"T Friday. September 4, 1953 TUB CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salt. Orecoa Pag II FOR SALE HOUSES ' aERO'S BHOOODINDROH AND f GARDEN timplt.ly UodtceBed. cuaerote walka, ahde hoiiee, oprlahlla aretem. p, wuunl(tf S),M warm af ahruea, driveway. mot era eetlae with mm furBlturc mm Cadillac work ear. tar dea tractor aad leole. Tbaaa ttemi eeel at. ll.ooo. but t will Mcrlfle averr thloa I" M.00 du t famtlr troukloe. . eM aaah ana am ereeeul t3.aoo morttote. Immed. peee. So. my ee.nl. ALLEN C. JONES REALTOR. 131 t aoRT HIOH. I-IW. Eve. MM. . 311 T OWNEB Ceadalaria 1-aodroom, . double ,aru Una alllltr. lU.oao. , t-Mlt. aU TiY BUILDER 1-bod room homes. Birch kitchens III dressing tables. 40x140 lou. Quel ' It built. Ooott loan. 110 UN led . Court. Uli BY OWNER BottM la excellent eondt lien. I bedrooms. New 4i furnace. Deublt lirili. IMS Maple Art. Ph. JMH after 0:34 Pi- 013 ATTBACTICI Urt rooms, nook, fun btumtoV unfinished upstairs. Shrubs, flowers, convenient locstlen nssr ln high and Parrleh schools. Phone owner 4-4314. s3ii rptDBOOM. 1 baths. S fireplaces, dou bit garage, playroom, view, will trade for Portland residues Phono 44444. s3ia- " BELL OR LXASB WITH OPTION l-bedroom boms, 1 mn eld. Im maculate throughout. 14,404. Small down payment. ALLEN C. JONES. Realtor Ml R. High Pa. 4-4434- Br. S-9444 OLDER TTFE room bouse, ft aero round. near underpass, Portland Rd. Furnished. 44.400. CaU 94344. S3 14 TRADl OR SELL. Nice S bedroom homo In Ktlsor on a lario lot. Price 94.900. Neod a I bed room bouu. Call 1-S10t. Francei Knapp ' Sunday, 1-4344. Ed Syrkit, 1-4744. Ed En kit Co.. Real- tor. LOW DOVN PAYMENT OWN YOUR OWN HOME! , Brim In tho fanitr. Wa htlp wit!. 6omu payment. B amart, ftt a Urtl BVHUKM. REALTOR n aiato At. Pb. 4ar-ov. IMOl a21 r OWNER Oood 1-bodrooM bout at 1IM N. J4tb afur 4 P.m. all I i-BCDBOOH HOUSE, full basement Newly palntod and rtdoeorated. Near ranitol Bhopplnt Centar and Stata of fice!. 3 N. 13tb St. Open Btpt. 4. for nupeetlon. Erenlnvi br appointment, phone after p.m. a2i3 BT OWNER AND BUILDER New l-bedroom home near school and but. 1 block! an of Ulrirounda. 1AM Larses Are. alia To Close Estate . t block to canter of Hollywood, lftlt BrUoa St. 71-loot frontage, or is r lot. Oood. small modem borne. Pull basement, wood (urnaoa, partly fgrnished. te&00. Salem's First Drive-In : Smith Real Estate S41 Portland Rd. Ph. 17007 days or ere. yiCE t-BEDROOsi home on" Browning avenue Approximately la acre. Priced u mU. J -431. alia Notice! Price Slashed S-bedroom hama, deaa te .tata alficc ulldlni. Ha. 1 katha an4 plantr ef 1 aloHl apaea. Could aaillr ka aiada lata ip.rtm.nu. oalr inu. a. 101 n. - llta. azll t-BIDBOOM HOUSE, fornUhed, H acre, good garden. Set this before you buy. 471 ArlxonaSt., off Brown Rd. aJlJ pos 1ALE by owner. SUftb. tail Dennis St. H. Syhre. alia LOVELY HOME LOCATES lit NORTH TH BY OWNER Beautiful aew 1-b.d-noai koutt, Una lei, levelr llrlat nom with fireplace, alulae, room, line llteh.n, lou of nullt-lni flnUH.d la mahotanr, attached aaraia 12x23 lut.red. oil forced heal, full ka.. rt.nl with roomi. kath flnlahed la tn.ltr Pine, aephalt floor., utlllu item aat plaitered. Olote to achoolt. en. klock to but. St, ewn.r al 110 P. IJth. Phoa, -am. WIU trade for nn.ll aerea... 33 T-.i .a.w a hadroom howl.. Approxl- ntuir 1 aeree. Bear echool, k. kr .nor. tll.aoo. Trad, for I bedroom home ta Salem. Phone a-0P. all! n i tiki .suite In a.w J bedroom home la ewnan,, lor eato trtllar houte. PhOBO WJ mmm Iltk LlTlnittoa Ave. Ill BI OVTNEB KIMWood HelltiU borne OB tood acre. Oood Tlew, oU heat, double lumblnl. Three bedroom., aaolher an flnlahed. Roomr. pl.aiaat la lire In. nam till KIW t BEDBOOM home, central ball. ... r.ritKL m katha, eor. .... ...in. hufntnt with flT.plac. elate to boipltal off D St. till kel Court. JI WW OWNER II dot rnk apptalaal. full aelllnt price 11PM, 1 Bedroom aukurbaa. BmtU d.wa peraient. TBI, borne matt be rrn to apprMlaU. prion, aiaoi. alll FOR SALE LOTS r. stain iati. Etiaat. with water, electrl- city, near good school store. Oeneral Rial Estata, 331 Center. Phona 3W. aazil LARGE LOT on Fisher Road. Make offer. Va mile from city limits. Phone SM04. 1.1 dan aalll FOR SALE f ARMS 401 ACRES Choice MUelon Bottom aolt. One af the moat aroduetlv. farm. IB tn. Teller. Fully corrrrd kr Irrliatloa, lake with oood flthlai aad hot t Inc. ThU la real burl 13 ACRES Bo. on ME. 1 1,.. barn.. 1 .lloa. I houa.1, part Santlam bottom land. Irri tation, rood atock ranch or farmlnl land. Cheap al I3.SM. Wa bar, entailer taacu aome bottom toll if lataroated come la lata talk It em, BURT PICHA ' 171 . Hllh St.. Erri. DOB Wall tlltl Olf. 3-4047 kill ............. .......... far. FOR RENT FARMS IM Cir Clot, to Salem. No bulld Intt. Phcne 3-4311. kallt' FOR SALE ACREAGE al At'RF.Bcio,. ta Salem. About 10 arrt. bottom land. Be nulldlnu. I3.M0 deen, balance ll.SM per rear, l-llll. bhlia ....... RUL ESTATE $750 Down You'll like this 1-tvfdroom home with H floor furnace located oo paved Street close to sehaoL Insulated. Plas tered. Concrete foundation. Hardwood floors. All for 47. 