Oil. Title to foe leddeToE Fair Betting More Than 10,000 Watch Aristo-Tex Win Feature ArUta-Tcx, 1 1 d d .by Jockey .Harry .Walker, won the Labor day handicap at the State Fairgrounds yesterday as a record crowd watched. Upwards of 10,000 people crammed their way, into every available bit of viewing space and poured (188,336. through the ticket windows, another all-time record. The Labor day handicap was disputed when Gil Sl monis, riding Valentine Joe, claimed that Aristo-Tex had eut in too close on one of the turns. But the judges disal lowed the alleged foul. , Aristo-Tex, who had won a race at the Fairgrounds Just two days previous. paid $18.80, 9.00 awj 0. The horse is owned by L. M. Byrd of Phoenix, Ore. State fair racing resumes with a 10-race card today, starting -with a quarter-horie race at 1:15. Other race programs are slated to start at 1:15 on Wed nesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday at the Lone Oak oval. J( Tomorrow's Entries - Plrtt But l-rtar-o)dt and up. claim ant (ioo. Punt not. purloati. 1. Jit Smoke. Seacock, 114. 1. Santa Uptet, O, PoUnd. 111. 1. Bllent, Hopklna, 114. '4. Souaw Town. P. Btmonla.-114. t. Burner Doll. P. PulttI, lit. 4. Olorlfltd. McOahan, 111. T. Jtnteaw. Der. lit. , . Ruddr S Wtlktr, 11L -Alio Blttlbll t. Join Up, Heacock. lit. 1. Lrkedrer, licOahen, 101. II. Ptlt Plcturi. DIM. 101. 1. MM D, Duncan, "10t. Silent Iih t-ytar-oidj and tip Catmint (Wool. Purie 4404. Purlonta. 1. Julle'i Pun. AUlnaoa. 111. t. Dtrlee, L. D. Jonot, 114. " . Wlklt Moot. 111. 4. Taweer. Hopklni. 114. , ' I. Pappa D.. Walktr. 114. . Ricochet, Dial. 114. ' T. Doctorker, Hernandoa, 144. ' I. Spr HUh, Puliar, 114. Ala Bltlbla 1 t. Troche Sun. Arteroura, 111. 14. Hit hi Trail, Htacock, 114. -11. Bltk Tuck. Car. 114. 11. Top abower, simoon, 111. Third Beto 1-rtar-oMi and up. Claim Sni 114001. Parao 4444. Purlonta. 1. Doctor cook. Arttrburn. 111. S. Bertoant Sit. Hopklni, 111. S. Blaklroo'a Sun, Atklnaoa,UW. 4. Darle Boat. MeOehan. Ill" . Prince Call, Touai. 111. 4, Shewaum. Pollard. 111. T. Black Crtecenl, Walktr, lit. t. HUh Pot, Htacock. 111. Alao Bllilblt . Dllrat Bltn, Pulrtr, lit. Ptarlh Baea 1-rtar.olde and up. ClalmlBt 114001. Puraa 1400. Purlonta. 1. aietpr Manner, Pulvtr. 111. t. Baft Flint. Pollard, 114. t. Mlo Sky, Arttrburn, 114. 4. Turn up Tope, SlmonU. lit. I. Blut Plowtr. P. Dlat. 111. I. Pet-aim, Duncan. 10t. T. Honer Runn. McOahan. HI. 4. Bkr Boy. L. D. Jonu. 111. AUo SlUlblt ' Plfth Ban l-rtar-oldt and p. Clalm btl. Purie 11444. 1 111 !. , Tbo Geeetner'e Haadleea 1. Homo. PoUard. 111. 1. Vtllt Van. Wilktr. 1M.' I. Speed Car. Arttrburn, lot. 4. Ulu Jordan, McOehin. 111. 4. Mtattr Hilly. Hernandet, 114. f. Almlnt Circle, Btmontt, 111. T. Btautlful Sut, Ttutttr. lit. I. Smoktr Btbt. Hrtcock, lot. AIM Etltbll I. Country Han. MtOihan. 111. II. Top Orlp. Arttrburn. 111. . 11. Slttlln Lock. Walktr. 111. . Slita Bata S-rtar-nldt and up. Olatm. Hit I700. Purtt 00. 44 PorloBll. 1. sittn Act. Tount. 114. 1. Hamey Prince. O. Pulvtr, 111. S. Tapaway. Htacock. 113. 4. Baea Lad. Hopklni, lit. I. Skr O Matuo, Pollard, 114. I. Country Olnk. McOahan. 