Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 04, 1953, Page 6, Image 6

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    Friday. SepttmW 4, ItSS
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Wedding Lift Saturday Mr. and Mrs. James Harvey
Murray (Deloret Darlene Carr), above, were married last
Saturday at the First Congregational church. The bride
Is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bert J. Carr and Mr.
Burray is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Murray. (McEwan
studio picture.)
Gladys Arnold
Is Bride-elect
Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence W.
Fox of Blodgett are announc
ing the engagement of their
daughter, .Mist Gladys Arnold,
Salem, to Donald ; Boatman,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey
Boatman of Sclov-7-'
An early, spring wedding is
Miss Arnold is employed by
the state department of veter
ans affairs, and Mr. Boatman
is in the U. S. army. t
Miss Pedersen,
Mr. Wells Married
Today's Menu
Miss Arlene Pedersen,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Nor'
man Pedersen, was wed to
Robert L. Wells, son of Mr.
and Mrs. Paul R. Wells of
Woodburn, at the Immanuel
Lutheran church of SUverton
on August IS.
The Rev. Arnold Nelson
read the lines for the double
ring ceremony. Baskets of
white gladioluses, pink and
blue asters and snapdragons
with greenery decorated the
altar. Mrs. Jerry Denton of
Albany sang, accompanied by
Mrs. Arthur Dahl, who also
played the wedding march.
The bride was given In
marriage by her father and
wore white Chantilly lace and
nylon tulle over satin. The fin
gertip veil of illusion net tell
from a Juliet cap trimmed
with seed pearls. Pearl ear
rings and matching necklace,
a gift of the bridegroom, were
the bride's jewelry. Her bou
quet was of white chrysanthe
mums, centered by a white orchid.
Mrs. Orvllle Braslg, sister
of the bride, was the matron
of honor, and bridesmaids
were Miss Lorraine Eliassen,
cousin of the bride, of Gren
ora, N.D., and Miss Norene
Wells of Woodburn. Their
dresses were floor length, of
tulle over taffeta In pastel
shades and flower trimmed
satin bands adorned their hair.
They carried baskets filled
with asters and bouvardia.
Taper lighters were Karla
Hanson and Mrs. Roy Boucher.
Lawrence Graham of Canby
Was the best man and ushers
were Orvllle Brasig and Rich
ard Price of Washington.
The bride's mother wore
pink with white and navy blue
accessories and the bride
groom's . mother wort blue
with black accessories. Both
wore orchid corsages.
The wedding cake at the re
ception was cut by Mrs. Cecil
Jepson of Portland and assist
ing In serving were Mrs. Mel
vln Bradley, Mrs. Lawrence
Graham at the punch bowl
and Mrs. Arlo Larson at the
coffee urn. Mrs. Glenn
Tucker was In charge of the
guest book and the gift table
was arranged by Mrs. Virgil
Bradley and Jackie Price, .of
For the wedding trip to Vic
toria, B.C., the bride wore a.
brown ailit with whitt acces-'
Tuna teamed with rich
cream cheese and crunchy
vegetables fills a hearty sand
, Different Tuna Sandwiches
Canned Tomato Aspic on
Shredded Greens
Fruit Gelatin Beverage
Different Tuna
Sandwiches 1
Ingredients: One 6 H -ounce
can chunk-style tuna (drained)
4 cup cooked green peas, V
cup finely grated raw carrot,
4 cup finely diced celery, 2
tablespoons minced onion, one
3-ounce package cream cheese,
3 tablespoons light cream or
milk, 1 teaspoon salt, whole
wheat bread.
Method: Break tuna Into
pieces with a fork; mix with
peas, carrot, celery and onion
Mash cream cheese and add
cream or milk and salt; beat
until light and creamy. Mix
tuna and cream cheese lightly
but thoroughly. Spread on
slices of whole-wheat bread.
Makes 2Vi cups filling.
Miss Fried
Bride on
Miss Allsgene Fried, daugh
ter of Mr. snd Mrs. Albert
Fried, and James A. Brown,
son of Mr. snd Mrs. Joel R.
nmum of Besverton, were
married Thursday evening at
a service in the Seventh Day
Adventltt church, the pastpr,
r.luln Hartneil. officiating.
White and orchid colored
gladioluses decorated tne
hureh for the service. For
the music, Miss Kathy Shar-
man sanr ana nuiiam
nl.ved the organ, juignung
the candles preceding the cere
mony were Dean Kuebler and
Eugene Mitchell.
