TMadmy, September 8, 1953 DENNIS the. MENACE By Ketcham I the Capital journal, sk' ores QUOTATIONS 'SUO!, I LIK6 30 EAT 8lT WWTfe IT 10 6tCI0r AUTOMOBILES MUST SELL! It4i Ford club coup. Ra dio, heater, ?tl. 1135 Tomlln Art Woodburn. Phone 7151. 314 104 MIRCLST moil. tl. Diva Harra. 7 Stewart, piiou iim. ok I BIIICK SUPEB 4-Or. Clean, many ' eitrea. lluit sell this week. Make ol fir. 4lt Meelear Hd.. 4 Corners. 0.310 MBIT SACBIPICB 1M1 Chrv. Pleetllne deluxe 4-door. RAH, under.wet, seat eovera, ascellont mechanical ot-nd. 11300. Ho trade, can srranee finani-las. 337 Hill at, Bllverton. Ph. 3-OJS3. 14 DICK. Oood condition. M mb r. 11T Market at. 14714 attar 4:00 m. Ola $$CASH$$ ' FOR YOUR CAR ALL MAKES AND MODELS TO CHO08I PROM Western Motors lata Brosdwer Phone J -KM 104S PLYMOUTH Club coupe. Radio, haatar, good mechanics! condition, tins. Phona 3-33M. 0314" MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS IMS HASLET DAVIDSON 74 overhead, 130. Pbona 1-tlM. 103 Dearborn Ava. a317 BOATS Fair Week Special One H it. PUhlnf Boat and trailer 70. at. Another ona lor IM to. Ona 14 ft Bryant, waa 1303, now tall Ona ll-ft. Itshlns Bklft, waa 1340, now One email boat trailer, 1-Inch wheels, S4S.M. Manr other boata to chooaa tront. Salem Boat House 10 Chemeket. Pa. 30303 40314' aeeiiww"""' AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING BADIATOB TROUBLE? Valley Motor Co, aiparu will aolva your prob leme and eava you money, Prea estt- mstea, speedy aervlca. center at Lib erty. c Ma1aaa'aaalaaaaaa'eial FINANCIAL ATJTO LOANB WniAMKTTB CREDIT CO. 113 Booth Church Parkins a-Plenty . s-atti us. no u-ita. avm HIGH PAYMENTS? Wl CAN CUT Let's Give Them the AXE! Use our conaolldatlon plan. AUTO LOANS HOUSEHOLD FURrnTURS i.tvuktock STATE FINANCE CO. 147 BO. HUB Bt. Mil rait' DIRECTORY INSULATION ImnUtlon. wcatherstrlpe, aluminum screens. Pree MUmitn. T. Pullmin Phono $-5945. o31f MATTBESSKS Capitol Bedding, renovatee. Pull Una new nattrMMtv Ph. 3-4040 e" omci rvKNiTUu icppliii Desk chairs, files, filing supplies, safee, duplicators, supplies, desk lampe, type writer stands. Rota, iM Court. e BO AD GRADING Road grading, leveling, ditching. 1U oaa iiMwa stop lutaeooB. ra. woio. lit Roofing and siding by expert tor i rliht price. Phone 3-0969. o31T SEPTIC TANS 8 l'smsl's .aeptic tin Li servico. Guaranteed Cleaned, Una work. Phone olll Mike's Bptl Service. TuU cleaned. D'rootar cleans sewers, drains, phono 1-9449. 03 ir Sower, septic tanks, drains cleeiied. Roto-RooUr Sewer Service, nvsu l-$33T. tHAKPlNINO 4s AKPAIS Lawn mowers, mwi, eta. Utb" D. Pb a-Mi8. Prt pickup. y tTPimiTEU Smith. Corona, Retain gton. Royal. Un- dtrwood portablaa All makM oted macblnoa. Rtpalrt b rtnk Rosa 451 Court, a-nil. WINDOW CLEANING Aemt Window Cltantra. Xaduitrlal floor wajdng. bouaweUaning. rbooo Ml Covrl y SALEM MARKETS HERO RETURNS Caaa4te frays lapaeta ti Balaaa doalara Car the selSaaee of Capital Janrnel reaaara. (Barlaed dally.) BetaH read Prteeai BabMI relleu 13.11 (Il-lb. bat). 14.30-IM (100'lb. baai. Era MBan ll.oo-i.aa. Dairy Feed S4.4t-3 7t (SO-tb, bail: 3 91-4 10 tloo wtli paatura salx, MM 1100 wt.l. Pasltry Bnylns tileea Colored frrera. ate; old rooitara. ltd colored (owL ltd lechom fowl, lto; route ra, ate. uasi Barlns Prieae lass AAHc; lane A, 4-oto: medium AA, tie; medium A, ta-tOc; small. 