THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Bakm, Ortgra PWf ill DENNIS th. MENACE ByKetcham r r. r j AUTOMOIIUS in rout PBATTO. Just what yea aeaaeura baaa ntatlnt lor. lilt, see at ltW B. ITth or cell litis 1H IMS RAISES deluae. awe owner. IM aoavSittea, laadaa with nttu. cell I-4SSS Oil- a OLDS sea ahapn, MMUtlt leas tin at. wn Balsas alter . till DEWEY'S '52 Ply. Cran. Sdn. Ml black. 14.SM KlMI BUM. 31 Ply. Cran. Sdn. Twa-lAad VTtT.ft dandy. 51 Nash Rambler OmI I tat It werks. plus M mUta per SalleB af laod. '49 Mercury Sedan Two-Mat brown, oven rtrlii, '41 Chav.,Club Coup Raaaa, but rm or. - ' BDTt UXK THESE OUT AT DEWEY'S COUNTIES ENTER EXHIBITS MARKET PH. NEVER CLOAK IM1 Alll MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 1M1 I1IUI DAVIDSON 14 overhead, atae. Fhnna 1-S1SS IM DiiiBan ATI Ul I ff rVttllDA WHIPPED THAT 006 Is M30 HAD STAVSD OUTdF IT US SUBLET DAVIDSON model ll.tstt W1U Mil UW OB4 man cnein saw. l-horso Elfin outboAXd motor. Bhaw oarase. anew, irreson. For Sola MISCELLANEOUS For Sol MISCELLANEOUS AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR New IS en. It. Bub-Zero uprlsht freoser, res. 1111.1. now obi? ..11311 New Da tain O.B. Irontr, rn. aiit.1I now oalr Da Luis asad Elsetrle Rants, lata model, iu UtttA .. now en It S1SI.M Ob only Demonstrator OB. Dishwasher, ros. 1311 PI only SI .si . Oct enly Da Lou Antomatlt O.K. Waahty, estaonetrttor. ww now only S14S.SS ' Ons etry clean, usee) Easy awtndrler Washer, priced Iai eulck salt. Nfw 11 cu. It. Hoof model Cheat Typo PtHAtr, rn. salt's! now only Utf-At MASTER SERVICE STATIONS A VINO EAD1ATOB TBOUBLBT VftlU ytor Cu. uMrU Will MlTt mar ros Ubs ma un yen oat. Fm Mtl tMBtsktL MtMd MTTlM. CflBttt ll LssV TRUCKS lesf1 tt.TON oinal truck In Mo. 1 con. 4itim. thu is a nartein as eeye. siv, Arlsoae at.. All BMWA M. Wis OATS Ml M. Commercial Open Prldayj 'til S a.m. ph. s-na ' For Sal MISCELLANEOUS AUTOMOBILES TO SILL At once lt-foot bock oar. prtme-rera wood. Like hi. will uu for CAcrlllcA br owner. Fbono S-734. MODBEN BLECTBIC rnmc. 4 burner, deep well. Stowe ipece. Excellent condltloit. ftCMonnblt. Phono 11101. pi If OUT-OF-TOWN client will eectltlce l tn S Bekreit cemetery lou ot tso aacb. Iteiuur price li tn.M. Bee llr. Vorheee with Denton Ar Denton. Phone S9W1. "I" TOP SOIL Bleer nit And till dirt Hrerr. Phono 1-1HI Hospital bbd for eeie at rat Ufl ParnlturA Co. Phone s-tiss S-PIBCB WALNUT dlnlni room eet. T cubic foot None relrlterntor. Weet Inihouee electric rnnie (neodi S barneril d-HAt. nlll OBAT BBD DBVSNO. Phono (-1)11. like SteCULLOCH CHAIN BAWS. water. Waet Belom aaloai LoctlnA Sur al Ph. ..A' Ml t V touARf Ar new. 150. I BAT Ml)' I l a BdA- PTompl 4o- Wonrad MISCELLANEOUS Logs Wanted To price on todara merket tor loni at abort tecocxl (rowth llr Ion. roi nrlcelt phono SlSti dara, 41114 seen. Inia. Woat Salem Lumber Co. I1M w,ine rf, Beleni. nall WOODBT WANTS PlanoA Phone Mill A fnrwio BANOKB. Woodrr'A Ph. S-IUS s aaAAaAAaeaAAaaaeaaeAA SPORTING EQUIPMENT ENFIELD, acope. co-.idltlon, . Phone 4-laM. Excellent PERSONAL I WILL NOT be reapomlblo lor any debta ether than my own. Lawrence W. Judd. ...I1JU cuetaai radio. 