i.Vmu,-M;j 0 alem 'a Authentic ?(W (juicfe tc fatter Wty ,TKI HOUSEWIFE'S HANDY ; LATEST IDEAS FOB Y0U3 FOOD SECTION Edited by Marion Lewry Fischer Salem, Oregon, Thursday, September 3, 1953 Published ThBrtdey lack Wak . .. i -i, oliday Week-end Time For Picnics; Ma rts Ready For You G apital jLJotima le Sure Menu for Big inal Picnic Hearty 5ut Simple to Prepare 4 I ? J . x For Labor Day Looking for something different for "Over Labor Day" week-end picnicking? This meal-ln-a basket without tools features fried chicken, corn-on-the-cob, crisp celery and a sectioned tomato; makes wonder ful eating! Plenty of milk for the children. ' By ZOLA VINCENT " trwxu Wrtttr) Our area is rich in picnic spots and many of the better ones are to bee found right in our own or a neighbor's back yard. However, given a choice, the children would probably like to go a-gypsying, seeking out new spots, exploring new trails, wading in distant waters, sniffing new smells. Public picnic grounds, na ; tional and state parks, resort areas beckon; all splendidly equipped with camp stoves, running water, tables and benches and frequently an or ganizer of competitive events for which parents give thanks. No matter where you go. : garbage cans and waste paper baskets are readily available - ngnt uicrc in jjutiii sigut aim it is well to give the. family another little briefing on the use of same. Then they can re mind the children of other fam ilies. Labor-less Day for Mother Whether you stay home or travel afar, food is the most important thing that happens. After all, it is a picnic. And the day should be reasonably free from labor for mother as well as for the otherwise "em ployed" millions who celebrate Labor Day by avoiding labor. Basket Picnic Plenty About as laborless as we can get, is this basket picnic where family and friends dine like kings of old without aid of plates, knives, forks or spoons. Use inexpensive baskets, the dime-store variety, in place of plates. Line each basket with color ful napkins or foil before fill ing with food. Take plenty of extra paper napkins! Salt and pepper. For the menu, fried chicken is ideal, either hot or cold. Plentiful, reasonably priced, figure a half a broiling size chicken per person, or choose frying size drumsticks, thighs, breasts and wings. If you're traveling, fresh corn-on-the-cob can be carried in plastic bags and plopped briefly into boiling water (remember to take along some tongs). Stalks of crisp celery and for each basket, a whole tomato cut into wedges and assembled again. For the children plenty of milk and for the grown-ups, maybe some in stant coffee for quick coffee making at dessert time. Sierra Fried Chicken If this sounds exactly like Maryland fried chicken, don't be surprised. It is our tine, ten der western grown fryers that makes the difference. Wash and dry chicken pieces. For each chicken, blend cup flour. 1 cup sifted dry bread crumbs, 1 teaspoon paprika, j -fat m SIUPW TOPS 111 QUALITY! Vi teaspoons salt and V tea spoon pepper. Dip chicken in mixture of 1 beaten egg and V4 cup milk; then coat evenly with crumb mixture. Chill before frying to set coating. That's the secret; chill before frying to set coating. To fry chicken, heat enough shortening, part butter and part shortening or salad oil in a skillet or Dutch oven to make V inch layer. Brown coated chicken, a few pieces at a time, turning oc casionally. Remove browned pieces to a pie plate or baking pan and keep warm in a slow oven. When all pieces are browned, return to-skillet or Dutch oven. Cover. Bake in moderate oven. 330 degrees, 1 hour or until tender, turning once. Delicious Salad . Big red slices of vine-ripened tomatoes topped with av ocado cubes make a beautiful and delicious salad. Serve a tart French or rich Thousand Island dressing with the salad. Week-End Produce Plentiful Shoppers planning and buy ing for the "Over Labor Day" week-end find a wealth of good things from which to choose making menu planning a real pleasure. There will probably be one or more picnics and at least one meal featuring an as sortment of cold cuts, cheese, probably potato salad and wat ermelon. Before we talk about the best buys, we remind you to check on ample supplies of paper plates, paper cups, paper napkins, which contribute so much toward making the Labor Day week-end as laborless as possible for the chief cook and dishwasher. Meat Situation ' Beef takes top place on plen tiful foods list throughout Sep tember with great emphasis on abundance of lean beef suited to pot roasts or other braised dunes, stews and "hamburger meat" for ' hamburgers and meat loafs. Market advertise ments and displays offer sur prisingly low prices. Poultry If you're having a crowd, you'll probably find a turkey the most economical and satis fying offering. Frying chick ens are reasonably priced and a happy choice for eating out of hand. With that fried chick en, offer bread, butter and thin ly sliced cucumber sandwiches for a certain hit Fish, Fresh and Frosen ' Plentiful supplies of fish and shellfish continue with special emphasis on halibut, salmon, sole, flounder, sableflsh or black cod and the rock fishes. Plenty of frozen fish fillets in good variety at reasonable cost Dairy Abundance Dairying contributes much to the economy Of our. state and this year's supply of dairy products is unusually