THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. 8Im. Oregon Friday. September 4. 19SJ In The Valley Mite by M1KI FOBBE8 Sublimity Sweet Home Sweet Home The Bowier family reunion was a recent event in the city park. Hottest for the affair wu Mn. Fred Simoni and those attending were Harley and Maud Bowier. Lowell ' and Grade Bowser and Sharon Bowser. Wilma Harchbanks, Cleo Bowser, Carol Bowser, Bobbie Bowser, Kenneth, Lo- retta, Larry, Carolyn, Randy, Bev, Violet and Gary Marlatt, . Imogene Bowser Snow, ana Mr. and Mrs. Darrell Simons and Robert Frederick and WU' la Judith Sims and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Simons. . ' Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Hoy and Patty and Bobby returned re- cently from a week's vacation where they enjoyed being on hand for the Shakespearian festival in Ashland and then to the coast for several days Mr. and Mrs. Jess Meacham of Waterloo were viistors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clair Mclntyre recently. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Burnett returned home from San Fran cisco where they went to bring home their two daughters who had been visiting Glen's sister, the former Elma Burnett Also going with the Burnett's was Mrs. Joe Burnett. " Mr. and Mrs. Orville Nunn and Larry and Gene of Salem; AJc Percy and Mrs. Cook of Phoenix, Ariz.; and Carol Cook, were dinner guests of Mrs. Roy' Cook recently. ACORNS FROM THE -Vg WITH DEL MILNE My gosh, if you want to barn something about ' your business, just go on vacation. Here's some thine that will really thro you we stopped at one place, not RKtJe place either, just a nice, clean moderate priced place, like the Marlon, and on the menu in idee prominent type it had "Chil dren's Portions 8erTd-tlJe I claimed to Mrs. Mime, "Oosh takes we feed ah adult darn fine dinner at the Marion for 1J. Welt price. aU Uontj the Una esmedts he higher for food than we charge and some of the food was not up to the Marion stand ard by a long way. I wish every one in Salem could take a trip around the country and they would no- longer take for granted the wonderful food and the mod est prices that prevail In Salem. Its sure nice to en. but itla nine to get back for .than one. Guests during the afternoon Included Mr. and Mrs. L. F. Keller of Lebanon; Mrs. Chet Rhodes and Sharon and Mrs. Dorothy. Jacohtea and Joan. Richard Stark of Powers, Ore., was a week-end visitor in the home of his parents, Mr. and Mn. C. M. Stark re cently. The annual Sunday school picnic of the Holley church was held in the Sweet Home city park recently with more than 60 present. Bus Robnett is the Sunday school superin tendent and Bud Grogran is the pastor of the Holley Church of Christ. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Rauback and daughter of Idaho, are visiting Fred McDonald of Lebanon and Mrs. Livingston and ton, John, of Sweet Home. The group held a picnic in the park while here. The twirler group held a wiener roast at the home of their instructor) Mrs. Pat Lan ning recently. After an evening of garnet the group held their wiener roast in the house due to in clement weather. Those attending were Mrs. Langenberg, Mrs. Malone, Sharon Morton, Pattie and Ronnie Malone, Mrs. Stephens and Betty and Billie Stephens, Mrs. Ron Fogle and Sandra, Diana and Karen Fogle, Mn. Hopper and Ann, Mrs. Brow- nell and Darlene, Mrs. Padoon and' Beverly and Gloria, Mrs. Parent and Pattie and Peggie, Mrs. Corson and Vera, Mrs. Tex Calvert and Sandra, Mrs. Humphries , and Chris. Mrs Pete Rezek and Carolyn, Mari lyn Shafer, Diana Yunker, De- lores Sams, Cathy Sams, Judy Sams, Mary Kay Sparks, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Gerber and Lynnie and Mrs. Pat Lanning and Sammy. Rickreall STARTING OUR : New Entertainment Policy Featuring Jean Hoffman Sparkling Singer and Pianist' Fri.-Sat.