111. T. Who Dot, Atkinson, 114. I. Suiar Jot. O, Dlat. 114. Alao Elllble I. Malttat Billy. Arttrburn, 111. Rev.ntb Bart t-rear-oldl and p. Clalmlnt 11700). Purat IM0. 4M Purlont. 1. Manntra Baby, Btmonli,llT. I. awlrllnt, Pulrtr, 114. S. Shady Jot, Pollard, HI. 4. Two Colora. Heacock, HI. I. Mom'l Mlu. Hopklni, 111. I. Hopt Toy, Dial, I IT. T. Bit Otmblt, Hernandet. HI. I. Wtlty Hill. McOahan. 111. ' Alto mtlblt f . Motor Lock. Blmonti, ill. Klihln Bata 1-rtir-oldl and p. Allowanct. Puna 1404. 1 111 ml. fOREGONSfe IjtSS5'.? r-,r-lr FtifJiSB mm nri" To most of us, the passing of Labor Day week-end means the beginning 'of fall. Already we've had dark skies and a few tprinkles as an indication of things to come. Folks are making haste to get the fireplace wood laid in and all the other preparations for the cold, blustery reason ahead. But while a good part of the population prepares for hibernation, another segment is just coming to life. Field boots are being greased, shotguns oiled and vsrni.'hed, decoys repainted, and the zillion and one tasks that mutt be done before the duck season begins. , But not only the hunter is busy; the angler is also check ing gear. Though the trout gear is mostly tucked away in the corner, the fisherman Is busy with his salmon and steel head equipment in' anticipation of doing battle with the sea run lunkers. Even now coastal streams are giving up salmon to the fisherman. A few more rains to freshen the rivers, and streams like the Nestucca will be alive with silver salmon, one of the scrappiest fish in the wett. Spin-anglers will tag them with their light rods and gossamer lines and work them In to the gaff or lose them in the fast water or brushy banks. Oregons iporting season NEVER closes, which makes this ih. finett states in the country for the outdoorsman. And we must not forget the deer hunter in this look ahead In a scant month, ne too win ot aiinu. re mi: um una .ii .norumen. and especislly big game hunters, will nun'ue their sport with caution. Each fall unfortunately, results in writing "all over" to the career of a number of ,iirfonmmen. A little extra caution this season may mean more years of zesUul outdoor activity to you or someone you know years that can be cancelled in tpiit second of care lessness. 4 wan ii i ii i i i iih i4i ma ni p urn niintw .wan iiti ' "" . Ce. 1 ' ' X sv -t '? j : -A V h Ki. r ?.vr -'-ski , 4 1 , v Oawald Wtrl Parat 1. Saintly alnntr, Hopklni. 114. I. Rob Roy. Arttrburn. HI. S. San Memory. Htacock, HI. 4. Ntwabiat, Htrnandta. lit. 4. Vada collttn. Pollard. 117. 4. Harmony v., Dlaa, 117. . 1. Sir Robin. Blmonla, 117. I. Ttkrom, McOahan. 114. Abo Blalblt t. Sua Starlet. P. Dlaa. 111. II. Jay Olendala. Artorbura, UT. Ninth Baca 1-rear-oldl and up. Clalmlna- lleotl. Purtt looo. 4 Purlonai. 1. Oar Bnaltn, L. D. jentt, lit. 1. IJttll Oimble, Walktr. 111. I. Mlaa RollUter, Htrnandta, HI. 4. Olo, Dlaa, 110. 4. silver Moon, Yount, lit. 4. cee-A-Dei, O. Woodt, 110. ' 7. Colt Towtr. ueOahan. HI. I. Httl Stay. Pulvar, 113. Tenth Bare t.year-oldt and up. Clalmlnt H400I. Puna t00. 1 ml. 1. Mom't Htl. Alkinton, lit. 1. Warra Nymph. Heacock. 114. t. Wllllta, Pollard, 130. 4. Aola. Blmonla. 