Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 08, 1953, Page 16, Image 16

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    Tuesday, Septetnber 8, 195S
Par it
... y . -v
: "CG) ft fTTt
Four New Records Set on
Final Day Airplane Races
With portable radio at a prop, Mri. Virginia Abatacola
hopes a cool lake breeze will help her to get a lew bouri
sleep atop the family auto at beach in Chicago. The
other pair of feet belong to her husband, John.. Thou
andf of Chicagoan are ileeplng on the beach and in
parki during the record-breaking heat wave.
Ladles Admitted
Frea to Battle
Royal Tonight
Ladies will ke admitted
free to tonight's fix-man bat
t royal at Hi Baiem tr
Biz wrestler will enter
fee ring at aha aame time.
Am ear them will be Erie
f edenoa and Lather Lind
say, favored to survive ah
'leagest and reiam later for
he finalf.
la addition to Fcdmoa
and Lindsay, Mia battle roy
al participants are Jack
O'Reilly, John Hennlng, Red
Yagaona and Greg Jarcfne.
The flrat twe men elimin
ated wil! be throagh for the
venmf. The third and
fourth men eliminated will
return later for a one fall or
tO-mlnnte match, and the
last two will return for a
one-fall battle to the finish
with no time limit
In a preliminary match,
aeheduled to start at 1:30,
Dong Donnan, young riling
star from Edmonton, will
face the new mystery man,
"The Ram."
Florists Face
San Diego in
Softy Tourney
Portland U. Erv Llnd
Florists of Portland meet the
La Mesa Slick Chicks of San
Diego tonight in the capper of
triple-header in the National
Softball congress. women's
world tournament.
The Phoenix A-l Queens,
defending champions which
were upet in their lift contest
Sunday, meet the Tulsa, Okla.
Merchanettes in tonight's first
game and Salt Lake City Sham
rocks and Crowhurst Motors of
Vancouver, B.C.. meet in the
second game.
The Crowhurst girls blanked
the Shamrocks, 1-0, in a 10-
inning battle yesterday.
Friedman Clothiers of West
Allis, Wis., posted a 4-0 shut
out over the Cincinnati All-
Stars in the first game. It was
the second loss for the All-Stars
and ousted them from the dou
ble elimination tourney. -
Cards Outplay
Rams for 23-10
Win at Portland
Portland QM The Chicago
Cardinals outplayed the Los
Angeles Rams to gain a 23-10
upset victory last night in an
exhibition professional football
game before 26,210 fans.
The victory was considered
a "revenge" for cardinal
Coach Joe Stydahar, who was
replaced as Los Angeles coach
during last year's season.
The Cardinals held the Rams
in check throughout the game
except for two explosive scor
ing thrusts,
Dayton, Ohio WV Record
setters of the tbre-day Na
tional Aircraft Show which
ended her yesterday expect
their glory to be ahort-IWed.
Most of them fr el it will "be
no more than a year before
yj?"" ! mental stage shatter the new
V J i Plane now In the experj
V M I marks, lust as old ones fU
--',: M In quantity here over the holi
day week end, before crowds
totaling 200,000.
Four new world records
cam out of the closing day's
program. But they -resulted
from presbow runs which
were not announced until
yesterday. Cool, cloudy wea
ther ruled out any chance of
bettering the preshow marks
before a final day crowd of
about 50,000.
Helicopter speed and alti
tude records disclosed yester
day were set earlier by Air
Force Capt Rullell M. Dobyns
of Norfolk, Va. Because of
unfavorable weather he did
not even try yesterday to beat
his sltitude record of 22,289
feet set last Wednesday or the
helicopter speed mark of
"I expect this record won't
stand too long, Holtoner said.
"We've got experimental
planes which could break it
tomorrow. I was flying I
standard production model."
Capt. Harold Z. Collins of
Elgin Air Force base. Fla
also flying an FSSD, made
low altitude upwind and
downwind straightaway pass
es of about 13 kilometer
about 8 miles before yester
day's crowd, but the rough
weather kept him well under
a world's record he mad her
a week ago: 707.880 m.p.h,
146.735 m.p.h. he made Fri
day for a ltt-mlle straight
away. Both world record per
formances were in a Piasecki
YH21 "Workhorse."