4M. and 944 a month. LOVELY 2 BEDROOMS Wa highly recommend this newer type home tn the desirable East More land district. Big Kitchen. Dining room and living room combination with fire place. Forced air oil heat. Inilde nUl- Ity. Good let. Pull price 111, MVS. HOME AND INCOME ftr'a a good return on your invest, menu 4 rentals that will ei ou 4144 a month. Separata l-bedroom horns for owner, oarages. S acre Close In east. Frail and nut trees Oood place for horves. cows nd chickens. AM for 414.700. RAMSEY, REALTOR 1044 North Commercial Olllce 41111 Eva. Al Wm.m ,.vea. Eva. Jim Rameee -IIM '" U tXiritD ADTPBTIStNO Pay Word. lletaa IM Par Ward t Pa Ward. I Itm ' Per Weed. I moalk 4e N B-rwawe Mlalmwm It Ward BSADEB la Lal New. Comma Oaty, Pv Ward. MtabBem IS War. Ts Nap Ad m Ram. Hayl Psbtp. Pbon, t-t4M BfSPS U B.ra RIAL ESTATE CONVENIENT! Latatad whtra a car Ua'l a aacaultv. A laaa MUBaarkeaa al tenth Salaai aaa Ira. la ?aa wlta tali ImH .u bulll 4-badroaai ham. Dlaias roaai laraa aaauah far a lamllr raaalaa. , Bpaclaiu kiuhu. lawiliul fsraaaa la faU kauauat. Dmiala laakl Mat ahaacr la aaMBuat. Plaalv af spaaa far atitdaar aaurtalala. lll.ua. $3650 Small bom 1b south Salem, clot U bus Una. a pletaraaaue bungalow da alcnad for comfortable living, fat two. Nice oemer let. Oood tarma. $800 DOWN Mew S.bedroom borne la MrKlnley school district. Lovely hardwood Doors. Poreed air oil beat. Wardrobe deseta. Cute kitchen, enclosed utility. Urn aornar lot Easy monthly Boymaata, REIMANN REAL ESTATE LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml koolh Rlih St. rnoaa MX Phona r.nlni. and tuadar 4-1IT1. -MM. 4-UU, 4-4J1I, 1-JJH. I-UT eJll COLBATH'S SPECIAL BUYS . SO MUCH - POR SO UTTLB t-yr -old t-bed-room borne. 4 blocks from Bnilewood chool). Living room la 11x11, nice kitchen, batb. utilttr rm over 44 feet of fit. space i. Lot WHO. At tached garage. Located on Frederick. Prle 47SM. Terms. 4t)&0 down. See MRS. OOLESBEE. EVE, PH. 3U7I. FLOWERS & SHRUBS COVER THESI LOTS wltb frsnUn aa N, lut . nd au. Old.r .rr clcaa' 1-Mrm. 'ham. wttk flreplaca. LR. DR. kath. ale. iltth.D. alllltr "ai. Oarai. with work tho. M evcrtwta itor.gt. THIS TYPE OP NURSERY 16 THE ONLY ONE OP ITS KIrjD IN THIS LOCATION. Term. SHOO down. PRICE I1I.M0. Sea "UCV KIOOINS, XVI. PH. 4. 3 SOUTH SALEM NOhfES. NO. 1 SPLIT LEVEL 3 bdrm. borne on beautifully landscaped lot with creek, good'Sltoo living rm., dinette, handy kitchen, attached ga rs e, utility rm. with shower lean te used for extra bdrm.t WILL TAKE REASON ABLB DOWN PAYMENT. ON LT S bibs, from Leslie school. NO -LOCATED ON WTLLA LANE ' ---Newer home with daylight baamt. Lovely living rm., 1 bdrms U--haped Bitcnen witn dinetu. unilnishen up stairs, oil piped furnace, hdwd. firs. Very clean and well kept. Leaving Sa lem m will sell reasonable. Sea Mrs. Oalesbea, Ere. ph. K373. NO t LOCATED ON NOB HILL Lata-bullt 1-bdrm. home with hdwd. firs., LR, DR. nice batb Tm., plenty closet space, wondtTful kitchen with corner windows. Landscaped lot. IDEAL DISTRICT. Priced t tM with EXCELLENT TERMS. SXB MRS. OOLESBEE, EVE. PH. 3S37J. TRADE YOUR HOUSE POR THIS NEW RUSTIC RANCH STYLE .kedroom bom. with flreplac eerr larce llvlna rm.. dlnln, rm., blrcn. wood kitchen, tile kath with e.nllr. lo cated la beautiful Mttlnc. Br.etew.T. e.r.rr. A HOME YOU WILL BE PROUD TO OWN. TERMS Your eo- ultr In tmtll home or B3O0O down Btlar.ce onlr 17 per month. SEE "KIO" KIOOINS, EVE. PH. IUM. LISTEN PLEASE NEW 3-bsdToom ranch style home ithSlsree llvlna rm.. fireplace, sin Ins rm. with china closet, blreh kitchen large dinette, oil furnace, bdwd. Ore., utility rm. with 4 en trances, doable garue, built-lna st closets to spare. Corner lot. ONLY gll.ftOt. SBB "TIO" KIOOINS, EVE. PH. 4494. $500 DOWN Late-bullt 1-bdrm. home with tile ftrt., lar atlUtr rm.. Bk. Urlnt rm. aiteh.B. attached carace. ONLY aiiao. Termi, ISOO down aad HO pvtA month. See Ure. Oelejb.e, an. pn. Mill. EXCEPTIONAL tAROE PAUILY HOME B..r HUhlBBd At parochial achoolt. Plr.place. On a Beautiful corner lot. Nlee deep drr basement, oil Piped furnace, 1 bdrm... tile bath on l.t llr.. uwt.lra with 1 bdrma. at .tortfe rm. MAKE REAS ONABLE OPPER. IMM1D1ATE P SEUION. SEE MRS. OOLESBEE. rvl. PH. 1U1I. FARMS & ACREAGES 150 ACRES NEAR INDEPENDENCE. Ifo.tlr rlr.r kottom .oil. allalfa. whwl at karler. Nlee 4-edrm. modern horn., auo vu. I barra. Irritation trttem Si IS!?. TotaTprlia 111.000. TERMS. 58Vo ACRES M a In cult: is.E.) l-bdrm. mod era one-.torr home. a-rr.-old alum inum bara. -car .ar.re. Prk-e ll" Sck MACHINERY AVAILABLE. 