9i0lt-- ' 5 I "i f Fete u FOR SALE HOUSES OWBEB Caadalerla Mim, de-ibla imn lane aauitr. 1 11. e-epi,. ; BY BUILDER ' Twa 1-bodrooct hoeaec. Sink kltchona. tile dr-ulns tables, toilf loU. Ooel- Ity HUI. (MM HUL 11M UM court. ejlf T owm Bouse la eieollenl eoadl- w. 1 tirlrecmi Be all I-araece. De-sale nnn IMi Uaple An. Ph. iteil altar t:3t p.m. uu on uui wrra optiob I badroaia bom, t years old. mlw tevouaaaut, Sll.tc. amajl eTwwa NTUBt. Allen o. nxK Realtor Bet X. Bit k Pa. HIH, It ft. I - tussl TTPE e-roow, keuM. Va acre trouBd. boot underpass. Portland fid Furnished, at.loe. Cell MiM. a) LOW DOWN PAYMENT OWK TOCB OWM BOalEI Brtns la the family. We help with dwwa payment. Bo amart, fit a itartl ftwiftiaaiftat r"'T"fl rm ataw at. ph. day-eve. itnt am hTt OWWTB -Pond frbodroom Bonn law B. 34th oftor 4 pa. alll W-BEDBO0M B0U1E. full beeemenl . Bewlr pelated and redecorated. Near CftMM Ihepplns Coaler Had BUM et Boes. lot B. llth at. opea aept, ft. for meewetloB. Bvenlnre by appointment, rboa 14444 UUr p.m. all $500 DOWN TO OBBOON O.l ' BIW t-BBDBOOaf HOME wllb brio ltvtnr rai. largo kllcbea with Book, oil fun-ace, ako kola, hdwd. flra., corner lot. fti odf ft of eltr limits North. ONLY OiHIDUTB POUKUIOM. BEN COLBATH . .REALTOR - ' 111 Court at,. Dial HHi. 8n. Ittn ajit atJBCBBAB I podroam homo, appratl aulp 1 eeree. aear school, bus by door, iu,mo. Trade for I bedroom homo fa aaloas. Phone l-loat. atll RANCH TYPE Thl bnt 9 food-ilMtf airy bdreotBf n ft vid Sio-feol lot. tarta Uttaw room with firtplava. Hd. floor, oil IM JIM UM MQOOI. .fuD Pfiet flO.ftOO. Tfraw. rax puweuium t Mr. jom,. ED D. POTTER REALTOR , 111 a. aiik at. pa. mid or i-in " alls BBICXD TO ULL-4 Bdna. horn , hlks. frost Blchmomnd school. Ph. . Milt, See TTt a. 14th. tM. mi . . aTTBaCTIVB t-bodroom dwslllu. Bard- wooo uoors. wsu-io-waii carpfttlna la Uelnt roam aad hall, oil hut. Lot osrjia. Reftiir fthruKbftd. See Mil Ls . Brftaak aea. call Plooeer Trust Co. I-I1M. Salem. Ore. for details at ssle. . a!17 STIVB BKIBU m ROW Hill OlSt. BOST frada aehool and row South Salem . Jtva. dm rats, oea. cuniaa rm, BBodera kitchaa at Book, v. kUsds. oad terete, trees at shrubs, only llt.toa. Phoaa salts. alll I BIDBOOM homo, centrsj hall-.- wsr, nicely decorated, 1H baths, eor . and pells, baaemenl with fireplace, close ta hospital aft B St. lilt Icel Court- alll Br OWNIB Klnswood Btuhla homa oa oad ana, oood elew, ou boat, double plamblnt. Three bedrooms, another aa finished. Roomy, pleasant la lire ta. Phono l-ltlt. allf W Wilt lXaH, M.IN fuU price for smeu a room noose, close ta oaaaary, will trada for larter hoots with arrears, a. ibhrrwood, BBALTOR, lll WeJeoo Bd. Pa. 4-ftJ ss. ally OWNKR ABZIOOa TO SBLLI Dandy one Bedroom horns. Kslser ellstrlet. Nice Uvlnc room. ZHnlnt room and kllehea aombfhatlon. Hardwood fioors. Beth, attached taraia. Lane lot. Class ta stores aad bus. Low down partner t. Terms to sulk Pull pries ill. can e-MM Bonder or after . weea acre. alll DON'T HAVE TO SELL BUT would Ilka to sell their home located at lilt Dearborn Art. this week, aa the awnsra ars lssvlui for Artaone. Tha home ha been Terr - reasonably priced at tll.ioa, but at a apodal taducement for only a few art. hare offered to reduce tha price ta 111 lot. Why aot drlre or and sire ' e look; wa believe you are mlsslni - evinvwiias. mono s-eeoe. FOB LBAaB-alda. hew l-Mrm. nftrae, aula, diihwather, fit. Ed Lukinbeal, Realtor an rt. hioh sr. al aeea twtane k ... . . ..V ... hw.b i,i ,v. um m .N- room house near Weihlr.tnn ..hnnt ll.7t full price. B. IBHERWOOd! eaat.TUSl. IS It Wallace Bd. Ph. lftl alll' FOR SALE FARMS LOVkLT BANCM. enenlou.'" hnm. 1,7 able far ooavalatoeat. Close In. in oat. Phoaa 43MI. Dll A REAL FARM WAKT1D -A former that wanta ood farm, was that kaowa tood land aooo vaioe, end one that eea pay til 000 dowa. This lint loo-acre form. located at the lower end of Borth noweii. win aa real hard to beat. Beildlnsi an all men., eood fern each, le-ln. irrttetlnr wea at Uvlns alream. We tould to Into detail and teke ap this whole peis, eo why Bel uv iuu, it over you' stlf. Alter all lis aot over 14 miles iew miauiee. rnane 1-eesO &a AjUKinoeal, liealtor fttlW. BIOH PVk cell 1-tlH rn CK-rift(-KMHriri r-Mtt bait REAL ESTATE $300 DOWN I'aMdraom homo aa halt am. Xa-da wmw iraun wora. aiso aitra lartt pAnitrr bona aaltabla tor thouaanda of aickaaa. Balanco Uka rant. ONLY $12,700 aerta compi-u vtth aloek. aiupnant and t houaoa. Both houaaa kava eompltit bath. A fair barn and hickaa fcouaa. .Uio a cabin tot Mck- ra f a a-acro atrawborry tutch. 