Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 08, 1953, Page 17, Image 17

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    Tuesday, September I, 1953
Pif 17
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Frank Maynard, Three Mile Lane, McMlnnville, award
' ed the grand championship In the 4-H Club division,
ihown milking his prize winning Guernsey cow. At the
fair this year Frank has already won two awards for
' ihowmanship and three grand championships In the dairy
mcYlinn ville Boy brand
Champion 4-H Shovman
Frank Maynard of McMlnn-i
villa Monday was made grand
champion 4-H dairy showman
ef the State Fair in what turn
ed out to be as much a test
of endurance as of showman
hip, running for five huors,
40 minutes.
Three tired youngsters, a
13-year-old girl, 15-year-old
boy and an 18-year-old boy
iKnwiri muallv worn out an
imals in -the dusk of a cloudy
afternoon for the final award.
Cecelia Otawford of Tlgard
Happy Heifer club was Jun
ior division champion; John
Chandler, Intermediate cham
pion, was from the same club
and Maynard had won the
senior division championship.
Physical stamina of the older
youth coupled with superior
handling of his animal, made
the final tilt rather unequal.
i Maynard Is leader of the
Mavericks Livestock club
which was started 15 years
go by his father, Cliff May
nard. All the final lists show
d Guernseys.
Largest spectator galleries
ef the day followed the Here
ford beef cattle Judging. All
animals shown were grown
nd developed in Oregon,
commented Herb Chandler of
Baker who Is president of the
National Hereford Associa
tion. Double M. Hereford Ranch
of Adams exhibited the grand
champions of both sexes. The
champion bull was M. M.
Prince Royal 138, a two-year-1
old. Female champion was
HHR Princep's Lady, also a
two-year-old and half broth
er to the champion bull.
Walter P. Hubbard had the
reserve champion bull, a year
old animal named W.H.S.
Royal Count 6th, sired by
T?nvl Count. Chandler ex-i
hibited the reserve champion
female, Princess Larry 110,
an eight months old calf sired
by M. W. Prince Larry 7th.
Holstein dairy cattle breed
ers had a well balanced show
of excellenUquaUty with win
nings divided between four
vhihltnri. Senior and grand
rh.mnlon bull was Llnmere
Renown Vsliant, shown by
Arthur P. IreUnd tc Son, For
est Grove. Irelands also had
the reserve champion female.
Llndow brothers of Port
i.i n Ihe senior and grand
rhimnionship with
Linmere Hazel Vanity, a five
...uH mw. Grimes broth
ers of HarrUburg had the
4ninr and reserve grand
rh.molon bull, and Junior
ehamnion female.
The Brown Swiss cattle
f fanev Duality. Rex
t. i ml Aniel who Judged
them said the four anlmaU
Get of Sire entered by Christ
Sehunegger, Portland, was
the most uniform group he
had even seen In any breed.
He also praised the aged cow
Aih.ri Meier 4t Donald of
Kvrton won the grand
.k.nin bull award
three-year-old Arbor Rose Re
nown Man. They also had
k. ..ninr and reserve cham
pion bull, Arbor Rose Actor
Star. All female champions
were entered by Schluneg
ger. Guernsey placlngs ' were
dominated, as they often have
been in the past, by M. C.
Fleming, Wandamere Farms,
Tjroutdale. He had tha grand
champions of both sexes. The
grand champion bull Wanda
mere Anson's Bond aired 4he
first place Get of Sire ef the
Milkeyway Playful,' eight-
year-otd senior and grand
champion cow was bred by
Kenneth W. McKenzle of Van
couver and recently purchas
ed by Fleming. Sired by
Fleming bull, Wandamere
Kimble, she is four time
senior and grand champion
Guernsey female at the Pacific-International
Exposition but has never be
fore been shown at 'the State
Fair. . .
Swine show rings were
busy most of the day with
large Hampshire display,
seven breeders competing. L
S. Berry of Salem had the
senior and grand champion
boar. -Junior and reserve
champion boars were owned
by Lyle McKlnley & Son of
Woodburn. P. M. DeLapp of
Colton won purple ribbons
for aenlor and grand cham
pion sows, also reserve cham
pion sow. Joe & Rpse.WU
helm of Salem won the Jun
ior champion sow purple.