50 ACRES ALL COLT. IB HOWELL PRAIRIE. nom.. ONLY 111 0OO with SEE T. T. ANDERSON POR A PARM wvx PH. 4J1I4 41414 5 T. ANDERSON. EVE. PH. 43714 Dial 4-4494 H3T w. NELSON Washington School Dist. l-kdrm. bom. I rr. old. ''"'" lot I3.1J0. fruit trM. im. IS blk. la bua. Yau can handle lh home on a Ol.loaa. Price IIM. CaU Mra. Wootten. Englewood Dist 1-bdrm. home with .t.p-aavln. Wtn"i' Jconomlcal furl kill. '.r".' ' f to bua. 4 blka to arhool. Wt 43I4. ald type home. Price Call Mra Woollen. Bargain Hunters -Attention!! .. w a . it .wis a ana Uxll; f"". rmmll . Lot 101 dlnln. rm .nd '"".";;'; 1JI on ovd atrerl n"""' deal. Call AI wall. J-M. $10,500 . Basement A real a- t. atr.1 1 TfS Old, ta a-1 mis nom, - - haBctnt ,d,n.V ,.TSh.r.n"-l.y7oo-. ...r. j for tardenlnt. doubl. ..rVMO U but; tcheol; Btorea. Price 110.30. Fir Tree Setting I Bdrm - SuburMfl , m.i. mow whiu brick eleea whiter- "."'!..'.;: .Hh that emoalal touch ....i.d diera. .ttractlv. trJ.c that frtrdVei SW. Prlc, II4.M4- 5-Unit Apt House , ,-kdrm. fern I. had aptt VTrntruM r lwv. rented. Will lour lnveatment. Frle JI.M. CbU Mr. Bchmldt , NELSON & NELSON SPTCIAUZINO REALTOR IM B. Bilk St. "' IMiVfa ByTltTTT. HV 'il iii'7i-j REAL ESTATE ONE OP THE NICEST la tka tttl. 1 an I flraalacaa. Maw Mj aarir na. Baaalifal aaraaUM as kalaa. tall kanaiaaL Tna kauM k H ft. auaaa tka traal. Man klaa a aat Lc. im allk Haw. ar gardrofc trta. A.hnibaarr ...r llas Iha .alter A lit. Mart M ana ! at apprrelatad. HOWS AMD IMCOalB t Ma all aaaa. aa I lat ttft W. (alrm Oaaar Una la t nau atbar far ut w. Bur lb... kalk far aolr llMa.as. meow Ma prJici 3M all aaarallu aal. da btula.M aldi. ta A-l laraUoa. Tarau la aaallflad kartr. Can Boa OUarv. W. Musgrave Realtors Ult Banaalar UW. (.a. !) WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES Waat aclleat LUt with a.. Salea far the month of Aufutt tnreuib our oltlce, MM.aal.ia. ' VERY COZY ' Out af et.te awaer aan aeU It. tleeo dowa. HlthlaBd DUt. Alt. aaraee. Patla. Well-built home. Nice rtrd. Au tomatic flra alarm entem. Pull ,rlc, oalr ,7M. Neat and Easy To Buy Oalr HMO down. Wired for drrer. Plumbed for wathar. Wired for drrer. Intulated. I rr. eld. blk. ta but. Own.r I..Tln. HlihUnd dlttrlct. Pull price ima. . $900 DOWN Modern t 'bed room. Oaragg. Blacktop street. S acre. 4 blk. to school, in good condition. Flowers. Fruit. Shrubs. Taxes only 434 per rr. Pull price only 4MSS. Honey for the Money Shiny new. Large closets with sliding doors. Oil forced air furnace. Insulated. I blks. to school. Surrounded by new ana nearly new nomea. Lawn is in. TruVoe city. Larce lei. Lots of room for. garden. Pull price 410,14)0. Candalaria Beauty I spacious bedrooms. Ft:U basement. Lovely view. Gorgeous fireoltvce. Cor. ner'lot. Forced air oil furnace. Bus by door. Owner will accept a smaller home as part payment. Full price only Sdis.ooo. iftooo rn will handle. - BARBECUE This Is a fins setup for couple. Truck stop. On a aln 'highway. BWis,. all ettuleimtnt, stock, for only 44.004. Terms. Owner forced to sell. 2 APTS. PLUS smaller business rental. 1 apt. fur nished. Highway frontage on HE north, oood repair. A buy for 49744, . Libera,, terms. Rare Income Property Yes. this Is unnauaL So desirable. vacancies are almost unheard of. 4 1 houses on one lot. Room for another. Almost new. Insulated. Location do alrabla. Pull pries onlr 414.744. Terms. . APARTMENT Units. Monthly income 4397. Very low overhead. All rents reasonable. No Tepalrs required. This property Is not new but It'a O.K. and worth your In vestigation. Liberal terms. Pull price only 114,004. th ACRE v Only 1440 down. Oood smaller mod ern home. Oarage, Chicken house. Paved rd. Lots of flowers. Several fruit and nut trees. Ore pes. Berries. Near Salem. Pull pries only 44900. " $1000 DOWN on this 14-acre tract. Close to Salem. Has modern bouse with 4 bodrooms. tun. utilltv -' room. Ooxaisie. Barn. chicken house. 130-ft welL fnil price only 14450. . ; 20 ACRES ISM dowa. All under cultivation. Onlr I mile, from Sal.m. Modera 4 Bedroom houte. 30 br 30 bars. Cblck. ea houte. Tool .hop. W.U. Price bat beea reduced ta tftSM. Duck Hunter's Special Year 'round lak. an thU plut aer... Chehalli toll. 4tt mllet from Salem. Hunter', cabin with water Or eleclrleltr amcci beautiful ertrtriera. Lake bordera 1 .Ida. of thl. propcrt. Jutt tt-.OW. ror Home, aad Bui In eat Opportualtlai call lor: DAN I8AAK re. 4-M33I RAY ORIMMETT IEe. 3-WTI) MR. CRAWFORD (Ere. 4-10301 For Parma enlr. call for: WR. LEAVENS Ere. 3-IT3I) LICENSED ALSO IN WASH. IDAHO P.H.A. MORTOAUEO wnvan TIONAL LOANS . . ,. 10-YEAR MATURITY .' Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Off. Phoaet: 1-3111 or i-iui ETC.: I-41. 4-3133, 4-1414, -S0J,, 1-1171. If bo aatwer, call a-33t. CJll" I...... ............... .'' WANTED REAL ESTATE NOTICE: If your property u for mm. rail or eiehent, lut it with aa we have aU klndl of ah kuyere STATE FINANCE CO, REALTORS 111 S Hllh St ea SALEM HOME Hav. coaet cabin aa dowa payment Phon 30331. c313 Small bouse in or near Sa lem In trade for a 3-bedroom home. Also large demand lor suburban property. Reimann Real Estate PHONE 3-9203 mil1 WE ABE In ored of tood aoutee ta eeiT IB ft! Bear sclent. II you wita e uti your property for aale, are ARanirNHORST BROS.. REALTORS 1J. S Liberty Ph 3-3471 ee ........................ EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE -wast MT-itV Ti.in aiiarltpra for trade ineuira Norm nioe urecerr """"' cbiia ISDKFKNDRr.CE CAB CO. wsnts to sell business. For details, wrue mae pendenre Cab Co., Independence, Ore pnone 71. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES AVE YOU EVER had a desire to own your own businessf Here la your chancel Due to III health, owner pre pared te make big .sendee for euick cesh sale of small grocery. Attractive living -marter! attached. Oood loca tion, near schools, bus line. Will con sider trade tor l-bedroom home In Salem. Write Bos 904. Capital Jour nei. ian YO LEASE a large rooming house. Close in. To a middle ased man and wife. Write box 909 Capital urnaL cdai? ro B LEASE, good malor oU company in small town near Salem. Call 44444. cdau" WANTED FURNITURE FOR SALE LIVESTOCK Str MARE. I montha celt. Phona 13304. Sunday or evenin... 1a wf-ix.aiMDED Sunou twe sneer. 1 mile on Tiiiamsoa roaa irwm vbhet JiuMtlon. R- M. Maxfleld, Rt. I. WlUamma. BUSINESS OMORTUNITIES, SMALL STORE, Itvtn autrtera. proof tT At llitare. I4.M. Onlr ttot down plua etork af about 01 M. L. Brink. North am rtracery. Mori lad m Line el a St.. SUvtriea. . OBllI Htwii mi v, ? FOR SALE FARMS . 930 ACRES ' Lac.le at Baraa. Orotea. f at Jjlltlta. M aerea 4er aal- U.tuoa. raoaU, auk-lrruawd: all teaced. Twa awners boaMa, Will take laraa leaaaa ar Iroaaa pnpwtp U Saleaa aa trade. 98 ACRES ' ' atllaj aaat af ' Saleat etott all aadar aultlrallaa. twat waildlaea. 1 aaalaaaa Im dalrr, ar aaakt auaf load (raaa laraa. Will take bobm ta trade. . .: 30 ACRES II aadar eBltlratlaa road aa elder, feed -eedreea kaaM, atra. aiacklaa abed, tractor aad aU eaulpateal. li.Nt. . . . . ( ( 20 ACRES ' aillaa aatt aa pared taad an aadar ealtrraUea. Two wall Beetee, McUr auawkemea and kar. Wll tuba bouaa at trailer aaaa. at ttada. CD lor aaaro laf ormaUaa. C. V. KENT & CO., REALTORS Mortgage Loans 44 North CDurch Ives, and Sunder: Imm t-r74 REAL ESTATE DRIVE BY . GOOD DEAL Hare' s weU-kaUt I-bedreom koma with faU kaMant, ttreplac aad w.D deep lat. Small dews pai amt aem Tea la. ut s. 3Mb st.! rieata do aat dltturb lb taaaata. 3 Lee Ohmart . i 13.100 BUYS IT . : OM.r .trie t-Mdroom bom, aa S. 11th St. lu t kadrooau. lira, lot, S-BEDROOM HOME $9250 You're Iteea waltlnt for thai ana. Ju.t 11 r.r. aid, II I I, llrln, - room, kltchaa with Book, lectud la Eatl EniKwood. Doa't aatt ea thl. oae. . - SWELL HOME FOR THE MONEY 13M aa. ft, Urln, ara la thU w.ll-pleaBed l-kedroom aome. tin 1H plumblaa, aome wall-to-wall carpctlna and lacatad ea keautlfulll laodtcaped corner lot. AU lor ONLY 111. to. DUTCH COLONIAL Hr,'a a fine home la a clote n, ahadr locatloa. there', a bus Urln, room, dlnlm room, kitchen and half bath dowa. I tood ked- ' roema and hute kath up, a deau kaaemeat aad a tardea with laree fireplace and catered patio. It', well worth the price of I11.M0. CaU tie for aa appointment TODAY. INCOME PROPERTY , Thle 1. a SEAL deal." (-unit court rn an eic.ll.Bt eottlnl ef tree., olote to thoppiaa dltt. Owaer will take tmall bouM la trade. Oood loaa caa be aaaumeo. OHMART & CALABA, REALTORS 471 Court St. wnene 14111 . 14111 Br,.: Hear, Tort rod 11111 Ted Morrlaoa lM4i Loula Loreaa IkMI Ralph Mmddr 334M dll GRABENHORST SPECIALS ' i ' " -' ' AUTOMATIC LAUNDRY SACRIPICB-Owner must sell, offers this fine established business for S9000. it washers, I Hammond dryers, 1 Bock extractor, excellent Installation, long term lease. Finest of lo cationsnear Greyhound depot. CALL B. K, LATMOM i EN CLEW COD CAPB COD-Only I yrs. old, axeellcnt condmon . throughout. 3 bdrma. down, 3 up. good storage space, llr. rm., 4in. rm., hdwd. flra., ell heat. Inside utility, nlee yard, brick planter front. For additional detals CALL ROY S. FERRIS -- ST. VINCENT AREA Lovely 1-bdrm. boms on lga. lot. nicely land aesped, lac. llr. rnv, din. rm., kitchen, bath. This house Is unusually well built with beautiful red posan floors. Im. old. Auto, oil forced air heating. CALL 4. E. LAW EASTMORELAND Nice neat -rm. modern borne. Large covered petlo with fireplace. Beautiful fenced-in back yard. Immediate posses slon. Price 413,740. CALL O. H. ORABENHORST, JR. . ( j, ' VALLEY1 BEAUTY Beautiful rolling Polk oounty bins and the green ' valley are Vlitble from almost every room of this dellghtfu! daylight bsmt. home. Spacloua birch kitchen, lee. nook, mahogany finlshod Uv. , - rm. b din. rm.. loveir tiled bath, wonderful room arrangement, two fire places, 4 bdTms., possibilities of additional bdrm., .able, aarage, forced , air oil heat, one block to bua. Make the perpetual acanls view Tout i