Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 07, 1953, Page 10, Image 10

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    Sraics Son la4Sl for Pbptff
Senators Wind Up Willy
Season Playing at Yakima
- The Balm Senators clot ant
tastr refular kuob with
rimes at Yakima Monday and
Taeadaj, then swinr cart to
ope the post-season playoffs.
Salem, champion of the first
half, will meet the second half
champion in a best-of-seven
aeries for the Western Interna
tional league pennant
The second half title will go
to either Spokane or Lewiston.
(Br Dotted rrni)
It's down to cases today in
the Western International
League and it's still anybody's
guess as to who will take the
second-half crown.
Spokane and Lewiston have
been battling right down to the
wire and with but three games
left each the pennant is far
from decided although Spokane
sits atop the league with a
one-game lead.
The Indians tromped all over
Lewiston, 10-5, last night to
regain first place as the two
teams continued to split per
centage points.
A five-run rally In the
evec'Ji on five singles, a
double and a walk sewed up
the game for Spokane. Jim
Command planked a three-run
homer in the Spokane fifth and
Will Hafey contributed a
homer with the sacks empty.
Lewiston managed to tie it
at -9 in the sixtn but ine Jn-
broke the game wide
open with their big seventh
inning. -
r At Wenatchee, the- Chiefs
split a double header with the
Yakima Bears losing the first
game, 8-1 and edging, the
Heroine's Welcome
Mary Lena Falk waves to
crowd of hometowners at
ThomasvlUe, Ga., npon her
arrival home. The folks set
elds the day in Mary's hon
or for winning the U.S.
A ma tear Women's O o 1 f
duunplonehip. (UP Wire
photo) Eugene Golfers
Dominate South
Oregon Tourney
Medford UJ It's an all Eu
gene affair in the finals today
of the Southern Oregon Golf
tournament at Rogue Valley
Country club here.
In the semifinals yesterday,
Skip Nagler, Eugene, defeated
Harold Terrell, Jr., Grants
pais, 4 and 3, and Don Leal
of Eugene downed Ben Hughes
of Portland 3 and 2.
Earlier In the day, Hughes
set down Defending Champion
Bob Atkinson of Portland, 3
and J, and Nagler, a Univer
sity of Oregon student, droo
ped Harvey Woods, Jr., Ash-
land, 1 up. Leal beat Nell
Dwyer of Oswego, 2 and 1
in the morning round.
In the women's finals, Mrs.
W. W, Da vies, defending
champion from Medford, will
meet Carole Jo Kabler, the
IMS runnerup from Suther
Un. Mrs. Davies detested Sue
DoVoe, Medford, 1 up, and
Miss Kabler eliminated Mrs.
Blehard Grubbs, Portland, I
. and 1, in the semifinals.
Tureman Wins
Two Events in
Fair Rodeo '
Sonny Tureman of John Day,
Oregon, won first places in the
bareback riding and saddle
bronc riding events at Sunday
afternoon's rodeo at the Oregon
State Fair.
Dave Mason of Los Gatos,
Calif., won the bull riding
event, while Jim Pyeatt of Sa
lem took first In the calf roping
and Bill Marklry of Roseburg
first in the bulldogging.
- UX1
FOB ...
1211 8. Commercial
Bear 6-9 in a ten-inning
The rest of the league was
Spokane Ml tat too jt is
Lewiston 1M Ml SO I U
Worth. New 14) end Sheets: Msr-
Xhall, Brenner (II, Powell (7), rtna It)
and oarar.
Taklwie ...
.... ere ere t l 7
.... MMI-I 4
AJblnl; Belslha a
secaetd teme:
Veklme , M tM HI t- I U
Wenatchee XI Ml MS 14
Carter. DelSert (7), Younx ), Town
ernd tit) and Norkk. Albtnl i: Hon
rot, Do Carolla lt, Klela tt, aeweaaa
49) and Bertmoeoel.
Edmonton) OM 11 M IN II n
Calsarr M 001 HI a 11
Utler and Morten: Prancls 4I
Saturday aceree:
apoku mm aoa-t
LntlM Ml 44" 4 14
Pranks. Kian (II M4 Sheets; BuUer
and Oarer.
