Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 05, 1953, Page 7, Image 7

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(Melvn stullo sictnra)
WED ON August U were Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth D. Kettke Jeaa Bull), there.
The bride is the daughter ef the Barney U Balls and Mr. Kettke Is the sen of Mr. and
Mrs. H. G. Kottke. (
Miss Bauer Wed This Afternoon
Miss Kathleen Mario Bauer, daughter
of Mr. and Mrs. George Bauer, was
married this afternoon to Jay B. Sur
geon, USN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Baer, the couple repeating Jhelr vows
at a 3 o'clock service in St. Vincent i
dePaul Catholic church, the Rev. John
Reedy officiating.
Yellow and white gladioluses and .
orchid chrysanthemums decorated the
church for the service, and white rib
bons were at the pews down the pro-
cesslonal aisle. Lorraine Nelke and
Andy Fischer provided the . wedding
The bride, given in marriage by her
father, wore an imported lace over ..
satin dress, the skirt extending into a ,
sweeping train. The .bodice was en
hanced with beading that framed the
tulle yoke. The fingertip veil was held
In place by a lace Juliet cap trimmed
with pearl beading. For her flowers
the bride carried bouquet of stephan
tis and yellow orchid.
Mrs. Edward Wichman (Jeanne Nor
donne) was matron of honor for the .
bride. She wore a yellow eyelet or
gandy frock with matching headpiece
and carried a bouquet of pink roses,
yellow and orchid chrysanthemums.
Edward Wichman was best msn. '
The ushers were Ed LeBlanc, Ralph
Bauer, brother of the bride, Lee and
Randall Surgeon, brothers of the bride
groom. The bride's mother wore a purple
and rose dress with black accessories
and her flowers were white roses and
atephanotis. The bridegroom's mother
wore a deep pink and black dress with
black accessories and her flowers also
were the white roses atd atephanotis.
The reception was at the Bauer
home. Mrs. D. L. McDonough, sister of '
the bride, cut the cake. Pouring were
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TnK ENGAGEMENT f Miss Jeanne Wenger. abo. daughter ef Mr. and Mrs. Karl
K. Wenger, tie Deuglae B, Kalnes. sea ef Major and Mrs. E. X. 8-,der, was announced
Mrs. V. L.' Berglund of Santa Ana,
Calif., sister of the bride, at the coffee
urn, and Mrs. Edward LeBlanc, sister
of the-bride, at the punch bowl. Others
assisting were Miss Joan Polster, Miss
Darlene Meyer and Miss Shirley DeHut,
For traveling the bride wore a brown
and aqua wool suit with brown acces
sories and a corsage of yellow orchids
and white atephanotis. Following a trip
along the Oregon beaches, the couple
will be at home at Vallejo, Calif. The
bridegroom Is stationed with the navy
at Mare Island.
Salem chapter, Order of Eastern Star, '
will meet in regular session Saturday
evening, September 12, at the Masonic
temple at 8 o'clock.
Honoring their aon, Robert E. Wiper,
and his fiancee, Miss Patricia Moll, Mr.
and Mrs. Earle E. Wiper are entertain
ing at a dinner this evening at China
City, cafe at 8 o'clock. The affair fol
lows the wedding rehearsal for Miss
Moll and Mr. Wiper who are to be mar
ried Sunday.
Cherry court. Order of Amaranth,
will meet Wednesday evening at the
Scottish Rite temple at 8 o'clock.
Refreshment committee for the meet
ing will be Mr. and Mrs. Paul Shafer,
Mr. and Mrs. Clsrence Wilson, Mrs.
Helen Brown and Mrs. Dennis Tolle.
Salem Toastmlstress club resumes Its
meetings for the new year next Thurs
day, dinner to be at the Golden Pheasant
at 6 o'clock.
Reports will be given, on the conven
tion in Portland.- Mrs. Louis Neuman
has been named special events chairman
for the club. -
(jMtn-Minar stotfio sfctut)
Miss Ashford
Lists Attendants
For Wedding
Bridt in mid-September will be Mitt
Genevieve Ashford, her marriage to
John Stanley Topping to be solemnized
on Sunday afternoon, September 20,
Miss Ashford is telling plans for the
ceremony this week-end.
The service will be at I o'clock in
the afternoon at the First Presbyterian
church, the Rev, B. J. Holland officiat
ing. Soloist for the wedding will be
Mrs. Frank Groh of Portland, sister
of the bride, Mrs. Ralph Dobtos to
play the organ.
