Pat I THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Safest, OrtffM Monday, Sptabr T, 1151 Miss Satter Wed Here On Friday Miss Rosa Bride At Canby Service Aurora A wedding of Sat lurday evening. Au;uit SI, In Canby's First Methodist church was that of Mil Dorla Mat Rot, dauahtcr of Mr. aid A bride of Friday evening I Mrs. A. T. Boa, and Richard in the First Church of th Leo Lauer. soa of Mr. and Mra. Nataren wu MUa Betty Sat- Mils Lauer of McKensie ter. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bride. The Rev. John J. Stone, Raymond Satter, her marriage! pastor of the Fust Christian to Daniel Eugene Barbam. ton church, read the aesic before of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse A. Bar- setting of whit and lavender ham, be in aolemniied at S gladiolus with whit taperi o'clock with the Rev. William : in floor standards. 8. Clay officiating. I -j., bride wore a dress of Paitel gladiolus decorated whit satu sad lace, fashioned the church. wtta trua. and carried a ttv- Llahting the candle wr' eerier throated orchid on a Mil Dor u Ptau and Mis Ar-; wtus 1U1 with ahoweri of lene DeHut Philip McHar-i steebaaoti. A lac crown ness waa the soloist and Qavtd . trusteed with ed pearlf held Louthan the organist. 1 la place th fingertip lace- la Lac and Satia bordered net veil. Mr. Rom Th bride wore an Imported gav hit daughter in marriage, lira over satin drees damned : Mrs. Robert Mohning, the with a full skirt r.Beed with : bride's iter and honor mat a front panel of Uce forming mo, wore a ballerina-length a wide lac nenhim exteadina i frock of Dale lavender accord' to a point oo the sweeping ion pleated net and lace, with train. Th lac bodice waa strapless ooaiee ana net sums. mad with a aheer yok edged In lac and long sleeves. A tiara of shirred net with pearl eiars held in place th finger- tip ayioa UlusioB veil, which was sprinkled with the pearl stars. The bride earred a bou quet of pink rosea and eetph anotis. Miss Carey Tadina of Port land was ber cousin's honor j atteodast. She wore a pinki nrloe set over satia dress with eToa Jacket. The bridesmaids. Miss Char far Tucker. Miss Msry Miller and Miss Shirley Nowak, wore pastel blue, yellow and green frocks, respectively, made of it over satin and eton jac ket. Th attendants all wore matching nylon mitts and braided headdresses caught with rosebuds. They carried pastel nosegay of di isles and roses encircled wita net. u match their dresses. Marilyn Farnell, la an tee reen nylon frock, was the flower girl inj Paul Linnell, Jr., wu ring bearer. James Gwynn wss best man Th groomsmen were Don Sat ter, brother of the bride, Paul Barham, th bridegroom's bro ther, and David Cooley. Ushers Included Richard Zeller, Rob ert Cooley, Dean Walters and Dale Lee. Reception Follow Mrs. Satter wore a rose crepe and lac dress for the wedding with powder blue ac cessories. Mrs. Barham's dress was of mint green and ber ac cessorles were white. They wore corsages of gardenias. . At the reception Mrs. Allen Love and Mrs, Earl Hammer poured and Mrs. Oarrell Far- ntu cut th cake. Assisting were Mrs. Carl Goodrich, a cousin from Saskatchewan, Canada, Miss Juanita Cook, a cousin from Albany, Mrs. La Vonne Good, Miss Bonnie Jenklnson, Mis Jackie Breti, Miss Christine Maynard and Steve McHarness, nephew of the bridegroom, who passed the dream cakes. The couple will live In Am ity on their return from a short wedding trip. For travel ing the bride wore a rose knit suit with beige cashmere coat and navy blue accessories. Mr, Barham, a graduate of George Fox college, will teach at Am ity this year. Newiyweds Honored Sheridan Mr. and Mrs. Zugen McKlnley, recent new lyweds, were honored last week at a bridal shower. Host cues were Mrs. Em 11 Schu- man, Mrs. Ves Latham, Mrs, A. J. Haugen, Mrs. Ada Gnu er. Mrs. Jake Grauer and Mrs. C. A. Stringer, Jr. Guests invited were Mrs, Lou Chapin, Mrs. Laura Sau- ter, Mrs. Marian Montoy, Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Christensen, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Glen Grauer and son, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Fuller and sons, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Zajae, Mr. and Mrs C. A. Stringer, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tatom, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Halstead, Mr and Mrs. Cleo Latham and Carolyn. Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Slmantel and family, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Russell,' Mr. and Mrs. Bill Russell. Miss Adair Duerst, Mrs. Belle Smith, Mr, and Mrs. Harold Gunning, Mr, and Mr. Rod McKenzie, Mr, Mr. and Mrs. Laurin McKln ley. Miss Arlen Grauer, Loll Hamstreet and Mr. and Mrs H. N. Burchell all of the Sherl. dan vicinity; and Mr. and Mrs Jak Duerst, Mr. and Mrs Larry Ritland. MUa Molly Boehm, Mrs. Theresa Boehm and Mr. and Mrs. Jim Beacon of McMlnnvlll. a WILLAMINA Mrs. Morris Cook was honored at a shower last week by Mrs. Gena Thomp son and Mrs. Johnny Johnson. Guests were Mrs. Glenn Spur geon, Mrs. Pete Reynolds, Mrs, George Hendrickson, Mrs. Oral Singleton, Mr. Willard Xmer son, Mrs. J. B. Wood, Mrs. Al bert Johnson, Miss Nina Hines. Miss Jeanett Johnson. Mrs. Don Tatom and Mrs. Eddie Fox. She wore a bandeau of rainbow ribbon and lavender net and carried contrasting gladioluses . Miss Dorothy Rose, her sis ter's maid of honor, wore an Identically styled dress of pas tel green. The bridesmaids were Miss Barbara Livingston of Oak Lawn, wearing yellow. and Hiss Patricia Lauer, sister of the bridegroom, wearing pink, and both carrying con trasting gladioluses. The flower girls were Patric ia Rose of Aurora, and Pamela Janes of Salem, cousins of th bride. They wore lavender taf feta dresses and carried whit basket of yellow ros petals. LeRoy Peterson of 'Camp Creek served as best man for Mr. Lauer. Ushers were Rob eit Lauer of Portland, brother of the bridegroom. Ken Kil born and William Kaer of Portland. Candlelightera were Miss Doris Howard of Canby and Miss Delores Bigelow of Port land. They wore frocks of pink net and' lace with matching stoles and wristlets of gladi oluses. Rainbow Girls of Laurel as sembly formed an aisle of honor for the bride. They wore ballerina-length pastel dresses with white rainbow capes. On the group were Gloria Rupp, Beverly Reinhardt, Nancy Young, Patricia Schlel, Mar- lene Wesenberg and Sharon Weserrberg. Charles Mackenzie was the soloist. His accompanist was Mrs. Earl Oathes, who also played the wedding music, The mother of the bride cho an aauarmarina crap dress with cold hat and black- accessories and a corsage of yel low rosebuds. Mrs. Lauer wore pastel blue taffeta with rose- pink hat and accessories and her corsage was of pink rose buds. ' At the reception afterwards, Mrs. Lester Janes, aunt of the bride, cut the cake, which was arranged within a circle oi pink gladioluses and baby breath on a lace-covered tame. Mrs. Edward Klukls of Sa lem, also an aunt of the bride. poured coffee. Mrs. Robert Lauer of Portland, sisier-in law of the bridegroom, served ice cream