-Sun. Shattuc J Chateau Rickreall Rickreall school registration hat been set for Friday, Sepl 11, with the buses picking up the children at the usual time. The children will be returned home before noon. All children are urged to reg ister on that day. The teachers will remain on registration day for a work shop and to get their work outlined for classes which will start Monday, Sept 14, with a full day's work. ' Mr. and Mrs. Elbert Rags- date had a birthday dinner for their son, Arnie, Sunday, it be ing Ms tnlitt birtnoy. Those enjoying the dinner were his grandfather and grandmother, Mr. and Mrs. Ore Lantx; grand father and grandmother. Mr. and Mrs. Jess Ragsdale, and their daughter, . Devota; Mr. and Mrs. Klassen from Ana heim, Calif., houseguests of the Lantz's; Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Van Santen and children Jerry and Susan; and Arnle't brother, Dickie. Mr. and Mrs. C. V. Wood of Albany,' former residents of New York state, and Mrs. S. J. Burch of Albany, were guests at the Burch h,-ne here during the week end, and attended the Polk county fair. Mrs. Wood is a niece of the Burcht and lived in this community when a girL Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Hill re. turned home last week from a trip that took them to the fam ous Canadian retorts ol Lake Louise, Banff, Jasper national park and also Glacier National Park, Grand Coulee Dam as well as other places of inter est. Mr. Hill has a movie cam era and took many pictures on the trip. Mr. and Mrs. S. B Holt took a trip to the coast Tuesday, where Mr. Holt located tome of the classmates of the 1904 grsduating class of the Mon mouth Normal school. Tbey went to Toledo, where one of the ladies lives, then on to Til lamook and located another graduate of that year. The Oregon College of Ed' ucation each year feature! the clist of 50 years ago. Mr. Holt, with the alumni secretary at Monmouth, are working togeth er on the project Mr. Holt was a member of that diss and also was secre tary of the graduating class. An endeavor is being made to lo cate those of the February class as well as the June class of that lyear. Sublimity Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Ouixley. who .were guests over the week-end at trie pome of their son-in-law and daugh ter, Mr. and Mrs. Duane Neal, near Gates, left Sunday eve ning for their home in Seattle. Billy Quigley, a' brother of Mrs. Neal, who has been spend' ing his vacation with the Neals, returned to Seattle with his psrenta for the opening of school. Mr. and Mrs. William Lulay returned Friday from a visit with relatives and friends in Texas and Nebraska. The Sublimity Gun club was the scene of a family reunion for members of the Anna and the late Theodore Minden fam ilies Sunday. .-;.' Attending were Mrs. Anna Minden of Sublimity; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Dusa, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dusa and family, Mr: and Mrs. Leo Plasker and family, Mr. and Mrs. Louis Dusa, Jr., tnd ' Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bratz, all of Portland; KODert Plasker, Notre Dame Seminary; Tommy Plasker, Mt. Angei Seminary; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Etiel and family, Mr. and Mrt. A. M. Minden and lamuy. air. and Mrs. B. J. Minden and fam ily, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Minden and family, Mr. ana mrs. -am-t Riesterer and family, Mr. and Mrs. Orville Lulay and family. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Stuckart and Mr. and Mrs. Benny Silbernagel. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Gries and son, Gary, arrived home Mon day from a vacation spent in Iowa. Mrs. Catherine Butler was called to Pendleton Tuesday evenine due to the sudden ill- nets of her daughter, Mrs. Vic tor Gehling, who underwent an emeriencv appendectomy. Gene Butler drove his mother to Portland, from where she took a nlane to Pendleton. After a two weeks' visit at the parental home, George Lev erman. son of Mr. and Mrs. An ton Leverman, left Wednesday for Notre Dame to contiAie his studies as a brother at Holy Cross seminary there. Leverman, a graduate wltn the St Boniface high School class of '49. is specializing in education. George Leverman was ac companied from Notre Dame by two other Oregon boys, one Richard Papen of Sheridan, a former student at Sacred Heart Salem; the other, Robert Plas ker, who is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Plasker (Clara Min den) of Portland, and grand son of Mrs. Anna Minden of Sublimity. ' Young Plasker, a seminarian of Notre Dame, will report to Washington, D. C, for