Capital journal. (Salem, Or.) 1919-1980, September 03, 1953, Page 26, Image 26

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    Paga 2 food section
Thursday, September 8, 1913 j
These Suggestions for Those Who
Watch Calories; Variations Many
Do you have to watch your
calories? ' Then, theta are the
10 rt of calorie you can actual
ly enjoy watching: Six new
low-calorie recipe which make
up into tatty ammunition lor
your "battle of the bulge,
There is a ipicy dressing to
add rich rest to any fish, vege
table or meat salad, and a de
licious chili sauce for your meat
dishes. In the dessert line, help
yourself (without a twinge of
conscience) to the Swiss choco
late cake, chocolate dessert, or
dainty pineapple putt, mere
even a munchy coconut candy
for good measure.
Pineapple PsS
t tablespoons butter or
t tablespoons all-purpose
6 tablespoons unsweetened
pineapple lulca
4 saccharin tablet (K grain
4 teaspoons unsweetened
crushed pineapple
ltt teaspoon grated lemon
Turn on oven; aet at moder
ate (390). Melt butter or mar-
. garlno in 4-cup saucepan.
Blend flour into butter or mar
garine. Add pineapple Juice
slowly, stirring all the time.
Cook and stir over low beat un
til mixture is thick and smooth.
Remove from heat and add
saccharin tablets, stirring up til
ausoived. Add crushed pine
apple and lemon rind. Separ
ate yolks from whites of 2 eggs.
Put whites in a 6-cup bowl-
Add yolks to pineapple mixture,
Beat white until stiff but not
dry. Then fold into pineapple
mixture until well blended.
Pour into lightly greased 3 -cup
casserole. Set casserole in shal
low pan containing 1 inch of
water. Bake SO minutes. Serve
warm. Make 4 servings.
Coconut Candy
1 cup shredded coconut
S tablespoons non-fat dry
I saccharin tablets (54 grain
teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon wafer
H teaspoon vanilla
Chop coconut very fine. Put
Into a 4-cup bowl and blend in
non-fat dry -milk. Dissolve
saccharin and salt in mixture of
water and vanilla. Add to co-
coconut mitxure and stir until
dry ingredients are moistened.
Shape coconut mixture into
mounds by pressing into a tea'
spoon. Chill until firm. Make
Swtai Chocolate Cake
Calorie in one slice: 64
S eggs
. XI saccharin tablets (tt grain
each) ,
teaspoon vanilla
teaspoon baking powder
y cup nonfat dry milk
cup sifted all-purpose flour
square grated unsweetened
Turn on oven; aet at alow
(325). Separate white and
yolk of eggs. Put white into
a fi-cun howl anil vnlV IMa an
8-cup bowl. Dissolve saccharin
In water. Beat yolk until
thick and lemon colored. Stir
in saccharin mixture and van
illa. Slit together the baking
powder, dry milk and flour.
Add to yolks about one table
spoon at a time. Beat egg
whites until stiff but not dry
and fold into batter until well
blended. When mam MtH ...
almost all blended in, fold in
enocoiate. Four batter into
6 W -Inch ungreased tube pan.
Bake SO to 35 minutes. Turn
pan upside down until cool,
about 45 minute. Make S
serving. .
Chill Saaea
Calories in ana tahlemnnn-
3 cups dietetic pack tomatoes
t cup cnoppea onion
1 eun ehnnnMt Him
. 4 saccharin tablet (tt grain
1 teaspoon salt
2 tablespoons vinegar
Combine tnmataea. nntAn mrA
celery In fl-cun saucenan. Pimlr
over low heat for 1 hour, stlr-
r 1 n g occasionally. Remove
from heat and cool. Dissolve
saccharin tablets and salt in
vinegar. Add vinegar mixture
to eooiea emu sauce. Cover
and store in refrigerator
waxes i pin i. one serving
Spicy Dressing
6 saccharin tablet (tt grain
H cup vinegar
- S tablespoons flour
1 cup water
ft cup catsup
1 teaspoon bottled horse-
' radish
1 teaspoon dry mustard
V teaapoon Worcestershire
H teaspoon paprika
-1 clove garlic, peeled
Disolve saccharin in vinegar.
Put flour into 4-cup saucepan.