Oivnn in marriage ny ner
father, the bride wore a dress
of white satin fashioned with
net yoke, long sleeves snd a
train, and worn with a finger
tip veil. For her flowers, the
bride carried a bouquet of
pink roses with lilies in the
center. -
Miss Dorothy rriea was
honor sttendant. She wore a
gold satin dress and carried a
bouquet of bronze and yellow
Miss Marjorie jonnson,
wearing a nile green saun
dress, and Miss Minnie rage,
in orchid satin, were the
bridesmaids. Both carried
bouquets of white gladioluses.
Harry Elliott was oesi man.
Ushers were Bill Hill, Jsan
Martin, Henry Fischer anq
Lloyd Hickethier.
The two motners ooin wore
navy blur attire with red rose
The reception following was
in Mayflower hall, cutting
the cake was Mrs. E. J.
Kortzeborn and pouring was
Mrs. Harry Mitchell. Assist
ing were Mrs. O. Wolcott, Mrs.
Don Worden, Mrs. Meredith
Holbrock. Miss Leota Nutt-
brock. Miss Eleanbre Berndt,
Miss Hertha Long, Mrs. David
Wright. Miss Vera Wolcott.
For going away, the bride
wore a red knit suit with gray
coat, hat and accessories, and
a corsage of lilies.
Following a trip to northern
California the couple will be
at home In College Place,
Wash. i
A ...
nremen s Auxiliary
Meets on Thursday
The Salem Firemen's auxil
iary met Thursday evening at
the home of Mrs. Glenn Shed
eck. It was voted to give a do
nation to Fairvlew Home, also
to make scrapbooks. A dessert
was served. Co-hostesses were
Mrs. Ellsworth Smith and Mrs.
Warren Paynter. Fifteen mem
bers were present, including
Mrs. Den Ray, Mrs. Charles
Patterson, Mrs. Ronald Ruch,
Mrs. Donald Morley, Mrs. Har
vey Retake,, Mrs. Raymond
Tompkins, Mrs. Gerald Hall,
Mrs. Earl Benz, Mrs. Frank
Hills, Mrs. Charles Bower, Mrs.
Jack Johnson, Mrs. Milo Aesch-
VISITING here Is Mrs. Vic
tor L. Berglund of Santa Ana,
Calif., guest at The home of her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. George
Bauer. She came north to be
here for the wedding of her
sister. Miss Kathleen Bauer,
who is to be married this Sat
urday to Jay Surgeon.
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Goldenweds Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Snyder, above, ob
served their golden wedding, Wednesday, a reception be
ing given at their home near Amity. (Jesten-Miller studio
Capital Women
Local Initiates
In Nile Group
Several Salem women were
initiated Into the Daughters of
the Nile at the ceremonial in
Portland on Wednesday when
Mrs. Helen V. Drake of San
Francisco, supreme queen, was
a visitor.
The local initiates included
Mrs. Charles E. Lowe, Mrs.
Melvln Kelley, Mrs. Ralph
Gordon, Mrs. Harvey Latham,
Mrs. John H. Miller, Mrs.
Fred Snider, Mrs. Ernest D.
Crabtree. Mrs. Wilbur Mc
Cune, Mrs. Jeff Earlywine,
Mrs. Paul Hicks, Mrs. C. D.
Hatfield, Mrs. Eugene Laird,
Mrs. James L. Smith. Mrs.
Norman Fletcher.
GREETING friends In Salem
for a few days is Miss Alma
Schroeder, formerly of Salem
Miss Schroeder recently re
turned from an extended trip
east and has been at her home
in LaGrande. She is here as
sisting with the Union county
booth at' the State Fair. She
formerly was treasurer of the
Oregon Farm Bureau office
Visitors Due
bury of Long Beach, Calif., en
route home from a vacation
trip through the Pacific north
Among visitors in Salem for
the Labor Day week-end will
be Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Bishop
and family of Chico, Calif.
who will be guests of his moth
er, Mrs. J. N. Bishop, and her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Waldo
O. Mills. On Sunday, Mr. and
Mrs. Carlton J. McLeod and
Mr. and Mrs. George C. Alex
ander will entertain at the Mc
Leod couny home at an in
formal supper party to honor
the Bishops. A group of 20 has
been Invited.
Duo Married Here
On September 1
Wed on September 1 at the
First Christian church were
Mrs. Nettle B. Lucas and Eddie
J. MacDougal. The Rev. Dud
ley Strain officiated at the 3
o'clock service.
The bride wore a navy blue
ribbon lace dress with navy and
rhinestone accessories and a
pale lavender orchid. She was
given in marriage by her cous
in, Sanford L. Kent, Salem.
Matron of honor was the
bride's daughter, Mrs. Gene
Hrachovina, of McAllen, Tex.