and Miss Mary Lou Dunn of Portland, presided at the punch bowl. Assisting about the rooms were Miss Marjorle Jeskey of Aurora Miss Doris McArtmir, Mrs, Nathaniel Jones and Miss Al oha Howard. Upon Mr. and Mrs. Lauer return from a trip to Canada, their home will be in Corvallls where the bridgroom will be gin his senior year In agricul ture at Oregon Stat college, majoring In soil conservation. The bride has transferred to Oregon State under state civil service. Miss Sauer Wed Friday ' Mis Betty Joan Sauer, daughter of Master Sergeant and Mrs. R. W. Mathews, and Ward N. Jaeobson. son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Jaeobson, were married Friday evening, the ceremony being solemnized at the Matthews residence. Dr. Brooks Moore of the First Methodist church read the vows at 7:30 o'clock for the couple, the bridal group standing before the fireplace which wu banked with bou quels of pink and white glad ioluaes, and whit candies. The bride wore a rose-gray suit with black accessories. She pinned a corsage of orchids to her ensemble. Mr. Matnews gav the bride in marriage. Mrs. Charles McLean wu the bride's only attendant. She wore a navy blue suit with whit accessories and a cor sage of pink roses. Mr. McLean served as best man for Air. Jaeobson. Mrs Mathews wore a black afternoon dress for the nuptials and th bridegroom s mother selected a black suit. Their corsages were of pink and whit rosebuds. A reception followed the wedding with Mrs. O. O. Mc- Daniels presiding at the coffee urn and Mrs. Arthur C. Upa- ton, Jr., cutting the cake. The newiyweds will b at home in Salem after a wedding trip. - Membership Tea, Program for Club Sweet Home A member ship tea and program on "Make Use of Your Antiques," will be featured at the first fall meet ing of th Sweet Home Worn an's club, to be in the club rooms of the Methodist Com munity church, at 1:30 p.m. September 10. Members of the club will demonstrate refinishing of an tique furniture and accessor ies for the afternoon program. Tea chairman is Mrs. X. C. Banke. , Theme for the coming year's program, "Antiques," "Family living: "Religion" and "Gar dening," were set by members of the board at a recent meet ing. Mrs. Bill Stokes was host ess to the board at her home re cently. Tentative club projects for tne year include a rummage sale, no-host dinner and card party, style show, and dough nut ens In parties. -, t Member of th board attend ing the meeting were Mes- dames Milton Weddle, director; H. D. Elston, director: C. V. Patterson, vice president; John' liuoert,' corresponding secre tary; Ad Gonla, recording secretary; A. E. Macoubrie, treasurer; Roy F. Weeks, hos pitality; Earl McFarlan, public ity, ana Mrs. stokes, who is club president. Also on the board are Mrs. Guy Oliver. Jr., director; Mrs. Rex Pember- ton. librarian, and Mrs. Banke, parliamentarian. Miss Sears Honored At Recent Shower Shower Given WILLAMINA A shower for Mrs. Glenn Turner last week was given by Mrs. Bill Felton, Mrs. Henning Lundmark and Mrs. Jerry Lundmark. Invited were Mrs. Turner, Mrs. Leonard Holstad, Mrs. Lewis Tatom, Mrs. Ida Sever son. Miss Judy Lundmark, Mrs. Clyde Parks, Jr., Mrs. Albert Felton, Mrs. Ernie Mielke and daughters, Mrs. Jeffrey Hoi stad, Mrs. Eddie Fox, Mrs. Roy Wsgner, Mrs Clyde Parks, Sr., Mrs. Shirley Keeton, Mrs. Art Lundeen and Mrs. Frits Woods. Sheridan Miss Darlene Seara wu honored at a bridal shower by Mrs. Bryan Emer son and Mra. Lester Moritz lut week. Assisting were Mrs. Clark Moon, Jr., Mrs. Charles Kadell, Mrs. Melvin