Friday, Sep Umber 4. 1953 ' ' JHE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Baleaa. Orm p,. BARGAINS Here are some real - buys SB BUICK SUPER RIVIERA 4-DR.' R&H.' W W tires, sharp) JOCHEV. DE LUXE SDN. Extra' sharp." one" Ru Ml covare. two nut,. 't(Z?lDH SAN , S, t iaii nat,xAt Still hu two origins, tire 41 CHEV. FLEETUNE tJaht trara finish. On 41 STUDE. CHAMPION 4-DR Very low rrUle age, o'drive. Only 47 PONTIAC 1 1 SEDAN. R&H, black flniih. Thii If very good 48 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN. RAH, fluid drive, extra clean f ' Obi former lady and. thi. i. 47 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN. RWifluW drive beige color I ' 50 CHEV. DE LUXE 2-DR. Rh; 'iiear" new , motor, very clean .- . 4Q CHEV. DE LUXE 4-DR. Ice green finish,' ex- .linn f MlnHiiimi CCI1E vuiiuiviuii v '51 CM C. PICKUP. Just owner, vmy . Thll hU DMIt UBSd SS a Biiitnr.. . .71 ' . ,. '51 CHEV. CONVERT. R&H, new w.w. tires, in ' the beit of condition CHEAflES It cintv. pickup. Pair CONDITION ... M FORD V-l PICKUP. AVERAOE tt POHD ONI TON PICKUP, ,,.,,.lTt' CNbT Thcae port-war cart aro In lop condition turnout Plan keen eompleUlr OOOD WARRANTY Coin 7. taEsr" sautm" SS i trnaT.." reeUr nil poa aoma MONET, w. art aaztoua t. to kutauu. Trj iu cash : " trade bank terms 1395 EDGE WATER SALEM-DALLAS HIGHWAY KANNIER'S USED CARS W. L. ANDERSON, M , QUALITY, USED CARS . j This WeektEnd Specials - 1950 Plymouth Special De Luxe 4-door Sedan. Very 1 clean, heater. , .. . 1948 DeSoto Custom' 4-door Sedan. Wonderful shape. ' , We told and serviced this right in our own shop.' . ' 1950 Ford V-8 Pickup. Heater and 4-speed trans. Tha 1 cleanest pickup in town. 1948 Ford V-8 Sedan. Heater, radio, motor recon- ; ditioned, good rubber and wonderful finish. 4 . OPEN FRIDAY NITES UNTIL 9' I ; MANY, MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM i DESOTO - PLYMOUTH 654 N, LIBERTY AUTOMOBILES sicrj DESTDUV3 M DODO I CORONIT SEDAN Orro 4rlTfc radio, heater, lino teat cOTera Wb il BUICK SUPER SEDAN Dmallow. radio, heater. vhlU Urea. SDoUeaa 12 H BUICK SPECIAL SEDAN Heater, wuheri. eovera. aood condl tloa IUW 41 PORD CUSTOM SEDAN Made air heater, caitom radio, lm aculat tt BUICK SUPER SEDAN Radio, heater, excellent tlrea, fine Paint, apotleaa InUrlor MH WHOOPIES 41 Sulci Super Sedan . 41 Chrreler sedaa ... 41 Bulck Super Sedan . 31 Cherrolel Tudor ... SIM 111! lilt TOU OaT A BETTER USED CAR PROM TOUR BUICK DEALER Vfcugrf a better LUed Car fwnjjBuiek Dealer OTTO J. WILSON COMPANY OREGON'S NUMBER ONE DEALER Coml at Center PhoM -' one- ro SALE OR TRADE 1S1 Pontlac l-door Cbleltam Do Luio Sedan. Verr M mlleaee, near new condition. Ra dio, heater, teat eorere. Tltor and r esiraa. wm accept traoe ana m h time paraicnU. Ptimta 4-MSI. alll" BE SOTO 4-door. Radio, heater, pvrieci. uriainM - Pnono 1-1W4. ' " SIIA OR TRADE emit? '47 Ford vToraruaio. Phone J -frill altar n M M1RCURT. Iim. Take old car u - paraient. ni7. w' "Jl FOSB ti ton pickup. Oood dondl " At 11H Broadwar. atLl mi Lincoln Spt. dan. JJ mlleaee. Ttr clean and In lop "'PI. loaded lth acccawrln. will Irado Prlca X UUABE A? a - i .mu iiun n Ik... . . . . . . i tit tttt tns . "ftly ilBWl. 1395 1t arvd two aa mm . ' " 2-DR. You wiU Jik. . LI". ' ' tttt 799 tit t9S 795 1195 like a new one.' One 995 1195 , ttt CHEAPIES ,'WCBFT. eiDAM. ' AVERAOE , ..111 I . '4 DODOK CUTS CPS. OOOD, ; HEW MOTOR, OOOD TIRES , PHONE 4-1492 AUTOMOBILES MAJOR MOTORS DOWNTOWN . 1952 Plymouth SUBURBAN, WITH COM PLETE DE LUXE ACCES SORIES, ONE OWNER $585. DOWN $61.22 Per Month ' 1951 Ford 4-DR SEDAN. COMPLETE ACCESSORY GROUP $432. DOWN $44.75 Per Month . ... - 1950 Chevrolet CONVERTIBLE. BEAUTI FUL ORIGINAL FINISH. ONE OWNER, COMPLETE LY EQUIPPED $365. DOWN $41.82 Per Month ' 1950 Olds 88 CLUB PLETE GROUP. SEDAN. COM ACCESSORY ONE OWNER . $485. DOWN $58.50 Per Month 1949 Chevrolet FLEETUNE DE LUXE 4 DOOR. COMPLETELY EQUIPPED. RADIO HEATER $315. DOWN $41. Per Month MAJOR ' MOTORS Liberty & Center Sts. Phone 4-4931 Dili' u... ffaf. Pbana 4-1W13. eonojuf-B - ajjj - , , PINANCIAL $65 and UP lnSCrto.. Crk., tit 4 a. ua Bukk son, iu .a.";.;; latl Old! Sdn.. tw b J!2 " 52! ST" - n. .... 