1m. Madam Heart Palmistry Located In houae tralltr by the so lem Prlvo-In Theater. P 1 WILL NOT bo roeponalble for Any debta unleal contracted by Btyaell. ThOTnae L. Snethen. P" oeeeeieeeeeeeeieemefereeeeew AUTOMOBILES WILL SACRlrlCB 1WI Mercury Hon teree aedan. Tu-tone blue, radio, heau or. oyerdrlre. Take trede and finance at bank ratee. Price Phone l.ltlt afUr S p.m. '"' WILL SELL or trade equity in M7 Willy; Sedan. I1M4. JJ ims FLTMOllTB. motor rebuilt, ood tlm. hydramalla brakeo, an Lamina Are, alter I p i. ma aatf.y:auitT la 1I4S Bulck Con vertible. Bicellent condition. Call 4-4044 alter :0 p.m. MO N. Bl;h. cisrj DGSTDUV3 u nnnnf CORONCT SKDAM Otto drift, radio, hcattr. Hoc tat covers " 4ft BD1CX DPEFt SEDAN nnafli. rftdlo. hcttttr. whlU Uru, POtltAI 1H Ift RniCK 8 FECIAL SEDAN BtftUr. wiheriA eoer. tood condi tion 0OWO CDflTOU I SEDAN UMie air neater, custc Btaculatc .a inirir mttpeii SEDAN Badle, hiatar. cicHlent ttrri. flnt mIhL iMtlait lnurlor Mtl WHOOPIES ai Bulck Buner Bedan trftS 41 ChryHer Bedan 41 Bulck Super Sedan ' 11 Chevrolet Tudor TOO OCT A BETTER USED CAB PROM TOUR BUICK DEALER ffwna aHBtP8,"',r OTTO J. WILSON ' COMPANY OREGON'S NUMBER ONE PEALER Its CHEVROLET Sedan, rum aood. nod Uru. See at 4 N. Hnd. Phone Itwi. . " Com ! st Center Phone !-) A3"' eell)' Fair Week Special One ll-IL Pkthlni Boat and trailer STt.eA. Another one lor One 14 It. Bryant, waa AMI. now Alii One K-It. nihlni Bkllt, waa tltt, now uu ea One email boat trailer. S-men wheela. Many ether boate to chooeo Ivont. Salem Boat House - let Cbemeketa Ph. nm FINANCIAL HIGH PAYMENTS? WB CAN CUT Let's Give Them the AXE! Dae our eonaolldatle piaa. AOTO LOANS HOUSEHOLD PTRNITURl riverrnrlt STATE FINANCE CO. Ill AO. HUB At. uu M-in DIP SMBBBiapWlaA'AyaBAJAaJ OBteaBkAWBBAA SBtwBjaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBAB ; if -' ' - - ., , . . -LTB,. et ... S t " ' 4 H a wa i i a nd Other Fa r-off Places Part of Big SHqw AUTO LOANS WTLLAMETTB CREDIT CO. Its south Church pklH a-Plaatv Pk. i-stii ua no u-tta im '' Two of the county exhibits completed early for the State Fair were, thotes of Linn and Umatilla counties. Above is the Linn county exhibit, .arranged by Lottie Arnold of Lebanon, who Is shown in the picture. Arnold and his wife have been coming to the far for 25 years to arrange that county's exhibit and for the past IT years he has managed the Lebanon Strawberry festival. Arnold has also served on the Linn county fair board for 25 years. Below, is a section from the Umatilla exhibit, completed early Friday afternoon, despite the tact that county is also getting ready for the Pendleton Round-Up, which starts the middle of next week. You'v heard of the Hawai ian Luau, the feast for which the Islands are famous. There's a Hawaiian Luau of another type in store for those attending the night revue at the Oregon State Fair a feast of Hawiian music and dancing. The revue has a strictly Ha waiian background, but is not entirely composed ot Hawaiian acta. Several other outstand ing numbers appear on the pro gram as guests to the "Islsnds." Aside from these acts, how ever, the cast Is composed ot Hswaiians, many of whom are known already to people in this area, either from their appear ance in pictures or at entertain ment spots. Three of the top women per formers are Princess Luana, who came from the Islands after aha. was chosen as Miss Honolulu; Napua, known tor her work with Harry Owens and his Roysl Hawaiian United Air Television show: and Elans, talentaul ainglng and dancing star, as well as, an outstanding musician, who Is the narrator for the Hawaiian presentation, Princess Luana, whose