TV" Tuesday, September 8, 1953 , -- - THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Ralw, OrtfM . - Par IS Tele - K folfj Radio Helena Hucrhta anj k.- u ucr xuiwauan troupe, which are nHZKrJl'W the nlt how on thSrtut at the background: M d television Topping the list of former radio and television stars is Mrs. Hughes herself. The ever-happy Helene had several of her own radio shows in addition of being a part of many others. . y For television Mrs. Hughes has contributed on the pro duction side of the field to the industry. Several tele vision short subjects have been produced and directed by Mrs. Hughes. . Her radio programs varied from a woman show to a sing, 15-minute musical program. Princess Luana who displays her talent by dancing several numbers during the State Fair show, was a pio neer in the television field. Luana was technical adviser at KTTV in Los Angeles and prepared a travelogue series on Hawaii for the station. Also Luana has appeared on the Harry Owens Ha waiian show and on KTLA when they televised from the Paramount studio. Lovely Elana, who does the narration and sings for Oregon State fairgoers, has done a long list of radio ap pearances in addition, to being a "guinea pig" on experi mental TV shows. The Don McNeil and Dave Garrawav annua inn th list of radio shows which the tin. Keokeolae, one of the Hawaiian dancers, has appeared on Arthur Godfrey's show and also has done cxtenHni work in color television for worxs. . . . Kalani Pua, another Hawaiian dancer, has also appear ed on the Arthur Godfrey show and also on his sister Cathy's show in Phoenix, Arizona. Tutuila or Sau, the Hawwaian knife dancer, has per formed his dance on Hoagy Carmichael'a Saturday night Revue show about two months ago. Sau praises Hoagy as a "really fine fellow." . The Amin Brothers, the balancers, were first seen by Mrs. Hughes, on the Ed Sullivan Toast of the Town tele vision show. AH other acts of the two hour show have appeared on radio and television on numerous occasions, in fact, too many times to list. David Kelii's orchestra which provides the background music are veterans of Hawaii Calls radio program. Kelii and his orchestra played for Hawaii Calls for 10 years. Both Princess Luanua and Lovely Elana appeared on XGAE Monday afternoon. Lovely Elana when introduc ed to Happy Joe Young was thrilled with excitement as an old acquaintance had been renewed. Joe was spinning platters down Eureka, Calif., way when Lovely Elana aang for his station on a March of Dimes marathon. TELE-VIEWS is listed to be a guest on the General Electric radio show on KSLM Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 p.m. The broadcast which originates from the Oregon State Fairgrounds is direct from the GE booth at the fair. Dave Hoss is master of ceremonies for the 15-minute show, which runs daily.' TOtJRS FOB TILE-VIEWING TUESDAY ' The Toymaker, S:45. The old German, Toymaker brings you tales of toys to delight the young of heart on thli live children's show. Northwest News Digest, 8:45. Features Norman Wallace, newscaster, with Bill Stout as sports reporter and commenta tor. Cross-country news and weather round-up by Wallace. Newspaper of the Air, S:SS. Features Bill Clayton with local news and news photographs local and live. It happened tn Sports, :10. Charlie Grirun, manager of the Milwaukee Braves, will tell the viewers the dramatic story ef now the Braves switched from Boston to Wisconsin. Mirror Theatre, 7. "One Summer's Rain" stars Franchot Tone portrayed a disappointed playwright who lives on the memories of his one successful play. Each year the play wright, producer and cast of the play meet and recreate the show's first night. The strange vigil has a strange effect on the lives of tht personnel. Featured are Joseph Anthony, Barbara Baxley and Rusty Lane. . Fireside Theatre, I. "Bless the Man" stars Bill Bishop, Joyce Holden, Jonathan Hale, and James Parnell. Story concerns Dr. Crawford Long, who discovered the use of ether in surgery, and his battle against hypocrisy and dlehards. This Is Tonr Life, S:J. The life of Don DeFore will be retelecast Favorite Story, .. "High Seas" setting Is Banana Re public