Saturday, September 5, 1951 THK CAPITAL JOURNAL; Sale, OragM PROPOSED. SEMINARY BUILDING 1 I . 'iA This li the projected Mt. Angel Seminary residence hill to be constructed at Mt. Angel Abbey Preliminary plans of Architect Louis Schaerber have been approved . by Archbishop Edward D. Howard and Rt. Rev. Damian Jentfes, the abbot of Mt.' An(el. Abbey. Plans Approved For New Building at Mount Angel Essay Contest For Students aaiem area school age youngstera will have an oppor tunity to participate in a nation-wide essay contest offer ing a total oi f 30,000 In cash prises, the Salem Chapter of the Disabled American Veter ans announced today. , in conjunction . with the broadcast, "I Waa a Commun ist for the FBI," sponsored lo cally by Stevens and Son, Jew elers, the contest will be held September 13 through 30. Stu dents will be required to sub mit SOO-word essays on "What the American Flag Means to MeH and the top local winner will automatically qualify for the national contest Stevens and Son will also present the local winner with an expensive engraved watch. With the continuing battle to uncover the extent of Com munist infiltration in Ameri ca," "I Was a Communist for the FBI" graphically por trays the real-yie experiences of Matt Cvetic, who for nine years was an undercover agent for the FBI and the DAV has enthusiastically endorsed the program. In cooperation with Steven and ton, the DAV will assist in distribution of "Pre serve Liberty Fight Com munism" stamps and stickers for hornet and business houses, plus a "Pledge of Allegiance" pamphlet that contains the pledge of allegiance and In structions regarding the hsn dllng and display of the Am. erican flag. Dana Andrews, well-known movie actor, pork ays Cvetie in the series. - . Drcft Cell Issued for 23,000, November Washington The De fense Department today isaued a draft call for 13,000 men in November, all to be assigned to th Army. . e The November call, which Is the same as draft calls every month since July, reflect a change in policy by the Defense Department on manpower lev els. - Draft calls riglnaUy had been expected te fail to about 19,000 starting in November a the result of the Korean true and lower manpower goal 1711 8a. Cemmercial Fh.4-I13 Now iun Sat. Ml 50, 25 AfTa i IIDDIB fK PE MM Elbsrta, Muir and Halo Townscnd Orchards 10 Mile North of Salem an North River Read IRINtj CONTAINERS i . v. ' Mt Angel Preliminary 1 a n s of Architect Louis Schmerber, for the new resi dence hall to be constructed at Mt Angel Abbey seminary, were released this week. To cost $600,000 the build ing 1 three stories and ia des ignated to house ISO students. It includes administrative of fices, dormitories and private rooms, three reception rooms, athletic and recreation rooms, an office , and suite of rooms for the Rector, and a suite of room for two prefects. The tile roofed structure will carry out the Romanesque style of architecture of the present buildings. It will be fireproof, and will be built ef reinforced concrete with a brick veneer exterior. Class rooms and study halls will be acoustically treated. It will be erected directly JOINS FIRM A x : v. W. H. (Bill) Johnston, whoTias Joined the Graben. horst Bros, firm in charge of the insurance business. 'A Jet Bombers Fly in National Air Show Washington J Fifteen Air Force B47 Stratojet bomber will sweep over Day ton, O., for the National Air Show tomorrow in a brief de tour on a flight from England to Florida. The Air Force said It will be the longest nonstop opera tional Jet training flight on record. The planes will re fuel in the air from KC87 fly Ing tankers. The Stratojets, the world" fastest medium bombers, will average about 43S miles per hour on the 11H hour, 5000 mile flight west of th present Seminary building, facing on the mall. According to the Rt Rev. Bernard Sanders, rector of the Seminary, ,"th full aire base ment will be usfd for recrea tion rooms at present When the old building is remodeled, these rooms will be converted into classrooms." Construction on the resi dence hall will begin as soon a bid are approved. "It must be ready for occupancy for the Fall ef 1954, If w are to avoid turning away candidates for the priesthood, as we have had to do this year," Abbot Jentge ef Mt Angel Abbey stated. Realty Firm Adds Johnston An addition to th real estate and insurance firm of Graben- horst Bros., is W. H. Bill John ston, who, in a residence here of about seven years has made wide acquaintance In Salem, Johnston it taLing over tne general insurance ' business of the firm, effective immediate ly. 1 He has heretofore been known in Salem by his connec tion with the restaurant busi ness. In recent years he has been a partner with Walter Cline, Jr., in the Cline & John ston Food Shop in the Grey bound bus depot He has now sold his interest to Cline. Be fore construction of the Grey hound depot he was associated with Walter Cline sr., ana Walter Cline, Jr., in operation of the food shop in the Senator Hotel. ! He is a son of the late "Chuck" Johnston, who started and operated the original "Chuck's" Tavern in Salem. He came to Salem from The Dalle where he was born and raised. , He attended the University of Oregon before going Into busi ness in Salem. Johnston has a wife and two 1 young sons and a daughter, the ; family living at 362 Jerris. He 1 is active in lodge work. Holmer Goes To New York A. Freeman Holmer, asso ciate professor of political science at Willamette univer sity, and director of the Ore gon Citizenship Clearing House left for New York Sat udray where he will attend' a meeting for directors at 10 citizenship clearing house. The conference will be held at New York University and Chief Justice Arthur T. Van derbiit of the New Jersey su preme court will act a chair man for the group while plan ning the year' program. . Wiliamette wa named headquarters " for the Oregon Citizenship Clearing House in May. The program, originat ed at New York University in 1947 by Justice VanderblU, is designed to encoursg th nation' young college stu dents and graduates te par ticipate actively in political affairs. Following th citizenship meeting, Holmer will partici pate in the American Political Science association's 49th an nual meeting in Washington, D.C.. Septemer (-12. Holmer is a meaner of the panel dis. cussing .'"The. presidential nominating process in 1932." Bob Porterfield of the Sen. ators recently celebrated his 29th birthday by pitching a one-hit shutout Red Sox. against the . St. Mark' LUTHERAN 141 K. Church it . Rev. Jehn L. Canble, Paster Welcome to Worship 9:30 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A At Mornlne Worship 4:30 P.M. Vither League . ALL ARB INVITED FREE METHODIST CHURCH ' Market at Winter Street REV. M. C. MILLER, Pastor 11 am. "The Price ef Viekm" 7:30 pm. "Man' Impotence Ood's Omnipotence" , A. CORDIAL WELCOME ll FIRST CHURCH OF THE NAZARENE Center at Thirteenth Sunday 7:30 P.M. Sacred Concert Presenting Eiri H. Anderson, baritone) Concert & Recording Artist in i recitil of sacred song Assisted by: funic Anderson, Sopnn , Dm Anderson, violinist . Judith Anderson, pienist -Richard Anderson, issociata THE PUBIIC IS INVITED WIUIAMr.CUV.MINBTa ANNOUNCING' THI ASSOCIATION OF ' HILLARY J. ETZEL WITH THI FIRM OF SCELLARS FOLEY & RISING, INC. 143 S. Liberty Sr. Selem, Orej. SALEM AGENTS FOR ORISON'S HADING INSURANCl COMPANIES YJ 1 1 0 J2 FREE ENTERTAINMENT Tuesday, Sept." 8, 5:30 P.M. THE HARM Atl ACS!! ' These are the boys we've ail been hearing raves about a comedy harmonica trio that's setting the whole Northwest on fire! Portland's own ... the Hormaniacs got their start with Stars of Tomorrow and the Journal Juniors . . . have gone on to appear at the Clover Club, Early Bird in Spokane and TV. There will also be a Harmaniac record soon . . . but see them first and FREE at the Capitol Shopping Center Tuesday aft- ernoon on the parking lot. iV..V.ViVW( I DRAWING FOLLOWING ENTERTAINMENT FOR THESE WONDERFUL FREE PRIZES 24" Automatic Washer Electric. Food Mixer Roller Skates . Electric Percolator Football Boy's or Girl's Jacket English Brogues Bike Set -2 Lights, Lock and Basket PRIZES TO IE AWARDED SEPT. 14 ON DISPLAY AT SHAW FURNITURE CO. GRAND PRIZE TO BE GIVEN AWAY SEPT. 19th HILLMAN MINX m 8' . 9 r -'-J). m Tha new Hillman Minx "Colifomion" give you tha sty I end all around vis ibility ef a convertible, plus heavy geug steal ever your heed. Smart end exclusive color combination, famous Hillman economy! Purchased et IROWN-FOX 1230 Rreedwey Weekly prize winners ineligible thereafter except for grand draw ing. Employees and their families not eligible for prizes. YOUR FREE TICKETS AVAILABLE NOW AT ANY OF THESE FRIENDLY CAPITOL SHOPPING CENTER STORES Ace Classic Barber Shop I & L Shoe Repair Margwen's Children's Shop Salem Record. Shop Jary's Flowers & Fine Candies Shryock's Men's Wear Owl Drug Company Kennedy's Cleaning Works The Towne Shop Shaw Furniture Co. S. H. Kress & Co. Sean, Roebuck and Co. The Music Center Bergs Super Market Dana's Booiery Haley's Beauty Center Huohes Apparel 1 a