own. POR APPOINTMENTCALL 4. X. LAYMON NEAR LESLIS NEW HIOH ftCHOOLttceptionallr fine location.' " beautiful kitchen with brkf. nook., lge. llv, 4b din. rm., wall to wall carpeting, 1 nice bdrms. plus room tor one In partial daylight burnt., 9 fireplaces. Splendid landscaped lot with patio and greensvouse, auto, ell beat. See It now. CALL ROY S. 1-ERR1S " ' ' A CHILDPTO'S PARADttt Loveir t-bdrm. horns nestled on V acres i of orchard. Beautiful lee. oak for ahade. House set back 440 ft. from paved rosd, assuring privacy. Uv, rm. with fireplace, din. rm.. kitchen, basement with auto, ell forced air beat. Must be seen to appreciate. CALL l. E. LAW GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS 114 S. Liberty SL .. . ptt. 1-3171 . . . Evanlnaa V SuBdayi call Roy S. Ferrui 1-S01 J. B. Law 3-1111 B. K. Lermon 3-11,3 a3 SCHOOL TIME IS NEARING M.vryFiriTirunt Hill DUt. bdrms., H-, dinette, kitchen. Attached garase. Utility rm. Oood terms. 4 CORNERS DISTRICT 94.450 Owner tren&rerred. Very nice 9-bdrm., Uv., dinette. Youngs town kitchen. Large attached garage. Separata utility. Newly decorated Inside and eut. Wall-to-wall carpet In llr. rm. Large Jot. 4 blks. ts new school. Oood terms. LESLIE SCHOOL DISTRICT 419.900 Beautiful S-bdrm. llv.. din., kitchen. A bathe, fireplaces. Pull basement finished with party rm.. kitchen, utility, bath fe ahop. Shade trees. Patio. View. Fenced back yard. Schools, bus tfe swimming pool close. . - SALEM HEIGHTS ts.ooo 4-bdrm. 7 yrs. old. 9 lots. Llv., din, kitchen, bath. 114 blks. to school. Rm. to build another house. Terms. RICHMOND SCHOOL DISTRICT 7. PRO 1 -bdrm., llv., kitchen, nook. Very nest and clean. Corner let. I blks. to school. Close to store. Newly decorated. Terms. A. A. LARSEN, REALTOR 111 S. Hltfi Andy Halvorara, Ph. l-llll A. w.lla. Even and FURNITURE FOR SALE TRADER LOUIE OPEN FRIDAY da MONDAY EVENINGS dill AUCTIONS FREE FRIZES ANTIQUES SCOTTY'S AUCTION HOUSE At 4840 Center St, Big Auction SAT., SEPT. S - 10 But It 7pm A NnotJKS A MISC. AT AUCTION. ONE HOUSE PULL OP FURNITURE TO OO. REPRIO, ELEC. RANGE. BDRM. SET A MANY MISC ITEMS. Em.raon red mahonaty oomn. radio and recard plarar, rot dvenprt choir at ottoman, awtnt rocker nd ItomtB, I tall wool rutt Itoodi. . , ANTIQUES SELL NO RESERVE I Story a Clark .Id rni I Modello plarrr pleno: I chalra Iran Mealca: 1 Iron ketllee with leta: I Oriental elee. lantera: 1 kraa Orleflt.l vaaea: 1 eld eloeka: rocker, at chalrt; II eery aM picture frame. ' (eoodll 1 picture. 1 O. wh. S Lincoln III. all.; teblee A tablet af mite, dtanea: dreaaer. end eomtnoaet te .inai... from Orient. Oermeny. Eoeland. France Auatrla. Anllauu eU Set. v. t S 'clock. LIVESTOCK SALE AT 2 p.m. Coot, bulla, veala. kky cel.... w.aner pita, feedere, beef. Any etork ye hav. let at aeU lor ya ky bead r weuihL AUCTIONEERS Col. Ernest E. Scott Col. Jim R. Vaughn PHONE 4-6433 ddlll" ........ ........ ............ LIVESTOCK WANTED uiriit BEEP White tece .ir.ler. 14c Lacker pork It. Rothlal dowa. aa. t pay Cnatm kunn,. irauer loeaed (no. Salem Meat Co. Ull S lth Ph MM oo RABBITS NIN1 RED CaUernla does and several Toui.1 barks does. 1 senior socbj 4410 Claxter Bd. 4-9041. Shall Journal Want Ads Pay FOR SALE FARMS coetftrwKtion PiaaMlac REAL ESTATE . Bear Calaaa Ph. I Mil Ph. 1-3131 Sunday A. E. Beckett, Ph. 1-4MI .lit AUCTIONS SCOTTY'S SPECIALS 1 New & Used Furniture, Retail New Hlde-a-ked Ht 117PM N.w ebrom aeU M1M up m N.w .win rockera I3I.M New 4-drw.r chatt I13.M Bp Uaed trunk. .7.00 up Uaed Elec. Rama I4I.M t New box prlnta It matu.. 124.30 eo. Occaa. chalre I13.M ap New befcr kedr - 4 rr. ...Ill complete m New wool kralded ruas .,.137.30 up China cloael iwelnuti I7B.00 at Oleat door walnut kookcate. .131.00 Uaed krrakfatt tela Ill M up Roll-away ked lit 00 eel New kl chalra lit Lamp tablet, eaffee table. S) Tear impa, noor lamp. AT LOW PRICES, COME SEE POR YOURSELF. OUR STORE U CHUCK FULL OF BAROAINS OALORE. CASH TALKS HERE YOU SAVE, SAVE, SAVE1 PHONE 4(433 Col. Ernest E. Scott To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 JOE PAL00KA HiJAIid 1 rTTT5a?TlrT!7I.. a , I I BIT. tuiASSeW.. I It NOW LISM. OOI... I I ...OR MtvMvC at. Lai" ' - ' " i I 1 . earn - , . .r I I rua t aaitul I Le.JJ;'y.,rr "v WeeNWlCH I I BiTTf R FACFS LlfMf f WITH C..OrI I "WVIOJIL Ir 6tM't J? V la&P . WP KIN I I 17 USfTO.I DON'T Ttt SEN- y-1 I WAeO JIM V PITS PABAKtl-TS Canfalll aelecud bird.. Cbalca aalara. lira unaatloa. t-Uit. actll OLLTWOOB AaCABIDIa 1PU ItcCar. aaa alack eaat af . Capitol, la alockt aarth af Hadbtoa. Pk. I-anl. 1111 CaUktPlOB BUD BOXEB pupplaa. er err pup peleDtlel ekamploa. atoara Traalaal Pub. Parakeeta. Turtle., aua pile.. I milt, from Laaeatter aa ktoClekp raaa. Mill. Cloaed nednaa dor. ectw UOUTEBEB Cellle pupala. far aale. no ta ato. mi S. Chares St. Kill' IUDIS TO toack aeboal.