Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 07, 1953, Page 11, Image 11

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    I Monday, September 7, 1951
Pag 11
Major Leagues
t a m
11 at . 1
SO M .Ml 11
TS a Ml IS
7 U .tee S3 la
New York ,
81. Louis
1 tt .371 tola
a .ug m
Bandar'e llaaaHo
Boston a, Philadelphia I
Bolton t. Philadelphia Und)
Cleveland 4. Chicago 3
Detroit t. at Louli I
New York at Washing too (1 postponed,
rain) '
W L ret.
Brooklyn M 41 Ml
Milwaukee 13 II .(It 11
v Philadelphia 16 N .IM Ilia
Bt. Louis 11 II .141 10
New Tork 14 11 .471 30
Cincinnati II T7 .434 31
Chlcaio 3 13 .311 40Va
Flttsbunh 43 M .304 11
tonday'a Beaulta "
Brooklyn , New Tork 3
Philadelphia 1. Pittsburgh 1
Cltlcago 1, Cincinnati
Chicago 1. Cincinnati 1 (Ind)
Milwaukee 3, at. Louis 1
St. Louis 1, Milwaukee I (tie. tolled
ath. darkl.
Twiss Leads
At The Dalles
The Dallea (U.R) Dick Twits
of The Dalles today led the
pack in the 14th annual Mid
Columbia Amateur Medal Play
Golf' tournament at The Dalles
Country club.
' The young ahotmaker fired
an opening round 69 to take a
two stroke lead over ' lecond
plact Dick Crosby of Portland.
Ed Vanderberg of Portland was
fthird with a 2 and Ralph Dich
,ter of Astoria and Bob Donnelly
of Portland, were tied at 73.
1 Defending Champion Ron
Clark o't hTe Dallea followed
the leaders with a 74.
i In the women's bracket, De
fending Champion Mra. Harry
Stepp of Portland and Mrs.
James O'Delt of The Dalles
jwere tied for the lead with 82s.
Softy Tourney
Reaches Finals
i Pendleton U.R) Finala of the
Northwest regional aoitball
tournament get underway here
today with teams from Tacoma
and Renton, Wash., Portland
and Boise, Ida., battling it out
for the title.
The Irwin Jones Dodgers of
Tacoma gained a finale berth
yesterday by defeating previ
ously unbeaten Renton, 1-0. Hy
'ster company of Portland de
feated Harris Pine Mills of
Pendleton, 4-3, and then ahut
out Kennewick Auto Supply of
Richland, Wash., 2-0.
The Dodgers also upended
, Kennewick Auto, i-5.
The other finalist, Kenny
Poes of Boise, blanked Wood
Realty of Tacoma, 6-0.
Modified Jag XK 120
Wins at Bay Meadows
San Mateo, Calif. U
"Swede" Kline, Cloverdale,
Calif., piloted his 1953 modified
Jaguar XK120 to. a surprise vic
tory in the first annual 250
mile Bay Meadows Internation
al Stock'Car race yesterday. His
time was three hours, 41 min
utes, 23 seconds.
George Seegar of Los Ange
les placed second and Len Sut
ton of Portland, Ore., was
.third. .
Eggers Wins Cycle
Race; Thiessen 2nd
i Portland ) George Thies
'sen of Eugene won second
prize of $200 in the Pacific
-Coast 25-mile motorcycle race
here Sunday.
i Kenney Eggers, San Jose,
'Calif., was first with a time of
L18.38.4 minutes and an aver
age speed of 80.5 miles an hour.
'.He won $300.
Ez Charles Favored
Philadelphia W) Former
heavyweight champion Eizard
Charles is a heavy favorite in
his 10-round bout with local
ilight-heavywelght Harold John
'. .ton here Tuesday night
; Memphis W Horace Pe
gues, ticketed for running a
Ted iight, told officers he was
i-looklng at a wrecked car, did-sn-t
notice the light. The wreck
Ted car was featured in a civic
iclub display. Purpose: encour
age safe driving. .
one deal Detroit
iTnust certainly regret The
Tigers sent Billy Pierce,
southpaw ace, to the White
Sox late In 1948 for Aaron
Robinson. .
1 .
TTrabert Trims Patty
. turn to Tony Trabert of Cincinnati durlnf their quarter
finala match in tht U.S. Amateur National Tenaia Cham
.pionshipa at Foreat HI1U, N.T. Trabert defeated former
Wimbledon champion Patty, -, -, -I to sain tht semi
finals. (UP Telephoto)
East Salem Garden Clubs
Shape Fall Planting Plans
East, Salem Committee
chairmen for the new year of
federated garden clubs were
announced by the president of
Lansing Neighbors Garden
club, Mrs. William Hartley, at
the September meeting held
Thursday in the home of Mrs.