Johnson. Mrs. Howard Kilmer, Mrs. Jay Sechrlst and Mrs. Ezra Kilmer. Those invited Included Mes- dame William Rosenbalm, wuiara Emerson, Mildred Mor itz, John Focht, Edwin Keltner, Frank Andrews, Howard Shaf- er, Bob Patty, Norman Tufford, R. H. Brooks, Waldo Sears, J, K. Bowman, F. J. Bissell. ueorge wuson. Harley Moon. Marry Kaltenbach, all of Sher idan; Armond Howard, Amity; George Churchill, Ruggles Lan terman, Wlllamina; Bob John son and Miss Jan Robertson of McMlnnvllle, Mrs. Leon Wil liams of Salem. Mrs. Douwe Mellema, Mrs. Aver Bucy unske, Mrs. LaVelle Howard. Mrs. George Gardner, Mrs. Fred Vincent, Miss Elsie Tay lor and Mrs. John Church. Many Call at Open House for Snyders Hopewell - An open house la honor of th 50th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Snyder wis September , between J and 4 p.m. at their home on Amity road. Arrangements of white chrysanthemums and delphin ium decorated the room and centered the table, on which wis the cold and whit wed ding cake served by Mrs. Cecil Snvder. of Moiaua, daughter in-law of the honored couple. Mrs. J. R. Stirr of Los Ange les, a daughter, poured the coffee and Mrs. Ray Snyder, daughter-in-law, presided at the punch howl. , Mrs. Snyder greeted the guests, wearing a black aheer dress with white orchid cor anH orh ladv nresent rm. ceived a baby orchid corsige. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder (Min nie Hoyt) were married1 Sep tember 2, 1903 at Dannebrog, Nebraska, but have been Ore- con residents for many years, Mrs. Snyder's grandparents and parents also celebrated their golden wedding anniver saries, this being the third gen eration to do so. Mr. and Mrs. Snyder's three children and eight grandchil dren were present and were house guests fcr several day They are Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Starr and daughters, Jean and Ton! of Los Angeles; Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Snyder and chil dren, Sarah, Joe and Ann, and Mr. and Mrs. Kay Snyder and three daughters. Other rela tives who attended were Wil liam Roe of Dannebrog, Neb., brother-in-law of Mrs. Sny der,' Mr, and Mrs. Harry Si monson of Friend, Neb., and Mrs. Pearl Chapman of Eu gene, cousins. Guests at the open house were Mrs J. narxar smun and Mrs. William Lawrence and daughter, Jean, of Port land; Mr. and Mrs. E. A. War rick of Monmouth; Mrs, Emily Warrick of Dallas, Mrs. Bessie Wilson of Hemet, Calif., Mrs. V. Cavander, Mrs. Elberta Morrow, Mrs. C. C. Jacobs, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Peck, all of McMlnnville; Mr. and Mrs. Soren Sorenson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Versteeg, Mr. and Mrs. Jo McKee, Mrs. Ed Cochran, Mra. H. W. Torbet, Mrs. E. E. Morse, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mit chell, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Kosta, Mrs. Elton Ingram and Betty, all of Amity; Mrs. Henry Green of Dayton; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. McKee, Mrs. Howard Stephens, Mrs. John Fuqua, Mrs. Ross Rogers, Mrs. N. O. Pearse, and Mrs. Kustl Setala, Mr. and Mrs. Marion Duvall of Newburg., -The family group enjoyed an anniversary dinner, served by the ladies of the First Meth odist church of Amity at noon Wednesday. Twenty members of the family were present. Junior Saddle Club Metis for Drills Salem Heights The South Salem Junior Saddle club drill ed in the field at McKillops Double D-M-J Ranch on W. Browning avenue on Thursday afternoon with call drills given by Ervln Ward, captain of the1 Salem Saddle club. Miss . Karla Anderson was hostess to the group and they : discussed the clubs coming' horse show, scheduled for Sun day, Sept. 13, at the Hammer-! stad residence, 710 Winding Way. Eleven classes will make up the events of the show, with the Junior Saddle club participating. Drilling were Mary Ann Meyer, Phil Jackson, Judy Ba ker, John Meyer, Lynne Ham merstad, Clark Jackson, Dick McKillop, Bonnie Jean Kurth, Mary Wilbur, Mike McKillop, Cheryl Lee Kurth, Marvin Murdock, Karla Anderson, Gerald Kurth, and Mitchel Murdock. Others were Mrs. Holly Jackson and Ralph, Mrs. Lynn M. Hammerstad, Mrs. Henry Meyer, Mrs. Louis Kurth and Mrs. Carl Anderson. Scheidel-Smith Rites Friday Miss Frances Emily Smith, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ken neth K. Smith of Portland, and Thomu Maynard Scheidel, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph M. Schei del of Salem, were married Friday evening. Th service was at 8 o'clock In the West minster Presbyterian church, Portlsnd, Dr. Daniel H. Schulze of Willamette university offi ciating. ' The bride wore a dress of white nylon tulle over satin, en train, and fashioned with full skirt and a lace bodice with deep yoke of net. The fingertip veil of nylon tulle illusion was arranged from a cap trimmed with lace and seed pearls. The bride carried a bouquet of white roses, stephanotis, sweet peas and Cecil Brunner roses Miss Rosemary Ross wu maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Mis Judy Fullager, Miss Diana Hobart, Miss Nancy Ann Mardesick and Miss Marian Ure. They all wore identical frocks of dusty rose nylon tulle over satin and carried bou qi'ets of burgundy carnations and miniature garnet dahliu. Tom Pickles was best man, Ushers were John Loftls, Philip Ringle, Merlin Schulze . snd James Wood, all of Salem. Mrs. Smith wore a rose beige nylon over taffeta dress with tiered skirt and Mrs. Schei del chose an aqua crepe dress with jeweled neckline for her son's marriage. Her accessories were dark brown. , The couple greeted their guests at a reception In the church parlors. After a wed ding trip the newiyweds will be at home in Seattle, where Mr Scheidel will be attending the University of Washington. He has been awarded a fellow ship in the department of speech. o Fall Festival at Church Is Planned Silverton The Immanuel Lutheran Woman's Missionary federation, directing plans for the annual fall festival fellow ship dinner, Sunday, Septem ber 27, for members of the congregation, only, has an nounced committee personnel. On general plans are Mrs. Chester Bjorke, Mrs. Ole Me land, Mrs. C. J. Towe, Mrs. Andrew Hall, Mrs. L. W. Cooper, Mrs. Ida Winslow, Mrs. Minnie Overlund, Mrs. George Anderson, Mrs. George Crockett, Mrs. R, J. Van Cleave, Mrs. H. B. Jorgenson and Mrs. Elmer Johnson. Planning th program are Mrs. Tom Anderson, Mrs. A W. Nelson and Mrs. C.rl Hande. On publications are Mrs. Kenneth Henjum and Mrs. B. E, Gaffey. Financial committee is Mrs. Conrad Johnson and Mrs. Oscar Overlund. Circle members' responsibil ities include for washing and scraping the dishes. Circles 1 and 2; clearing the tables, Cir cle 3; decorating and setting tables, Circle 4; serving the dinner, Circle S; caring for nursery aged children, Circle 6.. , TRADE ia ur aid WATCH t Much M $22 JO altar! THE JEWEL BOX 443 State, Silem Oota Friday (light till Aid Plans for Bazaar in Autumn ' Silverton Trinity Lutheran Ladies Aid plans its annual autumn bazaar and supper with th public welcome to attend during th day and eve- nlnc' Saturday. November 