Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 04, 1953, Page 5, Image 5

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    Friday, September 4, 1953
Local Paragraph.
Tracts Danumd ts
a tractor owned by O.W.Klanf
were damaged Tuesday night
by vandali who drove naili into
the tire, city police were told
Thursday. The tractor waa
parked at 197 South Liberty
atreet where Klang it wreck
ing a building. A act of keyi
wai removed from a truck at
the acene alio, Klang said.
Wemaa Injured A falling
tree limb atruck Rosemary
Hennlngigard, 1510 State
atreet, on the lower part of the
back Thundiy afternoon near
Church and Court streets. She
who pouce uat ane neard a
crackling noiae above her and
attempted to run tout of the
way. Police said the limb waa
about eight leet long and about
four lnchee through at the butt
end. She waa not believed serl.
ouily Injured. '
Bon Bora Newa came Fri
day from Modesto, Calif., of
the birth of a ion, Larry Char-
lei, to Mr. and Mrt. Donald
O. Wells at Modesto. The boy
ia the second child In the fam
ily, the older son being Steven
Wells. Grandparents are Mr.
and Mrs. C. Lester Newman of
Salem, Mr. and Mrs. Orville
Wells of Independence. Mrt.
H. Reed of Portland and Mrt.
Weill of Independence
Labor 1 .cartage Dates of
two hearings before the Divi
sion of Labor Election! were
aet here Friday. The first hear
ing will be In Grants Pass, Sept,
22 on the Cave Shop Restaur
ant and Culinary Alliance
- Local 829. The second, at Eu
gene between the Paul Bunyan
Burger Drive-In Cafe and the
Culinary Alliance Local 643,
la aet for Sept. 29.
- . i
Return from Hanover Gary
M. Jones, ton of Mr. and Mrt.
Gall H. Jones, will return this
week-end from Hanover, In
diana, where he attended the
National Work Shop for Sigma
Chi Fraternity, at a delegate
from Oregon State College. He
will be a sophomore at OSC
this year. The trip was made by
automobile with two other
OSC delegates.
African Bases !
For U. S. Planes
. ' Washington WV-North Afri
ca may provide training sites
this winter for B47a, the
world't fastest known bomb
ers, if weather and the Iron
Curtain crimp them in Eu
rope. The Air Force confirmed
that bases suitable for B47s
are available in North Africa
and that If Britain's winter
weather limits combat train
' ing too severely, units may op
erate temporarily down Mor--ecco
The restriction againit B47
flighti within 800 miles of a
Soviet or satellite border, to
avoid incident and possible
lota, keepa the bombers out
of a good swath of Europe.
. The male emu Is slightly
smaller than the female.
Friday, September 4
Seabee Reserves at Naval and
Marine Corps Reserve training
Saturday Sunday, Sept. I and (
Naval Air &erv
AAU 891, at fiaiem Naval Air
Carrier Mot
Fenascola. Fit Nival Aviation
Cadet Joe H. Collins, ion of Mr.
i w- n, . rvllin. Wnnrihlim.
uu jujb. x. o. - .
Oregon, has qualified as a carrier
pilot alter six succcmiui mijujub
on board the CSS Monterey in the
r vc-vm An Oman State
College student before itarting
nu navi;aij iraiuuig,
made hit flnt solo flight with the
Navy in April, 1963. at the VS.
u i ,.,.iit.n, Ate AtjtUnn.
Whiting Field, Milton, Fla. In
June oi win yr m .
the UJ3. Naval Auxiliary Air
elation at Saufley field, Pensacola,
Fla, lor nil training in forma
tion flying, rrom carrier quali
fications he will report to the
Naval Auxiliary Air Station.
Carry field, for instrument flight
CROWTHIR To Mr. and Mrs. Crov-
OBAltT To Mr. ad Mrt. Bebort x
. m m i !.L ImL 1.
inry.ierHBNKO To Mr. to4 Mrt.
C.Dl.l MuMSMato, Ml . LaaeojMT Dr.
wuoiro Mr. a Hr. CortU M.
WIUoo, Ml ScOols MonrMtUw 1
HERMAN To Mr. OBd Mlt.
V. Htrau, M Morioa at, a slrl. Stpt.
!i!p"zi2. ?-si2
II. ajiioi. bdiwiw"..
Bum To Mr. aa Mn. aootrt
HSS1CXTH To Mr. to4 Mrt. na
I,,i Ml W. Utk au MtMlnarUlt.
1U BL I. os ilt, todtptootoeo. 1
any. ew.
n.TriTOf BoorrMI.