1H1 Ch. Sdn. lot dn !H E." C1- Co- ' 1M1 Tv4 Clk. Cpe.. Hal da. MM Ford Coach. 11 M da IMI Che. Ftcaup. lltl dn. .. lMt Cher. Coach, lilt dn. .... IMI Cher, Pickup, iim da. IMI Font. Sldaa. till da. .. IMT Ford Clo. Cno. mi da. IMI Cl. FKkua, IMI da. IMt Rudaoa Sda, tin da. .. IMI Ford Flekua, UM dn. .. tM Cher. Sdn.. aju da. .. IMI Ford Clk. Cpe. 3N da. . IMI Ford Ranch wa.. till at HI ,....171 Ml ,...1111 ,...1111 ,...1141 ,...I3M ....Mil .MJI ,...1411 ,...MM ...UN .J7tt ..ITH ..iim . him Lifetime Service Guarantee Aynb'ee Motors HIM Ph. I11U tWU $$ FOR $$ You Can't Beat Our Cars FOR VALUE! PONTIAC 'II SEDAN. 'M SEDAN. '41 SEDAN. '41 SEDAN. IT SEDAN. Hrdra. RAcH . Hrdra., RH Mrdra. RAH Hydra., RAH .1115 . 4MI . lias CADILLAC 41 SEDAN (Loaded) CHEVROLET 11 SEDAN. RH '41 CLUB CPE. RdfH 'U SEDAN. RAtU ...tins ... 10P6 FORD RH RdiU , ..I IH .. 415 s BEST FOR LESS '41 BUICK CPE. II DODOS CPE. II PLYMOUTH SEDAN , .1 S .. mi i Always the Best for Less ! at . . ' . KELLY OWENS Co. 880 N. LIBERTY PH. 4-4113 aiu- ms PLY SEDAN. 41.000 actual mllee. oood ontlno and urea, new paiat. ti.7 H. llth St. . . oJll I d.lnza. ono ownar, tood loaded, with oatraa. Call aondltleo. l-mi. 0711 I OLDS aood ehapa, roaaonahla. 10M ttR at. Weat Saleaa altar I. all!1 DEWEY'S '52 Ply. Cran. Sdn. Jti black. 1,0M actual miles. '51 Ply. Cran. Sdn. Two-ton trer.ft dandr. HI Nflh Rambler Otxl 1 tot th work, plut 10 mil. par aanon ot iwra. '49 Mercury Sedan .1 Two-ton Brown, avn ooriTt, '41 Chev. Club Coupe ft3ivfh, but I'm OT. BUTa LIKE TBE8I ONLY AT DEWEY'S SOM MARKET PH. 14011 NEVKft CLOSE 313' MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 1M HAKLXT DAVIDSON modal 74, $550. Will taka trade in. uni nan cnain aw, l-borat Blstn outboard motor. Shaw Oaraie. Bhaw. Oraton. qa313 VIED iAPTICYCLE motor acoour, rcaa- ooabit. a n. tn tun a p.m. quill AUTOMOTIVE REPAIR HAVING BAD1ATOE TBOUBLET Valliy Motor Co. tiperu wiu aoiva your pros, lent and iav rou iMii. Frra eti mataaa jpmcLt atrrrct. Center at L)a trty. " TRUCKS IMT ti-TOtt panal truck In o. I con dition. ThU is a Bargain a. Arnona --. on arown no. uy i BOATS II FOOT plank boat. New caulking ana paint. IM. NO reoaonaoia oiler rtiwwj. 11T4 Trod. St. 1-474S. qolll- ........o.o..eowP1eo TRANSPORTATION STUDENT WISHES BIDE to TuUa about SOpt. tin. rnone a-nea ajw ..wv F. .311 OOINO TO LOS ANOELES nelt week. Take two. snaro eipeaeea. rnoo, wiis. . .'. - A'?'. FINANCIAL HIGH PAYMENTS? WI CAN CUT Left Give Them the AXE1 Use our eotuolidatlos plan. AUTO LOANS ROUSPHOLD PURNITURB LIVESTOCK STATE FINANCE CO. 111 So. Hun St. Sill Mill rill' PSIVATE MONET M taw. Phono 1-I11I. loan oat real m- rllf AUTO LOANS WtLLAMETTE CREDIT CO. IH Bovlh Church Parking a-Picatr Pk. t-jul IM. No. M-1M. a-lM LOANS UP TO $1500 : on Mtnatura. Furniture. Car AT PERSONAL He "TM" arcOBBilf I otapiarod awa or wooteav . l-raM loan .... Fhoao HrM 0 To aoloct hMt aaraaoal data Balonan nardar laaaa. Fhaaa,.riu ar eoaw la TODATI Personal Finance Co. Ill's. UOR ST.. SALEM State Ueeau Rea. AV1H. M-1H Loaaa ater IM ap U I1MI tad ap to la aiontna u repar aaado kr Perooaal Finance Co. ol Marlon County andor the laduatrlal Loan CoatpanMe Act of oreeon. rill Uc a-III aad M-m and ROT SIMMONS . . DtSORANCB AMD LOAMS ear To Tradca U 00 Doll; KSLM I3M Rk. OUISRA1 PINANCS CO LOANS IM Sa Ccoaacrelal SI TM S4t sn irs for farm, cm or acrxaoi loans- Been of txrjws W BUT Real uu oMruaaoa ok ooakraolt State Finance Co. . I Sa Blah SI PR t-4111 TRAILERS OAMF TRAILRR Taar drop, aood cm. onion, rn. 4C u. tin HOUSE TRAILERS t'.a 73. IT. T iA'LlVAYS. ail-metaU double kedroo-n. oompletelr modern, clean. Hist. Tertna. lnmedlale poa- Kaioa. oruinal owner. Phono 4-aoil. tain DIRECTORY ADDINO MACRINES All make, uaed Baehlneo .old. rented, rovalrod Roen. M Court Pk l-77J Wo do anrthtna In the line of kulld taif. Free' Mtlmatea. Phono l-Otlt. ol!1 BULLDOEINa BULLDOZINQ Lotting, road kulldlnc, clearlno. Oeorat Wlrth, 1030 Candlewood. Phono 1-1313. 0131 Bulldorina. road, clearing teeth. Vlrtll Huaker, 1011 Pair. lew, phone flltl. Mil DRE9AMAKINO Alteration.. hemeUtehlnt. h a 1 1 a n a, bucklea covered, buttonholeo. Mra. H. M. Allender. 