10 cno or yaaioro vitn l print a. Ottlr mtftntoa U do-rn town, will trada aor mm .maxpana)- noma lft totrn. Englewood Special Drtra bp tin Bnrlewood Ave, then well as for appotatmenl ta are taterlor af IMS fovsly l-aedroom homa with . sirypieee. iii.eua. Income -Property 4 valta of t bodroomt oach, hut ftvitaMo 1 ty UmlU an 4 aerta of land tnaomo of $39 por mx Thtt to naa all rua down, ant Tar? air rourt with rimtr of room for axpaoavoa. All lor REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE pel South Rich Street phoaa I IJol Vhoae evanlnes at Saaday: 4-1111. I JlH. 4-iita. e-ejll, I-IM4. a-ti7i Clll Journal Wanf Ads Pay LAstirirp AD.PRTiania Par m4. a llsaee .....lie Por treed , . . a. Per Weed. Dote...,., Me Par Ward, I saealh ate No Befwaee Mrelasa, It Weewa SADIBa la Ueal Newe Capsaaa Oarp, Par Weed tt . amhnaw, M Werae. Ta risca A4 la Ba ma Day. ratMr, rasas b-zim REAL ESTATE J1 aiiiuittti . Milium wuitnit MumMuuwH LIST BUY utiimiiiiiiiiHiw Irel f-ettllell M UllftOMM stum at at at BZCLCUTB BOKS I Bdna. ranch atrip mahoaanr paatlftd dea with built-in book shelf doik. llxll LI with ilrt wlBdewe fireplace. O.K. uu a a. aiK. Besemeal with pftrtp Mil at ftrftplftca. Oil forced a' farose. it at sea roreet HlUft way. 3a,4oa. -veu -teoa weisea, aval, 1-400.3. I BDRM. BORTB Terr win kept nome wita tlo CO. It, flrftpiaoo, 14 jtovo. noore. areesewar. clots school Steve ref. 10. ll,tw. Call Brutal, sve. a-1114. NEAT STUCCO 1 Bdrm. LB. D B. Kit, bath aa lovelr Wins corner 1st: aleo treat, shrubs at flowftra. H,m. rn. air. Rice. itii. 1-tlM. t PIO SPAN t itcrac with fruit, aer. nes. ante, a rental, ana a very alee rax homo wnlck hat a full basement Wlta a ird Bern. ft furnace, s Ml. from clir center. Ill.eoo. call Bobbr Ofttu. Bees. l-ITOi. Il.ooo rxrvrM rino t-bodroom home. hardwood floors, oil beat. 1 block from hue. close to schools. Only tat month. avium price t'.iM. ROBERT B. flOLLTVAJt RIALTOB in Rortk Blfh nona t-ttlt cait WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES WI NaXD LISTIHOS: Homes. Parma. acreesee. Businesses, Tsrerns, Motor courts, wnat nave pour Oct action. Actual sales Kt the month of A us 1st throush any allies aut.4HJ0. 3 BEDROOM TRADE FOR 2 Tm, ovntr ra h win trado thli HeBt for a a-bedroon. hp, ntllHjr room. Tltpe. oil hut, rrd. at. 3m by atoofa Lot MkSOO. LoU of room for cardan. Frio la only 17500.. What Ufi your VALUE WORTH TALKING ABOUT . Ah tar new homo la o flno lecatloti, Vary cJoaa to cbeol. OU boat. Lawn ta In. Inaulatad. Vary colorful bath. fTxaot lot. oood toll, ownar laarlnf aiaia. mui prica no.boo. COMFORTABLE-SPACIOUS- ' Tm, tha arranctment la tha beat, t vodrooma on eno floor. On vary quia! at. naar aenooi. ou and atoraa. Very clean. Nlca yard and ihrubi. aflraplaca. rcad air oil furnact. rull prieo fio.tw. VALUE IN CANDALARIA Tot. ft Blco hona with full baaa. Biaiit. Vary cbolca Bornor lot. Oor oaoua yard, t rtraplacea. Largo tum pua room. 1 Badrooma. HaJuoany trim. Bua by door. Paooramlo vlaw that ia unobatruetabla. Llva in a lovaly Balihtvorhood and homo at a prlco you can allord. Only Ill.OM. Ubaral tarma. TRADE FOR NEW HOME Tha ewntT will trado thli takeout proptrty aonalatini of 4 modarn, ranU a la. Iwtodarn claan t-bodroom homa. 14 Trailer atalla with a vary largo lot loatdo city for a larta naw homa. Hla aaklnf prka la 111.900. What han pour GARAGE IB an vnuaaally pToaptroua aominaa llr and town. Haa baao a larta aonay nakar for many yaara. WtQ oojulppad witah aU tool DKaMary pliti ft tew car. attol ralnlarcad ottnent bldf. tooo q. ft. On main tt. aTrtrrthlnt soaa for 94,000 plua lnrantory. Tanu tirrantad. APARTMENT BARGAIN Unlit with aa Ineomo of MM par no. A vary lont llat of luntltura. 16 by 150 ft. lot. Shewn by appointmant only. Thli u tounfe tncotna proparty aad elfarod ftl tha bargain prlco f 5 ACRES try good modarn ..bedroom houat. Oar act, fruit homa, chicken houaa. Pavad Rd. Only mtlaa from ftaltm. 