J. V. Aplet in Woodburn.
Mrs. Robert Ballard, vice
chairman, will serve "as chair
man for program, slides and
horticulture; Mra. Vincent
Kremer, secretary, for finance
and legislation and northwest
gardens; Mrs. Milton Black
man, birds; Mrs. Glen Larkins,
books and pamphlets; Mrs. Rex
Peffer, botanical gardens, blue
star memorial and garden coun
cil representative; Mrs. Robert
Anderson, conservation; Mrs.
H. Willard Cole, flower shows;
Mrs. Ben Rathjen, historian and
scrapbook; Mrs. Lowell Hann,
Junior gardens; Mrs. Lloyd
Keene, landscaping; Mrs. Roy
Lively, wild flowers; Mrs.
Ralph Hein, plant sale, and
Mrs. Hartley, press. ,
For the program hour, prob
lems of members In selecting
fall bulbs they plan on plant
ing were considered and the
"roadside" problems of the
state highway department.
Landscape engineer, Mark H.
Astrup has prepared a state
ment for state garden clubs
which gives the explanation of
why the roadsides of tee state
have been temporarily disfig
ured with the uae of herbicides
Children Get
Minor Hurts
A number of children from
the Salem community needed
medical attention over the
week-end for an assortment
of minor accidents.
The most serious accident
occurred to four-year-old
David Radcliff, son of Mr. and
Mra. John Radcliff, 1477 Mor
ton street, who fell from his
parent's car Sunday evening
while they were on their way
to Salem from Albany.
The parents said they were
going about 45 miles an hour
when David apparently fell
against the door handle and
plunged from the car when
the door opened. He suffer
ed sevre cuts and some loss
of flesh on the forehead. He
was kept overnight at Salem
Memorial hospital after treat
ment and his condition was
reported as satisfactory Mon
day. Barefooted George Mastro
monico, 7851 South street,
stepped on a tin can Saturday
while playing and cut a gash
in his foot requiring several
In a similar incident seven-year-old
Dale Moss, Turner,
stepped on a toy boat Satur
day and suffered a bad gash.
Both were taken to Salem
Memorial hospital for stitches
in the wounds.
Another ' save n-year-old
boy, Dee Friesen, 1335 Mc
Donald street, fell from a
porch at his home Saturday
evening and suffered a one
inch cut on the back of his
head. He was taken to Salem
General hospital for stitches.
Sussn Walker, 4, 415 Tryon
avenue,' bumped against a car
at her home Saturday after
noon and suffered a one-inch
gash on tht back of her bead.
First aidmen treated the
wound for her.
MMMM S f .at.0 1
T - ...i:;.:f:
Hill . IS.
-4 n ' -
Badge Fatty (near fourt) (
Lot Anielea smashes a r-
in the control of shrubs and
tree growths, and restraining
foliage from interfering with
highway traffic. Thia explana
tion was read and discussed.
Driving up for the meeting
were Mrs. Lively, Mrs. Hein,
Mrs. Keene, Mrs. Larkins, Mrs.
Rathjen, Mrs. Kremer, 'Mrs.
Cole, Mrs. Anderson, Mrs. Hart
ley and Mrs. Ernest Walker,
who was welcomed as a new
Swegle Road Garden club
discussed camellias at their last
week's meeting, held in the
home of Mrs. George Qulnn,
with Mrs. Daniel Casey leader.
Attending were Mra. Homer
Conklin, Mra., Robert Fry rear.
Mrs. Dick Siddali, Mra. Bryan
Garrison, Mrs. Oscar Wigle,
Mrs. Casey and the hostess.
For the Tuesday morning
meeting of the Fisher Road
neighbors, they were Invited
to the home of Mrs. Hal Lem-
man on RL. S. Changing from
a cctfee, a covered dish picnic
dinner waa served on the lawn.
Driving out for the picnic were
Mrs. John McCrea, Mrs. War
ren Miller, Mra. Lester Orton,
Mrs." Robert Brown, Mra. G.
7. Home, Mrs. Albert Suran,
Mra. Fred Smalley, Jr., Mrs,
Don Maus, Mra. Fred Smalley,
Sr.. and with their mothers, 17
Milton C. Blackman of Lans
ing Ave. haa been a patient at
Salem Memorial hospital for
the past week. He is one of
Salem's suburban mall car
Guests this week-end at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Smalley, Sr., on Ellsworth
Ave., were Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Renaud of Hope, Canada. The
families were former neigh
bors in Swegle community. The
Renauda plan to be in Everett,
Wash, for the winter.