1-Hll. o!3l EXCAVATING Ben Otlen At Son, eicavatlnl trading. Land cleart&c. Ph. 1-10 Ineulatlon. weatherrtrlM. tlumlnunl acreena. Free aatlmatoa. T. Pullman. Phone I-5M5. elll MATTRESSES Capital Bedding, new nattreeaeo I ranoTatoa. FaU Una OFFICR FCRNTTURB at SUPPLIES Dock abalri, lUea, tuint tup pilot, galea, duplleatore. auppllea, deik lampa. type writer ttanda, Roan, all Court. i a ROAD ORADINO Road grading, levtlrac. ditching. .Ill nl trader. Rot Bannock. Ph. Mill. alia. Roofiiur and aiding br oxpgrta lot right price. Phono s-wttt. asil Bamal't aeptlo tanks line Pbeat elll ervlce. Ouaranttad - work. 1-7404. 1-0174. Mike's Septle Bervlca, Tanks cleaned. D'rooter cleans sewers, drains. Phone 1-S4W. ' OJ1S' Sewer, aeptte tanka, drain i cleaned. Rote-Rooter Sewer Barrio. Phone l-Utf BRA It PF NINO BEPATB Lawn mowers, saws, eta. II tb D Pb. l-tfis. Proa pickup. TTPEWRITEBS Smith, Corona, lUminston, Royai. Ca derwood portables AU makes laed machine. Repairs rant. Boas, 4M Court. 1-6771. WINDOW CLEANING Acme Window Cleaners, tnd at-trial floor waxinv. boueeeleanlns. Pbon J-WT 14T Coart LEGALS In the Circuit Court of the Btata ol Oreton for the County of Marlon, Bev erly Jetke, Piaintifi. vs. max aieaae. defendant Summons. To Max Jtitke. Defendant. IN THE NAUE OP THE BTATB OP OREOON: Yon are hereby required appear and aniwer the Com Die in t filed against you in the abora entuiea suit within ten days from th dat of senrlee of hie Summons UDOn you, If served within this County; or If served within any other County of thte Stat, then within twenty days from the dale of the ervlce of this Bummons upon you. wo If you fall to to enitwer, lor want were- of. the Plaintiff will pray for decreet il) Orantlnt her an atwomte aivorce. ill flk custody of David Mleheal Jeike and Dtanne Mara Jeike, minor children of this plaintiff and defendant; ill And for sum ainer ana lurinvr relief as to tha Court may seam Just and toulUb.?. C- WILX1AM DOBBOB Attorney for Plaintiff N 111 Oregon Brrif., Salem. Oregon. Sept. 4, 11, II. M Oct. 1 NOTICE OP SHERIFF'S BALE OR MORTOAOE FORECLOSURE TAKE NOTICE that on the llth dap ol September, 11 at the hoar ot iu:i.-i A M at the mott eoutherlr eaet door of the Old Hlrh School Building on M.rlon between Hlth and Church Slreeta In Salem. Marlon Countr. Oregon, i it public auction t. w h,.... bidder for tub all the loretolnt ae- ecrlbod reel propertr, vo-": Lot Twonl, hop, mow iwi. Zimmerman Home Tract. Marlon Countr, Oregon. a. i. aale la held under and porauant . wv.cutlon laaued out of the Cir cuit Court of the State ol Oreton for Marlon Countr In that caueo therein pending wherein the Prudential Inaur anea Compear of America, a corpora- tloa. aa plaintiff ana rrancee n. hiiim and Robert U Burnt. John w. Black and Paala Black a. defendant., Retla- trr Ho. 40.011 Of etlfl circuit (.ourk j DENVER YOUNO. Sheriff Br A. L M.lttrom, Depatr. I Aug. 31. Sept. 4, II. II '' NOTICE OP STREET VACATION NOTICE HEREBT IS GIVEN that lha Common Council of the Cltr ot Salem, j Oregon, on th. 10th dar of Awgaat, IMI. I adopted a reaolutloa Initiating proceod- , Inge to vacate that portion ol Oalnoa Street In the Cltr of Salem, Marlon Couotr, Oreton. from the Boat lino of North Cottage Street to the Wett Mao of North winter Street tn the Clip of Salem. Marlon Countr. Oregon, lor the reaeon that there to no need or ner ev illy to maintain aald atreet for public I um ond th. eame aheuld bo need for arhoal mrneeee by School Dlatrlct No. 14C1. and that tha laid council baa fixed tha llth dar of September. 1M3, at tha hour of l:M o'clock PM. oa the time, ond the eoanrll chamber, la ana cltr hall In Salem, Oregoa. aa th. plac. for tno neonng at tno b.m procomuin ond any and all oblertlone and remon etrancaa to the propeood vacation. Oa lectloons to aueb vacation. If anr there be. ah on Id bo made la writing and filed with the cltr recorder of eald cits prior la tha time ol the hearing. BT ORDER OP THE COMMON COUN CIL Aagaat lllh, 1111. ALFRED MTTNOT, ' Cltr Rocorder. Aug. II. Sept. 4. II. IS. SS To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 STOCKS IBr n AeBBtra Cwrpariuoat Aiuod en. ileal . Aiw raajBer. , - . " M. ... u, ... ABoncaa Tel. ok Tel. Anaconda copper ..,,.., liu AMMtar Railroad w art waraar tiu. Burrow. Adding Maahana. 