Pan ft FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SaJem. Thursday, September 3, 1953 T. V " 4.i Icebox Coconut Pie Is An All-Family Favorite Icebox plet are' one of the best possible answers to the lummer desiert nroblem tneyre so easy lo make. Men like tnem, cnildrca like them and with this new neioe lot Coconut Icebox Pis made with nonfat dry milk, it'i an even better dessert for the whole family. Coconut Icebox Pie made this new w in cludes the equivalent of a full quart of nonfat milk. In a gra ham cracker crust, the coconut 4 . cream filling with Its coconut topped meringue makes a pie that's a real he-man dessert There's nonfat milk in the crunchy crust and nonfat milk in the filling to make It doubly nourishing and neither crust nor meringue requires baking. Cocoaut Icebox Pie , cup fine graham eracker crumbs Vt cup nonfat dry milk ' Vt cup melted butter or margarine 1 package vanilla pudding powder -. 2 eggs 2 cups water Vt cup shredded coconut V cup sugar Vi cup toasted shredded coconut (see note) Mix together the trraham cracker crumbs and V cup of the nonfat dry milk. Then add Elegant Filling Here's an easy, yet elegant- looking 4-Iayer cake: Cut two 8-inch layer cakes Into two thin layers and put together witn a prune whip filling aoiten z teaspoons plain gel atin in cup prune cooking liquid and dissolve over hot waier. our gelatin ana Yt cup sugar into z cups cooked prunes, cut in small pieces. Cool until slightly thickened, then . combine with 1 cup cream, wnipped until stiff. A sprinkling of confectioners' su gar is all the frosting required. I Tuna Good InSouffle Salads This is one of the souffle salads, featurinc tuna. It is well worth trying. Tana Souffle Saiad 1 pkg. lemon flavored . gelatin 1 cup hot water Vt cup cold water Vt cup mayonnaise 1 tablespoon lemon Juice Mas? THE WINNERS Here ore the names of the lucky persons winning mer chandise awards or the drowinas held Saturday ninhr. August 29, ot the four Solem SAFEWAY tores. SAFEWAY STORE 2120 Fairgrounds Road $23.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE Mrs. r. B. Lloyd - 1429 N. 5th Street, Salem $10.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE A. W. Katka 2820 Ward Drive, Salem $5.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE Betes Silvelra 1940 N. Capitol. Salem SAFEWAY STORE 245 Court Street $23.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE Mrs. Lewis Nelson 4205 Nayesvllle Drive. Salem $10.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE Mrs. B. H. Marcum M8S Claud St.. Salem $5.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE Mrs. A. S. Drager Rt. 2, Box 100, Turner SAFEWAY STORE 935 South Commercial $25.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE Keller Wagner 1240 Fairmount St.. Salem $10.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE timer W. Frey Rt. Sl Box 91. Dallas $5.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE . Margaret Hamllotn Rt. 4, Box S19, Salem SAFEWAY STORE 1265 Center Street $23.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE '" Rt. 5. Box 4 32. Salem $10.