par ents are Scotch- Hawaiian, comes from HUo, Hswali, and recently has been in Southern California. She was a featured dancer in Bing Crosby's pic ture. "Waklkt Wedding." ap peared tn the Hawaiian Nights musical film, toured with the Hollywood Hit Parade and has danced In several pictures and on television shows. Last year she went to Honolulu with the KTTV television show "Open Road." A native of Hawaii, Napua comes to Salem direct from the Ambassador hotel in Los Ange les. As a child of four ahe start ed her dancing career and when Harry Owens started the Royal Hawaiian Orchestra she started dancing with him. Egypt and prior to coming to the Stat Fair has appeared in only on other plac In th United States, Las Vegas. This act, th Amin Brothers, Is list ed as a balancing act, but tnes brothers flip, spin and whirl. New In this area Is Gen Sheldon, but in other parts h Is well known for his banjo playing and bis comedy panto mime. The State Fair rev:t 1 If something of a homecoming for the man who directs the orches tra. Jack Seltenridge, for he is a former Oregonlan. Selten ridge now comes from - Saa Francisco. .' SENT TO FlUSOff Albany Elva Opal Hunter haa been taken to the Oregon stat prison to start serving one-year sentence Imposed on him by Judge Victor Olllver in circuit court her when h pleaded guilty to a charge ot contributing to the delinquen cy of a minor.- He had at first been charged with statutory rape but agreed to plead to th lesser charge. . . Mid-Willamette Obituaries . Carl Johnson Wlllamlna Funeral servi ces tor Csrl August Johnson, 55, were held Sept. S at 10 a.m. t the Sheridan Funeral ' home, with Rev. Harry Olsea of the Assembly of God church officiating. Interment was In Green Crest Memorial park in Sheridan. Mr. Johnson was born la Sweden. He Is survived by hi wlie, Henni Marl ot WlUa mina; three daughters," Mrs. Violet Charles and Linda and Later she Twyla all of WlUamina; B WV.JAHA. (,,, 4CUABA1 towed back to Portland whito iSSlR H- tSJB n . Ludwig of Badg- passengers continued in w vk :,., .: "u.. rL.w ?' U1?h V .a - . I eS V ABk BAVB u BAB BAUti J ATa A Wl otner dus. i Intn" ,, m. ..j TAkn.A- HobUtt's .mother, Mrs. Flora N,..,, e,..iM ,h. ..m tT.L.1 li, a, 1 11.... a. O I . r nonuu. o uvn at, ou' ton. LOANS UP TO $1500 - -,. Ww i ,,1'ary. car AT PERSONAL lt'a "yea" PTAmPUy amplayoA aiea ar warned 1-nalt loaa . . . Phono first A) Ton select beet payment Sato Between payday loeni. Phone, write or Aomt la TODATI Personal Finance Co. ill a HIOH ST., BALEM ,.,. !.. Nae. A-m. M-lSt Loans over tsol up to I1MS and up te II months to repay made by Peraonal Finance Co. of Marlon County under Industrial Loan vompanrce ' War Vet Killed When Car Strikes Bus at Canby Oreeon. rl Ua B-ssi nnd M-ns And RO B1MMONB NSORANCB AND LOAN Bear 'Top TrAdet" U HI Dill? KBLM 13M Be OENBRAl PTNANCS CO LOANS ' Ul Be Commercial St Tel 1-S1II Canby UX Frederick N. Hoblltt, 36, recently discharg ed veteran from San Francis co, war killed early today when his rented automobile crashed into the rear of a Greyhound bus on U.S. high way WE. - Hoblitt apparently was Ore gon's first fatality as the La bor Day week-end got under way. The mishap occurred at the railroad crossing on the north DIRECTORY WINDOW CLEANING EX OS FOR PARM, CTTT OR ACRE AOS LOANS BSal ur imwmw WB BUI Seal AttAte mortsatat It ownuscU State Finance Co. tn a aits at r Miii( , flJ nirrrf