1414 u. rec.iB. H. ......... attk Ctaadlaa PecHle M 0. caterpillar Tractor tt Ciena. Caraoratleej n. Chrrtler CocporatMat 17 x, ClUe Sorvlca .. .au. muuw. aneai . 110 Cooaalldaud Wiiltea I7S Crowa Sellorhaefe mv. Cartlaa Wright , -e. uwaiM .ircrare ...... .., Du Poal ao Nentaan laatmaa Kodak u Batoraan Radio ... oeaoral RlootrM Oeaeral Pood. ......... ... Oeaoral Motor. aaB O tort la p&c. lywood Ooodra.r Tlr. Momestake Mtnlag Ca. .... Inurnauonal Kareaauw ... International Papan ....... Johaa Itaaelllo KaUor AtaBlaaa mhmco.. uoppor ..... ... Likbr McRen . ... Lockhood Aircraft Loowoe Inoorporatad ...... Long Boll Moalgora.rr Ware) Mail Kolrtaatar New York Central Northern Pacini Faeiilo Aaerteaa Flak . ... reeuio oaa At EleelrM . ... Paclllo Tel. m TeL Packard Motor Car Penner. J. c Pennsrlraala R a. ISH IH MH Tl'k H n live 41 H Hit 11 11 MS IIS IIt. lilt ts 17 H 1 II M 41 101 ....... H' ; si . 14 H 11 H 4 ....... 14 H ....... 41 4l7b Pcpal cola Co. ,. , PbUoo Radio , Radio Corporation , Rarontor lacara. Raronler Incero. tti Republic Stool Rejitoloa Metalt -.. RKhflell Oil .' Salew.l Slotoa. tag. Seotl Popn Co. Scare Roebuck Iu Socoop Vacuum OU Southern PaclIM Standard OU Calif. Mandard OB K. . ' Studebaktr CorpJ ........' Sunthlne Mlnlas ........ Swill At Cd. 2 Tronumerlea Carp. rweatteia ceatara Few union Oil coBpaap Unua Pacific United Airline. United Aircraft ,..,,, .... United Corporation United State. Plywood Unltoo SUtoa Stool , warner ricturea ......, waitera Ualoa TeL Woitlnghduto Air Brake We.tinghoiuo wjoatria ...... Woolwertk ;" ' I Slook Morkol New York (Ft The ttock Bark.t ad anead aulatlr Fridar wuh th. Labor Dor holldar la the olllag. "ii to .m s Point .t tha boat, bat meet ot them wort aaalL Loaeaa alto wart email. The volume at treAln .. Mtlmatod aoo.OM aharea, lowan total la '""a weveo wooae. Tnnredar tha vol. ante waa MOM aharea. Prtcoe were atliod la ear 17 trading with the ntotora gtaadlat ahead. Thor mmumw pwaiuooi aa aBooar agad a rtn ra atatla, rallroada. rukkorg, ans aaiocted ollt, chcmlcaia, ktUltlee, Portland Qralm rortitVDO up Wheat (bid. to arrrve ilTT" 1 -utTel iMat: sj noiw j-, mail wnitt) tai mx 1.141 Wbita Clnb l ia. iwaalpts: Wheat ait barley sa -ww wmrm tm-si m, mw ZMt I, PwrtrWad LrviisiiBb ParUand sjjs Tre41e- ta W steady a Mma mA optj).rM aiusue dollar abtthar IB Portiasvd Uraatock market thia week. Cattle far weak I SW; market mavan oub eoarauy acaaoy am awaiunaad lane suppir. ' Calvas for week dll; market load luiiy i.wa suaw wits. aaeM SMavv tsjmJvaa ap.W up. Rosa lor week l.ooS: market aUadT tat irons wim weec s traoa sn even keel. Sheep for week 1.4O0; market loed ruiiy lower on aiauihtar lambs, feed ers weak owes steady. Stolen Auto Driven Los Angeles to Salem Portland m-rUit Skree, 24-year-old Norwegian plead ed guilty in federal court Thursday to a charge of driv ing a stolen automobile from Los Angeles to Salem. An investigation 'by probation of ficers was ordered before sen tencing. Skree also faces de portation proceedings. LEGALS IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OP THE STATE OP OREGON FOB TBI COUN- TT OP MARION Department He, Two Me. 11,331 In th Matter of the EstsU f ALBERT H. THOMPSON, Deceased. NOTICE OP HEARING OP OBJEC TIONS TO PINAL ACCOUNT. NOTICE IB HEREBT OIVEN that ORA THOMPSON, s tha duly appointed, aualified and acting Eiecutrli of the estate of Albert H. Thompson, deceased, hae duly rendered and presented for fltlenvent and flld In tha Circuit Court of the County of Marlon, Btata f Ore gon, probata Department, Pinal Ac count of her administration f ssld es tate, and that Saturday, the llth dar of September. 1113, at th hour of ton o'clock In th forenoon f aald day, at th courtroom In said Court In the Mai 'on County Court Hans la th Cltr of Salem. County f Msrlon, Stat of Oregon, have been duly Used and ap pointed by said Court as th time and place for tha hesrms or objections to ssld Pinal Account and tb settlement thereof. DATED at Salem, Marlon County. Or- ; gon, this 14tb day of August, 1M1. On A THOMPSON Eiecutrli of the Kstst of Albert H. Thompsons Deesasst. I DATE 1 first publication ; August 14. 