41 walnut traaa. Cbahalki aoU. Pull prica wniy a u,o. LOVELY COUNTRY HOME try data la. Lovaly vlaw. H acrta. A vary tood Irritation tyitam for 10 aerta. Trry claan and modtra homa wun oaaamant. myarai ontbldta. Own ar win accept lata modal car aj part parmaait. mu prca ib,doo. 20 ACRES 1 -bedroom house. It by It barn. Chicken bouae. Oereee, Maohlae ahed. walk-la eooler. PrulL Bala end per. rtes. Only I miles from load town. Pull prka 17100. Terms. Per Btwlnoss Opportunities aad Bomas en lor: MR. CRAWFORD. IBve. 4-M) rat ORrMbtrrr. irve. -'i7t) DAN ISAAC. ICve. 4-31JJI Por Parma Only call for; MR. MAVEN8. live, l-tlltl UCINPRD ALSO IH WUH. IDAHO r n a. MiiRTtlAaEa and CONVtNTIONAL LOANS M Tsar Malurltr Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Off. p-ionea t-lll or I-1III Ivt.: l-ll. t lill. l.tOK. 1.7171 If aa aatwer sell e-1117 elll' FOUR BEDROOMS BKAUTirUL NORUANDT fam 11 y homo. On a oulat atraat adjoining park and conTrnient to Oiada, 11 tab and Junior Ulfh achoola. Tha rooma aro ooacloua. Tha Uiviljeawad ireunda aro lot by 140 la also, with euuidt flreplaro. fUh pond, ate. Tha fall alia o Mi-man i nu a rarraatloa room bf SO. Doflbla DluiBblna. a( fkursa 7 daalro a flna location, atcrpttonal eonatructkm and REAL Valuv. ba vur .v ww ni tm pneo ia iia.Roa, Center Street Realty 1741 Center St. Prime s.sstt Bva phonel: Brlthl l-uu, Oltt 17111 cue ONE OF THE NICEST Korri-i tn tha city. I bra I flrapiaraa. IOi dan, toil! party rm. Baa aural rarpaung. oatba. mil haMitiraL Tho hotiao la 00 It, acrou tha front hifiaa lnaldo a oak tn lot with flow or tardana. treat hrtihbry avar tooaini tno vaiiay kit a. Muat bo ataa m aa appraciaiaa. HOUI AND TNCOWt " t isnall houaaa on 1 lot la W. Bairn, Ownar llvaa la I. ranta other for til 00. Bur tham both for only 14000.00. INCOME 0400 PRICB 03900 Bait oparaUnt apt. Jk buainaaa blrtg. ta lorauon. iwni m ajaaunad bam. rail Boa Oloary. W. Musprave Realtors UU Bdiawatar 11100. Bva. IttTf til J WANTED REAL ESTATE fortes, if pear property at far tale, real ar eaehenaa, list It with a. Wt have an kind, at eata buret. STATB PINANCB CO, BBALTOBB III a. Risk 81 aa IAI.IM BOMt Han coast tabla u dowa aeym.nt Phoat TOW. aalll Small bouts In or near Sa lem tn trada for a t-bedroom home. Alto large demand for luburban property, Reimann Real Estate PHONI 1-0203 . SUir FOR SALE FARMS 930 ACRES Loetted at Bunt. Oretoa. too fteros la alfalfa. POP seres tader eml tlMUoa. aaatllr sab-lrrlsftlod: aU feaeed. Two moders homes. Will lets Iftrat home or laoomft property la 5sJm aa bene. 98 ACRES mtlea oast sf falom moot SU wader csltlrslloa. toad ValMtats. aenlpped for dairy, sr weald mass a tood (rat farm. Will take aomc at uada, 30 ACRES tl a4r alHfUtM road t ffci't, food l-bdrM houM. Wrm, MhiM aht4, trMtor i&4 U Malpmat. IIV.MO. 20 ACRES miles aasl aa pered road an aader culUrftlloa. Two small homes. Mostly strawberries and bar. Wll Itaka haute or (Teller bouts ta trada. Cell far more iBformfttloa. C. V. KENT & CO., REALTORS llorifkft Louia Ootutructioa natBclu 4M Worth CtaureA Fbmt 4-l Svcc. tnd 8unir: Kttot S-MTf M rat. 00c REAL ESTATE GRABENHORST SPECIALS TABS TIkfB TO atB-Orsrlooklnf rlrer aad eeUty and one of tha keit buys m yeert. Dels, sereae. Mr lie. ana dla. rm, sll-olrch kluhsa, auto, dlehwsiher. bdwd. firs., aula, oil- hesl. Its. playroom oa mala floor. I alee barms., treee patio. Ton couldn't sik for anythlm mora brand Btw. Bo the flrtt ta see. CALL BOX . PXRRla RUT l-BDRli. BOMB-Cloao to Leslie and bow Blah eehooL ua flnuned attic 1st. lie. rm.. kllcbsa at Book. Ins ale led at weathar stripped. A food bur ftl pPOOt. CALL . S, LAW LABOR DAT aPBCIAL Lortly settlat aad location with trees. -ear psrsss, central hallway, lovely kltchsn with auto, dishwasher, dryer at wether. Ue. Iff. and dla. rm, fireplace, lou of bullt-lns. auto, oil hctt. alee baU with 1 la ra lories, I food bdrma. llt.oo. CALL ROT s. TKKRIS QUALTTT THRODOHOtTT la this lorelr Bob BUI home. Beautiful oak floors, tiled bsth with ahower, tUed roof, copper putters and dova spouu, motaMramod windows. Blcs Ur, rm. with flreplece, dla. rm, kitchen, utility room, arranssd for auto, washer drysr, lots of bulltlns ana curate apace. Auto, forced air ell heat. A real buy at 113,10. Immediate post Melon. CALL I. B. LAW . GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 111 a. Liberty at, Ph. l-HTl Beenlau at auadsyi call Bor rerru l-Mll i. B. Law l-tni B. X. Lsrmon l-tltl al REAL ESTATE COLBATH'S SPECIAL BUYS SO MUCH ' tor ao LrrTLB-T.-7r..cpd s-btd room homo. (4 blocka from Xntlawood cnoou. Li-inv room la UilT, Bica atitchtn. bath, atuity rm (ovay OM fact of fir. apaea. Lot TRxioo. At tacnod taraaa. Locatad oa Fradarlck. Prica 07500. Tarma, 1050 dowa. aVa MRS. OaUBOEX, dTVX. PTL 30371. LOWERS & SHRUBS Covnt THBBI t LOTS with frontare aa N. list a K. llnd Bta. Older very claan l-Mrm. homo with ftreolace. LR. DR. bath, nice kltehin, utility rm. Oarate with work ahop at overhead etorate. THIS TTPB OP NUR8BRT IS THI ONLY ONB OP IT KIND IN THIS LOCATION. Termt I1IOD down. pricb 1 10. too. aaa "Bio?' Kiooms, VB. PH. 46.81. 