Homers Hell) Solons Dohle Tosses Bollard, Witherspoon Hits Cslgsry. Alberta Tw. ham runa helped the Salem Senators to a I t Western In ternational tragus victory ever Calgary here lut aight. - Jerry Ballard and Let With erspoon clouted the home runt. Lefty Dave Dahle (paced 13 Calgary hitt in chucking the victory for Sclera. ' llrlM UndlM Prase) i The Spokane Indiana held ' two-game edge in the ahowdown with Lewlston for ' the Western International ' League seeond-half h a m ; pionahlp, bat no one la con ceding them the pennant. Thursday night the Indiana and Bronca struggled 12 in- ningt beiore Spokane pulled ' out with 8-6 decision. But : the Bronca, who shot up from ; nowhere two weeks ago to be come a pennant contender, . have three more chances to ' stage another comeback. The series will continue Fri day night, Saturday and Sun day. The winner will meet Sa ' lem. the first half champion, I In the post season playoff. Stan Palys singled home Wilbur Johnson In the top of ; the 12th to win Thursday ' night's game. Then Will Hafey ' added a pair of insurance runs with his second homer of the . evening. ' Al Heist sent the game into i overtime in the bottom of the i ninth with the longest home ! run ever hit at Lewiston. The I ball cleared the 405-foot sign opposite home plate. , A crowd of 2,863 fans, be ! lijeved the lsrgest ever to watch a. baseball game at Lew ': liton, was in the stands. . . i Only a fourth of. that num ! ber turned out at Victoria for the first of four games that Indians Move Into Tie With ChiSox For Second Place f By CAEL LCNDQTJIST I 'New York U Watch, out I fee the Cleveland Indians next ' year If there la anything to the baseball axiom that strong f intahinr team In on season ahonld be contender In the i next. ! The Indians have one-way tickets for a trip to nowhere as far as the , current pennant struggle is concerned, even though they now have moved ' up to tie the White Sox for sec ' ond place. Major Leagues. NATIONAI. LZAOUK Pet. OB. .114 .117 Ml ItSa .Ml II .411 II .44 II .171 40 Vi J07 , II E rook Ira ... Ullwaukra .. PbtladalplUa St. Loula .... Naw York ... cinclnaau .. Chltafo .... Pituaurak. . .. 41 II Tharidar'a Baaallal Mllwaukra I, Brooklni 1. Cintlanatt I. Ma York t. Philadelphia ), M. Louli 1. '. Only tamaa aehadalad. ; amibicaw LEAOrS ' ' ; , W L Pel. H'W Y.rk U 41 .174 Cblcaco J4 fnH.liiJ ............ 1 .B94 OB. lO'l 10 s "H JH4 Blo " WaiblnttOB ! Phlladalobla It .441 II DrlrMt , M 14 .17 , M U 401 at. Lout i Tharadaa'a Baaaiti: Maw York I. t. Uula a. Datrolt I. Bortoa 4. CHlajio I. Pblladelahla 4. Waahlnaton I, chlcaao 1. . Bat they have won 15 out of their latt 17 games and have r plaved good ball while doing it, so things could be considerably better in 1954. And one of the big reasons, for the expected improvement is rookie Dave Hoskins, the kid righthander, who has hurled eight victories for the Indians. Indian Bally Hoskins scattered 10 hits yesterday to defeat the Athlet ics to 4, getting a four-run cushion when the Indians put on a rally in the fourth inning. The White Sox dropped back into a tie with the Indians when they lost a 5 to 1 decision to the Washington Senators In a night i The Yankees stretched their loao,,. trad to 10 Vi games with an 8 to 5 victory over the Browns as Ed Lopat gained his 14th victory against only three losses, although he worked only five innings. Milwaukee made it two in a row over Brooklyn and cut the Dodgers' National League lead (. Kin iiimi with a 6 to 1 vic tory achieved by Ed Mathews smashed hit 44th homer with two men on base In the eignui to break a 1 to l tie. afntUa. nalYlM . Cincinnati pounded out 15 hits including homers by Ted Klusiewski and Jim