1H3. DATS af last wubllcsUan: Beutomber 4, !3 LAWRENCE N. BROWN Attorney for Executrix 111 Masont Build log j Baism, Oreton. Aug. ll-ll-M-Sepi. 4 NOTICE TO CBEDITOBS NOTTCE HEREBY IS OIVEN that by order f th Circuit Court of th State of Oreton, County of Marlon, In Pro be te, duly mads snd entered on Auguit 17, lfsi. x have been appointed et ecu tor of the Estate of Hsael W. Well man. De ceased, and have duly sjualified as such lacutor. AU yereens havtnt clsluu against aald est eta ar hereby required present them to m with proper vflucber at M North Commercial Street, Bslem. Oreton, within sis tl) month attar th dat of first pabll cetloa of this Notice. Deiad ttsnl first ablLihed: Autust 11. IIM. CARL L. WELUIAW. Esecator. ETJOEfrB . LAIRD 111 Pioneer Trust Bulldlnt, Salem. Oregoai, Attorney for Eiecutor. Aug. 11. II. Sept. 4, 11, II NOTICE TO CREDITORS Ne, lltVs ROTTCV: Th Circuit Court of Marlon County, Oregon, has appointed m eaecu tor of th Estoto f ROtvE PRAlfTU deeessed. AU person bsvint claim asalaat aald astat ar reeuired to pre sent them, with srroper toachera, to me at tb fftfl af Cewaty Clirk, Marian County Court Ron a. Balers, Oregon, within all months from August V. 1PU. Thomas J. to bin. Kx scaler RTOTT OOODINO Attorneya for Esecator 1131 Teoa Bid., Portland. Oregon Auf. f, 14, IL, M, Sept. 4 IMI. GOVERNOR AT 1 J-rL SI :J I 1 ittr , --.. - I Governor Earl Warren, of California, (left), partici pated in the state fair opening at Sacramento, shortly af ter he announced he will not run again for governor. Ha is shown with W. C. Wright, state fair director, and Bar bara Nutter, Maid of Magic from Tulare, Calif. (AP Win' photo) . , M ARK FT QUOTATIONS 1 PtTXArtt t-B-TVOVCB UST 1 Butterfal Taowativa, suoject to Im mediate change: Premium euality. masi- 99 i n ner oant aetditr de livered In Portland a71e lb.: first anal- Itv ll-lfte, second auallty, !. Vatiey routes and country points. 1 cents Isaa Miiat wnoioaat ( bulk cubes te wholeaal. grades aa, II score, lie; A trade. II acora. tsc: R. aa aeara. lie: C, score. Ma. above prices strictly nominal. Cfceee SelUna ptw to Portland wholeialers, Oregon singles, 4lV-4v; Oregon I lb. loat. Ufc-MVae, Esse te WlMtasalars Candled a eoniaintnt no loss, caaes included t b Portland A trade larse. ST-'e; A grade medium, MSe-Ufec; B trad tart aa-sj a. Pertmnd Dairy Burttaa Rutvivreva-diTie to maim: Orada 4A print, llei A canen. net A .mnta. ttot ear ton. IUi B prmu. awe. Etta t ar4Mr candied t, a. b. Portland; Tjnsraded larse, 01 -4 trade AA large. He doa.; A large, a LA pjfMnom. e os.i a narde medium. Me coa.i A trad smalls nomi nal. M-llc Rata t Kesanara- oraos aa. laruei lie: A largs. 70-71; aa medium, i-tvo A medium, n-eeo: a smau. . car tons 1 ctmU additlocal. Cabins Price u reUDsar. Partiaac Oreton alnslea, U4-lc: lb. loaves. ftl-Ufec: trloleU. IVie leas than sin- Premtun braaoa atntiea. hmi tb. fat stntle wheeU to. pToossaad Aaa artaan chaeee, I -lb. loaves to retails 4Uib- ib. Pwaltry viva VMisraetie wo. s wuuunr, jm.9. plaats: Prvera, S-l lb.. S-S0e: s ins., za-ioc; raasiera, ib4 ana wver, at-ioc: heavy hens. aU wetahta. ll-ltc: light hens, ail' welshts, it-loci old rooat- ara, ie-iee. Dresses Chleksns lto. 1 dressed retailers. Prrera. broilers. 44-40 roasters, aU vrtdU. 44-45e; light Bens, ssv-sie: heavy hens. Il-34ei cut-up Irr- eri, all wis 10-sic lb.t whole drawn 7- aao id. Bakbisp ATerar w aTowert xjts whites, 4-1 lbs M-iiai lbs, Il-iaw ib.i aolored nelta, 4o lb. onderi old doea, 10-13c. few higher. Presh drsaaed fryers to retailers, 17-itai sut tip ll-lae. Caaalrr KUleS SleaM Veal Top auallty. 11-10 I.' youth heavies. 30-lec. egs Man piocisra. si-sac: sows, lUht. 31-140. e LBe be Best, ii-iao ib.i yearunss, ia-e lb. Mattea BesL li-iio .i tuu-utmiy, T-c. -otiiitr eows. 23-20 ib,: eannr- eutters, 17-Uc; shell down to 13c. Preen Preeset Meat Wholesalers to retailer. Douart per wt.: Hssr autcera. enoiea. soo-7oo idi.. i- 143.10; good, 137.10-43.00; commercial 137-31; utility, $23-10; commercial cows, tai-ai; utility, iai-Hj c -an er -cutters. 