Mrs. Frank J. Dye, a sister of the
bride, is to be matron of honor. Mrs.
Groh will be bridesmaid for her sis
ter. and the Junior bridesmaid will be
Linda Lee Dye, niece of the bride.
O. T. Logan is to be best man and
ushering will be Frank Dye, H. E. Ash
ford of Seaside and Jason F. Ashford,
fcoth brothers of the bride; Jesse Jones.
. The reception following is to be at
the church also.
Miss .Ashford is the daughter of Mr.
nd Mrs. H.- W. Ashford and Mr. Top
ping is the son of Mrs. Robert C. Top
ping. .
A simple service is planned at 6
o'clock this evening lor tht wedding of
Miss Louisa Jane Spalding and Billy
W. Suggs of Warm Springs, Ore. .
The bride is the daughter of Mr. and '
Mrs. Joseph S. Spalding of Chemawa
and Mr. Suggs is the son of Mrs. Eflie
Suggs, of Spur, Texas. -
The service will be solemnized at Ihe
First Methodist church parsonage. Dr.
Brooks H.. Moore to officiate. .Baskets
of pastel colored gladioluses a r e ' ar
ranged for the improvised altar before
which the couple will exchange their
Mrs. Bruce Peterson is Jo be attend
ant for the bride. She has chosen a
toast brown afternoon dress with choc
olate brown accessories, and will carry
a nosegay of pink rosebuds.
The bride 1 to wear a powder blue
afternoon dress with navy blue acces
sories and her nosegay will be of yel
low rosebuds. Mr. Spalding Is to give
his daughter in marriage.
Bruce Peterson is to be best man.
For her daughter's wedding, Mrs.
Spalding it wearing a steel gray after
noon dress with white accessories and
a corsage of white rosebuds.
The reception following is arranged
at the home of the bride's brother, Vir
gil R. Spalding. CutUng the cake will
be Mrs. Earl Spalding, aunt of the
bride. Mrs. Jack Kizzlah, sister of the
bridegroom, and Mrs. Virgil R. Spald
ing will pour. Mrs. Harold Spalding
is assisting.
Following a trip to Lubbock, Texas,
the couple will be at home at Warm
Springs, Ore.
Salem Toastmlstress club will meet
Thursday at the Golden Pheasant at
Roberts Hill Billies announce there
will be no dance on September 8, the
next event to be on Tuesday, Septem
ber 22.
Meeting of the Friendship club will
be next Friday at the home of Mrs.
Anna Haggy, for dessert luncheon at
1 o'clock. .
Opening event for Salem unit of the
Oregon Federation of Republican Women
will be an interesting program featuring
"all nations," Monday, September 14, at
Salem Woman's club. The unit board
met Friday to plan for the event.
The program and tea will begin at 8
O'clock. All foreign women as well as
others interested are invited. Mrs. Win
ifred Pettyjohn will be general chair
man for the program. On the hostess
committee are Mrs. E. H. Kennedy,' Mrs.
Charles A. Sprague, Mrs. B. W. Stacey,
Mrs. C. A. Kells, Miss Dorathea Steus
loff, Mrs. Abner K. Kline, Mrs. Harry V.
Collins, Mrs. F. E. Kirkwood.
Named on the nominating committee,
to report in October, are Mrs. William
L. Phillips, Sr., chairman; Mrs. David
Looney, Mrs. O. K. Beals, Mrs. Hsrry S.
Dorman, Mrs. Scott Foster, Jr. Election
will be in November. Mrs. Clark C. Mc
Call is retiring president.
Some Notations .
One of the beautifully arranged par
ties of the week was the Informal coffee
for which Mrs. P. D. Quisenberry and
Mrs. Paul R. Hendricks were hostesess
Friday morning at the Quisenberry
home . . The sunny day was perfect
for the guests to enjoy the terrace and
colorful gardens . . . Punch was served
on the terrace, guests later taking their '
coffee out in the gardens where tables
were set here and there ... A special
attraction in the gardens wss the foun
tain at one side, a continuous billow
of bubbles floating up from the waters
. . . The coffee table was in the dining
room, set up sgainst the window . , .
It wss covered with a moss green cloth
. . . The centerpiece added a touch of
fall ... It was a green pottery rooster
with wheat arranged in the top, fruits,
gourds, little squashes and artichoke
gTeens encircling the base . . .
Among these greeted during our call
including several of those in the
group assisting were Mrs. Linn C.