Acme Window Cleaner. Industrial floor wezns. boueecleantns Phono 1-113 147 Court outskirts ot Canby when th bus, bound for Coos Bsy, made a stop. , State police said Hoblitt, brother, ot Mahlon' Hoblitt, owner of a Silverton news paper, wss driving the car at a high rate of speed when It crashed into the halted bus. The car, rented In Portland, skidded nearly 80 feet before hitting the bus which was knocked ahead more than six feet by the Impact. None of the bus passengers appeared seriously hurt, al though several were checked in Salem hospitals. The bus, driven by William haa made recordings ot her own compositions. Motion pictures have also claimed her. She Is a swimmer, as well as, a dancer and at IT years of age became Hawaiian swimming cham pion, These three women ar only a part ot the talented group that appears here. There Is Mo- Kansas City Mo. SU 1 nalel, a dancer coming from th Oryille L. Ring, powerful Hotel Lexington, N. Y.; Paha ATL. Teamstara boas, and four si, a sinier: iveoKeioiBe, other lafcor leaders wars un-1 dancer featured on the Arthur riav inriirtm.nt , inMav uiMiTcy snow: Keokie. a male charges ranging from robbery I samoan niie dancer; xne is; Jury Indicts Labor Bosses bert of Grand Ronde, Fred and Robert ot Badger, Minn., and , Victor of Wlllamina; three sis ters, Hilda Maslund of SaVoL Minn., Ester Carlson of Swe den and Freda Anderson ot Leonard, Minn. A brother pr- -ceded him In death. . ' to asssult with intent to kill. Ring, president of a Teams ter local here, was named in four of the, 12 indictments re turned to Judge Ben Terte yeaterdsy. Two of the Indictments charged Ring with robbery and two with embezzlement Ring was a key figure in the 10-week i old construction strike here that cost an esti mated g2,000,000 in payrolls. He also was the target of a five-day . congressional in quiry into the extensive labor tieup held her recently, landers, a Hawaiian musical group; three knife dancers, Ka- lani, Lokilani and Lai Lie Lua; and the girl dancers. Other acts on the program come from all Darts of the world. Paul Duman SUytott The rosary will be recited at t p.m. Saturday and again at S p.m. Sunday at th Weddle Funeral - chapel in Stayton. Funeral services will be at a.m. Monday, Sept. 7, in Our Lady of Loudres Catho lic church at Jordan. Burial will be in the Catholic ceme tery. Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Duman, Sclo: seven brothers, Henry and Richard Duman, Scio; Ed One ma V he) ramemneivrifnr Wird StAvtom JnmCS. Lyons: a visit her a number ot years Robert and cuuora Duman, AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES AUTOMOBILES TRAILERS S WHEEL lllht trAller. Oood condition. tit H. 4W N. Sard as. alter r--. ..-w vaafLBW Tear droa. aood COU- h 21. --U TRANSPORT ATION STUDENT WISHES SIDE to Tuba about 1 Sept, ua. rnona a-i .. i LABOR DAY MONDAY SEPTEMBER 7 DIRECTORY ADDINO RUCBgXES AU makes used maeblnas sola, rented, I reaalrtd. etoaB, aeo wws r $$CASH$$ FOR YOUR CAR ALL MAKES, AND MODELS TO CHOOSE FROM Western Motors Phone l-ttl! till Broadway INI POBD TI'DOB V-S. Will sell or trade. Price llltt. Call ma altar I: IS p.m. Nell warrlclt, 1-11S7. Q'" IMS DODGE Coronet Club Coupe for salt or trade.-Must aell this wees. My lose la your tain. No reasonable oiler refnaed. PhonC 1-1131. AJl CREVBOLET SEDAN lor aals. Hit tMd .1 ,Kh m hien toraue motor, win take older car an trade. Pleat phone tn lite efternooaa wr fwi" ' t.ltoa. $ $ FOR $$ You Can't Beat Our Cars FOR VALUE! PONTIAC II BEDAN. U BEDAN. 