111-31. Beef eets Choice steers hind uar Urs, 153-17; rounds, o-Wi full loins. trimmed, 7-7; trianslsa, 131-33; Xore auartersL 121-141 chucks, 3tVlli ribs. Mt-Bl. Veal and Calves Oood -choice, Hi ll; commercial, $24-10. Lambs Cholre-pTlme, 117-40; tood, 113-17: snrlnt lambs. choKe-prims. 47.50, Mattea Oood chpic. 1S-U lb. se-04. Perb Cute Loin. NO. 1. S-ll M.ftO-M; utility l-l sheuMers, M lbs.. ll-42c: snare ribs, u-ftft; irean nami, 10-14 lbs., JflJ-M; pork careaasea, iso-iio lbs. $31.50-40. naked Sim Bklnned. IU-M lbs., ftned lard la drums, $14-11.50; slab bac on. a-71. Partlaad MIseeOaMea Owtons &o lb. ssck Caur. rm aiooe. mad.. l.n-I.M: white tlobe. 3 W-150; yellows mad. and Urge, l.M-l.Tt; few i n; Wash, yellows, met, 1.76-3.00. larte 1JI.-1.40. Petateea IiOcai TTtumpna, iuss, i so 1.75; Boardman lont whites. No. 1A 1.25 1.15: No. 1 M lb. sack, 10-laei Oregon Russetts No. 1. 1.50-a.7; 10 lb. mesh, M- 2c. local Bussets, No. 1A. J.7W.W Calif, lent whites. No.' 1A. 1.15-1.00; fair. J.tIO-3.75. Nam brsnds to I.3S. wasn. Rusaeta $3.75-1.00; Wash, lont whites No. 1 3 M-2 T5. I ty 0. S. Na. freen alfalfa, do Itvered car loU t.eb. PorUand aad Se attle, 11-30. We4--ra basis, wuiamnw vai-1 ley medium 51-3 lb EasUrn Oregon fine and haii-biooa, sac; wuiam-nt Valley iamb woei 4lt 11-month wool e-50e I Mehalr 5-l7o lb. on ii-monta grew th. IVo-b. country shipping points. lees Producers paring pnea i.a.s Portland calf skins, 11-21 lb-, accord ing to condition; treen kips, it-17 lb.; green eow bides. o-lO lb4 aceordiai t weight and tuallty: bull hldas, 4-sc ib.r glue hw-s. M par enl belew pnsa Ir abov clsssea. riib-tswWboieasie semni prica. no medium P. erosion as, 13 34s Ib.i thaU- ad. U-tle lb. ib i usht halves, it-ne tk. walnat vrhuessi eaimt uriees. first entail ty large Praafoettee, is-lOe shelled. lUht amber haJva. 77c Uiht he Ires. 71. we. Fertland lastelda Market rortiann vsj norinwrti fv-.maios. corn, raduhes, lettuce and treen onions hort of full agemano en tM xastaidc rsrmrrs' market and along the whole sale produce district todau fancy Cali fornia tomatoes wer i.n-i a lug; bsi radlsheg to wholesalers were M-0 cents a dosen; top cor a held firm at 1 25-2.54 to the producer; Kartiett pesra sold la nd market at 1.75-1 IS a M-ib. bog. SALEM MARKETS CoBplled frOM reportg of RoleB dealer. lor Ibo goldaave of Capital Joaraal reodera. ISevlaod dallr.l Selaft t4 Prvotat RabkN Pellet. IT.SS tat-rk. bag) 14 10-1.0. MIO'lb. Peg M..K W t l 41. Dalrr Peed U .4 1-171 (to. lb. bagl; I.I-4II (IM will pattar. mil, IIM UM at.) PooHrr aartat liliea Colored hrara. lie; old roottere. 19c; colored fowl. Uc; locnora fowl, lie; roaatcra, Stc Beret Bovlag Priev-Etgg AAlte! larr. A. 14-etr; medium AA. Mai Bedlum A, i.eoe; man. jvr IfkoleeoM Plleea act Wholaial. PTloeo swaiaup l-i, aigaar vhaa Ua prwei FAIR OPENING 5 . , above. Lane trade A lototaUf noted at 11c. medium tic. Swllerfat Saving atlati ProBtwav W- t.c. no 1. B1-OVCI WO Chteat Uvstaek Chtcat tAV-Prlcet f lire hots ramp ed another M to T anu hunps. welsbt Prtdar as fresh receipt coo liaised auiinormou mti. Cattle and aheap waro mostly gitadj oa scant ofterinaa. Mott barrowa aad tilts brought 33 10 to Bow taoerally aald fretn II W t 134 00. A lew head af hiih-hlM fa.s Brim. calf-club atoer yearlings sold at aj, to I2I.04, Otherwise, th market was onflned to tood and poorer iteere et I20.M downward, taod and poorer IwlU eca at $11.00 aad below. A few taosl to Brim kbIIm smIh lamb were tekaa at .M to 1M and waa sold xrom M M downward. Mcpia varo s.aoo he, sot tU. ad Ms sheep. Chicago Oaltsne Cbleaao aijp BnaaUaa vowlsTMtsv. mand fair, usarkst steady lor medium uow wioasa, autmiy weaker am Span Tree: ealse (to ma.)i tj. sl l stated: toah Walt Spanish I-lnch and larger I.Mi trusklot aAla. truii-Mdkri Vbkk. " wm iuh, mieniaaa xaiiow oiabea artrunn iw par oant s-ineh and larger l.M; niinala 4m ner awnvak tiMh m.A lartcr .00; Wlaeonsln T par oant S-iaeh aoa janir .aa. Btreet anle fab MmM Sbmnlsh S.taeh and largr, Idaha, 0tMo art Colored - eosa sair O0Mrae l.n-lJI; wauaa seuew utoaea. Htnesvt 1.