She wore a mauve dress with
navy accessories and a dark
Gene Hrachovina was best
Following the wedding, the
couple was honored at a dinner
at the Senator hotel.
After a short wedding trip,
Mr. and Mrs. MacDougal will
be at home In Portland.
VISITORS at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Davey on
Thursday were Mr. and Mrs.
George Weeks and sons, Robert
and Roger of Harbor City,
Calif., formerly of Salem. Mrs.
A. S. Holmes and son, Priday
Holmes, of Terrebonne Ore.,
and H. L. Priday of Redmond.
8ILVERTON -Visiting Wed
nesday at the home of relatives,
the E. Jay McCalls and Mrs.
Ed Holdcn of Silvrrton. were
Mr. and Mrs. William Kings-
Mrs. Robert Price
Plans Trip Abroad
An Interesting trip is ahead
for Mrs. Robert Price, who
plans to leave September 19
to visit relatives in Ireland
and Scotland.
.She is to sail out of New
York City on the Queen Mary,
landing at Southampton, go
ing on to London and Bel
fast, then to Portadown, North
Ireland, visiting at the latter
place with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. Robert Barbour.
Mrs. Price will later visit in
Scotland with other relatives.
It is four and one-half years
since Mrs. Price has visited
her parents. She plans to
sail on November 20 on the
Queen Elizabeth to return
'I. I-.- i A A. Li I
Ainsworth Chapter
Begins New Year
Ainsworth chapter. Order of
Eastern Star, began its fall
meetings Wednesday evening at
tne Scottish Rite temple.
Introduced and honored In
the . east were Mrs. Paul H.
Hauser, past grand matron:
Mrs. Paul Robinson, past grand
matron; Mrs. W. L, Lewis,
grand - representative to the
state of Tennessee, Mrs. J. Zd
gar Reay, grand representative
to the state of South Dakota.
Others visitors included Mrs.
Jean Morrison, Mrs. Francis
Gurfeld, Mrs. Emery of Flor
ence and Nathaniel Storey of
Lancaster, Calif.
Many invitations were re
ceived to attend receptions for
grand officers, among them the
reception being given by Chad
wick chapter, September IB in
honor of Herman Johnston,
grand associate patron.
This being the last meeting
with Mrs. H. E. Smedley,
! worthy matron, presiding, a!
farewell program was given in
j the dining room during the so-1
cial hour. The Star points put!
on a flower degree and Robert
Goddard played piano selec
tions. Serving on the refreshment
committee for the evening was 1
Mr. and Mrs. Howard Jenks,
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ramage,
Mrs. Lou Williams and Mrs.
Kermit Glasscott j
Shower for "
Miss Louisa Spalding, daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph 8.
Spalding of Chemawa, and
bride-elect ef BiUy W. guggs
of Warm Springs, Or., was
honored at a party and shower
Wednesday evening for which
Mrs. Archie Brewster, Mrs.
William S h 1 n a and Mrs. Ray
Reynolds entertained at the
Brewster home. '
Bidden to honor Miss Spald
ing with a miscellaneous show
er were Mrs. Jacob Fender,
Mrs. Paul Tharalson, Mrs.
James Calaway, Mrs. Jay
Harnsberger, Mrs. Charles Pet
erson, Mrs. Ann Boatman, Mrs.
Arthur Pickering, Mrs. Leon
Hanson, Mrs. Joseph Spalding,
Miss Beverly Rinehart, Mrs.
Robert Eaton, Mrs. Charles
Harvey and Mrs. O. E. Rine
hart. Miss Spalding's marriage
wiH take place Saturday. .
Mission Study
Seminar Due
Salem Council of Church
Women will this year sponsor
its first mission study coach
ing seminar, on September 22,
in the Carrier room ef the
First Methodist church be
tween 9:30 a m. and 3 p.ra
The program for this meeting
was planned at a meeting of
the World . Missions commit
tee of the council, Thursday
afternoon, at the home ef Mrs.
E. P. Goulder, president of the
Members of the committee
sre Mesdames C. W. Stacey,
J. P. Smart, and Sidney A.
Van Dyke.
This seminar is to prepare
these who will conduct classes
in the two interdenomination
al studies to be used this
year, "That the World May
Know" and "Within These
Borders." Experienced lead
ership will be brought in for
this seminar, supplementary
material will be on display,
and films on both studies will
be shown.
Kent Peterson
Feted on Birthday
Kent Peterson, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Ervin L. Peterson, ob
served his eighth birthday to
day and is being honored at a
supper party planned this eve
ning by his parents at their
home. The party will be be
tween 5:30 and 8 o'clock, and
games will follow the supper.
