Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 08, 1953, Page 2, Image 2

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    Par t
Tuesday, September 9, 1953
In The Valley
Lyons Mr I. Floyd Baasett
was hoiten for tht meeting of
the Women'! Society of Chris
tian Service at her home on
Tuesday afternoon with a 1:30
dessert luncheon followed by
the business meeting. ' Mrs.
Leonard Cruson. vice presi
dent, was in charge, due to the
absence of Mrs. George Huff
man, president.
Devotions were led by Mrs.
Alex Bodeker.
Plans were made for the
Smorgasbord dinner Saturday
evening. Sept U.r
Committees in charge
Kuiken was in Springfield the
first of the week. Returning
home she was met in Salem
by her mother, Mrs. Elva Kui
ken and small daughter, Kath
leen. They then went to Hood
River for a visit' with rela
Miss Rean Feltcher and her
mother of Salem, visited In
Lyons. They were callers at the
home of Mrs. Alice Huber. Miss
Fletcher, who Is the new
teacher at the Maii-LInn school
will stay at the Huber home.
Woodburn Mr. and Mrs.
are: warren Dormer left Tuesday In
their car for Innisfail, Alber
ta, Canada on a two-weeks' va
cation where they will visit
Mrs. Donner's parents. Miss M.
V. Cox of Inniiifail, who has
been visiting at the Dormer
food, Mrs. James Holllngshead,
Mrs. Leonard - Cruson, Mrs.
Alex Bodeker, Mrs. E. L. Roye
dining room, Mrs. Wilson Stev-
ens, Mrs. Harold Sheriff, Mrs.
Ivan Smith, Miss Norma Mill
er; clean-up, Mrs. CTyde Bress- hom. m Woodburn wlU return
ler. rs. muara naroieu, mrs. to ner home wlth them.
wood Oliver, assisted By ow- Mrt rred EytDitn eft
ers; publicity, Mrs. Glen Jul- Sunday for Setside for the
lan and Mrs. Leo Cruson. Plana blrthdl .adversary of her
also were aiscuwea lor n- lllte MilI Ethel w,terhouse,
nusl bazaar which will be held who tn mvtlld. Shi will also
some time in October. Present vUit ner brothers and other
were Mesoames ionaro cru- stives at Seaside and Gear
son, 'Virgil Rogers, Harold hlrt wiU return the last of
enenu, wuson elevens, uienijj,.
Julian, Alex Bodeker, Mrs. vi- , yj,, Qiief rtoy(j Mariele,
ola Zander, Mrs. Inex RInf and jMrl- Miricl( and Bobby left
uio ncurn, mrm. iioju 1 Sunday to spend the Labor
Mrs. Lloyd free and cnu- day weekend at Tacoma where
. fmn nave niuuw uwua gy wm guests Of Mr. ana
, siiwiaiuc uuuu u i Mrs. Wsyn wood and wnere
w. mum., wner. wy w- Msricle will attend the inter
guests at the home of her par- mountaln .wodation of fire
. ents and other relatives. Jchlefs which meets in Tacoma
iteceni guesis ai ana noon ni 7 to 10.
Mr. and Mrs. . u. oye were Mr. ,nd Mri. C- a Ahrena
car Dromer ana wue, air. nQ returned Friday from a trip
mrs, '.'L".'" to Spokane, Grand Coulee,
jyancisco, warn, wjuie nere, WeBitenet ,nd y.kjn,,.
Silverton Mr. and Mrs. N.
J. Brekke of South Water
street and his soother, Mrs.
Augusta Brekke, all of Silver-
ton, are on fortnight's trip to
the midwest to visit relatives
and attend to business matters
They will be in Minnesota and
The children of the Brekkes,
Richard, Janice, Cleo and Ros-
lyn, are remaining at home
during the absence of their
parents, with . Mrs. William
Volgamore, a neighbor, assist-
big at the Brekke home.
Miss Janice Brekke will en
ter a Salem school for special
instruction during the week.
The family plan to attend the
State Fair Monday.
F. M. Powell, prominent in
the work of the American Le
gion and the interests of vet
erans of the past wars, accom
panied by his son-in-law, Roy
E. Miller of Portland, a mem
ber of the Silverton post, No.
7, returned home from the St.
Louis National convention,
Sunday morning.
Mr. and Mrs. Miller and
their son. Skip, are guests at
the Powell home in Silverton
over the Labor Day week end
and are attending the State
Fair Monday.
