Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 07, 1953, Page 3, Image 3

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    Monday, September 7, 1953
' The Gold Beach Electron!, 4-H electricity club, prepared
" this booth to show how electricity U used in a community.
The exhibit wai made the feature of the Curry County
booth at the itate fair.
4-H Competition at Fair
Discloses Youthful Talent
- Outstanding among the ex
hibits at the Oregon State Fair
are the displays of agricultur
al products, cookery, and han
dicraft shown by 4-H groups
and individuals.
Judging of the exhibits was
' well under way Monday as the
experts began the third day of
evaluating the work of the
youthful competitors.
Awards made thus far fol
VsJtoa Uwller. 14. Tta Dellee. tw
ytar runsr-up te tt fair 4-H ntl
nolocr compeirtloa this yr won th
coveted arple ribbon u4 eehelerslti
ut 4-h nuir eaoet t oretea bum
The youthful but collector Mhlbt44 1b
em pi Lit ion with 47 4-H'ere, serai IN
potnU. ib4 hlshest score postl. JbUsm
Jon, is, SeJem, last veer's wtaner, eo
leeud M points and elternet Mndta
for the cbflrshlp. Third else wesrt w
Cherts roster of Hood JUver.
- Ttao thro kon wart tho stair tlu -eon
winners in Advanced eeatewsoststs.
Red ribbon wlnnara were Max manor,
Sslem; Mad Cnestsmt, Hood JUver, and
Lartom wsb. Seltm.
Bin ribbon winner In th Otaaa S
advanced niomototr vara: Marc ar at
Banna, Portal Orove; Ben? Jonas, -lam.
and Judy Oatee, BlUibor. Rod rlb
fcoos vera wlnnad on exhibit tor Mark
sd WBllam Henna, Porest Orovs;
Oeorre Alexander, Parkdala; Merlin Onfc
aar, Dertoa; Joanna aeVeOllvre, Forest
Orora, nd Rotor Haons, XlUsfroro.
Blao rtbbono to bectnntas - nc
talc hart vent so Linda. Jasase, Hflie
oro, and Dots Drkatrt cvnd CeeH
Bates, both of Labanon.
Bad ribbon wlnnara wars SHU Book,
Kenneth Smith, and Howard Hill, oil
of Salem, and Allrn and Carmon Ford
of Roisbarc.
' Drawlncs of homo wlrinr ln helped
to win bacnplonahl honor for Larry
statu Ire, Portland, and his stoood rear
4-H alec trie It r pro) set. Rta roeord
nd drawlngj worn first plaeo nwnc ins
14 axhibiu and 4-H summer school
scholarship. Ha had an opportunity to
put his knowldct work hi cartas tor
horns appliances and In bnlldlnc twa
tuba rtsaseraUoc radio receiver, oc
cord ins to his project story.
Dsnnls Gilliam, efUweukis, took horns
the championship ribbon for his first
year 4-H electricity project oxhlblt.
Twenty-on a 4-H club members turned
In sihlbiu for state fair Jodtlbc this
year. Bsch exhibit lneludad record
book, tool cheat, spile board shewlns
seven wars of opUcinc wire, and tost
lamp or extension cord made wy the
club members.
Blue ribbons vent to: Harry White.
Thomas Corlstt, Lynm ZHncltr, William
Koehjer. all of Portland; Me reus Law
son. Warm prints; Day Battemiller,
MUwaakle; Olen Klock. Tmtdale; Jamea
Jonas, Salem, and Robert Caecrode, sm
lem. Red ribbons went to: Xdward Cash.
Portland! Atusrt Smith. Salem; Allen
Johnson. Astoria; Kenneth Olsen, Ae
terla; Oeorie Matnr. Ootd Beach: Don
Hill. Madras; David Herron, Oold Beach;
Warren Muench, Bast Side, and Richard
Bishop, Salsm.
Pour tender biscuits earned fifth
trader Jerry Hahn of Rt. S, Portland,
championship la 4-H camp cookery, and
scholarship to Bin year's 4-H cummer
Judy Hsltkempsr, Portland, received a
brue ribbon for sewing. Red ribbons
were awarded: BUen Mitchell. Biff Zee;
Elaine Hansen. Tlsard. and Violet
Klobas, Bend.
