Tif 9 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, 81km, Ortfoa Labor Day Theme. Enters Voodburn Church Topics SPEAKS SUNDAY. ' Woodburn ' Rev. Robert Van of Glendale. Calif., if ex pec ted to arrive In Woodburn Sunday, Sept 6, for services at the Woodburn and Bethel Pres byterian churches. Rev. Van was recently cbosen to fill the pastorate of the two churcnes temporarily filled during the summer by Dr. David Fergu Wa Tretk Caalar S4I Cheaeeate. lulw etheol. It a. Bereiee, 11 e. Torl: Put Tmi Beet Boll Porwerd, Bee. OUra steeeat, paiter. Si SebVa Latkeraa Ckarek (MO SrB ed. 10th and A BU. B. W. Oroee, pu tor. Bereleee, and II a, a. Bolr Cea Ola In lb II a. a. eerrlee. iuuf aeheal al 1M ft. H. (tank W Jeea Carta W tetter t faameal Bth mad KUUn BU., Jeha B. Sellobarf, WiDoii. Prleilheod MU, t:00 a. a.l Bunder aebool 10:10 a, bm cvehlas eerrlee. T:Ot a, a. t reel-e leleeor la. W Church aad Chaaeketa ' . ' ". Oeorio H. twin, m, D., mk v H-ir cswnonlon. 1:M and l:ja ft. a-l Rurierr eetKol to pariah ban, 11:00 ft. ai. voir ewwwut u:ee a. ai. .flat Ceaareeelleaal Ckarek 141 Bout Uth KM 1-eale B- oral to, alaleter. p:4i a. . aeaoar eeheeL Cleieee for all am Ineladlns The PrlendJr Claa tor Man. li:aa a. a. kteratna werenip, seram ar so aw tar: "The rirat aad the tart." - Jekaeea PJaaeerlal Streelk Der Barea- UM Ckarek north Boaaer end Hood mm. fclieta aehooL B:M a. a. fnwjihH MrviM. 11 a'eloek, Sloer O. achoarfnar. Bpaelal teener arreteM J Mleelonarr Yolunteere. IftB LftUaa CecaaaBlir Cbarek . K. Beokj. B. D.. paitor. tloadar aebaol lUru at 10. rreeehlnr and worihlp, 11. Jualara aeoi ill p. a. T. r. eecietr am at 1:4. Preichlns at t:. aw carantlaaal ckarek TM Mil ton Street. 11:00 ft. at. worehlp eerelee. Or. Victor Bum sword, aiwei auuiier. rint Chaieh at Ckrlat, nouallet-Ub-artr end Chiaeeota BU. Bandar eehoel at II a. aiornini nran ii i. -aoa-Ceraon anajaet: "Men." Brenlns eervleo at S. leeeeB-SeraaB luajeel, "Men." .... Pint Sptrlleallel Ckarek MB Ma. Cet - ten. Clrcla ftod hiillm eerrlee :. lVKtura at 1:30. Spaako. nr. Taaaiaa Oaatlar. 1 r.Mfc'ft Calkalla rkarak Cbaasak. ata aad Wletar. luv. JoMph M. Vandtr baea. paitor. saaaay Mmi: I It. 10:J0 and ll.'U. Ooalmlant Bfttur Bar: i.M tt l:J and t:M la . SL Vlaaaat da Paal Calkallt rolnm- kla and Mrrua anaaia. mmm :M. II and 11:1 a. a. ConlHiUni Sat ardar. 4: to l:J and I W : B. at. aad baton naraai . bat Hatkaabt Ckarak Cburcb and uua Stracta. t:tt a. m.. tha Bandar aabaoll 11:0 a. m- ornlu vonblp. Baraan: "Maka tba Holt It" Braalu M. Moor, alalitar. ( Oraoa lalkaraa Ckarak (aXCV-Sunnr-vlaw and fjftp''"T Aranooa. Ma Sunday aebool tbla Bunoar. Bundap aebaol ra aptnl Saptambar 11:00 m'- DlT,a vonhlp: 1:00 P. au Holr Communion. L. w. Xolta. paitor. Proa Mttkaatot Ckarak Markit and wi.... MtrMu. Bar. U. C. Millar, sai lor. a:tl a. m.. Banday achool: 11:00 a. at.. Uarnlu warahlp. TbaFrlaa at VUlon." :t P- laaia p. m., Branriiuuo tamer, aui pottnea Ood'a Omnlpotenco." Caatrat lalkaraa Marth Capitol and Oauit BU. a. B. Randitroa. pattar. Canlral Lutbaram breadeajl. KOCO 1 S.-JB. BbmUI Sunday aebaol atrnar, 9:411 klem TTrVorrWP aarrloa, ll:l araalns aarr aa. :tt, j BlanaaB BlbM-im Bm. Bar. Jobs B. rrliarn. tupnlr paator. Bundar Mbaal. (11. Monilnl wonblp aarrloa, l:tl. Bra Blnf voriblPt 1:4a. son. If Rev. Van does not arrive by Sunday Dr. Ferguson will speak on the topic "The Virgin Birth of Christ," at the Bethel church at 10 a.m. and at the Woodburn church at 11 a.m. The Reason for Not Having Revival" will be the 11 a.m. topic of Rev. R. Brendler at the Bible Baptist church Sun day. At the evening service at 7:49 he will speak en "The Great Men of Faith." The Lords Supper will be administered at the 11 a.m. service at the Immanuel Lu theran church Sunday. The pastor. Rev. J. William Carl son, will have as his sermon topic 'The Human nean. The Duty of Labor" will be the sermon topic of Rev. Ar thur Goblj