Thursday, September S, 195S THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Oregon FOOD SECTION Pig t v.- - 'X 2& Banana Cake Good for That Labor Day Picnic .V ' . 3 sf .-I It's Spiced Iced Coffee Some folks like their colfee hot, and some like It cold. Here's a nifty idea for those of the cold coffee school . . . it's coffee, spiced and iced! This is a new version of a sum mer's favorite . . . Instant Iced Coffee. This variation is called Spiced Iced Coffee. It requires 1 cup of instant coffee (one 2 ounce Jar) and takes a minute of your time. Add spices, 1 quart of warm water, stir or shake . . . store in your refrigerator until needed. Spiced coffee will stay fresh for weeks in your refrigerator if kept turner nor mal ... conditions. , Whenever thirst ' needs quenching, or when mealtime rolls around, pour the concentrate over ice cubes, add cold water and serve. Plain or sweetened whipped cream sprinkled with chocolate sprinkles will aaa a festive note to this beverage with slightly exotic flavor. Spiced Iced -Cofiee Concentrate (Makes about 20 servings) To make concentrate: Hakes 1 quart) 1 quart warm water 1 cup instant coffee V teaspoon ground cloves 1 teaspoon cinnamon Empty Instant coffee Into suitable container or jar. Add cloves and cinnamon. Slowly add water. Stir or shake to dissolve- coffee and spices Cover and stir or. shake be fore using. ... . To use the concentrate: For each serving pour 3 table spoons concentrate over ice cubes into an 8-ounce glass. Add cold water. Sweeten to taste. . If desired, serve with plain or whipped cream. Gar nish with nutmeg. Labor day may not bring the last rose of summer, but it will bring the last picnic of summer to most of us. It's rather a wistful picnic, the Labor day picnic, closing the carefree warm weather sea son, and turning toward stern er winter's demands. But since it is the last big picnic of the year, it does seem worthy of something particu larly festive like a fine, home made cake brought to the pic nic still fragrant from the oven. Experienced picnickers bake their cakes in a pan suit able for toting to a picnic, with the cake frosted In the same pan in which it was baked. For those who are satisfied only by perfect efficiency, there Is a sheet cake pan with a sliding cover to close over the cake when it is transported to the picnic. Worthy of the Labor day picnic festivities is a delicious Banana Cake made quickly by the one bowl method, yet new and delicate with thi fresh flavor of sweet and mellow Last of Picnics Getting toward the end of the picnic season, you want to make the last outings the best yet. Pork 'n beans and hot dogs will be welcome, you know. Heat the beans in a big skillet over the campflre while the crowd toasts franks on sticks. First brown chopped onion and green pepper in hot shortening in skillet Use 1 large onion and green pepper. Then stir in 2 cans of beans. Heat till bubbly, and flavor is blended. Pile onto paper plates, alongside toasted franks, pickles and crisp celery. Later pass a basket of doughnuts and apples. fully ripe bananas right tn the batter. The bananas are mashed so that the distinctive flavor really permeates the cake. Use fully ripe bananas . . . yeUow peel flecked with brown . . . for banana flavor at peak of ripeness, sweetness, and digestibility. Bake this delicious cake in a sheet pan, cool it, frost it, and away you go with a dessert perfectly suited to celebrate the last pic nic of summer, ' Banana Cake (1-Bowl Method) Before Mixing: Have short ening at room temperature. Grease pans. Set oven at cor rect temperature (375 F.) 2Vt cups sifted cake flour 1 cups sugar Hi teaspoons baking powder teaspoon baking soda teaspoon salt Vi cup shortening - 1 cups mashed ripe bananas (4 to 9 bananas) 2 eggs, unbeaten 1 teaspoon vanilla Use fully ripe bananas . . . yellow peel flecked with, brown. Sift together flour, sugar, baking powder, soda and salt into large mixing bowl. Add shortening, H cup of the bananas and eggs. Beat 2 minutes at slow to medium speed with electric mixer or 2 minutes by hand. Scrape down bowl and beater or spoon fre quently during mixing. Add remaining 1 cup bananas and vanilla. Beat 1 minute longer. Turn into an oblong pan 13x 9Wx2 inches. Bake in a mod erate oven (37S F.) about 30 to 35 minutes or until done. Frost with your favorite frost ing. Makes 1 cake. Important: To mash banana, slice them into a bowl. Beat with a fork, rotary egg beater or electric mixer until smooth and creamy. Suggestions Given On Storing Food In Your Refrigerator Homemakers often ask us "how long will foods keep good quality in the- refrigerator" There can be no fixed answer because the keeping quality of a perisnacie depends on lis condition and also on the temp erature and humidity of the re frigerator. However, If the homemaker does her part, wrapping foods correctly and keeping them at the right temperature, the specialists say it is possible to predict rougn- ly a food's storage life. In an automatic refrigerator