Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 08, 1953, Page 22, Image 22

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    Pact U
Tua7. EtrtMbw 8, 1951
Silvcrton Park Attracts
Sunday Reunion Parties
' SUverton Seven .r
tstlve groupii wuj present .t
SUverton park, Sunday.
Members of Molalla Grange
N. 110 enjoyed the day in a
dinner, fame, sports eonteiU
and visiting. Member! o the
Mullno Grange were compli
mented guert.
For Ml. Angel
ML Angel The lint reg
nlar meeting of the board of
supervisors of the newly or
ganized Mount Angel Soil
. Conservation District was held
at the country home of Jim
Present were Jim Jackson,
Joseph H e n n y, William
Sehwsrtz. . and Joseph Bernt,
supervisors; Hollis Ottaway,
secretary, and John Oenlson
of the Soil Conservation Serv
Ice. Warren Sybrandt, super-
vlscr, and Edward Hammer,
treasurer, were unable to at
A program and work plan
we outlined and adopted for
the remainder cf the year,
- The possibility of draining
Hoffman' bottom, west of
Mount Angel, was discussed,
and it was decided that a re
Quest be made to the Soil Con
arvation Service for a prelim'
lnary survey to be made on
the possibilities of draining
this area This will be one of
the first problem to be on
ejortaken by the district
It was stated that an indi
- vidual farm soil survey of
all farms In this district would
begin a soon as possible.
'' Other Items approved for
this year program were: en
gineering assistance would be
made available on the solving
f individual farm drainage
problems; assistance would be
given to the construction of
irrigation reservoirs and the
building of dams; changes
from continuous (rain crop-:
ping to sod crops will be en
couraged; early seeding of
cover crops where needed Js
to be encouraged to prevent
erosion of hillsides and bot
tom lands and o prevent loss
of plant food by erosion and
The long time objectives of
the district arc the use of each
acre of agricultural land with.
In Its capabilities and the
treatment of each acre of land
In accordance with lta needs
for protection. The planting
of sod waterways to prevent
hillside erosions will be en
couraged. It was announced thst the
Mount Angel office ' of the
foil Conservation Service
would be open by the middle
f the month.
OF MARION, la probata Numeer U.H3.
la the matter at the aetata at Macdalena
Sfisra Bdmleton, tfeeeaaed, nolle it h Ti
ter iIim that Paul lareaer hae Seea
Sola appelated adntlautrator at the
HUH ol leaadalena Slire KdmUUm.
elseeeeed. ay arder of the Circuit Caurl
mt the aiala at Orttoa for leerioa Coua-
T dalad Austin I, Itll. AU pouoni
kaylni clalma aselnet aald aetata ara
neretr required lo preaent aucli claims
Sutr vanned and with proper Ttrlllca-
Ilea attached to the uoderelaned at aa
H. Mich aireet. aalem, Oreton althla
ela Mentha from the deta of tttla aottee.
Iha aaraa aelnt dated and pubiuhed tor
the llrat lima Ihu nth day si Auiual,
FATIL WMHI Admlnlatralw
Attorney tor the Siteta
Bate at llrat publication, it. ml.
Data si laet publication, September SI,
Aui. , ai i, s. is, n.
The Lawrence Wurdinger
family met in reunion at the
city park for the day.
Present from Woodburn
were Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Wurdinger and Lawrence and
Marjorie, and Char'.es Drea-
sen of Silvcrton, Mr. and Mrs.
Leo Steffen and children;
from Mt Angel, Mr. and Mrs.
Clarence Browning, Mr. and
Mrs. Grosjacques and family,
Mr. and Mrs. Francis Grelner
and children; the family of
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Lulsy;
from Portland, Mr. and Mrs.
Harold Browning and fam
ily; and from Tacome, Wash.,
the family of the Leo Brown-
Special guests were Miss
Dorothy Kimllnger and John
Spending a portion of the
day, Sunday, at the city park
were Mr. and Mrs. A. Hayes
of Woodburn, and their Labor
day week-end house guests
the family of their daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Lewis and
Lynn and Ronnie of Centra
11a, Wash.