where a new dictator arranged the disposal of the late president's son by shipping him aboard a freighter in a trunk. A girl, Marie, intervenes and is also put aboard the ship. Operation Doorstep. :St. "Your Job With CivU De fense" film and "Live" panel Interview by Bill Swing of KPTV and Mayor Peterson and Jack Lowe, Director of Disas Relief. t t Judge lor Yourself, IS. Stars Fred Allen in show which combines panels, talent and audience participation. Nlte Owl Theatre, ll:t. "Cheers for Miss Bishop." YOURS FOR TELE-VIEWING WEDNESDAY Matinee Theatre, l. "Eari of Puddlestone.". The Toymaker, 1:45. The old German Toymaker brings his tales of toys to delight the young of heart on this live chil dren's show. Northwest News Digest, 5:45. Features Norm Wallace, newscaster with Bill Stout as sports reporter and commenta tor. Cross-country news and weather round-up by Wallace. News, 5:55. Features Bill Clayton with local news and news photographs local and live. Fights, . Johnny Gonsalves vs. Henry Davis 10 round lightweight bout from Oakland Civic Auditorium. Liberace, 7. Selections include: "Sabre Dance," "St. Louis Blues," "I Don't Care,". "Blue Tango," "Moonlight Sonata, ""d MLHtle Margie, 7:S. "A Present for Dad"-stars Gale Storm and Charles Farrell. Dad's trouble starts when Mrs. Oddetts fires off a shotgun to signal the start of a birthday present hunt. The hunt Involves two slick foreigners and $1,800 of dad's money. , , .... I Married Joan. I. Joan plays a female Cyrano end sets the art of romance back a hundred years. Joan ana cr.u have a 18-year old girl visit them and Joan arranges a date with the neighbor's son. . ... This Is Your Life, :. The Rev. Jim McLain s We wiu be recreated by Ralph Edwards. ... ..... Kraft Theatre. . "The Blues for Joey Menotti -tel s of the reartaches of a honky-tonk piano player reflected In hi. throbbing music. The tele-play wlU: future Constance Ford. Robert Simon. Eddie Binns, and Dennis Orient Emrets. It. "European Edition a rising young Euroww new. tor (Jean-Pierre Aumonti find. himseU LmgP .t?ge7y h.rr..d by a series of telephone i call, from jaJftS slorVs Bishop." Educational Confab For Sweet Home Sweet Home The first Joint Linn county educational con ference for both elementary and arenndarv school instruct ors, will be held Sept. 10-1 1 at w.n n- J I ' I'aA I nvT nCEIrtD T Views - Te'evision e-b tt .: . . . " lovely Elana has appeared CBS and NBC television net- Sweet Home union high school. The two-day Institute will include lectures, group meet ings, panel discussions, buzz sessions snd question snd an swer periods devoted to the study and to major problem areas in the IJ-yesr progrsm. r Everything from children to billfolds are lost c tha State Fair and Monday night Officer Gene Nordone came In carrying a lost Pekingese. The little dog had apparently broken his chain and was wandering about the grounds when found by the officer. Fair officials tied the Pekingese to the post of the mail box in front of the administration building until closing time and then moved him indoors, but he's headed for the city dog pound unless claimed very soon. The owner, however, will have five days to claim him before he is given away. On Television KPTV (Channel 27) Only rofrHM ehjdgltt t tffmti IN Melorela, taMflf, HsDsms. KA Valley Television Center 2303 FsirgrsoiMli Id. Ml MM Boa Ui Mm tn Bay Pm Um Shi DhI to Tw luttq TralaoS TwhiMftM Om CaiH 9-m. DaUr Bum BalarSaf TUSSDAT S:ll .av-aaroa lor Tamarrrw I It a.ak Lon at Ufa S:U Tomftkffr ' t 4:M p.m. XoHi Doodf :" m Tban rwUaa t:W a.m. Namaa to. Sam. f:ll p.m. Ntwipaper of Air 0:10 p.m. Htppenj la aporu : a.m. Neva Caravaa . -T:00 p.m. Mirror Thaatar T:I0 p.m. Braak Bank S:W p.m. Flraalda Theattr 1.30 p.m. Thu Ia Tour Ufa 0:00 p.m. Adolpho Minjou S:S0 p.m. Oprt!on Doorlttp 10:00 p.m. udco for Touraclf 10:1 p.m. Half Bour TMlltr . 11. M p.m rroitr ProUw 11 p.m. NIU Owl MARR RADIO & TELEVISION Seles Service - Installation TV Open from t a.m. to t p.m. Ph. S-16U ZtM 8. Comt Salem's First Televiilon Stare WEDNESDAY S:I0 a.m. Whot'a Cooklntt 11:00 a.m. Tht Bit Farof! 