'It SEDAN. 'II BEDAN. ST SEDAN. Brdrl., RAN . Hydra. RAtH Hrdra., RAH Hrdra., RArR RAtH ...Illtt ... lilt ... lies We do Anrthlns In the lino ot build. . - H,iii.L Phono 3-tBt. "' olUM These Solem used ear deolen poy tribute to loboring mn ond womn In all wolks of American economic lif. W will b closed Monday to help you observ this greot annual event. Visit our lots ot your leisure ond look over the many fine values we have. Then buy later. And drive safely olways! BL'LLDOZINO BULLDOZING Lotllnl. road bulldlnt. elearlnt. Oeorlt Wlrtn, llll Candlewood. Phone '"'" Bulldoalna. roads. Vlrsll Huskey, llll 1-1 Ml. DBES8MAB1NO clearlna Palrrlew. teeth. phone 023S1 alterations, hemstlteblnt. buttons. ,n.ktu covered, buttonholes. Mrs. M. Allender. l-ttll EXCAVATING 0131 Bea OUea at Son, tieeTatlni and radlni. Uad elearlnt. Ph. ' WILL SELL OB TBADE MUlty IB HIT Pord. Phono 4-1111. "' ST DODOE. sood Botor. Phone 441SI. all! 1SAS BUICK sedan, sood condition ttro ojstTjlMJIlljrjlb JMWJi'i S WIND SOB CHRTSLEB. new tires, toad eond. S13SI. Phont 13111. Alii' 1S4T DB SOTO 4-door. Radio, heater, suarantecd perfect. Orlslnal owner. IITA. Also, itu Plyswuth AMwurbaa Phont l-TTt4 J WILL SELL OR TBADE eeulty 'IT Pord rM-aruala. Phaaa 1-UI3 After S P m tjlir IMS MCBCt ST. lINt ptrt payment. 1TITI. Take AM csr ai III' 1MI POBD ' lew, plekop. Oood condl- laa. At 1IN Broadway. ll MUST SELL 1117 Btude. Cony. Perfect eoadllloa Makt Alter. Phano A-rtJ BJCST SELL! lilt Pord club coupe. r.e- Atm heeler. STSt. 1331 TottUS Are Woodbarn. Phono Tttl. alls j-J Slerre let Stewart. Pnone ITial. All! I ONE OP the beat Mot Chees Phaat I -At 71. CADILLAC '41 SEDAN lLOAdedl CHEVROLET 1 BFDAN. RAtH 41 CLUB CPE. RAtH IS SEDAN. RAtH FORD IT BEDAN. 41 SEDAN. RBN RAtH . .till . ion .1 Its . AM Insulation, weatherstrips, aluminum screens. Free estimates. T. Pullmsn Shnn. t-atas. oils1 MATTRESSES Capitol BeddinB renorstee Fat) line new mattresses Ph J-4SSS S2 CHEVROLET $139 J l-door sedsn. heater, sport Ill's, white aldewall tires, clean, 1 owner, l-touo lllht trern with dark treen top. This Is the full price. 81 CHEVROLET 11285 Deluse elub coupe. RAN. sun riser, fender aklrls. while stdewall Uru. 50 PLYMOUTH $1095 Special deluit 4-door sedan, RAtH. very clean. Open Bvenlnte "Til t RON'S lilt Sroedwar Phono l-tlM 52 MERCURY .11995 l-door aedae, OD. orlslnal plastla eeat coeers. heater, defrosters, undereoeted, turn slsnals, 1 owner, Immaculate In and out. 51 BUICK $1850 Super Rlelera coupe, lull eaulpment, E-Z-I tlass, low mllsacs. orlelnal 3 tooo llnlan. nearly new tires. 47 WILLYS JEEP $895 4-wheel drlre. lull side curtslna ond lop. spotllte. eacellcnt condition ell Around. Thll M A HUNTERS BPE C1ALI WESTERN MOTORS ,1111 Broadway 51 DODGE $1395 l-paasenter coupe, with radio, heater, custom seal oarers, new Urea, and ll.oos miles. 