Friday, Seateeaber 4. 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Sakaa, Orefon Pft l Wedding in Gardens At Albany ' Albany The gardens it the home ot Mr. and Mr. A. Van Dahl formed the aettlnf for the weddinf on Sunday of Mia Marilyn Rehart Musgravc, of Albany, daughter of Mrs. R. W. Heddlnger, Long Beach, Calit, and V. L. Musgrave, The Dalles, and granddaughter of Frank W. Musgrave, Albany; and Stanford Thornton Larney, San Mateo, Calif., aon of Mr. and Mrs. Stanford Larney, also of San Mateo. The double ring ceremony was read at 4 o clock in the afternoon by the Rev. OrvUle F. Mick, Dallas, former- ly of Albany. The improvised altar was '. placed in front of latticed arch, entwined with ivy with baskets filled with mixed pas- ; tel shaded gladiouses placed en : either side of the arch. , Preceding the ceremony Thomas R. Baker sang. Mrs. Glenn Mick of Zugene was ac- - companist and also played the wedding music. . The bride was presented in - marriage by her grandfather, Mr. Musgrave, and was attrac- ' tive in a floor length dress of '' Chantilly lace made with bouf , fant skirt and bodice fashioned with insets of nylon tulle shin ring. The fingertip length il lusion veil was attached to a Mary Queen of Scots cap with seed pearls trimming the crown. The bride wore a necklace of ' pearls as her only Jewelry. The wedding dress was trimmed around the yoke with white satin braid from the wedding dress ot her grandmother, the late Mrs. Frank W. Musgrave. Completing her ensemble, the bride carried a cascade bouquet of gardenias and stephanotis with white satin streamers. ' The maid of honor was Miss Adeline Ehrlich, who wore a ballerina length dress of Amer ican Beauty red nylon net with picture hat of matching color and material. She carried a bouquet of yellow gladioluses. Mrs. L. Peter Kennel was ; matron of honor and wore a yellow nylon net and picture hat identical to that of the maid oi honor's. She carried a colon ial bouquet of Better Times gladioluses. " Susan Kay Waggoner, Eu gene, niece of the bride, was the flower girl. She wore a long dress of aqua nylon tulle with . matching picture hat and car tied a basket of rose petals centered with a corsaeg of rose- (haded elfe roses.' f Martin Civretta, San Mateo, Calif., was best man and seat ing the more than 100 wedding guests was Harold Waggoner of p. r ) " : i 4 - Wed August II Mr. and Mrs. Charles Victor Courier (Lorraine Elvers Nyquist), above, were married August 21 at Woodburn. The bride is the daughter .of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nyquist of Scio and Mr. Courter is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Courter of Hubbard. (Alyce studio picture, Woodburn.) Eugene, brother-in-law of the bride. For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Heddlnger chose a .street length suit of champagne col ored faille with black velvet trim. Her costume was com plemented with black acces sories and a corsage of pink roses. The bridegroom's moth er wore a street length navy sheer with white trim and white accessories and her flowers were also pink roses. The wedding reception also was in the gardens. The table was decorated with the wed ding cake encircled with white gladioluses. Mrs. Harold Wag goner, Eugene, sister of the bride, presided at the punch bowl, Mrs. Velma Morris cut the cake and assisting with the serving were Miss Leila Barry and Miss Melba Aylward, both of Albany. Miss Barbara Lar ney, sister of the bridegroom, from San Mateo, held the guest book. After the reception the bridal couple left on a wedding trip to Crater lake and to California via the coast route. After Sep tember 15 they will be at home in Merced, Calif. For her honeymoon the bride wore a two-piece gray wool suit with box jacket and her hat matched her suit. Pinned to the shoul der of her jacket was gar denia and stephanotis corsage. The bridegroom is a staff sergeant with the United States Air Force, stationed at Castle Air Force base at Merced, Calif. 'vrV -'-'r..