11:30 a.m. Welcome Travtltr 11:00 boob Ob your Account 13:10 p.m. CN Ocoaral Axitmblr 1:00 p.m. Doublo or Nothloo 1:30 p.m trlko II men 1:00 Uatlnto TneaUr S:ll p.m.4taroh fur Tomorrow 3 10 p.m. Ion of Ltfo !: .ak Turmaktr 4:00 p.m. Howdr Doodr t.00 p.m. IMrlko II Rich :to p.m Ntwipapor of Atr 0:00 p.m. Pimu :0ft p.m. Itaoa OaraTaa T:00 p.m. Llotraea 1:30 p.m Uj LUtla Marllt I 01 p.m. I Marrlod Join 1:10 p.m. Thlt U Tour Ufa 0:00 p.m. Kraft Theater 10:00 p.m. orltal Cxorais 10:30 p.m. Half Hour Thraltr 11:00 p.m. PaelfW cruadt 11 J p.m. Nlta Owl Thiatar San Salvador has been wrecked 12 times by earth quakes in the past four cen turies says the National Geo graphic Society. TELEVISH Science Shrinks Piles New Way Without Surgery FokIs Healing Substance That Does Bolh Relieves Pain Shrinks HemorrhoWs few York, N. Y. (SpJ.I) For tha first time acienca has found a new healing sutatanca with the astonishing ability to shrink hemorrhoids and to atop bleeding-without surgery. In one hemorrhoid can. after another, "very striking improre ment" was reported and verified by doctors' obterrations. Pain was reliered promptly. And, while gently relieving pain, actual reduction or retraction (shrinking) took place. And most amasing of all this improvement was maintained ia eases where doctors' obserratione were continued ewer a period of many months I Ia fact, reralta were so thor ough that sufferers were able to mak nrh tmihinf statements as "Piles have ceased to be a Retired Bureau Member Dies 'Charlea E. Roblin, 83, re tired army and federal Indian bureau man, died at a Salem nursing home Monday. In Sa lem he had made his home at 737 Center street As a young man Roblin served in the army, and attain ed the rating of major in 1887. He Joined the Bureau of In dian Affairs with the Depart ment of the Interior and re tired from that service 10 years ago. ...... , . . He was a native of Winni peg, Manitoba, where he was born January 16, 1870. He had lived in Salem for 63 years. He 1s survived by a daugh ter, Mrs. Ruth Emily Chants of Milwaukie, Ore.; a son, Charles D. Roblin of Salem; two grandchildren. Miss Pa triccia Mae Chantz and Charles Michael Chantz, both of Mil waukie. . Services will be held Thurs day at 1:30 p.m. from, the Clough Barrick chapel with Dr. Brooks Moore as the min l ister. Ritualistic services by the Masonic lodge. Tele-fun by Warren Goodrich "Don't worry about him I pac ing his calls bookworms are used to pausing while be tween paragraphs I". . . It's wise to space calls so other folks have a chance to call you! . . . Pacific Telephone. problem 1" And among these suf ferers were a very wide variety of hemorrhoid conditions, some of 10 to 20 years' standing. All this, without the nse of narcotics, anesthetics or astrin gents of any kind. The secret is a new healing substance (Bio Dyne) the discovery of a world famous research institution. Al ready, Bio-Dyne is in wide nse for healing injured tissue on all parts of the body. Now this new healing substance Is offered in ointment form for hemorrhoids under the name Preparation H.' The price as only 8f a tube including an appli cator. Tha name to ask for is Prenaration H-at all drug stores. And rernember-if not entirely satiafled -your money rill be rs- funded promptly. Saturn Only Visible in Sky This Week By J. HUGH FRCETT Uotroaomar.. ixuauoa XttrUiM. The early evening sky this coming week is almost devoid ef bright planets. The only one visible Is Saturn. It can be seen just above the bright star Splca very near the west- southwestern horizon an hour alter sunset. Two weeks from now Saturn will be practically lost in the sun's rays. Mer cury is now cuddling right be side the sun. Brilliant Jupiter Is rising around midnight in the east northeast.. An hour before sun rise it is very high in the sky a little east of due south. At that time the moraine heavens are well adorned wit't planets. Gorgeous Venus, well over the eastern skyline, outshines ev erything else. Nearer the hori zon and a little more north ward, red Mars is visible. I For the .bright stars of eve-' nlng let us observe about 1 H i nours alter sunset Loav in the southwest red Antares, the ri val of the planet Mars, is twinkling. It is the principal 1 star in the celestial Scorpion. High