at 11 a.m. at the Foursquare Community church. For the evening serv if at S he will speak on the tonle "Sav It With Life." The annual picnic will be held on Monday. Sept. 7, at Settlemier park with the picnic dinner at t 6 n.m. Entertainment at p.m. The sermon topic of Rev. George Springer st the Wood burn Chrlitisn church at II a.m. will be "The Fine Linen of Righteousness." For the 8 p.m. service nis topic wm o "Several Sinners." A potluck dinner will be held following the morning service in the church social rooms. Members havinf birthday anniversaries in SeDtember will be nonorea and the Sunday school council . ill hold its regular meeting. Revival services, which be gan Tuesday, are continuing at the Woodburn Assembly of God church every night except Saturday with Evangelist Zera P. Miller from California sneaker. The meetings will conclude Sunday night. Sept .1 - "V -r' y j ;Ij fe Friday, ScpttmW 4. IMS Silverton Churches Start Fall Schedule of Services Rev. Lloyd KUgore who will be guest speaker at the 7:30 pjn. Sunday service of the First Bsptist church. He will tell of his experiences while traveling in Formosa, Okinawa, Hongkong and the Philippines. Silverton For the First Christian church Sunday, Sept. 6 morning worship hour, M. B. Ford will be in charge. The minister and assistant, the Rev. Arthur Bates and Gerald Saw yer as well as number of the lay membership, plan to at tend the annual state conven tion of the Christian churches of the state at Turner tabernacle. The pastor will be present at the evening o'clock service. His sermon: "What We Be lieve." Wednesdsy evening Bi ble study is postponed to the following week. There will be no Naomi group meeting dur ing September. Englewood Plans Unique Service aaa Mlaalaaarr Alllaaca Ckarek-M. lib and OalMft. Ba. Fil W. nuiiUMr. saator. Bandar aebool. :4l a, a. commnnlBB aarrlaa. aaraon lople: nudaamad ar tha Blood." 11:00 a. a. AUlanea Youth rellowihlp. t:30 P. a Brannu tamaa: "Tba atetaaat ai Ban," T. P. rnkai Aaftlaa charak Worth Cot- hue at D Btraat. Bar. Rudolph Woraa, rr.T a.., ki at 0:41 a. a., vor- ablp and eommanlon 11:00 a. a., tba pa 11. , "Tha Riian UU." Bra- mlnl arrlea at S:SS o'elotl. BaraaB p-a7-RalrallaP 1." Taoni Paopla a Plra ada BmtiptrauoB at tba WUIaeka hoaa, IPO B. Brewnjaa t... w.HMiUftl tJallaS Brath! ana RnmTnar. Rar. A. O. Jamlaaan. alnlaur. Bundar aebool 1:41 a. a. Marnlaa arortblp ia:oa raioca. BarmOB br Bar. Jaanaon. v,.v-u iott- Branlni wanblp. 1:J a aloeb. Bat' aon. -Burdam Baaraia. - Caart Slrat CkrtatUa Ckarek-Cjart tTttk at UU. w. naroia ni.t. nlhla aebool at' ki. v M-raina werablp aad eommuVlon. 10:10 o'eloek. amji br Jn Smith, "Where Da we Btandt Youth w a.M - a--ntne voreblp. " 10 .'clock.' Mrmoa br W. Harold Uman. "Weruai Toaethar. Calrarr BaaUet Cbarek. Booth lib artr at aimer St. Omar H. Brth. Paitor. rl "nrtTtebool. 11:00. "Thlnti Th.l Cennet Be shaken." Berrlea of Balf C am monloo. Braadcael arer ICOAB. 1410 Ke. a jo, BeptUt YouUt Mlowihlp: l:J0, "riaea Thai Freach." "At aatdala." 13. Rev. W. B. Kendall of Ar kansas will be the guest speak er at the Woodburn Church of God Sunday at 11 a.m. and 8 n.m. services. The pastor. Rev. Edward H. Baldwin, left last Sunday . to attend the World Service commission training meeting at the nation al offices of the Churches of God in Anderson: Ind. He at tends as delegate from Ore gon and expects to be home for the services on Sunday, Sept. 13. "Workers Together" will be the sermon topic of Rev. Ormal B. Trick at the Woodburn Methodist church Sunday at 11 a.m. The September Fellowship dinner has been postponed un til later in the month. ' Holy communion will be observed at 7:30 nxn. and at 9:30 a.m. at St. Mary's Episco pal church In Woodburn Sun Rev. T. M. Baxter, the vicar, will deliver his sermon at the 9:30 a.m. service. George H. Norsworthy, pas tor of the Free Methodist church, will speak Sunday at 11 