1. I. Sinta Tomaa, Htrnandta, 1M. 7. Oreton Wood. McOahan. HI. t. 1'aa 'Appy, Duncan, '111. Yesterday's Results nt rat. UO-rarU, qutrUrhorsei: I Kim Kchola iStmonli), W.M. l.w, M0; L. D. Joa Potuum (Hernan4cs, 40, 4.10: S Winner's Lad, -. Qutn lltV 137.00. BKind ract, I furlonca: 1 halr Jo .Pollard). $10 0. 110, J.00. 1 Roonla F (Walkerl. J 20, S.70; I NfttM Otm (aimonls), 4.00. Qulnella, MM. Third raca. I furlonti: 1 Dead beat bttwctn Mlo-kT (Pollard), M M, IN, 4.70 and Dr. Prank iDlait, . in. IM; Repro-Bata (HopUnaf, M. QukQilta, $40.00. ' Paurth tm. I furlonti: 1 Carlr Bur- IfT (Btlltit. $41.10, li.M, 1M; 3 Doctor Cook .Walker), 4.10, 3.M; Apple Turn over (Pollard, , l.M. Qutnclla, IU.N. Plrtn rata, lunonii: i-rorrpro (McOahan). M 30, 4.90, : 1 Jearoaan .HimoriH). 4 M. l.M: 3 War Brit (Watk- pi l oa. Oulnella. 124 0. (rvt... 1 M l.ao. 3.00: 3 MUa Hollli. tar iMcOahanl. 3 10. 3.00; I Amplifier (Heacock), 0.00. Oulnella, M-40. tevtnth race. lurlonct: 1 Man ntra Baby (tStmonla), 14.40. J 10. 1-M; 3 Antelope "(McOahan). .. 4.70: 1 Bldadler HOPktni) a. to, kiuincun, w.w. Eltth race, I Vt f urlonaa: 1 Roman Kir (McOahan). $0.10. 3.30. 110; T Stact Driver (Dlat), l.M, 3.10; 3 Oml- arnn Mlmonw. l.M. oulnella. tl.to. Ninth ract. Labor Dar Handlcapp, one mile and , ont-aliteenth: 1 Ariito-Tex iWalker). 110.W. 0.00. 4.00; 3 Ortelto Red tPuhrer,, 1 00, 3 00: 1 Valentine Joa mtmonli), 3.70. Qulnella, I0&.30. Tenth rare, one mile and one-ilxtefn-th: 1 Mt Rulllran Pulver), $14 00, l.M. 1.30: 3 Newabeat (Hernadei), 3.00, 3.M: 3 BHm Plnkena (Touni), 3.10. Oulnella, $11.30. . Record Set LJJ I '- v- . , . - . Country Cop record last . V..IVIaw.''t .r---. W vU" . .KaTliVa . - . nior'i handicap, la partlcipatinc la thla week's sUta fair races. At left Is Lela Whits, trainer. At right is Charles A. Evans, director f racing-. Ted Kroll Wins Celebrities' Golf Tourney Washington U.H Lightning refused to strike twice for lan tern jawed Lew Woriham, so little Ted Kroll walked away today with first prize of $2400 in the National Celebrities Golf Tournament. 1 Worsham, the former U. S Open champion from Oakmont, Pa., is the man who made the most famous golf shot of the current season, a 140-yard chip shot that he holded out on the very last hole to win the Tarn O'Shanter Tournament last month by one stroke. But yesterday Worsham came down to the final green need ing to sink a 12-foot putt to tie Kroll of New Hartford, N. Y... for first place with a 281 wir I9 Vlil Worsham studied the puttf and gently stroked. The ball! rolled to the cup. rolled slowly around the rim, ana on. it stop-1 ped inches away and Worsham had to settle for second prize of $1800. Cary Middlecoff of Memphis, Marty Furgol of Lemont, 111., and SheUey Mayfield of Chico pee, Mass., finished in a three way tic for third place at 284, each earning $1200. In the celebrities division, the silver plate prize went to William C. Ford, grandson of the late Henry Ford, for shoot ing an 85 in Sunday's driving rain. In the division for Wash ington officials, first prize went to- former U. S. Senator Harry Cain, R., Wash., who also shot a rain soaked 85. Ez Charles Faces Harold Johnson Tonight Philadelphia W.B Former Heavyweight ' Champion Ez zard Charles fights for ring