Larry Mwrutre, It, and Tony Oood
rich, Is, Portland, who demonstrated
"How to Make an Intra-Red Barbecue"
won top asrKultural honors. Runners
up sre Lor lice Perry, 14, and Janet
Ehrlnitra, IS, Portland, who showed
"How to Mack a Compost Heap.'
Two individual demonstrators were
chosen In home economics. They are
Joan Ksrns, 17, or orenco. wno eemon
strster msklnc rolls. Earlier, she servod
thase rolls durtns her Dollar Dinner
and won her the senior championship of
that content.
Ahlrley Pate, IT, Salem, presented the
Other chsmpton individual demonstra
tion. Her subject waa "A Five-Star Cas-
. serole", which she msds with sees.
milk, cheese and butter, and varied w
a number of colorful tamlsbM.
In ths dairy demonstration class, John
Orsy. 14. and Dnane Smith, IS, Orants
Pans, won ft ehampionihlp with "Milk
Testms." They will receive scholarships
to 4-H summer school at Oreton Slats
rnllece. Sue Ann Olbler and Petty Burr,
Hrmtstrn. received blue ribbons in this
rises, and red ribbons were awarded
. Merlin end Ella Mas Swansea, Leb-
1 enrm.
Oold wrist wstcbes wrre presented to
the tow individual ana warn oentonstra
tors in the dsiry foods demonstration
enntem. The hishMt indivMuei was snir
lev Psis. it. Salem, who demonstrated
"A Five-Star Casssrole." Tesm winner
were Lou He Bstei, IS. and Betty Sue
i Relsofl, IS, of Corvalltes. They showed
the ase of powdered milk In "The Milky
Wsy by the Powdered Rood. These
awards were made by Carnation com'
pen v.
Red ribbons ta dslry food demon it re
tinns wrre won by Marie Jochtmeen,
Albany; Sandra Emerson, Sheridan, and
Rvrrly HoJton and Ruth Hammond. Al
rhawiBiofis of other demonstration
eon tee is receive scholarships 4 4H
summer school, awarded by the Oretoa
Bankers aasoelatlon.
Pool try demonaustloa winners were
Orace rJtott, 11. and Oall Cert la, IS,
of Astorls, wh cave ft dewionstratlon
en "Vaccfnatinsr chickens." Davtd Aa
derarm and Oerald Heeler. Can or. woa ft
Furs Exclusively
Per SS Tears
1S1I Ferry St
blue ribbon. Red ribbons: Olen and Mary
Klock, Troutdale; Larry Phillips and
Larry Vender pool. Orants Pass, snd
owea Moore and Rose Maria Leslie,
Central Point,
In crops team demonstrations, Zr
tlee Perry, 14, and Janet Bhrlnstrom, IS.
Portland, woa with "How to Mr a
Compost Heap." Blue ribbons: Bs - r
Davu and Donna Plsrsorf, Hood Vnr.
Red ribbons: Jeanlns and Anne MuV t.
Tancent, and Judy Jeffries and Pirj.
Kiiiisy, sMavenon.
"Make" Tour Own Corsets' won
ehamplMUhlp for Donna Oumvert. IS.
Bend, la the individual crops demon
atratioa. Bine ribbon winner was Charles
Foster. Hood River. Harris Hansen, Ti
ard, won Ted ribbon.
Tns SOP electricity demonetratlon
"How to Make an Infra-Red Barbecue."
by Larry Macuira, IS, and Tony Good
rich, It. Portland. Red ribbons: Robert
Dalthory and Donald Cbrlett, Portland:
Cecil Thames and Dennis Whits her. Med.
ford, and Burton Ward and Rodney
Orlmms, Oaweso.
A Window-waahlns: demonetrattoa bv
SBlen and seaward Mitchell, sic Eat.
led the nomemaklBt class. Blao ribbon:
Elisabeth Mclnttre. BTovnsmsed, and
Janice BJUot, Astoria.
Health and Child Car winner was
"Be, torn the Baby- bp Prances Benson.
14. aad OoUeen Tftrranoff. 14. SUvertan.
Blue rlbboa: Viola Ruby end rathr Mts
pelt. Bete. Rod ribbon: Doreen Cable and
Pat MeClftrd, Harm Is ton.