Fat barrow competition
brought the grand champion
individual and pen awards to
Joe & Rose Wilhelm on Po
land Chinas. The reserve
champion individual was en
tered by Franke Brothers of
Salem, Junior Miller, Ger
vais, exhibited Berkshire
barrow which was made
champion in the heavy classri.
Wilber Plager of Blairsberg,
Iowa, Judge of the swine di
vision, said many of the bar
rows would, be winners in
midwest show rings.
Roy Harms, Canby; Glenn
Hawkins, Shedd; and W. C.
Harms tc Son, Canby; divided
championship honors in Ches
ter Whites. Durocs were shown
by only two exhibitors, Don
Bassett, Salem, and George
Kraus, Silverton, with Kraus
taking most of the blue and
purple ribbons.
For the first time this year
awine showmen are competing
in breeder-feeder class. It
consists of a boar, gilt and a
barrow, all from the same litter
farrowed after February 1,
1993. There is no weight limit
on the animals.
Sheep judging results: Cor
rledale champion ram, George
Moscrip. Sherwood; champion
ewe, Jimmie Riddell, Mon
mouth. Dorset champion ram,
Averill Hansen, Junction City;
champion ewe, Kenneth Mc
Crae, Monmouth. Romney
champion ram, Eldon Riddell,
Monmouth, champion ewe,
Ahrens brothers, Turner.
Southdown champion ram and
champion ewe, Claude Steus
loff, Salem.
New 4-H Champs Emerge
In State Fair Competition
New champions continued to
appear on the lists of winners
in 4-H competition at the Ore
gon State Fair Tuesday, and
many of them are from the
Mid-Willamette region.
Winner in the exhibit of
pen of three market hog was
Barbara Koch of Sherwood.
Blue Ribbon winner in the
aame class were John Linn,
Molalla: Russell Elmore, Ap
plegate; Richard Bernards, St.
Paul; George Smith, St Paul;
Boyd Bishop, Tigard; and Ger
ald Simantel, Cornelius.
Otr tUMi wr:
Room Impro,tatnlMirr llttw, BUllt
kor. owkarr n lm wMr.
tea, tpMt ok. Among th fclv rib
bon wtMf r, MarUya Pmit tatf Pbi
Mormon, U4 KIU Mcknr, IM
Cookery It b jamM Kirk, Corfallli.
an4 Jtanttta CarUm, Wlllanlna. tlad
(or blua ribbon Maraa tor opomo oakoa
mt&a ub baklm powder.
... ....
Druggists' Prescription
For Relief of Itch
When your skin la Irritated
with pimples, red blotches and
other skin blemishes from ex
ternal causes, you're crazy with
itching torture, try Sanltone
Ointment Itching atops
promptly. Smarting disappears
immediately. Sanltone Oint
ment is also wonderful for
itching feet cracks between
toes and Athlete s foot
For Sale
State at Liberty Phone S-3111
Cut the high cost of haircuts
sir i
with the sensational now
movtt "Sooliof 111 S'Ib
Kim" blaoo to 111 U 11
oilW lido (loft f III K VH
rlghl) to trio M fl ,
trio yoo wnK 111 &&K U
S4odo towwtf 111 V' 11
contor for aof m 111 h r 11
toni blotto doMr III , II
toodgototonor 111 life '4 if.
to aaortor kdirt. . Ill LL" f VA
actual size ''TOl
ttoiorroo otool ktodta, IB IS''I''J; .',
nylon eloonl., brook, Y f U . WJV'
nd OMT-ollo H M'itffV
dirooio. sm....oii m yw'n;
fravtl mm. .............
i'Hff "T
You con hove
smart-looking "home" haircut
for of little a 3e each.
to ImOirt Modal
okftotod $00
the greatest invention since
the safety rasor and the
precision instrument that
cuts, trims, thins and grades
lor complete haircut
professional-looking haircuts
t home for as little a; 3c each
easy-to-follow, illustrated di
rections for cutting any hair
style, come with each
Hair Cutter
as important to good groomin
s your comb and brush
safe, sanitary, foolproof
.WI blodoa I to
15, Iron r! roo not
nolr rfcroo hoirrvti to
blodo, rbnt't Ion.
NWn I contt for
omnnloto hnlrcvtf
U I A. ood Wol
Pntonta fondmf.
