- THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Oregon Thursday, September S. 1951 Thnrsday, September 3. 1953 Boiled Dinners Favorites ... i . THie riPITiT. MTTPWAT..' blra rW- ; H.!' " 7-7 , maMMMMMMMM,MMMMMMMMmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm --sn . cOOD SECTION Page 7 L. " A v 1 17 I w I 11 . I I I II I -Jlhfft. II Iff. I II r-r- fc v . w iTd -reAO" 1 1 r 1 i; I I I I A I I I I II I Willi fir x x if Nw-riL- r. i -iFf 7i- ir - r 1 w- i trv . J 1 . 1 1 1 1 n 1 wntfori 1 w flry. 1 --v 1 11 li 11 1 " 1 v - ii 1 "'c if -f M v3ry j"? jrj 00000' I 000' PRICES EFFECTIVE I ,1 7 Jua "V jf xi i -hum ir . i iiiirii iiiftiirv iiiivi i mr i uir I J!Hfywl ,. . - i- r..k.. n-..f Ooalihr . I - mm I. I : - I 1 1 l W ...nrr i wairjfe iioor Hfin - - . . . . nA. i hhhu . ii . ma r. ....... t i i i -1 - Libera Dru- 1 IW VaVI VMII .-r- , .1 . . . " - I vlliLM ' Il"1 f U nil " 3 M rUIU. RAUfA Thine Fiest and irSi (P.j i. c ' I uJZ nfj as. . l I i v 01111 icgciucD -u iars il Vlzvv i wuse con. "up , i ,mi mm i arroini ar junior rmiM jl vMMahfat i m m m m m mm Wfiaii . mil aTSl'l . I I IfllllPir n. " I - I : If lllf 11 I I -m, II UJIUH I I CV ' is -a II i . i n.. . i, i I - it "Murr . l l i bom-. "noo iv ' II . IVt;.: II I , ' M ?- 1 r I S ' IT ! I J' v 1 ai . kZ.i Kirrrn jc? f i Mm m m I arfl 77 H ' mi. vl nuLiiiufl juice si is in. ti , p w , u i V . I - aMaiSi I Chu nSA1 Rcefe I1 W I irc'. loo I all time U practically here, end that ii the tima to think e more aubstantial, and main ' diah ideea. Here U one, an old- time favorite: New Enrland Boiled Dinner ; (Makea 4 Servings) 1 corned-beef brUket 1 , (about S pounos; 4 peppercorns 1 bay leaf Pinch of thyme ' mull potatoei, pared email white onioni, peeled 8 small carrots, scraped 1 small head of cabbage, cut in quarters 6 small beets, cooked and neeled Or 1 can (1 pound, 4 ounces) beets - - - " 1. Place meat in large kettle and thyme; cover with cold water. ' t. ... ,. 3. Bring slowly to boUing; skim, if needed; reduce heat; simmer, covered, 3Vi to 4 hours, or until meat is tender when pierced with 2-tined fork. t. About 45 minutes before meat is done, add . potatoes, , onions, and carrots to kettle; cook 25 minutes; then place cabbage wedges on top of ve getables; . continue to ' cook . about 30 minutes .longer, or until vegetables are tender, 4. Just before vegetables arc done, cut beets in quarters; heat la medium-size saucepan; drain. 5. To serve, remove vege tables from kettle with slotted spoon: drain well: place meat on heated platter; arrange ve getables around it If desired, garnish top of meat with green pepper crescents and sprinkle potatoes and onions with pap rika. . A 5-pound brisket wiU serve 4 generously for 2 meals. Vegetables are planned for first meal only. Mexican Casserole ini I iwwii . If your family likes well sea soned casseroles that ' really have character, then they're certain to be enthusiastic about this. Try it on the family and the chances are that you'll use It next time as a special com pany dish. Mexican Casserole i pouna lean ground neei S medium-sized onions, chopped 1 green pepper, chopped 3 tablespoons salad oil or bacon driDDings X (No. 803) can solid-pack tomatoes . . 1 can condensed consomme H cup sherry wine t teaspoons chili powder Salt to taste 1 cup sliced ripe olives " 1 cup uncooked white rice -1 cup grated natural Ameri can Cheddar cheese Saute beef, onions and green pepper in oil until meat is no longer red, stirring frequent with a fork so meat Is separat ed into small bits. Add to matoes, consomme, wine, chill powder, salt and olives. Bring to a boil, then slowly stir In rice. Pour into a 2-quart cas serole. Cover and bake in moderate (375 degree) oven for 30 minutes. Uncover; stir mixture with a fork; sprinkle cheese over the top. Continue baking, uncovered, for 15 min utes. Remove from oven and 1 mA K l , A t . I fore serving. Serves S or 6. Hot Deviled Ham And Macaroni Salad Here's a new dish you'll en- Joy a savory