with the control set for normal operation, the center storsge section of the cabinet will probably run between 38 de grees and 42 degrees. Toe area just below the freezing unit is colder, for storage of foods such meats, poultry and fish, needing - the lower tempera tures. The bottom of the cab inet is somewhat warmer than the center, for less perishable foods. If In doubt about your refrigerator, take the tempera ture in different locations with a thermometer. Left-Over Muffins Left-over muffins or biscuits from last night's dinner be come breakfast treats when split in half, spread with or ange marmalade and chopped almonds. Then toasted under the broiler a second. tnru mews mm . mpm iaa,iu Indian Summer Ideal For Fireplace Picnics I 1 y, V Fireplace Picnic with make-ahead cheese-stuffed rolls. (AP Newsfeatures) A fireplace picnic is per fect for an Indian Summer supper. Make these wonder fully delicious stuffed rolls in the morning, wrap them in al uminum foil and refrigerate them until the gang arrives. Then while family and friends are sipping tomato Juice, heat the rolls in the oven. Open some canned beans, season them creatively and turn them into your best bean pot or casserole and top with crisp bacon. With the cheese rolls and beans, bring on corn on the cob fresh or frozen. For dessert, cookies witn milk nr coffee and a bowl of fall fruit Or If your picnic includes tenaeers. you might make des sert an ice cream soda their favorite "Blark Crow.' Arrange this easy-do supper on a buffet table near your fireplace. Let the gang draw up chairs, help themselves. Good food, good talk and the glow of flickering logs what's mnr heart-warming? CHEESE AND HAM STUFFED BOLLS Ingredients: 3 cups shredded Cheddar cheese, 1 cup ground cooked ham, 6 tablespoons of; mayonnaise or cooked salad dressing, Vi cup chopped sweet cucumber pickle, 1 tablespoon j finely grated onion, 1 teaspoon Worcehtersmre sauce, salt ana pepper, 6 to 8 frankfurter rolls, soft butter. Method: Mix together cheese ham, mayonnaise, pickie, on ion and Worcestershire; season to taste with salt and pepper. Cut slice off the top of each roll; scoop out center. (Dry the scooped-out crumbs and save for use in poultry stuffing). Spread inside of scooped-out rolls with butter. Fill hollow of each roll with cheese mix ture; replace top. Wrap each roll In aluminum foil; lefrig erate. Before serving put them in a moderate oven until they are hot through. Serve in wrappers. BLACK CROW Divide 1 pint of vanilla Ice cream among 6 glasses or mugs and fill slowly with chilled co la beverage. Serve at once. ATTENTION SUPE MARKETS MD MOCnTSTOUJI For complete grocery cart cleoning end servicing Phont or write i Porto-Steam Cleaning Service j M. 0. And.rn 3. 2 Phone J. C. 8-2474 Junction City, Ore. 150 NORTH COMMERCIAL PKOKE 3-5563 FROZEN FOOD SPECIALS! Consumer's Wholesale Packettes Cut down on the amount of mon ey it take to stock your freezer. Enjoy those center cut of tender beef you gat in our packette. Than take tha axtra money and buy those low priced weekend special . . . TRY IT . . . You'll oat better on les money! Baby Beef BUDGET PACK IS lbs. Pot Roosts 20 lb. Asst. Steaks 7 lb. Ground Round 4223 16 R'nd Steak PACKETTE 5 lbs. Boneless Rump 21 lbs. Round Staak 8 lb. Ground Round 34 ib. $23 49 ECONOMY Packette 12 lbs. Lean Short Rib 12 lbs. Lean Gr. Beef 15 lbs. Asst. Steak 20 lbs. Pot Roast 59 .b,$25 37 Angus Beef Avg. Sides 150 lb. Cut, Wrapped Packed, Quick Frozen 4sr lb. DELIVERED Ground Beef w 24c Pork Chops 59c RATH'S SMOKED Link Sausage m 39c FRYERS lohrt10."'. uai 98c Ground Round " i u 55c Fresh Sleelhead 2t Whole Fish . . . . Ib. THIS IS THE LAST OF THESE PRIME FISH RETAIL DEPT. SPECIALS Here Are fhe Values That Can'f Be Beat Shop Hoffman's and Savel "CASCADE" Tenderized A or Whole . HAMS ... 69' FRESH DRESSED FRYERS ALL SIZES Pan-ready Ib. S3' OUR SPECIAL HAM LOAF Ground from Pur Veal ft Smoked Ham Add egg, milk and crumpled Corn Flake. It' ready to bake . . . really delicious! 49' Ib. SWIFT'S GENUINE WISCONSIN Cheddar Cheese 2 Pounds $11 19 for A One year eld and really good! HERE'S A REAL BUY Ring Balogna 3 1? 79' Swift's Sliced Bacon . 69' ib. I Special for This Week $aymg Renters Al lie Foot ol the Bridge W. Salem M Milj i Ksrlh ef the Underpss Salem OPEN EVERY DAY 8 A.M. TO 10 P.M. PRICES GOOD THURSDAY, EVENING, FRI., SAT., SUN. Yanilla-Oaarts ICECREAM Satisfaction Guaranteed! KREY BRAND Chopped Beef with Brovn Gravy IO-oi. tin Just the Deal for a Quick Meal Capitol-Garden Run PEAS V Small, Vfhiter Dry Cello Pkg. 2S( Holiday Fresh-Killed Chicken FRYERS Each 75 Fresh U. S. Impeded - Ground Beef it. 25' ValPak WIENERS i That Good Smoked Flavorl 3 ri l t!l B.!.L.I jnon kid or diurci . in Boiling Beef a W U. S. InspectedGood Grade Yakima Cantaloupe ib. Thompson Seedless GRAPES Ib. w Local Radishes Green Onions 3 bunchet 1ft In Your Cider Vinegar oi. 3f' CAMMING PEACHES The crop is late, but we expect RIPE PEACHES THIS WEEKEND As usual, at the Lowest Prices