A picnic day's pleasure
were enjoyed by relative In
eluding from Silvcrton, Miss
Luzetta Day and her father,
B. J. Day, and Mr. and Mr.
Norman Naegll and children
from Canyonvllle, the family
of the Wade Worthington
from Molalla, Belle Richards,
M. Wilbur, M. T. Day and
Mrs. Fenton Harleas; from Mt
Angel, the family of Mr. and
Mrs. Earl Ross; snd from
Beaverton, Mr. and Mrs.
Harry Batum and family.
From Portland en route to
the State Fair, were Elmer
Burch, Lillian McDonald, Mr.
and Mrs. Earl Bishop and Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Wheeler.
A Urge representation from
the- Assembly of God church
of SUverton, arranged a pic
nle following the morning
worship hour, complimenting
Mr. and Mrs. B. Plummer
and children of - Herlang,
Calif., former local member
of the congregation. Plum
mer is a federal employ In
ordnance work.
Twenty-six members of the
Yoder family were present in
reunion Sunday, enjoying
the day's social and sports
From Hubbard were Mr.
and Mrs. Eianity Yoder, Mr.
and Mra. Loney Yoder and
grandson, Johnnie Yoder;
irorn fjanby, Mr. and Mra.
Harold Yoder and Mardell,
Anita, Shiela and Gregory,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Yoder
and Rebecca and Rachel; from
Barlow, Mr. and Mr. Lee
Yoder and Beverley and Rod
ney and Darlene Height; from
Winton, Calif., were Mr. and
Mr. Percy Heyerley and two
sons, Wayne and James, and
Mell Heyerley and daughter,
Ruth; and from Aurora, Mr.
and Mrs. Adams Miller. .
' -
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i t Ham ul-mm?Xn, mimm flinr nam -is. baf aiiaj, h lael a, ' lil
Portland Chamber of Commerce members and offi
cials and Izaak Walton League examine the farm pond
of Oscar Leo, near SUverton. The group spent Thursday
afternoon touring many similar pond in the SUverton
area, and in the evening attended a no-host banquet at
the Silvcrton Chamber of Commerce. Jack Binford, Ore
gon IWLA president, spoke on the benefits of farm ponds
to fish, game, and conservation resources.
'Keizer The meeting of the
Keizer Cub Mothers club will
Sweet Home Building
Permits $154,725
Sweet Home A total of
$154,723 in improvement per
mits during the month of Aug
ust netted the city 1407.80 in
fee according to building In
spector Bill Reed.
Among the Improvements
listed were high school add!
tions, two new residences, one
garage, three additions to
homes, one car-port, and one
be held Tuesday, September
19, at 8 o'clock at the home of
Mrs. Douglas White, 693
Wayne. Discussion will be led
by Mrs. George McCormick on
How and Why of Cub Scout
Scouting." Any boy eight
yeara old who wish to become
a Cub Scout should attend.
son Billy of Mehama have been
staying at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. P. O. Payton, 689
Churchdale avenue. They have
been helping in the bean har
A family gathering was held
recently at the home of Mr.
and Mr. W. P. Conboy, 803
Cummings Lane. Guests were
Mrs. Conboy 's sister, Mrs.
Dora Sanders of Junction City,
Kansas; her nieces and neph
ews, Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Mea-
dor of Kansas City, Missouri;
Mrs. Laverne Summers of Ne
vada, Missouri; Mr. snd Mrs.
C. Brown of North Bend,
Ore.; Mr, and Mrs. C. E. Tay
lor and Steve of Redding,
Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hill
and children, Ronnie, Bill and
Chert Lynn of Proeser, Wash.;
theif children and grandchil
dren. Mr. and Mrs. H. A.
Stratum, MarUyn and Lee of
Oregon City, Mr. and Mrs.
H. H. Breneman, Joan Teddy
and Jack of Keizer and Mr. and
Mr. A. D. Breneman of Mill
Gueit at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Roy Mogster, 605
Cbemawa road, are Mra. Mog
ster's aunt and uncle, Dr. and
Mrs. Vera W. Ritter of Santa
Rosa, Calif.
Rex Simc haa returned from
a two-week vacation in Eu
gene. While there he went on
a fishing trip on the McKen
zie and returned home with a
catch of 60 fish. Rex la the
son of Mrs. Griffin, owner of
the Modette in Keizer.
Mrs. Lawrence Doerfler was
hostess at a farewell party at
her home at 5068 Roblndale
drive for Mrs. Max Deltrick
and children, Susan, Dale and
Julenne, of 5060 Robindale
drive on Thursday, Sept. I.
Guest invited to bid farewell
were Mrs. Richard Vincent and
children Laurie and Mary Kay;
Mrs. Lloyd Coon, Mrs. Jack
Gartz and daughter Lynn; Mrs.
William Braasch, Mr. Law
rence Feldschau and children,
Mary Ellen and Johnny; Mrs.
Tom Deal and daughter Carol;
Mra. John Collin; Mrs. Dar
rell Gilchrist and son Dennis;
Mrs. John Klein; Mrs. Roger
Ritchey and sons Steve and
Read; Mrs. J. L. Crouch; Mrs.
Kenneth Nellson snd children
Jerry and Carol; Mrs. E. B
Esbenshsde; Mrs. T. V. Ryan
and Mrs. Ones S. Olson, and
the hosless, Mrs. Doerfler and
son Jerry and Donnie. As
sisting Mrs. Doerfler st the
lunch hour wss Mrs. Gilchlrst
and Mrs. Feldschau.
Mr., and Mrs. Deitrich and
children will move on August
8 to their new home in Pasco,
Wash., where Mr. Deitrich is
vice president and manager of
a new bank called the Mid
Columbia Bank of Pasco. Mr.
School Delayed
At Mt. Angel
Mt. Angel Mount Angel
schools have postponed the
opening dates on week from
Sept 14 to Sept. 21.
The change was ordered after
a committee of berry and bean
growers met with school offi
cials and explained that the
lateness of the growing season
would make it impossible to
have the majority of the crops
harvested by the middle of the
month. ,
St Mary's giade school will
hold registration all day Fri
day, Sept. 18, and classes are
slated to open the following
Monday, Sept. 21, at 9 a. m. The
hot lunch program will start
the same day.
Registration for Mount An
gel Women's College snd Acad
emy day students wUl be on
Fridsy, Sept. 11, from 7.00 to
9:00 p. m. and on Saturday,
Sept. 12, all day after 10:00
a. m. Classes will (tart on Mon
day, Sept. 21.
Mount Angel Preparatory
School will register students all
day until 5:00 p. m, on Friday
and Saturday, Sept 18 and 19,
and start classes on the morn
ing of Monday, Sept 21.
St. Mary's Parochial School
will hold registration Sept Zl
from 9:00 s. m. to 11:30 a. m.
Psrents registering beginner
are asked to bring the child's
birth or baptismal certificate.
Children must be six yesr old
by or on Nov. 13. No exeep.
tions will be made.
There are few dangerou
rock in Chesapeake Bay.
Ijour ,
Deitrich was formerly a.tso
dated with the State Banking
Department in Salem.
Moving into their new home i
at 5088 Robindale Drive over i
the week-end
Mrs. Wayne Coll
chUdren. Mr. Collins is asso
ciated with the Willamette
Valley Bank on State St.
Mrs. Gordon Gettis was host
ess to the missionary society
of the Faith Lutheran church
at her home on Newberg drive
on Thursday, September 2.
Rec. Holmquist, pastor of the
Faith church, showed slide.
Present were Mrs. Gaylord
Hibbs, Mrs. Harold Swenby,
Mr. Sam Brass, Mr. Roger
Morse, Mrs. Harry Goodrich,
Mrs. Oacar BJerke, Mra. George
Holmquist, Mrs. Oscar Phillips
and Mr. Jame Lakie and the
hostess Mrs. Gettis. Co-host-ett
with Mrs. Gettis was Mrs.
Oscar BJerke. 1
j " ,
!, a5
W a AW fB n
la '
Could, your
family I'm on
lli of your
were Mr. and ! preSCttt MCOtnet
Dllins and two 1 a
Taaj ia fcs aaar Mr srilrt faca aUaM arriM aaaaaa Is rsa.
Ctvte ika tappprt aeraaS aW Km caMrM as 11 at vast ya saw seW
Lat aw skew aa lax ya can await Hanacial arattctaM let ysar
rasMtr ml Hat mm tisjt art rarntias i e ce-tortebla
aceaat ml $100 M S200 e aasatal Tan pies coKed a Statd '
iaas sad secsretr prefraia, area ecensee cans far aworacacrl Cat ar
CaMM IB MffaVjn
: "Si" OI$on-Art Holscher
J. Earl Cook-Larry Buhler
626 N. High St. Prion 4-221 S
Wtat yean skmU Imm mm&
sraps anndl dlefteirgeirats
1 yT-
leV.W, v iV OM!.tl v Kr tuttmljm'ilt
By Oaaraar tjCook, tormm Ammcittt Editor mt McCmiriSpmnml Hmtmtm tmaukf AJmitmr to Jtfrttw
These helpful directions explain for the first time which to use
for every job. Presented by Rinso, the only brand to offer you
both-wonderful Rinso Soap and sensational new Rinso Detergent
i, -
loans 9pH $1500
Tak ft
24 MMlhs f rtptry
4 cf of 5
tt Employed men a net wotnaa
aurriad or ainla enjoy
msafllT, conndarats aarvire
hare. Nationwide credit eatab-
hahad. fteeiaaf end Its affiliated
eaanpanias are now ths aartaat
leaa rP h the U S. erlth
orar (00 efficaa te asm rou
thrauhout Amarira. Phona I rat
for 1-viait load, Come
write ftiirW todayl
Ill '?" aaBlii aaaBaTt n sTIn't, Sgf ,T .. ,fa.a ,ww.-m fcrlrraaaattrataKa3H r i tfii-'-l-t-aiiril
' - - i
DISHIS, OUSSWAMi Use Detergent
Kvarvhnrlv lrnnara dptarffanta An a liaHar
more man a minu.- agiutuon wnue w iner proauct will do a beautiful Job or der skin is to use only soap Xor wishing job on your dishes than aoap. But this
shrinks them. Rinso Soap removes a lot washing your curtains. Both Rinso Soap diapers and all baby clothes. The mild, new Rinso Detergent does even more-it
of dirt cut-and leaves your blankets and Rinso Detergent get curtains daz-. gentle soap in Rinso Soap leaves dia- washes up to twice at many dufct as the
aoii ana nunyi in you now pay aoout Mitrtg wnue lor an interesting reason, pers extra aolt and non-irritatins;. TIM moat popular detergent, and la wonder-
lUNKnSi Use the toop CURTAIN! Usst either
Blankets shouldn't stay in your washer As,long as you make plenty of suds, el
DIAPERS: Us) the Soap
One sure way to hi careful of baby's ten
ts' less for it than for detergents.
Both Rinso contain SOLIUM.
SOLIUM leaves them white as snowl
fully gentle to your hands.
U j
sfaiaail llwaaaaaaMaaaaraaaaaaalaIaaa
w - X: 'Sv
fcaaaraatfatjaajaaaaiY SaaaaaasaaaaWiN.. SaaW., Jk
DRItSISi Use either
Tour white dresses look whiter than new,
1 1 NOLI UM i Use the) Deters irt
WORK CLOTH ESt Use) either
SHIRTS Use either
a ral 100
i ,.i.sisaaiaaaaVaaaaJTy y ,r- ggfgl
Oronnd Floor, Oregon Bldg.
Phone: 1-1464 Sslem, Ore.