hot macaroni salad distinctively stepped up in flavor with deviled ham and chopped sweet pickles. Hot Deviled Ham and Macaroni Salad (Makes 6 servings) I tablespoon salt 3 quarto boiling water 8 ounces elbow macaroni ( eups) ' H cup chopped celery V4 cup chopped canned pimlento ft cup chopped sweet pickles ; cup chopped onion sj cup mayonnaise S tablespoons chill sauce 1 tablespoon prepared ' mustard 1 teaspoon Worcestershire sauce S 2 V4 -ounce cans deviled ham Add 1 tablespoon salt to rap Idly boiling water. Gradually add maacronl so that water continues to boll. Cook uncov ered, stirring ocaslonally, un til tender. Drain In colander. In large saucepan, combine cooked macaroni with celery, pimlento, pickles and onion; toss lightly. In a small bowl, combine remaining ingredi ents: mi well. Add to macar oni mixture and toss lightly. Cook ever lew heat, stirring occasionally, until piping hot. Serve Immediately. f v XT V I I lt I I I - a?-r " VK 1 1 -."U I r V II kl jTm fX r . it L, I ii x ii ki w ir " s -""a v. r u r i i wx if 1 r" ' ' ' ' - if I X I Jvl-. I . J 17 XJ l I CORNEtfBlr II X I UafiH ' IIMV'f nipt OllVP al m m ; ""Sd.rs " a V IU-U4.VUII Wtt . Pint eon rust v pi aaw- ii a ofatajmw t l - rv" fl0cr Plotes, etc.) . 1 J SwiH Premium unwrr. 2-oz. cai 'nVaimfli1 3-lb.can . . . , .. - . II ,A fid' v4 mr f Aunt Jemima I fPaiicoUe flour 2Vz-b.Pk9. 31 Libby's Pure DEVILED HAW Reg. can 21 LIBBY'S POTTED MEAT 3 Large No. can 2 cans 2 LIBBY'S CHILI-SPAGHETTI Larne No. 2 can . 2 cans S 7 Swift Premium ROAST BEEF 12-oi. can . . . . All Meet No Waste SWIFT'S PREM 1 Spiced Luncheon Meat Snowdrift Shortening 8f WESSON OIL Quart Bottle . . . . Swansdovn Cake Flour Urge 2-lb. Pkg. . DELRICH MARGARINE ( Colored in Cubes . lb. 29' Fancy Margarine . . Colored in Cubes Finest Quality Best Foods Mayonnaise to j S The World's Most Popular Mayonnoisel rs Potato (hips 11 39c pkg. 33 Campbell's Soups Vegetable, Green Poo, Oi Velveela Cheese Vegetable, Green Pea, Oxtail, Bean with Bacon, etc. . 2-lb. box ' Kraft's Popular Cheoeo Food - ' Pork and Beans v.. un. m Big No. 2Vi eon AMAZ0 PUDDINGS Mode in on insront No cooking Chocolate Vanilla - Butterscotch 2 pfcgi. K00L-AID PUNCH . Assorted Flavors pkgs. 25' smmmmmmmmmmmmmlssmmmmmmm FOR YOUR HOLIDAY PlOJIclj Fresh Killed Colored Pan Ready RATH BLACK HAWK BIG VALUE! CANNED $149 SKINLESS 7 PICNICS .. .. 2 FRANKS Ready to Serve ; . . 3 SHANK HALF . . Smoked Skinned Hams lb. 59 ....... 3 U.S. Good t U.S. Choice Beef BONELESS TOP I t BLADE CUT CHUCK ROAST . . u3 , Remember, U.S. Good U.S. Choice Steer Beef f -- . 1 1 BABY BEEF 3-LB.AVG. . ii (SSiSS1 P0RK L0,M TONGUES ROAST SLICED MINCED , PORK SHOULDER I HAM a.m ROAST a.m sArm Cllf snor 2 Sunny Jim Preserves 12-01., jors Strawberry, Rhubarb, Pineapple,' Peach, Apricot, Cherry, cons Strained or Junior Fruits 4 Vegetables Spaghetti & Meat EBalls 5 ..m l. Chef Boy-or-deo Tall lSVi-os. cans Spaghetti & Choose 6 - $1 Libby's Large No. 8 cans . , - Vienna Sausages w 5 Reg. No. H cns Ideal for Lunches Chili Con Carne i 44l Llbbys for the Best 16-oi. can. , ' Tuna and Noodles 5 $1 .. Bunny .Jim Large 17-os. Jar Bits o' Sea Tuna 4-$l Now Potatoes Hominy Tomatoes LlttU Prfau Largs No, 8 eans ks. 303 CM Cottage White or Golden (erase ' No. 303 eans Light Meat Chunk Style No. M eans Hunl'i Large 14-oz. bottles Trellb . . ' Center CuU No. 300 cans Tomato Catsup Asparagus , Centei Sweet Peas Roger tin Cottage No. 300 cans a f ' s weeT reas Baby Peas No. 303 cans The finest peas In oar store CrisReoMeater 7 7 9 6 for CJM urn $1 $1 $1 $1 10$1 9 "f $1 7-$l 9$1 Del Monte No. I cane Orangeade DE 4-$l Large 40-os. eans '. Pineapple Juice 4 " $1 Cottage Large 40-os. can Guaranteed finest quality , Cranberry Sauce 5 - $1 Ocean Spray Tall cans Serve with Chicken Grapefruit Sections 6 - $1 Cottage No. 303 Finest Quality f.VD Toilet Tissue 10 -$1 Finest. Quality . Sunday Supper TV i e i Sh.'