48 PLYMOUTH $645 S-door sedan. It's A epeclal delusa mmodel with RAtH, Arlslnal IlnUh and aeal covere. '41 CHRYSLER $395 Windsor a-doar eedaa. RArH. e Slo vene drlra, teat torera. Very low aad sbarpl Salem Automobile Co. OPTICS STJBNITUBB B SPPPLtEa Desk thalra files, mint suppltss, safes, duplicators, auppllea. d't lentpfc type writer alanda. Rocn. 4iS Court. o' ROAD OBADINO Road tradlnl. lereltae elltcbmir 1U tal srader. Ro Baneock. Ph. ""J'j .1 si BEST FOR LESS 41 BOICP CPE IS DODOE CPE IS PLYMOUTH BEDAN Always the Best tor Less AT KELLY OWENS Co. - ..a ar t IOTDTV PU 3.4112 town "w " ASH' SEPTIC TANBS Boollns sad tolas by eipoflA for s rltht price. Phone 1-oStl. OUT' '82 DODGE $1495 Waefersr l.sflre aedan. loaded with all choice Dodto Aeceeeorlas. Set this one! 50 CHEVROLET $895 Btrlellne l-doar oedon. loaded and terr aharp. Ton can't beat title price! Here's reel eeluel 48 DODGE Vl TON $895 Here's a ruesed tpeed transmis sion pickup at a low price. It s sood! I Locations To Berro Tow Besllyl tot North Hlch 111 Chemelcia llll Portland Rd. Stan Baker Motors Hamel'l septla tanks cleaned, line service. Guaranteed work. Phone l-Tttl. 1-ATTI. ' rZT..-,- -....I (.. Teak, cleaned. D rooler eleeas sewers, drains. Phone t.asas ' Sower, testis tanks, drama cleaned. Ito- w SSUBPENINO a aSP AIR Lawn mowsra. oawa its. llth I-4I1I. Prat Pickup. TTPEWBITEaS Smith Corona Remtrteton. Royal r)i derwowd or tables All makes nsaS ssachtaat Rsvaars At real. Been. Oeort, S-PTTt. , 51 CADILLAC "62" ..$3195 Polly equipped aedsn and an oi CedlHSAu famous estras. Twa-lonod beauty, with white eldewall tires. 80 CHEVROLET $1295 4-dr. sdn. with powertllde. RAH. while stdewatu. underroated. I local owner, onlr 34.000 miles. '48 SEDAN DELIVERY ..$795 Chevrolet, nsw pslnt. fine ehapo me ahanlrallr. rood rubber, reck on top. WE NEED 'It. IT. '4 'l CTIETROLETa - TRADE NOWI DOUGLAS McKAY CHEVROLET CO. li N. Commsrclsl at. Phono l-llll ago the Arnauts. These two brothers toured with Sr. Harry Lauder, when he made his last appearance on the West coast snd visited Salem then. They are a comedy team, outstand ing as psntomimists and re cently appeared on the Ed Sul livan 'Toast of th Town" TV show, From London are th acro bats, Evle and Joe Slack, a com edy and contortion team, who came here directly from Radio City Music Hall. As a chef Joe Slack cooks up a mighty line dish when he presents Evle on s silver platter. Ringling Bros. Barnum and Bailey Circus for four years festured Hubert Castle, tight rope artist who appears In the revue. You'll see him penorm every type of tight rope trick from ring Jumping to bicycle riding. Sensational la the only word that could be used In describ ing an act that comes from DEATHS '52 CONVERTIBLE ....$1795 This It A Nash Rambler kaautr. It's lleht blue with black aylaa top. nylon aeet eorotw, RAtH, OO, back-ap llthu, 1 iocs' owner. 81 FORD $1298 Custom "t" sedan. It's s lllht tan beauty, eery tlean with radio, beater, we lost took this ana tn and it'll ao fail. '49 BUICK $1098 Bedsnelte with radio, heater, eeat carers, dynaftow. It's A llthl fray dandy. MARION MOTORS Commercial It Center BdmeaS toltlraa Tarreal Kdmnnd Sulllvoa Tarrant, lata resi dent ot I3SS Oak St., at a local hospital. Sept. S. at the aaa ol Tl. Puneral senleaa win be announced later or seevou Edwarda Co. teste!! McCatl Issbell UtCall. late resident of Selem on Sept. t. Bister af Mrs. A. Jsckson. Selem. Prtrato aerrlcee will be held Tuesday, Sept, S at IS 31 a m. la the Chapel af the W. T. Rlsdon Co. Con cludlna aerrlcee at Lee Mission cemetery. Bar. Donald Payne elfkletloe. Willie . Meete Willie S Moore, lete resident of lit N Winter at . ot a local hospital Sept. 4. Barrlcea Taesder, Bent. S At IS. IS a m In Clouth-Barriek Chspel. wllh prlrstt final rltea at Portland Mausoleum. Dr. Peul Potlnt And Roe. B. J. Holland Affl- claims. Laella