3tc trkelaaata Prieae Has wboteeele pnaae senersiiy a-7a b liner tnaa the sn above. Lute crade A sesarslbr sooted St 73et medium sac Bnttertst Bunns pneet Premium, ep lie. No . s7-toei No. a. ste. Bsttep Wholesale irade A psrchmeatj tU lb.l rauu, 7SO. Ctuease Oniens Chlcato ajej Soppllea moderats. mand moderate to llrm. ataady. Track ealea SO Iba.: U. a. 1 unless stated: Spanish 3 In. and larter TJ. 1. California Idaho car each truck lot aalea Colorado Spanish U. S. 1, 3-lnch and laraer approilmate car Street ealea 00 lbs.: Idaho, Colorado, mam M el en per cent acidity de livered m Portiaad ee-TU r.i rtrat smsb Ity. SS-sae, paeond suallly. M-SSe. allay routes sat country points, a seats lass. attar Wholesale ea bejs svjkss ts wsoiasate, sraaaa AA, SB Caere, etc; A erode. SI acora, sac: H SO aeeea. ssi c. M score, sss. Above prleee strlsltr Ckeeee BelBpa anew ss whelesalera. Oraaen stasias. Mlb tea: vreaoai e so. lees, asis-aSTas. Bin te Wb lata aataiains ae wis. aaeee tednded ta Portland A srada laisa, SSVb-SSIeei A xrzU BMdlttm, SSSe: A erade emsll. eiTt-tirac: srade lane, ee-uc lertaaM Bearp Sine rnae t seuraerst Brads arms. Ilel A eenep Tses A awtnta. tie: ear ton, tjsi B pnnta, aaa. Isn Is aieSeieia Caastled A e. b. PorUand: Daaraded Ursa. P5-44e Soc: srada AA larte. SSS doa.: A iaraa. ale doe.: AA medium. See doa : A srada medium. Sit doa.i A trade smalls nomi nal. M-lte. ab Betatlara orada AA seree. Tie: A lsrts, 7t-71c: AA medluaa. Stel A medium. 4 3c; a small, 43-lso. car- tons s senu sddltiensl. Chaeae Price to pstsusrs. Oreaon slnclse. 4iH-4ec; lb. leavaa, tl-i3Vic: triplets, me lass than am- Sloe, premium Brands alnam. SSVasa lb. for alntle whaeU 00 We. Preeaaaad Am erican heeaa, t-lb. leaves to retail, 43 to- eso IB. a- PoBltrf Live Cktekeaa irts. I avjalltf. taA plants): tryara. IVs-t lb-, asal 3-4 lbs. 3MI roajters, 4Vb lba.. and ever. 30c: heavy hens, all walshta. U-ltc: Uaht hens, all walshta, lt-14ci eld reoet- ere. 14-iac. led Cbletene He I dressed to retailers. Fryers, broilers, 44-4te lb.: roastara. aU wta.. 44-4tc; llahl kens, 30-31c: heavy bans, 33-34c: eut-up fry ers, all wta, M-tle lb.; whole drawn Il ia. Ubblta Avseaao ts arewetwi Uvs whites. 4-t lbs. M-3K: t-S let. IS-33c lb.i old does. 10-13C few his her. Fresh dressed frrera to retailers, tl-Moi out up Sl-Sbc- , Ceaatry Killed Meets Veal Top ouallty. U-30S lb.l roush heavies, ao-3tc. Heia Laaa bioekctA 17-SBs: sews. lllhl. 33-34C Lambe Beak 33-ltc lb.: -Tssrllass. to-stc lb. Mstten Best, 11-130 a.l aull-utully. 7-Oc. Beef Otlllty sows, tS-3Se la.; esnnsr- cutters. 17-llc; shells dowa to 13c, Fresh Dreeeed Meats Wholesalers te retallerst Oollsrs pee swt.: Beef Steers, choice. 100-701 lbs.. 41- 143 50; eood. 117 00-43 CO; cemmtralel 137-31; ntllltr, 333-30; commercial eows, 113-14; utility, tll-lti ssnner-cnltsts. Slt-33. eef seta cnotca steers araoi erasr Urs, Stt-i7; rounds, SOO-M: full loins, trimmed, 170-71; trlutles, 137-33; tore euartera, 131-34; chucks, $31-31; ribs. ttt-ti. veal end calves oooo-enoiee, in welihte. S30-3S: commercial. 