Green grass to defeat the Giants to 2 Fred Bacaewtkl pitched his ninth victory although he had to leave the game in the sixth with a sore arm. tv,. chilli! beat the Cardin .i. 9 in 1. at night, with the help of a key error by Card .irher Del Rice, in the eighth Inning. . . n.irnlt edeed Boston 5 to en a game-saving ttop by sec ond baseman rreo h. innk Hoot Evert intr mum. , bid for a two-run single in tne Triumph; may decide whether the Tyees will keep their WIL franchise. Earlier in the week the Vic toria, club announced unless 2000 fans pay their way to see each of the games the Tyees may not be able to meet the payroll .Saturday. Only 647 answered the plea Thursday night. They saw their club shaded '5-4 by Vancouver. . Elsewhere around the lea gue, Yakima defeated Wenat chee 5-1 behind the five-hit pitching of southpaw Tom Del Sarto; and Tri-City subdued Edmonton 11-3. . - i Edmonton was a double-loser. The Eskimos lost the serv ices of playing-manager Bob Sturgeon when he broke his left -arm in a first base colli sion with Vic Buecola. LOCAL PRESS -It UNITED Sacramento Portland Divide Doublohcador Portland UJ9 The Sacra ment Solons Bodged a rui serosa In the 11th Inning ta de feat Portland 6-5 In the second game of a PCL donbleheader last night after the Beavers had won the opener, s-t, behind Fred Sanard.. The Solon'i Bob Dillinger got his sixth straight hit of the game to bring In Lennie Attyd with the winning run in the nightcap. Dillinger accounted for half of the hits racked up by the Solons. , Dillinger also scored three runs. Former Beaver Joe Brov ia hit hia 17th homer of the sea son in the third with Dillinger on the paths. Royce Lint tried for his ZOth victory, but was taken out after being hit in the solar plexus with a line drive. Larry Ward wound up the loser and Milo Candinl the winner. ' Sanford waa his most effect ive self In weeks in the seven- inning first game. He kept six Sacramento hits well acattered for his seventh win against 11 losses. Dillinger got two of these hits. Jim Russell hit his sixth hom er of the season for Portland in the fourth. ' The snlit kept Portland in fourth place and at an even .500 mark. Seattle shaved Hollywood's fat lead to 10 games by cool in a- off San. Diego 2 to 0 on Vern Kindsfather s four-hitter while San Francisco was maul- Layne, Walls Polish Up for Ring Rematch ; Salt Lake City U.BHeavy- weifhts Rex Layne of Salt Lake City and Earl Walls, Ed monton. Canada, polished up their attacks today in prepar ation for the 10-round return match here September 8. Walls, who kayoed Layne !n their July fight in Canada with a single punch in the first round, must beat Layne again to retain his sudden fistic fame. Layne on the other hand realizes this one is important He must defeat the Canadian champion or probably recon sider his boxing, future. Beavers Recall Two Players From Victoria Portland () The Pacific Coast League Portland Bcav en are recalling two playcrt they optioned earlier in the sea son to Victoria of the Western International League. The Beavers front office said Thursday outfielder Granville Gladstone and pitcher Bill Bittler will report at San Diego this week. Outfielders Dwane Helbig and Bob Moniz were or dered to report to the Beavers tpring camp next irason. TIDE TABLE Ttla far Yafl. Ornaw fat,aihtr, (Caaiallad r V. B. Caaat aad Oaadatla Hit B Water, Low Water Sept. Time Helehl Time Hrliht I 10 44 a n. 4 1 4 07 a n. -4.1 I 41 m. It I 4 pal. 1.7 t lllJa ai. I t HI l a. 41 II ll am. 4 1 4 tl a m. 1.4 II Mam. 14 lata. II 11:11 p at. I I II a m- t l f 13 tl a m. II I 01 a m. 41 11:11 p a. I J 10 B at. 1.1 I I M a m. 44 11 4 pat. IT 4 M am. II I 11:11 a.m. IT. U a m. I t i n . tl 1 11 am. 1.1 II I II am. 4 i n a.m. 1.1 I M f.a. 41 T II a at. II II 1 17 a.m. It HI I IT Itl a at. II 1:11 p.. I T II I II a m. 41 I II a m. I I 1 11 am. 11 I II at. II I 71 am. I 4! a av. 14 I II Pm. II 14 44 pat. II II 4 :t am. II I ll 4 at. II inia. II 11 M a. II 11 l ll I a). 