ThBrriiy, 8ptlit S. SS THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, SaW, Orcfm Pit I - ffi fiP MEW FALL tSAij f 'SV " liK 'V COATS THAT WILL SELL FOR $50 TO $60 U h MM 4 fV tV ' . WYANDOTTE'S JEWEL I I Vl "" X. TONES and MYRA CURL I' fl N I I tiWF if Hi (OilOl JULLIARDS BOUCLE I llV $fc J&f H fVl & S -J'"--.- I I .1 V-lV-l.tKANMAK"KA-MA-CURLr I , .... , ViV r- ll fes I w v Si northfieldjo ; I Juiil'drcl I vva'r Jl u 1 IT -J I n J CASHMERE BLENDED J : I j ri I V ' V "i'11 '1 V V ,V y ' Imported scotch & 1 : , BT" ' V '-A"!' "I ' .. ' : '.British tweeds I -. ftA ffjt I v- Au V V I Nothing like this sale tver before ot Roberts! Elegant nw coats fosh I , ;v -1 . ,.' "i i $ M loned with 0 new-season air youll tee In our Coat Shop this fall at their I -i;.y ! 5) J regular prices ... sale-priced today at the phenomenal low of 39.99. I ' "" "Jig;"- ' JfJ" V i (- ' Coat ef the finest, luxury woolen fabrics . . . the best the top mills I ' V - 1 like Julliard, Wyandotte, etc. can offer! . .. . I J Rsjur I Coats for all-occasion wear . . . cardigans, high-button collars, roll I ".". ffrj l0i :'" I collor styles! .1 tccTt.wp V ; i ' ' r,'.". ' ' Mowi, edl-wMrtlMr inntattd Kntof will few found In many of th eoatt.M. 1 1 I No limit on color range either from clear Autumn, tones, to new '." 1 '... l''Y'l'l I I It C ' : If . emoky cross-dyes. Misses' 8-18; and proportion-fitted sixes 12Vi-24V4. ; 1 " i '.;i. IXj'J J it - , Robert. rliloii Floor, mom4 ..-i ,n",n,, ZSK 7V '"isJ SQMrSc f , ' p Smf f FRIDAY i- A r i Ml - - I lit? ffl . I I '!' I . double knees for double wear! Well made with Hp- II I ; Special Purchase! :V- I II I Would be 1.35 Pr. if Perfect They're Slim, Smart, Ail-Wool! They're Specially Priced io Save! SCOOTS Skirts are a girl's best friend for back-to-school and career wear . . . o smart Investment for that precious fashion dollar! Specially purchased, and just unpocked, you'll recognize the impeccoble detoiling, the grond wool fabrics as features found in skirts selling for dollars more! 'v . Free-ttriding and reed-slim models in plains, snowfloke tweeds, plaids, ... tites 1 0-1 S. Roberts' Sportswear, second floor 2 $0 for or 5.95 EACH CANNON NYLONS Stock up on nylons during our special sale of world famous Cannons! Two popular weights for dress and daytime wear: 51 gauge, 15 denier and 45 gauge, 30 denier (with lisle foot) in lovely Sum mer tones . . . sizes BVi to 1 1. Microscopic flaws class them imperfects . . sove you dollars! Roberts' Hosiery, main fir. Bi)C 3 Prs. $2 BOYS' 8-0Z. DOUBLE-KNEE JEANS . . . . . . Sturdy, 8 oz. Sanforized denim jeans with fused double knees for double wear! Well made with zip per clos-j'e. 4-12. ' m , , "TOM SAWYER" WASHABLE FLANNEL LINED JACKET .. . p nc ... For ploy or school! Fost color and shrink-proof in red, navy, green and maroon . . . repels wind and JJ rain! Zip front; 6-1 6. FOR LONG WEAR! NYLON SOCKS Guaranteed to wear I year. Ribbedknit with elastic tops; shrink-proof. Navy, brown, maroon, green powder, maize; 7 to 10Vi. toys Main floor 69.,. 3pr.$f 8 COLORS! MERCERIZED COTTON ANKLETS 39 Turn-over cuffs; foot reinforced with nylon for wear and comfort. 8K-11 white, beige, blue, brown, green, navy, royal, wine. Pr- t.tO 2.00-2.50 NYLON PANTIES Sleek-fitting trunk ityle in white and pink. Nylon tricot; waist elastic if easily replacable. Irregs. of famous make. Sizes 8-9. 1 COPPER KING" WAIST O'ALLS 29" WAIST 3.39 J0"-34" WAIST 3.69 Weor 'em, wash 'em! They'll last longer fir better! Tougher, too . . . because they're mode of strong 11 -oz. Sanforized denim; reirtforced teams to prevent splitting; scratch-proof rivets. Smooth zipper front. Western style. Work Clothe Meln floor t" ot f i . ft - ... "1 4 4