11 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, BoJem, Orogoa MomU, aWotombor 7. 1951 Elimination Contest loops Showmen Alert m By CLAUDS 8TEN8LOFF Oregon's greatest livestock elimination contest for selec tion of 804 blue ribbon winners and 21B breed champions at the State Fair went into high gear early this morning after some opening Judging on Saturday and Sunday. Guernsey, Holsteln and Brown Swiss dairy cattle, Here ford beef animals, Duroc Jer sey, Chester White and Poland China twine Ulled the out-oi-doors Judging arenas with tem porary facilities set up for over flow. Southdown, Dorset, Cor- riedale and Romney sheep were being judged in the inside are na of the sheep bsxn. Because of the close compe . - tition and Increased entries in many departments Judging is expected to run through Wed' netdayBy nightfall that day $39,000 wtll have been award ed in premiums to adult class - exhibitors at the Fair. Three porcine contestants will not be present when time comes to Judge them. Pre-show excitement and high daytime temperatures over the week end caused the death of three fat ahoats. F. L. ZieUnskl of St Paul lost a yearling boar and fat barrow, both Poland Chi' nas. A yearling Spotted Poland China boar owned by Elmer Stangel of Wilsonville also died. Experts cxplalh that porkers are prone to such trouble since they are encased in a tnlcK mesh of fat and have but six sweat glands, three on the in side of each front leg. Stripling stock Judges went to work early In the 4-H Judg ing contest Shifting from class to class in two rings they hope to biue picked team and Indi vidual winners in time to clear the way for 4-H dairy Judging at 1 p. m. Dairy showmanship and dairy stock Judging will occupy Future Farmers during the day, Jim P. Hall of Salem exhib ited the champion water fowl in poultry Judging completed yesterday. It was a White Chi. nese old gander goose. Aldon Wilkie, Newberg, re tired basebaU pitcher for the Salem Senators, pitched anoth er strike to win the champion cockrel award in Rhode Island Reds, the strongest breed of the show. The grand champion bird of the show wss a Wnite rock nen entered by Bob Wolfralm of Portland, after a cock of the same breed was picked but eliminated because it was over weight. Wolfralm also exhib ited the champion hen. Chamnion cock of the show was a Barred Rock entered by C. B. Wheeler of Goshen. Rus sell's Hatchery, Corvallls, showed the champion young Do Yea Know? Tea hT nluMliitJa far the Baaouaapea a year atue ana elmlsT Seed raaairabls arlfcke which east BrarfcU werk and wafts (the Goodwill Industries of Oregon TELEPHONE 4-XMl Plafcaaa Fridays, Ntrth ef Cen ters Tamil its, West Hi aaa Man 1 center sen. beins; Bun urpinaums, White Wyandotte owned by Jack Davies, Portland, was champion bantam. Turkey champion was a Bronze hen entered by E. Paul Agee, Al bany. L. X. Mickelberry of Port land, who Judged the poultry, said that while there were some outstanding individual piras, the general quality of the show wss a bit under mat oi jvoi when be also plsced the win ners. X. D. Baseman of Salem ex hibited the senior and grand chamnion Nubian doe in milk goat Judging conducted yester day. Roseman also naa we soie FUEL OIL GEOORGI CADWELL SERVICE STATION 25ft mi Stale SL Mhm 2-7431 French - Alpine hi individual classes. Mrs. Mary Bose of Portland had the Junior chant pioa Nubian and junior cham pion Toggenburg. Senior and grand champion Toggenburg doe was owned by Mrs. Leonard Kennedy of Boring. X. M. An son of Boring had all but one first prize and both champions in Saanens. The small showing was Judged by Robert Casebeer of Portland. Salem, rabbltry owers did well in rabbit contests. Carroll Harlow had "best of breed" in Silver Fox; Xrnie Pyw had "best of opposite sex" In the same breed. Both awards for Rex went to Danny Fredrick son. Jimmy Fredrickson did as well in Hamalayans. First for commercial roasters went to Stella Fredrickson. Rex Fur first, R F Babbitry. : . Fritz Klauss of Dallas took the award for Best Doe Lit ter. He also had best opposite sex for New Zealand Whites. The Tuesday judging calen dar Includes: Jersey and Ayr shire dair y cattle, Shorthorn and Aberdeen Angus beef cat tle, Spotted Poland China, Berkshire, Hampshire and Yorkshire swine; Shropshire, Cheviot, Columbia and Cots- wold sheep. F.F.A. boys will work on swine showmanship and swine Judging. 