' Plrst tarae:
Seleas Ml art til 4 11 1
Celeanr Ill 111 to 11 II
Roenaple. Borsl (1), HrnpalU l) and
Nelson: Orell and Llllard. '
Second same:
solera 1M Ml 111 U 1
Caleerr MS KM 1041 1 t
NKAoku and Neleean Sebalto and La
Plrt xane:
Vaacoater Ml ! Ml-S It
Vicuna SM 400 1001 4
HrrTtaades and Dnrette, laarni 141
Bottler and Harford.
stem :
uecKsr u Dantu, prior ut s
Ml 4M as d I
awwrnea Md Bar-
.... Ml Mt 1
.... MM JOt
Wrrta; Cwut and
- - ..B.r
TTUCltT 1M MS 4001
Xdmooloa MM M I S
Blaaai aiafl raaatl aacNanr mw
Portland Holds Sactos
To 7 Hits in Two Games
ver pitchers save a only sev
hits la two games as they
hurled their mates te a sweep
a raeine coast ieagus aoa-
bleheader today against Sso-
ramento, winning the opener
3-1 and th nightcap t-1.
Th double wine gave Port
land an 8-1 margin in th se
ries. All th runs were scored
in. the first inning of the sec
ond game. The Solons hopped
on Frd Sanford for their lone
tally when Johnny Ritchy,
who had doubled, scored on
Nippy Jones' single.
Sanford had trouble with
ball control and was sent to
the showers and replaced in
the second frame by Dick Wai-
bel who went th rest of the
Herman Besse walked -Fran-
kle Austin in the bottom of
the tlrat Inning to pave the
way for Portland's two runs.
Austin went to third on Don
Kolloway's single, and Herm
Reich chased Austin home
with a single and put Kollo-
way on third. Kolloway came
In on a forced play.
Waibel won his sixth game
against nine losses while Besse
came out with a 8 9 mark.
A total of 7202 fans paid to
aee the Beavers play their
last PCL game of the season at
In the opentr, Glenn Elliott
continued his late season
pitching surge as he hurled a
three-hit victory for the Bea
It was Elliott's fifth straight
victory and 11th of th sesson
against 13 detests.
Only run off Elliott was Ed
die Bockman's 11th homer of
the season In the eighth in
ning. u u am n M i
haMman. edited out hi. MSlVijT'" V?U
,n thHnZhrrhenJ,SeorWg:Vico1na
eighth inning
Portland scored first in the
second inning and again In the
Royr Lint (19-9) and Je
hocie Heard (13-11) are slated
to start on the hill today at
San Diego against Cliff Fan
nin (12-12) and Bill Thomas
on (11-9).
Sin Franelsr
Hollywood Stars,
in Th
as "hoomtl-
394 North Church
Phone 3-9600
Racing Resumes at
Ik ' I . a V S
If in a. ' 5.- ' II
Wins Bendix Trophy
the Bendix Trophy after he set a new mark for the cross
country race. His average speed of 60S.547 m.p.h. for
the 1,900-mile dash from Edwards Air Base in California,
was Just a shade less than I m.p.h. faster than the rec
ord set in 1951. Whlsner is a Jet ace of the Korean war.
(AP Wirephoto)
Past 10 Salem, Oregon, Monday, September 7, 1953
rated" aa outfit that ever
backed toward the Pacific
Coast Lesgu pennant, needed
only a victory over th Oak
land Oaks today to wrap an
their second straight flag.
Chances were that th glum
club would play before an
even smaller home crowd than
the 4,040 fans who watched
them split a twin bill with San
Francisco yesterday, Th Stars
won th opener 4-2. then
dropped th nightcap, 6-1, be
fore the perplexing sinker
bells of Tony Ponce, late of
th California League.
Tottgu Lashing
It was the third time this
week that the oft-buffeted
hurler from last place Ventura
had throttled the mighty
Twlnks. And Manager Bobby
Bragan nearly throttled them
himself In a dressing room
tongue lashing afterwards. The
players silently showered al
though knowing that they
couia oo no worse than wind
up in a tie with Seattle for the
There was no joy In Sud
ville, either. San Diego bashed
the staggering runner-up Seat
tle Ralniers 10-4 In the open
er. Another Padre victory
would have meant the flag for
Hollywood but the Rainicrs
staved off the .coup de grace
by eking out a 3-2 victory in
the nightcap.