Mrs. Roye with the Farrelsl Mrf Delbert Lantx and her
aperi a wee vacanonrag in diughtw Lorelai 0f Concoran,
Canada, returning Monday. Cllif ( wer( Wood6urn visitors
lra l"' " I during the week and were
Cisco xuesaay. gueftf ,t the home of Mr. agd
Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Lyons Mrii Wwtrd c, Coman. The
spent several oays m roruana. trl nortn wu m,de for Lor
They were guests iat the home eJe, to Mtr WUI,mette uni
of Mr. and Mrs. Owin Minlch. ,,, for year.
.Mrs. Minich is a sister of Mr. Ur' 6 Mri Oscar Larson
ty01 spent the Labor Day week end
Mrs. Art Baltzer, who un- f the coast
derwent major surgery at the o. J. Adklnson left Friday
Salem Memorial hospital Wed- by plane from "Portland for
nasday morning, if reported to Pendleton to attend the 30th
be recovering. reunion of his high school
Clifford Kimery has return- graduating class. He spent the
ed to his home In Nebraska, at- week end there and also v li
ter spending several months In ited his mother,- his brothers
Lyons, at the home of his and sister. 1
mother. Mrs. Minnie Kimery. I - Relatives at the H. F. Brit-
Charlea Matt b iledmoniL tan home over the week end
nrouta horn from Hnad Rlih were Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Mr. and Mrs. Victor Sather
and. Marvin and Id win,
planned two events for the en
tertainment of their r visitors.
the family of Mrs. Sather's
brother, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin
Ball of Burbank, Calif. The
group met at the A. B. Sather
home and also at the; city
park. .-. . '
Among the guests were the
Victor gathers, tne AJvin sails,
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Sather,
Mrs. Ed Holden, Mr. and Mrs.
Ben Rolsen and Miss Msrtha
Roisen of Corvallis, Mrs. Nel
lie BalL Dr. and Mrs. H. E.
Johnson and Cynthia of Eu
gene, John Hartvlckson, Mr.
and Mrs. Duane Rolsen, Cor
vallis, and Mrs. Henry Keyt of
Salem. , .
Mrs. Irene Roubal, member
of the aenior high school fac
ulty, has returned from a four
months' trip, following a year's
leave of absence from her
school position:. , . :
Her college summer course
was at . Stanstead college at
Stanstesd, Quebec, Canada.
Mrs. Roubal was the only Ore-
gonian at this summer ses
Recent visitors at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Letter-
man were: Ray Tarter and
lamuy ox auoe and the Ken
neth Cummings family an
Mrs. Robert Hutchinson, of
uceamaxe. .
Mr. and Mrs. Merwym Riu.
sell of Redding, Calif., visited
at the borne of Mrs. Charlotte
Hanson last week. - Mrs. Rua-
sell is Mrs. Hansen's stepdaughter.
Mr. and Mrs. John Teal and
son, Orvsl, made a business
trip to Portland recently.
a trioute was paid to the
memory of Mrs. Margarita
Howell in botn attendance and
beautiful floral oner in u at
her funeral Wednesday after
Many out of town friends
were present
Mrs. Blanche Brenneman
and daughter, Claudia, of
Castle Rock. Wash., visited
her mother, Mrs. Hartford
Griffin, and sister Eileen May
recently. .
Eileen went home with the
visitors for a short stay as the
Brennemans will move to Dal
las next week.
Sweet Home
er,. visited relatives la, Lyons
' the last of the week. . , ,
Miss Joy Kuiken, a gradu
ate of the Oregon College of
Education, ' will 'teach in
Sprlnugtleld this year. Miss
Osjks fa fte gssdc af 0ja Vfaaag
Waewef! STsrf sisjat jeasrs stat
ing, WssiMidn, Seal. , aai St-
017, Sept 11.
MartulM SO, Satarirri 74a).
9-12 a.m. . 4-H IMa.
State Fair
Wright of Knappa, Idaho, Mr.
and Mrs. John Brittan and
f-mlly of Richland, Wash, and
Mrs. Max Wlllard of Tacoma,
Wash., who attended the 25th
anniversary celebration of Mr.
and Mrs. Lester Wells.
Albert W. Bochsler, Mt An
gel, Oregon, has purchased the
young Guernsey sire. Ivy Oak
Leader's Rudolph, from W. H.
Brandt, Silverton, Ore. This
young bull is cut of the cow,
Ivy Oak Tulip s Rose, and is
sired by Wsndsmere Pride s
Finest la
IUI Heath Commercial
fhene I-65H
Falls City
Sweet Home Dr. Robert
Langmack and Charles Lang
mackeflew to San Francisco to
attend an American Hospital
association meeting recently.
