i ! Fait 8 TBI CAPITAL JOURNAL, ftalesa. OrtfM Saturday, September i, 1953 ft fo v7- Tele-Views' p Rodio-Television By DAVI BLACKMEE . On Television KPTV (Channtl 27) in Frances Horwich, "Dlnf Dong- School" mentor, haa that "certain something" that make a good school teacher a good school teacher an undefinable aura perhaps best expressed in the words of a 3-year-old viewer and fan: "I just know that Miss Frances loves us children." Coupled with that glow of personality is a background in professional education training and experience suffi cient to make Frances Horwich one of the country's lead ing authorities in primary education. She holds degrees from the University of Chicago, from Teachers' College, Columbia university, and from Northwestern university, from which school she received her Ph.D. in education in 1942. . Her teaching experience, beginning with an assignment In the first grade of a suburban Evanston school, ranges from director of kindergartens in the Winetka, 111., schools to Croton-on-Hudsou, N.Y., where she was direc tor of the Hessian Hills school from counsellor of student teachers In Chicago's City Teachers College to visiting professor of education at the University of North Caro lina. As an author of articles and texts In her field, Frances Horwich is known to educators everywhere for her hu man SDDroach to the problems of children and of young teachers preparing to work with small children. Ding Dong School is starting soon on Portland's television station KPTV. Frances Horwich is in her early forties (celebrates her . birthday ou July 16), is five feet, live incnes tan, nas brown hair and brown eyes. She was born in Ottawa, 0., and attended grade and high school classes there before coming to Chicago to begin studies at me university oi Chicago. She was married in 1931 to Harvey L. Horwich, whom she met while they were both teachers in a Chicago sun day school. Her husband was recently returned from an assignment in Korea as civilian historian with the t-lgntn U.S. Air Force. They have no cnimren. YOURS FOB TELE-VIEWING SATURDAY Johnny Jupiter, 4. Ernest P. Duckweather, TV studio Janitor, accidentally contacts planet Jupiter whose inhabitants compare lartt's culture witn tneir own. finnerman. 4:1S. "The Monkey Mystery" A aecret lor mula representing the only known defense against atomic warfare is stolen. The aid ot repi, a trained monxey, u en listed to recover the formula. Danrereus AsslfBment, t. The Briefcase Story" Steve Is sent to Paris to safeguard Szabo, European delegate to a secret conference, and his briefcase because of a rumor that there is an Impending plot to steal it and frame the U.S. Death Valley Days, f. "Lady With the Silk Umbrella" story of how the official papers admitting California to the Union were carried from the east to San Francisco in a lady's umbrella. Starring are Crane Whiteley, Rick Vallin, Paul Power, and Kathy Case. Playhouse of Stars, :. "The Perfect Secretary" stars Margaret Hayes snd John Newland. Story concerns the pit falls of office parties. Architect Warren Holt and Polly Manning are an efficient boss-girl Friday combination until alter an office narty. Premier Theatre, !:. "13 Lead Soldiers" with Tom Conway (Bulldog Dmmmond story.) YOURS FOB TELK-VlTWINO BVNP4Y ' . Natloaal ChimBlonsfajD Teaeia Matches, I. Live tele- , east from West Side Tennis Club, Forest Hills, L.I. Semi-finals. Wedding Belief, 1:S. Fashion presentation designed for brides-to-be. Gene Brendler Is the emcee. The Big F let are, 1. Program deals with the mission of the army showing what is to be gained by the active and also the reserve both here and overseas. Bey Borers Shew, I. "Go For Your Gun." A dramatic story ot misdirected hero-worship and the eventual triumph of Justice. .. Tour Play Time, IM. "A Mansion for Jimmy" To make an Impression on his playmates, a young lad "adopts" an empty mansion in an exclusive neighborhood. Stars Robert Paige and features Mary Lawrence and Gordon Oliver. General