Portland Wins
In other league games, the
Portland Beavers dug deeper
Into 'fourth spot by nicking
Sacramento twice, 3-1 and 2-1.
Los Angeles polished oft Oak
land by scores of 8-2 and 3-2.
Red Lynn won his 10th game
for Hollywood In the opener
after the Seals routed Mel
Queen in the first inning.
Ponce cruised to his fourth
a two run double for the Seals
to spark the attack.
Willie Luna held Seattle to
six hits in their first game for
his 17th triumph. Tom Alston
helped him with a two-run
homer. Steven Nagy saved the
day for th Suds In the finale
as he chalked up his 12th win.
Walt Judnich singled home the
winning run in th fifth
MaJ. WilUam T. Whisoer,
tt. ef Bhreveport, La., holds
PCL Standings
IBr Unllxl Pre,,)
W L Prl.
rHollToo4 ......
Loa ADitlaa ....
, ! 43
, U- 14
San Prancltc
Ban Dlasa
11 17 .444
, 11 100
, 70 100
Sacramanta ,,
Sandar'a Baaalta
Hollrvood 4-1. San Pranelico s-l
San Diaio 11-1, BMttla 4-1
Loa AnialM S-l, Oakland 1-1
PorUand 1-2. Saeramanto 1-1
Glenn Elliott won his 11th
of the season by stifling the
soions wun a uirce-niuer in
the first game. Eddie Bockman
got to him for a homer while
Hank Art t belted one for Port
land. Both clubs did all their
scoring In th first inning of
the nightcap.
Alan Ihd humbled the
Acorns for L.A. with a three-
hitter in the first game. Fred
"Fuzz Richards smashed a
home run in the eighth inning
of the seven-frame nightcap to
assure th Cherubs of their
Saaraatata (11
a H O A
(!) rarllaad
AUrdai 4
Pullch. 1 4 4
Brovla.r I
JonM.l I
Shcrdn.e! I
Bockmp.l I
Klmbafl.p 1
a-Smtth 1
1 Auitln.i
1 t
1 I
I 11
1 Uiroi.ct
I Artt.l
I rai.n l
I Rarukl.l
1 Rblnan.c
I 4
1 t
S 1
Totals M I 14 I Totals II I 17 II
a-Smllh arounded Mt for Kimball In
Sacrementa oot tot 1101
104 001 4101
010 100 tl'-t
Ill tit ll'-t
f 17 I t 1 3 3
1 113,1 a
11411 1 1 A
EAtutln. Pa.lkr.. e,..k... a...
Rum.II 3. RBI Robinson 3. Bookman I
Arrt IB Arlt. HR Eockmen Arlt Dpi
Elliott. Auatlnand Aril. Lett Sacra-'
m.nlo I. Portland 7 Winner Elliott I
Loeer-Kimball. u Pord. Bunt, .n1
Lacoretll. T 1:. i
Second eamr: I
Sarraraeala II) (f) Perltsad '
Atlyd ss
Jones. 1
a Dinner
I 1
1 Austin. s
I n.mkt.l
t 1
I 11
Totele 14 I II t Touts 11 I 11 H
a T-mundrd not tor Reese In 7lh
n Mnntalv tued out lor Aifrd tn 7th
Ssrramsnt 100 400 t-
Hits a loft 311 0 I
Portland 100 one j
Hi" lot 101 4
Pitcher IP AR R H ER BR SO
Nese 11 I I I 1
fcanford IS 7 I 1 I I 1
Walbel IS II I 1 4 1 ,
B Alttd. R-Rtuher. Aoitln. S!le
wer. RBI Jones. Retch. EessrL. IB
Rltrher. Oladd. DP-attrd and Jonee
Beelnskl. Autllnend A'ft Left Barra.
menta I. Portland 4 Winner-Welb.1
Loeer Besse. o Rnnee, lecoretu and
Pord. T-1 11. A-7101.