3 SOUTH SALE.M BOHXB. NO. I tVLXT IXVXL t bdrm. homo oa baaaUfally laadacapod lot with creek, food-tlood ItTlap ra-. dlnotU, handy kltcboa. attached ga rage, attllty rm. with ahowar (can ba aaad for aitra bdrm.) WILL TAKE RKA0OHABLI DOWN PATafKKT. ,OM tT l UU. from LeaUe achooL MO 1 LOCATBD ON WTLLA tJUrB Newer homo with daylight baamt. Lovaly llrlng rm., 1 bdrma., TJ -a ha pad kltchta with dinatta, aaflalahad up ataira, oil plpad furnace, hdwd. flra. Vary clean and wall kept. Loavtnt Ba lam aa will aall rtaaonablo. aaa Uta. Otloaaoa, Sva. ph. SU1I. MO 0 LOOAT-tO ON MOB H1XL uta-ouui 3-ttdrm. Bomo with bdwd. ilra LR. DR. nlca bath rm.. alantr aloaot apace, woadtTfol kltchaa with , oornar wiadowa. Landacapad lot. ID SAL O1BTRJ0T. Priced at OOM With KXCELIaRNT TKRUB. BBS MRS. OQLMBBEK. IVT. PH. 10171, TRADE YOUR HOUSE POR THIS MBW RUSTIC RANCH BTYLB 0 bad room home with fireplace, very larta llvint rm.. dining rm.. btrch- wood kltcboa, tlla bath with van.tr, lo. eatad ta baantlfal getting. Breeieway, tarata. A HOMB YOU WILL EI PROUD TO OWN. TZRMB Your 04 alty la am all homo or 03000 down, Balanco only 170 par month. SXI "Kia KiooiNs, vvr ph. ootoi. LISTEN PLEASE MBW 1-bedroom ranch otylo homa with larto living rm., flreplaeo, din ing rm. with ehlna oloeet, birch kitchen la lartt dinatta, oil furnact, hdwd. (Ira., utility rm. with 4 en tranced, double gar aaa, built-lna cioaeu vo apare. corner lot. ONLY iii.ooo. an "FiO" kjooinb, itvt. rn. asaaa. $500 DOWN Iaato-built 1-bdna. homo with til Irra largo wtUlty rm., alea uvlag rm. and kltchaa, attached taratt. ONLY OtlOO. Termt. 100 dowa and 050 par montn. a Mra. ogiaabta, ovo. ph. 1M7I. Exceptional LAROI PAII1LT HOUI Beer Hlshlend at perocniel ecriools. Plrflaee. Oa beeutlful corner lot. Nice deep atr oeeem.n on pipea lurnace, l Pdrms tile both aa lit fir., upstelra with I hdrms. at elorsta rm. MAKI XtAS ONABI.E OPnn. UlUBDIATI POS- eianoiurt. BEX MRS. OOLBBBaTK, rvi. ph. iuii. FARMS & ACREAGES ' 150 ACRES . NEAR XNOKPeNDBNCB. Ivtoatly rlvtr aaaiia. wntat oarlry. Mica 4-bdna. modera homa. alao rra. houaa. I harn. Irrigation aratem and Uka. Total price 143.000. TKRUB. 58i2 ACRES t A in cit. i l-txlrm. avod ara ene-atory home. 0-yr -old alum inum barn. J-car tarata. Price 017 0 STOCK . ICACHINaFRY AVAlLABLk. 50 ACRES " ALL CULT, la ROW ILL PRAIRtt Lane bare, alia, machine ahed, 1 bdrre. modera T-ome. ONLY til. too with TERMS rhmiDIATI PfMnlmion. SKB T. T. AKDIRPOR POR A PAKal V. PH. I1T1I airts ooLknBtt rvi ph. tsiu "KIO" KIOTOWs. BVl PH ttttt WANTED REAL ESTATE WE ARE la Bead af food sautes to ecu. ia ar near aeiera. II roa wish ta Ual pour property for eele. see ORAREXHORST BROS, ReAVTOM lie S. LlOertp Ph. l-ltll a EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE INDEPENDENCE CAB Cq, wanta to aell v.in.M. rnr weteiia. wrlia lade prra-Bre vaa to, tadOPOBaeaoa. Ore. Phone It Alt. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES POR SALS or lease. I furnUhed apis. aa eaeppiaa aeaier. ita B. llth tt. eallT rtiat utaaa. tood motor oil eomoenr as emeu towa aear aaleat. Call aaui cdllt. FURNITURE FOR SALE TRADER LOCTTK T. T. AKUSK.KJF, ft VS. PR. 4JJ OPSN FRIDAY at MONDAY BYENTKrvi dill To Place Classified Ads Phont 2-2406 THK CAPITAL JOURNAL, 8Jbb, Oragw FOR SALE FARMS REAL ESTATE WANTED FURNITURE AUCTIONS AUCTION OP FURNITURE ATSCOTTY'S TUESDAY EVENINGS 4IM CBHTIB ST., RALKM ddllt FOR SALE LIVESTOCK SIRE SERVICE BY ARTIFICIAL ' INSEMINATION aiKBB PROVTD ORSAT Bp tha ParfanBaaat sf Their TJnstlscLed Daulbtar, $7.00 per COW Ba repeat aervleo aharae, no herd otsa up, no membership fsa. Dairy and ,nt srseos. CALL COLUTCT WOODBURN 4181 ALBANY 2486 WARREN'S PROVED SIRE SERVICE t BEOIITEBED American saddle bred hortee, doubl, 4-whoel trailer. Phone I-tlU. LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKEB BEEP White face Hereford, lie. Locker pork etc. Bothlnt dowa. I moo. la pay. Oust, a kUllnt. Trailer loaned tree, aeleat Meal Co. 1111 a Itth. Ph I. test ... .po.aoe..p.e..eea RABBITS N1M BEEO CaJltorniB, ioi nd MTirtvl Toung bucki dot)t. s nlor buck 4410 Clxtir Rd. 4-30R1. ahll4 PETS rAMREaSTB Ctrefullr MlKttd roum . blrdi. Cbolc colon, SIM Uviniiton TOV MALK purfbrrd 8UmeM kitten, for ul. Phont J-T71. eli4 REGISTERED AIREDALES Quality eon- """w, we neve we cheapest pets town, ascellent walchdoea. huntera - ..ih pcie. rnono l-eoit. eclll B1UU.IVIOOD AQUARIUM 1PM McCoy one block east of N. Capitol, lit blocks rw"Mson. rn. Z-0S97. arias1 CRAMPION BRED BOXES puppies ev ery pup potential champion. Moore Tropical Pun. Parakeets, Tortlea. en p. Piles. 