Smith, Mrs. Prince W. Byrd, Mrs. Karl
Becke, Mrs. Chandler Brown, Mrs. Syd
ney Kromer, Mrs. Keith A. Brawn, Mrs.
John H. Carson, Mrs. Breymsn Boise,
Mrs. Robert L. Elfstrem, Mrs. R. H.
Baldock, Mrs. Stewart Johnson, Mrs
James Wslton, Mrs.. W. Wells Baum,
Mrs. Ralph H. Cooley, Mrs. Dsnlel Fry.
Jr., Mn. Coburn Grsbenhorst, Mrs.
Otto Skopil, Jr., Mrs. Brnce Williams,
Mrs. Charles H. Heltsel, Mrs. Frank H.
Spears, Mrs. Keith Powell, Mrs. Doa
sld McCargar, Mrs. Edward O. Stadter,
Jr., Mrs. Hsrry 8. Dorman, Mrs. John
R. Csoghell snd her dsughter, Mrs.
John W. Longhary, who is visiting here
MR. AND MRS. DOUGUVS McLEOD S 1 ii ' f I i f ' f v
A WEDDING of last Sunday u that
of Mr. and Mrs. Doudas McLeod (Marilya
Annette Qiummc). aboTe.
Th bride b pictured in formal pom at
rithl. She Is the daushter of Mr. and Mrs.
Stanley Quamme and Mr. McLeod I the
son of Mrs. Helen B. McLeee. .
.LANS for fall activities and re
ports on summer doings will fea
ture the fall's first meeting of the
Salem YWCA board, Tuesday.
' The meeting will be at 9:45 a.m. at
the YW building.
Mrs. Harold O. Schneider is - presi
dent ef the board. . ,
Chadwlck Assembly, No. S, Order of
Rainbow for Girls, will meet at the
Masonic temple at 7:30 Tuesday. There
will be election of officers and reports
of committees working on the silver tea
to be given September 10.
Rainbow mothers will meet at the
same time for a business session and
then serve refreshments after the meet
ing. ..
Priscilla guild of Christ Lutheran
church will meet Tuesday at the parish
house at 7:45. Mrs. L. A. Stenback will
present the topic "Our Faith in Action."
Mrs. Warren Nunn will give the Bible
etudy, and Mrs. Arthur Hanson will be
In charge of the devotions.
Hostesses are Miss Tillie Albers, and
Mrs. Frank Woelk. ,
' An event lor next Tuesday evening
will be the recital of Mlsa Gladys Blue,
pianist, the program to be at 8:11
o'clock in Waller hall on the Willam
ette university campus.
A silver offering is to be taken to
be presented to Miss Blue who is leav
ing this fall for graduate study at East
man school of music.
Members of Mu Phi Epsilon, national
music honor society, are sponsoring the
Tuesday recital. The program la as
Prelude and Fugue in B flat minor
(WTC, Bk. I) Bach
Prelude and Fugue in D minor (WTC,
Bk. II) .. Bach
Nocturne, Op. 37, No. i. Chopin
Etude, Op. 25, No. 5.. Chopin
.- . n
Concerto in B flat (K.595) Mozart
. Allegro ,
Larghetto cantabile
Allegro acherzando
Amy Girod, second piano
Intermezzo, Op. 118, No. 2 Brahms
Gnomenreigen (Dsnce of the
Gnomes) Liszt
IV .
Dansa Negra Guarnierl
At Sea (from "Poems of the Ses")
By M. L. F.
for a week from her home in Med
ford; Mrs. Charles H. Huggins and
daughter, Mrs. Lloyd Ramey; Mrs. Stu
art Lancefield, Mrs. Robert Ramsden,
Mrs. Jamea L. Payne, Mrs. Joseph B.
Felton, Mrs. Arthur Erickson, Mrs,
Steve Tabacchi, Mrs. Peery T .Buren,
Mrs. A. W. Loucka, Mrs. Charles D.
Wood, Mrs. John R. Wood, Mrs. Con
rad Psulion, Mrs. Esrl C. Lstourette,
Mrs. Walter L. Tooie, and her sister,
Mrs. Preston Faller, visitor from Seat
tle; Mrs. H. G. Mslson, Mrs. Edgsr T.
Pierce snd dsughter, Mrs. Peer H.
Geiser; Mrs. Melvin H. Geiat, Mrs. Wsl
ter Kirk, Mrs. Lorlng Schmidt, Mrs.