4 1 I.H a.a. 1.1 I 11 a at. I 11 1 M i at. II 11 at a at. St I II is ta UH 4-m. 4 WIL Standings . i '" llr Tb IwitM hwi ' L Pel. OB. avosaaa 41 If JT ............. t st i .iw s ! ............... II II 1M 4 tuw M II JJ1 viunw ........... si is an t luwa ........... M 11 jm lit Calaarr M t .41 It Trt-Cllr ............ SI 11 .44 14 WMHebH ............ SI U .ill U4 ticim n a mi lit Ttereder-e Beaprtet " ' amiene , Utruxa lit laalau); - Saleea . CBaurr 4. t , . Yakima 4. SiultkH L . - . Trl-i II. T'-.iiua t. ' - Vntinv 1. viaart . .- : ' PrMefe tahedalei , epokaae 4t LffVtftOK. Trl-cttr 41 lAaMioa. .. - , . TaBUM 41 WM41C1M4. , ' aaleaa 41 Caliarr. Vaacaaver al Vletarla. . . tW IN tN 441 441-4 lW I UwUM ...... lit 304 141 444-4 It 1 Beaiera. crdU T tad abeeti: Klae. alaiakau (4) aad Oarar. YakhB 4J1 111 444-1 t I Weaalche Ml aea 144 I s Del aart aad alptal; Oukra, aleeuee (I) eae Sartalaaei. Tri-ettr , 444 111 44411 11 1 , 441 404 Ml Jit ASSOCIATED PRESS Salem, Oregon. Friday, September 4, 1953 Page 11 PCL Standings iBr Oalud Praati tint at HollTwaod .....Its 41 jii Seattle II Tt M Loa ABlelat .......... 44 at .lit Portland ...u tl 41 ..let Sea Praaelaaa ....... It 14 .IM Saa Dleia tl 44 .441 Decrement .......... 74 Be .! Oaklaad It n .til Tharatar'e Baealtet aen Praaclua 11, nallnaod t. Beattla 1. Saa Dlata I. Partlaad l-l. aaeraataal t-l. Loa Aaaelea 4. Oaklaad t. 1!5 as ing the Twinka 13 to 2. The outcome also shoved the Pad res back into aixth place behind the fifth-place Seala. - . ' , . Ray Ortelg hit his 27th home run of the year in the aixth in ning to help Kindafather all the way, took hia aixth defeat. Tony Ponce, the refugee from last place Ventura of tha Cal ifornia League, cam On in the seventh tram lust in time to be on the gravy train for hia third straight win. He stiU has to lose one in the PCL. All told. the Seals bjimbed four Holly wood ehuckera lor 17 ntt.-. .Los Angeles clipped Oak land, 4 to 2 in the 10th inning when Murray Franklin boomed a triple to deep center with pinch-runner Cal McLish on base. The blow racked up vic tory number 15 for lefty Jo Hatten, who put down an Oak land uprising In tha eighth in ning after relieving BUI Fad get with two on, none out and one run across. . . Pad get had stepped in for starter Bill Mol ten in the same inning. Billy Joe Wsters, who took over for Jesse Florea in the eighth, got his 12th detest. taaraaaeate- H (11 Partlaad O A a n o a PaallekJ t lAuttlBJ t t t i t t t i DllUBir.lt I KllWT.lk Xatch.rf I Buert.l 4 Olaao.e IBuaieUf 1 Batukl.1 t Bebae.lf 1 S4Blrd.p. t . I AherdB.cf Brla.rf Joaea.la BoekBia.t Moatlta. Attpd.aa Eaaee.a Wetkns.B Klmball.p allkrrh.U Totali It tut Total! II I ll ll ............... A00 IM t I sot tot 11 , OOI 204 101 IM I rp ab B I n nn IS I 1 4 1 I t 1H I I 4 1 1 1 t t t llt'S 1 eaeremeBt Hit , Portland Mite , Pitcher: Beaaa Watktna ... Kimball ... aanford ... T II I 4 ' 4 I 1 a aumib. rbi ABotia i. uteri i. Ftuaael). IB Anatla. KB Biueell. Puna A b a 1 1 a. Xollowar, Buaarll, Baalnakl. Robba. Sac. Santord. DP Bockman, Pavllck and Jonaa; Montalva and Book man; Baalnakl. Auttin and Kolowar; LOB alaeramente I. Portland 4. Win aer aaafard 17-11). Voter Beate (4-li. U lacorelll, Ford end Rome. T 1 11. aeeoad tame: taaraaaaaa (4) . B H O A (I) Partita! B H O A atiTd.u t ParUek.lk S OUIInar.lf I t T Auitln 114 Maroa.cl t 4 IRelrb.rl lit Robbr.II t 11 Arlt.lb til taitrt I I I ISsnakl.l