- Will aeU fun pel data at a BPteoa, Idlta Som art, Bouu I. Bat En, Ideameolh. fOooper Hollewl. . arlll FUEL PLANES ENDS Oreea ar . drrOul of laws dellrerlea. Sawdaat; klewer. aad PO. WEST SALEM FOEL CO. till Bda.w.ler Ph. (Malt . - . ... fOtSALI POULTRY WHITS COtUflSH OAME CBtCB.4, ae- oiaisMd tna true fryer or ijwoitow. available to commercial fryer growers. Processors pay premium prices far this toood doubH-breasted fryer. Quantities Umltod and If n- nbfUlabia. try tho nest best, our first generation Arbor Aerea White Rocks. Year-round hatches every Thursday. Aise, Now Hampshire!. ; LEE'S HATCHERY alt. Cater street Ph. I-ihi f31! Dressed Hens, ph. 4-1090 HEW BAaTPfHIBE paUaU, mSBtbl old. pnoaa 3-13J0. nil WE ABE aalchln New Hamaehlre Oeld- et Bread aad Arkor Acre. Wklte Bock, ever, week. Saoetil. price, ta rear arouad fryer erew.ra. Poi'a Rateherr. lij, axeie at. rnone .-..fie. i- PRODUCE PICK Bartlett peart. Dollar ka. H.r- maa Haha. Phone 0-3031: I ml. aorth 0E. lelt al Lake LabUh School, honae left. I mis PEACHES Improved Elbert. t aad Halee. Ralelah worthlatteB, 1 mile, oatt at Oread Itlaad Junetloa oa Onad Itland. 11313 PICKLINO COKE! freak dally tram our farm field run le pound. Ortanlcauy Browa aatatoea, red ar white. Peaehea bow oo market Phtlltna Brea. Farm Market, MM Portland Rd., Salem phone Mill. ft WANT TO BUT Swe.t Cora In field. Clrd A. achate, Junction City, Or.. Phona 11041. Hill MOST VARIETY at peaehea la Maaoa. worm itm oravanaieiB. tua mue rrom brldee ea Wallace It L 1 Wendt. irower. inis PEACHES, i. H. HALES tad Improved aiaertaa. ut ioa wanaor. oepe. lad. Puritan Cider Wark. Ill Brlae watar. Watt Salem. Ill If CUCUMBER FOB DILLS, kuahel. Ill 14" Phone 4-1004 evenlua. IMPROVED ELBEBTA unnln peacha. Rahauat Fruit Farm, 4144 Cherry Ave. 4-1134. Brlas eontalnera. fflir CANNINQ PEACHES ready. 1st. piaher Bd, fine PEACHES Improved Blkfftaa r.tdr aov at Kroa' Orchard. It mile at Wallace Road. Phone 1-tltl. fftso D-PICK Bartlett pear. J. C. Sara, at Waconda. Phoa 1.104. ijn' BOXES FOB SALE by truck toad. Apple, lettuce, cent St oranea. ciyo a, Scharta. Bt. I. Junction Cur. 43ra. tflU . fwawrnran axxRRTA PEACHES ... af Btluloa Bottomi flaeet areharda. Bvtra full buahela, oet them hii. vou have a laree auenltr to mi.l rran. Alaa. .Ickllne euka. eort. ed or Held rua. Freth dally. Ordeva Ukta for caanln bean and applet. a.m.tt Mara and klackperrlee. Phil. Hp Broa. Farm Market, MM Pet llano Rood. Salem. Phone l-aaiz.. .. it- i.ritrr vnaBB. rhill flavorl. PL Clarke, RL S, Boa 131. Orchard Helehta ue. it... PEACHES Tmereved Blbertos. J. R. Hales. Ripe Tomatoes. 13.99 bushel. Cantaloupoa 4a lb. Prunes Bartlett Pears. Oreen Apple biku ? mim' ffii HELP WANTED CASHIEB-BOOBJCEEPEB Spdwr Raatfturant, ill, venier a. ro r"' call.. , KITCHEN HELP Saa Shop, land Rd. - , KITCHEN HELP Apply la perton. Speedway seaiaurani, a. v.-... BK FICKEBS wanted at Rlenach.'a Seen Yard, rainy etcaor " 4-1114. " OF FICKEBS urtently needed. Earlr clultera. TraninoriaiKin irooi menl office, selem. Erneat Fred Slad.IL Phona 14114 r 14114, Sliver- ton. . . .'"P HELF WANTED MALE EXPEBIENCED OBOCEBY CLEBK Atv- lnt center, air roruano iww. PAST TIME MAN ta operate Power outer tor land cleartnt, toe SI. . . HELP WANTED FEMALE EXPEBIENCED gecessorr salealady. Per- msnent position, no nun. nouis. ply in Mtson. PRICE'S, 134 N. Uberty St. b." WANTED HOMF.ONE to care lor xna grade girl alter senooi new ! school. Phone 3-4711 after 4. Bb313 WAITRESIV-tnuit be experienced. Apply the Dtp Ice cream or pnone mm - 11 am. M11 SALE BLADT Must play piano and be experienced muiKauy. nut muk Store. EM"' UBOENTLV NEEDED elderly woman for housekeeping and care oi cnuarm whlla father works. aPother In hos pital. Room, bosrd 4nd wages. Phone 44444 ar 39419. W EXPERIENCED WAIT REM Part and full time. Apply In person, vnina -"v. 34S4 S. Commercial St. iM"' CLERK TYPIST Permanent position for n young woman rears . whs types at least 43 wpm. Experience la not neceuary but ts helpful. This pot it Ion offers good starting sslary, modern. pleaant working conditions, vacations with pay, free hospitalisa tion, planned program of advancement. Call 1-4144 for appointment. gb3)3' CHIM3 CARE, dera Is my homo. Call alter t p.m. B.4! o"i- MIDDLE AC1KD hvdy far child car la modera country ham kr sept. i. Uv la, twa day olf. Phona 31P13. colli PRACTICAL MTIEAE. applr tn peraoB, Oak Craat Nutllai Home, tu a. wrn. morel!. tblll WANTED etperlrnced bueknr. Llr. la. Loral refereBoee reoulred. Muat Ilk cblldraa. IIM mouln. Write bot 107 Cepltal Journal. tbl 14 EXPERIENCED ready-to-wear ealealady. Permanent poaltlon. No Blent hour Apply la peraoa. PRICES, IM H. Llk nr St. h . .hi a a , . ec.T'B ait a a ai. u i a i , i k i len- a em w wi a; , ' . , HELP WANTED FEMALE WAITBEH Woadroffa'a Saa Sao 4M Portlaad Rd. . CAB OP-WaedrotfCe Saa Shea, I4M Portland Rd. No phone aalla. , WANTED SALESMAN WANTED Shoe Saiaamaa. EaMrlaac aol aeceeaarr. Apply at 11 H, Llkerty. See