and
Mrs. Richard Frey, Albany;
Mrs. Peter Kirk. St. Paul; Mrs.
Don EauaL Woodburn; Mrs.
Mary Dalke, Mrs. Joseph Bar
tor, and Mrs. Art Stabb, Salem;
Miss Helen Geisler, Stayton;
Mrs. Tillie Spenner, Stayton;
Miss Peggy Wyffels, Portland.
Miss Joan Benjing, and the
Miss Hampton
Bride Sunday
Miss Velda Hampton, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Lewis
Hampton of Salem, and Arthur
Steele, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur. Steele of Woodburn,
were married Sunday after
noon, the 2:30 o'clock service
being in the Woodburn Four
square church with the Rev.
Arthur Goble officiating.
Pink and white gladioluses
and palms were arranged for
the setting. John Drake was
soloist Mrs. Royal Hastie and
Bernie Phillips playing the
wedding music.
Miss Lauretta Steele and
Miss Janet Tuepker lighted the
candles, both wearing yellow
taffeta frocks in ankle length.
The bride wore white satin
dress, the full skirt with a lace
panel down the front ending in
a train, the bodice being fitted
and designed with Peter Pan
collar of lace. The fingertip
veil of illusion was arranged
from a crown of net and lace
trimmed with beading. The
bride carried a white Bible on
which were a whit orchid and
pink rosebuds.
Honor attendant was the
bride's sister, Miss Wanda
Hampton. She wor a deep
pink taffeta frock with lace
bodice, and she carried a bou
quet of pale pink ' and white
carnations with ivy.
Mrs. Gary Cutsf orth and Mrs.
John Drake were the brides
maids. They wore ice-green
taffeta dresses and carried bou
quets of deep pink and white
carnations with ivy.
Elaine Cutsforth, a niece of
the bride, and Sharon Drake
were the flower girls.
Best man was Billy Steele
and the ushers were Jake Trip
let! and Kenneth Shubert
Reception on Lawn
For her daughter's wedding,
Mrs. Hampton wore a two-piece
navy blue and white dress with
corsage of pink carnations. The
Bridegroom s mother wore a
pink suit with corsage of yellow
carnations. 1
The reception was on the
lawn at the residence of Mr.
and Mrs. Royal Hastie. Miss
Claudia Hayes and Miss Phyl
lis Tuepker poured and cutting
the cake were Mrs. Hastie and
Mrs. Russell Yoder.
The couple left on a trip
along the Oregon coast, the
bride wearing a pink nylon
dress with pink and white ac
cessories, a white lace duster
lined with pale green organdy.
The couple will be at home in
Woodburn. '
Capital Women
Church Tea at Berg Home
Announced for Wednesday,
September 18, is the annual
fall tea of th Women's asso
ciation of the First Presbyter
ian church. The event is to
b at th horn of Mrs. Elmer
O. Berg on North Summer
Hours for th affair ar be
tween 2 and 5 o'clock.
The affair U for all mem
bers and friends of th association.
Some Notations . . .
By M. L. F.
and his daughter, Mia Char
lotte Alexander, the latter
visiting here over the week
end from San Francisco; Mr.
Mr. and Mrs. James R. Linn,
Mr. and Mrs. Al Feitelsoa, Mr.
This is a case of impatience and Mrs. Duane Gibson, Miss
Margaret l-oven, nuaa norma
Stat Fair continues to be
the main interest for the capi
tal, the Labor Day holiday
yesterday drawing many from
Salem to the big show.
or economy or pride in tne
home cook: Anyway, jn the
line leading to the scones
booth, Monday, a man was
overheard plaintively asking
his wife: "Can't you make as
good or better at home?"
In one of the races yester
day one of the lady spectators
was heard to remark: "Time
O'Day, that seems funny odds
4.22." When her husband
explained she was looking at
the time of day on the board,
she shot back with: "Oh, I see
Patrick O Day is one of the
horses, I thought maybe Time
O'Day was too."
Among Salem folk spotted
in the grandstands and out on
the apron for the races Mon
day: Mrs. Carl W. Emmons
and her son-in-law and daugh
ter, Mr. and Mrs. John Syme,
the Symes leaving today for
their homein Hood River af
ter spending the holiday week
end here; Mr. and Mrs. Braxler
C. Small, Mr. and Mrs. Cobnrn
Grabenhorst, Mr. and Mrs.
James B. Yonng, Mrs. Glenn
Wilbnr, Mrs. C. S. McElhlnny,
Mrs. J. N. Bishop, Mr. and
Mrs. Linn C. Smith, Mr. and
Mrs. Daniel J. Fry, Mr. and
Mrs. Charles A. Spragne, Mr.
and Mrs. William R. Shlnn,
Mr. and Mrs. John Lewis, Mr.
and Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley,
and their daughter, Mrs. John
P. Manlding; Mrs. William
Schlitt, Mr. and Mrs. H. C.