.VS m"fy. Pkg. CDChefl5e 29c Maxwell House instant Coffee Large Jar r ii , ' ' '' '. YAKIMA GOLDEN RIPI Cantaloupes YAKIMA PRUNES YAKIMA, No. 1 TOMATOES CARROTS.? CELERY 12-lb. box 79' 1Mb. box SSI' Large Heads Swift's Peanut Butter .53: , Large 20-oZi Jar CHUN KING Beef Chop Suey Chow Mein Noodles Lg. mean These Specials Also Available at Erickson's Mkf.r Woodburn, Oregon Glamoriw your aoune with garnishes. ' Garnish elear sea as with grated cheese, thin aiieaa lemon, whipped cream. m parsley, celery rings, radish slices, avocado slices or cubes, shredded almonds, sliced anak. ed mushrooms, asparagus tips. Pass butter wafers, cheese straws, fancy croutons, melba toast- Garnish cream aoaaa with salted whipped cream, shred ded toasted almonds, minced chives, pimlento strips, but tered or cheese popcorn, grated cheese. Chow Mein noodles, buttered readv-trt Pass eraekers, toast croutons, metiels, wafers, pickles, eel. ery. ... . . Garnish Jellied soups with chopped olives, sieved hard cooked egg. chopped weter cress, onion slices, chopped chives. Pass popovers, sal tines, French bread. Garnish meat Htk frankfurter slices, sliced lemon. Pass melba toast, crisp crack, era, pickles, relish, bread sticks, Curry Continental Soup For a distinctive soup for distinguished company, gam. ished as indicated above, soup Is a dandy. COOk 8 CUDS diced natatnsa end 8 tablespoons chopped on- "n in a smau amount of salted water until tender.: Do not drain. Press through a fine sieve. Heat 8 cuds milk and 1 cup cream In douhle hniUr. add 8 tablespoons butter and sieved potatoes. Add 1 tea spoon curry powder, salt and pepper. Mix well. Six Ings. , . Frozen Lime Pie Different And Delicious Do you love to experiment with new recipesT Well, here's an exciting one for you to try out Frosen Lime Pie. It's easy to make and utterly de licious. You lust Dreeere a simple basic mixture, pour it . urn a xreezer tray ana pop It in tne remgerator to harden. The result is a pie of truly un usual taste ana texture. For tunately, you don't have to tat tills statement on faith alone.' .''.' The main reason for the sue- ease, of this new recipe la the blending of its ingredients. Lime juice and rind are used plentifully, but eggs, cream and sugar take away their sharpness while retaining the fruit's freshing Qualities. All those eggs, the cream, sucar and vitamin-packed limes, add up to concentrated goodness, too. Tor this reason, in addi tion to being a wonderful des sert. Frozen Lime Pie mskes a perfect " anernoon coffee break companion. , . Try making it one morning after breakfast. Then, around mid-afternoon, prepare tall glasses of iced coffee, fresh and flavorful. Serve a simple sugar syrup for quick and even sweetening, and cream. Carve slices of the frosty pie directly out of the freezer tray onto serving plates, and pre pare to make the acquaintance of the tastiest new pie of the season! ..".' Frosen Lime Pie ' 1 8 eggs, separated , ' ' 1 cup sugar - Grated peel 8 limes ' J . . Juice, 8 limes .v ! 2 cups heavy cream, ' whipped ltt cups chocolate wafer , crumbs Combine egg yolks, sugar, lime peel and juice in top of double boiler. Cook over hot water, stirring, until slightly thickened. Cool. ' Fold In stiffly beaten egg whites. Fold In whipped cream. Sprinkle halt of the crumbs Into large refrigerator ' tray. Pour in lime mixture. Top with remaining crumbs. Freeze firm. Makes 10 to 18 servings. ; Vegetable Juices Late afternoon or just before dinner, folks welcome a cold tangy glass of vegetable juices. Have a can ready in the refrig erator when youngsters come trooping home from school. They'll relish drinking juice while they munch on crackers and cheese. And you'll know they're getting a good shsre of vitamins C and A, two nu trients that often show up short in diets. The mixed vege table juices are a combination of tomato and 7 other vegeta bles (Including carrot, celery, beet, parsley, lettuce, spinach, watercress). 2825 5 oulh, Commercial 3S20 East State Street 3080 Portland Road I J oeessssmmmmmmmmmmmsssBBBBeMBmBsm twit vim CmmjMsm,I.U