134-30. Lambe Choice-prime, S37-40; sood. 133-37: sorlns lambs, cnolee-prlme. 47.00. Malten Oood ahelca, IS-13 lb. M-4W, Perk Cats Loins. Ms. L S-13 iba., 4 50-54; ehouldera. It lbs., 31-430) sDarerlba. S3-S5; fresh hams. 10-14 lbs.. 103-04: pork carcasses, choice, 130-170 lbs., Saaebed Heme Skinned, ttl-ts lbs. fined lard la drums, on. 0M-73. PertlaBd MfcseeBsneesa OBioBa 50 lb. seek Calif. Bed Olebe, mod., a.70-3.00: white slobs. 3. avi so Wash, yellows, asad, 00; lane 1.3S-I.40 Pateaa Local Triumphs, luss. I. 1.7t: Bosrdman lone whites. No. 1A 3.3t 3.35: No. a to lb. sack, SQ-Stc; Oreaon Riusetta No. 1.; is la. mean, se tae; local Buasata, He. 1A. 3.71-3.31; cant, ions whites, no. ia, ee; isrr. Name brands to Wash. Russets t3. 15-3.00; Wash. Ions whites No. 1 3 00-3. n. ey D. a. He. a sreen siiaixa, ae Uvered car lata t.o.b. Portland sad Be Weet oresea bails. Willamette Vat- ley medium ll-tto lb.l Xaatera Oreaon fine and half-blood, M-S3o; wlllametu Valley umb wool, taei u-moata wool, tt-soc stebalr tl-174 lb. em la.menth arew, an. f.o.b. country ahlpptns points. Hides Producers paylns prlee I.O.S. Portland calf skins, 11-3 le lb . eocord- lns te eondltioa: araea sipe, ip-ne is.; sreen sow hides, s-ios lb. aeeerdlns te weltht snd eualltri bull hides, e-tc lb.r slus hldea. to per seal belew PTtoes for sbovs elsuee. Filberts Wholesale selllnt prlee. He I medium Bareelonas, 33-ltc sV; shell ed. 4t-lle lb. lb.: Ilsht htlvsa. 7t-l3a tb. WalBeta Wholesale aelllst srteee. flrat eualltp larss Praaauattee, se-sOc lb.l theUed, Uaht smbsr kslves, TS-Ttc lllhl halves, 71-IJC 1- .lip STOCKS Ateln) Cvrporattw AlrUM sSVsMrkaa Pr ft Llgh.. sijMrtaa T-4. ok Tai , AMtiaaa Teteco OaurpULar Tract,' Sgt. Hirosh! Miyamurt of Gallup, N.M., who won the Congressional Medal of Honor in Korea, embraces his wife. Terry, on arrival at Fort Mason in San Francisco with 366 other former prisoners of wa. Almost in tears, Yaichi Miyamura (right), the sergeant's father, reaches out for his heroic son's hand.- (UP Telephoto) Partlaatt ItomUA 1 PMUUd Truling 111 cattlo wai alow m tha Portland Urtitock market today , partly tfua to bit bar Mking pikaaa. Cattio l.aoo: market alow, partly due blabtr asking prkaa; early aalea jteer-belte a tront; cowa atrong to Mc hither but lomi resistance to advance: part load choice Mt-16. ateera X.aO; few lota high good and low choice around 9tM(rM lb. tad gteera 3414.M: tew good graaa ateera lt-ia, aome bald hither euttar-utilitr atetra t-lli lew good fad heifera 30, aome higher: utimyoinmer' clal graaa heifera mostly 10-1I W; can- ner-cutter cowa T.W-g.H, few to 9: hells down to I: utility cowa mostly 9.30-U.M; load helferlib cowa U.T9; law utility bulla ll-ll.M. Catvaa too: market active, heavy calves atrong, vealera steady ; few good-choice vealera U-i goodholea up to ill-lb. caivea la-it. Hogg 7M: market active, sUadv: choke lt(V31 lb. mostly 3.50-31; ft?w head Choice 1 butchers 37.34; choice 13a 94 lb. aaww 31.M-3J.5t5. Sheep l.MO: market alow: ateady with lata week: mostly choice with aome prima wooled lambe 16.M; good-choke 19-i; few good-cnoiea leader