4-H young sters have sheep showmansmp at 8:30 with beef showmanship at 10. Sheep and beef Judg ing will be held in the after noon. , . " Aberdeen -Angus breeders will hold a nauction sale at 1:10 Wednesday in the auction sale arena. Member Drive by Lebanon Chamber Lebanon Plans for the an nual fall membership drive of the Lebanon chamber of com merce are complete, according to Jack Davis, chamber vice- president and membership chairman. A goal of 30 new members has been set for the three-day campaign starting Sept. 22. All businessmen and firms of the area not now members will be contacted. Commenting on the number of current mem ber, Davis said It Is now at an all-time high. More than 270 Individuals and firms compose the roster. I ACCIDENT VICTIM : I A I I 4 v r V- t , I I I fL 7 -.1. . . , I I II ivv : ,, j II II ' I I f I : ' . , 3 II 2J Frederick Marion Hoblitt, formerly of Silverton, who was killed when his automobile crashed into the rear end of a bus near Canby Saturday morning. Bennett Selected As Youth Speaker ; Dr. Tom Bennett, professor of philosophy at Willamette university, has been selected as one of 45 key youth leaders of the Oregon Methodist confer ence to attend a leadership training retreat on the United Christian Youth movement at Camp Magruder, Bar View, Ore., September 8, 8 and 10. Dr. Bennett ana Kev. ugene Sit lAMi AirS S, Randall's Is the Place to Buy ... Just Stop in and You'll See Why Nowdays everyone is trying to help ease the strain on the bid budget. Well, take a tip from me . . . You can afford to EAT MEAT 3 TIMES A DAY when you shop at RANDALL'S . . . For a long time now RANDALL'S has been supplying Salem with Quality Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef. You housewives know how nice it is to have plenty of good beef h the Deep Freeze or locker. Why not shop at RANDALL'S and see how TERRY RANDALL can save you money . . . He'll give you friendly service and honest weight, plus all cuts double-wrapped for your locker or freezer . . .FREE. Remember, you can buy as much meat as you want one halt, quarter or whole AND JUST LOOK AT THESE PRICES . . . Pmy Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef Roast lb 29 Arm Cuts Elide Cuts Rumps sT 1 U UVER ,,39 at--JL U f I ranvj MHirn vtvfvn nirvroni Beef Steak ,b,0 T-Bone Rib Steaks " W Fresh leaf 55 Tongues h.y New low Prices on locker Beef 1 Sh21!Ji1.0-n.0i !T XiE"Jtern Oregon Hereford beet .Don't fall to take advantage of these prices. .Convenient credit may be arranged. .Nothing down a full year to pay. . Half of Whole 2e Front Quarter Hind Quarter ROUMD STEMS. ... lBW BONELESS NEW YORK CUT M SIRLOIN TIP ROAST OR STEM . . 53' DEEP TENDER LOIN lE 89 FRESH BEEF HEARTS ......... u. 29' COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE ,.29' GROUND BEEF 29' GROUND ROUND M SHORT RIBS uu BEEF CUBES AT tiaubach, conference director of youth work, will supervise and direct the training classes and panel discussions in prepa ration for sub-district and lo cal training sessions later in September. Hoblitt Rites To Be Delayed Silverton Funeral services will be held later in the week for Frederick Marlon Hoblitt, J, fatally Injured Saturday morning in an automobile accident. The time will be an nounced by the Ekman Fu neral Home. He was a resi denfof San Francisco. ( Hoblitt was a member of a prominent local family, his father, John Hoblitt, was own er and publisher of the Silver ton Appeal Tribune for many years. The business now is managed by the mother, Mrs. John Hoblitt, his brother, Mah lon Hoblitt. with another brother, Lowell Hoblitt as ad vertising manager. Born in Silverton, July II, 1014, the youngest member of of the children of the John n.kiiM h eradiuted the local schools and was in his senior year at the Univer sity of Oregon when he en listed in the Marines, March 2, 1(40, serving until 1948, being discharged on March 7. Hoblitt baa three children living in San Fraaclsco. Being adept In the learning of languages, he became famil iar with the Japanese language following his capture on Cor regidor and serving 3tt years in the prisons of Osaka and Tokvo. He held international feme as an Interpreter. He testified aa expert witness at the 1047 war crimes trials, being officially returned to Japan for several months for this purpose. In January of this year Hoblitt was sent to New York to testify in the war crimes trial when John David Provoo was convicted. , He wsa in pubLe relations service in San Francisco, and was making a trip to Silverton to visit members of bis family, when he met death by acci dent. , DR. ROBERT J. WILLIAMSON Announces the Opening, ef a Practica In Optometry With offices located in the '' Livesley lldg., Solent, Oregon EYENING HOURS MONDAY THRU FRIDAY Saturdays 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EXAMINATION BY APPOINTMENT TELEPHONE 4-6251 aaoillMMfM jsjjsssgggfiajaMgtJHonw PRICES GOOD TUES. & WED. Dock-to-School Special Offer Plastic Billfold With V.'VV Rtg.SJ.50 Cler. durobU billfold Am M pllftrtkt w msn end smooth . writing 39' mn ) 25 7 Box 300 Count Pond's Facial Tissues , Toiletry 7.95 Electric HAIR CLIPPERS $79 Toiletry $1.69 Certified VITAMIN g-1 Toiletry Yw Caa Be Sure of Listing Freshness ' ' ' ' Harmltis to Fabrics ,; Ever Dry I Deodorant - e $1-00 Liquid 59 You'll strido daintily Yhrv tho tjay CQQ Mmpo$ed end captivating , . . when you mmmmm . use Ever Dry. 15c Box of 16 Colors Crayolas W V.fWy 3.99 Green Plastic ' GARDEN HOSE " $999 Variety The Quick. Effective Way ta Clean Your Skin! Quickie Facial Pads .. . 55' .. 25' Qu'ctie pads are already saturated with a deep pore cream. Use one pad and throw away carry in purse. 12c MY TE FINE Toiletry $2.29 Child's LUNCH KIT 1 S" . $1179 rint DOTTI6 Toiletry 141. N. LIIERTY WI RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES