Ptsrt I FOOD SECTION THE CAPITAL' JOURNAL, Salem. Oregon Thursday, September S, 1953 f . Methods for Dry Heat i Cookery Reviewed Again the to by Cat ( tot in 1. Pl a a log wa tta er ( pot rt 3ji een trai lng all eel par and 1 led tloi upi mo 6U the alt "r pet qa lac Routing, broiling. panbroQ. tat these are dry heat cook ery methods used for roasts, ateaks and lamb chops. It's wise to frequently "brush up' en your cooking techniques. The most important point to remember in meat cookery Is ' using a low temperature. In roasting that means a 300 de grees F. oven tor beef, veal, smoked pork and lamb; 330 degrees 7. for fresh pork. A roast is more juicy and ten der, and there is actually more meat to serve when It is cook- ' ed at a low rather than a high temperature. In roasting, place the meat with the fat side up on a rack in an open roasting pan. Do not add liquid. If you have a roast meat thermometer by .all means use it to eliminate any j guessing as to when the meat, is done. Insert it in the largest muscle, but not in fat or on bone. Do not cover the meat. Cook at the recommended low temperature until done as reg istered by the thermometer or for the minutes per pound recorded on a reliable time table. Timing Important Broiling is one of the simp lest of all meat cookery meth ods. The moderate temperature for broiling is obtained by placing the meat a certain dis tance from the heat. For In stance, a 1-inch steak should be 2 Inches from the heat, a 2-inch steak S Inches from the heat Timing is important in broiling. Follow your time table closely to have chops or steaks cooked to the desired degree of doneness. . ' In broiling, place the meat on the rack and adjust the broiler pan so that the meat is the . right distance from the heat Broil until brown, season, then turn and finish cooking on the second side, season. Sea soning after browning is sug- Meat Balls Can Offer Variations Adventure in meat balls. There are numerous ways of preparing them to add Interest to your meals. And ground beet is an exceptionally good buy In your market these days. If you're in the habit of ask ing for round steak ground, then here's a suggestion. It has been found that ground beef containing 25 per cent fat pro duces the finest meat balls or patties. For this reason beef stew meat Is suggested for grinding in place of lean round steak. In addition to having tas- tier meat balls you're saving money because beef stew meat frequently retails for several cents less than round steak. For a variation in meat balls mold them large or small and cook them in a zippy barbecue aauce. This makes a popular barbecue dish. Serve the meat balls in aauce over aapghetti or rice. A can of condensed mush room soup la another cooking liquid for the meat balls. Brown the balls first. In the meantime, thin the soup with a small amount of water. Add the sauce to the meat and cook them covered until done. Condensed tomato soup is an other choice. Chopped vege tables such as carrot, potato and onion may be cooked along with the meat if desired. gested because salt tends to retard the browning process. Panbroiling is the range top method of dry heat cookery. This is suggested for steaks less than 1 inch thick, for ground beef patties and for thin ham slices, bacon, etc. Place the meat In a small amount of fat then let it cook over low heat, turning fre quently until done. Pour off excess fat as it accumulates in the pan. Do not cover or add liquid. Panbroiling requires about half the time required for broiling. Broilburgers for Quick Dinner Dish For a quick dinner turn to these beef broilburgers. Sim ply place cooked peas and carrots in the broiler pan and insert the broiler rack topped with the beefburgers. They require a total of only IS to 20 minutes cooking time. Broilburgers 1 pound ground beef H cup rolled oats Hi teaspoons salt V teaspoon pepper Vt cup grated onion 4 cup milk 8 slices bacon 6 cooked carrots 2 cups cooked peas Combine beef, rolled oats, salt, pepper, onion ana milk.1 Shape into 6 patties, wrapping each with slice of bacon. Place on broiler rack Place cooked carrots and peas in broiler pan. Place broiler rack over vegetables and insert broiler pan allowing 2 Inches between surface of meat and heat. Broil the patties on one side until they are brown, 8 to 10 minutes. Turn and brown on second side. Vegetables will heat while the patties are cooking. 