t I I Rbntn.o 1 t I Llnt.p t I IRmadll.p tit l-Rueael It Werd.p Kllar.lk Oladd.t Brovla.rl JonM.lb therdn.cr Bockmn.l Montlro, nchni.p arllan. C-ndlnl.a Utlvch.U I 1 II t I I 1 I 1 t t t Totab 44 11 II 11 Totall 14 II St 11 a Panned far Bamadell la Ith. Sarrement Ill 111 IM tl t Hit. in m in ti u Portland i. IM Mt 111 to t Rill 704 111 141 1111 Pitcher! IP AB K H IB BB SO Srhins .... Tt 2 I I l it Yapllea ... t I I 11 1 t Candinl ... IH It I 4 t S 4 Lint : 7a II ' I I t 4 1 RamadaU , I 4 t , t 14 Ward t 11 I- I 1 1 1 B Attrd. DIQlBfer t. Brovla, Bork- man. Hereon l, Relek 1. Bokba. B re irrl s. RBI Reich. Aril, Bratla 1. Joaea 1, Dlluafer, acnani, ratlovar I, Baalaakl. IB Reach. AuUa. Btekman. Lint, Roahe, KMIowar. IB Btbtib. SB Dlllmeer. Bac Perllek. DP Baalnakl, auetia too jirrti uat aac aril. u. aaeratneBta IS. ParUaad 11. Wrnaet Caadlal it-!). Loaer Were fl-ll. O- J Pord. aunee aad laotretu. T ML A I.MI. aea Diet 004 PM 40ft 4 I 1 aeetll Ml 401 to- l i Dlrkop tad Metalti Bladtfatket aad Oriel. ten Pranelaca .... sat IM tat 11 IT t 1 Hollywood 441 404 14 I 11 11 Bradlord. Mirnertaf IK. Poaea ft), and Tornae. Tlaalera : Walah. BlttH Hi, , Mar Donald (I) Welaakat (II and Bra aaa. . ( La Anielee Pel 404 mt 14 I t Oakland oat 104 IN a I 14 t Holaan. P apart iti, Halt (II, aad radeeu Plaraa. water it! and Baal. . .. Win Sarder a Warrea: Wldnar, Waaler (II, OUep tt ana Mori as. v ......... VaapaaTar Tleurla .. natcbar Mania. .... Ill tat Ml I II Durett tt OA a taealt-U I TaaMlh.1 Paraa.1 4 Oerp.ef 4 Balerd.lk t Wllhrep.r 4 Caaan.ll I Baleen. I OaBle.p o t t 14 4 Snarl. U I 1 I IHiuiMr.1 t I I 1 I I lSlallu.tt t tMed.M I ITdetcl 4 t 1 I t Srckar a 4 t Wan.il 4 Hilars ! 4 tHitner.a t t II Praaee. 1 l-Lvaaa 1 Tat all il it II TolaH tt 11 IT 11 Orpiiaded lata dal lai I of Bill' nar la Tta. btUm M m 1M-e t Calaarr IM Ml Ml 4 u Plteber: IP AB H I ZH HIB Dahla ...... I 44 IS 4 4 14 1 Hlltaar T IT ? 1 a S 4 Prenela .... t ' II t 4 14 TP milaer t. Hp TanaalU br 8UI aar. Later Hlltaar. PB Brrrkar Dal' bob. K TanaalU. Llllard. Buater. Wart, Beaabrake. . HR Ballard, WitMrapaaa. Boeeerake. IBH Hanlar. SBH Wllhlr- oa. Hiintar. Wan. BB1 Ballard. prltaarepeoa I. Kaaaalaa. Malaan. Baaa Uni, Paraa. UUard. Wan. IXVaca. Sut- . Baaaaraka I. CP Taaaaui 9 aaaa- UbI ta Ballard X DraalraawOaeaaa and Maraaa. Tlraa I'll. AH IM laat.l NEWS AND FEATURES Terrell Medalist Medford U. A four-un- der-par 57 gave Harry Ter rell, Jr., Grants Pass, medalist honors in the Southern. Ore gon Golf tournament here yesterday. Match play starts today and continues through Labor day. Keep Your Eye on the ela Tostf, a few tips on how to , :v T 7) Pi ll.'' s i- ft 1 it V a ' ' a' t! I . a ..... t: - ' " " - .J J I camp In Greenwood Lake, N.x. La Starsa will meet heavy weight champ Rocky Marclano for tha title at the Polo Grounds in New York Sept, 14. (DP Telephoto) LaStarza's Theory Says He'll Win Over Marciano , By OSCAR FRALEY Greenwood Lake, N.Y. UB Take It from a college man, ac cording to the theory of rela tivity heavyweight champion Reeky Marciano will be de throned by challenger Roland LaStarta in their title fight at the Polo Grounds on Sept. 24. The college man who fig ured this out is Roland LaStar- za. Rollie, in training here for his long awaited shot at the Brockton block buster, served two years at CCNY before go ing on the boxing rock pile. Some of it seeped in, too. Rocky Theory Because LaStarza has his own theory of boxing relativi ty as he prepares to meet the man who won a close split de cision from h i m more than three years ago and has treated him like a subpoena server ever since. . "What has Marciano got?" LaStarza asks in setting up his thesis, and . then proceeds to answer his own question this way. "He has one punch. That s alL Can he box? No. He has two left feet. He may be the greatest puncher of all time. But I'm younger, speedier, more skillful and I have the confidence that I can do the Job." That a where Rollie dips in to the theory of relativity, his own and not the upper plane, mystic formula of Einstein's. "Everybody knows that A squared plus B squared equals C squared," he quoth, which probably will come as exclus CAR & TRUCK RENTALS 394 NorMi Church f hone 3 9600 State Fair H:rs9 Rcci.