survival tonight when he meets ambitious Harold John son in a. 10-round bout at Connie Mack Stadium design ed to pick the next challen ger to the heavyweight crown. Charles, 32, finds himself one defeat from the scrap pile because of a one sided past ing administered to him by Nino Valdes in Miami Beach, Fit., August 11. Johnson, the No. 2 lighthea Vyweijht contender, register ed a decisive triumph over Valdes last November 24. Woman Wins Derby Astoria un The women were laughing at the men to day. Mrs. Floy Nelsen csught a 50 pound, 9Vt ounce salmon to be come the first womsn in his tory to win the Astoria and Chinook salmon derbies. Her grsnd prize winnings totaled $2,300. A !' 4 n j, v Country Cop, who act a Lone Oak track year while wlnnlnc the Go- Dick Scandling of Salem Established Speed Mark Dick Scandling of Salem 'established a new one-mile oval course record for class E runabouts at Devils lake Monday. Scandling turned the dis tance in 48. in competition with other boats. Official timers from the American Powerboat Association were on' hand to make the new world record official. Dean Mahaffey, also of Salem, finished fourth In the same - race In which Scandling set the world rec ord. Paul Woodruffe of Salem also placed In the meet, fet- J ting a fourth in the class D BOC nynropianes. , . D in Final 10 Seconds Gives Win to 49ers San Antonio, Tex.. U.R) Joe Arenas plunged over from one yard out in the last 10 sec onds of play last night to give the San Francisco Forty Nin ers a thrilling 31 to 28 victory over the Philadelphia Eagles in an exhibition National Foot ball League game. The touchdown climaxed a wild, see saw affair. The lead changed hands three times dur ing the contest. The Eagles were out in front 14 to 7 at halftime and Phila delphia led 21 to 17 at the close of the third period. Harry Babcock and Gordy Soltau caught passes for two Forty Nincrs touchdowns snd Joe Perry and Arenas got the others on ground plays. Sol tau added the important field goal from 31 yards out in the third quarter. 'Don Johnson, former Uni versity of California star, scor ed twice for the Eagles on line plunges, Skip Nagler Wins Southern Oregon Title Medford (U.Bi-Skip Nagler of the University of Oregon held the Southern Oregon golf championship today, i Nagler won the title with a 4 and 2 victory yesterday over Don Leal of Eugene. Mrs. W. W. Davics, Medford, won the women's crown with a one-up victory over Carole Jo Kabler of Sutherlin. Mrs. Da vies was defending champ. ITS GREEN'S SPORTING SHOP FOR... ' EVINRUDE 1201 So. Commercial Spokane, Lewiston in Battle Down to Wire r . Br Cmltttl mai The Salem Senators and Takima Bears split Labor day doublebeader at Takima, Salem taking tha first , game 1-1 and Yakima winning the second 1-t. In the close nightcap, the Bears got oft to an early two run lead in the first inning, added another in the third, and then coasted to victory. The first inning runs came en two errors by Salem Short stop Gene Tanselll. In the opening game, Salem first baseman Jerry Ballard slammed out two home runs to lesd his team to victory. His fourth inning round-tripper was good for only one run, but the ninth inning homer brought