T h Thompson Trophy
Race, once . the multi-entry
thriller of the national air
races, was a solo flight by
Brig. Gen. J. Stanley Hol
toner, 42-year-old commander
of Edwards Air Force Base,
The 881.578 m.p.h. he flew
yesterday in a North Ameri
can F8SD Sabrejet stands as
Chicago scored first on a 72- a Jet record for the race.
yard march in seven plays, But last Wednesday Gen
climaxed when powerful Ralph Holtoner in a Sabrejet and
Only Two PCL
Pitchers Have
Won 20 Games
San Francisco (U.BA1 Wid
mar of Seattle became the Pa
cific Coast League's second
20-gam winner last week and
tt appeared today that only
two other pitchers had
chance at the magic circle.
Widmar upped his record to
SO wins and 13 losses with a
victory over San Diego and
Joined Allen Gettel of Oak
land, a 23-game winner who
has been over the 20 mark for
more than a month.
Royce Lint of Portland and
George O'Donnell of Holly
wood each had posted 19 wins
through Sunday according to
figures released toduy by
league statistician WiUlam
Weiss and appeared likely to
break the 20 game mark be
fore the season ends Sunday
There were 18 game win
ners in the loop at the begin
ning of the final week and
Memo Luna of San Diego, a
17-game winner, was the only
other pitcher within three vie
tones of the charmed circle
Joe Hatten of Los Angeles
led the league In strikeouts
with 143 and Widmar had fur
nished 104 batters with free
tickets to first base to top the
loop In that department,
'rabert Wins
ennis Title
Forest HUls. N. Y. tt).(0 Tom
Trabert of Cincinnati, return
ing to the Nationals after a
hitch in the Navy, overwhelmed
Vic Seixas of Philadelphia to.
day and won the U. S. tennis
singles championship, 6-3, 6-2,
Moving into the center court
shortly after Maureen (Little
Mo) Connolly of San Diego,
Calif., won her third straight
women's crown by downing
Doris Hart of Coral Gables,
Fla., 6-2, 6-4, the 23-year-old
Cincinnati Davis Cupper threw
everything he had at the Wim
bledon champion with a power
attack Seixas simply couldn't
handle on the critical points.
Pasquarlello scored from
three yard line.
A few minutes later, Wal
lace Triplett raced back a
punt 53 yards to the Ram 38.
Joe Nagel shot a seven-yard
pass to Charley Trippi, who
scored the Cards' second
With a 14-point lead, the
Cardinals were never headed
after that The Rams scored in
the first when Paul Younger
took a hand off from Norman
Van Brocklin and went 26
yards through the middle.
Jo Gerl added to the Chi
cago scoring with a field goal
In the third quarter. Ben Aga-
lanian of the Rams also had a
field goal, which came after a
60-yard run by halfback Vita
min Smith.
The Cardinals went 44 yards
In eight plays for the last
touchdown In the final period,
with Pasquarlello plunging
over from the one.
Oregon City Elks Win
Portland City Title
Portland Oregon City
defeated Norgan's Beavers 2-1
yesterday to add the City
league basebaU title to its ABC
tourney crown.
in better weather zipped
around the 100 kilometer 62
mile closed course in 690.118
m.p.h. That shattered a
world mark Jacqueline Coch
ran set fo rthe 100-kilometer
closed course last June 3 in a
Canadian built F86E.
Bruce Cudd Wins
Champ of Champ
Golf Tourney
Sheridan, Wyo. W Bruce
Cudd, holder of two Oregon
amateur golf titles, was crown
ed champion of champions at
Sheridan Monday.
The 20-year-old Portland
golfer posted a total of 224 for
the 54 holes to lead a field of
nine in the two-day tourna
ment of champions. Par for the
54 holes is 213.
Lewis LePore of Cheyenne,
the Wyoming golf king, came
in second with 229. Don Dravi-
land of Sioux Falls, S. D-, was
third with 230.
Don Welch of Havre. Mont..
posted a 231. Dick Price of
Longview, Wash., Byron Ad
ams of Fairbury, Neb., and
Charles Beyer of Fargo, N. D.,
all carded 233s.