Kent s guests will include
Martha Mills, Bruce Brennen,
Steven Sullivan, Linda Spen-
dal, Marjorie Wenger, Ron
Boise, Peter Maltby, Darlene
Thomas, Larry Lohrman, Mari
anne and Terry McGllnn, Loren
and Tom Madsen, who are here
from San Francisco with their
mother, Helene Hughes, pro
ducer and director for the State
Fair night revue: and Kent's
brother, Stephen Peterson,
Come From South
Miss Charlotte - Alexander
and Miss Phyllis Brown are to
arrive Saturday from San
Francisco for a visit over the
holiday week-end at the home
of Miss Alexander s parents,
Mr. and Mrs. George Alexan
Tomorrow afternoon, Miss
Alexander's sister-in-law, Mrs.
George C. Alexander, is enter
taining at a luncheon for the
visitors. Those attending in
clude Miss Alexander, Miss
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Nuptials on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. James DeLapp (Pa
tricia Kepplnger), above, were married last Sunday after
noon. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Cleo
Keppinger, Sr., and Mr. DeLapp la the son of Mr. and Mrs.
Lester DeLapp. (McEwan studio picture.)
Brown, Mrs. Edwin E. Allen of
Eugene, Mrs. Edward O. Stad
ter, Jr., Mrs. John P. Maulding,
Mrs. Lester D. Green, Miss
Janet Kirk, Mrs. Ralph Under
wood, Miss Antoinette Kuz
manich and the hostess.
Visitors Due
Arriving this week-end from
Oakland, Calif., are Mr, and
Mrs. D. Douglas Davies and
son, Jeffrey, accompanied by
her sister, Miss Janie Pearcy.
They will visit at the horn of
H. L, Pearcy, lather of Mrs.
Davies and Miss Pearcy, and
also with their grandmother,
Mrs. R. W, Marsters. Miss Pear
cy recently completed her sum
mer session work at University
of Mexico and will be her un
til mid-September when she
will return to Dallas, Texas, for
her senior year at Southern
Methodist university. . -
Mrs.. John Steelhammer Sat
urday evening will Include Mr.
and Mrs. George H. Flagg of
Portland, formerly of Salem,
Mr. and Mrs. George Carroll
of Beaverton and -Mr. and Mrs.
Frederick Bradshaw of Port
land, formerly of Salem. All
are here for opening of Stat
Co-Rec Club Sets .
Party for Friday
Co-Rec club will meet to
night at the YWCA at 6:30 '
o'clock for a scavenger hunt
The group will also see colored
slides on the club's recent trip
to the Oregon coast and deep,
sea fishing excursion at Depoe
Officers recently elected are
Miss Eddie Wulff, president;
Miss Helen Tibbetts, vice presi
dent; Miss Florence Goodriger,
secretary; Miss WUla Till,
treasurer; and the council mem
bers are Erwin Lay and Clay
Ram bo.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry
Unruh, observed her - seventh
birthday last Saturday, party
being given for her at her horn.
Guests were Sheila Lanktree,
Katherin Watson, Linda Per
kins, Joan Higgint, Jerry Oa
terman and Earl Faaborg.
- " if "
mot? lUDTf conn
In the Capitol Sntpping (thv
sories and an orchid corsage.
Mr. and Mrs. Wells are at
home in Salem.
Married in Seattle Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Klein tShirley
Jean Skager) were married August 13 at the Ballard First
Lutheran church in Seattle. The bride is the daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Sam O. Skager of Seattle and Mr. Klein
la the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Klein of Salem. (Mc
Kewen studio, Psrkland, Wash.)
TUD( hi year aid WATCH .
443 Mate. Salem
Opes FrldiT NlgM HH 9
Knees Gnaranteed for
Ufa of Garment
f spltnl Sharping Tenter
IIS N. Liberty
Ballet, Toe, Tap
" Spanish
Just returned from Holly
wood with newest end) fin
est in tht done world.
Enroll New for Winter
Tuesday thru Saturday
Lions Club
' Fairgrounds Road i
Norway Stt.'
Phone 28826
at n itr (harg with our
awn matching ealegn...
limited time nh
tl N Perfum wm Crown wirti
rwlar 1 UuM CeleaM.
vwelly 14- SUA 2S0
I Nrfum Punt Crew wiOl
reaular M seleotd CeWf.
welly - BUJ 4
Yevlt want h mm rKt cologne at
' homo, leviilily ... ond corty the
Borfwme witti you te renew yeur
srvgrence ttweegnour ino cloy.
Capital Drug Slore
4t State St
W Give 4-V Green Stamp
Ch.rry RJ e'mQtr CnynSmi Russot fW EH
176 N.