a Thursday, September 8, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Sales. Ore Par MARILYN MAXWELL err T3T :V ' JIV-.v I :- ' ji . OPEN FRIDAY NITES: TILL 9 HORSE Att'MUfUILWACrERJNGr Court Street St 5' .;X.v:-' r . " ire TMBJLT ( FRIDAY It tune to revue Dor othy Parker's old couplet that "men seldom make i - puses at girls who wear j glasses." Marilyn Maxwell, j the well-built blonde film actress, has to wear , glasses all the time because she's "blind as a bat" without them, she says' What's more, they don't seem to keep off the wolves. "I wear glasses wherever I go," she. re marked, "and they've never seemed to stop men from making passes." She takes them off when doing a stage show but as long as she can hear1 the laughter, and ap- i plause, she knows she's . doing okay. (AP Wirephoto) 44 Enlistees During Month Fourteen men and one worn- I an xrom mis area were enusieo in the Navy by the local re-j cruiting office during the month of August and the Army ; and Air Force recruiting office i here during the same period signed one woman and 29 men .for duty with those branches of The lone woman enlistee in I the Navy was Darlene Mane Anderson of Silverton. Shirley Straley of Rickreall was the woman enlisted by the Army. One of the Navy enlistees was John Garber, GM1, 1140 1 Spruce street, Salem, who re-1 enlisted for six years ana an other GaU Clinton Wood, FN. .j t-i l M.anlltti1 for fnur 1aiH, . The other Navy ' enlistees ! were Gary William Forgey of 1230 Peace Street, Salem; Wil YAwnvA nnvia nf Dallas:! William Dixon Howan and Dale j Xverett Oakerman or corvai tinhhio nnrrion Burling. Sweet Home; Nelson Eugene 1 1 Stewart, Lebanon;Dan Leroy Broadley, Philomath; Paul: Laurence Thomas, Turner; Karl Richard Carter, independence; Keith Edward Wilber, Yamhill; Gene Alan Mollenhauer, Mc-i Minnville; and Gerald Isaac Ta-, A ktuimnrt Will, ' " ' - Of those enlisted by the Army eight were signed for specific Army Schools which means that they may sign fori the schools , before eniisung. These men, all of whom were m m cainm were John B. Thiessen, James W. Prugh, ' Robert E. Noteboom. John Con der. David Quinn, Earl L. Mc intosh, John R. Nelson and Robert B. McGowan. :.!.. .kr mpn were enlist- ' d for the Army Airborne. Four of these were from Salem . and were Vernon l Kucn. iA.r en J. White, Eugene M. John son and George A. Wilson The four other Airborne enlistees . n -.. v nnwers and were t""j ri, v j . . j t nt Trianha and Jerry N. Broadbent and Paul C. Scheele of Turner. tri - Ti.tinf with the reg- 111USC ... . Tarr.p B. An- derson, RichaTd F. Maddux and Donald E. BlanKensmp oi o- Alport W: Nixon. Aums- ville; BiU R. Harrelson, Day . t jrAarinwi Gervais; Albert S. Lloyd and Arthur Baker of Monmouth; and Franklin D. Sullivan of Mar- irtn The four men enlisted in the Air Force were Charles V ..j niranin (i. Hicbert - e.i . norolri T. Jones Of n.ii.t nd Lether E. Loe ot McMinnville. BIG PICTURE -DIG VALUE! SINGLE DIAL TUNING! 1954 Models! OPEN FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 9 III BIG PICTURE DIG VALUE y1 ! 189' Prk Ineludn Mtnl tat " t-fm vittMty fktw tut. PLUS DOUBLE STAMPS Friday on Cash Sales ' - Th urtOM-MOML 74ST17 Here's the finest, lowest-cost quality television yoa can bay. The big 17-ineh piewe stays lu aiMoaoaeieaUy, " ViA oo streaks, no fUiter, no flop-ovet. Tunt , both UHFVHF channels oo t single dial, see num bM abfoegh in Illuminated" magnifying window. The I mw, compM cebinet bat t fieh mahogany tWih. V NO DOWN g AS long as v mi" . g 1 to pay on approved ertdlt 8 ipprovcd you can ti sum ...ip rrir stingliouse S mi OS HOUSEWARES DEPARTMENT -COURT ST. DOUBLE STAMPS FRIDAY 69 , Ref. 1.1 CORN HOLDERS Set of 8 Aim a . Ret. 1.15 aft A EGG BEATERS l.y Ball Bearlnt Stainless Steel Reg. 1.69 M Al( STOVE TOP MATT , 89' 17Vxl6 Rubber The egg of a swan hatch In 42 days compared to Jl for chicken. . BATH ROOM SCALE$4.88 Famous Name Res. 1.95 OO DRAPERY BOARD. O.OO All Metal China Cup & Saucer '1.99 , tannine Enrllsh Hf. 3.25 SI lO New Rotary Shreader I 1 7 Stainless 8teel Alse Sllcer - ' Reg. GALVANIZED PAILS OO io-quart size Ref. 98c I A Old English Floor Wax W l-Quart Slse Reg. 15.S5 Automatic ! affeQQ ELECTRIC TOASTER 12 Chrome Gnaraateed Reg. 1.59 $1 A A WALL PLANTER I.UU Neat Style Reg. '9c ; ' . yi Jid COVERED CASSEROLE 44 Oven Tested Glus Reg. 1.5' JLCt PAPER HOLDER OD For Wax Paper Reg. 1 35 A DUST PANS Oy Rubber Reg. I ts Household Brooms First Quality 1.39 COURT STREET s is he m DAYS ifl savings for you! Valuable Double Green Stomp will be glvan an all cash purchases Friday! Shop a Robarh ... and Save! r ;' DOUBLE STAMPS FRIDAY ON CASH SALES v 1 v ' - ) 151 'L, Jrij..:-:..: t t Mid TRADE-IN FOR YOUR OLD WASHER REGARDLESS OF CONDITION ON THIS DELUXE AUTOMATIC AST Spindrier You lav time, money, energy . . . ond you will flat double HrfC Green Stamp! Friday if you pay cash for this compact washer! The famous deluxe Easy does all the washday chores at once . . J washes in on tub, whil tha other rinse tub ho the 3-minute automatic spin-rinse that whirls clothes dry faster 25 drier than o wringer. Features Spiralator woshing oction for whiter clothes; Suds Saver, Swing Faucets; high-speed pump; outomotic overlood safety switch. Roberts' Appliances Downstairs WE GIVE AND REDEEM C GREEN STAMPS Reg. 219.95 V TRADE-IN $40 M NO DOWN PAY MENT ON OUR AP PROVED CREDIT... AS LONG AS 24 MONTHS TO PAY 8 Big Days CAT tlarlintl Special SALE! COHAMA HAND PRINT DRAPERY FABRICS r! Discontinued Datterns of fanv ous Cohama hand prints offered for sale at a fraction of their cost! Failles, antique satins, decorator designs and colors. Values to 6.98 per yard. Shop early for best selection! r 7 DRAPERIES COURT STREET yd. (Values to 6.95) SOs), 2Sc rm i KIDDIES FM