OARBtn To Mr. oo4 Mn. Joha otr
lor or Hnootro. o oi". V
TURH1R To Mr. ! Mt- ClMOBOt
IMratr of atlom a Hrl ' i
THOMAa To Mr. Mrt. Allort
TtioinM, 1 llrt. eon. . .
RICB-To Mr. tno Mr. Joioak Bit.
TMOMPaOrt-TO Mr. lad Mr
Thomrooa. wooopqra. o , , r
SoMTlABI BnniOfUOi, "
T0W1RT-T0 Mr. ood Mrt. Domm
Morwi Tcrrr. Mtrlon. o tin. Am
MAIMVILOTo Mr. a Mrt. Bortl
Buawav Hold A 1 1
old boy from the Dayton labor
cirnp waa arrested by city po
lice Thursday for Juvenile de
linauencv after k nimiiii
running away from the camp
on a aioten bicycle. The bicycle
waa recovered by police from
where he abandoned it and was
taken to the station to be held
for the owner.
Bayt Start Fire City fire
men were called to the 600
block flf Smith r,hiiMn il,W
Thursday afternoon to extin-
auiio a ruDDisn lire started py
boys playing with matches.
Las! Minute
(Continued from Page I)
The princess, who recently
haa been in Southern Califor
nia, at one time won the "Miss
Honolulu" beauty contest and
ia a dancer with the night
The outdoor floral display,
in addition to featuring the
Hawaiian Tnotif, Saturday will
present vanda orchids, flown
here t om Hawaii, to the first
100 women visiting the garden
show. Hawaiian people from
the night revue will be In the
display from time to time with
the girls making leis for sale
and one of the men making
hats, which also will be told.
Quietest spot on the grounds
Friday waa the Midway, which
had more care than people.
Here most of the concessions
had already gone into place
and now were awaiting only
the customers. Kiddy Land
was the one exception, with
only a few of those ridea in
their places.
In the agriculture building
counties were placing their ex
hibit and back this year de
spite the fact that the Pendle
ton Round-Up will be held
the latter part of fair week
was Umatilla county.
Hood River, Lane -and Linn
countiea had their displaya
well underway. Some of the
other countiea were just get
ting started.
Friday morning livestock
were on the minus aide, but
before noon they were begin
ning to pour into the grounds.
Some of the cattle, however,
had arrived early in the week.
In the poultry and rabbit
building most of the cagea
were atill empty Friday morn
infc' but they had been cleaned
and were open and awaiting
their occupanta of the next
eight daya.
Jndrinr starta Early
Both Judging and placing oi
exhiblta were claiming me
time of those working in the
textile and art department.
These two departments will
have their ribbona placed ey
the time the exhibit opens.
Moat of the exhiblta were
still to be placed in the Junior
Exhiblta building, where the
Future Farmere of America
and 4-H club work ia to be
Late Friday there will
probably be a rush in the food
department, for the deadline
for entries there it 8 p.m. Fri
day. '
Peonle working on we nigm
revue were finding their time
more than occupied Friday.
The tcenery for the revue,
which it Hawaiian and wai
brought from California, was
being put into place and Fri
day afternoon the group re
hearsed with the orchestra.
Cowboys Coming
Friday night will be the big
rehearsal in preparation for
th owning niaht Saturday.
Much of the livestock to De
uied in the rodeo hat arrivea
on the grounds earlier ao over
in the atadium they Bad only
to await the arrival of their
cowboys, who will participate
in the event, ana ineir auai
ence, with the first rodeo let
for Saturday night.
Tonite it'a Chicken and
Dumplings at Cherry't Planta
tion, 2 M mi. South on 99E.
Antlquet, china, glass, brass,
etc. Lamps specialty, aooo
Portland Rd. 218'
Clean, economy Quart jars.
50c dozen. Phone 8-4857. 211
Service, yes! Mobiloil and
Mobilgas, you bet! Ready to
keen you rollln ana now:
We'll welcome you with a
smile and the best service yet.
Mickey't Mobilgas. Owens at
Commercial Catty Corner
from White's Drive-In. 211
HAS A nilinff For estimate.
i-oit Rnia Pratt. Capital City
Transfer Co. 22436. 211
d, l . 1 with elamorizine
Treasure Tones. See our out
standing wallpaper selection.
Chuck Clark Co., 253 N. Lib
erty. Weed free mushroom fertll
lier, 95c a aack. Middle Grove
Nursery, 4920 Silverton Rd.