- 1.3. aotne esaall .1..ea: . vsbri i aa Whit Ooaee, Sdaha, Or as on and Colo red S to a-Inch, svla l-tneh and larger; inmate wcih ataUaxa Bhppsnsaato ll-w. baaas .1. . - 4 CbUace Sarala Chieat UP) Stieusth tn tha to aaarseia rauiaa eratna arter they 1 snowa early aslnaa aa th Board av su arr Kaay BsBtombe Mtadila anr a-aar-a bean and wheat led th upturn. (erred mesrtbs Jlewiat at a store ao- will be ' aaaettneed later by JtowaU date pace. Cash eon atolel stn hi-a a.. I WAw Ca. r 11.71 a buihei. n new hith for the year. . ' Moat lard eon tree to eet new see-tanailaissP Clarea Reltorl Peaks In earlr deailnaa. bus rm.trtA later under profit taking. Wheal eloeed unohaneaai to IU. bftrHar BepttmbeT l.HH-y,, pet unchanged H lower. September TIH. rra siulCarleta Var BtulberL Miss Lola Irene hither. September Sir, soybean tof Hnibcrt, both ot Bitteaa, Bcherrl Ann 1 cents Higher. September tiat-l.Hta iHulbert. Jeaoetu Loral n Hulbert. both and lard 17 cents lower to lb cents hundred pound hither, September 117.. Mid Willamette Obituaries Thomas E. Riley - Albany Thomas X. Riley, 79, native son of Albany, died at his home Thursday after a short illness. He waa a retired conductor for the Southern Pa cific railroad. The Rev. Father Martin Doherty, .will officiate at the recitation of the Rosary at the Fisher Funeral home at 8 p.m Friday and a requiem mass at the church at 10 a.m., Saturday. Mr. Riley, who start ed his railroad career in 1901, married Mamie S. Propst in Al bany, Oct. 18, 1899. She died June 15, 1950. A daughter, Mrs. Ksthryn Barnes, hsd preceded them in death in 1938. Mrs. Sophie Klaus Aurora Funeral services were wednesdsy afternoon from the chapel of Everhart & Kent, Canby, for Mrs. Sophia Klaus, widow of the late Ru dolf Klaus, Macksburg farmer, who died in 1937. Mrs. Klaus died Saturday morning. Sophia Schafer, was born at Ludwigshaven, near the Rhine, Germany, September 6, 1875. She came to the United States when she wss 18 years old. She was a member of Christ Luth eran church, at Macksburg, where the family lived until sfter the desth of Mr.. Klaus. Surviving are two daughters. Mrs. Rufua Kruxberger and Mrs. Hermsn B. Etzel, both of the Mscksburg ares, seven grandchildren, Ralph, Rufua Jr., and Norman Kraxberger, Macksburg. Mrs. Richard Nel son, of Portland, Mrs. Arnold Wittrock, John' and Herman Etzell, all of Macksburg. She also leaves four great-grandchildren, Marlene, Gary and Debra Kraxberger and John Timothy Wittrock, of Macks burg. The Rev. Z. R. Baseler of St. Stephen Lutheran church, Gladstone, conducted the funeral rites. Burial was in Zion Memorial Park, Canby. William Councilman Stayton -William X. Coun cilman, 78, died at his home, 2295 Pringle Rd., Salem, Wed nesday, Sept S. He waa a fot aier rssideiit of Mill City. Mr. Btayton and Councilmaji was) born at Bmarjiamptiia, N.Y, Sept J4. 1178. Surrirteg ar hit wife, Lot tla, Salem; a daufhtar, Wllma Durham, Ketvnswlck, Wash.: a brotiMr, lUyinond H. Coun- cilnuui, Spoksns, Wash.; and a litter. Alios Ruddock. San Jess, Calif. Funersl services will ba at 3 p.m., Saturday, Sept S, at the Ptm byt-ln church Mill City, with tha Re. Nobis Streetcr WH.viPt Burial will bo in Fall-view cemetery, Gates, under direction, of tha Wedr dle Funeral ChapeL SUyton. a. Paul Duman Lyons Paul Titrman. la. Rf. 1. Sclo. died in Santlam Memorial Hospital Thursday night Physicians belle yed death may have been caused" by complications from an in jury suffered in an automobila accident several months afo. Tha youth la survived by hta psrenU, Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Duman, seven brothers and six sisters. Fan oral snnoun ce ments will ba made by tha Weddla Funeral ChapeL Stay. ton,'- Andrew N. Lilly Aurora Many local people attended funeral sr vices at . the Everhart a Kent, Canny . chapel Thursday afternoon, September I, for the late An drew Nelson Lilly. 78. foun der of the Canby-Oregon City Cleaners and a resident of Canby for 23 years. Mr. Lilly died Monday In a ' Salem hospital following sev eral months' fllnesa. . Ha waa born in franklin county. - Neb., February 8. 1877. Ha establsthed the dry cleaning business shortly alter coming to Oregon In 1818. Mr. Lilly waa affiliated with Warner Grange and . . member of tha First Presby terian ehuren in Oregon City. Betides his widow. Alma, ho leaves two sons, Albert and Thomas of Oregon City and a dangnter,. Mri. Karl (Ins) Richards of Portland; thrte brothers and two sisters, Har vey uiiy ol Denver. Colo, Lewie of Oak Grove, Lester ot Yuba City, C-J1L, Mrs. W. . o Sobba of llcLouth, Kan., and Mrs. Prances Dunn of Stamford, Neb.; sevsn grand. children and sevsn - great . grandchudren. Interment waa in Zibn Memorial Park, Can by, with the Eer. Roger B. Bwarln, pastor ot the Xvan geUcal ; United Brethren church, otflclaUng. . DEATHS cash f mwai SnBlran Tarrant Sdmond Bulityaa nrrant. lata raaL. dent of IStw Oak as, at a Jocal hospital. 4 - Pt. S, at the ate at tl. Punaral i Elmer raauansM HitilMrl.' lagn PaMirlrinft of so Park Avtv, la this city Sept. 1 at I the a 41. aatrrlrat. bar -Hfa. Infra. Jahn. I a Hiilbert, Balemj eUuthtersa Mia a of Salem; sisters, Ma-s. Ruth Morgan, coour d'AJene, Sdano. Mra. joe Moffman. MBit, caw. jcra. k. ATHMrioa, juror aide, Calif.! brother., Ana.l Hulbert, San Janclte. Calif. Ror HuiMrt, Rlror- ida, Calif. Uord fluleort. Lot Anrejaa, Calif. Fiord Jlalbert, H.mll, CUM mother. Mra. Jonnlo Bnlbert, B.mlL Calif. AnnoBBOOBoal af aervlceg win bo made later or the BoweU-Sklward. Ca. laale O. I!f Minnie O. Rid at the mideneo tt IMS Warner St.. Sept. S. el tha at. af U. Survlvort are: Twt aoaa. Bart aad Hanrp of Salem; brother, t. A. Man Km, Saleml grand daughter, Mia. Clara Drake, Saleml tbraa great fraadeone. Rarrr, Larrp and Terrr Eld. all af Salem; aleo aevoral nlecee and aaphowa. Funeral ..rvlce. at the YlreU T. Ooldea Chanel Salnrdar. Sept. I at S P B. Interment at Clip Vie Cemetorr. AI.Ha. Daatfori Adeuaa Panafftrd. St, Sept. s In Fart- land. Lata reeldent of IMt S. Hlth St. Seles. Widow of the lato Oeorat Duno- ford. Be oved auter of Mra. Delia Jeff. rer and Mlat M.rr Parna, both af Port, land. Frlenda are Invited t, tho funeral aarvleo Taeadar al S .B. at the Plr.t Chrlatlan Church. Marlon aad Cottata Salem, interment at Cltr view Ceaetcrr. Arraagrflr.enlg ar. la ebargo of tho Colonial M.rtuarr, aVandp Blvd. and llth at. PorUand. laakoa M-.H Mecan, lata rjerdtnl or aaiern aa Sept. I. Sitter of Mra. A. Jtckaon, Salem. PrrvaU Jtrvlcae win Sa bold Tueodap, Sept. a at 10 I a.m. la tha Chapel af tha W. T. Rlgdoa Co. Oon. aladlat oervlcM it V Mlaeloa aaaMtcrr. Okartot Frodorlek awcHkaapt Charlaa rradcrlck Brtltnaupt. uta ra- of Cutler Cltr. Oro. In Ihla dtp Sept. S. Survived tr wile, Jennie Brail haupt, Salea; two daaghUra, Mra. Iran, Tea Bella, SI. Helena, and Mra. Belea Boath, Salea; two alitor., Mr.. Cora LIppoM and Mlat Autuata artitnautn, both .f Salem: two arothera. Joha Broil- (l.irpl, Seoula, Wtah. and Hoarr Breiu haunL Spokane. Waah.t t granoaona. Sorvleea will ko bald Salnrdar, Sept. I. al 1:M .b. la Ino chapu al tno w. t. Rltdon companr with coticlndlne octt lea. at Betereet Memorial Park. Bar. doom A. Roaaborrr will olflclata. LaeH'a Tkaaat fd.lla Thomaa. lata af 4IS Plttereon Ave., at a local boapllal Sept. sarvlrod or oone, R I c n a r a m Thotnae, Salea, CUrton Fiord Thomaa. Saleai rhother, M.rr a-ntti. aaiemt alitm. Kathrrn Wlont. saiam. Mra. Marp Schmidt, ChlUlwacK. B. O. Mra. Emma Lowoa, Salea, Mra. Belea Blebort. Bokerafujld, cm. Mra. i,raia raai. Itarlan. S. Dak. I trothm. Ouataf U Xonktl, Merlon, S. Dak., John M. Run kel. Harmon. Mich., Rot. Elbert U Ronkel. Salem, aervlaaa WIM ka held Sal. SPl. I al S p a. In tha ChapeL Rev. J. R. Frloeen oUldatlag. Interment al av her In or Ceaeurp, Marlon Juaetlon. s. Dak., under toe direction af th clouth-BariMk Co. Lot. t. T. Utm, JX Ot. O. Chad, BX DBS. CHAN . . LAM CHLNXBB NATTjaoraTHS CpUtra. to Nsrtk Ubarty on aatardat aarr M a.H a I SJa. I ba 1 pat CannlktlMn. bMras areoaara and anno toolo are free ar obargt Praetlert gfnot nil write ear atwagtrro girt PJa alios N ril LWS ,B it an lata, 4-UJ2. alir