a.m, and 7:30 p.m. bunday school is at 9:45 a.m. and Jun ior Missionary hour at 7 p.m. . A very unique service in tended to give dignity to com mon labor will be featured Sunday morning at the Engle wood Evangelical United Brethren church. Each member and friend is asked to participate In the La bor Day theme by bringing to the church service a tool which is representative of his work. One carpenter has vol unteered to bring a saw, while a plumber will bring his pipe wrench. Two housewives will be bringing a dishpan and broom, respectively,. The Stewards of the church are preparing an area before the chancel where all tools will be exhibited. Then follow ing the message by the pastor on "The Dignity of Common Labor," the congregation will participate in a ritual dedicat ing these tools to Christian service. In charge of promoting the service are Floyd Query, Os car Schmeitz, Alfred Downs, Morris Goodrich, Harold Cor win, and E. A. Raboin. Choir School at Johnson Church Harlyn Abel, M.M., director of music of the Oregon confer ence of Seventh Day Adven- tlsts, will conduct a choir school this week end In the Johnson Memorial church at Hood and Summer streets. The record of Mr. Abel qualifies him for this work. He has been a college music teach er for 20 years, In addition to appearing In radio and concert performances throughout the United States. The Portland Rose Chorale. of which he is the present con ductor, has made many appear ances in Oregon cities. Mr. Abet Is a member of the National Associstion of Teach ers of Singing; of the Choral Conductors Guild, and was one of the founders of the River- Training Class For Church Work A training class for Sunday school teachers and workers will be held at First Presby terian church during the month of September on Sun day mornings at 11 o'clock with Dr. Ernest Warrington as the teacher. This class has been arrang ed for the new staff of the second Sunday school which is to begin operation in October.- However, the class will be open to all who are inter ested in Sunday school work. Dr. Warrington recently joined the staff of First Pres byterian church as minister of adult education. He recently retired as head of the depart ment of religion at Oregon state college. Labor Day Real Baptist Program The national holiday, "La bor Day," will be celebrated by the members of the FJrst Baptist church in the form of a "'Clean Up" work day. The old building which stood on the corner of Marion and Lib erty has been leveled to the ground and 'the volunteer i workers to be composed of men, women ana cnuaren will clean up the lot in prepara tion for use. Home made pie and coffee will be served by the ladies of the church. Pastor Anderson will be speaking at both services of the church on Sunday. At the 11 o'clock hour, the subject will be, "The Christian's Heri tage." "The Days of Creation' wiU be discussed at the 7:30 evening hour. Rev. Barth Back In Calvary Pulpit Rev. Omar N. Barth and his family returned to Salem this week to resume the pastorate of Calvary Baptist church fol lowing a leave of absence to visit the Holy Land and Eu rope. Mr. Barth will speak this Sunday morning at 11 o'clock Things That Cannot Be Shaken." The service of Holy Communion will be observed following the morning worship hour. - In the evening Mr. Barth will give the first in a series of messages on "Places That Preach," the subject this week is "At Magdala." David Doerk sen will present special instru mental music at the evening service. . st aara-o tarter-.chmk-io Bart i ilde Musicians Association, cnurcu "," - - - the rrtular hour. S: a. a "Brains wonblp. 11 a. a. Berman br the paitor, Uie Rer. Joha U Cauble. Luther Uttaa, 1 11 p. BU Sunder eeenlaa. f ml Ckarek el Oe-Coltaoe Bood. ChruUao Browernoon nour. iwki ato tc O Oa-o JO Sunday mornlaaa. a. B - w .hia ii-ao a. a. Y P. aeetlnf. 