Saafeld, Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Drager, Mr. and Mrs. Ronald
Jones, Jr., Mrs. WUmer C.
Psge, Dr. and Mrs. Burton
a. myers, nr. - ana mrs.
Leo Chllds, Mr. and Mrs. B.
W. Stacey, George Alexander
A BON, their second, was
born Sunday, September 8,
at Salem General hospital, to
Mr. and Mrs. Howard R.
Houck. The baby has been
named Eugene Howard. The
older son is Ronald. Grand
parents are Mr. and Mrs. L.
T. Cain and Mr. and Mrs. Roy
L. Houck, all of Salem, and
Mrs. Walter Cain of Nehalem
is the great grandmother.
Labor day holiday week-end
were Mr. and Mrs. Roy L.
Houck, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs,
Richard Hill.
Rainbow to Elect
Woodburn Th first fall
meeting of Evergreen assem
bly No. 12, Order of the Rain
bow for Girls, will be Wednes
day, September 9, at 7:30 p.m.
Sletton, Mr. and Mrs. Harry V.
Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Leon
Perry, Mrs. Earl Snell, Mr. and
Mrs. Carl Qnistad, Mr. and Mrs.
Clay Cochran, Mr. and Mrs.
Russel E. Pratt, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry 8. Dorman, Mra. Terry
Randall, Dr. and Mrs. Boseoe
Wilson, Dr. and Mrs. 8. ' D.
Wiles, Mrs. Edna M. Olson . . .
From Eugene, Dr. and Mrs. Ed
ward Gray, Mayor V. Edwin
Johnson, Sam C, Bronangh, Dr.
J. L. Hess . . . from Roseburg,
State Senator and Mrs. PanI
Geddes ...
. " .
' Visitors here over the Labor
day week-end were Howard
Knight of Fostoria, Ohio, and
his daughter. Miss Lois. Knight
of Akron. They were guests of
Miss Knight's grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Curtis A. Hale,
and also' visited at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Paul A. Hale and
Mr. and Mra. Dean Allport
while here . . . Miss Knight
who Is a private secretary at
the lighter than aircraft divi
sion, Goodyear Aircraft cor
poration at Akron, is leaving
soon on a four-month trio
around the world aboard a
cargo ship . . . She will sail
out of San Francisco and will
go to Japan, Formosa, the Phil
ippines' and India, then to
Egypt and on to several Euro
pean countries, sailing from
France for New York City . .,.
A student at Akron university
she has been majoring In litera
ture and advertising and is also
an expert photographer. She
plans to do some writing and
lecturing upon her return to
the States ...
Miss Keightly
Is Recent Bride
Hopewell At a candlelight
ceremony at the Hopewell Sev
enth Day Adventist church on
Thursday night September 3,
at 8 o'clock, Miss Vera Keight
ley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Keightley, was married
to Wendell Danielson of Yam
hill, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Johnson of Yamhill.
Elder Harold Peckham of
Laurelwood officiated. The
church was decorated with pink
asters and ferns and white tap
ers for the occasion. Miss Ethel
Syme of Hopewell lighted the
candles before the ceremony.
Miss Joyce Keightley of Port
land sang, accompanied by Mrs.
R. V. Hunger of Hillsboro, who
played the wedding music.
Miss Keightley and Mrs. Hun
ger are sisters of the bride.
The bride, given in marriage
by her parents, wore a white
lace and organza dress with
white hat and shoulder length
veil, and carried a white Bible,
on which was a pink rose corsage.
Miss Merilyn Keightley, sis
ter of the bride, waa maid of
honor, wearing blue organdy
with a pink gladiolus corsage,
and Miss Pauline. Appley was
bridesmaid, wearing pink or
gandy with pink gladiolus cor
Arden Danielson of Yamhill,
a brother, was Dest man, ana
Lloyd Kuhn of Kelowna, Brit
ish Columbia, and Ivan Brown
of Gaston were ushers.
Mrs. Keightley wore a green
suit with pink gladiola cor
sage to her daughter's wedding,
and Mrs. Johnson chose a pink
crepe dress with pink gladiolus
A reception immediately fol
lowed the ceremony and waa on
at the Masonic temple. Miss
Janice Painter will preside
and new officers will be elected.
1 wimm i
Mickenham's Day Nursery
Kindrgartn Start Sept. 21st
I Specialised I
J u..k I
the lawn at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Ed Nelson. Mrs. Glen
Gibbens of Hillsboro, sister of
the bride, served the wedding
cake; Miss Pauline Appley as
sisted and Lloyd Kuhn served
tne ice cream. Aout 100 rela
tives and friends attended the
wedding and reception.
After a short wedding trip,
the young couple will make
their home near Walla Walla
college, where the bridegroom
is taking pre-medical and sem
inary courses.
Return From Trip
Dr. and Mrs. Howard W.
Runkel returned Monday to
their home in Salem after a
five-week vacation trip to
Banff and Lake Louise in the
Canadian Rockies and to the
homes of their families in
Milwaukee, Wisconsin and
Valley Forge, Pennsylvania.