-tg Season CeginsTcnsrrov The Oregon Stat Fair horse racing aeaaon begins seven day run at Lone Oak track tomorrow, with a ten-race card scheduled to start at 1:20. There will be no races Suty, day, but a similar race program la scheduled for every day next week. Advance ticket Bales for re served scats at the races are en sale in downtown booths, and will go on aale at the Fair grounds tomorrow. - ' Von Brocklin Sparks Ram Win Over 49cr$ tos Angeles () The Los An geles Rsms' big siege gun, Nor msn Van Brocklin, is all tuned up and ready for the start of the National Football League season. The deft Dutchman' patted the San Francitco 49ert into a tizzy, 35-10, Thursday night, completing 18 of 28 tosses for 221 yards and one touchdown. ifis pitchers set up three other j Van Brocklin's chief target was end Tom Fears, who caught nine passes for 130 yards and tallied on a 42-yard Ditch. Fears also snagged a surprise touchdown- pass by Vitamin Smith. The 40era tallied on Georee Buksar'a 25-yard field goal and Y. A. Tittle's 35-yard past to Hugh McElhenny, both in the second period. Bog ? Kolaad LaStarsa firht fan. Ln- punch the bsg st his training ive news to the entire 'fight mob. "The theory of relativity takes in these kinds of factors. There are also hidden factors." Confidence Plus LaStarza's fractions, he ex plained, concerned the inabil ity of some leather mittened gladiator ever to put the In dian sign on certain rivals. "So you see," adds LaStar za, "everything is relative." It may be ao. Napoleon had his Waterloo, Sampson had his Delilah, and maybe Marciano has his LaStarza. One thing sure, though, come -ept. 24 his theory is going to get a relatively fine test by a mus cular mathematician named Marciano. It should be a right nice les son in plain and fancy geome try. Presenting the finest program of Thoroughbred and Quarterhorse racing that has ever appeared in Oregon Aunt mi num 1233 Jta TWirroak 8826 1 1 TWineakt 1598 rot ioi rot altar.. ttstmmtt lEMtvtTiots ii 'How About He, Peppy' Lynn (Pappy) Waldorf, right, scratches kit head as ha wonders who will till the Ns. 28 Jersey ef Johnny Obnew akL Us star fallback tor the past thrtw years last to tha .' Bears through gradaation. The three aspiring candidates L-B) are: Steve Dlmeft, Don Harria and Charlie Davit. , (AP Photo) ', i Good to Fair Portland n Oregon offers good to fair fishing prospects for tha Labor Day week-end, the State Game Cternntisaton reported Thursday. Angling has been only 'fair in the north wettern part of the state , but some Improve ment is in prospect, the com mition said. The Clackamas, McKeiule, Willamette and South Santiam rivers are re ported fair. Cottage Grove and Fern Ridge' Reservoira are good for spiny ray flih big. '' : ' ' ' - Trout fishing along the north coast and salmon an' gUng .in the Vahalem Bay and on. the .lower Columbia river are alow. . Salmon fish ing. Is improving in Tillamook and Nestueca bay a and In tidewater; and tithing is fair in Lincoln county streams. , . Southwest Oregon offers better prospects. Wincheiteri Bay has been tlr to-good tor auvera out very raw jninooc are being taken. Fishing has