0:41 p. a. avoauut ternee, 1:10 B. a. Chrlet Lalkaraa Ckarek lLC Stele Street at llth. the Rer. T. al. oebbard. palter. Sunday nereblp eorrleee and err aea by the paitor. 1 41 and 11 a. a. oaelal aaele br Hra. Bath Baaata. San- day aenoM, 10 a. m. BoaraaaleeS Cbarek el Jeeaa Cbrtil at Laller Der Salate Berenteeolh and Cbe iekela Bta. Oeone W. Speed, peeler. Church etheol. S:4t; Coaaualoa Mrrlea. Ill aTrenins raw w- rtrel Baptlat Ckarek-ktarloa) aad Ua-aa-tr. Dr. Llord T. Anderton. peeler. Bun Bar Mhool 1 41 a. a. Moraine ajerebip aarrlaa, 11: e'clock, "The Cbnellaal Bertleae.1' Paitor LlorS Andereen. Youth aeotaea. 0:10 p. a. Brenlni Ooieol aarelM, T a olaek. Tha Days 01 Crea- Ban.- Pew Coram Bapllel Ckarek Btete and Bla Btreete. Rer. Victor L. Ijorke. ' paetor. Banaay ecoow, Ine n-orehlp. 11:00 aelock, paitor epea Inf. Youna People'e Ufttue, 0 JO p. a restns Ooapal aer. aa. 1JS p. a. Pith Latkaraa Ckarak-B. Rlrer Roe4 Bt Cherry and Camalnaa Una. Oea. L. Bola.ee!.!. B. D. Paetar. SIS Caamlnje bane. Retnler eeretcee. nary Bandar al 11:00 a, a. Sunday Cbarek arbook ererr Buaaay ai a ea m. Yoota aeellaa aack Saaday aujhl at 1 Capttet BapUet S:4S B. a. Babdap BenoM far all aaaa. 11 a. a, atornins worihlp. Pattor'a eermon: "Whet li Tear Lllet" t:JS P. a. Trahilns Union lor an aaaa. 1:40 B- a.. Brenlna arariblp. Pae oar e ataon: -oa with t . IB p. a. ' Youth, Pel lorriblp and Slueplralloa at Bat Boas atraoi, The interested public is in vited to attend any of the meet ings. They will be conducted from Friday to Monday nights, Inclusive, beginning at 7:30. It is anticipated by those who have heard the Portland Rose Chorale in concert, that these eiasses will be very Instructive, Holiness Group Plans Fall Meet The Marlon County Holiness Association will hold its first fall meeting September 8th at the We si cyan Methodist church, 15th and Mill streets. The morning service is at 10:30 a.m. with speaker to be announced. There will be no noon meal or afternoon service. Rev. and Mrs. Jack Traschel. returned missionaries from China and India will speak at 7:30 p.m. St. Mark's Church Back in Stride The St Mark's Lutheran Church and Sunday school is back on the regular fall and winter schedule beginning this Sunday. A special summer schedule has been In effect during July and August Ac cording to the pastor, the Rev. John L. Cauble, the Sunday school service will begin at 9:30 a.m. and the worship service will be conducted at 11 o'clock. Organ Moments, a music service in preparation for worship, will begin at 10:50 and will be played by Phyllis Muhs, assistant organist. Wor shipers are invited to come early and mediate awhile. Children's Choir Will Be Organized A children's choir under the direction of Thomas Mommsen will be organized st Grace Lutheran , church Saturday, September 5 at 10:30 t.m. The choir will make its first appearance at the Rally Day Service Sep tember 20. Children from second grade and un are in vited to Join the group. No accompanist has been chosen yet. The Blessing of Work" In commemoration of Labor Day Sunday, will be the theme of the Rev. Douglas Harrell'a morning sermon at the Metho dist church. Both the senior and junior high youth fellow ship meet at 7 o'clock In the evening. An all-church loyalty ainnar is to oe served the mem bership of the church on Wed nesdsy evening. Sept 18, at the Eugene leia school auditor ium. Sunday evening. Sept 8, Dr. George G. Roseberry, su perintendent of the Sslem dis trict, will conduct , the first quarterly conference for the Silverton Methodists in the church sanctuary at 8 o'clock. For the ' 14th Sunday after Trinity, at the Trinity Luther an church 'on Sunday, Sept 8, the Rev. Joseph A. Luthro, pas tor, will have as his sermon theme: "Give Thanks When Healed." To be observed will be Adult Baptism, adult con firmation and Holy Commun ion. Sunday school classes are to be resumed fcn.owing the August vacation. Three church boards, dea cons, trustees and