Cam Cookery snd Forestry blue rib
bon winner wan "Ztltmor Cnilsint
Btlek" by Alfred Win ana, 14, Hood
River, and Dale Mortensea. IS, Dee. Red
ribbons: Dennis Bakowt and sTrankle
KnaeeL awappoos, and Cary Skyrmaa
aad stba Desroi, ceatraiaroint.
tbo enamptoa jrwaei vteeervation asm-
esutratloa waa "A Peachy Canned
Peach" br Carol Stettler, 14, and Joyce
Menal, 13, Salsm. Blue ribbon: Rase
ana Mary Msier. niiuooro. jted rwoona
eBthel Fleet and Joy Poland, Alleel. and
Nancy slum and itutn naeneckc, saam
ath PaUa.
cisthinf winners were Murw Peterson,
Iff. and Marsarel Shafer. 11. Roeaaway.
Thee afrls else received IS apiece as a
special award by the Oreton Woof
a rowers auxiliary lor tn sect aemon
strati en at aae and car af woolen ma
larial. RiiBBra-up, Sharon Chapin, m.
Bcho. aad Dorothy Qulnn. 14, Staafletd.
received SS each from the auxiliary.
Bleu ribbons: Sara Mayars and caricae
Or lest, Salem i Rosemary O'Keefe and
Roberta Fruit. Klamath Falls, aad Nan
Johnson aad Khali Ma Reach, MU
Cewkerr team champions were Do
lor ea peek. m. and Jain Alto, It. Bast
Side, with 'Salad Secrets". They also
woa senaiarampa to -n summer ocnoo.
warded by the Oreton Beekeeper -soclatlea
ta the hlshest eeorlns demon -straUoft
sa which st least 3ft of ths
weeteatnf Bsed Is honey.
Blue ribbons; Helen Kay Klump Bad
Barbara eJaa Prance, PorUand; Sue
AaailB and Tvonn Oood. Salem, and
Janice Kendall and Marl Nicholson.
Klamath Fall.
Individual cookery demonstration win
ner was Jean BottemUler. 14, Condon.
Ith "All Year 'Round Fruit saiea."
Blu ribbons: Jerry Allen, Tlsard: Bev
erly Cribbens, Hood River, and Darlens
Rye, Proapeet.
Joan Kerns. IT. Orenco. did when
prepared and served the senior cham
pion Dollar Dinner tor SS cents Satur
day. Joan fleers If she hsdn't
been able to use home trown produce,
the dinner she served would have cost
11.11 t retail prices.
Jean, who was mnnsr-uw in mu
contest last year, will receive a 100 col
late scnoiarsnip, awaraeo ay aaieway
Her mens wac planned witn an ia
tcraatlnal navor: American surprise
(fruit) cocktail; Armenian lamb loavea.
Hunt art an baked potatoes, Jewish areen
beans, Mexican slaw la tomato cups with
Russian drsaslnt, German sour milk
rolls, currant Jelly and French apple
pi with wDlpped cream. However, tfosn
points out that she can cook this
round ths world menu" asint only
Washington county prod acts, swept for
few seasoBints.
The Junior dollar dinner conieit was
won by Barbara DuPont, 11. Canby. Her
dinner for tour would cost ll.M at retell
nrtces. but It cost her only ti n be
cause she seed some foods she produced
at home. Barbae will receive a 4-H
summer school scholarship, donated by
Safeway Stores.
Her dinner featured Tom at puree,
lima Jelle-eotteie cheese salad, Paris
lenne potatoea, print peas. Columbia
lam bof, fan -tan rods, mint felir. fresh
peaches, pecan wafers. Bad orante-mint
Iced tea.
Runner-up la the senior contest, and
alternate for the scholarship, was Sharon
Rosenbalm. Amity. She will recev a
award from the Wool Orowera am-
111 IT.
Aachen, Germany u. The
last layer of tomatoes had
been cleaned from streets here
today. They were spattered
ever thoroughfares when Com
munists tried to hold an elec
tion eve rally. Aachen youths
pelted the rally with tomatoes.
Youth Held in
Peoria Robbery
Albany Louia Stogadill,
20, Shedd, . waa arrasted by
Harriaburg police Friday oh a
charge of armed robbery, al
leged to have been committed
Thursday night at Peoria.
Stogsdiil ia accused in a
complaint filed in district court
here with having held up D. E.
Whitely, 76-year-old Peoria
atore proprietor, at the point of
a gun and of making off with
$20, all the caih in the ttore.