They returned after the two-
day meeting in the doctor's
own plane.
School will begin Sept. 14
at the Sunnyside school, sc
cording to Mr. Gilchrist, the
superintendent. He reports
seversl pieces of new equip
ment for the school including
movie camera. Only one
teacher has been added to the
teaching staff and that is Mrs.
Ruth Whitney of Sweet Home
who will teach first grade this
Roy Cook has been taken to
Milwaukie, Ore., to a special
ist and Is under observation in
the hospital there.
Mrs. Fred Santesson and
Sheryl'were Wednesday visit
ors in Salem.
The Past Noble Grand club
held its monthly meeting at the
home of Mrs. Gordon Lsyton.
Fourteen guests were served
refreshments after an evening's
socisl hour.
The next meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. Ma
ble Howard the third Thursday
In October.
Mrs. Vic Barr and Mrs.
Chesley Keeney are staying at
the home of Mrs. Bsrr's sister.
Mrs. Rita Furrow, in Portland
to be near Chesley Keeney who
Is a burn patient In the Good
& if '--
Korean President Syngman Rhee (left) pins Korea's
highest military decoration to the tunic of MaJ. Gen. Wil
liam F. Dean (center) in SeouL Looking on is Fsr East
commander, Gen. Mark Clark. Gen Dean was recently
released from Red prison camp.
Ballston Recent visitors
at the Ezra Kilmer home were
Mrs. Kilmer's brothers, Mar
vin Whitney of Texas and Rev.
Don Whitney of Central Point
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Duvall 1
of Kernville were week-end
visitors at the Bob Gould
Cecil Royal of Dunsmuir,
Calif., waa a recent visitor at
the home of Mrs. Lily Bow-
Mr. and Mrs. James Jones,
Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Miller,
Mr. and Mrs. Bob Gould and
Adrian Brooks went on an
overnight camping trip Satur
day night with the Sheridan
Saddle club.
They camped on the Little-
John farm near Valley Junc
tion and took a ride over the
mountains Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Bormuth
and daughter, Betty, of Cot
tage Grove, spent two days re
cently at the home of Mrs.
Bormuth's aunt, Mrs. Edna
Tufford. I
Mr. and Mrs. OrvUle Kil
mer of Areata, Calif., former
1 , 1 - .-; ; 1 i
They soy If you want H get something done, put the
busiest man in town t work an it. A fallow Ilka John
J. lohley, for Insfenee. John it the vary cepeble bread
winner for hit family af four, being distributor for
Marcks lakery. He's a councilman ot Amity, and else
president of the Yamhill-Polk country fira association.
The Amity volunteer fire department hat had hit
services in various offices during recent veers.
John was born In Newark, Okie, in 1920. He attend
ed Newark College ef Commerce, where he wat grad
uated with a degree in accounting. He it married to
the former Opel Rkhter ef Amity, Oregon, end they
neve twa children. John 't business cereer hot been
largely concerned with feed merchondising, both In the
lest and hare an the West Coast. He wet formerly
with the Nettle company, manufacturer ef the fo
ment coffee and chocolate products bearing thot name.
At a Merckx lekery representative, he't now hit
awn beta In hit awn Independent business. He delivers
Marcks lakery products to Salem area hornet in hit
own truck, does all hit awn buying and keept hit awn
books. John anfoyt better than average living be
cause ha likec hit work and believes In giving hit cus
tomers thot extra bit af friendliness, courtesy and serv
ice, at well at good value In the merchandise they buy
from him.
Falls City The Alder
paneling being logged at the
Richardson Ranch is being
sawed by the Marshall . mill
near Dallas and not at their
own mill as stated last week,
the Richardson mill having
burned In 1948.
Mr. and Mrs. Ira Sullivan
are planning on attending the
State Fair Labor day.
Thompson and Frlnk lost
their beet seed crop In the
rainy weather last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Switzer
are out of town on an extend
ed fishing trip.
Joe Chamberlain has a lunch
bucket he has carried on many
different Jobs and in different
localities for more than 25
Howard Gramling will ex
hibit a few ot his lamps at the
fair. He has more than 2S0
which he has made ot various
kinds of wood.
Francea Eddiea of Valsetz
has been In the Dallas hospital
where he wss treated tor ac
cident Injuries.
Harry Horton Is 11).
Grace Beach re-entered the
Dallas hospital Aug. 31.
Gene Dixon won a blue rib
bon on his registered pig
"Snowdrop" at the county
fair.. The sow also brought
him a litter of 13 tine pigs
Larry Dixon took first prize
on a market nog.