Glenn Stevens, Mrs. Harold Buslck,
Mrs. Glenn Wilbur, Mrs. W. C. Dyer,
Sr., Mrs. W. C Dyer, Jr, Mrs Clay
bourne Dyer, Mrs Winfield Needham, .
Mrs. Wayne Loder, Mrs. Ray A. Me
Klnnie, Mrs. Wolcott E. Buren, Mrs,
George Weller, Mrs. Kenneth Power,
Mrs. C. Kenneth Wilson, Mrs. Erce W.
Key, who wss receiving "happy birth
day" greetings; Mrs. Dwlght Quisen
berry, Mrs. Ellis VonEschen, Mrs. Urliu
8. Page, Mrs. V. Scott Page, Mrs.
Charles A. Sprague, Miss Elisabeth
Lord, Mias Edith Schryver, Mrs. Wil
liam H. Lytic, Mrs. Raymond Walsh
and her daughter, Miss Jane Walsh,
Mias Ana Carson, Mrs. Howard Els
msnn, Mrs. John A. Heltzel, Mrs. Har
old M. Ollnger, Mrs. James B. Young.
Back in the Woman's Department at
the Capital Journal, for part-time, start
ing Monday will be Mrs. George W. Dew
ey, Jr, succeeding Miss Marjoria Berke,
who has left to return to University of
Oregon to complete her senior year , , ,
Solemn Nuptial High Mass Today
In St. Joseph's Catholic Church
At the first solemn nuptial high mass
celebrated in the" new St. Joseph's Cath
olic ' church, Miss Dolores - Barton,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J.
Bartosr, was married this morning to
Elmer fcsch, aon of Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Esch of Mt. Angel. The rites were at
9:30 o'clock. The Rev. Joseph X. Van- .'
derbeck waa the celebrant. Assisting
were the Rev. Jamea Fleming as deacon,
Frater Eugene Esch, OSB, brother of
the bridegroom, as aubdeacon; Andrew
Landay aa master of ceremonies. Wayne
Meusey was the soloist and) pUqM the
wedding music.
The bride, given in marriage by her
father, wore a wedding dress of lace
and satin her mother, had made. The
sleeves and yoke were of the lace and
the aatin skirt extended into a short
train. The nylon net veil, edged in
Chantilly lace, cascaded from a wreath
of orange blossoms. The bride carried
a white Prayer book marked with white
. Miss Patricia Ackerman, cousin of
the bride, was maid of honor. She wore
a pink frock and her flowers were la
vender gladioluses.
Mrs. Paul Bartosz, sister-in-law of tbe
bride, was the bridesmaid. She wore a
Meeting of Catholic Daughters of
America will be on the third Wednes
day of this month, September 16, the
v - .
1 - v-
i J' (
JOINING the ranks of brides-elect la Miss Alrli Milter, daughter ef Mr. and
Mrs. Hrnrird f. Miller, who has annoenced her angacemeat to (laser Ca. Porter, Bend,
soa ef Mr. and Mrs, John forte ef Cerraula.
HMtwaUar. sMIo sHiii
lavender drew end her Sowers were
pink gladioluses.
Terry Esch, niece of the bridegroom,
waa flower . girl, the wore a purple
frock and earrled a bouquet ef yellow
gladioluses. All the bride's attendant
wore headpieces matching their dresses.
Virgil Dlehl waa best man. Grooms
man waa Paul Bartoss, brother of the
bride. Ushers were Clarence Xseh, Ben
Zitzelberger, Maurice Hammer.
For her . daughter's wedding, - Mrs.
Bartoss wore a purple dress with pink
and white accessories end e corsage of
pink carnations. The bridegroom's
mother, wore a two-piece aqua dress
- with black accessories and corsage of
yellow carnations. ' 1
The reception was arranged at May
' flower hall. Mrs. B. P. Stupfel, aunt of
the bride, eut the cake. Mrs. C. J.
Stupfel, also an aunt, waa at the punch
bowl, and Mrs. Clarence Esch, sister
' In-law of the bridegroom, was at the
coffee urn. Assisting were Miss Eliza
beth Polivka, Miss Sharon Sequin, Miss
Pstricis Schotthoefer.
For traveling the bride wore s brown
snd squs checked suit with red acces
sories and corsage of gsrdenias. Fol
lowing a trip to southern Oregon, the
couple will be at home in Mt. Angel. .
change being made from the second
Wednesday because of the State Fair
and vacations. . '
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