While in the east Dr. Runkel
addressed the Greater Mil
waukee Federation of Church
Women vespers and preached
on August 30 at the Port
Kennedy Presbyterian church
of Philadelphia.
Miss Stone
Wed at
Lake Grove
Amity A wedding of in
terest was an event ef August
28 at 8 p.m. at th Community
Presbyterian church at Lak
Grove when Miss June Elaine
Stone, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Shirley George Stone of
Oswego, was married to Lieu
tenant Kenneth Davis Meeker,
son of Mr. and Mrs. P. E.
Meeker of Amity. Th Rev.
Chester Tolson officiated at
the double ring service.
Miss Marilyn Busch of For
est Grove wss the soloist with
Mrs. Rogers at the organ. Th
Rev. Tolson also sang.
The bride, given in marriage
by her father, wore a whit
lace wedding dress. The fin
gertip illusion veil was held in
place with a net crown. The
bride carried an orchid on a
white Bible.
Miss Arlene Stone was maid
of honor for her sister. Brides
maids were Miss Susan Elen-
baugh, Mrs. Jack Forell, and
Miss Catherine Ness.
Tony Meeker was best man
for his brother. Ushers were:
Royal Tarter, brother-in-law
of the bridegroom; Jack Crab
tree, Jack Forett and Rollin
For her daughter's wedding.
Mrs. Stone chose a teal blue
velvet dress, small hat to
match and pink accessories.
Mrs. Meeker, the bridegroom's
mother, wore an ash rose
crepe dress with rose lac
trim. Both mothers wore or
chid corsages.
A reception followed the
ceremony in the church par
lors. Cutting the bride's cake
was Mrs. J. B. Stone, aunt of
the bride, assisted by Mrs. Earl
Bolliger. Presiding at the cof
fee urns were Mrs. William
Kaiser, a relative of the bride;
and Mrs. Royal Tartar, sister
of the bridegroom. Miss Don
na Sparling presided at th
punch bowl.
After the reception the new
ly weds left for a trip to Van
couver and Victoria, B.C., and
Paradise Inn. - After a brief
visit at Oswego with the
bride's family and the Meeker
home at Amity the couple will
drive to San Antonio, Texas,
where he Is stationed with th
U.S. Air Force.
A' SON, who has been nam
ed Gregory Earle, was born
Sunday, September 6, at Sa
lem General hospital to Mr.
and Mrs. Earle David RIggs.
Grandparents are Mr. . and
Mrs. Earle H. Riggs of Salem
and Mr. and Mrs. Harold Oli
ver of Portland. Great grand
mothers are Mrs. William
English of Salem and the
senior Mrs. Oliver of Port-
land. The baby's father is
now with the army in France.
snsairr-a notics or sali
will, on Frldir, Octobir Ind. 1S3.
10:00 o'clock In tbt forenoon thereof.
the front door of the County Court
house, bit Mulon street In Selera.
U.rlon Coonlr, Oreeon. eel! et guhlw
uctlon for coih. In the menner pro
vided br lew for the eele of reel proper'
on elocution, the followhif described
reel premUei. to-wlt:
Betlnnlnt it point la the center ef
the Feclflc Hlthwer, 11.71 chtlne
south ts detrees JO' esst and 10S0.00
feet south II detrees 01' west fron
the northwest corner of the Donation
Land Clslm of Thomas alolisn and
wile la Township t south. Rims s
West of the Willamette Meridian In
Marion County, Oregon; running
thence south ta degrees so- 4sst leo.oo
feet to ths most westerly corner of
the tract of land conveyed to Robta
Allen White and wife br deed record
ed February :S. 1941. In Volume a,
pass en. Deed Records for aald county
and state: running thence north IS
degress OS- esat along the northwester
ly line of seld White Tract, 100 .00
feet; thence north M degrees So west
IN N feel ta the center of the Paelfla
nithwey; ihenco south SI degrtee OS'
west along the center of the Paelfla
Highway 1M.M feet to the place of be
sinning, aevo and except that part
lying within the Pacific Hlthaey.
aald sale will be made by me in pur
euaace of an execution to mo directed
and heretofore Issued out of the Cir
cuit Court of the state of Oregon for
Merlon County fat proceeds therein en
titled "Lloyd B. Hesse, Plaintiff, vs. SU
Rhodes, Defendant,- Clerke Register
NO. T-1111
Dated this 17th dsy of August, ltu.
DENVER TOD NO. Sheriff of
Menon County, Oreson.
lit Pioneer Trust Banding
Salem. Oregon
Attorneys fog Plaintiff.
Sept. 1. S, n. tl, lost
Full Tim Openings in Nursery School
September 10th
hon 2-7896
102S Fir St
XI $ I
For School
PUT ON A y ' 71 j
Secret ( f IM
Panel Mm1 '
And Tkt Off WffhJ
Your Tummy yj' ' I J
I Graduate Crtetler JtlOp