in another runner ahead of him. Tan selll and Let Witherspoon banged out triples for the Senators. IBr Tot AuKlalea PrtH) . Spokane and Lewiston car ried their stride-for-stride race for the Western Interna tional Baseball League's sec ond-half pennant down to the wire Monday with sweeps of Labor day doubleheadert. And whether the Indians or the Broncs meet Salem in the postseason playoff won't be known until after Tuesday night's season-ending encoun ters. Spokane clipped Tri-City 15-1 and 11-8 in the Labor day twin bill at Kennewick, while Lewiston thumped Vic toria 6-1 and 7-6 at Lewis ton. The sweeps left Spokane out in front in the flag chase but Lewiston still had a math ematical chance of overtaking tne Indians. A Spokane victory in Tues day night's finale would give the Indiana a six percentage point edge in the final stand ing!, even If Lewiston downs Victoria. But If Spokane loses and Lewiston wins, the title will to to the Bron by a margin of seven percent age points. Tri-City. pitchers were gen erous ,with the gopher balls aa Spokane coasted to its double triumph at Kennewick Mon d.v Th. Indr.rIoTnt JL",T: fa.f .r.?. runs game and three In the second. - Lewiston had little trouble with Victoria in their seven inning opener but it took the Broncs 11 Innings to subdue the Tyees In the nightcap. Vancouver and Edmonton, meanwhile, advanced in the standings, taking over third and, fourth place respective ly. Vancouver moved in be hind Lewiston but four games off the pace, with 4-2 and 3-4 wins over Wenatchee. Ed monton downed Calgary 4-2 in a single game at Calgary. Pint eamt: Salem (11 (I) Tiiliei B B O A B H O A Taaiflll,! 14 1 U'Ntar.a 1 t J Lubr.lb Dtyo.ef Ptrn.lt Bilird.lb Wllhno.r t 1 4 Andin.1 S t tWhlU.cf t 4Vllni.ll 1 14 I LtwM.lt 1 I tAlbleLrf 1 1 tataert.l t t 1 Norltt.c 1 IDIftrto.e t ITounl.a s-Hrada i-niee e l t i s I a u 1 4 1 1 t t S s t I t s Pkittn.lf MiatriD,a nJil.p B'niplt.p Totili 44 It 11 14 Totlll H III I a Btruek out for Dtl Sarto la 4tn. a Grounded out for Yount la tin. Salrm 004 411 Ml S 11 S Takima 401 404 0001 T 1 Plcther: . IP AS H B SB SO BB Dahl 1 It I 1 1 4 1 Botiuple ,.4 II I 4 4 1 1 Del Sarto ..4 14 I 4 4 4 I Yount 4 31 T 4 4 1 I Winner - Botmplei Loatr Dtl Sarto. LOB Salem 4, Yakima 11. Brrera Tan- till 1. UacNamara. A'blnl. HB Balltrd JBH Wllnerapoon, Tanaeni. 1BH Wrtlman. Lrwla. BBI Ballird t. Denle. Tinaeiu 1. laeaterion 1. Lewtt. DP Al- btnt to Bovlck. Umplrea Jacoba and Moras. arcond aamt: Salem (I) III Takima BROA a B O A eabtlnl.l til laf'ltmr.l 1114 Tinatllu 114 lAtnbrt l 1 t t 1 Dtro.ef 111 t Whin. II till Ptrei.lb I t t twimn.el 1 t I t Bilird.lb t t T tUwli.lb till Wlthrap.r I I 1 IAIblnl.c till Banin.lf I I I tAndan.l till Ntlaon.e ISt IHrnm.rl I w a 4 Hemphl.0 I 1 S 1 Sdmdi.p lilt Totlll 31 I II t Tot.U 13 I 31 4 Salem 401 411 41 4 3 Yakima 301 404 I I 1 Pitcher: IP AB H B BB SO BB Hrmphlll ... I 14 4 1 I I 1 tdmundl ... T IT t 1 I I 1 Srrom Tinarlll 1. UerNimara. 