The alleged stick-up man
found Whitely alone, Sheriff
George Miller aaid, who went
to Harriaburg to take Stogs
diil into custody, and pointed
an automatic pistol at him
while the aged storekeeper
turned over the cash. Stogsdiil
then entered a car parked in
front of the (tore and started
out on a graveled county road
that connects with the Shedd-
Peoria road, the sheriff aaid,
Stogsdiil s description was
broadcast and the Harriaburg
police acted upon this In forma
tion. The prisoner has lived in
the .Shedd district with his
mother for more than a year,
but haa no police record here,
the sheriff said.
America Evelyn Price
Dies at Age of 96
Mrs. America Evelyn Price,
96, died Saturday at 1623 Cen
ter street.
Services will be held Wed
nesday afternoon at 1:30 at
Prineville under the direction
of the W. T. Rigdon company
and interment will be in the
IOOF cemetery at Prineville.
Mrs. Price was born near
Scio on a donation land claim
where her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. John Starr were living.
In 1877 she waa married to
Bruce Price, whose parents
were pioneers of 18S1 at Al
bany. Mr. and Mrs. Price
moved to Crook County in
1882 and lived for many years
near Camp Creek where they
had filed on a homestead.
Later they lived at Ochoco
near Prineville and then at
Powell Butte where Mr. Price
died. After the death of her
husband Mrs. Price entered
the Methodist Old Peoples
Home in Salem.
She is survived by a daugh
ter, Mrs. S. H. Jones; a grand
son, Malcolm L. Jones; and a
great - grandson, Lundy Jones,
all of Salem.
Bonn, Germany u. The
mayor of a small Westphalian
village paid a gasoline bill to
day because he had too big a
celebration on election eve. He
was scheduled to open the vot
ing station at 8 a.m. yesterday
but overslept.
Angry voters sent a car for
him and charged him for the
Knees Guaranteed for
Life of Garment
Capitol Shopping Tenter
M Km Capitol Sheppiiuj (sirtsr
Modern Beauty
Inquire About
Our Scholorship
All work done by students
under supervision
476 N. Church St
Highest Bid
By Philomath
InJ lively competition for
over nine million board feet
of Bureau of Land Manage
ment timber in Lobster Val
ley. 174 bids were made be
fore tie Philomath Lumber
company succeeded In top.
ping offers of the Yew Creek
Logging company of Corvallis
at an oral auction sale con
ducted by Salem District For
ester Rodney O. Felty on Sep
tember 4. -
Fety noted that the greatest
number of bids made in any
previous single oral auction
sale was 121 for an offering
two years ago. The final price
after four hours of bidding
for the Lobster Valley tract,
which ia located south of Al
sea, in Lane county, wai
$28.10 per thousand board
feet for the Douglas fir, with
18.40 and 17.93 per thousand,
respectively, for western
hemlock and western red
cedar. The total price bid for
the 9,265,000 board feet in
the tract of which 91 per cent
is Douglas fir, was S243.374.
That amount is $84,376 more
than the appraised price. .
Willamette Valley Lumber
Company was successful in
submitting the high bid for six
smaller tracts in Polk and
Linn counties. Strong com
petition by the Round Ton
Logging company resulted in
bids of from $3 to $10 above
the aporaised prices per thou
sand board feet on three of
the tracta. .
Other successful bidders for
timber offered by the Bureau
of Land Management at this
sale were Johnson and Page
of Newberg, Dwyer Lumber
company of Portland, Diamond
Lumber company of Portland,
and M it M Wood Working
company of Albany, each of
which was the successful bid
der for one of the total of
eleven tracta offered. i
ToUl price bid for the 25.-
080,000 board feet of timber
waa $501,494.60 or SI ptT cent
more than the apprised prices.
Nine of the 11 tracta offer
ed consisted primarily of
wind-, fire-, and insect-dam
aged timber that is being sal
vaged under BLM'a eurrent
program to reduce undue loss
of merchantable dead timber.
The next timber .auction
wiU be on October at the
office of the Salem Forest Dls
trict. Bureau of Land Manage
ment, 460 North High street,
aaiexn, vregon.
Mrs. Melvin Johnson
Dies of Salem Home
Mrs. Marie Johnson. T7. 649
North Cottage, died at her home
Saturday after ill health of two
Mrs. Johnson and her hus
band, Melvin Johnson, came to
Salem from forth Dakota in
1922 and for 27 years she as
sisted him in his real estate
She was born at Fairfield,
111., February 7. 1876, and she
was a graduate of Hayward
College at that place. In 190S
She was married to Mr. John
son at Fairfield and they moved
to South Dakota.