Tbeesaa Luslla Thomas, late resident or see Petlsrsaa Ava.. at a local hospital Sept. Survived by sens, Nlensrd Lo Thomas and Clayton PTord Thomas, both af Sa lem; mother, Mra. Mary Bunkel, aalem; sisters, Mrs. Rathryn Wlsns. aalem, Mra. Mary Schmidt, Chllllwark. B. c . -asm. Emma Lowen. Balem. Mrs. Helea Hie. bert, Baaerslleld. Colli.. Mrs. LydIA Past. Marlon. B. D.t brothers. Oustav 1 Kunkel, Marlon, a. D . John M. Bunksl, Nsrrlson, Mleh.. the Rev. Albert L. Punkel. Salem. Servlcea Beturday. Sept. at- I p m. In Ctouth-Berrlck Chapel with the Rev. John E. Prlesen offlclatlnt. Shipment will bo made to Marlon Junc tion, a. Dak, tar interment- , U.S. Navy; and six sisters, Irene Keseglch, Cleveland, O.; Doris Ray, Stayton; Catherine Larson, Garden Grove, Calif.; Margaret ' Quenerett, Toledo, Ore.; Mary Ann and Reglna May Duman, Sclo. Frank A. Boscow Woodburn Frank A. Bos cow, 63, a former resident of Woodburn, died August 11 at Tacoma, Wash. From 1922 un til his retirement in 1940 Mr. Boscow served as Union Paci fic rosdrasster st The Dalles, Walla Walla, Wash., and Pen dleton, Ore. He was born in 1890 at Areata, Humboldt county, Calif., and made hi home at The Dalles and Ocean City, Wash., where he was a member of Wasco Masonic lodse No. 15 and of Columbia Commandary No. 13, Knights Templar. ' Survivors 1 n c 1 u d e his wi dow, Beaulah Boscow of Th Dalles; a ion, William B. Bos cow of Harrisburg, Penn.; two listers, Mrs. Ellzsbeth Fresher of Los Gstos, Calif., and Mrs, Msbel Nsrron of San Jose, Calif., and a grandson, Ronald B. Boscow, of Walla Walla, Wash. Mr. Boscow was the son of the lste Mr. and Mrs. Edward Boscow of Woodburn. Funeral services were Aug ust 14 at Tacoma, Wash. BUY WITH CONFIDENCE FROM A REPUTABLE ASSOCIATION DEALER -Remember-NO SUNDAY SALES! The Week-End Speciols ond Messoge Above Ar Brought to You So You Con Look Leisurely Then Buy Later Plereaea Dltew Barber PTorenca Diaon Barker, in this city Sept. I. Late resident at list H. coltaao at the aee ar 44. survived by nasaand. Pred Berker, Balem. Aanouneement of services wiu bo Bos do later by tho W. T. Ritdoa Co. at. Athtaoew r. R. Atkinson, ai the resldsnee. ITS Broadway, tvurylvod by wife, Mary Lynn Atkinson. Balem: deutrttore. Mrs. M. M. Jonei, Balem, Mrt. II. aoavdermsa, aa lem; son Lea D. Atklnava, selem, moth, er. Mrs. Bslle Atkinson, Balem; atetora. Mrs. t. L O'Nell. Balem. Mrt. T. X. Polll, Bslem, Mrs. C L Berry, St avion tfrs. Delia Albrteht. Denver. Colo.: f randchlldren; eeveral nieces and neph owe. Aanouneement af torvteat istsy fey th Tlrtll T. OaeSta Co. Mary E. Daniels ' Bslliton Mary Emaline Danells was born st Silverton, Ore., Oct. II, 1861, and died at the McMinnville hospital Aug. 30, 1953, at th age ot 91. Her maiden name was Age and ahe was married to Dudley Isaac Daniels who with four of their nine children preceded her In death. She is survived by five chil dren, Mrs. Lottie Crawford, McMinnville, Mrs. Grace Bar ber, Sheridan; Mrs. Ethel Par tons. Wlllamina; Clyde, Sheri dan, and Xarl, Dallas; also 14 grandchildren and 31 great grandchildren and one great-great-grandchild. She had lived in tne can- atone and Bcllvue communities and later in Sheridan. Funeral services were con ducted in the Sheridan chapel ot Memories Sept, 3 at 3 p.m. with Rev. James Osborne of McMinnville officiating. Vault entombment followed In Evergreen Memorial Park near McMinnviU.