The family of Lester Derk
son took a fishing trip to Si.
lets bay at Kernville last week
Mrs. W. K. Richardson and
Kay shopped In Sslem Satur
day, Aug. 29.
They visited friends, Mr,
and Mrs. J. E. Crothers while
Ballston residents, spent a few
Samaratan hospital. He is re- JfJ .ta eek vUiting
ported in a better condition t
Corvallis Tops
In Seed Show
Banks and Corvallis chap
ters shared honors in the Fu
ture Farmers of America
boro, 3. Subterranean clo
ver, Lyle Hathaway, Corval
lis, 1: William Smith, Corval
lis, 3. Crimson clover Bob
Banlck, Gervsis, 1; Lyle Hsth
awsy, Corvallis, 2; Corvalis
FFA, Corvallis, 3.
Railroad Car
Shortage Acute
Portland UPi-L Th Wra
grsin and seed show st the Forest Industries Association
Oregon State Fair on opening reported Saturday that the
day. - Banks won the Salem shortage of railroad cars had
Albert O. Menge has been
appointed as the city's first dog
catcher and will begin his new
duties Sept. 10.
A pound has been construct
ed within the confines of the
city's disposal plant property
In northwest Sweet Home.
Menge's duties Include
handling complaints as well as
nicking up dogs. These dogs
will be reclslmed by payment
ot a f 2 fine and a purchase of
proper license and if unclaim
ed within three days they will
be given away to anyone pay
ing the fines, or destroyed.
Doll NewbiU of Wlllamina
visited last week at the home
of their sister, Mrs.' Florence
Hamilton. : :
Scoffs Mills
T. . . A tsttfl Mr
Linden Curl and sons. Wayne "'
Scotts Mills The Scotts
Mills grade school term begins
Sept. 14.
Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Schlm
melphennig end sons of Mo
hall, N.D., left for their home
after visiting st the home of
Mrs. Schimmelphennig's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Preston
Mr. and Mrs. Bud Nomer of
Denver, Colo, sre visiting
with Mrs. Nomer's mother,
Mrs. Violet Nomer snd chll-
ft and American
Tea Garden
IM Da Ten
1H N. rmmfelal
tetwa atat Ceart M.
and Roy, of Oregon City were
recent guests at the home of
Curl's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
W. R. C. Curl of Jefferson and
Mrs. Curls psrents, Mr. and
Mrs. Ersil Osburn of Scio.
Mr. and Mrs. Freddie Biggs
and family of Tillamook were
guests of Mr. and Mrs. bam
Wilson, Wednesday. They were
on their vacation and had
spent some time at Rainier
Park and other places of in
terest. Mrs. Biggs is the young
est daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
Ssm Wilson.
Jack Knight, who is em
ployed by the Freres Lumber
company at Jefferson, receiv
ed quite a shock when he un
locked the office, found some
one had entered the office
Tuesday night by breaking the
lavatory window and entered
the office and left taking the
ssfe with them. It is not known
the amount of money in the
safe but there were checks be
sides the money. This is the
second robbery In the office
I the past month.
Mrs. Albert Arnold spent
Tuesdsy and Wednesday in
i Portland, and attended the
. funeral of her aunt
Mike Helms hss stsrted
picking his bean yard. A school
bus Is tsking pickers to snd
from the ysrd. Claussie Am
nion has finished picking his
ysrd. If the weather continues
there will be beans to pick for
three mora weeks.
Plantation Dinners
2V4 Mi. S. en 991
COMPLETE DINNER $1.35 end up
No Parking Problem!
Fair Week Hearst Closed Monday
f a-m. to It r-aa. Sunday. II Neoa to t p.m.
Mrs. Olgs Sams and daugh
ter of Cheshire, Ore, are visit
ing the Nomers.
Mr. and Mrs. Tom Gosnell
are moving to the Jory place.
Mr. and Mrs. Marion Gro
shong and children, Mr. and
Mrs. John Splonski and chil
dren and Mr. and Mrs. Joe
Splonski attended the birthday
dinner honoring Al Wyland al
the Wyland home on Missouri
Miss Mary Moles of Phoe
nix, Ariz., visited relatives and
friends here recently.
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Watts
spent lsst week-end st the
home of their dsughter in Ore
gon City.
Mr. and Mrs. Bernie Oss of
Kiwanis club grain banner
for- the second consecutive
year while Corvalis took their
sixth straight win in legume
and grass seeds. Corvallis
thereby gains permanent pos
session of the Jenks-White ro
tating plaque for the best
chapter grass and legume ex-hit.