Mr. Reraelde. e.311' WANTED POSITIONS LIGHT CBAWLEB doata. dirt lar.1 lat. aradlat. Phoa 3-1130. hilt' LAND CLBABINO Mk waataa. Wa bar. 1 aau. a kl loo. aad a utile aaa. We da aay kind af cat. work- Pk, BUM. h3lj PAINT IN O Interior aad ettertar, wall wark. Phaae 4-3,11 ar P-HM. hill WAUIINO. Iranlai aad mwibb, la my home. Phone l-)Ma. Bill OIBU II yoara. wantt child ear ara alaia. Phona I-4M4 after I p at. bill PBOFSBBIONAL anhaUurlB,, daaa ta my borne. Reaaonabia. Plekup and de ll. try Phone I-43M. bll. AUUNO LUMBER, arodura. bay, Icaa, Ooana Wlrth. Phoaa 4-UU erentnai. bill SBIllH OB SPBAX palntlBt. Phone 4-IM ar 1-eMl. bin NEW LAWNS Prepared aad eroded. Botarr kaalai. Dueae Walaalt, 1-1131. lull WOULD uka to ktd aa real palatine. Phone 1-4344. bill PalNTINO laurlar. eiUrlor. McClata and Ooldaa. Phone 3-1123 er i-BS. U1T CHILD CASE, by day ar week, ta my bom. Reaaonakle. Phona 13131. bill MIMEOGBAPHINO at typtaa, aaauty work, reeaoneale-yetee. Jara. fee. M N. 14th. Phone 13413. h33l BOTOTILLINO Middle Oror Nuraary. 4430 Sllrertoa Rd. Phoo. 4-4413. h LANDSCAP1NO, tractor and tiller work, surlte center. Phoa, I-1TO. k WIEMAL'S DAY NPB8EBY Llc.Bead and aula laepected. Phoaa 3-Mlt. hill- lOUNQ MAN wenta part time wark av enue and Saturday. Phone 1-711! af ter 1:1, p.m. hill- TREE WOBK Topplne. trlmmlas, re movtns. tatured, Jaha Paraa, phase I4IH. h: SALEM CHB1STIAN klBdenartaa apeaa Sept. 11. Eureumeal - takes bow. Phooa 1-TM3. Bvaaiallatw Temple, tail Oardea Rd. h313" EK LIABLE BABY SITTIB WIU B. day ar nlehu. Phoa. 1-IM4. b330 EDUCATION PIANO leaaena, pour borne mlaa. Jo la eluk bow. Phoa 41441. Bh313 HIOH SCHOOL far diploma at heme Writ Americas School, M4I P. Inter. atete. Portland I, Ore. hh!14 HELP SICK PEOPLE. Study Iha tUndard four year collet, eourae and kecoma a Naturopath! phyaldaa. Write NOW ta Dept. R. WESTERN STATES COb- LEOB, 3I S. B. Urd Av., Portland, Oreion. n FOR RENT OPTICS SPACE Phoae 1-411. LABOB warahonea aaaaa for rat leaaa. cameat ooora, arte anuoxa. Dowa tewa, DMUtro B 1 ml altura Co. Phoaa l-aia. Phona 1-IMl. IIM Oxlord St. FOB LEASB-1M ta 30 t..t trontu. a SAeeaator St. waat seteaa, tra - PltU. ph 31401 I WANTED TO RENT a-t BEDBOOM unlurnuha, beuaa. aa laaaur. Jtaiereaaea arauaaia. ,-iiea. lalll M1DDLB AGED, prof.aatnBal amplayad eoopla dealt email ona-oeoroom nana tn or Bear Salem. Win five sood care and maintenance ta atrhaate far rea aonakle rent. Muat a permanent. Write Bo 311 Capital Journal. Jh313 EXECUTIVE WANTS to Jesse 9-4-bed- room home, desirable district, can tedstiorats if necessary. Pbono 14474, .tea 19- FOR RENT ROOMS NICE LIOHT houeekeepla roema. Lady, Ml N. Church St. it i u BOOMS Claao, loa.-la, ReaOBbI. M3 . Hlch. JKI1I' NICE BOOMS, tantiemes. Cloa tn. M3 N. Winter, cell titer :ao p.m. jtait ONE BOOM prtment with refrlcer. tlon- Newly decoretod. prlvt. in s. th St. MU NICE LSEPINO room with hot A cold water. 3M center. Jiiu- BEAHONABLE. clean, attractive room, prlrate entraBC, Cloa. In. Phono 17411. ( JklJS ATTBACTIVE BOOM Clot tteu bulKllnia. IM H. Winter. Jk33l BOOMS FOB GIBLS Kltchaa prlvlleaee If d.alred. 030 N. Winter. juair FOR RENT HOUSES MALL bedroom unfurnished house. South of town. 4 Hp n montn. can 35744. Jm3l3 UNFURNISHED one bedroom house, 434 I Jm3U' automatic heat ana garase. Street. IMALL ROUSE. Electric water heater. gas ranee, wirod lor eiecirut ranee m large heater, soma furniture. 441 N- Hlsh. jm3i UNFURNISHED KOUHE North, t rrs. old, very clean. Meai ror coupi. Mwt be aeen te be apprerlaUd, See at 1497 No. Water. Phone 9M34, lm313 BEDROOltiVlt 94E. Second house south from fbry road. Im314 rOR RENT One-bedroom court. Ranse and refrigerator lurnisnoo. rnone 4H41. i" RED ROOM unfurnUhed, 1431 N. Cot lave or Curlr's Dstrr. InOtl BUSINESS RENTALS GROUND- FLOOR offlc 1 ttor pc tar rent. Call at Pitt aaari.t re- FOR RjNT APARTMENTS NICELT furnished, lane clean apt. Utilities lurnisneo. reaionaotv. in euira 371 S. 14th after 9. Ip9I3 t ROOM, completely furnished apt. 3M Center. P"-' t BOOM furnUhed, ground floor, clean, warm, walking distance, cau i-sow Jp31l I ROOM furnished apt. tt 09 montn. Dous las Apt- 1 eo. tew. rnonc MB4B. .P9'9' INGLE COZT apt. furnUhed, utilities, near school bus, private home. 91.4 Belmont. jpif GOOD PLBNlSHED APTR.-94I S month. Living room, bedroom, kitchen and , bath. auto, ell beat, hot water and garbage service furnished. Phone 314. 1P919 r-nrDROOM apt unfurnUhed. 114 N. 14th Bt. Stove, refrigerator and water furnished. Phone 34644. ' iP3'4 OARDElv-COURT, newlr decorated un furnished, l-room a par tm tot, with bath. Refrigerator and ranee furn ished. T. V. hookup and auto, washer furnished. HT S. 13th. Phone 44324. JP311 FOR RENT ArARTMENTS -BOOM apt. altk private kath. Para, lahed tncladta, rafrtfarator. Newly re. decorated. Cloea te downtown, aorta. Mil. See Bart flake. 