14 This affair is the principal budget builder for th society during th church year. On the general committee on arrangement are Mrs. Jo seph A. Luthro, Mrs. Carl Johnson, Mrs. John Kloster. Serving during the refresh ment hour for the Ladies Aid session were Mrs. L. M. Larson and Mrs. Silas Torvend. Presenting the topic: "His Orders Carried Out," was Mrs. Ed Holden. Mrs. Martha Isaacson read a paper giving a resume of "The History of the Silverton Aid." Mrs. Tom Hanson told of ber stay recent ly In Norway.. Mrs. Olaf Anderson and Mrs. Theodora Severson col lected th' mission boxes that were brought to th meeting by member. " VFW Auxiliary Silverton In keeping with their year's plans for rehabili tation . work, locally and at the hospitals, members of the Veterans of Foreign Wars auxiliary, No. 3004, at their week's meeting mad plans for a rummage sale, Saturday, September 12. Beginning at 9 o clock in the forenoon, it is to be at the empty rooms on South Water street, next door to th Doughnut Shop. All return from th salt 2j MS A.M.; 1:00 P. M. PORTLAND . . Mmln. MATTU .... lAhrs. SstUthTfifJtffvaf1 Mag)aflfl9ffJ lfsdJV S:25 A.M.; 3:15 P.M. and 8:25 P.M. i MIDFORD . . . Mmln. SAN FRANCISCO 4 hrs. LOS ANOHIS . . hrs, local Naot . ft tarsi hrf otsmMm, asff r rlM UaHad, Airport Tmlnol. Coll 2-I4U or your trovol og.nt. t p COMMf THff MM a NO roim oo ir ait Linoleum "NATIONAL BRANDS CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 117 S. High Fh. 4S7S1 Itching fOry Eczema l Who struck sad uffrr onpiloMlr-' Medleated RmUmI Ounawai rUk m loaoMa actio la lc at aliolii torsi OIL Mima. smImo and ! (sops? T" 5 WAYS BETTER! 1 IMfPM ptil at I JWjf , ftflMmt Cvm mt if M (hImI viyi faun ti bmKc4 KMCs So Stsjpt Cvm Mvf ttay cm iiTw9t C Prifttrti Srt fits ttftviso llssaNnsiTlfMSaoN. He ethsr method doos on Boca a A. BeboU' Ziao-pada. No mtntm Shoes ooft, eeathinf, euohioatag sad ara tbo world's lartoH oolliioj W lolMk. Got a bnl today. AS Drug. Shoo, Dept. end a-IOJ fUoms. Savings Earn Safely Extra Earnings w CM- Your Savings ort Insured Safe to $10,000.00 by the Federal Savings & Loan Insurance Cor poration. Open your Insured Ravings Account to day with Salem Federal. rWsat CoatNna MEM, OtXGON See G.-E. Booth at the Fair OTTjijI UU133 U II 14-BOTTLI CASIS aNABAtXYaSKEXAUtr DAD'S WaVfct! ROOT till wnn yv evvy ony SENERAlQ ELECTRIC REFRIGERATCX Uk plenty of soft drinks In your rafrigerstor all th timst You set enoush Casads Dry Gtnjtr Ale or Dad's Otd-Fish-(oocd Root Boor for th rest of th year (12 full cases) with . your eurchsM of iy'l3.t O-B Refrigerator now. Se the aew O-B Rote-Cold Refriiernion with ititomatic defrosting i the his, hsndwrne arw O-E designs, lodiyl Kamsssbsf. soft drink for an vera go family for .j. the oast of hs year all yours without added eeat M(Ci when jrm bwy 1 aew O-E RtriTtor Srww Other G.-E. Refrigerators Are Priced from $209.95 are to be applied on th pur ehas of a aralker for a crip plod child. For material pick up, mem ber are to call Hrs. L. H. Elliott.' Mr. Olaf Tokstad er Mrs. Bob Edgerton. Mrs. Vester Seydell was named chairman of the com mittee to serve refreshment to workers and patients, dur ing th visit of the bloodmo bile to Silverton, under spon sorship of the Silverton Jay cees and Jaycee-Ettes. The president, Mrs. Bob Ed gerton, named Mrs. Lelsnd Morgan VFW auxiliary chair man for the annuat carnival dance to be giya early fas No vember at the Silverton azjn ory. as -a m California Part Sherry MoM-atel Tokay &80C cvr sio. oo B.11M ar . wl-Slo Wlurr, Ml, Calll.ral. or ncLutDLc nnnol y Hii iai r r. at. cwoy. 144 1 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITED REPAIR CO. 25$ N. LIBERTY Authorized Repair on All Major Appliances and All Small Appliances Guaranteed Service I'ickup and Delivery on Large Appliances Ivan Boy.