Fatal Fall on
Mf . St. Helens
Longvicw, Wash. UX Sixteen-year-old
' Ted Sageses of
Portland, Ore., died of injur
ies' suffered when he fell into
a chevasse at the 7,000. level
on Mt. St. Helens yesterday
Volunteer rescuers from
Longview and Kelso, Wash.,
were Summoned but they re
ported the boy was dead when
they arrived at the scene of
the accident.
Sageser was a member of a
party of Hinson Memorial
church young people on a hol
iday outing on Mt. St. Hel
ens. The group's leader, Dr.
Raymond Roy, Portland, said
the accident occurred about S
p. m. yesterday when Sage
ser lost his footing and tum
bled into the 30-foot deep ere
vesse. Another member, of the
party, John Knowles of Port
land, also slipped but Roy
said he pulled the boy to aafety
from the lip of the crevasse.
Sageser's parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Edmond Sageser, were at
the timberllne on the peak
when their son's body wss
brought down the mountain.
no fuss no muss
no bother no dirt
PHONE 3-1862
DIuq Ribbons Plated
In Textile Division
When the blue ribbons were
placed in the textile! dlviaion
exhibits at the State Fair Sat
urday a number oC them went
for work done by peraoni
from other areas. Theae were
tht beat crochet in show, Mra.
Betty Joaephaon. Portland;
and the beat original crochet,
Mra. H. J. Dahlke, Sherwood.
Diviiiona In textilei and
peraona from thia ana receiv-
Inc blue ribbona were:
HotuehoM furalehlnga Bullet r
elTeaeer acarf. outwork. Mrs. W. O. WM
dovt, Baleen; nalreot. outwork. aire.
Mario Holm an. Jetferaoa; other than
daaalflod. Boaalo Sdwarns. Saleae.
Towese. too tewela. taolo easts Towel.
alnali, UUine mm. Prooeao X. O Ntll
aaleaai ti towole. moroMered. lAuleo
roaak. Sheridan; too towels, appllawed.
Mrs. H sfcCor. Baleeas tea towels, tea
Ulo elnttu, Berth A. Boelgoa. Tura.r.
trar cloth, outwork. Mra. Dorm Jot-
Rifa Plans to
Marry Haymes
Las Vegas. Nev. (UJS Rita
Hayworth told friends today
she will marry crooner Dick
Haymea as soon as he gets a
Nevada divorce from Nora Ed
dington Flynn Haymea.
The sultry film star arrived
here by automobile from Holly
wood yesterday to be near
Haymes while he finishes his
six-week Nevada resldence're
quirement preparatory to filing
a divorce suit.
Haymes' residence require
ment will be completed Sept.
20. He could file for divorce the
r.xt day and be free to marry
Rita Sept. 23 or 24.
They aaid the marriage will
take place at the Sanda Hotel,
with Sands owner Jack Entrat
ter serving aa beat man. -
Miss Hayworth, who waa ac
companied on the trip from
Hollywood by Haumes, regis
tered at the Sanda where
Haymes is staying. The crooner
completed an engagement at
the hotel two weeks ago and
since then has been making
short flying trips to the film
capital to visit Miss Hayworth
who waa completing sequences
for her latest film, "Sadie
Robin Roberta ef the Phil
lies is the real workhorse
among modern day pltchera.
He haa pitched S04 or more
innings during the last three
Logger and
Silverton Stir Sunday
Silverton One man and a
snako six and a half feet long
had this town screaming and
taking cover Sunday.
This was followed by flstics.
Then the man was arrested
and booked for disorderly con
duct and the snake was shot by
a policeman. The man, Walter
Kenfield, 24, a logger, was com
mitted to the Marion county
jail in Salem by Justice of the
Peace Alt O. Nelson. He later.
made $100 ball and waa releas
ed. He gave his address aa Win
ston, but said he used to live
in Silverton.
It all started when Kenfield
showed up on the street with
a big snake wrapped around
his arm. That might have been
all right had he not thrust the
snake's head at children to
make them scream and run. His
field day of amusement ended
when he did the same thing
to Mrs. Hobart Tellefson at the
Silverton Recreation Hall,
which got Mr. Tellefson and
police into the picture.
Kenfield first went to a
doughnut shop and got break
fast, with the big anake on his
arm. He wasn't exactly wel
come, but no one aaid anything.