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE Laverne Selman US S. 22nd St.. Salem $3.00 MERCHANDISE CERTIFICATE Mrs. T. H. Brydoa 1809 Park Ave, Salem $40.00 in Groceries Will Again Be Awarded on Saturday, September 5, 12, 19 A IEAUTIFUL TAPPAN RANGE will be given away as GRAND PRIZE, September 19, 6:00 p.m. et each of the SALEM SAFEWAY STORES. GET YOUR FREE TICKETS AT ANY SALEM SAFEWAY STORE Anyone It Tears and Older Is Eligible teaspoon salt Dash of Pepper H cud flaked tunafish Vt medium cucumber, diced . hard-cooked egg, diced 1 tablespoon chopped onion Dissolve gelatin in hot wa ter. Mix in cold water, mav. onnaise, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Pour into refrigera tor tray. Quick chill in freez ing unit 15 to 20 minutes, or until firm about 1 inch from edge but soft in center. Turn into bowl and whip with ro tary beater. Fold in remain ing ingredients: pour into 1 quart mold. Chill in refrig erator until firm (about AO minutes.) Unmold onto a bed of chicorsr: garnish with m- cumber slices. Serve with tri angle thins and triscuit shred ded whole wheat wafers. Makes 4 to S servings. SERVE THEM HOT Cold cuts make a hit ivrvait hot. too. Panfrv slices fnr breakfast or for lunch. Let them Siva a mrilv tnnrh in casseroles. For examnl. cervelat with scalloped pota toes, salami with spaghetti. Lemon-Rice Pudding Has Rich Flavor Here Is a rice dessert your family will simply love but they will love you too. fnr fixing this Lemon Rice Pud ding lor them. You are mighty glad when they claim this lem on flavored rice Buddlna- to be one of their favorites, be cause it is Just as easy and as quick as any dessert "in the books." The ouddine is lieM a feather, fluffy as a cloud and melts in your mouth lik well, the most wonderful des sert you have ever eaten. This dessert is fast to make and low in cost because the main ingredients are rice and "econ omy" pudding mix. Lemon Rice Padding i pacxage lemon pudding mix 2V4 cups warm cooked rice i cup toasted cocoanut Follow directions on bnv fnr preparing lemon pudding. Add warm rice to hot pudding be fore folding in the beaten egg made . according to directions on box.) Serve hot or cold, topped with the toasted cocoa-nut. This recipe makes 10 serv ings. the butter or margarine and mix until well blended. Press crumb mixture firmly in the bottom and on sides of 8-Inch pie pan. Chill until needed. Put into a 1H -quart saucepan the puddina- oowder. the rest of the nonfat dry milk and the yolks of the eggs. Gradually add the water and stir until smooth. Cook and stir over medium heat until the mixture comes to a boil and is thick about S minutes. Remove from heat. Fold in the Vi cup co conut. Then cover and cool thoroughly. When custard is cold. Dour into crumb-lined pan. Beat the egg whites un til stiff, then gradually beat in the sugar. Put on custard spreading to the edse of rmt to seal In filling. Sprinkle the toasted coconut ever the ton and chill three hours or longer. Note: To toast coconut, nut shredded coconut in small heavy skijlet Stir constantly over low heat until coconut is light brown, or about five min utes. Cool before putting on top of meringue. . For the Gourmet Lima beans and hamhnr0r become a gourmet's favorite In this dish. Saute hamburger, onion and minced garlic in oil. Mix in canned tomato soup or tomato sauce, a little sour cream and cooked California dry limas. Season with salt and ground pepper, and serve with a dab if sour cream on top. Tasty Round Steak in Roll-Ups If round sleek Is one of vmir favorite meats, now's the time to take advantage ot the large supplies ot lean beet on the market and serve round aleak dishes often. Swiss steak. beet birds and country tried steak are a few ot the favor ites. Round steak rolI-una conk ed in mushroom soup are eco nomical anoiish fnr a fmll Jl .... m . - I uiiincr. yci zancv enouan ior company too. Here's the home kitchen tested recipe: Roand Steak