! 44 SUt 81, Rnkm, Orrfon
J Sirs: Plrue send me ) Home Hair
cutters lor which I enclose
( ) Check ( ) Money Order
! Name
! Address
! c"!.::::::::::::w;:::::.
o pen "even i YiS ""flL," V '
Betty Cline, Independence,
whoie exhibit of five vegeU
bei won her the grand cham
pionship In that division.
OaMKaktM aVtStsl BlislUtT. TlDi
moot. 4 DltM TlMw VMtV I HUii
IsOfhlim. lm.
Kmlttlst-aVtir Cftmea. MtrrtO.
TMMftkl Qsu4alBi Am CUm.
totWp 4tm .
CtMktry m fiWanH Trt, mu,
hoatsBabsid) ktrtN4 atottr Ai
ir, iu Moat kiw rilMB wtaatra.
vntuot Judilftr Uba McOtwtUd
lid aMnir Carur. TmwtU Butt. A klut
itbboo via awarl U Velk Mustr'a
Uaa of nor ftn4 lUliife CbftPU m4
Halts NftwrtnuA.
Caoolnt III MftrRul a)lr, Bftktr.
Caoktrr I id) Bobar Jtihaiaa, Bim4
swnl, mbUU twpcftkta.
Oooktry I ,e Carolna DRttt.
Wtodaura. plain uttiaa. Wlaalat klua
rlboaa wart Connl OratMlt, Auror;
DavM Jlttsuan. UatBNi LloreJ lUiphaV,
AuouvUl; Maclft Oulwtr, Dtrtoa.
Cooktry X tai Marilra AtchUoa. Cu
1)7, aaiu 4rea tMoklat.
Cooktrr I CroJ DavtblK ailvar
loa. ict box cook la. Clr La BarU,
ljtaaaoai Btttr Lmi 9imnt, aa4 Janic
Pan, aUltm, von blua rlbbraa.
atwiaf I ahftTOO atraaatr, Ajtorlt
Amoor k4u ribboa vtantra Harit
OuRttta, Woodburn; ParltBa DrUkill.
Jafftraoat Carol Kllehtnaa, Albou;
and finer Kbtrt, aaltm.
Cbtnal&i I ftDd n Juct Oruchov,
AuBUvin. Anoof Uio blut ribboa. ta
ra vtrt Bar bora Whiu, Woodboni
ao4 Pat Rtraosda, Albaar.
Rabbit ahowmaaahli - Linda etiockOT.
CbarrTTillt. Joanna Ortr. Sal am, waa
Taaorvo champion, laarllrn Dour la, a
ltm, worn tha Junior cbamplonahlv.
riovtr arraniamtot Uarr Wtathtr
fortf, fortiatKi. Jorct Mount, aaltsn,
waa nlut ribbon winntr.
Cookarf H tc) Frank Bilta, Jtfltnon.
anvtl food cakt. Xlalnt RooerUoa, Aclo,
waa blua ribbon winntr.
Oooktry III ibt Ltt Thornton, To-J
ind, wnon wniii ortfM. ,
Mary Klock, 1J. TroutOala. won ft 4-H
jaummtr aebool acholarahin MonoAv at:
Raatrrt champion waa Barbara Carl" la,
IT, Band. Jorct Mount, aalaa, placod
aocond ta tha ellvlilon.
Otiarlana, IS, Woo4ba.-, t.a
od aacond to Mlaa Klock In tha JunUr
dlUlon, Third plaet winaw in tot dll
alon waa Donald Shtlby, Albaci
Nummary of othar plaolnga:
Whit Loghorna, thrto puUata: Plrat.
Charltnt Abantr, Woodburn.
Whit Lag horna. ona co jkatl, two
pullota: Pint. Charlton Bhanar, aiM
wlnar of tha btit ol nrtod' apodal,
award! and aoaond, Rltehla Bacon, natt
wood. Maw Hanpablrt, thrta pallola: Vint,
Larry Kaltnar. Amity.
Hew Hampahlra, ona cockaral and two
pullata: Plrat, Dan Jtaitn, Portland,
lao wlnar of vwt of broad award) aoa
ond, Ktnny Back, Niwport,
Roda atlaad Had. throa pulltM: Pint.
Cherrlll Doty, Aaltm.
Rboda laland Rod. ona ockarn and
two nullcU: Plrat, Chorrlll Doty, aiao
winntr of boat of broad.