education, meet at S o'clock Tuesday, Sept. 8, In various rooms of the church. Sunday morning service on Sept 8 at Immanuel Lutheran church will include the celebra tlon of Holy Communion, ad ministered by the pastor, the Rev. Arnold W. Nelson, who will preach on; "Cleansed and Thankful." Luther league meets at 7:30 p.m. On Tuesday, Sept 8 at 8 p.m., the board of trus tees meet. On Thursday, Sept. 10 at 8 p.m., an organizational meeting of the Sunday school teachers and officers will be held.. Christian and Missionary Al liance Sunday school, 10 a.m., Oscar Satrum as superinten dent, will mark the beginning of extra planned programs for the church year. Several new members are to be received Into the church membership Sun day, Sept. 6, at the morning worship hour, the Lord's Sup- leper will be observed and the pastor, the Rev. Joseph A. Cooper, will speak on "Joining the Church." David Walker, president, will direct the 8:45 p.m. AYF youth meeting, Be Ye Thankful," is the topic for the 'sermon by the Rev. Arvid L. Hokonson of Cal vary Lutheran church at the 11 o'clock worship hour Sun day, Sept. 6, following the cel ebration of Holy Communion, and the Sunday school and Bi ble classes at 10 a.m. At the 8 o'clock evening service, Pas tor Hokonson will begin a ser ies of sermons on the life of Joshua. Wednesday, Sept 9, Bi ble' study and prayer will be at 8 pjn., at the parsonage home of Rev. and Mrs. Hokonson, continuing the study of the Book of Ezekiel. Convocation Well Attended Ministers numbering 118 from . Oregon, Washington, California, Idaho. Montana. aorta Dakota, Colorado, Wy oming, New. Mexico i Northwest Canada attended the Evangelical United Breth ren church convocation held at Jennings Lodge lata last week. ' The gathering was the first of this nature for tha Pacific area for tha denomination. It was considered entirely suc cessful and it Is probable an other will be held In four years. .principal speakers were Bishop Emeritus G. D. -Bat- dorf. Dr. H. E. Mueller of tha Minnesota conference and Dr. Ira D. Warner, bishop of the racuie area. Attending v the convocation from Salem were Rev. A. G. Jamieson and Rev. A. Delbert Rica of the First EUB church and Rev. Lloyd Uecker of En glewood EUB church. Pas tors from Frultland, Labish, Hopewell, Monmouth and Jef ferson also were . In atten dance. TOLD OF MEDAL OF HONOR AWARD Bethel Baptist Choir to Sing The choir of the Bethel Baptist church, North Cottage and D streets, will close its vacation of a month when it sings at the service on Sun day morning at 11 o'clock. The choir recently elected Miss Marian Giese as its di rector. She succeeds Dr. W. C. Herlnger, who directed the choir until an Illness last spring caused him to diicon tinue the work. The young people of the church will have a Fireside Singsplratlon Sunday evening after the regular service at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Willecke, 720 East Browning avenue. Hopewell Churches BeaeweB I.DJ. Rer. niena Rema. paitor. 10 am.. Bonder oehool. 11 a.m. nernlnt n-erihlp. I p a., routb fellow, ehlp. Celteea prayer aoetlna Wedneeday errnlna al 8. V COLIEEN TOWICEMI HANS V sjfl J J SB Lyons Churches L? Mttto,t Chinl) itunriBiv rhool tt 1:4ft. Mrt. John Prldeiu, u. parintmarni. Morning vortolp ml 11 i n, Toath Pvllowthtp t f 9. m. Rn, tUrolrf I. ehfrlff, miniittr. ftntelil music iU um prvMnwa ounni in rnurrh mi-tIcm. aiao - mmtj u btta provido (or cnuqiin. Amity Churches Hnllit oSundty rhool 10 .. Morn- lcg worahlp 41 11. Srtnlns Mrvleo at Chmrth at Cnrttl Blblt Mhool II a m, Morning wonhio u 11. Chrittitm endtft- or )o p.m. nlai Mrvlct 1:30. Choir prscuc JO p.bv Guerin-Hayes Clan Reunion Woodburn The first reunion in ten years of the Guerin Hayes clan, descendants of ear ly settlers, was held Sunday, Aug. 30, ' at Champoeg park. Honored guest of the day was Mrs. Annie Guerin Cline, 92, of Bonanza, the only living mem ber of the