The old record is 675.47
m.p.h. wss set by Miss Coch
ran last June 3.
Collins said he believes his
time yesterday was a little
over 700 m.p.h. He, too, flew
a standard ship but said the
outside of it had been waxed
He does not believe his record
will last beyond next summer
before "some new type of
plane" excels it
Little Mo Wins
3rd Straight
National Title
Forest Hills, N. Y. VP) Mau
reen Connolly of San Diego,
Calif, won her third straight
national women s. tennis cham
pionship Monday with a bus
iness-like 6-2, 6-4 victory over
Doris Hart of Coral Gables,
The 18 -year -old wonder
from California, thus complet
ed a sweep of the world's ma
jor titles this year. She had
previously won the Wimbledon,
Australian and French grass
court crowns.
The 28-year-old Miss Hart,
suffering her fifth defeat in the
finals, failed to put up ber us
ual strong resistance against
the determined little blonde
Miss Hart favorite weapon,
tricky drop shot, failed to
function and the slender Flor
ida girl lost more than a dozen
important points when her
drop-short attempts hit the top
of the tape and bounced back.
Memphis Chicks
Win Pennant
Memphis, Tenn. (U.B Lu
cius (Luke) Appling and his
stretch driving Memphis
Chicks today hung out the
first Southern Association
pennant that has flown here
since 1930.
Memphis didn't wrap up
the Class AA flag until last
night as the loop wound up
the season with a full slate of
Labor ' day doubleheaders.
U of Oregon
Football Book
University of Oregon, Eu
gene. State-wide distribution
of "Football Is Fun," a booklet
written by Coach Len Casano
va of the Oregon Ducks and de
signed to aid fans in enjoying
the 1933 grid season, will get
underway September 8. -
The booklet, pocket-sized and
16 pages long, covers a variety
of football topics. Among the
features are Oregon's' favorite
plays diagramed to show what
each player does on four typical
Duck running plays and two
pass patterns. '
The Oregon offense and de
fense, as well as a brief outline
of the offensive systems used
bv the Duck opponents, are also
explained along with the posi
tion and duties of the ouicau.
Other features include a
breakdown of the expenses for
a collegiate football team, how
players earn sufficient money
to pay for tneir education ana
a brief history of Oregon foot
Coach Casanova said he
hoDed the booklet would aid
fans .in Oregon to better under
stand football in general and
Oregon football in particular.
Distribution is planned through
General Motors dealers in the
entire state.
Cosnsy In Record
As Bums Stretch
Lead to 13 Games
Sutton Wins 100-Mile
Race at Meadows
Portland VP) Len Sutton of
Portland, the defending cham
pion, roared the 100 miles in
one hour and 14 minutes Mon
day to take first place In the
big car race -at Portland Mea
dows. - Jack Timmings, also
of, Portland, came in second
and Seattle's. Lou Glorence
was third.
Tlln far Tfl. Own Brtmer, 1111
(CmiM t C. S. Cm ui OMSrtto
mr, rvnimaa, ura..
Throw Yonr Watch Away
We Fix Them When
Others Can't
MS Slat St.
. mthWatirl v LovWatff
Spt. Tim Htliht Tim Haltht
S : a.. II
11 M p.m. S T l:M p.m. 11
S 13:11a.m. I t :Mii- t.l
1:01 p.m. It 1 11 p.m. 1.1
II 1:11 t.m. It :33 a.m. 1.1
MS p.m. It 111 p.m. 01
11 . 1:11 a.m. S.l t.m. 1.1
11 p.m. S.l S IS p.m. 0.1
It 1 11 a.m. 4.S 1 11 a.n. 1.1
1:11 p.m. S.l 1:11 p.m. o.