1 mllea from Uncaster on McCloer road. UTtl. Cloted Wednes . ecllO" " " ' . w,1 PUik apricot can- sot, aeiera. 31121, erll7 BEUISTERED CoUis papplrs for sole. - ? i.-. '.1rT Church at. eclll' FUEL PLANER rNDS 0".o or dry-Out of ---- wawquj,, aiowert and .... "EST SALEM PTJEL CO. "II Bdaaaater pp. noil '" rmiiii ,j FOR SALE POULTRY Dressed Hens, ph. 4-10)0 "I" ll New Hampihlra Ooli - ' r..v acres white Rock .peclal prices to yeer trSTl. ..mwm- T ' ""oberr. ntWete at. Phooe l-im PRODUCE Vlreitiin ...... .. .... firm field run to pound. Orienleally trowa potauiee. red er while. Peechee w.'U? T.V.". 'm - rerueaa Rd. Phone Mill, If attFBT VABISTT of peach., la ae.. r"" "1 i'.,.VM,t;;- 1 mue from nw. a. a. wendt. L0"- Hilt CtrCtmRERR BOB tlllt . .- hoaojj-Wl.vealnaa. IMPROVED ELBf RTa cannlm p..ch.r 4-1131. Bnn, eontelnere. frtie. CANNING PEACHES let Plshor Bd. ready, mie PEACHES Imarwved Blbertai ready aow al Krone Orchard. It mi.ee aut Wellere Boaa. Phoae l.llll. fill,. 0i11' "'" - O. Seveae ai Waoonde. Phono 1-1041. f,:iJ. C-PICB BEANt la pound. Cleer Let": Recta of Belter. fills PEArpraa, Balea and Bbertaa. Thi . V? ripens, itiaa praaee. Purllaa Cider WorkA Til Bdsewai et. tim WONDERFUL POR JlILr-P,., klaekberrlea. O-plck. te pouad. a Bemmer. a-iew. c-wew Tura entk at paallt athaal, flret lata a, (eft. ' mil PEACHES Early Improved Elherla peacfiea are how rM at the Jeaa Meihla Orchard aad Pratt S'ond. I bum aorta PRODUCE BROCCOLI for froOBlac. BMaeky Warn. dare, oaaiinowor. awrota. aaal taiiaa Baal of Stayiaw am aai lughwar. Uehama Oardeoa. IfJie IMPROVKD KLaEKRTA PXACHXR Prom one of aflaaloa Bottoaaa ftaatt orcharda. Bsua fall buahala. Oat tham aow wmio yea nave a large waaaity u aelcet from. Alao, pieklm cakaa, ooru od or field run. Preen dally. Ordora takaa lor aaaBiac aaaaa aas appiaa, Bart let t peara ana aaaaaajarriao. rnil Una Braa. Para Market, 00N Portiaad Boao. aaiem. i-noao i-aau. if BABTLeTTT PBAB4L rhlH flavorl. R. Clarke. L o. soa an. orciiar. Seichu Road. ffllt HELP WANTED CAIfUIaVBOOBBSKPsTB Spaadway Restaaraar, 117. Cwatar St, Ba ahaa. cans. BITCBIN BCLP-Saa Shoa, laN Pect- lisoiu. a BfTCBBTf BaXP Apply ta Speedway jtMUaraat, un caster St. DllaTWAIHIB wealed, The at. ia Steto St. in BZAur PICBIBI wealed at Blenscha'a Besn Yard. Palrly suady work. Phone e-Z7r. aiit HELP WANTED MALE EXPERIENCED GBOCIBT CLSRKBV- ini center, uw rortiaaa iaoaj. HOW ARE YOU DOING? Ars you satisfied with thing ai they are? . Are you letting ahead! Ars you makinf aa much money ai you want? IF YOUR ANSWER IS "NO" TO ANY OF THESE QUES TIONS, THEN YOU WILL BE DEFINITELY INTER ESTED IN OUR PROPO smoN. . We off er you . . . e A job tnat never growi dull . . Unlimited future poail bilities . e e An opportunity to tarn $500 to $1000 per month IF YOU OWN A CAR, ARE 21-3S YEARS OF AGE, NEAT IN APPEARANCE, ENJOY MEETING THE PUBLIC ... , Be at the Marion Hotel, Tue day, September 8, 7 p.m. te 7:30 p.m. See Mr. Long. aalll. MAM TO collect on molar monthly ec- aotrnts la saiem and TKinity. arnat have reliable car and a, able to de vote several houra dally to this work, send ua!lf!eai40B. Bams. ecMrees, ale. to Bop 111. Capital Journal. pell! HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED SOMEONE to care for lad rade llrl after school aear Baker school. Phono I-I1I1 after I. toll WANTED experienced housekeeper. Live in. Local references required. Must like children, not month. Writ, hoi 107 Capital Journal. tout WAfTRESS Woodroffa'a San Shop, 1400 Portland itd ?,o abon, eells. lb' Cab BOP WoodroIIe't aaa Shop, Moo forxieno tto. no pnono calls. an EMPLOYMENT AGENCIES GOOD JOB! F Caihltr hottest (trpel 3M P Asst. Oaihler 1S-1S lll P Inventory clerk It. typlnt ..111! P Oen. ofe. I t, t-da 1300 P PBX receot. (type) IIP, P CouaUr Clerk lt-41 must type.lMO P Mali clerk It. typtni 1110 P Recent. Or.', ,fe. (out owf In I .open P saleswoman, ezp. -to IIM P Asst. bkkpr. I da. 10-K 2N P Bkkpr. part tlma 11.11 hr. P Bookkeeper till P Letel ateno UM r Medical ateno 1300 P Lai el ateno. (North Bend. Or.). 