Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 04, 1953, Page 13, Image 13

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Friday, September 4, 195S
THE CAPITAt ' JOURNAt, Sale. Orctoa
Pig IS
On Television
KPTV rCAonne 21)
Hoajy Carraichael, star-host of NBC-TVg "Saturday
Night Revue," has another tune on the road to a hit.
Since the atart of the weekly 90-minute revue, Hoary
u. lJ?en p,u sgiD' ,on tiUed ',Love Wiu Soon Be Here,"
which he wrote a few year Ago but was never able to
ret published.
Each week he would start to play the song during the
show but time would run out before he could finish it.
The TV audience however, went for" the song in a big
way and wrote many letters asking Hoagy to play the
number in its entirety and record it so they could add it
to their record collection.
Hoagy's fans will be happy to learn that he recorded
Love Will Soon Be Here" last week with Capitol records
!i. v-"1 ,l80 play ,nd 11 on hi last "Saturday
Night Revue" telecast Saturday, September 5 on KPTV.
Whet's Cooking :. Cooking show with Barbara An
ell tuna louffle Ambrosia dimple),
Matlnes Theatre, Z. "Spy Train" with Richard Travia.
Catherine Craig and Chick Chandler.
The Toymaker, :. ,Tht old German Toymaker brings
his tales of toya to delight the young of heart on thii live chil.
dren's show.
Terry and the Pirates, 4. "Chlneie Collin" Story con
cerns a wealthy Chinese who concocts an eleborate scheme to
have himself declared deed in order to swindle his own heirs.
The Dragon Lady kidnaps the coffin holding the body, but
her ransom note bears tell-tale perfume which send Terry
and Hotshot to Investigate. j
, Cavalcade of Sports. . David Gallardo of LosAneeles
vs. Lulu Perez of Brooklyn in a ld-round featherweight bout
from Madison Square Garden.
Ton Asked For It,. 7:3. "Fearless Gregg" will be shot
out of a cannon Pupeteer Bob Bromley from Paris will pres
ent his puppet "Sir Butch" Rudy Docky and his talented
Boxer dogs give an exhibition of water polo Art Ashton,
"The Golf Trickster," will demonstrate some tricks with a
golf ball.
Doorway to Danger, (. Agent Carter falls In love with a
Hungarian girl during Bermuda vacation, but finds she is
a Communist agent.
Wrestling by Heidelberg, IS. Local, live, remote telecast
originating from the Armory.
Ntte Owl Theatre, 11:15. "Murder by Invitation" with
Wallace Ford, Marian Marsh, and Sarah Paddin.
Valley Television
UUttkrwkU Ml MIIJ
Am Di Betar In Bwr
ft tk. Mmt Oml tm Tm
fMHn TntM TnaalalaM
Oms Call! tm.
Bellr I,H Satar..
I p.av Tennejtre .
4:M p.m-li Oua Plerheua. '
:lt em. Nevapapel- ( All
I: it p.m. Time lor Been?
'00 9-M. Aporlir,
0:30 p.m- Neva Cararaa
1:00 Oaao Aulr
1:10 p.m. Top Aaked far It
0:00 p.m. Dancer DoorvAP
19 p.m The OMoena
000 p.p char. .1 UIiUm
la I.&-M Coaaldlp
10:00 WralUlm
11:00 p.m. Fulae at City
Once again Trader Louie Is going
out en the deep end to help everyone
gei a oesumni
Trader Louie Does It Again
a, i - r n . er
1S7( Lana Ave. Phone 385SI
Soles Service - Installation
. '' 1
n i
Open tram S a-m. to S a.m.
Pb. 1-1811 ' zlit 8. Cml
Salem's First Teleriilm Stan
A.m. Doc Taiaa
10:10 A.m. Teanla
M M p.m. Talant Patrol
1:00 p.m. Data with Jnir
1:10 p.m. emtllnc til UcCODnall
S:00 pa. Looa Rancor
1:10 p.m. Arthur Oodfrer
1 11 p.m. Baal tba Clack
4:00 p.m. -Jonnr Jupltax
4:10 p.nx euperman
:00 Saturday Stonl ftcTtU)
0:10 p.m. F.'lvat. Secraurr
T:00 p.m. Amataur Hour
1:10 p.mlammy Fara
0:00 p.m. Daniaroua AwlaTiinaBt
:M p bl TBA
0:00 p.m. Daath Vtllar Dora
0:10 p.m-?larhouaa of Stara
10:00 Mr. And Ura. Mortk
10:10 p.m. Pramtar Thaatar .