311 H. Kite. JB31I. hear mnvEBSiTT. farataaad. alee. 1-roem apartaaeat. UtUltlaa paid. Boa eaaeelo, Pnene 4411. Jpll3 I LAJtOS rtJBNIaaEO raeoaa. Batb. lauadry, let floor treat, lane yard, Bice. ,. Ml S. 1Mb St. I Jplll Llorrr, pleaiant 1 nam. 'eloaa ta, reaaoaakla. (It N. Cbarcb. IMalr year beute 41. Iplll cSbal IN, atcelr faralabed aaa bedroom apartmeak Prrrau aaUaaea. Orrl'a arefetred. 43 N. Winter. Iptlr ONE BAD BOOM aafuralakad apt. Stare, yafrKeretar aad water laralabM. la ulre 144 S. 13th SI. MIS NICELY FURNISHES) ajartmaBtai Saa. kaia.dnr Apt. tu. Summar. IP atTTEBAL farataaad oaartmeata, pood leaatioa. iMulr BV b Stiff Parareare. Phona I-01M. IP CLEAN furalebed apartsunt, prlvaM kath. Phone 4-l7l. JaSll COUBT APABTMEXT PuraMUWd. tta . M a H. CammaretaL roova aad la rte. Pheae 1-Mtl or 1-M44. Jplll IOII BOOM rwraleked apt. Boat. see ladle, alr. IBM Court alter I p.m. 1,111 ITNPVBNIIHEB ( BOOM! BUatrld ranpa. retrKerater, auto. - vaeber. Adult. 3-110 morntnaa. Irtll STATE AT 1ST B Nice, rooatp aormer faralabed enertareat pith bldneal aad bath, at. Te tec phoa S-Mla. T ptl3 CLKAN. DIJUT, .eae-rooBt an. rteht dawa Iowa, Lady, preferred. 441 Parry St. 1.313 BCBNISHED 1-reom apt. darta fair week, ar arraaaaatly. Sua lla. lit Market SL laeulr Saturday. Sua, day. )p313 DOWN TOWN, cleta furalahed. 1 room apt, privet kath. DUlltlea. MS Marloa St. JP113' CLOSE TO dowa tewa. alec IM, At ra frtieralor. Ill H. Hlek St. jplll LABOE S BOOM turatahad apartateat. Privet bath, UlUllle. Phoaa 31111. P31P CLOSE IN. furalahed duplet. II, Belie, rue. Nearly a.w lane una, roam, met. urrort. 111. Phoaa 1-I1M. IIM Berry. Jplll I. ROOM upatalre apt, Una waU-far. BUhad. is. Laundry laciutkve. a la Mpl Ar. Phoa HUT. Call ataratBca. Jplll. S BjPOM furaJahad apartmaal. Pnvat kalh. TM H. LUarly. Phoa SM41. 1P1H CLOSE. CLEAN, w.U laraUhad, modera. I room, batb, am eoaoiieaea- aa Caster. 111. S BOOM taralaked apt, oto. lass at rfrl.rtor. waahta racuniee, atin. tie. tats. 1 40, Mot Meal. Phoa. 1MB. Jplll YEBY NICE, rodacoratad lam spart. mcnt Purnlabed r anjaralaked aan In, l-Mtl. JP111 ROOM t. 10ARD YOUNO WOBKtNO Btaa caolrw Taoat aad board, Nau Stat Balldlaaa. 4Mn. 13B31- ism'i'iowii''''''""-"' UKTi Male Seal Fatal Btamaaa eat with ctw Ult. Flnaaa HID trtatrtBt. Reward. .Call Mr. Barl PoatwP. SHIS. IfllP i MISCELLANEOUS ' awauMrtrR " TRtJCKS U-ORIYB MOTS TtBSHaf' 3" ': -':'. SAVE IA CAB BXl-TALS - BTAJCBB . TAWS . tbxacO TTiorl aia nffliBT arr. - PHOITB fMSt PAOB VrBVBHSOM bad AL MBPPOSJ BALBM SAHO ak OBAVBL COMPAJtY ceatttaat wora . . Band Cloarlas - Dttahtas , ' Swr aad Batement ' v EanipBtaal Baatal , DltehtBB ky th. Foot 1 j . Pban Oar 344M - Bva,, y-eall ar A-7UJ - ' Salem. Ore m DENTAL PLATE REPAIR l-BTK. aXRVICl IN MOST CAAHS DR. HAJUtY SlULER. DENTIST Sdalps Bkfct, But t Outmeralal St. a A. CM ra a-aaii LET US DO your fish smoking and fish canning. s-70o. wuw BUILDING MATERIALS .WINDOWS Lena! atock la Salem. New weath aratrlpped wladawa. completely uv bled, 114.3, up. Larte modem tuns nd crrtttl picture window.. M up. Pick your choice t krtls ptIma PLUMBINO N.w toiiete with .tt SU M 10 "III" wah kulaa, complete .. 17 t Bath lube with flttlnaa M M Colored kalh aeU Barraln Double laundrr tray complete . M.71 Shower ceblnet. complete 4J-M Double kitchen Bloke, lctrl water heetere, pipe ..Ohe.P 4' aolld Orut.beri pip It IM ,L eteel aaptle tenk M7J4) OTHER BAROAINS Metal tarata door with bdw...S4 New 4et Bleaterbord 114, 4il wtlcrproof waiiboard 11.71 Interior and etterlor plywatd ..eh.ap Nail, carload eupply MU Ovarhrad t.rat door bdw. ....I13.M Loom Inaulttloa, per be II. M Roll blanket tnanltlon kertela II" -"Jap Birch" plywood lla - "Jap Birch- plywood Ho V Mehoreay plywood 43 Na. 1 Coder ahintle M-31 N. 1 Coder ehlnele I-M No. 3 Cedar ehlntlee 4.M I. tab rooftnt Bartala Panel doora, hardwood doora. all Irpet ilea doora toweat pyleet New fir door Jamb M M Painted cedar choke tlO-H Unpelnted cedar eh.kes MM N.w atbeatoe sldlnc ......Mlv Pvterlor wblU paint Shake moldlnl. per foot IM Ceder fence pel Cheep C. G. LONG tt SONS Ph. t-tni Ob mitt H. r,lrr m' Red Cedar Shingles Beat grade, coast ar mountain tim ber. Delivered prices) Ifa. I W "i 44.40: Its, 14 00: s. u w. COMMON LUMBER Complete mill otock. Shlplap. 4i4s and wider. deU 434 per ML "P TED MULLER phone Salem 1-1194 efenlnss, "PLYWOOD Interior and Btterlar. 4tl abeeu et la cut tlaes Mill end le as. Ceder Sdl. Iclatn up). 111 U 3I M. Doors. MM up. Blrrh. Mahod, Plr 1b Slab doora. Panel la Plr. Shakoa 111.71 a, up. HardboMd 11.71 aheeL Hem. ad, pit, .MM. Mldea, Wellbotrd. Roof, tns, decorative panSa, and LuriOer all priced rleht. Free delivery end allmtrBt aervle. HothlB, dowa 31 mo. to pay. Ope n ey Bt. PORTLAND ROAD LUMBER TARB Mil PorUaad Bd. eb. 4411 By Ham Fisher PfKY...vYHV, HOW BAM TOUM HvHO MtDi JIM OWwMM vMOOey...H 6AVE Ml.,, I MEAN I fpAvE HIM : AIR. r IB. i. ril in thi t . th in , i nv Hi lu on t t I g P i f r m 01 )( f i t; :t I : r, T u I