157 1 af Salem (suta. eso. oref erredl . .apen M Bookkeeper , I1M4 CCUMKRCTAL PLACBmENT AGENCY 4M aut, at. (Oretoa Bldi.) 4-lll WANTED POSITIONS UOHT CBAWLEB doslni. dirt level. Inf. fredlni. Phono 1-1230. hill" LAND CLEARING lob wanted. Wo have S oau, a bl lone and a little ane. we do aar kind af eat. work. Ph. litii. hlljr PADfTrNO Interior and exterior, well work. Phoaa 4-ltll or t-tnt. hill' WASBINO. lroalar and saw Ins, homo. Phone S-IM!. la my hill1 PROPESSIONAL upholaterlni. dona In my home, fceasoneblo. Pickup and de livery. Phono I-41P0. hill. AtlLINO LUMBER, produce, hay. Iota. Oeorpe Wlrta. Phoaa 4-1111 aventnia. hill CARPENTER, repair at remodel cahl neu at aerftiu. small ioha waleomo. Phono 4-4141 hill NEW LAWNS Prepared and aeeded. Botarp hoe Int. Dueat Welealt, I-I13T hill WOULD like ta kid at rour palatini Phone 1-4241. H33! PAINTING Interior, oiterlor. McClatn and Ooldea. Phoat 1-1123 ar l-ltst hill MIMEOOBAPHfNO trplai, tuallly work, reeaoaable ratal. Mrs, Pae, Ml N. lllh. Phone liltr. hilt' BOTOT1LLINO Middle Orovo Nursery, 4120 Sllvertoa fid. Phone 4-4112. h LANDSCAPING, tractor and tiller work. Sernca Canter. Phoaa 4-1171. h" WIBMAL't DAT MTBSEBT-Uceaaed aad eute taapeeled. Phono I-ltll. hill TBSB WOBB Topptnt. trlmmlBt, ro movlBt. Insured. Jobs Paraa, phono 1 .oi 11 i h3 CHTLO CABS, by day or week, homo. Reeooneblo. Phone 11 Til. EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT permaaent paelltoa. dap we Dallas 1107. deal roe ik. Ph. Bill MlCKENHAlerS DAT BTJRSXRT State llceaeed aad las peeled. Phone t-lavi. hH7 CBBItTUB YOUNG MAN daelree steady autelda araplarmeat. Celloea traduete. marrlea. aaa ahlld. IVeferaaeea. Ph. 144M. Bill ar1"" BABT irTTkte Will aa dan ar alabta. phobo 1-IPI4. hill Journal Want Ads Pay JOE PALOOKA rjrx r, lU ''ffy v..e-w p -1 I veAH...e. tWOH tPX ) ( I HOft 1 PtCefT 1 f MA,. tCLL Yf aV AVM I rMm ew ' 7 sa tvv tm Ai". AM" I I 6ive MW9UCCY Tff V MLarr "fB,. Ytf". I I Mirf si -tlVc Jr TZIir? 1 EDUCATION PIABO a Jala elop Bow. Phoaa mat. hhJip. BIOB aCBOOL tor Slplamee I home. wnt. AmerlcaB acheeL deal B, eleto. Portland I, Ore. iBter- FPU KENT CrernoB SPAca-iaaam at lap i esse. Waraaaaee laaea. Camaal Oaata, vows leva. Taaalre PL L. asm aitara Co. phono t-tlll. - tie, oatarei a l. rOB LBaaB lis la tot m, . -. - pTitsriil Meat " ------ WANTED TO RENT wapttid Aparrtaeat wfthta walktnal euetaaca af Bulswood achooL I adult I anly. e-eeis. Jtllf I auorju a USD. profeeelanal employed I mupi. aeeirea email oao-aedraam Baaee I . 7" mwrnr eweav. erui atva aaad i aad atalaloaaace ta akchaaaa for i eoneoie real. Must Be parm r-r!'?-ok ' Cepltal Journal, jhllll FOR RENT ROOMS Bica LIGHT housekeeplat rooms. Lady. " .narca art. full' BBAtONABLI, clean, attractive rooms! " M.V.. vioe, ia. PBOBB S74J1. ATTBACTrvB BOOal dose i lists lulldrnrs. lit R. winter. FOR RENT HOUSES tPIALI. t Bedroom unfurnlehed house. wOTta at town, aw.at a month, r.nl "" IrrJlfl SMALL BOUIE. Electric water heater. mmm imumw. wirea tor eioetrlo rani, at (v ...... I - m, nmuiM ... w HUB. Imlll ONI 3-hedroom duplex. Portland Bd. Inaalra Hie JmllT ONE BEDROOM FURNISHED v.ry soar ana Beet. paid, patio, bo Pels 14, Water paid. Phoae 1-77M at te".!? e-ouse. j ll. MODERN PABM house, 11 mtlei north on wauaca jtoaq. job Beatr.- fmlltl vjvptiBuviaaiaB MOUSS Borth. s pre. I aid, vary eleaa. Ideal for couple. Must I ba ilea ta be appreciated. Sat at lep7 1 Wo. Water. Phono 1114. Jmllll BefDEOOM horn. m. Xntiudlnr lto-l run, ou hoot roraave. cnoso-tn. Ho pti. Adults only. Writ tox 114 1 cipiw Jonrntl. jmSit I TOM KENT OBtdroom court Ranst! a mrivflraior xuraiinsa. p&ontl 17BI. 1an I BUSINESS RENTALS BUSINESS BEILDLVO with Uvlat quar- teri aa nortn capitoL Phoa, a-!70t. Jo21T O BOUND FLOOB office or I tore apace tor rent, can at Pitta Markst. fa FOR RENT APARTMENTS M1CKLT fureiahM, Urn cle apt I Dtintiti rurmtnM, rtMonftblt. In- auir J 71 . lflth BfttT I. Jnil tant.havT -,weZL. '' i..r ' 'wawas i'vw( Btsajsua, warm, valklnc tiuUMa. Call msi. jpaii- tlNQLB COZT apt. foraUhad, vtUitlM, Btar jenool but, piivaw homa. tftft Btltnont. JpSlI LEE APTS. Baltm'a Jioak OUtlncuUbad Addriu Two bavt&alor'vitiU. one t IM.M: tha thrr mtt ate.otx ATaiiabla aVtpt it M napaetlvtlr. laaiwtloti InTltad. U5 K. Wlnttr. jpaii' BEDROOM aDU unlurnlthed. ! - N. 14th Bt. Stort. nfrlierator and water furnUhed. Phont 31560. Jpalt I OABDEN COURT, newly decorated un furnished, l-roont apartment, with bath. Refrlierator and ranta furn. Isbed. T. V. hookup and aula, waabar furnished. 107 a. Uth. Phono 4M3I. iplll NEAR UNIVERSITY, furnlibtd. clean. 1-room apartment utilities paid. Rea- I aonable. Phono 46PI1. )P313 UOOT, PLEASANT 1 room, close la. reasonable, lit n. cnarcn. laautre rear houao 110. Iplll I COURT APARTMENT Furnished. Close I oa K. Commercial. 