Thursday, SepUmber 3, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Safcm, Ore job Curry Can Add Glamor To Many Main Dishes V 1 i f . CUmoroui - Carried esj ttewed with eoronot chutney. y i I 7 i it r i BarUett pears, oraof es and trapes refreshing after curry. (ArNmrMtwu) Tbe key to a glamoroui but easy supper? Our answer is one main dish cooked ahead and a lavish number of accompani ments from your nantrv helves and rerfigerator. It'i curry we're suestin as cool or "hot" as you like. Curry is a great respecter of the budget; you can concoct it ot chicken, lamb, veal, beef, eggs, or vegetables. Curry cries out for a festive setting. So use our prettiest serving bowl for the curry and rice and attractive small bowls for the curry accompaniments. It's fun to vary these small containers on different occas ions; we've used everything from inexpensive Japanese soup bowls to small baskets holding custard cups. What goes into the small bowls? Here are our favorites: salted peanuts, almonds or pe cans; shredded coconut; chut ney; preserved kumquats; crumbled crisp bacon; sliced bananas, coconut. . A fruit dessert is lust right to serve after curry. Bartlett pears, with their sweet Juici ness, are a fine starting point. Combine them with orange slic es and fresh grapes, top with whipped cream dressing if you like, and you 11 have a refresh ing dessert course. Curried Veal Ingredients: 2 tablespoons fortified margarine, cup sliced onion, 2 cup (1 pound) thin strips veal cutlet, cup thin celery crescents, 2 tea spoons curry powder, 3 table spoons flour, Vi teaspoon salt, teaspoon pepper, 2 cups Modern Equipment Enable Jellies to Be Made Any Season The more things change. the mora they re the same.' That old French saying ap plies in the kitchen, too Homemakers are still stock ing up on food when it is abundant, a their grand' mothers did in by-gone years. Grandma had no choice; for her, canning in the spring and summer was a ''must." Today, the homemaker can take ad vantage of food surpluses and low prices by storing fresh or frozen foods in her home freezer or storage locker; buy ing commercially canned foods when there are special sales, and doing her own can ning, any season of the jrear. With refrigerated trains and trucks to bring food of every description to the market, right from the source, it's al ways "June In January," now adays. Never before has it been made so easy to "do It your self as today- Liquid fruit pectin and powdered fruit pec tin help to eliminate the risk ot failure in making lams, jellies and relishes; and recipes based on -rained or bottled fruit Juices, cut labor to a minimum. New sugar substi tutes solves the proMtm of canning food for the diabetic member ot the family while modern equipment makes it easy to handle large quantities of food conveniently. Here are two Jellies that can be made in any season, these using canned Juices. Apple Juice Jelly (using bottled apple lulce) Yield: about 6 medium glasses. 3 cups sugar 3 cups bottle apple Juice 1 2U-oz. box powdered fruit pectin Measure sugar and set aside. Measure Juice into large sauce pan; add powdered fruit pec- Pickled Peaches Here Is the world's easiest and quickest recipe tor pickled peaches. Heat a can o' cling peaches, syrup and all, with 2 tablespoons of vinegar, and a teaspoons each cinnamon and cloves. Simmer 3 minutes and serve hot. Delicious with cold meats, fried chicken or baked ham. tin and mix well. Place sauce pan over high heat and stir until mixture comes to hard boil. At once stir in sugar. Bring to a full rolling boil and boil hard 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat, skim off foam with metal spoon and pour quickly into glasses. Cover Jelly, at once with Inch hot paraffin. Grape Jelly (Using bottled Juice) ' Yield: about S medium glasses. 