Monday, September 7. 1953 Miss Matter, Mr. Putman Married Sunday Afternoon nowtn in pretty fill ahsdes decorated the Tint Method lit church Sunday afternoon for the wedding of Mlie Louise Joyce Matter and Marlon Keith Putman. The bride la the daughter et Mr. George A. Matter and Mr. Putman is the nephew of Mr. and Mr. Robert B. Put man. 1 , Basket of yellow, apricot and copper gladioluses and chrysanthemums, and candles were arranged for the setting. Lighting the tapers were Misses Loris Larson of Wood burn and Geraldlne Radcliff, both wearing ballerina length taffeta frocks In yellow. Dr. Brooks Moore read the tow at 4 o'clock. Soloist was Audrey Mistretta of Astoria, and Gladys Edgar played the organ. Wears Satin and Lac The bride wore a white lace and satin dress, designed with fitted bodice and long sleeves, the lace being over the satin In apron effect. The full skirt extended into a train, also trimmed with the bee. The fingertip Illusion veil cascad ed from a net cap trimmed . with lace and seed pearls. For her flowers the bride carried a crescent bouquet of yellow roses and buff fujl chrysan themums. George A. Matter, Jr., gave his sister In marriage. Miss Caroline Matter, sister of the bride, was honor at tendant. She 'wore a copper taffeta frock, ballerina length, and a matching open crown taffeta hat and matching linen pumps. Her flowers were a crescent bouquet of yellow gladioluses and copper chry santhemums. The bridesmaid, Miss Do reen Cavender and Miss Ce lls Weaver, wore dresses, hats and pumps Identical In style to those worn by the honor at tendant except Hiss Cavender's were in peach color and Miss Weaver's were in champagne color. Both carried crescent bouquets of yellow gladioluses and peach chrysanthemums. Ann Putman was the flower girl, wearing an apple green taffeta frock and carrying a bouquet of peach gladioluses. The ring bearer was Robert B. Putman, Jr. Both children are cousins of the bridegroom. Robert McConvilla w in man. Ushering were Charles Rudd of Molalla, Gilbert Bate son, Martin Knittel, John Ren fus. . Mothers in Rose, Navy ror ner daughter's wedding, rs. Matter won mm iir dress with matchln Wk.t fray accessories and a corsage P'hk roses. The bride groom's mother wore a navy blue nylon sheer with navy accessories and corsage puis: roses. The retention wa .v.. Carrier room af th ok,...). Mrs. John P. Yost of Portland ana Mrs. Herbert Little of Klnzua. bath aunta . bride, served the cake. Mrs. mu Tebvet of Dall&f and Mrs. Josenh Glnth t h coffee urns, Mrs. Herbert Pan- rau oi Portland at the punch bowl. - Others auitin Misses Betty Williams, Joanne tins, Eileen Susbauer, Har riet Hldav. Vdlno ...... I turned decorations at the re ception. - For Coins ivn Ihm hrlt. wore an off-white knit dress with chocolate brown acces sories. Fallnuin the Oregon coast the couple win be at home in Salem. At Auxiliary Unit Opens New Season Salem unit No. 138, Amerl can Legion auxiliary, conduct ed Its first session of the new year last week at the Woman's eiub. Mrs. Carroll Robinson is , president of the unit this year. ' Mrs. Robinson appointed Mrs. A. B. Chapman as child welfare chairman, and Mrs. Robert Perlich, junior activities chsirmsn. Reports from the department convention were given by the delegates, Mrs. Jack Johnson, Mrs. Milo Aeschllman, Mrs, Jsck Slmklns, and Mrs. Carroll Robinson. The membership chairman, Mrs. Jerome Hansen, reported thst her committee wss plan, nlng a series of "Kidnap Break fasts" later as part of their sc tlvities. A rummage sale is set for Tuesday. September 29. Mrs. Dan Pantovitch, ways and means chairman, will