--t-v vV'r) t-"( Golden Weddingst events at Lebanon Lebanon Two golden wed dings were observed in this area on Sunday, August 30. Mr. and Mrs. John L. Blackburn observed the anniversary at their Rock Hill home with a reception attended by many local friends and a large num ber of out-of-town guests. -. The Blackburns were mar ried in Pendleton and lived at Pilot Rock for seven years be fore coining to the Lebanon area to make their home. Mr. and Mrs. Perry Ginther observed their anniversary in the social room of the First Christian church. Approxi mately 200 friends and rela tives greeted the honored cou ple. The Ginthers were wed In Nebraska and have made their home in Oregon for the past 43 years. . Glamorize Prunes Better breakfast month in September reminds us it's time to check our eating habits. As popular as ever for a breakfast fruit are prunes. For a color ful accent, add a thin slice or two of fresh orange to a dish of cooked prunes. Nectar Milkshake Surprise your school-going youngsters with a nectar milk shake in their lunch box ther mos. Combine equal parts well-chilled milk and apricot whole fruit nectar, and shake well. If you like, add a spoon ful or two of ice cream for extra thickness, foods page with mat .. .. Smother round steak in a scrumptious sauce of tomato soup, cooked green pepper, onion and lemon. Everyone will smack his lips as he eats and enjoys it Pepper Steak Something Special, Tasty to Eat BEEF IN TOMATO CTJFS Serve tomato cups with a beef and kidney bean salad stuffing. Combine chopped cooked beef with red kidney beans, chopped celery, pickle relish and tomato puip. stun tomatoes and serve chilled on lettuce cups. Kabobs are fun for "out side" cooking. Grill over charcoal a combination of frankfurter slices threaded on skewers with ripe olives and a becon slice. Or thread can ned luncheon meat cubes on skewers with pineapple chunks and bacon. Miss-Riley Is Bride Aug. 23 . Aurora In the new Christ Lutheran church Sunday after noon, August 23, Miss Fay Ann Riley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde E. Riley, exchanged vows with uiaeon renw m Sacramento, Calif., son of Mrs. Lvdia BenU of Scotland. S. D. The ceremony was read by the Rev. L. C. Liskauf. Miss Mary Wlttstein played the wedding music, and Carol Jean Schmidt of Salem sang. The bride was given in mar riaie by her father. She wore a slipper satin dress with lace yoke, and lace bordering the full court train, and trimming the long sleeves at the wrist. The double tierred net finger tip length veil bordered in lace, was held by a crown of seed pearls. The bride carried a white Bible topped, by red roses with white satin stream ers. Miss Alice Riley was her sis ter's honor attendant. She wore a frock ot gold nylon net over matching taffeta with gold satin bolero. She carried a nosegay of pastel flowers and a white wreath in her bair. Miss Florence Garner of Se attle was bridesmaid for her niece. She wore a royal blue net over taffeta dress with satin bolero, and carried a nose gay similar to that of the maid of honor's. Mary Klinger of Aurora was flower girl and wore a rose taffeta floor length drets and carried a white bas ket of flowers tied with blue and gold ribbon. Charles Jen sen was ring bearer. . Leonard Bentz of Portland, brother of the bridegroom, and Louis Jensen, urlcle of the bride, attended the bride groom. Ushers were Clyde Riley, Jr., of North Plains, brother of the bride, and Alvin Dale G:rner ot Los Angeles, Calif., uncle of the bride. " For her daughter's wedding, Mrs. Riley chose a rose nylon sheer over matching taffeta with pink and white accessor ies and a corsage of pink and white gladioluses and roses. A reception for 40 guests fol lowed the ceremony at the Riley home. Mrs. Clyde Riley, Jr., cut the cake. Mrs. Martin Schmidt of Salem, aunt of the bride, poured. Miss Ruth Grimm, also of Salem, waa In charge ot the punch. Jacque line Plnkham passed the guest book. Miss Rachel Garner, Sa lem. Mrs. Louis Jensen, Port- Lland, aunts of the bride, and Mrs. uaie coie, Vancouver, were in charge of the gifts. When the couple left on their honeymoon, the bride wore a lavender linen frock with white accessories and a corsage of white rosebuds pinned to her dress. They will be at home in Sacramento where Mr. Bentz is employed in McClel- lah air force base. Arrive for Wedding Silverton Guests at the Os wald Johnson home In Waldo Hills to remain for the Septem ber 5 wedding of a daughter, of the Johnsons, Miss Janice Johnson, are Mr. and Mrs. Ray-; mond Borchardt and Paul, Den nis and Barbara, of Osage,' Iowa. Miss Johnson is to wed Bruce Mayo Reynolds. Arriving early this past week I were Mr. and Mrs. Charles Kizer-Parkhill Wedding August 30 Albany At quiet home wedding ceremony on Sunday, Miss Carole Diane Parkhlll, of Albany, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward H. Phillips. Port- land, exchanged her