Why Suffer
Any Longer
Whew other, talk nee awr Chinese
rwaiedwa. Aaatalne eatress tor MM
reare la China No matter with what
elltnen'e roe are afnicted. dleacdera.
alnuallla, heart. InaiA llrar. kldnera,
a coneupauod. elc.ra.,
iheamaiini. wall and bladder lerer,
akin, lewisla eeraplalala.
Off lee Bears ee
Two. Pel ealp
44 R Ceeeroeal
Peae tint
tai.m ORB k
Races 1:15 Every. Day This
Week; New Mark Saturday
Hon racing resumes at th
Oregon stat falrgrounos vsca
today, following th Sabbath
byelf, with a ten-race cara
scheduled to gotten under
way at 1:15.
Post time for the first race
will be conducted every aay
this week at that time.
Saturday a record of 8107,711
was wagered at the track on
opening day of the 1953 season.
Record l-aoor aay nanuie is
1137.197, and since betting fa
cilities at the track have been
expanded considerably this
year, there is a good chance
that that mark will be toppled
Highlight of Saturday's rac
ing card was the 8&41.60 qui'
niela paid in the ninth race on
I'se Appy and Shingle Lad.
Mandar Scra4chaa:
second raca, acratch Crooked star, add
Bunnr Chick; fourth raca, acratch Xuatr
bu, add Artaona Chick; atvanlh raca,
scratch Honor Run, add Antalopai Blath
ract. jcralcn Roman secret.
ran Rica Quarter houaa. porn 1400.
fl rar olda and up. 311 Tarda.
1 Ladr Joa B. sum. 114.
1 Zandr's Boat. Pollard. 1M. -1
Tar Ballar, Walker 110.
4 O. Blllle Step, Hernando, 114.
4 frtormy Van. Wooda, 111.
Sherllri star, Heacack, lit.
T Peeler Cake. Hopklna. lit.
man outi, puirer, in.
tarls'a Tun. Atklnaon. lis.
-Tacomn Stepeoma. Puhrer.
11 Pajarlta. Heniandei, lis.
UDuatr Powell. Hopklna, 111.
eocond race cialmlni. puree 1404. a
rear olde, maiden. (ll.OM), a Jurlonee.
1 Pelle. Walker, lit.
I Mabel O. Atklnaon. HI.
I Smoker Bob, Heecock. 111.
4 4allr'a Charm. StUla, 111.
ZAni a Air. Pollard. 111.
Hr. Arletocrat. C. Dar. 111.
7 Braana, Slmonla, lit,
a Pontella. Yeunt, lit.
Wackr De, SUnonle, 111.
Third raea Clalmtni. aura
Mt. I owj and up (4001. I lurlonn.
I Tarda Rick. Hopklna. 114.
Taka a Powdtr. Younr. 114.
1 Oklpaloni, Utacock. 114.
4 Top Charm. Atkinson. 114
s BMr Buck, Mcoahan, 114.
1 Dalraa Bias, Pulrar, 1M.
Mtaa Ouaai, Duncan. 10l.
Pour Dora, Dar, 111.
a Id O'Bra, Harnandn, 111.
10 - a ot. wooda. 111.
11 SUvar Moon. Younl. 111.
L4 Lociorkar, Touns, 1M.
Pourlh raca Clalmlna. aurae Ilea i
rwmr sine aoa UP 11400), furlOOia.
Dominica, Duncan. !.
Turn Up Tope. Slmonli, lit.
nameiien, Heacock, 111.
4 Double Count, Dies. lit.
Mace TTeaauro. Pulrer, 111.
4 Tea Pun. Hopklna. 117.
7 Sunnr Chic. Pollard. 111.
a Donnk'e Han. McOahan, 111.
I Ruddr B, Walker, lit.
10 trlaona Ohlck, Dlaa. 114.
II Heal star. Tonne, lit.
I Colt Tower, SlcOahan, lit.
Pifth raca Claim Ins, puree t40t.
rear olde and up IPS04), 1 114 mUe.
1 hr Beau. Heacock. 1M
S Piddle Peot. PollaM. i
l Warra Wrmph, Hernandea, ut.
4 Peetr Xddla, Tount, lit.
t Julian B, Hopklna, lit.