further studies. was an employe of the forest' accpted for admission service while at Detroit Saturday evening visitors at the home of the O. J. Whites were Mr. and Mrs. Leland Sackett of Sheridan. Guests of the Howard Dean family the past week-end were Mr. and Mrs. E. X. Wirt and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wirt, and children, Darla and Cheryl, all of Cottage Grove. Pedee Detroit Detroit Mist Maude Durfee of Salem has been selected to act as substitute teacher at the Detroit school for Mrs. Evelyn Gearhart until her return, school principal O. J. White announced. Mrs. Gearhart, who is school librarian and English teacher at the high school, is in Port land recovering from a shoulder injury received this summer. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Parker were recent guests at Mrs. Par ker's brother's home in Eugene. Her brother, H. G. White, is a former Detroit resident, where he was district ranger at the Detroit ranger station. . From there, he was transferred to Eugene, where his position was supervisor in charge of con struction. Mr. White is now retired. While in Eugene, the Parkers also visited the Clinton Parkers, a brother of Mr. Par ker. Mr. and Mrs. Bud Kline and children, David and Dennis, have moved to Mill City, where Mr. Kline will be employed by the M. St M. Lumber company, working on the Blowout Can yon right-of-way. Mr. Kline Pedee Mrs. Lorena Olson of Yuma, Aril., who had been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Luvena Simpson, and uncle, Frank Sheythe, left Sunday morning from Salem by plane for her home. Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Murray and son Bill, of Carthage, Mo., visited several days the past week at the R. J. Smith home. This wu their first trio west Mrs. Chester Small of Eugene also was a guest -I Mr. and .Mrs. Robert Spinney and family art moving to Can yonville, where Mr. Spinney is employed. - Mr. and Mrs. Gus Burba nk. Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Bur bank. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ronco and Bradley, Mr. and Mrs, Fritz Dyer, Greta and Scotty, were in Portland Sunday, and at tended a family reunion at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Yost Mr. and Mrt. Leon Murphy and sons, o: sprtngueld, visited Saturday at the home of Mrs. There Womer. Mrs. Murphy will be remembered as Verda Freer. Mrs. Delbert Dow and daugh ter spent the past week at Ver- nonia at the home of her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Douglas. Rev. Dow attended the Pacific area ministerial -conference at Jennings Lodge. Rev. Howard Perry, former pastor at Pedee. brought the morning message in tne absence of the pastor. A social time was enjoyed at the club house Wednesday by club members and visitors. A no-host dinner was served at noon. Plans were talked about on improvements on the club hall. The community was well rep resented at the county fair and a number of prizes were won. Mrs. Rettie Kerber won for her flower tray arrangement and won second on her trailing begonia. '' In the 4-H livestock Judging contest Harry Cummings won first The three in top team were Dewey Cummins III, Har ry Cummins and Donel Cates of the Pedee Hustlers Livestock club. This team will go to Portland for the International Livestock show. Dewey Cummins II leader. - In the 4-H Sewing club, Ksy Frances Well won first, La- verne Price second, and Amy Pomeroy third. Mrs. Kenneth Swingle is leader. In the Woodwork club, with Fritz Kerbe? leader, Dewey Cummins won first, Harry Cummins second and Dwight Cummins third. Rev. arid Mrs. Robert C Hampel and daughter, Lynn, have returned home from a vacation spent in California cities. Rev. Hsmpel will re sume his usual duties Sunday morning with services both at the Aurora Presbyterian and Butteville Congregational churches. ' Christ Lutheran church of Aurora will be host to the church school teachers and of ficers of seven congregations Sept. 11 and 12. Silverton Stayton Stayton Mrs. Ona Weltzel, local librarian, opened her 4- week session of kindergarten at the Women's Clubhouse Tues day. Sept 1. Five-year-olds enrolled are: Scott Kreitzer, Russell Forrette, Terry Bates, James Abbott Sallv Smith, Lindsey