At the Recreation Hall he al
legedly thrust the snake's head
at Mrs. Tellefson, and the
snake's forked tongue brushed
195 S. Commercial
ttiau: jtbr tha UwlfMa Mra. Bu
at. MeftU. SrOOtU.
TtWtU. M UL. Us.! amtU-Othaat
tha iMUtf4 Mr. Utim K. Mxtwifc,
Mroossi UaM-daisv whlta m
crut mutm Uirtwkd. Halt S. 4VTr. -bturMti,
colore! orocMt, Mr.
Miry Bunch. McCoy; fcexUproev kaUioel.
Mr. C. J. LlAdbl! ClBi. Uiow tllai,
mbro.drr apru.uv, Mr. A. r. BM
oltom. Brooeti; pillow cm moroklrr
! WIUM, LOilaM KmcL BtMrkUa. U1W
cams, ombroidorr, la ro UKh. Mra.
to !: pillow cm S3rotdry.
crochet trim, A4U Cook. BeUam; pihut.
U1U eMUktlloo, LoulM KoUaC, Bfttri
dA. .-...!
TI f-imliMmt gntni cloth. sv.
broMrr Mr. John Morbr, Baltat; Inacb
toa r k-ridi lolh. iItud, Ubblt
Boroviek. Beta: tuneJwoa or tetdM
cloin, cutwerk. Libbl Bortrvkk. Bel;
nottrploot. fit, arothtt. MM. Dtaa
Jraalas, Balata,: tnurpiext. aaiUnt,
Mrs. Oortfoa Black, Baioai; etrpltc,
kolttad. Mrs. A. C. Abaw. laieni 4oll7.
crochet, tea thaa 11 iaclw. Mrs. Ifena
Jtaalat. Balta: tou ActUna. Mr.
Oordoa Black, Bains.
QuUU Appitau. Mis Martaial Tava
Maooal. Bubilmuv aolVoo patca. Ohrts
tin van Haodci, BuaiUritr: snadan
Pitt. Praaea McCoy, Bntrtcsaa; orl
taal dulsja, Katu Vaa Badl, Babllta
Ity; bast autltint. Mr. Prn O. Drr
dsl. Bales; other than .alfla, Mr.
TrancM a. Drrsd., Baltm.
Bats wool braMacL avtr M lacbaa.
Hxal L. Bartlatt, Brook; wool hookod.
orr h lacooa, mj. stuia uorc aaica;
wool araldod, K. ft. Mrlial. Oorrala;
Tra hooktd. Barth Mclion, Woodbora;
olhcr Uaa ialfla. Ploul BodwslL
Kniuioa Bd lackrt. Ml MlMrca
BtsfroD, 0111:, ladi' two-plc kott
orau or kill, Mr. L. a. riowas, .
01, org r It, Mr. BtacVtr Yodar, Hub
bard: so 1. lla. Mra. Chtrles U. Bmlth.
Jr., Jalftrson; aox. alaML, Mra. L. A.
Rowan. Baltm; other .haa UMlftd.
Mr. L. A, fftowaa. Balav.
Plain aswloc Apron, practical, aa-
chltv atwa, MUs Bin or Pdrsa. )a
Ura, oUwr iaaa olaaslflad. Barbaxa
AaMUraoo. Baa.
Woiaea r IB yra of ait, awBo
practkal. India AUaa. Bait; otBiar
piac knlttod, Xmma Hslblf. Balta. raf.
aratdtd, K. ft. Maraaii; Oerv!.
MUcauanMut Attimau, aana aao.
Martha Plcku. Baltm; hsirola lac.
Tostph OtrUn, Baltm; lama ahacft.
ttoraltr, Mr. A. K. BeardaUer, Albany;
ttxtlla tpalntlna. aurtalns, Mra. Bosaua
Puller. Indtpcrvdence; taitu palntlnt,
Uu, Mr, ftasaiu rtiUoff, Indtpeadanet.
BmbroUlr4 aMtarat and wall hant-
lacsCroaa eUtch, Mza. ft. U Btarr. BU
Ttrtoa; aUboutttat, atra, DafVd 1.
Phtlpc, Sslern.
HcipoiathairtL ti ana aaci.
Mr. Louis B. Warra, BUvsrtoa; bench
cover. Mr, rranco O. Drvadal. Balca:
vau i.nfinsT, Mr. XM.vid I. rnatpa, B
lm; other than laf411ed. Map Lind
ner. Bftlea.