Dog Tales, . Live children's program.
, The Toymaker and Hia Friends, :15.
fivo youngsters will appear.
Tennis Matches, 10., Live telecast from the West Side
Tennis Club, Forest Hills, L.I., Quarter-finals.
Smiling Ed McConnell, 1:J0. Children's program "The
Bear Cub" the story tells how Little Fox and White
Feather hunt down a wild bear that is killing their tribe's
. horses. A bear cub Is taken for a pet
. Johnny Jupiter, 4. Ernest P. Duckweather, TV studio
; Janitor, accidentally contacts planet Jupiter whose inhabitants
compare Earth's culture with their own.
Snpermu, 4:S0. "The Monkey Mystery A secret for
; mula representing the only known defense egainst atomic
warfare Is atolen. The aid of Pepi. a trained monkey, is en
' listed to recover the formula. ' . .
' Dangerous Assignment, . "The Briefcase Story"-Steve
. , i a. Ti..i. a.. ..fedmtti Srnho. Eurooean delegate to a
"L , .rl hi. briefcase because of a rumor that)
: there is an Impending plot to ateal it and frame the U.S.
; nti Valley Days, t. "Lady With the Silk Umbrella"
: rtj Tt hJS h'e offSci.Vp.per.y.dmittlng California to the
! SSSa were carried from the .art $2?Z
lady's umbrella. Starring are Crane Whiteley, Rick Vallin,
: P'7h-ru.r.dfKS "The Perfect Secretary" aHars
Marnret Hayes snd John Newland. Story concerns the pit-
It omc, parties. Architect Warren H9lt and Polly
i Malta, are ancient boss-girl Friday combination until
': ""mt'." - Lead Soldier." with Tom
Conway (Bulldog Drummond story.)
National Chwnplonshlp TennU Matches. 1J.. Live . tete-
. i " wt side Tennis Club, Forest HiUs, L.I. Semi-finals.
! weMlnfelles, Its JO Fashion presentation designed for
W-5SS. .r'prolram SSTwih the mission of
the .ynCowFinCg"wn.t 1. to be gained by n. acUv. and also
the reserve-both here d.!?-your Gun."-A dramatic
; toiumph
Star, Robert Paige
mansion in an exclusive noraon Oliver,
and features Mary Lawrence and Gortoa ' ""v mtle
by her imaginative press agent U.S.A." with
Sunday Bevne, 5:30. Sweeinearva m Cornell.
Una MerkleL P.rkyakarU. uona.a : "--, Night"
m . . ikisitnrinsr I'lUIIlllIUI . J vvai.s
ivuie v-oopcr , storv bMed on
a u.lra SA1B IJ .3. X V a.
Florist Shop
Founder Dies
rire oesu-oyea the Union Pacific roundhouse at Hunt
ington, Ore. Union Pacific officials estimated loss at J200,
000. Six locomotives can be seen in the shell of the build
ing, where they were trapped. Officials said all" six could
be repaired. (AP Wirephoto)
Malt Barley
Gels a Break
fT Th AaaaaUtas fwr) '
Oregon's powers of malting
barley got a break in the wea
ther this week and most agreed
that for the first time In quite
a speu the outlook is good.
Tho price is far from what
It was a year ago. but the fear
of virtual disaster from rain
damage has been dispelled.
Oregon has about 100.000
res planted to Hanncben, a
two-row malting barley of high
quality, much in demand. That
is up perhaps 39,000 to 10,000
acres over a year ago.
Tho Klamath Basin is most
widely known for its malting
barley production, but in recent
years farmers through much of
the Willamette Valley also have
turned to it Klamath Coun
ty with about 44,000 acres is a
major producer but significant .
amounts are grown in Polk,
Marion, Washington, Linn and
Lane Counties. .