been good In Slltcooa, Tahke- Mll.h . - TmmiIU laaaa - ' auw vauatuai ,iar .ianv tributaries- are reported fair. Four of World's Top Cowboys in State Fair Rodeo Four of the world's top cowboys have sent la their entry money for the rodeo to he held st the Oregon State Fslr for eight nights and two matinees, begin nlng with an 8 o'clock per formance Saturday night. The quartet la Bill Lin derman. Boss Dollarhlde, Eddy Akrldge and Sonny Tu reman. Llndermaa is president of the Rodeo Cowboys' associa tion and currently Is the leading polntmaker for all-' around championship ef the world. He will be entered In the bareback and aaddle krone riding events. Dollarhlde Is leading la the world's bulldogglng championship aad la second la competition for the all around championship. Akridge is the world's leading - bareback rider. Tureman, a former world champion cowboy, ranks high in present standings. MARION MOTORS LIKeNEW vStv CNeVi Run! Don't walk snd when you get here RIDE in top quality autot. Our budget prices will plesse you. No wonder MARION MOTORS is slwayt out in front! 19S1 Nash Statesman Sedan Heater, overdrive, bed. Kenuced to $1295 WaT J&k. Reported Through Oregon Bk. Uarfravalty at Califor nia feetball Caaca Fishing All waters'oi the Rogue" river j and its tributaries are drop ping and clearing and. .trout fishing on the main river la improving. But salmon fish ing is spotty.. ' . In central Oregon Big Lava Lake-' has been ' producing many nice catches,' and Crane Prairie Reservoir and ZasV snd Paulinda lakes are good. Limited . catches have been taken from Thee Creeks lake. Davis, Odell and Gold lakes are only fair. Blue lake fish' ing is excellent,, and fly fish ing is good on both the upper and lower- oeschutea river. Prospects - are; evn . better In northeastern- Ore gan. where catches in tha W allow as high lakes have bee x- eellenL : Manv limit catchata 'of eastern brook '. trout .have 1 been reported - from' Mlnam, (Blue, Mirror. Steamboat, Che- vol. New , Deal, : Douglas and I Anerola : lakes, . r. I a r i rir r i b . lie eaaaaa aT- . -taw. BBaWjy. .,,ttiaW,.k GREATEST TIM SALE OF km lure. eH' v' World's Firsi'Qwice FIRST-QUALITY DELUXE LOOK " thai LOW PRICES! Salt his labor Day! Pay as littli as mm SERVICE STATIONS INC. Court at Capital ', Marion at Liberty ', Center at Commercial Center at Liberty WE GIVE 'JVC GREEN STAMPS Guest hew far Goodyear Double Eagle Tire will travel. See it at State Fair lootK of Matter Service Station. Who knowt, YOU may win your car. Yaklma Mcsts i Winnstka in ' Lpefjien Ffnolt .' ; , ' Miami, ,'riiu'''' vnTbii tional . American, Legion Jun- ,' ior , baseball championship will be at ttake in a meeting " here, Friday night of unde- fen ted Yakmia, ,Wah., and once-beaten Wlnnetka, Ht ' Already owning a ' win over .-Vr-inetka, Yakima, the Tar i Weat champion, i can clinch , the title with a victory In Fri- : dtiy niahfa eonteat. If Win. netka wins, the championship - wui be . decided Saturday night.1 ; ' . Wlnnetka defeated' UUford. Maaa the Eastern tttUst, 1-8 - Thtrrsday night to reach tha 4 championship round. K Ytitiriuf'sStsn IBP Toe taaarletad naa) Braaaa. Bat kU 44tk aaaaa i navBiaa la ta Branr t-l mampa at Braaklpa. ... rnekaat Lav Bardatee. lallvaaxaa , Braaaa. Beat ta ttadaara 1st tna thlrS b bbi Poor a iialitailaa aar utal Bta raoavd ta tk MaUaaal Laaaaa. ' '; '.'." HOI . , roB.. ;';- : '-!'-' 1281 Sv Cafitiftlal THE YEAR! im pbki m TIM fin aatMtlllf - TatH-ai rot pit HT tJ0i!4 14.95 t40iH ilJO 15.TS . a.70jM .0l' 1I.4S 7i"eiH 14.41 18.J0 . " i.tOilt ' 24.10 . 18J0 , TJsll""" at.71 : jjeiH ItJI t8.M . "lies' II I MM I 8J pipe 41 $1.25 a wiikl mm 4 Double Eagle Tires far ninth and threw mm oua