1 rooms anal terete. Phone 3-8641 or I I1U Ipllf Madison Court Apts. KewlT decorated, unf urnlihad I-room I apartment alao aleelr turn-1 lahad apartment 10M Madlaoo at. jpaii" NICB rtTBNISHCD Apt 10. IlMludee all vtllitlae. 1304 Cntmeketa. Phont S-S407 or 3-1685. 3P214' THBBKy rVENISHlCD 1-badrwm apart mania, rnravt rairiKeratworai. i Also fornleh.d l eleepuw rm. In f: pint Center. HI M. llth at. Jpll7 ONB BEDBOOM unfurnished apL stove. refrlierator and water furnloneo. in- aulre 1M4 a. 13th Bl. 1P31I NICELY PUBNIIBED apartmeaUi Am- baisador Apts. tat no. aummar. lae IIYEBAL farnuhad apartmeata, toad location. Inoulro B. L a till Puratture. PhOBO .1-1 115. IP CLOIE, CLEAN, well furalshed, modern. 1 room. kata. air aoadtloaed. Center. Ipllt MISCELLANEOUS BEE-HIVE TRUCKS n-DRITB . MOVE YOURSELF SAVE CAB BXNTALS . "TAKES . TABS TBXACO STATION til COURT ST. PHONE l-ttlt PAOB BTBVENSOR and AL MEPPORO BALSal SAND a OBAVEL COMPART Contract work v Boad cleariBt . DltehtBt Bewer and Baaapieat Eoulpmenl Rental Oltchlm ay tha Poat Phone Days 1-I4M vea. 1-4417 ar I-74U aalam. Ores on DENTAL PLATE REPAIR R. 1-HR. SERVICB IM MCSI CAB! DR. HARRY SEULER. DENTIST aaoipa Bids., state commercial SALEM PH l-llll LET l' DO your full amoklnt and flab I canninr. -iom. nun! BUILDING MATERIALS BOOFLtO, INSULATION, Venal 1 a a I Biraoe. oral weatera Aula aopplr ca. for free astlmete. 1-7177. i Remodel, Repair, Now wavo pour eaaa tor a rainy aap i Ba don aarmeet, 1 moatba te par Epping Lumber Co. 1710 BUveTtoa Rd. Ph. 41131 OPBB ALL OAT BATTrRDAY ate I Red Cedar Shingles Beet trade, coast ar mauatela tha Delivered prlcee: No. t, tljl; Is, I.Nl Ira. 14 00: 4a, I1M. COMMON LUMBER ' Complete mm llock. Shlplap. trie and wider, del. 131 per IS. ev 1 TBD MULLXB, Bhoat Salem I-IIPI avMlaae. ma I I gUILOING MATERIALS mraelraKD aafCBS for eele. Paeaa nail setae after it e m. eteJit- WINDOWS hhlltl Lars eel stock ta Salem. Be weelav retrtppod wlaawWA lamHetehf aaaaav hlad, lit to op. Laria edera sachet kkh r 11 OV I pMa mm enele. et heMftla line sst. PLrjarsDio e "iTaeh aaaaraaata". seta eaaa wiia Illunae ws.eoi Colored aetk aeta Barest. I flit I Savkla laandry trays aomplota . ahower aaklaeta. eamplele .... 1 ewower aaaiaeta. eesepiaie i lle kiuhea alaka. alaatns rt water keatera alaa aalis oraasakor, papa est ftftL atael eeptlo taake IfTAe OTHBB BABOAIXa Metal e erase doors with hdwe.....t4l Bow aal plaetarkoard 1140 tu waterproof wallhaard 11.11 Interior aad extorter plywood ...chess Bella, aarload aupplp ti ll Overhead aarera Sear ad we. Ill.lt uw tnculetloa, pap tat 11.00 1 KLBCTBIC Boll klaakat lntnlatloa .......karaata I s-ene. Z m? BrC- PlTWO ...... ' A afahetaap plywaaS Be. 1 Coder ehlnalea ., , 21" , t - weaaa. stsee. alll l-lab rooflnt v BartalBl Panel doors, hardwood doors, all Itat PLYMOUTB, motor rebuilt, rood types fleet doere ., lowest prlcet hydramatl, krakaa, lilt Isaslnt I new fir door Jamas raintea ceoar ahakaa . .IK.1l ..HOC .us. ,.I)H ,...loe Unpointed aedar ahakaa Mew asbertoe aldlaa .... Krterlor white palnl ... Shake maldlna. Bar faat Cedar fence post. ..Cheap I C. G. LONG tt SONS Ph. 44ii One mile B. af r.teer NURSERY STOCK PBRTIUZBB Varmen, rebuild pour land. Betted man ore. 11 M yard Delivered ta rour naM. Phono P-ena. malll FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS I ANTIQUES oUd rosewood aeaaelaaal ahalr, eak - nola leu with cat or a, IM: alaat treat deep-weU eewtas aablaet, tali Merhlo topped oval ta- ala. ttt.Ni aotea sad alalfar. roak - Beeutlful pair rvPTodaclln lemp. and ehadrs. Ha, . ItSI Portland Bd. BllT emvaii new earp aooa tMd tioa. nsa rr. sth at ti. aia.o ...., Bill I TANDABD POOL TABLE, awmplata; tooo condltlOB. BOX as. shone un. Ocrvala. ,, TO BUT, MB or trd mMd fwrnitort. PPllUKSM, tOOU U4 BlM. iUam BNOOKS srSAROiUN CZWTXR. A til Oil and itimj mil mBdriTld. liw Brotvdvar. Fh. 417J6. b31X I OOMnuBatOB. eomplata amp imlBUac a ne.,a sew A -.sLaw- atakaMmklm Bh... I 41281 Or 137fl. aiiC" Planninsr to Build? Wards aaa live ran s fro, eallmete I ia all plumblnt aad haatbu Baeae. I come la or aall l-llll. Montgomery ward 111 N. Liberty alll COLEMAN FLOOB fuTTjaoe, toed ftoadl- IIOB. Price to. 131 B. Liberty St. Bill PIANO SALE! VSEO eVlNTT PIANOS WurllUer Only tm Baldwin Aeroaonle Bar 41M I Wintar. period modal 171 Btorr Clark Died Week I maoe ini XiUr f4T( REBUILT OUARANTBBO UPRI0HT8 1 New