Herri 1 MswWrr, TO Hilbssr
bigs eve $300 mid by Parson! Fl
atrxi C. f MsfrWi County nor ths
lsoWrll Imd Companies Act f Oregon.
tsaaa raaia to nalSeals af as
asriaaaSlsf tewaa
Rteta tlmM VWe. a-i??. w-iaa
You hm Poatlac quatlty-be sure you check ths low
, price of this Special Sli-Cyllnder Two-Door Sedan.
State and local tatee, if any. Ilcon., optional equip
ment and cceaeotiee ar ettra. Pricee aobject to
- -... -"a. rricamayrary Insurroundlnl
communltlee due to transportation differentials.
If the linoleum ia reallv dirtv. nse a dr Choose either Rinso for doinaT work Tour husband's eriirta will turn nt
print dresses brighter than new, washed tergent to get it clean before you wax. clothes. Rinso Detera-ent ia exception- riously clean and white, washed with
in Rinso Soap or Rinso Detergent Rinso Detergent suds are particularly ally good in hard water, and you dont Rinso Soap or new Rinso Detergent We
thanks to the SOLIUM. Rinso's rich suds from) for removing greasy or sticky have to rinse unless you want to. Rinso guarantee hell be delighted. The SOLII'M
remove dirt so efficiently that most stains stains from your kitchen linoleum. Use Soap gets out slightly more dirt, snd in these two extraordinary Rinsos will
need hardly any pre-scrubbing. aa little water as possible. , you now pay about 64 less for the Soap, give him the whitest shirts ever.
Tod ean safely wash almost any fabric
In the friendly auds of Rinso Soap or
Rinso Detergent Not only your cottons,
but also the new synthetic fabric.
They'll all be perfectly at home In gentle,
therouga-cleansing Rinso.
44 imssm,
HVaiiVv. mMIbVIW mSSmwSm.-imVSmV J1ls irtajin awrWttbaisj
JSV JataaaaaaaJaV.,..
TOWIIS I Use either
Tour white towels will he whiter than
new-and wonderfully fluffy-if you wash
them in either the Soap or the Deter-
?:ent. Why? Because both Rinsos are per
art beavers for fretting; eut dirt Whst's
more, both Rinso contain SOLIUM.
If yon went your wool sweaters and
sorks to stay sr(, wash them in amp
suds. Home economists will tell you that
washing with Rinso Soap removes less
of the natural oil from the wool, and
this help keep It soft and fluffy.
SHEETS t Us slther
The truth is that either the Soap or th
Detergent will do your sheets to perfec
tion. Both Rinsos contain SOLIUM, to
leave your sheet white as ean be. And
both leave sheet so soft snd smooth, you
only hsve to iron the top quarter.
T7n v
Kelley Owens Ponriac Co.
.60 N. Uttrty St. $m
least 54
Yaw grocer mom has
RittM Sssp on uk at
special low rices u
yM uva mors that
rTlin f wmm mm I
f awaXwaWwt. warp . aSa-ej
alsiasjjjjjjjjkl sWtT. i f " '
Only one name to remember RINSO
Oreea feakege
omcrNT-ia) it
Orate ana) ye'lew feckege
Today you need remember only one
magic name for the finest of soaps
and the best of detergents -Rinso!
It's all so simple and easy. Your gro
cer now has Rinso in both forms -soap
and detergent.
Why do we make both? Because
homemakera who insist on perfection
re convinced that soap is definitely
better for some jobs, detergent for
others. Our scientists agree-and
they proudly guarantee that the fin
est soap and detergent you can buy
today both have the tame name on
the box: Rinso!
Each Rinso is the best in its class
Each contain solium. Each will do
terrific job for you. You can't g
wrong if the name i Rinso!
Rinso Soap comes in the familiar
green box. Rinso Detergent comes in
new preen and yellow box. (The soap
will cost you shout t cent less.)
They are both great products,
guaranteed tin tn th. kit. u .
Brothers Company,NwYork22,N.Y.