Electric Theatre, J. "Twinkle, Twinkle, Little , Star" stars Marilyn Maxwell as a glamorous film celebrity. T.iii la a comedy showing that a day in the life of the star bears little resemblance to a magazine article dreamed up by her imaginative cress aient Sunday Revue, 5:30. "Sweethearts ot the U.S.A." with Una Merkle, Parkyakarus, Donald Novis and Lillian Cornell. Studio One Summer Theatre, 1. "The Gathering Night" stars Margaret Phillips and Martyn Green and features Gaby ' Rogers and Melville Cooper. Christopher Plummer, young Canadian actor, makes his U.S. TV debut. Story based on novel by Rudyard Kipling concerns a young artist who returns to England after serving with the British army in the Sudan. His rise to fame Is shattered by tragedy. Television Playhouse, S. "Othello" start Torln Thatcher, British Shakespearean actor, as Othello. Olive Deerlng and Walter Matthau will portray Desdemona and Lags, respective ly. Others In the cast Include Gene Lyons aa Catsio, Basil Langton aa Montano, Jack Manning as Roderigo and Marion Seldes as Emila. Nothing But The Best, t. Singer, Pearl Bally la guest of Eddie Albert. ' TheWah, IJS. "Rainy Day." When bad weather keeps a pair of imaginative youngsters In the house, they abandon their usual games and turn to a new and far more deadly pastime. The children are played by Susan Harlaran and Michael Allen. Billy Zuckert is a police sergeant who finds himself with one of the strangest "leads" in his career. Five Star Playhouse, 11:15. "Right Man" with Alan Ladd, june Himop and Edith Fellows. YOURS FOR TELE-VIEWING MONDAY Matinee Theatre, I. "Melody Master". The Toymaker, 1:45. The old German Toymaker brings his tales of toys to delight the young ot heart on this live chil dren s snow. Wild BUI Hickok, 4. "Drama of Gun Running" girl, disguised as a man, saves the life of Wild Bill In thrilling story, of stolen guns and a decoy pack train. Northwest News Digest, 1:45. Features Norman Wallace, newscaster, with BUI Stout as sports reporter and commenta tor. Cross-country news and weather round-up by Wallace Newspaper et the Air, 5:55. Features Bill Clayton with local news and news photographs Local and live. Boxing from Chicago, (. (Preliminary) Ernest Mosley vs. Tommy Swan In 4-round 151 lb. class bout. (Main event) Crawford Adams vs. Gil Slater In 4-round 122 lb class bout. MARR RADIO & TELEVISION Seles Service Installation TV Opts freaa S a-aa. U t aja. Ph. S-1S11 S14S . CL Pint Ttlavtslra SUr Showing and Judging in Livestock Show Described By CLAUDE STEUSLOFF SttCBSST I It . tlx Cteek t m.-v.it hi m as 4 0 ..a. p.e P.trftl I S !. alutir HUM SKTM IS S-M-Pslt atcrcury 1-.0S p.m. AniMur Hour I.J p.a. 4aamr Kait I: s.a. DHftrou AMIfSMtai S:lt f.mOlvt TtMB ThU Dr - 5 OS . D.tS VU Dl 0:1 .m. PUtooum vt ai.ra 10:0 Mr. tn Un. MrlS 10 M .. Huh rmw ELEVl S10N ... T mi MtftuU, OMMft BoHiim, IU Valley Television (enter miffmtU M. 2ff f J Sm V star ort fa B9f reap Um Start Dotl tB ftwm Wmjimn ffralMsJ faisMliiiii Opm VmiU 9 m m. Bali- Srm4 laiurstey UWVAT I .. Front lera of Paltk 19 it 9mrri4ox rfJf , lt:N 4Vm-TbU ls LlC ISM B m-Whtti Tour TrogMt U.'lt .sHs)ur tvf DsxIalM iriiViF.m. Wtxldlni Beila 1 0Q .m Th SIsJ FlClurt 1:0 IrnltUtTr PafuIO 1:1 Art LlBkltlUf 3: 10 p.m. WtaBl'j Tour Trouble 1:4 p.m. Indue trr on ara4e I: IS p.m. Roy Roceri yt$ p.a. Your FJtjHt 4:00 .. II Pap-off 1:00 P m. GI Theater 1:30 p.m. Road to Happlnau 1.30 p.m-What'a Ur Una 1:00 p.m. o aimer That tar 1:00 P m. TV FltrhtMif t: p.m Tb Web 10:00 p.ta-elportt Acbolap 10:11 p.mHtadUna Parado 10:10 p.m-Nawa ftavla 10:41 p.m-Cllr Hoapltal 11:1 m Jlra star Playhoma MONDAY 1:10 a.m.Karrr Truman 10:10 a.m Wbat'a Ceoklnof i:wa.m. bh Payoff 10 a.m. waieawia Travaiira 12:00 Deoa-On TUf Accoual p.m. Laejitf onokt 00 p.mDoubla at Motblsf :m P.Bt-WrlM n HKB 00 p.nu Matlnaa Tbtatar :10 P.m-eVtarcb Tomarrov :M p mv Lova af LUo : p.m.Tormakr :M p m-wivd Bin aflekeck 4:10 p.s& Hopalou Oaaaldf io p.m.