lamea 11-14, Inclttdlng a&-lb. ahern feedera at 13.M: few good-cboka slaughter ewes 3.H-4M. 133 M to t34.7t With top of lit 09 gat on a few middle welghta. Sows took $31.01 to $14.00. , Moat chotco and prima steers aold from $14.00 to $3T.TI, two loads moving up to $39.7$ and $39.00. Oood to prime heifera were $11.00 to IU.09. Cowa topped their division at lll.oo. Spring lamba grading good to prima brought 914.00 to 119.90. Receipt ware 11.000 hoga. It 004 cattle and $.000 aheap. AubJeea. Real rests, BwtUebem Steal Botia st.irplaU.0 Co .. Sort Warner rowa .tdduu liacblat .. Caluerala Packing Pacine , Calanaea Corporatiaa .. Chrysler Carpwatloa CMaa Servlca ComaoIMated Boiaaai ...... Caaa:date4 Taltao . Crowa. Seiierbaah CvrUea Wrlgbt Dew tee Aircraft Do Nat o jtemowa . smatmaa Kodak Bmaraos Radio .. Oeavaral Rieetrlo Oaaaral Pooda .. General Motora . Oecrgi Pae. Plywooel . . . . Ooodyeaf Tiro Homaatako Mining Co. . .. totarnatleaai Harvester .. International Paper Johns Maavtllo Kaiser Aluminum ...... .. Keueeott Copper ..... Ubby McNea' Lockheed Aircraft , Loewee laoarporaud Long Bell Montgomery Ward Naab Keivlnator Mew York Central Northern Paclfla Pacific Americaa Pish Pacifto Oaa SiecUw . .. PactllO TeL TeL Packard Motor Car Penaey. tl. C, Pennsylvania R. R, Pepsi cola CO. Phileo Radio RaUa Corporation . Rayonler Incorp Rayonler Incerp, Pl . , Republic Steel Reynolds Metala Rkhlleld OH Safeway Stores, Ino. Scott Paper Co. , eteara Roebuck Co. Soeony Vacuum Oil aouthen Paouie .......... Standard Oil Calif Standard Oil N. J Stodebakar Corp. Sunshine Mining . Swift el Oo. Transamarlca Corp. Twentieth Century roi ... Union OU Company , Union paciita Hl. United Airlines United Aircraft united Corporation Onltad Statu PI r wood ... United State Stool .... Warner Plcturea ...... ... Western Union Tel waitlnahouso Air Brake.. We tint house Kectrie Weolworth Spanish, California Its. and larger l.$0 1.76; Yellow Globe medium Midwest 1.19: mostly 1.00-1. 10: New York 1.39; White Olobes S In. and larger and S to 1 In. 1.74-3.00, moitu around l.M. LOANS UP TO $1500 en oianature, nroiiui . AT PERSONAL Ifa "yaa" promptly to employed men or women. 1-vttlt loan . . . phone first a) You select beat payment date a Between payday loans. Phone, write or come la TODAYI Personal Finance Co. lot S. HIOH ST. SALEM at. fa 1.Liense Noa. S-13a. M-lti Loans over 1300 up to tltOO and up to 30 months to repay made oy rereon.i . nr, a. xi.rtnn County under the Industrial Loan Companies Act of Oreion. rJJ3' Lie a-iu and M-iat snd not amttowa INSURANCE AND LOANS esr 'Top Trsdes" It OS Dalle KSLM 13M KS. ObNERAI P1NANCB CO LOANS IIS a. commercial at Tel 3-Oltl SEE Ua FOR FARM, cfrT OR ACREAOE LOANB BESTl W law 0 WE am Real .state mortaaaee SI eonlreete State Finance Co. in a. Risb at n '-"'V TRAILERS ,w ,ia sinrf.i all metal 344 ft. house trailer. SAO cummlnts ln;i,; cnivn MtiMTtNn OB flsblnif lttt mik, . ii.fAAi hAii.a trailer, com' .1... .s 110S S. 13lh. evenlnie. LJ" tsair IIl"Tl J" J ' If" 01 RECTORY ADDING MACHINES AU mskas used maehlnee aold. vented. emslMd Roan. SSS cours r. ,,. We do enythlne tn the line efbuneV tns. Pre. timsiee. . I LLDOEINO