IS 1:11 a.m. 4.1 1:41 a.m. 1.4
I (9 p.m. .S 10:04 p.m. 01
14 4:14 a.m. 4.1 S:ll a.m. 3.1
1:17 p.m. S.l 11:01 p.m. 0.1
15 l ) a.m. 4 0 I U a.m. S.l
4:15 p.m. 1.1 '
II 1:00 a.m. I t 11:01 a.m. 0.0
:ll p.m. 41 11:03 a.m. 3.1
IT 1:13 a.m. 4.3 1:11 a.m. 1.4
II p.m. I I t 13:11 ptm. S.l
II 1:10 a.m. 4 5 1:31 a.m. 1.1
1:10 p.m. S.l I'll P.m. 1.1
II 143 a.m. 1:11 a.m. -0.1
9:00 p.m. 1.3 S:ll P.m. S.B
34 10:10 a.m. I I 4:01 a.m. -0.1
10:01 p.m. S.l 4:10 P.m. 1.1
tl 11:04 a.m. 1.1 4:41 a.m. -0.1
11:00 p.m. t t I'OS p.m. 1.1
13 11:11 a.m. II 1. 21 a.m. 0 0
II l p.m. I I I II p.m. I I
31 1:07 a.m. 0.1
13:14 p.m. 1.0 1:41 p.m. -01
II 11:41 a.m. II 1:41 a.m. 0.7
11:11 p.m. 1.1 1:11 p.m. -01
tt 1:44 a.m. 10 1:31 a m. l.l
1:31 p.m. 1.4 1 11 p.m. -l.l
M 3:41 a.m. t l 1:07 a.m. l.l
3:M P.m. 1.3 l:lt p.m. -01
IT 1:41 a.m. I I 1:51 a.m. t.l
1:14 p.m. T.l 10:11 p.m. -0.1
II 4:41 a.m. 4.1 1:41 a.m. 1.1
1:44 p.m. 1.7 11:11 p.m. -0.4
II 101 a.m. 4.1 10:41 a.m. l.l
4:43 p.m. I I
II 1 11 a.m. 4 7 ii:i a.m. 4.1
1:1! P.m. l.l 11:01 p.m. 11
Major Leagues 9
W L ret. OB
rxlr H 41 .mt
MUwauBM SI II .101 13
St. LouU 11 II .111 S
Mtfi!Dlila II tt .141 ttm
Mtw York 14 14 .44 31
ClnMnntU tt tl .431 11
Chleaio M '
faalar'l Basalt!
Sraoilra . rnnaoaipma
Pltuburih l-l. M Tar 1-1
Chlcai 4-1, MllwaukM 1-4
.St. LouU 4-1. Cincinnati 14
W L Pet OB
Ntw York I 44 .171
CltnlaHl ..I) tt Ml I SO II .Ml II
Boaton 41 .HI 1IH
waahlnltaa u M .104 8m
Detroit al M .Ml 31
rhiiadiiphia ii tt .lit 4
St. Loula 41 II Mt 44H
Maalar'a laaalt
Bolton l.J, Hi Tort 4-1
Wainlnitoa 11-4. miadelphla 1-1
Clmlana 1-10. St. LuU S-T
Dttralt 1-4. Chlcai 1-3.
New York 0JJ9 Roy Cam
panella Is fast settling most
arguments about who sbenld
be the National League's most
valuable player.
He simply is running away
from his competitors with one
of the finest all-around Jobs
ever turned in by a major
league catcher. The roly poly
Brooklyn receiver now has hit
more homers than any other
catcher in the history of the
business, 30, and has driven in
more runs', 136. He has a
healthy .320 batting average
and generally Is acknowledged
to be the top receiver .In the
Yesterday, he broke Bill
Dickey's record for RBIs when
He smashed a three-run homer
in the second gam as the
Dodgers twice defeated the
Phillie by a 6-2 margin and
went 13 full games in front
of second-place ' Milwaukee.
Carl Zrsklne won his 18th
gam of the season and his
13th since the all-star game
by scattering eight hits in the
Milwaukee came to grief at
Chicago, suffering 4-3 and 6-4
defeats. Turk Lown pitched
2tt Innings of hitless relief
ball to win the opener for
Warren Hacker after Chicago
took a permanent lead with a
three-run outburst in the sixth.