England tl Brewster UK Lombard , $im later lS B. S. Howard tlK Ludwli 1 150 Nonnandit, rennuneu $iu Kinoier coiiina ror atiioo. r atudio El line ton m Klmeburr S235 W.rhU A WendeU 3 Eeocn. Dtuverr, Tuaint frkei Tarma to Bolt Yoar Bee da STONE PIANO CO. 13M State St Salem n2iT PAN AMERICAN Prench Horn. Phone a, iwv. nii BAND SAW. llielloa its pump, porta, ...,, hie paint eprarlni aotflt. ftarpeater toou. tot H. Church, l-ltao. Bill 4-BUBNEB apt. also ,ai rania. Llko new. 1-1131 alternoonl. Bill GtED BRICKS. Phone 1-7411 Of 3 )151 aftar 11 Am. Bill' TO I ELL at ansa. 14-foot tack aar, prlma.Tera.wood. uko new. win ecu for eaerlflct or awnor. Phont J-7n4. B117 MOD IBM ELECTBIO raaia. 4 aarner deep welL aiorara space. Bacelleat aaodltlOB. Beaaonabla. Phoaa 11111. B31I1 OIJT-OP-TOP.N allent will aaerlflea 1 to t Belcrut cemetery lota at 160 aech. Betular trice Is iti.h. See Mr. Vorheea with Doatoa at Den lea. Phone 13111. alls TOP SOIL Blver ant and fin dirt. Prom pi livery. Phono 1-1. tl BoaPITAL BED for eele ar rent. B atlff Puraltura Co. Phoae 1-I1M QBAT BED DEVENO, Phone 4-1711. MeCVLLOCB CBArB tAWa, fl Bdia. watar. Wast aalara. atnea Maalat Sup ply. Ph. 4-1141 r. USED. RADIOS We hart It med raUo omklna- tleis. tapa to wira reordrav--for pou lo thooaa from. All told voder thirtr dara cuarantee. Montblr term If you wiah. Will accept older radloa and combina tion la trada. W sum tlear our floor to make room for new trade oomtm In on PHILCO. RATTUBON and PACIFIC MERCURY TT a lee. Hare priced need meixhandut accordinclr. Our TT store la open Monday, Wadaaadar nod Fri day evening nntU t a'cloek, axcept ls dot oay. PRALL'S 134 R. Uaerty 4-474 Sill' To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 MtmUy. Scptmbir 7. 1961 Fsr Sato MISCELLANEOUS ae METAL' FENCE rarataaaat. Be apkeep. Pree aou BUtea. M mas. ap pay. BX)aWasaB LBaV at WOW. CO. ant state at. i naaa nrti 5 WBfW MISCELLANEOUS Logs Wanted X.TI I el AO I Tap aria, aa taiapa market tap .pas ar ebert eea sal arowu fir lata. Bar prlcee, phoaa PPM! aeya, I1TM awaa. tan. Watt Belem Lamser Co. net Wftllftea Bd.. aaloat. . Ballpe WOOD1T f7aXTt PUaea, Hm e-dlla. BJUfOBa, Waaarpa, Pa. -lie js........aa'a..P...ap,iie,, ,.41cl a svsaassamti w ej.ii AVI VfflVIIUI ie will amxi ar trada ataltp ts IMS inn,; ftl.ttlve' alter e p re. ,111' tat CBEVBOUT Sedaa. rua, pood.' pood urea. se. at 434 N. llnd. pnona 11741. 0i, $$CASH$$ FOR YOUR CAR ALL MAKES AND MODBLS ftO CBOOSI FROM Western Motors ma I I UU Braadwar Phase I-M22 I IT PODOB, tood motor, Faeat Aalll. I IMS BUICK eedaa. tood condition thru. out. asao. iut re. eta. a-otii. alle llpel WINDSOR CBRYILER. new tirea! I tood cond, into. Phont 1141a. ojll I lPtl DE IOTO 4-door.' Radio. heeurL tuaraatoed parfaot. Orutnal owner, l ."i. tSL,1" " " I i ' P S. ""? Ford I a'Si laea MERCI1RT. aiaaa w.e. ... . 7 w Hr. narmeni. 1717. "f1 " pe. Ba- dio. luaur. I , .1. i... -svmiua ava. wooqourn. Phone 7111. alii Woodburn. Phoat l9TLmyx ? "w -wrw rnon - 1 ONB OF Uu bf ll-M ClWfi i town. 4314 SIGH DHSTDUV3 W DODGE COROKET SEDAN Oyro drive, radio, heater, fine leal oovera 13P 41 BOICK STJPER SEDAN DrBftflow, radio, heater, whit, tires. apotlesa ittl M BOICK SPECIAL SEDAN Hooter, washers, covers, toad rmdt UOB H37I U FORD CUSTOM I SEDAN Meilc air healer, custom radla. Im maculate sett 41 BtTTCK atTPBR SEDAN Radio, hooter, eirfll.nl Urea, fine palot, apotlesa interior lilt WHOOPIES 41 Batck Super Sedaa 41 Chrriler Sedan 43 Bolek Buptr Sedao it Charrolet Tudor I3W 1331 ,.,...ll 1111 TOO OIT A BETTER USED CAB FROM TOOB BOICK DEALER VUeLUtetier IrixriaiilValer OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY OREGON'S NUMBER ONE : .DEALER , Coml at Oeotetr Phona l-JMi an 1P44 PLTMOUTB Clok Coqpa. Radio. heater, good mechanical aondnion. 171. Phona -31W. nut 1 OLDS food ahapa. reavwnabla. 104 th It. Wpit Amlftn ftT a aiTltdl MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 1P4I BABLET DATfDtON 74 evorheed. ei... rumii a-.i... eee srearpora Ave. aallT IHt BABLET DAVTDaoN model 74, UM. otiu tsae trade in. ona mas ebeta eaw, l-horeo Eliln outboard motor, thaw Oereee. Shew, Oretoa. aellie BOATS Fair Week Special One ll-fl. Ptahtnt Boat and trailer ITtia. Another aae for inn, Oa. It ft, Brreat, waa U03. bow AM i'7p'ltt' rMUU "" teal trailer, t-tnch wheels. Many other koeti ta oheeee trem. Stlem Boat Houta IH Caemekets Pa. nirn ejallt By Ham Fisher till I aaatrpaeaws Brtat waalalaare for tnit I .. -1 am ati-Tia un rn 11 r ir f-- in -f j