be In charge. Miss Dolores DiFilippl was presented with a certificate of membership froib the junior auxiliary to the senior group. This was the first time that such a certificate has been liven. Guests were Mrs. Myrna Males, Mrs. Charles Robinson, snd Mrs. Eugene Oliver, Mrs. Theodore Ullakko and Mrs. Robinson were hostesses for the coffee hour. Today's Menu Delicious flavors intermingle In this pork chop skillet dish. Range Top Sapper Kraut Pork Chops with Apple Rings Mashed Potatoes Green Pess Bread and Butter Coffee Gelatin ' Beverage Krant Pork Chops With Apple Rincs Ingredients: Vt cup butter or margarine, Vi cup currant jelly, 3 medium-sized spples (cored snd cut in rings), loin cork chops, 1 No. 2 can sauerkraut (undralned), 1 cup chooDed onions. Method: Melt butter and currant Jelly in a skillet; add apple rings and brown. - Re move, apple rings snd plsce pork chops in skillet; brown lightly on aU sides. Mix sauer kraut and onions; place on top of browned pork chops. Cover and cook 30 minutes over low heat. Uncover and place ap ple'1 rings en top of sauerkraut mixture; cover and continue cooking 30 minutes. Make 4 servings. SURGICAL SUPPORTS Of all kinea. Trasses, nbdaas- tnal Sajnwrls, Elastic Hoaferr. Expert films atliato fitting "ask Torn DOCTOm (tpifel Drcj Stat Miss Welch Wins Cottey Scholarship Mis Coleen Welch ts re'. Clpient Of S24B seholarahln awarded by Salem council of P.E.O. Sisterhood to Cottey junior college, the school sponsored and supported by the P.E.O. Sisterhood nation ally. Announcement of Miss Welch's ' appointment w a msde over ' the week-end in releases stating 13 Oregon girls leave this week for Cot tey college, located at Neva da, Mo. THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, galea. Onto PiftT mm Business Women at Woodburn Start Year Wood burn The first fall meeting of the Woodburn Busi ness and Professional Women's club was Thursday night at the library club rooms with Mrs. Thomas Baldwin, the new presi dent, in charge of the meeting. Resignations were read and accepted for Mrs. Leon Graham as recording secretary and Mrs. George Rogers as corresponding secretary. Mrs. Clara Stange waj appointed to serve as re cording secretary and Mrs. Molly Hunt as corresponding secretary. Routine business was trans acted and plans were discussed for the r.ext meeting. Seotem- ber 17, when the membership committee with Mrs. James Lamb as chairman will be In charge. i Refreshments and a social hour followed the meeting with Mrs. umD and Mrs. Hunt serv. ing light refreshments. Mrs. Krenz Heads Group Past Presidents club of .the Marion County Federation of Women' cluba elected Mrs. W. T. Krenz of Sllverton as pres ident to succeed Mrs. Ed Gates of Lyons at the meeting at the home of Mrs. Paul Griebenow, Friday afternoon. The office of vice president went to Mrs. C. W. Stacey of Salem, and that of secretary-treasurer to Mrs. Hugh Craig of Sslem. The 19.14 meeting was an nounced for the home of Mrs. C. J. Thurston of Scio with the past presidents of the southern section of the county es hostesses. Hostesses for the Friday luncheon were Mesdames Paul Griebenow, W. E. Kirk, Robert Hutcheon, J. A. Brownson, A. A. Taylor, Mason Bishop and w. stacey. Guest were Mesdames Bliss Jones of Aberdeen, Wash., W. F. Krenz of Silverton, C. J. Thurston of Scio, E. E. Bradtl, B. W. Stoner. and Fred Dentel of Aurora, Ed Davis of Lyons, W. W. Allen of Mill City, Etta P. Hall, David Looney, Hugh Craig, and Miss Mattie Beatty, sU of Salem. The Children's Farm home near Corvallis Is the major project of this club. Kw-swraCteJOSGph Jim!".1 - ASPIRIN Heiders Return Returning to Salem In late September to make their home will be Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Heider and small son, Mark Douglas, who for the past year have been residing In Sa vanah, Georgia, where Mr. Heider has been stationed with the Air Force. On their trip home the Heiders plan to tour several Southern cities, Includ ing Tallahasse, New Orleans, and Dallas. Upon their return to Salem. Mr. Heider will be associated with his father's business until resuming his college studies. - Ladies Golf Day Woodburn Twenty women were out for luncheon and play at the Woodburn golf club Thursday. Hostesses at the luncheon hour were Gladys McLaughlin and A (fries Jones. Play for the day was "blind bogey," with Gladys McLaugh lin winning in the A class and Myrtle Smith In the B class. The qualifying round for the fall tournament on September 17 was discussed. Players are to tee off at 8:30 a.m. Hostesses for next Thursday will be Alma Timm and Rose Schmld. Winter's Coming . . Better , SEE RADIANT GLASSHEAT 1540 Fairgrounds Rd. Phone 4-6263 (MJIae) TUES.-WED.-THURS. . Wn;i'n;fflE - " """" k ' 3 I I mi W AM . Cernsr ef lAerty San Oreen Itamm ly V I ISA Fruit "I f COCKTAIL I 69M J M:rlsR8 Darkee's MARGARINE Price Iffective Tim. 4 Wed., Sept. t 4V ret evaporated rp Powdered HEMO Lb. can Blua Belt : POTATO CHIPS CENTENNIAL LONG GRAIN RICE Pkg. 2-lb. Mli INTIR IITTY CROCKIRf CAKE BAKING Contttt AT OREGON STATE FAB leek Intry Mint Have 9A Seftesllk les Top .. .Pkg. 37C . With Free Celle Sponge enEaek Pkg. Arnci Stir Piriry Shlf (r.std Mssts POWDERID Bon Ami L cans LJ Armour Sfer I Armettr Star EEEF "-e-SO u Our Most powerful Kenmore Tank (leaner . : Kiw Dispute Dust Ut-U H. . Mtlor ' Exclusive Ken-Kort hondy ' disposable dust bags, extra power and suction make house cleaning easier, more thorough. New heavy duty V HP motor cleans deeper, even removes clinging lint. Smart looking 2-tone Burgundy enamel with chrome trim. Nine easy-to-use at tachments olwoys with you In Ken-Kart holder. . '5.00 Down, S. 00 Month en Sear lasy Payment Plan Clean up musses foster, easier. Use this ffirlenr new Kenmore with Dowerful suc tion. Complete set of attachments make obove-the-floor cleaning easy, ftoo. $ i.oo I Saari Convenient I I lasy fayment Pl I I kelp bM! I I tklm T I when .yo I I rkem. Any talesmen 1 I can ie I 1 elete Information. . I HOME TRIAL t mall tkh) coupon far free MtOfoturo There's a Kenmore to PjOl?"?!! Phone 39191 (or free Sears, Roebuck and Co. 551 N. Capitol Salem, Ore. Gentlemen: Please send mi farther Informa tion describing Kenmore ( . . ) Vaeoom Clean era. Name Street or BR ...... City State 1 Sola , , , Blu-WkHa FLAKES 4 31c Armaur'e Star DtVlUD UIU H SIMI'I Armear' Star C0IlD KB HASH . Arsnessr'a Star POTTED V., NEAT IM- 6 AniwMir't Star m I Vienna lc Sola Sweatkeait SOAP 4 24c 7 Fhh 1c Sola Sweetheart SOAP 4 "36c Be sure to double cheek tKsie IGA Irend Fruit Juices I IGA Pineapple JUICE As IT lVj Dog House DOG FOOD 3-25' Your Pet Will Relish It Seedless GRAPES Pound yr -s V . 3-, T V 10 U.S. ooe Fresh Broccoli 11 u PALMOLIVI SOAP 3 Van 23C VEL Detergent r30c Round Steak IB. Sc MINCED HAM lfjlk(a Mfk PALMOLIVI SOAP 3 35c AEROWAX FOR FLOORS 2:31c M FAB Detergent l;:r 30c AEROWAX FOR FLOORS Qcu:: 59c jmkiryB& 550 N. CAPITOL SHOP and SAVE ot IGA STORES IOA STOKES KESEBTB TBI RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES EMERY'S KHMMMEI Ytv Wtttff IM Jlirt k WotSdM WsKste In' af 71k ORCUTT'S MARKET TOOIKItlMT Hi JTOtf AT 4200 R. UVQ IMS STATE ST. MARKET tow nitmiT RU STORE IT HiO TUTt iTItTT VISTA MARKET Tout Fiiumi tal aTVMst IW IVKI f.