in the west hangs orange A returns at the base of the Kite, a large figure of stars with its top Inclined toward the right. Just to the east of I The West's 6,000,000th teUphon mat installed last week in the WEST'S 6,000,000th TELEPHONE GOESTO WORK Interstate Telegraph Company installs milestone instrument in Barstow, California A veteran of Korea and his wife are making calls this week over the West's 6,000,000th telephone. It was installed Sep tember 2nd, by the Interstate Telegraph Company (an af filiate of the California Electric Power Company) whioh provides telephone service in Barstow and the surrounding ' territory. The Williams' telcphona brings the total serving the West to almost double what it was at the end of World War II a remarkable growth record made possible by the combined efforts of more than 200 telephone companies. 1. Booming Barstow has grown 25 just. since 1950... and population estimates forecast its present 9,100 msy triple in the next five years. As in other parts of the West, this growth meant a record-breaking demand for telephone service snd a record-setting rate of telephone installations. Pacific Telephone Bright Planet Oram wtMc UwIM antuo the top of the Kite, the little half circle of small stars form ing the Northern Crown Is easily spotted. Also note the position of the familiar Big Dipper right side up in the northwest. . Almost in the rerrlth at our observing hour we find the beautiful white Vega, the prin cipal star in the mythological Harp of Orpheus. A little far ther east and of lesser bril liance Deneb heads the North ern Cross, a prominent figure of stars now lying with its foot extending toward the south. If you are net too far south and obstructions do not Inter fere,, yellow Capella is jump ing and flashing various colon Just above the horizon only a PEACHES IMPROVED ILBERTAS Young Orchard -U-PickorWePick Bring Containers and Save 13 Miles North of West . Salem Bridse on Wallace -Road H. L. Sfouf enberg . ' DAYTON I am mtammmaaaaimai ",; ' I '"A r ' , ji '-ruj r (0 1 little east ef north. It is mov ing eastward and upward. Ev ery year around this time peo ple become excited, thinking this ancient star is a flying saucer or something equally modern. During World War H it waa often mistaken for a Japanese balloon. :. High in the southern akv Altair in the Eagle is promi nent. Above and below It there stand the dimmer 'guard' stars, Tarazed and Alshaln. About directly in the east and a imie distance above the hor izon we. sea a large sauare formed !of only moderately bright stars. This figure, stand ing on one corner, is the fa mous Square of Pegasus. Peg r We are now registering help, both men ind women for our prune pack. Please apply ia person. STARR FOODS INC. Church and Mill Salem, Ore. a , horn of Master Sergeant (USMC) mmmf jWs'sS'Ilp. Iretrr- YE-'! .u : , iv - wan, . . 2. It may surprise you to know that the West is served by more than 200 different telephone companies and tha U. S. by over 5,200 companies. Their teamwork permits any telephone in the West to be connected quickly with any of the 49,000,000 telephones in America. Surely one im portant reason for the West's sound growth is the co operation among the telephone companies which serve it, Telephone business is a community business The telephone business is essentially a local business. Ninety percent of all telephone calls are local calls. In the hundreds of communituw served by the West's telephone companies, local peopleyour friends snd neighbors provide your telephone service, working constantly to furnish good service at low cost : YOUR TELEPHONE IS ONE OP TODAY'S BEST BARGAINS asus was the flying horse ef the ancients. He is always fly ing upside down. . The W .of Cassiopeia la now high In the northwest and lo cated right in the Milky Way, This cloudy band is now in a fine position for observing as it extends southward entirely across the sky. Besides, far a few evenings there will be Insufficient moonlight in the sky to' dim its faint cloudy luminosity. KaJCtKAIMISllVXI Hoara :M u I turn. Dally Clooeet Wcdaaaday Than, AriiUUw pnttafs hy . SDUTOIIrtm-w 20702 and Mrs. Lionel P. William. .. r- I i J