nuptial vows with Frank Richard Kix- er, son ot Mr. and Mrs. Frank H. Kizer, Albany. The wed ding waa at 2 30 o'clock In the afternoon at the home of the bride's grandmother, Mrs. C. A. Troutman. The Rev. Fredrick Elwick read the double ring service. The bridal party stood before the fireplace, which was banked with pink and white gladioluses. Only the Immed iate families ot the pair wit nessed the ceremony. For ber wedding the bride wore a gray wool suit with green and white accessories and a purple-throated white orchid. Mrs. Phillips, mother ot the bride, was the only attendant and she was attired in a blue suit with pink and blue acces sories. ,- i The bridegroom's father. Frank H. Kizer, stood as best man. Miss Jean Carper was at the piano and played the wedding music. After the ceremony the cou ple .'eft on a wedding trip to Canada, to be gone a week. For going-away the bride wore her wedding costume and an or chid corsage. Mr. and Mrs. Kizer will be at home in Albany at 731 Lyon street following their honey moon. , ing of the club will be Oct. 7. when Marvel Brennan of Meier and Frank Co. will speak on chinawart and show exhibits. Bells Feted on 50th Anniversary Stayton In observance ot their golden wedding anniver sary, Mr. and Mrs. P. H. Bell were honored with a surprise open house Sunday, August SO, at their home. More than 100 guests called. The couple were married in Omaha, Neb., September 8, 1803. The Bells have made Stayton their home for three and a half years. The reception was arranged by their son, Phil Bell, Jr. Mrs. William Albus and Mrs. Cliff Likes cut and served the cake. Assisting with the serv ing were Mrs. Henry Tate, Mrs. Ed Sullens, and Mrs. Harold Wodtly. . Signing the guest book were: Mr. and Mrs. Georeg K. Sun dlie, Mr. and Mrs. William Bliven, Mrs. A. C. F. Perry of Salem; M. L. White ot Port land; Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Jul ian, Mr. and Mrs. Hugh John ston of Lyons; Larry and Becky Morgan of Mehama; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wodtly and Nancy, i Mr. and Mrs. Robert Albus. Helen Tate, Mr. and .Mrs. D. George Cole, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Albus, Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Carrick, Mr. and Mrs. George Bell, Mrs. Shirlee Darby, Mr. and Mrs. Buford Moreland. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Larr oner, Jim Lande, Edith Philippl, Mr. and Mrs. L. Stout, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Van Nuys, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Fair. Lynette M. Larrl mer. John Brand, Mr. and Mrs. William W. .Schmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Likes and Peggy, Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Minten, Roger and Dehise, Mr. and Mrs. Verny Scott, Mr. and Mrs. Gor don Ullroan and Jennifer, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tate, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Schachtsick, Mr. and Mrs. A. D. Mitchell. Ron ald, Keith and Karen, Mrs. An na Ditter, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Sul lens, Doyle and Diana, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Fair, L. H. Ellis, Mrs. Lloyd Girod, Mrs. Joseph Frichtl, Mr. and Mrs. Kuipers, Albert Julian, Anna Julian, Mrs. J. L. Julian, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Jrerei, Mrs. Kenneth Ab bott, Carolyn and Jimmle, Mr. and - Mrs. Russell Johnson and Sheryl, Mrs. F. J. Rupert, Ethel and Harold, Mrs. Mae Smith, Robert Smith, Eleanor Silbernagel, Clara Fink, Jake SUbernagel, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- SERGEE For Women 5'4M and ander at MTU RENCI W -113 North High ward J. Bell, Linda Kline, Jo seph Frichtl, jtathrya and Lola Frichtl, Judith Ana Lulay. Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Humph rays, Mrs. Clyde Talpey, Diana Browning, Cheryl K. Brown ing, and Mrs. W. H. Carter. So smooth it leaves you .breathless mi? tt cmtittt VODKA Sm. Phti Smiraof Pis. Inc.. Htnforri, Cm AMERICA'S - Matt Midifi RHcaM CAPITAL 111 N. High r , II 1 Phone 2-2406 To Place Classified Ads Mrs. McLaughlin Named Secretary Woodburn Mrs. P. C. Mc Laughlin was elected record ing secretary ot the Woodburn Woman's club at a special meeting Wednesday at the li brary club rooms. She takes the place sf Mrs. R. S. Ketch- um, who was elected last June but who resigned on account of other business. Speaker ot the afternoon was Mrs. James Bunnell, ex ecutive secretary ot the Mar lon County Tuberculosis and Health association. The club voted to sponsor the TB seal sale tor the Woodburn area this year. Delegates elected to tne tnira district convention at West Linn, Sept. 30, are Mrs. James Lamb, Mrs. J. B. Gay, and Mrs, P. C. McLaughlin. Alternates named are Mrs. Charles Co- nyne. Mrs. P. H. Seely and Mrs. R. L. Anderson. An Invitation was read to at tend the Oregon state board meeting at Corvallls Sept. 18 when Mrs. Chloe Glflord, third vice president of the General Federation of Women's ciuds, will be guest speaker. - It was voted to again sponsor a booth at the North Marion county fair to be at Woodburn Seot. 24. 