5 Pino Nut, Dlaa, 117.
7 Valdlna Andtre, Pulrer, lit.
S Draionet, Walker, lit.
S Nut Van, Duncan.
10 Waaatch Chief. McOahan. 111.
11 Shlnrle Lad, Heacock. lit.
U Skr-O-Manaa, Hernandoi, - 1.
Sixth raea Clalmlna. aura atna
rear olde and up i40t), 4 St Mrlooea.
1 Tehcoclr. Dies, lit.
s Loma Marrel, Hernando, ill.
S Pilot lllae, Pulrer, lit.
4 Erer Glow, Touni, HI.
Zlddr'a oirL Heacock. lit.
S Chaa N.'M, Hopklna, lit.
7 Ladr Punch, Pollard, lit.
a Shulflo'a Was. Dar. 111.
a The Wheel. Simoats, HI.
io euiar Joa, Dies, lit.
il ePT nun. aopkise, lit.
11 Jut Smoke, Heaeoek, 111.
aarenth raca Clalmlat, purse 1404
rear olde and up 11444) It furlMer
i ne-UHcmerr uias, -lie.
I Mara Last, Heranadaa. IIS.
I Motor Lock, Edmonla. lit.
-Teat Book, pulrer. HI.
a Mora Apples, walker, lit.
4 War Secret, Hopklna, HI.
7 (diss Model, McOahan. Ill, '
white Step. Pollard. HI.
Squart Root, McOahan, HI.
San Pranelao 3M we too 3 s 1
Hollywood 3M 004 IS' 4 1 1
SI04leton and Torner. Tiealora (t);
Quean. Lrnn (1, Maltsbaner (7) one
Sea Dloo
. ere toi tit it li t
.. 400 000 31 4 1 1
Luna and Summers: Evans, Roberte
III. Humphries (I), sucheckl is, end
. ...
LOO AOSCieo 101 tOO 044 S U 4
Oakland 000 100 001-1 I 1
Ul Tun:, Murphr
'' ' end Neel.
Second earno:
San Prenclsca 010 103 14 1 1
Hollywood Ml 000 4 0 I
Ponce and Tlealera: Welsh and Ma.
41 Sen Diet
001 004 41 t t
300 410 a t 1
a Seattle
Dicker and Melhla: Near and Christie.
.Los Aoe.lae Ill 004 41-1 t
Oaklaad til lot 00 3
Ostrowakl. Spleer II) and ride a.
' Irene (1): Oettel and Neal.
Eottern Oregon leef bought direct from the ranch and hauled in our own trucks. Cutting, wrapping, eld fashion'
od smoking and curing. We tjuick-frees your beef free. Custom killing. Convenient credit may be arranged. A
full year to pay. Ask our wholesale prices on Srokley't Froien Foods. This week only.
PACKING HOUSE Wholesale Prices
Front Quarter Half or Whole Hind Quarter
W c.
Salem Meat (0.1325 s.
IS Phareue. Walker. III.
11 Black Craecent. Atkuuon, HI.
allchelana. Walker, 111.
Blihth race Claiming, purae IMS.
rear aide and up lieooi, iurioaaa,
1 Moloch. Duncan. )
Bhopsuaa, Pollard. US.
J Rldkln. Youni, 111.
a Blue Chord. Arterburs, 111.
a Proolr. Pulrer. 111. ,
t tath Beau, tuilla. 111.
7 Mlnlllaa, llcOehan. 114
I Orotund. Hernandaf. 111.
S Tapaaar, Heacock, 110.
Ninth raea Clalmlna, purse. 1400, I
rear aids and ua l two), (urlonaa.
1 Row River, McOahan. Hi.
S Sir Dale. Touni. 111.
t Sellee. Hernandcs, lit.
4 Brlsht Cloud. Dies. 117.
S Wild Circus. Walker. 111.
a Ladr vee. While. -104.
7 Sonora Put. Pollard, lit.
a Boa us Check, Hopkins, HI.
Tenth net Cialmlni, puree 1444. S
rear olds aod up. itsoo) i iis mile.
1 I Wonder. Touna. 110.
1 Oreion Wood, Hernando, lit.
t Mlopbar, Dar, IN.