BL'LLDOZINO Loeilna. road bulldlna. elerlns. Oeortt Wlrth, 1030 candlewood. Phone -' - .. ... teeth. nuiiaosina, re.. ----- Vlnu Bsstsr. Ml Fslrvlew, phone DRESSMAKING Alterations, hemstltrhlne. bails as. pucaies cover.. ... -- tXCAVATINO i a i m i East now Ckleaee Uveeteek Chlssse (SV- Traders In live hots found themselves coplnt Tuesday- with the lsrtest supply for sny day since March 10. It represented the accumula tion over the lone holder weekend but required yrriee cuts of at to to cents . hundred before sood eloeranee wee obtain. Cattle alee ware la unusual numbers for a Tuesday but prkee rsnsed from ateady to tl.OO lusher, the eame eondl tlon as prevailed In sheep. Moat butcher welaht hose Vbtd from Chteee. Grata Chlcaa. 0P1 Wheat atased a e tront upward move toward the close en the Board of Trade Tjwsday. Its etrentth elded the reel el the morsel, which had been a HUM easier la early dsallnaa. Brokars attributed tne lata atrenatn la wheat te advance for the bread cereal el Minneapolis. That ally sot 1.003 csrs of wheet Tuesday, but It Appeared that moat of It wea solos Int. ttorase under the sovernmeat loan presram. Wheat cloeed 3 to 3 casts hither. Sept ember Bl.B3U-vet corn nisner. September tl MS-H: eats te lower to tt hither. September 73 S; rye 1 te 3V. hlsher. Stptember si. 10: eoybesna un chanted to IV. hlarhar, SepUmber 13.1.. and lard ss ejenu lower to as eents hundred p . a a d s hlsher. September 117.71. Looee Urd earned H eent te eell at 1S cents a pound, Another aew blah wr use. - BRITAIN'S BADIO IN BED London W) Britain's state. sponsored broadcasting sys tem announced Tuesday that it went In the ' red 759,610 poundi $2,12(3,1108 Iaat year giving Britons radio and tele. vision without commercials. arte le .. est. , 131. "llt . 711. . us . at it m. sis 14 MS 34' 4SS V 44 TIS MS m. v 7te at 07 43 US 73 04 M 13S ...... 47' ...... SSS at tos ae lttt as ts 13S .1.... us ITS IIS ais B7V. ass 114S 4S T0 ...... 30 13S ...... ass it 33 ais OSS 41 Vk M 37 S BIS MS 33H 30 S SIS 70S SIS IS at ass I7S 41 103 Ve 34 ....... ts tts .1 31'. us 44S , 3S 43 43 Dangerous Piece in Traffic Pointed Out Youngsters playing in the street near the intersection of Triangle Drive and Liberty Road are being endangered by motorists who are using those two thoroughfares to avoid the stop light at Vista avenue and Pacific Highway, reports John A. Kinney, scoutmaster for Boy Scout Troop IS, who lives on Neet avenue. The report was made in letter addressed to the county court.; , Kinney states there are no sidewalks along the streets named. Triangle Drive former ly was portion of the Pacific highway, . The court referred the mat ter to the county engineer tor investigation. At the same time, ia waa auggeatsd that par ents should keep watchful eye over their children, know ing that the practice of play ing on a heavily travelled street is dangerous. New York un The stock market laps ed Into . atate of extreme eulet Tues day with prices euahtlr hlaner. volume eeme to an eetlmeted ehnrea. That'a the eloweet day ra more than four reera. mdey's total was 770, 000 ahares. Oalna ran to .round . point while losses were fractional for the