Add water slowly, stirring all
the tune. Cook and stir over
low heat until thickened. Boil
for 1 minute then remove from
flame and let cooL Add to
cooled mixture the vinegar.
catsup, horseradish, mustard,
Worcestershire sauce ana pap
rika, and blend well. Put into
covered Jar with clove game
and store in refrigerator. Shake
well before using. Use on all
kinds of fish, vegetable or meat
salads. Make about 1 pint
Chocolate Dessert
S cup skim milk
1 envelope unflavored
3 tablespoons cocoa
H teaspoon salt
ft teaspoon vanilla
t saccharin tablet (Vi grain
' each) .
1 tablespoon skim milk
Place 3 cups milk in top of
double bourr and add gelaun.
stirring until softened. Stir in
cocoa and salt. Place over hoi
water and stir until rrlaUn to
dissolved. Remove front hat
and add vanilla. ChlU unUl it
begins to set and is yniy.yv
about 43 minutes. Duauin
saccharin in 1 tablespoon saCk
Add to chocolate mixture and
beat with rotary beatrr, w
trie beater at high speVd uabt'
fluffy. Spoon Into 4 AcswrV
dishes. Chill until firm. I
Try This
For Slaw
Cabbage alaw always is pop
ular, and this recipe provides
an tnlrreating variation.
Spky Callage Slaw
1 sur&wea head cabbage
ttwa st available)
H salad dressing
: 1 teteetwon vinegar
1 a5vv5foort chopped onion
I Wpmi sugar
1 Kl.xn aalt
toejpooa caraway seeds
twufxvj pepper
Cut and shred inner reaves
of cabbage, leaving outer
Deluxe Sandwich
Here's a delicious sandwich
to serve with a salad for a
summer lunch. Mix mayon
naise with a little prepared
mustard and spread it over the
bread before making Ameri
can cheese sandwiches. Toast
the sandwiches in butter or
margarine in a heavy iron
skUlet until, a beautiful gold
en brown on each side. Cut
into triangles and serve at
once. .
shell intact. ' Combine salad
dressing, vinegar, onion, sugar,
salt, caraway seeds, and pep
per; blend well. Pour over
shredded cabbage end mix
lightly. FiU shell. Serves 4
to 6.
Coconut Cream Pie Is Liked
After a season of plentiful
fruits for pies, once in awhile
the family likes a good cream
pie. Here is a tasty coconut
cream one.'
Coconut Cream Pie
1 9" piecrust to be baked
1 5-oz. pkg. shredded
cup sr
7 tbs. flour,
V tsp. salt ,
2 cups milk
2 eggs, to be beaten '
3 tbs. butter
V tsp. almond extract
1 cup heavy cream,
to be whipped
Vi Up. vanilla
Bake one 9" piecrust; cool.
While crust is baking, toast Vi
cup coconut in oven until
brown. Meanwhile, combine
cup sugar, flour and salt in top
of double boiler; gradually stir
in milk. Cook over boiling
water, stirring constantly, for
10 minutes until the mixture
thickens. Beat eggs with a ro
tary beater in a small bowl.
Add the . hot milk mixture to
egg a little at a time, stirring
after each addition. Return to
the top of double boiler and
cook, stirring occasionally, for
S minutes. Remove from heat;
add butter, almond extract and
the remaining shredded coco
nut; cool. Pour into the cooled
piecrust. Before serving, whip
cream with a rotary beater;
blend in the remaining sugar
Different Soup
For a dellciously different
soup, add ltt cups of cooked '
rice to 4 cup of water in which
4 cnicxen bouillon cube have ,
been dissolved. Heat until van,
hot Float very thin slices of
lemon over the top of the soup
and add a anrlnkllna -
chopped parsley. Add the lem- ,
ons about 10 minutes before
serving time in order that the :
soup may take on some n k. .
lemon flavor. . 1
and vanilla. Spoon arouM 1
edge of pie and sprinkle with 1
toasted coconut. Chill to serve. '
Tor a new treat in eating,
grocers are -featuring this new
1 ,
v-;iA i
It blendg the -flavorg
for a perfect salad...
M- easy steps
mate this hearty-eating
mdin aisn
IChoote chunk (or bite) $tyh Canned Tuna and a
can of ripe olives from the "Sunday Supper Salad"
display, now featured at your food store.
2 Che your frozen or canned asparagus a spicy tang
by marinating the spears in Kraft French Dressing
for 1 hour, turning occasionally. , '
3 V$e the one cottage cheese you can be aitre will
harmonize in flavor Kraft Cottace Cheese.
For Kraft is made in plants especially designed for
cottage cheese, and is made from milk specially,
purchased to produce a clean, balanced teste that
blends with the natural goodness of other choice
salad ingredients.
4Serte uUh Kraft French Dressing for a complete
harmony of hearty good eating.