25 and 28. Mrs. O. R. Randall and Mrs. Lyman Seely , will be in charge. The first regular fall meet-! Zrtf GREEN STAMPS ON ALL PURCHASES FREE DELIVERY CHAPMAN MUC SINE 14 Candalarta Blvd. Leonard, parents of the bride- Cllt4nlf,J, liL., IA groom-to-be, from - Webster, I fctvif u wwf wnv i N. Y., and Mrs. Vera Moore Cedar Falls, Iowa. -Mrs. Moore is to assist in the wedding re ception and Barbara Bochardt will be the flower girl. "Walk on Easy Street It has been estimated by the U. S. Public Health Service that approximately 80 of all. 200 TABLET BOTTIE 0NLY796 furs Exclusively For 35 Years LACHELLES 1348 Ferry SL people in this country are af flicted with some form of foot trouble. The care of your feet is essential to your health and comfort. For all foot disorders consult a foot specialist. THE CHIROPODIST VSBBSSSSSSsajSBSllMaBBBBBBBBBBBBr "Good as all get out!" That's how the comments fly when you serve the plates with Pepper Steak. Take a piece of beef and ' you have something, precious anyway. Then when you cook It in this mouth-watering way, you come out with a dish that's plain irresistible. The zippy topping combines generous strips of green pepper, savory tomato soup, tnin harp lemon, onion and garlic Cooked aU together, it's a glor ious tasting mixture. You can take your choice of cuts of beef for the dish either round or flank steak or another less tender piece. If using flank, be sure to score it well by cutting across the lnn fibers with a sharp knife. As meat cooks, you can quick ly prepare the rest oi n Rutterv mashed pota toes, tossed mixed greens for salad, fresh apples and grapes for dessert. Pepper Steak 1 pound round or flank steak O Inch thick) i-i cup flour i teaspoon salt l Urn areen pepper, cut In 8 ,trlpl ' 1 medium onion, aliced 1 clove garlic, minced Vt cup shortening 1 can (1V4 cups) condensed tomato soup tt cup water V, teaspoon salt 1 tablespoon lemon juice 4 thin slices lemon Sprinkle steak with flour and seasonings; pound until thin. Cut into 4 serving pieces. Cook pepper, onion and garlic In hot fat; remove from skillet, Brown steak. Add cooked on ion, pepper and garlic; blend in remaining ingredients, pisc ina slice of lemon on each piece of steak. Cover. Simmer 1 hour or unm xenaer. serv ings. Zesfy Salad Bowl Make dressing anytime. Rub salad bowl with cut clove of garlic. Tear chilled, crisp sal ad greens into bowl; add gen erous amounts ot diced avoca do and thinly sliced radishes. Pour this dressing over sal ad, toss gently and serve at once: In Jar or bowL combine i cup lime Juice, 1. tablespoon rated onion, 2 teaspoons su- r u teaspoon monosodium luUmste. V teaspoons salt. V4 teaspoon coarse black pep rr. Shake or beat well. Add 1 cup salad oil; shake or best aialn. Makes about lVi cups dressing. 0 t, y ' ike beat btujs ufbrntl j4fc $j99 MAIl OIDUI IRTTTIOI Md V4 C. 0. 0.1, etoiN coital Whit sue! er Ualhtif Sizes VA lo 10, AAAA-CI You get more for your money at America's largest fashion trtot reUiltrl Foriumpl. this rubber-joltd saddle oxford with white tennis sole. Sued il with coral sot. What value! epanroATiiitHTiRt 170 N. Liberty Ettective Friday, Saturday. Sunday September 4-5-$ PREM Luncheon Meat 12-oz. can 30 CAKE FLOUR Swansdown 2-lb. OR PINEAPPLE Highway TAMATA II lire Sunny IVriMIV JUIIL Dawn 46-oz. can MARGARINE Dalewood lb. TAN ET Tiff HE fllRI ST1 00 JUILCI IIJJUL M-D AW rolls A VINEGAR Cider Old Mill Gallon SUGAR While Satin . or Holly MAYONNAISE Best Foods or NuMade Quart 5.9- (HEESE VELVEETA t-lb. leaf. VAN ZEE t-lb. loaf , 79c 75c Spaghetti With Meal Balls Chef Boy-Ar-Dee 5 00 TOMATOES HALE PEACHES 17 T 2" FRYERS rifc Moner House er Swift rllHIllw 1-lb. $100 ' M3 Average . each A lb. tjO 2120 Fairgrounds M. e 24S Court St. 126S Center St. 93S S. Cemmcrciel E l 1 7.7 I ft J t J.X2,: