Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 04, 1953, Page 12, Image 12

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    Friday. SitembwMMI
Pftft IS
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1 1 An lit i ni , t. -.-wYi a ,i , r,..... J
J Couldn't Make if
Forty Klaer ead Gordy Soltaa
appear to stnmI aa ha Ter
ras a pan from quarterback Hal Ledyard in tecoad qaar
tar at National Laaraa axhlbltin contest at Saa Fraa
eisee, Washtagtoa's Dick Albta, halfback i) waa ana
fela to iBtereept aa hb owa twa-yard line, aa waa aba at
tempted ay Redskla kack Joha WUllanu, right. The Saa
Frsaeisea 4 ten woa, T to . (AF Wirephota)
Dodgers Appear to Have
What' It Takes in Series
New York CV-There I
rieior aaapieloa to' baaeball
circle that the Brooklyn
Dodger hare what it take
to whale the Yankee uua
time aad deprive Frof. Caaey
Stengel of his heart deem,
aa ajapreeedeBted - iiTta
tralcfet world championship.
The latest official averages
make it clear that the Na
tional Leagurers possess one
of the moit fearaome batting
array ilnce the day of Mur
derers' Row, that their pitch
ing baa exceptional depth and
that Manager Charlie Dressen
ha dona a great job of shift
ing hla athlete about to throw
all the power at hi command
into the lineup.
' Aa this i composed, no
fewer than lix Dodgers who
figure to face the Yankees In
every game of the World
Series a month hence are
Game Commish
Summer Camp
Program Ends
' - With the opening of school,
the Oregon State Game Com
mission's summer camp pro
gram has drawn to a close for
Representatives of the com
mission attended a total of SO
'camps to give classes and hikes
to over 8,500 young campers.
Since the program began In
1950, there has been a steady
increase in the demand for ap
pearances and this year's pro
gram demanded the full time
of four men. Austin Hamer,
. game commission education
agent, while directing the pro
iram. visited camps through
out the state. In addition, Mil
ton Guymon of the commission
worked full time attending,
camp and Ron Shay had a
part-time schedule of camps.
Two fish and game manage
ment students irom Oregon
Stat college were hired for
the summer to aid in the camp
work. Roger Vorderstrassa and
Bill McCaleb, both returning
to school for graduate studies.
filled these temporary assign
ments for the commission.
Camps visited throughout
the state included Boy Scout,
Girl Scout. Camp Fire Girl,
and 4-H camps in addition to
; various other types of youth
Talks tor the young campers
were illustrated with mounted
birds, furs, and other sped.
mens and they were followed
up with field trips to observe
wildlife close at hand.
The field trips were used to
show the close ties between
soil, water, and wildlife. Addi
tional time was spent by the
commission representatives
helping the youths in special
projects such as merit badges.
Preparations are now being
made by Hamer and Guymon
for the game commission's
wildlife program which is pre
sented in the schools of Oregon
during the winter months.
ABC Tourney
Forced Into
Extra Game
' Portland W) The Oregon
American Baseball Congress
tournament will have its final
gam Friday, Oregon City Elks
beating Norgan's Beavers 9-4
Thursday to force the extra
, contest.
v Norgan's had been undefeat
ed and a win Thursday would
have meant th title. How
ever, Oregon City, which sow
ha won five game in five
day, picked up five runs in
the sixth Inning for the wide
clubbing the ball at .100 or
Dressen's three outfielders,
Carl Eurillo, Jackie Robin'
son and Duke Snider, were
bitting .333, .329 and .318, re
spectively, through Monday's
games. Catcher Roy Camp-
anella continued to powder
the ball at a .328 pace: third
baseman Billy Cox, in better
physical shape than usual.
was lending a hefty .905 to
the concert, and first baseman
Gil Hodges was booming
along at an even .300.
The aquat ' Campenella, a
bust in the last series, had
driven across 124 runs, 34 of
them representing his home
run total. Snider had 109
BBIs and 3S homer. Hodges'
figures were 111 and 9, Fu
rillo'a 91 and 21. That's
rough on pitchers, and you
haven't even gotten to Robin
As this is almost solid right-
handed power, Snider being
th only lefty In the group.
th deep thinkers already are
wondering what the Yanks
are going to do for righthand-
ed hurling In the three games
scheduled at Ebbcts field
where the short fences beck
on. It Begins to 'look ' as
though Allie Reynolds will
not be the answer, as he was
a year ago. , ,
The 17-year-old chief plain
ly is not the pitcher he was,
and there seem little reason
to believe that he might sud
denly regain his old skill be
tween now and th playoff.
The report is that during
this final month th Yankees
will make a studied effort to
reconvert their former ace
into a starter, spotting him
two or three times to see if
he can again build up his
stamina and recondition his
arm to- travel a distance. Rey
nolds, himself, sounded only
faintly optimistic about his
If the chief doesn't make it,
then the champions will have
only another veteran. Vie
Raschi, and their new find,
Jim McDonald, to face the
explosive Brooklyns in their
home park after the two
southpaws, Whltey Ford and
Ed Lopat, have done the hon.
ors In the first two games at
the stadium. This Isn't exact
ly a promising prospect. We
hear men predicting already
that the series will be an
even-money, or pick 'cm
proposition with the gam
blers. Their belief is strengthened
by the sparkling six-inning
relief job thst Joe BIsck did
the other day. It the big
Negro who very nearly was
the hero of last yesr's playoff
wasn't fooling, the Yanks in
deed hsve something new to
think about.
Chad wick Smashes
English Channel
Swim Record
Dover, England (in Flor
ence Chad wick, Saa Diege sec
retary, made swimming history
today when ana smashed the
raeerd fop iwimminp- the chan
nel from England to France and?
swam ti mile back toward
Eogtaad la a game attempt at
a rond trip.
The gam .American girl
warn from Dover to the French
coast In 14 hours and 52 min
utes, smashing the official
record by 39 minutes.
She stood knee deep In the
chill water for 10 minutes, ate
an orange, and chatted to wel-
comer who waded out to her
fully clothed, and plunged
back toward the whit cliffs of
Thousands of people were
crowded on the seafront here,
with the excitement mounting
steadily when the news came
that Miss Chsdwick had been
forced to give up after swim
ming 2Yt of the 20 miles back.
The best previous time was
set by Englishman Tom Blower
when he crossed from England
to France in 13 hours and 31
minutes In 1918.
Actually Miss Chsdwick did
come ashore briefly In France
just long enough to eat an
orange and take some sugar.
Then she wsded back into the
water "to see how much fur
ther I can swim."
Although she said she was
not tired she expresed little
hope of completing the return
to Dover.
r ,i ,
t imt, t - at - i
T - - Ls' ' J - -
Cigar on Wheels
by a tiny A Class soaped ap horsepower Fard engine,
hit a speed of 144.41 mph at th Bonneville National
Speed Trials aa the Utah salt flats to become a top con
tender for the Class A Lakes ter record. Th ear, "Little
Bug", is awned by Edward A. Stewart, Saa Dlepe, Calif,
and was driven by lay Byers, La Jolla. (AF Wirephoto)
If Ui IVtwt
Northwest Softy
Tcurnsnsnt Opens
Tonight, Pendleton
Portland (JFV-The North
west regloaal sort ball tourna
ment begins here Friday.
The . opening g p.m. game
will be between Taeema and
Boise. The srond sight gansa
snatches Fertlaad and Se
attle. Th other foar teams
Mill City, Ore.; Taeema,
Xenaewick and Fendletea
play Saturday, aa will the
Friday winners.
It is a doable eUmlaatlea
Bighorn Sheep
Hunt Season
Gets Underway
Denver W Little bands of
hunters headed into the hiih
Rockies of Colorado Thursday
for the first legal shootina- of
uoiea rtocKy Mountain Big
horn sheep here in 68 years.
Only 169 residents two of
them women have been li
censed for the daring sport.
They'll be under strict control
of State Game and Fish Depart
ment tecnnicians operating at
oase camps set up at 11,000
iooi elevations.
But, the mere planning of the
season has created more noise
than the echoes the rifles will
make among the crags and gla
ciers where the sheep live.
Some ranchers and sportsmen
have called the hunt "a cold
blooded slaughter." Gov. Dan
Thornton lashed out at the de
partment for allowing any
hunting of the prize animals
with their curled horns. After
conferences with wildlife ex
perts, however, he said he
would not Intervene.
That brought a volley from
Democratic U. S. Sen. Ed C.
Johnson, a former Colorado
governor. Johnson called the
hunt "a brutal thing." He said
it should be halted.
Game commission officials
ordered the season opened
Thursday for 13 days, as
Perez 12-5
Favorite Over
Davey Gallardo
New York W Lulu Perez,
Brooklyn's latest fistic pride,
is a 12-5 favorite to whip
Davey Gallardo in Madison
Square Garden Friday night
and earn a shot at Willie Rep.
The 9 p.m., (EST) C p.m.
The 6 p.m. (PST) bout will
be broadcast and telecast coast
to coast.
The winner of the 10-round-er
has been promised a crack
st the former featherweight
champion in the Garden, No
vember 13.
Yesterday we joined the Portland Chamber of Commerce
in a tour of farm ponds in the Silverton area. It was interest
ing,' to say the least, to observe the way progressive farmers
are Impounding and utilizing water that would otherwise be
lost. The sportsman, while interested in the agricultural value
of the ponds, can't help but think of them also in terms of
recreation. And there is no doubt about it. the farmers who
nave ponds also have the opportunity of developing some real
fishing, right in their own backyards. The shallower ponds
wi:n iaruy warm temperatures make fine homes for bass,
blue gills and crappies. The deeper ponds that remain colder
through Jhe summer will produce trout.
A good example of the latter was the beautiful II
ner lake en the Floyd Fox farm near Silverton, Floyd'
dam I around 39 feet high, which really backs ap a lot af
water! Small spring-fed streams are the source of water
- feeding the lake in the summer, and these little creeks
have dose their bit to get trout established in the big water.
Floyd, takes trout 14 Inches and better from the lake,
whereas, In the small streams, the fish grow nowhere
near this size. Floyd's pond is only a few years old, and
in time some real whoppers will be coming ashore . . .
Not only do ponds such as we saw create fishing, but
they also provide resting' and feeding areas for wildfowl.
While most of these ponds are off the flyway, still we feel
sure that many thousands of birds will stop in for a look
see now and then . . . There are some 100 or more farm
ponds in Marion county, and probably a thousand in the entire
valley. This is one , example of good agricultural practise
benefitting wildlife.
The pigeon hunting has produced a few limits for
the gunners we've talked to, but all who had taken even
a few birds were happy. For some reason, most of the
. pigeons this year seem to be old birds. Could be the
nesting season was not too favorable. Another factor that
haa Injured the (hooting but has helped the birds, is the
fact that water is fairly abundant this yesr. Last year,
there were only a tew water holes. Gunners at these loca
tions really bagged plenty of birds. By the way if you
are wondering how to tell a dove from a pigeon or vice
versa, don't look it up in Webster's dictionary. We
did and U defines a pigeon as "a dove-like bird"!
Bob Dillinger,
Dale Long Lead
PCL Hitters
Ssn Francisco Sacramen
to's Bob Dillinger and Holly;
wood's Dale Long were the
two big guns in Pacific Coast
Lesgue betting through last
. Dillinger retained " hitting
honors with .358 and has the
most hits, 206, in 153 games.
Long, while sporting only a
.277 plate percentage, is one
of the reasons why Hollywood
leads the loop. He leads in
runs batted in with 108 and
home runs with 32 in 156
game contests. ,
Averages b y statistician
William J. Weiss Include
games of August 30:
, o ab h ret.
Dimmer. iKnaaM ., 1U I7S 10 -IM
Ullna, 0kl,nd 1SS MS ItS JU
WlUon. Satllla ........ WM IN JM
Pern, lu rru S S 1 -111
Brol, Sicrimant ., MS 4W 1J Jl
KelkUer. Hollr. oo4 .. SS SOS SS .IIS
PUMr, Hollywood M II M 111
Room, Portland ill m ill JiJ
P.opb. lu Dleto 1S1 Ml ITS Jll
Buodr. Hollywood .... a is .sol
Uprlfht, Lot ASIOlM .. ST til M JOS
HlmiU. Portland ..... 44 111 M JOI
V. Smith. Sacrament .. It SS IS JOI
Diner, Loe Anielaa .... in MM 111 MO
Tnom at, Seattle 1ST 101 lsl JSS
oeatua and roruana avert, ea:
World's Women
Softy Tourney
Starts Tomorrow
Portland U.K Ten teams
were ready today for the
opening of the women's world
softball tournament her to
morrow night.
Defending champions are
the Phoenix, Ariz., Queens.
Others entered include Port
land's Erv Lind Florists; San
Diego's Chicks; Salt Lake
City Shamrocks, West Allls,
Wis.; Cincinnati, O.; Seattle
Airflighta; Vancouver, B.C.,
Crowhurst Motors, Tulsa
Okla., and the Denver Bank
Major League Leaders
(By The AMoriatefl Preul
aalUar-erhaendlanal. St. LeitB, S4lt
PurUla, Brooklyn and Irrln. New York.
Mi Noolnaen, Rrtoklrn. Aehburn.
Philadelphia, .111.
Sana Batted la Campanella, Bronk
tyn, lMi Uautewa, Milwaukee. IM: Hod
Bee. Brooklyn, 111; Snider. Brooklyn, lit!
Snnla, Philadelphia. 104.
Bono Bane Methewe, Milwaukee, 44:
Klonewakl, Cincinnati. M: Campenella
and Snider. Brooklyn, Ktnar. CMcato and
Bell. Cincinnati, (.
PHeklnt Boa. Brwklyn. 10-t 11):
Bordello. Milwaukee. l-x lie: Spahg.
Milwaukee, !-, Ill: Bataowekl. Cincin
nati. ft-S, .tati Sreklne, Brooklyn, il-s.
AMtairA tSAora
Betltar Veraon. Waahlnttea. 114:
Bneen. Cleveland. .ITS: Mlaoea. Chlrats,
111: Ceoodosan. Beetwa. Ml PhUley,
Philadelphia. .Ml.
Bona Bateod In Booea. Cleveland. Ill:
Vernon. Vaahlntton, M: Beira, New
Tort. STl Bopno, Detroit. Mi MHioeo.
Chieaia and rtooiaioa and BernlaJ, pbil-
aaeipnia. pi.
aona Band Sprain, Phllao.lphla. IT;
aeon. Cleveland. M: Berra, New York.
; Boono. Delrott, tl: Dopy. Clovaland
and Bepuippa, Philadelphia, to.
PltektH Unat, New Tork. It-J. .U4l
Stpart. St. Louie, s-l. .100: pord. New
York. 11-1, .va: siaeklfu. Cleveland. 1-1.
.771: Trncka, caKato. ll-T, 7M.
airSkoowto Plarto. Cnleatp. Ill:
Truck,. Chleaao. IM: Tna, Cleveland.
1: oareu, Cleveland. 111. ParneU. Boa.
ton. 111..
Five Horses
Die in Fire
Saratoga Springs, N. Y. Wi
Five harness horses perished
early Friday as fire leveled a
20-stall barn near the Saratoga
Four horses died In the flam.
lng stables. Sterling Hanover,
an 11-year-old trotter, was led
from the burning barn but had
to be destroyed.
The cause of the fire has not
been determined. Fire Chief
John Hickey said.