-e and Walt Claus, Owner ARCHERY antacklens Ph.2-4226 HARRY HOBSON 4250 PORTLAND RD. Located on Highway 99 Next to Totom Pole (Chemawa) Custom-Made Bows,-Arrows, Fishing Poles And Other Archery and Fishing Tackle SEE OUR BOOTH AT THE OREGON STATE FAIR AWNINGS-TENTS-TARPS Ph. 3-4788 SALEM TINT I AWNING CO 729 N. LIBERTY Canvas Goods of Every Description "ANYTHINO MADE TO YOUR ORDER" CHINESE FOODS Ph. 2-6596 CHINA CAFE 2055 FAIRGROUNDS RD. Specializing in Chinese & American Foods Featuring "Good Foods Well prepared" Brlrig the Family Call for Reservations for Dlniier and Parties CONCRETE SEPTIC TANKS Ph. 37324 MORTARLESS BLOCK CO 14th t E. HOYT Approved Reinforced - Rectangular Precast Sejftic Tanks Manufacturers of Mortar Blocks Interlocking Block In Pumice or Concrete Also Chimney Blocks Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 HOWSERBROS 1 1RS S. I 3th ST. Garden Tillers Power Mowers - Paint Sprayer Air Com pressors Sanders - Plumbing Tools Power and Hand Mower Sharpening - Repairs on All Small Gas Engines FLOOR COVERINGS Ph.4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS J17 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong & Congoleum-Nairn-Asphalt and Rubber Til Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets Estimates Gladly Givenl IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO 1810LANAAVL Water Systems Deep Well Turbines Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pipe Galvanized Pipe and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment MOVING & STORAGE Ph. 3-8111 RED STAR TRANSFER SALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT "A Complete Shipping Service" Office 1120 N. Liberty Whse. 290 S. Liberty ItWVICg STATIONS ltC S6S N. Commercial Phone J-4UJ OFFICE MACHINES Ph. 3-5584 Typewriters, Adding Machines, Calculators, Accounting Machines SALES SERVICE RENTALS CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 531 COURT R.W. "JOE" LAND OH TO BURN Ph. 2-4151 ROAD OILING 1174 Edgewater St OR 3-5769 WEST SALEM ROAD TWEEDIE FUELS OILS OILING STANDARD OIL DEALER PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON BROS. PLUMBING I HEATING Repairing ' SSS Chemeketa Contracting Residential Commercial Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS Ph. 3-9123 24 HOUI SERVICE We giv Penny Saver Stamps THEQUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph.3-3157 IN I Ikerrf 310 (sort. Dtwntawi 2440 trur. MtdkD (trial 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience, FREE Delivery Dally 8:00 A. M. to 11:00 PJhf. ISO S. Liberty Stor Open 12:00 to 2:00 PJ1 and 6:00 P-Si. to 9:00 PJH. All 3undays and Holiday Radiant Glassheat Phone 4-6263 Radiant Glassheat of Salem 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. Learn about the Miracle of Glassheat before you buy any - h! yten; ' any price See Continental Glassheat No Chimney No Maintenance FHA Terms Easy Term 6 Year Guarantee We Graea Ph.3-7577 Das Jisa DssaaaiSoj sawtfiv lJUII Grre" Stamps MITCH ELL'S Redie-Televlslen1 880 State Motorolo m Deolers for IW General Electrlf Pick up and Delivery TELEVISION SBS1' Ph. ySSSSSf i 2303 Fairgrounds RL In Woodburn at 171 Grant St. Featuring MOTOROLA - RCA VICTOR . HOFFMAN DUMONT TELEVISION SETS lDar-)stJgg react.