Phone 4-4632. 211
Coleman heater, lines, tank,
ik rnmolete: lane fluores
cent light; metal tign 4' z 29';
reasonable. Phone 2-0101 after
6:00 p. m.
Silver Falla dining room
closed for the season. 212
Fresh killed young turkeys
to bake or fry. 39c pound. Or
wi.'s Market. 3973 Silverton
Rd. Phone. 4-3742.
Hole in 1 for
Reub Sanders
At Oak Knoll
Renbea 8 and era, kaewa tat
Oregea aa an athlete far aver
yearKdid q Itu today.
Be ahot a bale in one at
the Oak Kaoll Golf eoaree.
la addition te that Bandera
ahet a par round, which ia
Bandera la 78 yean eld. Not
is long age he retired after
serving aa aa athletic coach
at Salem Indian School at
Chemawa for many yean. Ia
hla younger yeara he played
baseball, football, a e x e d,
fished and did a let ef ether
things along sports lines, aad
waa skilled la all ef them,
. Hla hole in one Friday
morning waa made ea the Ne.
8 hole with a Ne. 7 tree at
118 yards. - Be waa play lag
with Ed Mason, alee of Chem
awa, It waa Bandera second
hole In one at Oak Knoll. Hla
first waa made several yeara
ago ea the No. 8 bole at 118
yarda. j ...
Sweden Asked
To Ask China
Washington JP) The United
States haa formally requested
the Swedish government to ask
Red China whether the Com
munists would attend a Korean
peace conference Oct 15.
Sweden, which haa an em
bassy in Peiping, was instruct
ed to give the Communists the
choice of three conference, sites
Geneva, San Francisco and
Honolulu. '
U. S. diplomatic officials who
disclosed this Friday said the
request v as made in a note de
livered Thursday to the Swed
ish foreign office. '
The American note, officials
said, expresed readiness to con
sider Communist proposals for
another conference place if the
Reds find all three proposed
sites unacceptable .
The emu seldom breeda in
Circuit Court
Dorothr Mm Yi.Vdintf ti rtd rrt,nr
lis TltktlDl, efr.: Drvore ewnpliiint, J
lMlm rul toivd UUiamfta trtaUmemt.
Manlad In Ulra Julr , tttt. Plaintiff
ruka eiutcxly f thrc minor ehlMreii,
list) monttUr for Ibolr upport twd tlM
montair tumour. ,
Tror W. aillMPl. C. t. tsootltr:
Jury Ycrdltt of 13500 itntrM t,Dd tnw
punlttr tlimuu frrlt4l plaintiff
Maian dtfamdaai cm enrtrn or mauc.oui
Olarlna IfeOloa -vn Wlllatrd lCeOlona:
DlTOrcw oonplavlnt. )llnff nil tad
Inhumu trtattmtnt. itorrlra xiuo.
WmIl. (Tvn 11, lrii.
Tin-Inlet Knnewn Tt VrtMltiick . Xa-
fgm: ordar dafavtiK trntcrod tiUMi U
ffklTlw B. atplM Tt OltDB I. StHM:
Order mt 4tnXt tnimd Mavlntt do-
BrliUn 9. Vukl Bul U- Xnakta:
Order of dcfauilt ntord Mton d-
Albert D. Hubarrt v Mrrtl U Hubert:
Order f default entered eMUea; d
fendABt. Thomei X. Booth ti PhrllU Thomu
Sooth: Order of dtfeait enured MaVlnet
P robot Court
Pearler U Barber eetate:
pruned at Ml.i47.00.
toutie J. Burrell eiUtt: Order ftd-
mlt tine will to probate and appoint lot
Hattle l. Brattel executor. Katate ha
probablt raJua f M OM.
Aaauned bulaeaa Bane ertlfleat f
ilieken filed br John A. Wiemala.
District Court
Prink Arthur Owtnar,
Palla. rtcUaw drlrlni. held 1
IM fine.
i Ueu f
Municiool Court
Albert Donald Apperion, 57i Oeater
street, drtrlntT vhUe tn toxica ted. petted
$2M balL
Oavar OaO lUmadtil. Dallas, diivloe
while intoiirated. pleaded Innocent, held
In Hen of $3M ball.
Hill aRdea Bwood, M Cnmmlnta
Lane, drlvlag while lBticatd. pleaded
Morriogo LfctntM
Lo Whittiniton aVralth, CI, laborer,
Klamath Palla, and Joan Orate Jack
man, H, abouaevlfe. Station A, Salem.