McUUl, Kathleen Aymong, Barbara Schiewe, Shannon Schaefer, Kathy Amos and David Mack. Two sets of parents in and near Stayton are welcoming their serviceman sons borne on visits. I Cpl. Jim Haines who was sta tioned at Keester Field, Filoxi, Miss., is spending a 15-day fur lough with his perents, Mr. and Mrs. Graver Haines, upon Ms return, he will be sent to Japan. The E. D. Glidewells on Aumsvllle route are entertain ing their son, Ralph, and his wife, Carroll, during -a 29-day leave from the navy. The Women's Society of the Christian church met at the home of Mrs. Walter Frey last Thursday evening. Election of officers was held with Mrt. Dale Crabtree re elected president Mrs. Ira Kirsch elected vice-president, and Mrs. Julian Kinler, secretary. Miss Grace rarnnam, mis sionary returned from Japan, showed slides and Japanese ar ticles of clothing. Karen and Jerilyn Hosford rendered a vo cal duet accompanied oy tneir motber, Mrs. Jerry Hosford. Hostesses for the evening were Mrs. Etnel mum, Mrs. Esther Ohm and Mrs. Minda Riggs. The September meeting will be at the home of Mrs. Ben BasL Silverton Ruth Elesnor Benson, t -year-old daugh ter of Mr. asd Mrs. M. L. Benson and granddaughter of of the George Bentons and the W. Pj Manns, is undergo ing surgery and skin grafting st Portland Good Samaritan hospital. More than a year ago the child sustained a deep burn in the palm of her left hand. In healing the hand wat drawn. The operation is correcting the trouble. Visiting for two days at the South Water street home of the A. G. Olsons have been relatives, the Ellesta family of Spring Grove, Minn., and the H. Nosby family of Minneap olis. ' . Mr. "and Mrs. Glenn Mann and Glenda and Carol of As toria, were house guests for several dsys . of the E. T. Toftes, Mrs. Mann's parents, and of the W. P. Manns, par ents of Mr. Mann. Also at the W. P. Mann home have been- the family of a nephew, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Huckaby o Mound City, Kan., accom panied by their son. Harold, a student in Manhattan, Kan., college, and their daughters, Mrs. Charles - Lindeli, and Miss Carol Huckaby. ' Mrs. Delia Holm accompa nied Mrs. Ida Cooley on a sightseeing, and visiting trip over the Detroit highway to Madras where they were guests at the Arthur Johnson home. They toured the Pet- Unionvale Unionvale Mrs. Harry Kleinschmidt former resident of Unionvale for 28 years, wno was a guest of old friends nere in July, has purchased a home in Redmond and will nave pos session Oct. 1. Her son-in-law and daughter, Ur and Mn. Clinton '' have also purchased a home in Redmond. Mrs. . J. Keen oi Webfoot, received a letter from Mrs. DeLude Tuesday. At the U. S. Alderman farms in the Unionvale and Grand Ialand districts the Blue Lake bean harvest is, past the peak for this season. j Aurora Aurora During the gen eral, conference of Mennonite (lurches at Jennings Lodge, the Rev. Psul N. Roth, pastor of Calvary Mennonite church at Barlow, was elected a mem ber of the church unity com mittee, a body of five men from various parts of North America who pass upon new churches in the Mennonite general conference. During the general confer ence nine new churches were WESTERN STYLE DANCING Dmu to N sjMk at ft Wtgm Wstetan frsrf aiakt sxesot St trf. Sssjtrt iiaciai Wsdaeiarf, Sept. 9, tnd Sthirdsr, 12. iaahjj SOt. fT 74. 9-12 a.m. 4-H lldg. State Fair 8 tig Dor Q . Starting dOle Sir CWacHtaort New Shewing Opea iS THE BEAST FROM ZO.OOO FATHOMS' Technicolor Co - Hit "PONY EXPRESS' . Charlton Htsten Bheada Fleming - Jan Sterling rarest Tucker - HOLLYWOOD KIDS MATINEE Teaterraw - l:t te 4:M an. CARTOONS SERIAL Special Matinee Festers "IN OLD AMARIIXO" Bey Racers ft Trigger AIM BENSON'S BIRTHDAY CAKE 'or Stephen Rutherford, Robert WUhnschen, Es Hnlehtns, Share Knlttet, Keith Ann, Verawa Zitbart, Miles Spen cer Hetty Marshall. 8tevea Epstein, Helen Willis, Bennita Henm, Judy Gardner, Mich ael Smith. P.nn. t.k r-- ale Reaney, Everett Nieolat. ogor Loive. sandy Keefer, Robia Digeraess. erson Rock Gardens , nesr Bend. An unususl accident sent Mrs. John Bender to the local hospital for treatment for minor kqee injury. Mr. and Mrs. John Bender, vacationing in Silverton with the family of Mrs. Bender's sister, the Roy Dunlfert, from their home in Nebraska, were guests of the Dunifers on a visit to coast resorts. Both Mr. and Mrs. Bender were standing on a large beach log when a wave started the log rolling, throwing Mrt. Ben der in the path, painfully crushing her knee. She was pinned under the log for some time and released with difficulty. Wheatland Wheatland After visiting her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrt. Fred C Stock hot fand family in the Wheat land district more than two months, Mrs. R. M. Rickey of Kansas City, Kan., left Wed nesday for her home. She will visit her two broth ers, Ray Cameron of Glendale and WUIard Cameron at Vic torville, Calif., and friends at Whittier, Calif., en route. . The male emu is slightly smaller than the female. sweat Mm Gregory feck 1 -Avdrer Hrptrara "Reman Holiday1 " Lex Barker in Of Chief Pontiac" Woodburn DeMolav Plans Rainbow Rites Woodburn The first fn meeting of Woodburn chapter of DeMolay waa Wednesday night, Sept. 2, at the Masonic Temple with Sam VanArsdale. msster councilor, presiding. An informal discussion on the work for the month washeld and plans made to put on the crowning ceremony for Laurel Assembly of Rainbow at Can by 'on Sept. 12 and fos) Ever green Assembly, No. 11 at Woodburn on Sept 23, The next regular meeting at Woodburn chapter will be Sept. 16 whea new officers will be elected. Bethel Carl and Ha Mae Raetx will show colored slides as the program feature for the Monday meeting of Bethel lo cal of the Farmers Union at :S0 p. m. at the school. In eta Prices This ' Ensgemeat Only Adults ChlMren Itte ZS Jane Row II Marilyn Monroe "GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES" Technicolor . Also "Bugs Bunny Rene" IAlan Ladd Arlene Dahl ''DKERTLiGION" Color by Technicolor Doris Day ' Gordon MacCrea "IY THE LIGHT OF THE SILVERY MOON" Color by Technicolor S GATES OPEN (:4S 2 . SHOW AT 7:15 , ; j I NOW THRU SAT.I j Ronald Reagen Dorothy Malone , in Technicolor "LAW & ORDER" Richard Widmark Joanne Dru in "MY PAL GUS" Pins TONIGHT (Friday) Our Big All Color Cartoon Carnival n a FKOSJ UMSN CMMNl MMWaT ft GATES OPEN 6:4S SHOW AT 7:15 NOW-THRU SAT.I , Andie Murphy ' Joan Evans - in Technicolor -"COLUMN SOUTH' also Leo Gorcey Hunts Hall and the Bowery Boyt "LET'S GO NAVY" TONIGHT (Friday) Our Big All Color Cartoon Carnival TON OF GOLD AWARDS In recognition of having pro duced over a ton of butterfat during a four-year period on Herd Improvement Registry test, inree re filtered Jersey cows owned by Lawrence and Bobbins, Aurora, Ore., have been awarded Ton of Gold Cer tificates by the American Jer sey Cattle club. CHIRM'S Plantation Dinners 2Vi MJ. S. m 991. 'A CHICKEN - STEAKS - HAM ETC.. ;V i i COMPLETE DINNER $1.35 ond up ' COUNTER.- BOOTHS - DINING ROOMS Ne Parking Problem! Fair Week Hoars: ' Closed Monday Tajcktel-"- Snnday. It Noea te a i.. it it mam m l-' a S WT aJl lOSSitvV" I aStooMSJt-oHil llTrTaSTlRT Una-. SBirjDayjCAT Stifling so, as im i uwb mi "the new in shoes" tf y soft as f M X. a cloud..' Bw"artsiRaasrvr m ( like walking on air! "w-w' Mitt tUEOE RED ELK IROWI ELK 176 H. Liberty tees Warf H SIMMONS SAID 7ES!' odd so will You AGREE WHEN YOU COME SHOPPING AT BIGGEST SALE CIMMAMC OF JII'll'lwliJ MERCHANDISE That This Is the Greatest Money-Saving Event Ever Ottered! HERE ARE THREE EXAMPLES: FAMOUS SIMMONS HIDE-A-BEDS SAVE $30 TO $50 History making savings on Simmons Hlde-a-Bedt. Man? styles to choose from ' Smart Tuxedos, Law sons, Armless or "T" Cash Ion. They're all ea sale and remember! Easy terms on any purchase. ay At Little At si 8950 EASY TERMS INXERSPBIKG MATTRESS and BOX SPRINGS v Hollywood log Spring Legs -Here's a chance to hare year Hollywood bed outfit At Big Savings 110 coll innerspring mattress and matching twin also box springs. Plus! Set of g Hollywood box spring legs. loHtFor EASY TERMS SIMMONS ALL-STEEL BUM BEDS OUTFIT SAVE EXACTLY $20.95 Sturdy steel bunk beds. Complete with steel springs snd innerspring mattresses. These versatile Simmons bnnkt can be taken apart to make twin beds! MML EASY TERMS OTHER GREAT SAYINGS NOW ON SIMMONS: DELUXE METAL IEBS ALL STEEL ROLL-AWAY RED DAVENOS ' STUDIO LOUNGES aCOMIINATION I ED-CHAIR ADJUSTAILI Hollvwood led Frame All This Week at US) TERMS Hurry! Shop! Sav.l.