Some is grown in other
counties too in Union, Jeffer
son, Harney and Lake but
there it is a minor crop.
quaeb Recorded
Weston, Mass. CUJD A strong
earthquake was recorded by
the Boston College seismogrspn
station early today somewhere
off the coast of Kamchatka, Si
. Factory Trained Sarriee
ana InstaJUUoa
1SSS SUto St. , Phone S-lill
:I0 A. PramlMK ai ruik
10:44 p.maaala
11:4 p.m. Waddlnf Bella
1:00 p.m Tha Biff Ptctur
1:30 p.m. Thla la Tha ua
3:00 P.m. Hour of Daclaloo
1:10 p.m. An tlnklatMr
S:10 p m. Roy Roera
3:10 p.m. Tour PlarMat
4:00 p.m Bli Payoff
0:00 p.m OB Thaatar
t:IO p.m. Sunday Raylav -0:10
p.m WOat'a Mr Una!
7:00 p.m Summar Ttiaator
0:00 p.m TV Playhouse
0:00 p.m. Nothlna Bui tho Bart
0:3A p.m. Tba Web
10:00 p m. A porta aokoUr
10:10 p.m Headline Farad
10:10 p.m. Naara Review
10: p.m. Plan tho Tmtt
11:10 p.m. riva atar Plarhoilio
The founder of the Breit
haupt florist shop, 447 Court
street, and long time Salem
resident, Charles Frederick
Breithaupt, died Thursday at a
local hospital following an ill
ness of several weeks. .
Services will be held at the
W. T. Rigdon chapel at I SO
Saturday afternoon. Final serv
ices will be held at Belcrest
Memorial park following the
Rigdon services.
Born in Abbot, Iowa, on
December 28, 1874, the son of
Mr. snd Mrs. Martin Breit
haupt, he farmed and taught
school prior to moving to Spo
kane, Washington, in 1000. In
1901 he moved to Kennewiok,
Washington, where he was a
bank cashier.
Breithaupt . took part in
founding the "Benton Water
company and later assisted in
developing Richland, Washing
ton. "
In 190S he married Jennie.
Roberta in Waltaburg. waan.,
and in 1022 he purchased the
flower shop bearing his name
from C. B. Clancy.. He .was ac
tive In the floral business until
1944. In that year he sold his
business to his daughter and
son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul
Heath who presently own it
After selling, he and his wife
moved to. Cutler City, Oregon,
where he remained until he be
came ill.
Breithaupt was a member of
the First Methodist church of
Salem, IOOF, Chemeketa Lodge
No. 1, Rotary International, and
the Elks.
Surviving him are his widow
and daughter, both of Salem,
another daughter, Mrs. Irene
Van Natta, St. Helens; two sis
ters, - Mrs. . Cora Llppold and
Miss Augusta Breithaupt, both
of Salem; and two brothers,
John Breithaupt, Sequim,
Wash., and Henry Breithaupt,
spoxane, waan.
Reds Give Planes to
Rebels in Indochina
Taipeh, Formosa (ff) A Na
tionalist Chinese news agency
said today the Chinese com
munists plan to give the Viet
minh rebels In Indochina IS
tighter planes and use of air
bases In South China's Kwang
al province. 1
The Interior Ministry's Ta
Mrs. Dunsford
Died Thursday
Funersl services sre to be
held st the First Christian
church here Tuesday after
noon st t o'clock for Mrs.
Adeline Dunsford, former Sa
ltan resident, who died at the
Emanuel hospital in Portland,
Interment is to be in City
View cemetery under the di
rection ot the Colonel Mortu
ary of Portland. -
Mrs. Dunsford wss the
widow ot the 1st George
Dunsford, - Salem business
man and employe ot the state
In the old capitol building for
many years who died in the
She was born March 7,
1889, near McMinnvllle, snd
prior .to moving to Portland
about a year ago to make her
home with her sister, Miss
Payne, had -made ' her
i vv ,
agency, which claim a
underground, sources said thelvrarr
planea would be handed over home in Salem at 1945 South
shortly at Nanning in Kwangsl,
The agency also said a 30-
man Vietmlah good will mis
sion left Pelplng Aug. 27 for
Outer Mongolia after a four-
week -visit to North China,
probably to conclude a mutual
defense pact With the Mongo
lian state. ' I
High street, f
Mrs. Dunsford waa a mem
ber of tho Eastern Star In Sa
lem and a member of the
First Christian church.