Roll-Ups I Vt pound round steak, cut tt-lnch thick 3 tablespoons butter or mar , garine y cup finely chopped onion 2 cups day-old bread crumbs Vt cup chopped celery Vi teaspoon salt V teaspoon sage Dash pepper and poultry seasoning 1 tablespoon water 1 can mushroom soup Have meat man remove bone from steak, then pound to flatten. In hot fat liehtlv cook onion; add bread crumbs, celery, seasonings and water. Cut meat into fciir nieces: on each place one-fourth of the dressing. Roll uo and fanton with small skewers or tooth picks. Flour and brown in hot fat. Dilute soup with 1 cup water and nour nver meat Sprinkle with aalt and pepper. cover and simmer over low heat 1 Vt to 2 hours or until tender. 4 servings. SaaaaMwaSaanMaTaFjC 'daal Bound Steak Roll-Ups A welcome dish for fall din ners is beef steak roll-ups thin pieces of round steak rolled around a well-seasoned bread dressing and rooked in mushroom soup. Take advantage of the large supplies of lean, economy beef now on the market and serve a variety of your favorite beef dishes. I SHOP MODEL Peaches For Canning Now it the time for tannine; peaches end we have the finest of the local crop. J. H. Hales t) np Bushel Improved Elbertas SO At Bushel... J.tU Bartlett Pears $f AA And $MJ (Box dep.)UU Gravenstein Apple Italian Plums Crab Applet MELONS Persian Crenshaw Honey Dew Cantaloupes VEGETABLES Fresh, Crisp Vegetables Stacks af them, new at the summer's best! Ball Dome FRUIT JARS Reg. Masons Si' AO Is Pints I.U) Reg. Mason SI AC 1 Pints I.UD Reg. Masons Sl 1 A 1 Quarts 1.17 Wide Month Masons $123 rinia I Wide Montk Masons $143 iuana. . . . , t. Vape Freeser Cant Of. t yjc Plastic Lids S11C 20. 1.15 sU I . $ Good Grocery Buys M.J.B. COFFEE i,b 89c ,,,.$1.76 KUCOA OR DURKEE'S MARGARINE 29c HOLIDAY MARGARINE... . " 21c FISHER'S FLOUR ' 10 lh. 89c 3 LBS. SPRY OR SNOWDRIFT 89c DENNISON'S CATSUP 2 f0P 33c UBBY'S TOMATO JUICE " 2for 49c SUNMAID RAISINS 20c EVERY WEEK Spring LEG 0' LAMB ib. IBS' V Ib. 32 os. S lbs. 1 Ib. , 89c 89c HERSHEY BAKING CHOCOLATE (DAMftf MADMmriC ""'""' i iMM iMLMlffc Ring Kelly 24 os. KHMUCKER'S GRAPE JAM HEINS PURE HONEY HEINS PURE HONEY SWIFT 5 BONED CHICKEN . SWIFT'S BONED TURKEY ' 2M, HEINZ BABY FOODS 3 ,or'23cDoi SOFT-A-SILK CAKE FLOUR 43c (A J9e O'Cello Sponge In Each Package) All DETERGENT u. 45c 1 lbs. $2.89 AJAX CLEANSER 2 M.25c POWDERED FAT FREE MILK . 3 ,, 98c (Makes IS Quarts) POWDERED BUTTERMILK , Ib. ... 39c ZEE WAXED SANDWICH BAGS 10c ZEE TOILET TISSUE.. 435e GLAMORIKE $1.29 Hg.,.$2.25 (Tb Marvel Rag Cleaner) Model Food Market 27S N. High (Next to City Hall) Phone 3-4111 Ne Charge far Delivery Jt-Dsy Aeronnt Service FREB PARKING IN THE REAR Of THE STORE Fresh Daily FRYING CHICKENS For That Labor Day Outing ib. 65' Fancy Center Cut PORK CHOPS Assorted Fancy LUNCHEON MEATS Hormel, Cascade, Ar mour's. Treat the fam- ly to the last picnic of he year. . AI&lnJ GROCERY 2360 Start St. Specials for Thurs., Fri., Sat., Sept. 3-4-5 Right Reservea1 to Limit AA Small EGGS Doz. Best Foods 2 for Mayonnaise 0, SF S&W Finest Quality COFFEE lb. C&H Cane SUGAR 100 lbs.. s.... 4.89 25 lbs..... $2.45 to ib 99c Fancy Brand OLEO 2 fc 33' Bsi Improved Elbertas ' . Fresh n-.l 15-lh. ? rcauio) Calirose Sliced Canned n.-.l 7A redines 295 Wesson Oil Qfs. Bi$quicl(3pkJt $J00 CRISCO 3-lb. can ALL POPULAR BRANDS r n ugarenes canon $1165 REGULAR SIZE CTN. Oscar Mayer O for Luncheon Meat Sfloo 12-oz. can SAME FINE H & QUALITY a ii PURE . 4 ,bs Ground Beef sf Flour 50-lb. $187 Ban O Drifted Snow Watermelon u. 29 c