Minor League Scores
OIt TV AaRwIttfrft I.,
OlUw. , Toronto 4
WftntrtDl A. Byf(l
RthMlr It, flprlnifrtrtl
Bevltlnor T. Syrtwra
tonlivllli 4. At. Paul t
Wlnn'tpolU tit Kom City. M.mtt1
TolaMla ft, Celmnbui t
Charluta I. Indl an .!,
MltkMi City 4. Fori Worth I
Dillu 11. Tulii
hrTtport ft, atoaamnnl A
Mm dlaumie I. Hniii-a 1
Dttff Tl. Oft. Ah.. 4-1
TAiwbl 4, LtroMTi 1
C-Iftftwlw prln; i. pAIimib City
Only 1 am ft tchMjii!
.1. Lsvkt Cllr S, Porawll t
Bllllnit II. Mulf Vtlle? 1
Otdn A. ItUrt fiUa I
Boll 144, Or.... r.Ue 14
Horse Racing
Conies to Vegas vegas, . Nev. W) Thor-
ughbred horse racing comes to
this already wide-open gam
bling town Friday but opinion
remained ultra-conservative on
Its success over the long haul
of a 67-day meeting.
Barring some last minute
tangle, such as the many that
have beset the promotion since
its launching over three years
ago. Las Vegas Jockey Club
was ready to start business.
There seems no doubt that
the opening four days, stretch
ing over Vlie Labor Day holiday
weekend, will be a success.
The town wss sold out and
the most modest quarters
brought SIS a night for a
single. The track even an
nounced that stranded visitors
could sleep In their cars in the
infield of the racing plant. It
seemed highly probable that
the invitation would find tak
ers over the weekend.
Few seemed to care about the
horse lineup for the racing. For
the record, eight horses were
entered In the Insugural fea
ture, the $10,000 Mirage Handl
cape, at 6Vt furlongs.
The main question is wheth
er the expensive new plant can
prove a success with its ambi
tious plans. One observer has
called it "an audacious proj
ect," with its daily minimum
purse schedule of $28,000 plus
a daily operating expense of
Johnny O to
Start on Offense
Monday Night
Portland tu.ijohnny Ols
zewski, former great at the
University of California, will
start on offense for the Chi
cago Cardinals in their pro
fessional exhibition game here
Monday night against the Los
Angeles Rams, Coach Joe .Sty
dahar said today.
Another PCC rookie, Ray
Nagel of UCLA, will be with
Johnny O in the backfield at
The Rams tuned up for
the game by whipping the San
Francisco 49'ers 35-10 before
39,816 in Los Angeles last
Chrlille, Seattle
Matldern. Seattle ,.
Tooln. Seatll ,
Judnleh. Aeattlp ...
Qledd, Portland
Retch, Fortlana ...
Ortelr, aoattle .....
Schmeea, Seattla ....
Auetln, Portland ,
Ruatcll, Portland ....
Cotnbl. fleettle ,
Pavllck. Seattle
OoUUoerrr, Seattle
Roblnaon, Portland ,
Kollowar, Portland
Bulnakl. Portland .,
Oarbowikt, Seattle .,
Pernnndat, Seattlp
Xpiert. Portland
Arft, Portland
Orant, Portland .....
Bruniwkk. aeattlp ..
41 lip ST JM
.. 131 371 111 .204
.. Ill 111 IIS .K3
.. 141 111 Bl .312
.. PS 311 14 .3
.. Ill 341 PS .314
.. 14S 441 117 ,212
., Ill 17 103 .371
.. 1H l&e 171 .171
.. 121 421 111 .317
., 141 131 131 .313
.. 13 301 II .391
,. 147 MS 121 .111
., l7il 44 .341
,. Tl 337 44 .147
., Ill 411 IIS J
,. 24 141 It .111
,. PS SS 11 Jll
.. 114 3td SS .311
.. 13T 4M P7 Jll
.. S3 1W IS Jll
.. 31 44 S .111
Gettel Still
Top Pitcher
In Coast Loop
San Francisco UP) Allen
Gettel of last-place Oakland
continued to set the pace for
Pacific Coast League pitchers
in games through Sunday.