3BH Btbttlni. MitNimlre. rri Hemphill. White. Wrllmen 8 BH Dero. DP Tan aeni to Lubr to Ballard 1: Andtrion to MocNimere to Ltwla I. Umplrn Moran and Jacoba. All. 1.131. Pint iimt: - Spokane Ill tit 10414 IP 0 Trl-Cltr NO 004 414 1 T 4 Romtra and Sheeti; sorter. Bloom II), Sotlel 141. Ulchttlloa (I) and Ftaul. Second tamt: Snokina Ill 101 11111 14 t Trl-Cltr til 111 404 4 II I Prankt. Htmta in and Afteeta: Doner nle. Border iti. Bloom lit, MIcbacLaon Hi and Wtrrtn. lut. 1. 1 Lam. no o, o cbm ax DRH. CBAM LAM CHINESE NATUBOfATHi Cpatnlra. 141 Nertb UkartT Offlte even Se tarter amir is ta to I II, I ta I am ContaltaUen, Mod nreetvro and anno ttelt art tret of tbsrtw Prattleed ttaea till Write fee oatrnatree tin Ha 4mU-tttlon m WIL Standings (Br Tha AiMllateel FT teal l Pet. OS SpoktDt ,, Ltwuien Vancouver Balm Edmoatoa Yaklaaa ,,, Caitirr ,.. Trl-Cllr .. Wtaalchaa Victor la ,. . ! i 41 It , H 14 , II It , tt H , It It , II tl , tt 1 , II T .Ml I .IH I U I Ml I Mi .411 11 .414 It .411 11V, J4 17 H Haaitr'a Bteellal . Bpokiai 14-11. Trl-Cltr 1-4. LttrUtea t1, Victoria 1-1 Ximmlem 4. Caltarr t. Bales 4-1. Yillaia 1). Vaaeauter 4-4, wesatehat 1-4. Twaenay'a StSeSalci Spot KM at Trl-Cllr. ' Victoria at Lawlatea. - Wenatchea at Vaocauvtr. Bdaneatoai at Caltarr. aetata at TaSitni. - IOCaL UNITED PRESS San Diego, Portland Split Twin Dill Before 4,C00 San Diego 0J.I0 San Diego and Portland split a double bill before 1,(74 fans last night, the Padres winning the seven-in ning opener, 15-4, and the Beavers taking the nightcap. The second game winner was Jehosie Heard (18-11), while Bill Thomason (11-10). who had won five in a row until this game, was charged with the loss. Portland marked up Its first run when Fletcher Robbc rap ped a double in the second. Aaron Robinson doubled In the third to drive in the second score. - The Beavers supplied the two remaining runs in the fourth when Heard singled In Hank Ant and Don Xgg art, who had '" ,nd vanced on Xddie BaslMkl'. bunt. : , , . r The opener was a different story. The Padres blasted two Portland pitchers for 15 hits in piling up their lop-sided Angels, 8-4 and 7-2. The sur- victory. , The Padres victory ended Portland Pitcher Royce Lint's mrinnin .rnir mt fiue .m. and gave San Diego's Cliff Fan nin his 13th win. Lint's record is 18-10. Fannin'a 13-12. Lint didn't last long against the Padres' batting barrage. The San Virgo crew scored eight runs in the first inning on five hits and four walks to drive Lint to the showers. He pitched only of an inning. Willie Ramsdell, who. came in to retire the aide, went the rest of the distance but didn't do much better. The Padres plastered him for seven more runs. Plrit iamt: Victoria IIH too ll s i Lewuton 401 lit I n DrlllUuj and Btrford; Bulltr and Oat- rtr. Second tame: Victoria tot 111 tit to I 11 1 LewUton 141 100 411 111 14 t Colltna, Prior ft I and Harford; Ptrte. Marihall 4, Brenner II) and Cameron, Oarar IT). Kdmontoa 404 ooT I l Caltarr 104 441 too 1 T 1 Tumoral and Morten: Hlttner and Brlcttr. Pint tamtl ' Wrnatchte 411 414 0001 11 I Veneourir 100 401 M3 4 I I Beamon and Bartotomal. Htlmotb IT): Ounnartoa and Duirlte. Second taut: Wenatclica til tot 101-4 11 1 Vancourer 404 tot to- 14 S Oubra and Bartolomtl; Plttchtr, Oun- narton ltl and Durttto. Open Every Night Until AT Ml ALICE AVE. (CANDALARIA Daily Free Delivery Same Easy Terms FIS Hvrlf KMOMiTUIIMI IrkUrraSoft-tiwrrAw-nt