Mrs. Johnson was a member
of Jason Lee Methodist church.
She is survived by her widow
er and by a daughter, Helen
Johnson of Salem. .
Funeral services will be an
nounced by the Howell-Ed
wards company of Salem,
Allie Reynolds of the Yank
ees would like to win two
more World Series games be
fore he retires. He has won
For Women 5'4" and under
IIS North High
Hundreds of interesting
end educational exhibits
.nJt.vr'v J
Iml Stl' ' " III Ik
t JWllli
VU1WC. '
" NVIIljTii
uu &nA WlC
krinrHBk Bees! u uiTet
KtODltS FfttC 1
Now thdu Sat.
I i Jh"mJ 1 " tiii'iiiS V-J) :
All Meet
12-oi. Can
All Meet JO-
n-oi. con . . .f,3rC
Dinty Moore
Hoot 4 tot
2Ui. Con
Con-Co rno
16-oz. Con
12-es. Pkg
-oi. Pkf.
Mrs. Wright's
Whits or Wheat
I'j-lb. Loaf ..
Sandwich leas (40) 10
Lunch lags (20) 10
Garbage lags (7) 10
Th Perfect Hooch
. B & M
Oven Baked
28-ei. Con
B&M Brown
Grand With Beans
How Are You
Fixed tor Blades!
Gillette Blue Blades
pkg. of s 25c
Pkg. of It ..
Pkg. of t .
This Blades
Pkg. of II .
Gem Blades
Pkg. of
Gem Reversible Q
Pkg. of i A3PC
24c Wrv.69c
r. . Safevay's Got
Moryhill end
Tho Dalle
Hales In
Cupcake pkf Lug
I $'49
Bartlctt Pears 28 ib $)29
From Northwest Orchards : 1 BOX
y . , " .. ; ' ' ' I ' ' ' ' '' , .
Italian Prunes 12-m. $fl15
Hump onet tweet, Tree-ripened Flat U
Mid too
Tuna Fish
Solid Pocked let brino
Co el - fwt .
Pooch Dog
Sweetheart Sweetheart Blu-White Simonize
Soap Soap Flakes Wax
3 SS 23c 3 - e 35c 4 ... 31c i'f,"S:98c
sjsssOissssssssWiXSBSSSissiSSsssHsSSsjssssl SsstssssssVMHHiSissssssSSSSSseOiOSSSSsssajsssB sjaBBsVMBBBWasmsBssssssVjea esOaMBSMiSSsssMssssssssssssssssssssssssssssW
Milk of Fletcher's Bayer's Bisodol
Magnesia Castoria Aspirin Mints
43c I 4Sc Siso 38c 24-pack 21c 19c I
ssBSBssssaBSSBBMBSssslvBsssss sjjsBjsssllaslsMslsssslsss
Su chard Puss "' Boots Colgate Anacirf
Candy Bars Cat Food P$27c Tablets
S-oi. Bar 27c 16-ox. Can 14c I For Sparkling Tooth I SO-Poek 39c I
PabSl-ett $pr,.d
Honey Strained
Bumble Bee Salmon N
Anglo Beet Natural Juire
Anglo Corned Beet ll-oi.
Playtair Dog Food
W 35c
ii it ji II II ii nr u x
J. H. Holes
From Yekimo
' Loose rock "
for tannine :
It tho peek Summer Fratt See son and Sofewoy't
hulfW with tho orchard's finest! Yos, W 1 -
time to ho oanninf .
Outstanding Grocery Features
-?- .
Campbell's -
Toir.3to Scup
' For Steaming Lunehee
3 tns s?9 '
mm Om-GIO
Guaranfeed Fresh!
yokes Guaranteed to Phase
Ground Beef 39c
Beef Rib Steak 83c
Pork Sausage 49c
Swift Picnics "t359
14-ex. 52c
1 ran 69c
It-es. 54c
Per. 9c
rVmnJ ta'aWdjdjy
$4)ptdMSbdjf 9
We reserve the
. B r- : ' "
111 ' WVHo Mot
hjs. pkgs. 39c
lent pkgt. 75c
2 20'
1 1
e w