Official league statistics
Monday showed Gettel lead
ing in games won with 22; In
innings pitched with 283 and
strikeouts, 139.
The averages:
It once. BP SII1S
Yarllan. sad -..IJ 33 11 S
walah. Hwd 3S SUM
CandlnL Oak-Baa ....SI IS II S
MacDonald. Hwd
O'DonnoU, Hwd ....
Lynn, Hwd ,
Lint, Port
J. Davie, Sea ......
Lovrleh, Ben
Malloy, SD
MeLllh, LA
MeCall. SP
OottaL Oak
Luna, SD
welra'kr; Port-Hwd
Wtdmar, Sen
Padtet, LA
Dickey. SD
.11 17 a S
... ftp II IS II s
...4 H H II
...IT SO SS 11
...44 SI 41 S
...41 40 31 4
...IS U 01 11
... T 131 31
...34 SI S3 II 10
...3 21 44 1 3
...4 101 71 IS 11
...41 44 (4 II 1
,..30 M II 7 I
Ny. Sea 31 II SI 41 S
Averani of ather Portland pttcnprp:
Heard II 04 so it 11
Lindp 32 M 17 11 10
Adam, II SS 70 S 0
Ramadan, LA-Port ....11 11 II S S
fights last Night
(Br The Astoclattd Prtii)
Ncvsrh, H. J.Pt Adama, )M, New
ark, ou i pointed wiuit pTohfaotoa, 14ft, horn
terton. N. C, A.
CinoSa,Ta Jorttg Jehajiiwii. IM,
Dtromtirlu drew with Wanwr Haodka,
131 Ocrman. US. ,
Detr.ll Allie Or on Ik. IM. Lroeoln
Park. Mich, wpptd Jinmy Luna, 141.
Chicato, ft.
rrjaB., CM.Ah9T4tu Lmch. 11MH.
Lo Anttlva, utpeinttMl Jlnmr ?!,
13ft, San Francltvco, 1ft.
Pro Leads
Celeb Tourney
Washington VP) Mllon
Maruslc took a fancy S under
par 67 Into the second round of
the National Celebrities Open
Golf Tournament Friday but
his fellow pros seemed to be
worried more about beating the
heat and Lew Worsham.
Worsham, of Oakmont, Pa.,
was in second place one stroke
behind Maruslc, a little known
profesional from Herkhner, N.
Mike Rome of Rye, N. Y., tied
for third with Jim Turnesa of
Braircliff, N. Y, a veteran of
the pro circuit.
AT . ' '-
Seat Covers
Maiel with aold vinyl plastic M MnH
. "..J--. , gg BVI 4TOPT
dock on rronr sanr wnj w ...
asily cleaned
Other plastic seat cover in
complst sets
at low as .... ,
pHfe!. Your
69' t
) 95 and
T tflC wd
Only .7.J
wmmz Cl
guards iaVm
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at Q and
nd Swank
Acccuories for Any
And All Occasion
min-s prua
Caslppl akoppPM Coaled
(With Applicator)
Why tuffer tht diicomforf
of irritating and itching '
of pilej?
Sold Only at
Oaea OpOt, 1-.M aaa. . I axja.
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13S N. Compittrtlal
Easy Credit-Always!
Take your eSok froep aery ens of our wide
seiocHoPi of soiweoeieoiet sreeJH ploeai, Her
yevl wroty IM SVo wenypayuBt r
pfWvtaPlltptHt ta4 Qtifht tO At yMftT ppppCfci(tpnvaavll
mn4 M ypM rtVa U S. Royal prl yep
Pmr A Tj trot) TIM frMt
Complete Ttr Service Froat Wheel Allpunreat
Blfh ChentekeU (OpaeaiU City Hall) Ph. t-I4J
Matching Sets
Chrome Base
360 deg. turn
Just tin. r V.I i
Just alow - m
ntcc sett
air eashiea
i 11
Pacific Auto Supply
free, raetory Baying ,.. ,y ;
IM N. Commerelsl . .