-Pulia af cm 0:00 p.u Plant from Chlcaco 0:10 p.m-0perUa Club a :i it.mMcwa caraTtn 1:00 p.m;htvta Thtatar 110 p.KVotca af PtraatOBt 100 p.m. Mama That Tuna t.IO p.mv-OUtttr BpotUtht 0.00 p.biv HDr( Moatfomarr 10:00 ., Artiiur Mar ray pu TttH la.jv p.mr mi riaraaea io.a p.m. pot i Dtm ll:M p.m Mitt owl Thtatar TVESDAT t:00 a.B Whatt Coeftlov ' 10:00 a.mPTaadom Rlnta 00 P.m Bit paroif 11:40 .mu Wtlcaaia Travalirt it aooa On Tour Account 11:10 p.m-U.N. Oanaral AuomblP l:io p.m Arutur Oodfrap 1:10 p.m. Fraeiar Pancla , 1:U p.ssu HollFood Rati f:0O p.wu Mauaaa Tbaattr 38 Ex-POW Reach Travis Air Base Travis Air Force Base, Calif, () Thirty-eight more former prisoners of war arrived early today from Honolulu. They were expected to be aboard planes for service hos pitals in various parts of the nation by late afternoon. The Air Force said names ot the men would be released later this morning. MT. CREST ABBEY MAUSOLEUM CREMATORIUM West Cad Boyt St. Salem Voult Entombment ond Cremation Service Crypts Niches Urns "Indoor Memorials In Marble and Bronze" (IHI TWO BETTER WA7S) Under Dlreetloa Lloyd T. Rigdon, Pres. Salem Maeseleam Crematorium, tne. I Since 1161, Oregon's finest i livestock hss annually gatherer; at the State Fair for a public showing and selection of staie champions for the yesr. Fslr livestock is exhibited by adult bijedert, 4-H and F.F.A. youngsters. In most cases they compete separately but youngsters sre permitted to show In open (sdult) classes if they use an exclusive entry for the purpose. Most animals are judged ac cording to their value as breeding stock but In the swine and sheep departments! there are awards for fat bar rows snd fst lambs Judged ac cording to meat standards. 4-H'ers have the only fat steer classes. In the entire livestock breed ing animal premium list there is but one clsss in which the different breeds compete against each ether. For posses sion of the Cold Sheep Bell, which has been la competition since 1941, ill 11 sheep breeds compete with pens of four lambs, either sex. Individual animal classes, j separate for each sex, point to ward' selection of chsmpion male and champion female of each breed. Cattle, horse and swine departments have six to eight age groupings for each sex, the sheep division has classes for only yearlings and lambs. Milk goat claases list only does. Following individual show ings there sre a number of classes in which two or more animals are shown together, the purpose being to assist in progressive breeding programs. Get of sire groups consist of lour animais, any age or sex, bred by one sire: produce of dam is (wo animals from one female. Dairy breeds have classes for cows with high pro duction records, cows with best udders, etc., ss a tie-in with the destiny of dairy snimals. Months of careful prepara tion go ahead of the livestock displays you will see at the fair. Premium money pays but a portion of the cost of fitting snd showing a flock or herd at the fair but most breeders plsce considerable value on the publicity which results from a successful showing et the State Fair. Some ot our greatest breed ers, particularly those aiming at high production of dairy stock, . will have none of the ahow game, but many live stock authorities feel that the competition of the ahow ring is an invaluable guide to im provement. ' Crux of the entire program is the actual comparison of the animals In the show ring and placing of them from best to least desirable by the judge. Selected for their integrity, experience and ability, State Fair judges are usually breed ers, herdsmen or college Instructors. Placings are only one man's opinion of the relative merits of animala in the show ring at the moment. They often do not coincide with ringside ex pert opinion or views of the owners. Showmanship ethics are such that decisions are rarely disputed and almost never demonstrated against but the merits of close plac ings are often discussed for years by showmen. Cattle are first examined in a aide by aide line-up, then are ! ANDREWS V' i $iftf' KSLM 7 PM Sunday I slowly led snout the ring so that the Judge may clearly note body conformation of each ln- aivid'iM. Beef cattle are "hsn died" or felt of by the Judge to determine thickness and quality of fleshing in the steak and roast areas. . Swine are judged more or less on the run since they are quite, difficult to restrain. A quick eye snd retentive mem ory are necessary in this work. Wade Wells ot Boise, Idaho, who has judged swine st sev eral State Fairs, never failed! to amaze exhibitors with hit photographic memory of indi vidual pig features retained even after a three-day seesloa With 400 pigs. Sheep exhibitors "trim1 their animala to improve ap- pearance and camouflage weaknesses, their artistry be ing about the nicest to be seen in the barns. The sheep Judge uses his hands to inspect body structure hidden by the wooly covering. Important points of horse judging are angles of bone and muscle arrangement, along with soundness of the legs and feet. During judging they are usually, "moved" with the judge standing in position to observe hock and knee action. Breed type, the inherent quality which for example mark ana dairy cow as Jersey Instead of a Holsteln, is af nrime importance in au indiine af animal nurture. Since each breed results from the efforts of master stoejunen to fill a particular need or per sonal fancy the animal which most faithfully displays the accepted physical traits of the bread Is the one most desirable. Probiam of the judge is to select snimals which combine the best of these breed pecu liarities with the conformation and nroduction capacity to en able it to be a profitable ani mal ta its owner. This task is fmost difficult in dairy animals because of the complex nature of milk aecre'lon snd Is sim plest in swine judging. Bssie breed stock is often endemic to the locality where it developed. Our modern do mestic animal breeds ere large ly of British origin with a scat tering from ether countries, several light horse breeds have been developed la the U.S. The older breeds ere trace able 200 years or so. Breed or ganizations are some whs t younger. AU breeding stock st the State Fslr must be regis tered with its breed organiza tion in the U.S.. birth certifi cates snd that sort of thing being as important as -in sny well regulated family. TOCB NORGE DEALER IS CHERRY CITY ELECTRIC S3 CHEMEKETA o Pop Don't Be in Doubt CHECK THIS SPOT FOR Salem Business Establishments That Remain OPEN SUNDAYS! on TRAILERS FOR RENT All Types Local or One Way Rent A Trailer System Salem's Only Exclusively Trailer Rental Lot 1905 Fairgrounds Rd. Fhone 2-9457 SAFEWAY OPI N SUNDAYS 1UI 2120 935 Center felraresmds Rd. S, Coml . S-10 9-6 99 : SAME LOW PRICES ALWAYS Per Your Convenience Our Store Is Open Sundays From 12 Noon to 1 P.M. FOR EMERGENCIES c.n - 31343 JM79 CAPITAL DRUG STORE State aad Liberty "Tear rreacrtatin Stare" LADD'S MARKET 1705 S. 12th OPEN 24 Hours Dally, IncL Sun. Senator Hotel Coffee Shop We Specialise ta SUPERB SUNDAY DINNERS Open Sundays 7 a.m. to 9 p.m. Dairy 4:30 a.m. 9 p.m. !' rmiH cfM eh Corner Court at High raeae 1-4111 Pay Less Drug Store SERVE YOURSELF ond PAY-LESS OPEN SUNDAY 11 A.M. 'til 8 P.M. PAY LESS HAS EVERYTHING Hocker Hardware Ph. 37031 990 South Commercial Well Paper, Points and Sporting Goods Ferrill's Nursery Slirssi srsosraii far SllSMN SUftftlf Vi Ml. East of KEIZER Phone 2-1307 BERGS In the Capitol Shopping Cantor 8 o. m. to 10 p. m. Every Day GOLDEN PHEASANT OPEN It Nee Tn 1:11 SUNDAY SUNDAY DINNERS OUR SPECIALTY 141 North Ltkerty heno $733 LADD'S MARKET 1705 S. 12th OPEN 24 Hours Dolly, Incl. Sun. Now . . 24 Hour Drug Service! OPEN t A.M. T0 1 1 P.M. AKD DUTY PHARMACIST ON (AU 11P.M. TO 1A.M. Just Phono 39123 or 42241 QUISENBERRY'S PRESCRIPTION STORE 130 So. Liberty Howser Bros. Equipment So lee & Rental Service 1185 So. 12th Phene 3-3444 Chicken in a Box Delicious Pan Fried Chicken Dinners and Hamburgers to Go 2190 S. Commercial Plane 41451 Delivery Service Open Sunday ! V