.Roamlu Plower. Honklna. in.
a Bros', Babr, Pollard, 114.
.porters Hat, pulrar. 110.
7 Vain Plower. Slmonls. lit.
Pool pa, tMcOeHsn. 1M.
.MTU. , .... I U . IUUO, ,4V,
IS Eardlna, Hopkins. 117.
11 Swlrllni, Pulrer. 111.
11 Tronle Sun, Potlard. 414. 1
aasnth raca allowance nurse Saoe for
S rear olds and up which havs not won
two races slnea Dec. 31. Three year olds.
HI Ihs.; older, lit. ws. Nos-wlnners ol
raca other than maiden or clalmlna
eince Julr If allowed lour lbs lire-
ichtha of mile.
SalurSar BaaaHai
Plrst race. Sit Tarda Bank Hon (Hea
cock) 17.00, 14.00. 14.00: Mlse Holiday P.
(Walker) U.Ot: C. BlUla Sun (Her.
nendeal 13.10. Time 1.1. Qulniela 110 40.
second race, lire xurlonss Poier Mee
(Dsr) 110.10. 14.10, 11.70: Prohlr (Pul
rer) 11.40. II 50; Tawser (Hooklns) U.IO.
Time 1:01. Qulniela lll.H.
Third race, fire furlonra Little
Osrable (Walker) MM. 41.40. tl.40: si
lent (Pulrer) 111.40. M.40: Infallible
Dar) M.7I. Time 1:01 171. Oulnlela
Pourtb race, fire furloua Wee
Check (Pollard) M to. 11.70. U.IO: Coun-
trr Kinr (Diss) 11.40, ll.M; Mlas Lo
(Hernando) 4! 40. Tune 1:14. Qulniela
Plfth race. I lurlonte Knlsht'e Mu
sic (Slmonla) 14 SO. al to, tl.70: Show
sum (Pollard) 14.10, 13.40; Black Cres
cent (Atkinson) Tune 1:1144.
Qulniela 114. M.
Sixth race. IMj furlonca Timber Slide
(Walker) 44.70. 14.11, ll.M: Lexeamor
(Hernandea) 44 . ll.M; Lad O Br.
(Pollard) 04.40. Time 113. , Qumlela
Serenth race, five furloncs Row Hhr-
or (McOahan) ti n. 1160. II. K; Brlthl
Cloud IPollard) ll.M. tl.M; Bla Oamdl.
(Hernando) 11.10. Time 1:01. Oulnlela
II 10.
Ellhth race (Inauaural Handieaa) 4U
furlonla Ariato-Tex (Hernando) It.tO.
04.30, 14.10: Bar Queen (Walker) ll.M,
14.10; Ooldstone (Slmonls) ll.lo. Time
1:11. Qulniela 131.10.
Ninth race, mile and 11!. I'm 'Appt
(Hopkins! l&l.M. 111.10. I1I.M: Bhln.le
Lad (Heacock) M. M il: Mud Puddle
luiesi 14.70. Time 1:80. Qulniela
"ecla, race, ratla and 110 Aola M-
monla) 411 M. M M. MM: Rob Iter
(uiasi m oo: nxnta Tomes (Me
Oahan) 44 M. Time 1:44 14. Qulniela
Arizona Queens Upset
Portland (UK Tht Salt Lake
Shamrocks upset Defending
onsmpion Arizona Queens of
Phoenix, S-8, here yesterday in
the second game of a National
Baseball Congress women's
softball tournament double-
In the opener, Crowhurat
Motors of Vancouver, B. C,
defeated the Tulsa Merchant
ettes, 2al.
Minor League Scores
(Br Tha Associated Press)
Portland 11. Sacramento 1-L
San Dicta 104. Scuttle 4-3.
Lea Anaeles t-1. Oakland 1-1.
HoUrwood t-1, Ban pranelico 3-1.
Montreal 11-4. Ottawa I -I.
Buffalo 4. Toronto 1.
Brracuse 1. Sprlncfleld II.
Rochester at Baltimore tl postponed).
Columbue 3-3, Indianapolis 4-11.
Toledo t. Charloton I.