Winners follow:
Grass seed English rye
grass, Carl Jensen, Harris
burg, 1; Russell MiUer, Shedd,
Paul Jensen Harrisburg, 3:
Howard Pope, Corvallis, 4:
Don Goodrich, Dayton, S. Ital
ian rye grass Richard Klopf
enstein, Silverton, 1; Carl Jen
sen, Harrisburg, 2: Edwin
Coate, Harrisburg. 3: Paul
Jensen, Harribsurg 4; Gerald
Phelps, Turner, S. Alta fes
cue Norman Burgess; Harris
burg, 1; Carl Jensen, Harris
burg 2; Corvallis FFA, Cor
vallis, 3) Paul Jensen, Harris
burg, 4. Chewing fescue.
John Weisz, Gervais, 1; Lyle
Hathaway, Corvallis, 2 Red
Creeping fescue, Lyle Hatha
way Corvallis, 1. Sudan grass,
Corvallii FFA. Corvallis. 1.
Other, Jim Anderson Corval
lis, 1; Cordell Tittle. CorvaU
lis, 2; Jim Anderson, CorvaJ
lis, 3; Jim Winslow Corvallis,
4; Merle Wischnofske, Corval
lis, a.
Vegetable seed Beet seed,
Allen Reitzenstein, Salem, 1;
Lyle Hathaway, Corvallis, 2.
Peas, Corvallis FFA Corval
lis, 1; Dale Oawerman, Cor
vallis, 2.
Legume seed Alfalfa,
Douglas Rees, Ontario, 1. Red
clover,-Lyle Hathaway, Cor
vallis, 1; John Weisz Gervais,
2; Francis SUdelman, Hills-
become acute In Western Ore
Mills In the Eugene area are
getting only from one. half to
lea than one third of the ears
they need, P. T. Titus, execu-
tive vice president of the as.
sociation, aaid,
Earlier the Ore con Farm
oureau f ederation had asked
the Southern Pacific Railroad
for more car? for harvesting
crops. .1
Southern Pacific ofidals said
the usual harvest time shortaee
and the lessening of shipments
w Korea were responsible. The
reduction of shipments to the
sar fast means fewer empty
cars are available on the West
oath. Bk. ai
Record Climb
Of Pikes Peak ;
Colorado Springs VP) VeU i
eran Louia Vnser of Colorado i
Springs shaved 13 Va aeconda '
off the old record to ae the 1
pace in the daring Pikea Peak '
Hill climb' with more than ?
half the field acroas the finish
Vnser made the run un tha
peak In IS minutes; 13.4 see-
onds after the record had '
been twice broken and onr.
tied by the early starten '
The record for the twlatin. -
course up the peak highway'
to the 14,000-foot summit was :
la musuies, 20.73 seconds.
Then Al Rogers of Colr.rf L
Springs set a .new record M '
15:27.09. Herb Brvera i
.oiorauo sprints was thlrrf
man to start and he recorded ?
" v. i uenver, t
after a false start, roared up
the mountain highway with
its hairpin curves and shelf
roads to shave 10 seconds off "
me recora with a time
Girard, Penn., came for a
short visit with relatives and
friends while on vacation.
Air Conditioned
Ends To-tay! - Open t:4J
"mow m south snor
,"TMg tltt NOT jr30r
RAlMmt aaoooM m
Technicolor Co-Hit
Joka rayne Jaa gterlinc
AT 7:15
Doris Day and 1
Gordon MacRae
Ia Technicolor
Cary Grant
Ginger Rogers
Marilyn Monroe ia -
5 . -
HOUDINl" and
utisa uitiki. HwewiT
8HOW AT 7:15
Fred Astaire
Cyd Charhue
Color by Technicolor
Jean Simmons
, All Technicolor Show
Alen Lodd
Arleae Dahl
Richard1 Widmark .
Don Taylor in
also 'TALL TEXAN" 5
and "A DAY IN THE -
COUNIKT in i-u 51
Hundred cf interesting
and educational exhibits
u.nut2S- 80AyS
. KKWielS4JTj
Nov m Sat.
"Tanner Takei a Wife"
'n nisi m-
Qff3ZE) jfjl
Bosnia Prim
las Its for Viewers
t Color Hit!!
The Lady Wants Mink
. Also
Arnbsah at Tomahawk Gap
m mm
1 3-0 ACTrON lWdl'
sT 10 nr m m m m m . i i k
uu r
stun snsrooTr vbju ssrus eent waeoors