Ha&dweatint Acveav. Mwrtam Mar
tin. Balem: draperr aaterlal. ftarriel
Oaakln, Balaat skirt, woolen, Kn other
tolm, Mrs. Ralph Leo, Albany : atoit ana
hwL Mrs. OeTtrud Knaap. Baltm
place a ana napaut, outer sum iinm,
Mr. ZTid Varrer. Stlemt aedapread.
Mrs. Beth T. Preach, Albany.
Bbr daaartment Blanket ar r
crocheted. Alice Cook, Balem: blanket
ar Mho . knit. Mrs. Donald B. DottShtocv
Lebanon 1 babr aoat, erocheted or knit
ted, Loulaioak, ceuenaaa; aany avte,
embroidered r mockd. Mr. Karon n
Kelson. Lebanon; baby aatenlnt' t.
knit, Mr. Btanler Toder, Hubberd; nvir
aerr auilt. Mr. BcoU Poster. Balem.
Cbuoren' eiotnin oiri a.ffiyn
Brown, Woodburn; dree, smocked, Mr.
Bcou Poster, Balsa; draaa, party Mka
aaaora paaersan, Mrtm, otner wen
elftMlfted, M-r. Minnie B. ftead, Balta.
tBreaval. BaU ft. Servo. Batieat etetlles.
natina.oMsi uocnn mbisth mwa-
under 14 tnchec, Mrs. tsan JennlTna.
aiem. - - i
Snake Cause
her cheek.
Tellefson assailed Kenfield
and Mrs. Tellefsen called the
police. Chief "Buck" Main, who
admits he's afraid of snakes,
nevertheless took drastic action
against Kenfield, who still
clung to the snake. A police
car, driven by Officer Martin
Kaasebaum, was called and
Kenfield waa taken to see the
Judge. Kaasebaum later shot the
snake. -
It was a bullsnake, measur
ing 6tt feet, and Kenfield said
he found it in the brush near
town. . i
See aha Soot at Its bead Eoioy sbe balmy days, crlip aiajxs, the
aaaawaaaa bwaajty of das tantrfnim 1 1 New York's tsehiombew shops sow
aba aociiaaawaat of aww Broexiwrwjp plays I i tamed rt (aiUrioa.
Trawwliag oa Uoioa Paciec is a wacweioei la Itself 1 1 : ytm enjoy faenowf
Unioa Pacafcc axals la sba (Hcasr, relaxation in the in. dob cart,
antBrbrabia Pwllmaa at enncs accotnmodalioeie. Foe rami triToJ piemn
rjlne yowa Indian Sntanvrr Taxation Eats oa Unioo Pacific Rautrowdf
Lt m ktlf fUm jomr trip
TrsTel-thop" Monday through Friday
791 Ftoocfc Wocfc PotaeaaBtJ 5 VgPMi
eoave of i
- " J 'J
Misa Charleen Turner, 20-
year-old blonde from Fort
Lauderdale, Fla., (above).
was chosen Miss Na
tional AMVET at Indianap
olis during the National con
vention of the American
Veterans of World War II.
Miss Turner is five-feet, 4-
lnches tall and weights lit
pounds. (AP Wirephoto)
...that's why I picked
t liked tht prlvter of loan an
my Bit nature alone. Mo tmbsrra
Ins reveellni ejuestloa f friend,
relative or employer and their fast,
friendly scrrlce made at clad I
picked them-
loans las eirnn
on Bltntture alone, ear or furnl
turt. Pit-rour-hudiat aarment plana
at ohoeee from.
Phone first complete the
loan when you first stop In.
Room 200, S17 Court St
Phono 4-3396
'fills' II
t aX-'
East noiv J
Al ths Foot ef
tho Bridgs
W. Salem
Prices Good Tuesday,
Yinilla Quarts
Estops Brmd '
That Ever Popular lunch Meaf
Grade "A" (reaaery
Swift's Premium
Urge 20-ez. )sr
Green Onions
Local No. 1 Canning
Heaping Full
Peanut Butler
Hood River Apple Cider
U.S. Inspected Commercial Grade
Beef Steaks ib. I
T-Bone, Round, Sirloin
For Sandwiches
Gold Crest Brand
A Product of
Valley Packing Co.
Picnic Hams ib. y 11
Short Shank
$aving Renters
h Mils KsriSi ef
fhs Ur.dirpju
AM. TO 10 P.M.
Wednesday. Thi:ndey
12oi. ;;LkC
Apple Boxes
and lunches
1 Q
Swift 4 Co.
n y.
Iks Bed