Kansas City 4, LoulsrUle i (10 Innlnsi)
Minneapolis T, St. Paul 1.
Tulsa t. Dallas 1.
Pt. Worth, 1. Oklahoma Cttr I.
. Houston I, Bhrereport 4.
Beaumont t, Sea Antonio .
Dee Moines 14-1, Denrsr 11-4. '
Colorado aprtnss 4-11. Omaha l-l.
Puebla 11-1, Sljur Cltr 4-4.
Wlchlla t, U&foln I
Ortat Palls 4. Made Valler 3.
BtUlnu H, Boise t.
Olden 13. Salt Lake Cltr I
Idaho Palla a, Pocatella 4.
Shryock's Men's Wear
Ride 'Em Cowbov c,ri ''uri,, f Dodtn, u
rviuv bin vvnuuj M u wth R
nd baseman Jack Oittner as no Is farced in the third
Inning in Brooklyn. Dittner threw to Joe Adock st first
for a double play. Th Braves won, (-1. (VP Telephoto)
Rams, Cardinals
Clash Tonight in
Multnomah Stad
Portland U.RU-The , 195S
football season opens in
Portland tonight when the
Los Angeles Rsms meet, the
Chicago Cardinals In a pro
fessional exhibition game
at Multnomah stadium.
Game time Is 8 p.m.
Some 27,000 holiday fans
were expected' to witness
the clash, a return engage.
ment for the two pro teams.
In last year's eon test, the
Rams won 24-14.
wo Holes-in-One
Shot on One Round
Chicago ) A 30-year-old
weekend golfer Sunday posted
a aouble triumph s 305-yard
spoon shot and a 160-yard No. .
7 iron shot good for two holes
in one in the same round. , ,
Pete di Giulio, a grocer who
never before scored sn see in
15 years of golfing, chalked up
the twin prizes in suburban
Beecher. Jle finished with a 79, 1
seven over par. I
Salute To Contractors
On Labor Day, 1953, w with to express our appre
ciation te local home-builders, contractors, painters
and ethers whe have helped make our tommunity
beautiful with new hornet.
, Building hemes meant building America!
1710 N. Front
Tld.e far Tsft. Oresen aealcmaer. 1441
(Cast piled br V. S. Oaaal ant Oeadetk)
arv.y, Portland, Ore.)
Hich Waters . Low Water
Sept. ' Time Hclsht ' Time Helshl
t 11:11 a.m. II 4 01 a.m. I )
ll:M p.m. S.I 4:10 p.m. I t
t io a.m. 04
11:40 II. 1.7 t:ll p.m. I t
11:31 a.m. 1.7 I II a.m. 01
1:01 p.m. t.t 1:11 p.m. 1.1
10 1:11 a.m. 1 1 7:11 a.m. 1.1
1:31 p.m. 41 . 7 51 p.m. I t
11 1:17 a m. 1.1 7:47 a.m. 1.7
1X1 p.m. 1 1 1 11 p.m. 47
11 1:31 a.m. 41 l:il a.m. 11
1:11 p.m. 1.1 1:14 p.m. 01
II 3:11 a m. 4 t I 41 a.m. 14
1:41 p.m. 41 10:04 p.m. 1 1
14 4:14 a.m. 4.1 0:11 a.m. I I
1:37 p.m. 41 11:01 p.m. 01
II 1:31 a.m. 4.0 l:M a.m. t.t
4:11 p.m. 1.1 " '
II 7:00 a.m. I I 11:04 a m. t t
I II p.m.' 41 11:01 a.m. 11
IT 1:14 a.m. 4 1 1:11 a.m. 1 1
US p.m. 40. ll:ll p.m. II
II 1:10 n-m. 4.1 1:33 a.m. 1.1
7 40 p.m. 4.1 1:M p.m. 1.1
Erie Pedenon . Irish Jack
O'Riley - Tony Ron -Luther
Llndiey - Red Vr
nene - Johnny Benning.
Door. Donnan ws. "The.Reun"
TUESDAY, 8:30 P.M.
ifwrtMrteJ ly !. Isoit t. f
Phone 4-2270
Phone 3-4858
' ' n. mil 1 i