2 cups bottled grape Julca . Itt cupe sugar bottle liquid fruit pectin To make the Jelly. Measure Juice into large saucepan. Add sugar and mix well. Pbce over high'heat and bring to a boil, stirring constantly , At once stir in liquid fruit pectin. Then bring to a full rolling boil and boil hard 1 minute, stirring constantly. Remove from heat, skim of! foam with metal spoon, and pour quickly into glasses. .Cover Jelly at once with hi inch hot paraf fin. ... Ham Glazes Easy For fresh or smoked picnics or any other type ot ham to be baked, you might like one of these quickly made but dis tinctive glazes: One cup brown sugar and Vi cup gingerale OR one cud strained honey OR 1 cup mol asses OR one-halt cup brown sugar, tt teaspoon dry mustard and 2 tablespoons vinegar OR one to 1H cups whole or Jel lied cranberry sauce mashed with fork and combined with Vi cup light corn syrup. FOOD SECTION Page if For Young Fry Bright spatkllng gelatin with colorful pieces of canned fruit cocktail has special ap peal to children. Fluff the gel atin by beating It with rotary beater Just before It begins to thicken. Then fold In the fruit cocktail and chill until firm. . a ...when you open the door will tier it rafratklia Oljaiia Iter si year nfrltrattr skill? SUtk ib tefiyt OmM,u.u a T1 J FRESH FILLET OF AAi tUiU REP SNAPPER ... Lh 39 . . . 49c : . tb 05C CJ1 FRESH By the Fleet " SALMON...... ..... w 09 By the Whole Fish 17 SALMON 2V XX DEEP SEA mwm U JeJC N crabs ;. 45' Fresh Dressed ii YOUNG, TENDER . IIP PAN-READY FRYERS HENS . Columbia River " Canning - SALMON FITT'S FISH & POULTRY Phone 3-4424 Frte) Delivery ', 216 .North Commercial St. I -mmW SflJ SSBSBS- -w-rsii . w AMDAHL'S chicken bouillon, 1 tablespoon lemon Juice, cup sliced sweet cicKies, 3 cups not cook- ed rice. , , Muthnri- Melt mnrffarlne over low heat in skillet or saucepan. AAA Anlnnfc and .cook until lightly yellowed. Add veal and brown iignuy. Aaa ceiery. uov er and cook low heat 5 minutes. Sprinkle with curry; blend In flour. Add salt and pepper. Gradually add Douiuon, sur ring constantly until thickened. Simmer 1U minutes, lumus often. N Add lemon Juice and pickle. Serve over hot cooked rice. THIS IS OUR Some of you have been wondering why our store is not a union store. We have nothing against the union or any other or ganization. Our employees are free to be long to any organization they wish-singly or collectively, but we do not wish to force them to join any organization. We have fought wars upon wars to keep this a free country and we wish to do our part. Per sonally, I worked forwages.for more than 35 years, much longer than I have been an employer. I know both sides very well. My relationship with my employees has been in complete harmony, working to gether for a common cause, to give you our customers the genuinely friendly and courteous service that makes shopping a pleasure, to operate more efficiently and as our volume increases to bring you low er and lower food prices. We want you, our customers to know that Emery's is your store. This is our in vitation to you. Thanks, "Pop" Emery 1288 STATE ST. PHONE 3-6489 IF YOU'RE NOT SHOPPING AT RANDALL'S !! YOU'RE SPENDING TOO MUCH FOR MEAT!.. Nowadays everyone" is trying to help ease the strain on the old budget. . Well, take a tin from me. ! ! You can afford to EAT MEAT. 3 TIMES A DAY when you shop at RANDALL'S ... For a long time now RANDALL'S has been supplying Salem with Quality Eastern Oregon Hereford Beef. You housewives know how nice it is to have plenty of good beef in the Deep Freeze or locker. Why not shop at RANDALL'S and see how TERRY RANDALL con save you money . ; . He'll give you friendly service and honest weight, plus all cuts double-wrapped, for your locker or freezer . . . FREE. Remember, you can buy as much meat as you want one half, quarter or whole AND JUST LOOK AT THESE PRICES .. . NEW LOW PRICES ON LOCKEf? F Best selection of Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford beef. Don't fail to take adrantage of these prices. Convenient credit may be arranged. Nothing down a full year to pay. Half or Whole Front Quarter Hind Quarter mum . b.59- T7 A n7 ft M K Lb. BONELESS NEW YORK CUT . SIRLOIN TIP ROAST OR STEAK . ,,53' BEEF TENDER LOIN . ... . M FRESH BEEF HEARTS . 2' COUNTRY STYLE SAUSAGE . . ,. . . . ft Fresh Ground Beef lb. 29' Fresh Ground Round . W Lean Short Ribs . . a. IT Lean Beef Cubes . u. 4' Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford leef BOAST " Fancy Eastern Oregon Hereford BaaC CYEnrr . i At EMERY'S SL Your Friendly IGA Store Wollac Road t 7rh, West Solem An Baby Beef LIVES Arm Cuts Hod Cuts Rumps T-Bom Rib Sttokt Fresh Beef TONGUES u,l