most part. There was little .renins enthutlesm in the market when It resumed buetneu after . three-oar recess roc tl Dap holiday. Scholarship Won By Miss Pederson Dorothy Pederson, outstand ing music student from Salem at University of Oregon, has won the $500 scholarship, known aa the Zimmerman scholarship, for her senior year at the univeriity, it waa learn ed Tuesday. Miss Pederson, daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Pederson of Salem, hat won scholar ships throughout her career at the university, ai well as high scholastic honors. While in Sa lem schools she studied piano with Mrs. David Eaton. During part of her years at the university, ahe haa taught classea of young pupils, too, She Is a member of Kappa Kappa Gamma sorority at the university. Film on Emotional , C Breakdown Scheduled :. A film entitled ymutg girl's emotional breakdown, hospitalization. trtatiYient and return to the cormnuiVty,' will be shown Thursday at I p. m. in the Salem Memorial ' hospital chapel under the auspices of the Marion Count Health Dept., it was announced today. The film ia one of a aeriea, Melvin Murphy, executive sec retary of the Oregon Mental Health Assn., will preside. A small charge ia made at th meetings, to which anyone in terested it welcome. DEATHS William R. Atkinson. oA tfce roaldoaao. VT93 Broadway St-, Sept. 4. Survived by wife. Mary Lrca Atklauon. Salami daughters. Mra. M. U. Jonaa, Mra. R. & Sonderman, both of Sole mi a no, Lao d. AUiaaoa, aiemt mother, me. bouo AtklBiop. hmm: slstero. Mrs. ?. I O Noll, Mra. T. B. Polta, both of Mlaa, Mra. c. is. Btirry. Kirion. mra. mis Albright, Denver, Colo.; all naadclUlaV ran and eeveral n:ces and nephewa. Sarvtcea Wednesday, aVpi. $, at S p. au. m virtu t. ooMen chapoi with mta -moat at Belerea Memorla. Pork. . Baa BL Jonao Ben R. Jonaa. lata reeVdeat of Wevwerm. Oreooa. at 4394 Filbert Ave., la th.'e olty. Sept. Survived by Aatubter. Mra. Charles o. Burt, Balaaa. AJioouMaweal of aenrtooa Utar by the Virgil T. OoM en Co. . . . v reeldoni ot Portlaad laetaloa Market poruano omo Haroieneao ana nuo- bard aovuuh from Caakry were ouotod at 1H-4 cents a pound oa the saaUMe Perm era' market today; Ho. l else pickling cuoumbon auotod at la-ia. nat oy producara; aora prices uncnantea witn growers aeuing at a ii- l.4t las Me the market with tho laaida orca to wholesalers: everbearlne straw berries from Canby garde na ouoted at 1.90 a 13 -cup nil. PeHlaaa OrOta Portland tA Ha bide or Offero TuasaUlaWe SSAT TMsjleUf WhtAt IrVTl Variey 43; Hour St oora 141, eaU 9l mUl faad 1$. New Teachers to Meet Next Tuesday Teachers that will be new to the Salem system this fall will assemble in the school admin istration office. Tuesday,- Sept 15. ' - They will meet with the ad. ministratlve staff as well as the principals under whom they will work year. Thursday, Sept. 17, aU tacvu- Florasee Pauline Orumsa. la thle dtp Sept. B, lilt. Late resident ef T37 Cen ter at. aurrtve-1 bp hueband. Bhermea orumaa of Salem: end brethjer, atdaer isaaea. aervicea weaneeoey, sept, a, t l a. at th. w. T. Suado. CkmL Oerlrnda Hordes Gertrude Harden, leu resident ef llta Doris Rd. In this city