4 to 6 servings MADE WITH BACON Bacon is in demand for sandwich making. Panbroil slices until crisp, drain, then chop and comb'ne with liver sausage, with chopped hard- cooked egg, peanut butter pr marmalade. , Pears Good Preserved Or in Jam . This is the season for finest of Oregon pears and peaches, make the most of them. FEAR PRESERVES 6 cups sliced peeled firm pears 4 Cups sugar 2 lemons, sliced thin and cut in quarters it cup sliced preserved gin ger, if desired. Add sugar and ginger to pears, arranging in layers. Let stand until sugar is dissolved. Add lemon and cook slowly, stirring occasionally until thick. Pour into Lot sterilized jars and seal at once. PEAR-PEACH JAM 2 cups diced pears Hi cups diced peaches 1 tablespoon grated lemon rind 1 2 4 -ounce package pow dered citrus pectin 4 V4 cups sugar Mix fruit and lemon rind. Place over high heat and stir in pectin. Bring to boil. Add sugar all at once. Bring to rolling boil and stir constantly. Boil hard 1, minute. -Remove from heat and stir and skim minutes. Pour into hot ster ilized jars and seal at once. I Cold Cut Platter For Week-End Meal For at least one main meal over the long week-end, plan a platter of cold cuts. It is cer tain to please both family and friends. Potato or macaroni salad, sliced tomatoes and cu cumbers, rye bread and a fresh fruit dessert. If you in sist on something hot, why not a cream soup served in cot fee cups right on the plates? Cold Cuts Tray On one side of the platter, arrange alternating slices oi summer sausage and liver sau sage. Next to these place corn ucopias of bologna or pimiento loaf filled with chive cottage cheese; Make ham rolls by rolling boiled ham around sticks of processed American or Swiss-type cheese. Mustard aplenty, of course. Very attrac. tive . . . satisfying. l runt I s I L0 ' TTrr I F0 WX&W I THIS V iJJ7 urn jiHiiiTi mam - ii ii rn I sssl S" N"1 I I -mm a I7n I am ir m hi jppllGA SUNNY MORN gfflFFEE LOAD UP FOB FUN WITH o Doumak Pixie Colored Onion Soup For onion soup that's grand as a chef's, use this simple reci pe based on condensed bouil lon. First cook 1 cup thinly sliced onion until limp in 2 tablespoons butter in sauce pan. Add 1 can condensed bouillon and 1 soup can wa ter. Simmer gently for 30 min ute. Serve topped with toast ed slices of French bread, sprinkled with grated Parme san cheese. Tele-fun by Wirrtn Goodrich Please) eteirhif ert me, art I'm trying, te emd M refuUyl". . .To ret the right number, always dial Jtlarshmalloivs 10 oz. Pkgj. Prices Effective Fri., Sat , Sun. U SEPTEMBER 4th, 5th, Cth VELVEEETA I M I u uu vp 2L(0)(5f Food (0)rv)J VAN CAMP 051 EDS No. 300 Tin In Whole bean f ft TQ m IGA Elra Whipped SALAD DRESSING Guaranteed Fresh FULL QUART IGA Tomato CMS 0) um. (Cc J Bottle QJ IGA Evaporated . Homogenized HULK Tall cans Nalley's LUMBERJACK Aw y-JMf7 24-oz. Bottle Orange Cola - Root Beer - Ginger Ale Strawberry - Raspberry Lemon Lime Quart Bottles .... 2 for 49c (plus bottle deposit) SNOWDWFT em A A Shortening 3 :. 89' Wesson Oil f. 69' 49' 39' MAXWEU HOUSE INSTANT Cof f 66 j oi. (oih. ma PAN 12 OZ. JAS-0iiht or Chunky Peanut Buffer HUNTS NEW em em Potatoes A";M,zD KEUOOGS FAMOUS SUGAR Frosted Flakes " I6A SUSS POTS em a Baked Beans , V KA RIPE AND JAWED em a Peaches 31 00 HUNTS OR Da MONTE J Tom. Sauce ilzii. CAPIT01 IME6 FREESTONE J A Peaches J,4 , I00 KOI TOILET em em mf Tissue L ,,, I J RATH'S BLACK HAWK COOKED CANNED PICNICS Boneless Skinless Shankless 4Vi LBS. EACH PURE FRESH GROUND BEEF 3 lbs. $1.00 Lb. 35' PURE PORK BULK SAUSAGE Made Fresh Daily Lb. 45' SWIFTS PREMIUM SMOKIES "Just Heal and Eat" 12oz.Pkg.Ea. LARGE COLORED PAN READY fresh- FRYERS lib. 14 or. 1 lb. 15 oz. $1123 LI EACH TM GREEN BEANS New Crop Delicious 2 303 JE cans O6J I.G.A. Detergent Soap - EASE '5 te. Pk. 21c ea. 1.00 OLD DUTCH I RRII.LO Cleanser 2 . 25c I Soap Pads pfJ 23c Borene Soap Powder 57 Thrift Site NAlim WITH CHEESE SPAGHETTI II OS. 15c PUNTERS NUTS 7',i 01 TIN Cashews 65c PLANTERS NUTS Mixed 59c NAIfSCO inz M6. Crackers 33c