Open Every Night Until
Daily Free
Easy Terms
Vtth LeWBff-IUI-W
lawn Sweepers
Power Mowers
hr Oeai Rett Jet Oar
Furnace Filters
Reuben Sanders, 78, known in Oregon at an athlete .
for over half a century, who ahot a hole In one at Oak
Knoll golf coune Friday morning.
Star Prisoner
(Continued from Page 1)
A Red official detained him
in the jeep briefly to check off
his name on a list, then waved
him down into a cluster of
Almost immediately. Dean
asked about his men of the
24th Division. . , .
From Fanmunfom he was
taken to nearby Freedom Vil
lage, where he was met by top
officers, including Gen. Max
well D. Taylor. There, Dean'a
bright eyea and broad smile
thowed hit feeling aa be aaid:
"I am certainly happy to be
back and to be home . . You
all look better to me than I
do to you, I'm sure."
Gen. Hark Clark, U. N. Far
East commander, flew from his
Tokyo headquarters to greet
the returning soldier..,,..
To Fly to Japan -
Spokesmen said Dean would
be flown to Japan Saturday
The appointment of Dr.
Francia E. Clark (above) as
chairman. Department of
Education and Psychology,
Oregon College of Educa
tion, subject to aproval of
the State Board of Higher
Education, haa been an
nounced by Dr. Roben J.
Maaske, OCE President.
nil t
J ' ' fl
. . 1
after a checkup at a military
hospital in Seoul.
In a ceremony at the hospital
President Syngman Rhee per
sonally pinned on Dean's chest
South Korea's highest military
award, the Taeguk Medal with
gold atar. "
The 279 Americana coming
back Saturday will be by far
the largest-number returned on
any single day.
They will bring the total of
Americana returned to 3,488.
well above the 3,313 the Reds
promised before the exchange
began Aug. 4. And there may
be more Americana In the final
day'a exchange Sunday. The
Reda have not given any fig
ures for that delivery.
45 Still at Kaeaong
Seven U. S. sergeants return
ing Friday eatimated there
were still between 450 and 500
Americana in Kaeaong, the Red
collection center for prlaonera
to be repatriated. .
The Communists also deliv
ered 5 British and 200 South
Koreana Friday and promised
25 British and 13 South Ko
reana Saturday.
The Allies and Reds agreed
Thursday to end the huge swap
with Sunday'a exchange. The
Redt aaid that if any unfore
seen difficulties arise, they
would notify the Allied com
mand Saturday.
The remaining two days are
expected to bring back a spe
cial group of Americana men
used by the Redt in their germ
warfare propaganda. .
Tilo Demands
(Continued from Page 1
The Yugoslavs say Italy had
two divisions perhaps 20,000 to
30,000 men in the area and Ita
lian detachments twice have
strayed onto Yugoslav soil.
The note protested Italy's ac
tion in undertaking a military
demonstration along the border
"when normal diplomatic chan
nels exist through which an ex
planation could have been
sought about differences be
tween the two countries."
In Rome, a foreign ministry
spokesman aaid "there haa been
no military demonstration on
the Yugoslav- border." Italy
contends the maneuvers are
strictly routine.
The whale it the world's
largest animal.
Nine s3i,
Plenty of
Painting Needs
Gym Sets
Swings ind Slides
'Copter From
Korea Arrives
One ef the large helieoptert
used in Korea to transport
troope paid a visit to Salam'i
Naval Air Facility Friday.
The big whirry- bird, a HO
4S, (topped here on route to
the Naval Air Station Whid
bey Ialand and waa being fer-
nea rrom Jacksonville, rim.
The copter, which has room
for eight men, plut the pilot
and co-pilot, la of the type
used by the Martaea ia theur
atuck on one of the hilla la
- Piloting the belicopter was
Lt Al Monahin, from NAS,
Whidbey, who aimaeU ia a vet
eran of service in the Koreas
area. Monahan waa ever there
for four months in the early
part of the war a a helicop
ter pilot en the USS Leyte.
He ia alio a former instructor
of Lt (J g.) J. J. Nuaabaumer,
who ia the aaalatant officer in
charge and operations officer
at the Salem Naval Air Facil
ity. ' ...
The helicopter was not the
only visitor at the Salem in
stallation Friday. Also stop
ping there were 18 Corsairs
and two Beachcrafta going
from Seattle to Oakland. - The
planea, which are baaed in
NAS Oakland anrt nllniorl V-v
IreaervlrU who have been in
Seattle on two-week cruises,
previously stopped in Salem
Sunday, Auguat 23, while en
-route to Seattle.
Dean Tells
(Continued from page 1)
He aaid he had not seen an
other American since July 11,
The 84-year-old general, a
veteran of almost 80 yeara In
the Army, aaid he wandered a
month through Korea trying
to reach American lines. For
20 dayt he went without food.
Then came hla capture, long
marcnea ana nours ox question
ing. .
The communists used aevaral
teams of Interrogator! but only
two interpreters, ne aaid.
"The first time they ques
tioned me 68 houra," Dean
aaid. "I think the Interpreters
just wore out.". ...
"The next time it waa anlv
44 houra. The third go waa 83
nours." -
"I waa verr thin at the time
It hurt me to alt down. I sat on
my handa until they puffed up.
"They were going to puaiah
me aa a 'war criminal' for my
activities aa military governor
ox souu Korea.
Dean aaid he met several
communists whom he had aeen
iu h a m
12:45 p m. "Admiral Preview" ST
' Appliance
2-30 p m. "G E. Hi Jinks"
3:15 p.m. "4-H Hilites"
8:00 p m. "Helser News" Sr
11:15 p.m. "Exhibitors Hour"
Tune in Daily for Latest Judging Results and
Interview With Your Neighbors
24 Hours
Betty Jeaa Mallla, who
leavea Meier ft Frank posi
tion to beeomx edmloair-n
counselor at Willamette uni
At State Fair I
An order from Governor
Paul L. Patterson Thursday
afternoon put a kibosh on the
sale of beer at Oregon State
The order reversed a deci
sion of the State Fair Commis
sion which, the previous day,
had announced that the sale of
beer in cups would be permit
ted in tlfc. grandstand building
in a apace beneath the atanda.
Beer had not been told at the
fair in 30 years or more. The
commissioners held that the
sale waa warranted because
the people of Oregon had voted
for the sale of liquor by the
Nevertheless a wide protest
went up. and not only from
church sources either, when
the ruling wat announced. Be
fore his order reversing the
commission the governor said
he had not been consulted
about it .
Vandala Plav Vandali ito.
atroyed a tree af the home of
Mra. George Carroll. 860 North
15th atreet, Wednesday night.
it wat reported to city police.
Mrs. cexrou reported that the
pink dogwood tree waa broken
oil near the ground. , .
earlier In various, poaiUoni
fintlth Kamo
Dean aaid lie became sep
araled from tho man at
1 24th Divlaion which he com
Imanded on July 21, 1830. ,
C! . II
rirsr tunun
Betty jeaa Mullln, fashion
coordinator for Meier and
Frank, . - Portland. . haa been
named admission counselor at
Willamette university, effec
tive October 1, President G.
Herbert Smith announces.
' A 'graduate of Willamette
School of Music in 1852. Mies
Mullin has appeared In concert
both in Salem and Portland.
The former Willamette May
queen bat also been guest vo
calist in numerous benefit
shows. - . m
Mist Mullln recently appear
ed tn the Portland Civic the
atre production of "The Gon
doliers" and hat been featured
on radio station KXX.
During , her undergraduate
Seara at Willamette, M 1 s a
lullin waa aoloist with the
university a cappella choir and
It the star in a color movie de
picting Willamette university
campua life.
, The new admissions counsel
or is a member of Alpha Chi
Omega, aoclal fraternity, and
daughter of Mr, and Mrt. C.
P. Mullln, Portland. .
104 Sick
(Continued flam Pace U
But those on hand smiled
through their . tears as the
men lined the rail and came
down the gangplank. The
quiet acene contrasted sharp
ly with the noisy- welcomes
accorded the repatriated men
who arrived last week.
Abb coming home ea the
Haven were 371 ether Ameri
can aick -and wounded serv
icemen. The ship crone d the
bay later In the day and dock
ed at Alameda Naval Air Sta-'
won wnn navy ana marine
personnel. ',
Patten- Nawsom Debate-
Word haa heea received here .
of a forthcoming radio debate
between James G. Patton, pres
ident of the National Farmers
Union, and Hertchel Newtom,
national Grange master. They
will on pear on the American
Forum of the Air program over
NBC Sunday evening, Septem
ber 6, and will dlacuaa the sub
ject, "How Should the Farm
Problem Be Solved?" The pro
gram can be heard ever NBC
stations in Eugene, Medf ord.
Seattle, Ban Franciaco and Los
oa IMatrlet A petition to
add a larce section of Jackaon
... 1
I County to. the Sams Valley-
- IBeasle Sail Conservation Die-
thmitrirt v., innmiml hr Thnra.
- da v hv the Orr aon Soil Corner
i vation Committee.-
Don Lee-Mutual
: 1390 Kc
1000 Watts
Buma, wA im, -