Pwrkwrttta Lawn Sweepers SUSMUICIOUOUT af Power Mowers far (Ism Hett Sn Otr Furnace Fillers itUteaMMCB Willamslfe Fco-hll Tcrni Opans Practice Scsshns A WUlamett Bearcat foot ball aqaad. decimated by departure mt It naa from last season, started the 1ISS prac tice grind at MeCnllock Sta dium with a doable-barrelled session on Monday. Head Man Ted Ogdahl and Line Skipper Jerry Frei face both the problem of filling a number of gaps and convert ing to the new rule setup which prohibits two platoons. Few of the Bearcat vets that are returning have had expert ence on both defense-and of- fense so much work is In store before the campaign opener with College of Puget Sound at McCuIIoch Stadium on Sept. 19. The Willamette grid chief tain hopes to get some aid in the matter of ' replacements from the freshmen crop. Some good 'prospects reportedly arc headed this way, but no names will be revealed until they're firmly in the fold. ; Ten linemen are back who ASSOCIATID MESS Salem, Oregon, Tuesday, September 8, 1953 Page IS , By DON THACKRET , San Francisco U.RXHolly wood's slightly faded Pacific Coast Leagne pennant nailed to the maat today and the apotllgbt swung to a three- way battle for third lexe be tween Los Angeles, Portland and Baa Franelseo. - Sacramento actually cinch ed the flag for the Stars by toppling Beam in the first game of a Labor Day double header yesterday, 7-1, to erase the Suds' last hope of staying alive. The Rainiera then wilted easily In the fin ale, 12-0. In the meantime, the Stars had suffered a 5-0 shutout the last . slaee wi'itnu ncoroi in meir ursi contest. But Hollvwruut tank the nightcap 3-1. BeaU Took Both tm seaia opened an all-out drive for ' third place - sweeping, a twin bill from Prise coup hauled the fifth D'ce SelI within two r c wneruo.. Fourth place Portland, one - am behind the Angels, miss ea cnance to move Into a wiui tnem Dy splitting a nocturnal twin bill with San aKo. me A-aare won me ven-innin opener ist ana Romano salvaged tne llnaie, 4-1. Floret not only humiliated the Twinks in the first game, but drove in three of Oak land's runs to chalk up his eighth win of the year. The Little Flower of Guadala jara smashed a three-run double in the fifth inning. The Wilted Suds ' The Solons wrecked' Seat tle in the opener with a four run outburst in the ninth inn ing. Five straight one-baggers accounted for the tallies. Mar ino Pierettl hit one of them to assure his 11th win after he relieved Al Yaylian in the eighth. Vern Kindsfather lost his 16th decision. The Seals were carried 11 innings before they took the opener 8-4. Then the lid blew as they romped home 7-3 in a wild finale that saw both teams and five fans charge the field in the third inning. The fans got In the act when they protested against a call Kgeorgeil - F H -r r -A LU n LEI u ALrCt AVtNUt had regular, experlenco titlMr on defense or offense last sea son. They art) Andy George, Ken Cooper, Cliff York, Rub Menasht, Bob Dyer, Norm Dversdahl, Dean Benson, Davo Anderson and Dorrs nee Koto boom. Dversdahl li the only one having duty on both the attack and defense. Only three 1991 backfleld regulars will show Monday. They are Bobby Zoelch and ' Lou Lofland, the soph speed iters from Portland, and Mick ey Coen, 190 defensive back from Roseburg. A bright quar terback hope is Johnny Kent. second line field general be hind Benny Holt last season. Holt, summoned by the draft, will not be available. Willamette gets a good flank prospect in Phil McAllister, a transfer from Clark Junior College and a member of tha Froth club at Washington Stat two seasons ago. Phil la a brother of Jerry McAllister, WU cage performer. NIWS AND ftATUUS PCL Standings . ,: (Br VMtee Prtit) V , ' rsoirio coast lsaocb . t L H SI oiirwoes 104 at .tot tt!, , ei ii 441 u4 Ue AareVu aa si jit 14 Peruana ............. M at .411 It Ban Praaelae ....... IT aa ana 1014 Sea Dtate 14 tt .414 111, sacraBMil Tt lot ' .411 1114 Oaalan. Tl 101 .414 IS Meaalafa BtetiHl Ban Preactae l-T, Lea ABiele4 t-S Sacraaiuta 1-11. Seattle 1-t Oakland 1-1. Bollywood 4-1 aa Dtan 14-1, Peruana 4-4 by umpire Don SUva at first - base after . he had tossed George Vico out for pushing him in tha previous frame. The eopa then tossed the tana out, order was finally re stored. ' - .;. . Plrtt same! rawmaoul 14) (14) ! moa bmoa. Anttla.ee 1 t 4Pofl. S 1 t S OranUe til APetrau 4 S S trtula.tl S S S SAlettavl 4 14 4 nt, eat) imimi m m m atlaobee.if i i s sraber.at s s a s ': 1 1 I i ? I ! Baiiotku salt Mainu site 4 14. ot a i 1 irauir Bnadu. J I a" . : ' -i7.. r.T.T.-: peruana too sit 4 by I the Hill 410 ltl 1 V Ban Ditto M4 100 "II Hit til 300 e is Pllchtr: IP 11 l H BR BB so Lint I 4 4 I I S Remedill .. IH II S 11 a 1 1 rannln .... T IT 4 T 4 S 4 Pannln. L Lint. wP Lint. R Ortnt. Arft S. Bebba. Pedtrof 1. Piter ton 1. Ataton. ttapp 1. Pnoer t. Pootkar. Aferton. tfetma. Panaln. HBP Pederoff tr BemadelL LOB Portland 1. San Dun I. PB Oladd. SB Peeeker. Afatb- Ptltraoau paotr. Mtrtoau ffa Arrt. RBI Paber t. pooekar a. Afatnla S. Petereon S, Hereon S, Bapp, Oladd 1, AI- tton. Arfl S. DP feteraoa and AJtton. T 1:30. n Benin, carlnoel and Boater a. Second eama: Per Ilea 4 (4) (1) tin i BOA I HOI Austin. S ltl Pfdrtir.S 4 Mraula.cf 4 Relcn.rr 4 Robbc.lt 4 Aril, lb 4 I OPettin.t 4 t 4 Ala too, 1 t 4 SRepp.rt 4 5 lPaber.ef t t SPcokr.lf 4 I 1 Meran.l S I SfVimri.0 S t 4Thman.p 1 I ewaiior.p l Bmith.n a t-Matbl 1 Uierl.tk 4 Baitmkl.1 S Roelaon,o t Heard, n S Werd.p I S Totlll tt II IT t Totlll SI S ST 1 ' a ormindtd tut tor Manor n tin. - Portland til tot tot 4 411 111 101 IS Hltl Baa Ditto 400 tot 041 1 100 100 001 S ' H BR BB BO -1 4 a .3 I 4 4 1 i s a Hlta Pitcher: IP AB Tnomaaoa IMj 14 Manor .... 4H II Smith 1 4 Httrd ..... I 1 Ward ...... H t till est l W Htard. L Thomeion. a Robbe, Arft, akjltrt, Boblion. Ptttrton. HBP--Aliton or Heard. LOB Portland T. Sen Ditto t. SB Robtnion. Robot. Baalnikt. HR Robbc. SB Heard. Batlntkl. BBI Rob be. Auatln. ntard 1, Bapp. DP Ptbtr and iitrtoni Auttln and Arfl. T D Cerluool. somen one stun. A I.IT4. Cast Michaels of tha Phila delphia Athletics hat many hobbies. Among them are bas ketball, bowling, fishing, hunt ing and music. Nine Sunday DISTRICT) Plenty of Parking Penny Saver Stamps - . 8EEOTJK Shopsmilh Demonstration AT THE STATE FAIR MAT Wf TAR CAR! Of AUYOOt Painting Meeds 2 siAseiuiaosiODTef Gym Sets Swings and Slides