Whit Rocka. thrto pullata: Plrat, Wmry
Klock, Troutdala: atcond, Roaar Wtod
ruff, Troutdaiti third, Sarbara Ktadte
an, Corvallta.
Whilo Rocka. ona aoeiorl. two vuHaU:
Plrat, Mary Klock, Troutdftlo, oocood.
Wafer Vidim
Rites Tuesday !
Sllvtrton Funeral services
for WiUa Jean Norria, I, ore
being held Tuesday afternoon
from the Memorial chapel of
the Zkman funeral Home, the
Rev, Douglas HarreU officiat
ing, with final rite at Belcreit,
Salem, .;
The child waa drowned in
Silver Creek at the sit of the
Ludl swimming hole, several
yard up stream from the
southern city limits of town,
when a number of youngsters
and adult were wading and
swimming, late Sunday after
noon. She stepped into deep
water and waa not missed until
too late. - - '. ,""
Will was. with other mem
bers of the family visiting her
for Labor' day holiday from
their Tacoma, Wash., home.
Surviving are he parents,
Yj. and Mrs. frank Norria of
Tacoma and the following
brother and sisters: Wendell,
of San Diego; Floyd in the U.
S. Army; and at the Tacoma
home, Patty, Frank, Jr, Iris,
Janet, and Linda.
The little girl was born In
Tacoma, Wash., March 10,
1045. The family had lived in
Silverton at ona time.
Call WrUht, JackaU.
othtr ortoda. tnroa jauut parbam
Carllla. Bnd; Idward Btrr&ap, CnralUa.
Othar brtoda, ona ooektral and two
pullata: Barbara Oarllta. and,
IK brollara: First. Jorco Mount, an
tra. Blua rlbbona nlao want to Donald
balbr, Albani, and Jndr CHtaa, BJ.Ia-
ais routora: Vlrai, Wolay Tanrol.
Portland: bluo rlbbona, Judy Oatra,
HlUiborai and Charus abanar, WMd
burn. Wblto wu: nrrt, Bord raotttoL
Brown otw: First, B01 rlanao, Port
land. Turkars, Tount torn, all broods: Btrat,
Bruea Johnson, Scrapooodai ota.r b'ua
ribbon wlnnara, Paul Aaaa, Albanr, nnd
abcldon Ranan, Orason CUr.
Turkan. rouu hau. n.1 broods: First.
ahaldon Rabin. Oroioni othar biuo lib-
va sonnors. Brucn Jonnton, Bcavnooao:
Fnul Aiao. Albanr, nnd do, Fwo, drj.,
Pucka, ono drako and two Suaka. U
broods: First. HrralM. Aeklsr, Portand.
oooont aw Towiison,. oroahoai.
L -...v.-v '.I. . -
Two Boeing B-8S Stratofortrea test model top snow
capped Mt Rainier while on test flight out of Seattle,
Wash. The B-82's largest jet bombers In the world
weigh more than 300,000 pounds, have wing span of
185 feet and are powered by eight turbojet engine,
mounted in double pod under the swept' back wing.
The heavy bombers, now under construction, will be de
livered to the U. S. Air Force Strategic Air Command,
for ita all-Jet bombing force. (AP Wlrephoto) '
Alvina Barnick Cyr
Passes at Missoula
Funeral services were held
Saturday at Missoula, Mont.,
for Alvina Barnick Cyr, who
had friend and relative in
Salem. ,
The services were held at
St. Francis Xavier church in
Missoula and Interment was in
St. Mary's cemetery there.
Mrs. Cyr wa born February
C, 1887, in Germany. She is
survived by three brothers, F.
E. Barnick, L. R. Barnick end
Aveld Barnick, and ona ait
ter, Mrs. Martha Korb. all of
Salem; and sister, Mrs. Paul
ine Mathe of Coo Bay.
F. . and L. R. Barnick of
Salem attended the services at
Pratum The, Pratum
scnool opening has been post
poned until September 21 by
members, of the school board.
Mrs. Olson will be the prin
cipal again this year and Mia
Lois Riches wlU be the pri
mary teacher. '
Completely new Ford F-900 Bio Job. Mai. G.V.W.
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Come m today
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New Drtvkrijkd Cabs provide living-room comfort,
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