Pit li rbtordar, September I, 198S ra CAPITAL JOURNAL, Aden, Ortfou Cl.'ltoii ililltl. M.Wi " ''''""I'M SELECTED BIBLE PASSAGES BY SALEM AREA PASTORS PSALM XC 10, II: Ths days of our ytars are thrst seort ytors ond . ; - J ten ... So teoeh us to number our doys, thot w moy opply our heart unto . i wisdom. 1 BRADLEY'S BICTCLB SPORT SHOP formerly Moorei U7N.Hlfh Ph. 8-3844 ROBERTS BROS. Department Stora ' SALEM MEAT CO. O. W. Green Wholesale Meats Custom Killing - Curing Cutting - Wrapping U325 So.l2th . Ph. 34858 BETJTLER-Q.TJI8TAD IU C. ."IrarjrthlD to Build With" 4SS Wallace Rd. Ph. 3-8181 I SC8S PRATT capitol crrx transfer Moving Protected Storage Expert Packing Agent for Mayflower ' Nationwide Furniture Mover Phone 2-2436 230 So. Front St capitol ornci , EQUIPMENT CO. Typewriters Adding Machines Accounting Machine Calculator Lector DeLapp Tnnxfer-SUmge . "Local and Nation-wide Mover Ph. 21750 111S N. Commercial ELECTRIC CLEANERS 165 Highland Ph. 1-4821 . R.L.BLFSTROMCO. 280 S. Liberty FEDERAL OREGON AGENCT Iniurance Ail Types ' 565 N. Capitol Ph. 42201 V. T. GOLDEN MORTUARY 60S . Commercial Ph.42257 HENRY'S PHOTO SHOP Thlnfa Photographic 469 State St. Ph. 24501 ' HOTEL MARION . Coffee Shop Open 7 a J&.-9 p.m. Special $1 JO Sunday Dinner , Noon Till 8 pjn. HOWELL-EDWARDS FUNERAL BOMB Acroai From Sear 845 N. Capitol HUTCHEON PAINT STORE Pain U-Varnishee-Wall paper Ph. 1-4687 162 N. Commercial LUMBER DIVISION OREGON PULP PAPER CO. Quality Material Courteous Service Front t Ferry Ph. 2-2121 MEADOW GROVE DAIRY Freeh Dairy Producta Delivered , Daily Cltywide . Farm Rt 5 Dial "O" Call Salem 85-F-U DICK METER LUMBER CO. One Piece or Truckload 1775 Una Ave. Ph. S-483S ' ' 1 - fr , ' I ESKEAID .-- ' V, .-.::i - - . . Jlf H c-- A very wise Teacher'of the long ago once said, "Man cannot live by bread alone." There are hungers of the mind and soul that things material can never satisfy. v Sometimes they come in the form of trials and Borrows. Sometimes they are aspirations that bid us soar to heights we have never dared attempt. Howsoever they.appear, they often go unmet because we fail to understand their nature. The lovely little refugee in the picture is passing through an agony of heart. But she seems to have learned a great secret: that the only source of power adequate for her needs is GOD! And she is looking to Him. Yes, God and God alone is the answer to the deepest needs that man can know. As we give our best to Him, He gives His best to us! And the God-directed life finds a satisfaction and joy that can. come from no other aource. v That God and the individual may be brought together in vital relationship is the purpose of the Church. t 4 THE CHURCH FOR ALL... ALL FOR THE CHURCH Th Church is th great)! factor on arth ior. lh building of character 'and good citizenship It is a storehouse of spiritual values. Without a strong Church, neither democracy nor civilization can survive: There are four sound reasons why every person should attend services regularly and support the Church. They are: (l) For his own sake. (2) For his children's sake. (3) For the sake of his community and nation. (4) For the sake of the Church itself, which needs his moral and materia! support. Plan to go to church regu larly and read your Bible dairy., . , . .. . Tv Booh CWtr Vents Sunday Ciwm 1 -e Monday MM, Dtuttrasony t Me TiitsuUy .....Provarbo IS Wadntftday Maltha 4 1-1 1 Thursday Matthew 1-tt Friday John , ee-71 Saturday J Timothy e S-Il OavmiM tU, bMt? A fttew. tWMaWtt. V. A 1 MASTER BREAD Brought to You Fresh Daily By Your Grocer and Cherry City Baking Co. MITCHELL'S RADIO AND TELEVISION Complete Television and Radio Sales & Service "We Give ZrfC Green Stamps" Phone 3-7377 1880 Stat MONTGOMERY WARD Department Store VALLEY PACKING CO. The Home of Famous Cascade ' Hams, Meats, Bacons' ' 2805 Valpak Rd. Ph. 2-4151 MATFLO WIR MTLB Phone 28208 LRS NEWMAN! Men's Wear and Shoe 178 N. Commercial PAY LESS DRUG STOBF "Pay Leas Has Iverythlni" 484 SUU St Phone 2-354 W. T. RIGDON CO. Funeral Directors . 288 N. Cottage Phone 1-2178 SALEM 8 AND GRAVEL CO. Sand - Gravel Crushed Rock Ready-Mix Concrete Office 1408 No. Front, Ph. 3840S Plant 2118 Cherry Ave Ph. 84844 EARS ROEBUCK CO. Senator Hotel Ceffee hea SUPERB SUNDAY DINNERS UNTIL 8 P.M Court & High Sta., Salem Ph. 24181 H. A. SIMMONS FUEL CO MOBILHEAT Metered Delivery : ' We Give Wf Green Stamps Phone 3-9517 3157 Portland Rd. SILVER FALLS ELECTRIC . Owned & Operated by L. H. Campbell 8650 Silverton Rd. Ph. 4-1888 TWEEDIE FCEL OILS "Oil to Burn" . .. Ph. 2-4151 ' 1174 Edgewater West Salem WILTS EY MUSIC HOUSE Koehler ti Campbell Pianos Accordions, Guitars, Marimbas Instruction Rentals Phone 2-7188 1860 State THE VISTW MARKET Complete Shopping Center 8045 8. Commercial UNITED THEATRE CORP. Bslnore Capitol Grand Liberty - 8tate Drive-In VALLEY TRACTOR COMPANY Ford Tractor Sales Service 8238 Silverton Rd. WALTON-BROWN ELECTRIC CO. Residential . Commercial Industrial Electrical Construction Member of Netlonal Electrical Contractors Aasn Phone 2-4156 236 State St OTTO I. WILSON CO. Authorized Buick Salci Service 288 N. Commercial Ph.2-8621 fij THIS SERIES OF ADS IS II! NO PUILISHED EACH WEEK UNDER THE AUSPICES OF THE AMERICAN IIILI SOCIETY AND IN THE INTEREST OF ALL SALEM AREA CHURCHES, AND IS SPONSORED BY THESE PUIUC SPIRITED, ll . CIVIC MINDED BUSINESS tSTABUSHMEHTS 11 ,......I''CT.-