One other sister. Mrs. Delia
Jeffery of Portland, also Sur
vives her.
Mr. Fargnson, manager of the Salens
Resident Office, will be on hand ta
greet yo aa host at the J. Henry Heloet
Co. display booth at the Oregon State
Fair, September S to 12. This interest
big exhibit will be en the ground floot
f the Junior Exhibit Building. The ,
display has been designed to show yos:
the impoitanee of research techniques '
as s factor in securities investment op ,
rations. Yom will see tho newest ot . '
anodera research equipment in actual I
operation, LN J. News Ticker, a Trent .
Lu stock (rooUtion projector preeenV -Bag
wire quotations direct from tho
sVmr of the New York Stock Exchange, .
and a Dow Jonas News Machine. See
thii rnSeeeetirig and metraetiTe eahlbit
whasi yom visit the Osesjon State Fait.
' SoUim omcc r ;
M IHMrry BMsv, 4t N. Uerry Srreet Hioee J-JoI
Teehniciana on Doty
Till 9:30 p.m. Daily
1410 8.12th Ph. 45512
Oiltown, U.S.A. is returning
to Salem for public showing
Wednesday evening, Sept. S,
st the First Evangelical Unit
ed Brethren church, Marion
and Summer Streets, st 7:30
A production or me amy
Graham Evangelistic associa
tion it was filmed in Houston
with an all star cast and por
trays man's experience with
his God.
Rogers ana sae.viue - : . , story DMea on
Csnsdian actor, m" " ,'.,-, , Voun artist who returns
novel by Rudy.rd Ruling concn. .Tounfart Sudin
UtllttaW. aw -
Lrn 'VlT Roderigo snd M.rion
SeldeJ.eV,..t Th. Best. I. Singer, Pearl Bally 1. guest
of Eddie Albert. .. ,.-. whn bad weather keeps a
The Web, t:Je. th, house, they sbsndon
pair ot imaginative ympwj toht house
their usual games and turn to new sno u ,nd
psstime. .The chlldw i a played by wno find,
Michael Alien. e,t eads" In his csreer.
himself with one of the strangest lea AUn
Five Bur riaynon,
Julie Bishop and Edith Fellows.
0:10 A.m. What'a Cooklaof .
11:00 a.m. BH fayoll
11:10 a.m. Walcoa Travalar
13:00 a.m. Oa Tour Aocounl
11:30 p.m. UN General AaaemOly
1:00 p.m4)oublo or Nothing
1:30 p.m. etrlka It Rico
3 00 p.m. Uatlnea Theater
1:10 p.m. Search Tomorrow
safe logging mark of 30 per
cent Thursday for the first
time In many days.
All logging in eastern Linn
woods ceased Thursday fore
All entry has been banned
Into the area, and this in
cludes hunters snd fishermen.
Only emergency trsvel is per
mitted except on roads.
eyw pay! I,
linn Co. Forests
Became Explosive
'.Lebanon-Linn county for
In s critically dry
.nniitinn Thursday nooa in
spite of a week of heavy rain.
The Linn eounty fire patrol
headquarters st Sweet Home
ssid the burning index ranged
from 85 st Green Peter Look
out to 82 st Swamp mountain.
Woods are declared explosive
between 50 and 100.
Humidity dropped below
Big Dayj CAT
50s), 23s) IFTEI i KIDMO REE
F ZituJi-- ii5T!S lis
- ;Tsaiij--wo,,l'iSj;3t- tr
Whatever You Have to
Whatever You Have to
Chances are you'll find someone
who is looking for just that very
thing through the Capital Journal
classified columns.
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