Howie Pollet pitched a nine
hitter to gain the second game
triumph after the Cuba set him
up to four runs in the third
Other Games
In the American league, the
Indians moved to within nine
games of the Yankees by de
feating the Browns, 3-0 and
10-7, while New York split
with Boston, losing 7-4 .then
winning 8-8. Detroit took over
sixth place with 6-2 and 4-2
wins over the skidding White
Sox and the Athletics dropped
to seventh by losing a pair to
Washington, 13-2 and 6-8. In
other National league compe
tition, the Cardinals twic de-
Tacoma Team
Wins Northwest
Softball Crown
Pendleton, Ore. Jf) Lloyd
Blanusa threw a no-hitter at
Boise Monday to lead the Irwin
Dodgers of Tacoma to a 2-1 win
over th idanoans ana tn
championship of th Pacifio
Northwest regional Softball
The victory sends Tacoma to
the national tournament at
Miami. Fla.
Earlier in the day, Tacoma
eliminated Portland 1-0 in 14
innings and shut out Renton,
Wash., 2-0. ...
Blanusa was named to th
all-star team announced after
the tournament.
Others on the squad wer
Marvin Abrams, Boise and Dal
Iaabo, Portland, pitchers; Gen
Martineu, Tacoma, and Party
Silver, Boise, catchers; Pete
Peterson, Boise, first base; Bob
Quesinberry, Portland, second
base; Dick Ulin, Boise, third
base; Carl Giocochea, Boise,
shortstop; Don Ritchey, Rich
land, leffield; Al Federici, Port
land, centerfield; Bob Bombros
ky, Mill City, rlgbtfield; Jack
Hermsen, Tacoma, utility out
field; Phil Gaito, Portland, out
field. . j
Georgia Tech halfback Leon
Hardeman will break his own
school scoring record every
time he crosses the enemy's
goal this year. Hardeman
scored 102 points In his first
two seasons for the Yellow
Jackets. '
feated Cincinnati, 4-3 and 1-0,
and the Pirates bumbled th
Giants 9-7 and 8-3.
' ttiiN 9WCUU. W '
twin fmmw -r
If you're on th lookout for
a good buy . . . don't miss
the unbeatable values at our
lot. We feature low mile
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at amazingly low figures.
1952 Nash Rambler Convert
Ible Sedan: Tan top, heater,
radio, overdrive, tlatOC
Like new at )I07t
Donnelly Wins Golf
Tourney at The Dalles
Th Dalles (U.B Bob Don
nelly of Portland's Columbia
Edgewater club won the 14th
annual men's Mid-Columbia
mateur golf title yesterday
with a 71, good for an even
par 144 for 38 holrs. Ruth Jes
sen, Seattle, won the women
rown with a 165.
so smooth a
k With you
v "V00KA
ieet a inIDi IB inniafl4lhis fe feed
jwajfe.;!. mrtunV -fa, niHiw, s-AwMamammmm B4sw:.swjrwjb
lm fmn tavaal fh. Ik.. Ml-. C-.
Frank S. Corda famit 240 mtm in California's Salinas Valley.
We know Mr. Corda well because Standard Oil Company of
California fuel th power that tills his land. By replacing
muscles with machines, as Mr. Corda has done, the aver
age U. S. farmer produces enough food for 15 peopla. On
hundred years ago a good farmer produced enough to feed
only five people. Mechanized farming, powered by oil, hea
made the difference.
htsct ibfJ demonstrates one of the ways
petroleum helps make farms more productive
snd profitable. Airborne insecticides made
by Standard's subsidiary, California Spray
Chemieal Corporation, are so effective that
they sav western farmers millions of dollars
a year in crop losses. Other petroleum prod
ucts save time and labor ... for example, a
tractor can work 10 acres m the time a team
of horses takes to plow two. We also had a
hand in that, because Standard developed the
first compounded lubricating oil that made
high-speed diesels for tractors practical. Fuel
and lubricants for farm machines, weed killers,
roof coatings for barns, bottled gas for refrig
eration, cooking and heating they're all on
the long bst of items supplied to western farms
by Standard. And you, too, benefit from each
new way Standard scientists increase the yield
of farms . . . because you may be one of the 15
people Mr. Corda feeds. Questions or comment
about our Company an alway welcome. Write:
Standard Oil Company of California, P. 0. Box
3495-C, San Francisco, California,