first generation. She traveled by car from Bonanza with members of her family to attend the reunion and spent several days visiting friends relatives in this vicinity. Youngest member attendng was Miss Pattie Ann Cooper, six weeks old. ' 1 . More than 75 guests attend ed the reunion, several from many miles distant ' Following the picnic dinner a program was held, including a review of the family's history as settlers in the Oregon country, presented by Mrs. Delia Stamps of Port land. She told of the cross country wagon trip by George Gugrin and his sister, Susan T. Querin Hayes, and their many trials, including the death of Susan's husband on the trip, leaving her with five children to care for with the trip to the new country not yet completed. Continuing - with - the wagon train they took land donation claims near Mt. Angel. Attending the reunion were Mrs. Annie Cline of Altura, Calif.; Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Hayes of Bellingham, Wash.; Mrs. Karl Melde and children of Se attle; Mr. and Mrs. Larry Brad ley and children of Richmond, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. George Hayes of Klamath Falls; Lester Boggs, Mrs. Florence Horn and Jack of Bonanza; Mr. and Mrs. John Lascomb of Bend; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Bullis of West fir; Mr. and Mrs. Val Bullis and son of Beaver ton; Mr. and Mrs. Pete Franz of .Independence; Mr. and Mrs. Bennett Miller and children of Madras; Mr. and Mrs. Vinnle Heinz of Silverton; Mr. and Mrs. James Stamps, Mrs. Ruth Brad ley, Miss Gertrude Ramage, Mrs. Susan Hayes Cooper, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Cooper and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Jess Pasch- all, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Jones and children, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Coate and children, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Confer and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Phil- brick and children, all of Port land; Mr. and Mrs. John Ram age. Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Ram age and children, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Ramage and children. and Mrs. Addie Doud, all of Woodburn. Many of the out-of-town guests were former residents of Woodburn. Plans were made to hold Mttkedlit Rer. Brace HeCannell. minuter. Sunday achool 10 a.a. Moraine wonblp al 11. Toath Fillowiblp s p-a. Lt. James L. Stone of Hot Springs, Ark., (right) at press interview at Freedom Village following his repatria tion. Brig. Gen. Ralph Osborne had just informed him he had been awarded the Congressional Medal ox Honor. ' The award, made for his heroic fight the night he was captured by the communists two years ago, was not an nounced until he had been freed for fear that tha Reda would take reprisals while Stone was a captive. (AP Wirephoto) Keizer Keizer Twenty-one ladles from tha state tax commission office surprised their fellow worker, Mrs. George L. Holm- quist, with a housewarming party ' Monday night at her home in the Faith Lutheran parsonage at 915 Cummlngs Lane. Mrs. Holmquist was pre sented with a gift for the home. Hostesses were Mrs. Earl Brown, Mrs. Luther Peterson, and Mrs. Kenneth Graber. Miss Tille Albers. supervsor of the department in which the group works, poured coffee and tea at the serving of a lunch brought by the ladies. Faith Lutheran church ladies met with Pastor Holmquist at the Oscar Phillips home Mon day afternoon to plan the de tails of a victory banquet and dedication service for . their new parsonage at 915 Cum mlngs Lane Thursday evening. Sept 17. All the work of build ing the parsonage . has . b e e n done by members of the church and friends, except a few items in the finishing process. Those having contributed labor and other help wul be honored Kuests at the banauet. Presi dent of the Pacific Lutheran Synod, Dr. L. H. Steinhoff, wiU be the speaker and participate In the dedication service. All members, friends and former members are being invited to attend. . - v Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Burnette, 4950 Bailey Rd., and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Lawrence, S785 Cherry Ave., celebrated their anniversaries together Sunday evening, Aug. SO. It was the 28th anniversary for the Bur nettes and tha 22nd for the Lawrences. Mr. Lawrence and Mrs. Burnette are brother and sister. The celebration was at the Lawrence home. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mogster, 605 Chemawa Rd., and family returned Monday night from a 10 weeks vacation and fishing trip near Chinook, Wash. Mr. and Mrs. Marion McGohan and family of Kelso also were in the fishing party. Mrs. Mogster and Mrs. McGohan are sisters. Buddy Holt, son of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Holt, Jr., 8195 Will Ave., celebrated his first birth day at the home of his grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Eckstein, 891 Churchdale Ave., August 25. Present were his little cousins,- Antia, Jerry and Dickie Dale Eckstein, his pa- ; ternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Holt, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Eckstein, and un cle, Virgil Eckstein. Tha eve ning was spent taking pictures , and watching television. 1 The Ray Haines of Bailey Rd. arri.-ed home Friday from a motor trip into Washington and along the coast Robert Burnette, 8585 Pleas ant View Dr., was taken to tha Salem Memorial hospital 'Sun- . day morning with pneumonia. He is reported to be in fair condition. Harry Lawrence, 2785 Cher ry Ave., received Injuries Sun day morning when the motor cycle he was riding lost a front wheel. He injured his right arm and the hospital where ha was taken had to take 20 stitches at the elbow. He is In ' far condition. Mr. Lawrence Is a brother of Mrs. Burnette of Bailey Rd. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Burnette, 3815 Brooks Ave., has had as guests the past week Mr. and Mrs. Fred Goodall of Salina, Kan. Mr. Goodall is a brother of Mrs. Burnette. . U I 2 ' v ' ' About 115 billion pounds of milk were produced in the United States in 1952. EVANGELISTIC TEMPLE (Assembly of God) Market St tad Park Art, . L. A. Larson - Pastor Sunday School 9:45 .m. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Evangelistic 7:45 p.m. Choir Organ Orchestra Good Mtiale SOUND PREACHING next year's rsuninn at K-nu. mier park In Woodburn. First Methodist Church Ifwstttrii TfeTrip Mgl Dm CMmm - Jadrf 11:00 ml "MAHTMt MOST KIT LetoltyMaiUat Sfa11:JM2.tt(BH) ISM fcoob H. Hoori. Minister Oak Qrero Ckepal Rer. Brace Ue Connell. nlnlitor. alornlna worehlp at 0 tt. Sunder achool 10:11 a.a. Aieeabrr of Ood Rer. Freak X. Mini, peitor. Bundar achool 0 tt l a. Uornlni worehlp 11 a.a. Brealas aarrlca al SALEM VENETIAN BLINDS CAPITAl SHAM ( DUPERY SHOP 5eOS.21tSI. PhtM2M3 COLIEEN TOWRUMI tUN: TV.EOItUlEE HIM 11(0 r. . . V I anal1:! t wrt aa a. FtKrmirsaiui wmo ncTHtoi CHURCH IT-?! r. u.. . t aaaa nana jammer it. WriMidtY, JepltmkBr f 7:30 P.M. Prrtnree Shown Egypt and Ethiopia . latnrday, 8 p.m. FAITH TABERNACLE Sm at Gainas Sri. MISSIONARY EVANGELIST SPECIAL HEALING SERVICES SATURDAY ft TWICE SUNDAY JANE COLLINS DAOUD Will Inspire Teur Faith Hundreds Bave Been Healed Come aad Seel tiling a PalUra (at Madera Day Miaaiaeary Wra CNDAT SCHOOL :4I A.M. REAK RES and K.NOW WHAT OOD CAN IX)! 9 n ' COMING SOON! WW SEWM Plan Now to Attend OPENING DATE SEPT. S BRUNK BROTHERS EVANGELISTIC CAMPAIGN 1 Mil North of Albony On WE, Across from Wavarfy Uka with GEORGE and LAWRENCE BRUKX Notetl Eranaelisr from Denbelgh, Virginia - Holding tent maotings nightly Win, t. Mcity S.000). reaching ene tinging M gospel messages showing you how to loot your tins and find your SoWoor. REMEMBER THE OPENING DATE, SEPT. Sr 1953 a