Sept. t. Mother ol Mrs. oertrude Mordon Teuneren. aelem; alee aurvtvM by one Brandehlld, two Brest srandehtldreA. Bervlcee - Witt be held wedneeday, Sept. t .1 3:30 p.m. la tho chapel el the W. T. Bltdoa C Cksrlaa E. BeUla Cherlee B Boblln. Vtts T37 Center at., st . local aurstns bei sept, 1. lttt. Buivtved by cjeushter, Mrs. Ruth Emily chants. BUlwaukvs, Ore. i eon. Cbarlea D. Ratlin ed Aelem: arendchlldren. Mis. Patricia Chants ul Cerl Michel Chants, beta ef MUweekee, Ore. Services will be held Thursday, Sept. 10, el 1:30 p.m. at toe CLPuttw Barrlck Chapel, Dr. Brooks Moore .rft clatins. lutuaiutte sai mas be Mseenls uodse 4, A. r. and A. as. Illatbeth M. Jeesastaet Blusbeth M. Johnston, ajl Bookee. Okie, Baps, a. Survived by two cbsuthj. sere, aire, r-aitte AnaareT, waBenre. Calif, and Mra. AUee R. arelee, Me- tonus, ora.l four sons, Albert H. Jena ston, epaleesl Ddrtd R. Johns Vw, To rein, Okls., Joe B. Mtnston, Hooker, Okie. . and Mai, Robert H. jMmstoat VH.A.P. Maroed, Oauf.i ens brother. Wade 3L iBhecklette, LouUvllle, By.: 11 araacV children and two it eat sreAceuiiiareBU aeivlcee at the TtrtU T. Odsdea Ohaeel Thureday, aept. 10, at a ..m. xnteysunt at Beiereet Memorial rara wius im Rev. Qatar Bsrtk efflctauns. Men, Women! OH ul during the .hool 50 gQj rsjdjlTsyeVraTMpVgWsF ty members, prlnclpaia ana au-ton't blame esliseeieil ui teeuac on your ese. laouui XI Salvador is about the size of Maryland, pervisora will meet in the Buah school auditorium for the cus tomary fall conference. The school year will open Sept, 21, having been delayed a week due to the lateness of 1 seasonal crops. tain tonk, hamlo attrnvilant oftoa aeedetj aitag w, fcUhat I 4oTUm hw moaey.savfng Economy sice. Stop iWluta " sejj. pirF' wsevtj TWMMgm ttrWl i T"""" arf ' J 4 See tbd Ettt si Its best! Enjoy ths balmf day a, crisp Bights, tbe atyruraa besnty of tb. countrysidt . . . New York's fashionable shops 1 1 1 tbe encitemeot of 'new Broadway plays . . . famed art Hellene. Traveling od Union PscitVc is a vacation in itself . . . you enjoy famous Union Pscihc toeslt in the diner, relaiation in tbe and dub can, comfortable Pullmsn of coach sccommodatioos. For rami trarel pUemtrs pl,n rout Indian Summer vs'catioo Esat on Union Paciic Kaiiroaci! SfiuAmlUn -cm or wkaho "PORTLAND ROS!" "IOAHOAfT Ltt ut help fUn jot trip Tmel-shop" Monday through Pridar GENERAL PASSENGER DEPT. Room 751 Pittock Block Portland 3, Offo UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD tOAfi tV IVI VAM iTIIAMUMM sas tj(.,itaV,;-apJJ . B aiaa jam VjajLjB ";.".7 war f Yr!!ZIl'rZ"'-ili w i&'ep:: y f.'"-es-ea- - 'i I'ae. at gc Jjrtjiymrwttatrr 1 U Lwlisj i F-g iw----i!'lrJE,7at!7'"fe -1 freiycp Beads - 4 Whatever You Havo to Sell Whatever You Have to Rent Chances are you'll find somzr.9 who is looking lor jusf that very thing through the Capital Journal classified columns. Try II NOW Phone 22406 Before 10 A.M. to Place Your Classified Ad For the Same Day's Paper SAY "CHARGE IT" CapitalJournal PH. 22406 40-wr bodies old hist beranse Vtckrnt lront Pius nipparroem ooeee Vltamnia 01 and By, A 78-yvw old doctor wrireit "J took ft myself. ! Mi . . H.v.tif. and - En S-lrm. ' f 1