heavy, ranging from a wide variety of cheese to ice creams in many of the good seasonal fruit and berry flavors. Seasonal Vegetables If it grows in a garden. chances are that it is available right now. Potato crop is Let Everyone Get In on Grill Fun Take along several different kinds of meats for the picnic grill and let everyone join in the fun of being chef for a day. Plenie Patties Season each pound of ground beef with 1 teaspoon salt and teaspoon pepper, adding a bit of oregano, thyme, mar joram, Worcestershire or other meat sauce as liked. Shape patties before leaving home and wrap in waxed paper. For easy separation, place a square of waxed paper betwen pat ties. Fry on a hot greased grill. Barberpole Franks - Wrap each frankfurter with a strip of bacon and fasten with a toothpick. (This can be done before leaving home.) Fry on a hot greased grill, turning to cook bacon on all sides. Barbecued Bologna Slice bologna V to H Inch thick and brown on hot greased grill. While slices brown, spoon any favored barbecue sauce over them. Complete menu with buns, olives and pickles, crisp celery and carrot sticks. a salad if you with, coffee, milk and a fresh fruit pie or cobbler. Steak 9n Onions So Good Hearty Lima Salad Avoid the Labor Day holi day traffic and celebrate at home with a back yard picnic. Invite your neighbors and friends over to broil hambur gers or weiners. Instead of the usual potato salad, serve a hearty lima salad. Sprinkle paper-thin onion rings over a bowl of chilled cooked dry 11- mas. Top with crisp bacon bits and toss with a vinegar-sharpened mayonanise. many millions of pounds bigger than last year. Tomatoes were never handsomer nor more abundant Plenty of eelery onions, carrots, cabbage; let tuce", squash, sweet corn and bunched vegetables. - Fruits, Berries, Melons These are of exceptional quality in amazing variety for mucn week-end enjoyment wnoever heard 01 a Labor Day week-end without a watermel on? Have fun! . . 1 A Round steak, tender and Jclcyv Is leading choice on many persons' "good e&ting" list. Green onions are cooked along with braised steak for an especially flsvorsome combination. ' J11' Menu Braised Bound Steak Baked Potatoes Buttered Green Onions Tomato Aspic Salad Hard Rolls Butter or Margarine Cherry Nut Pie ; Coffee Tea Milk With, the coming of the first touch of the fall season what could be more appropriate for dinner than a tender braised steak? Braised dishes fit well into many meal plans because they may be -prepared equally as well by "range-top cooking or by oven cooking. Braised beef dishes may have vegetables cooked right along with them. In fact the beef lends a tempting flavor to the vegetables. Add them to the meat only long enough be fore the end of cooking so they will be done and yet retain their shape and color. - For best results follow these steps. First, brown the meat in 3 or 4 tablespoons of lard or drippings In a heavy frying pan. Do this slowly and thor oughly eso the meat will retain the golden brown color after the liquid is added. When browned, add only a small amount of liquid. It is best to start with from to Vt cup. Add more liquid during cook ing only u u is necessary to keep the meat from sticking. Next cover the meat closely. Then let it cook quite slowly unui tender. This will be from 1 to H4 hours, depend ing upon the thickness of the round or arm steak. Add the green onions about 20 minutes before the steak Is done. Vary your- braised steak dish by adding a different 11 quid to the meat Sour cream. milk, canned tomatoes, tomato sauce, soup or Juice, mush room soup are all possible 11 quids. For seasoning interest, dill, thyme, marjoram, basil, parsley, chives, garlic, mus- Cook noodles In boiling tard, might be added to the J salted water -until tender meat. I (about 8 minutes). Drain and ""Trip- iT W fa- Noodles Hamburger In Loaf Noodles are always a vorite household standby and here they stretch the meat, t0-.: . n rv-..:; Cheeseburger Noodle Loaf 4 ounces broad noodles pound ground beet 1 egg : V cup catsup 2 tablespoons chopped onion 1 ft tablespoon salt . Dash pepper . cup shredded raw carrot 2 tablespoons chopped green pepper -. 3 tablespoon melted butter :r margarine; T-ounce slices American cheese .:,-.. Buttered bread crumbs . rinse. while noodles are cooking, combine ground beef, egg. catsup, onion, salt and pepper, mixing until well blended. ' Combine noodles with carrot, green pepper and butter or margarine, mixing lightly.. Place noodle mixture in bottom of greased 4x8 Cl inch loaf pan. Spread mixture In layer over noodles. Top with slices of cheese. Sprinkle with bread crumbs. Bake In moderate over (350 F.) about 30 minutes. Makes 4 servings. Tomato Uses Are Endless Tomatoes were never hand somer nor more luscious than those in abundant supply in our markets right now. Good sup plies' will . continue through September and October due to our long growing season. Per haps your family would enjoy them cooked for change. . Broiled Tomatoes ... Cut tomatoes into halves crosswise. Season .with salt pepper and butter. Broil under moderate heat until lightly browned: 2 to 4 minutes. For a change, add fine bread crumbs with . grated . cheese , before ' broiling the tomatoes. Y . . . , Baked Staffed Tomatoes t '-Wash tomatoes. Do not peeL Scoop out seeds and pulp. Sprinkle tomato cups with salt Fill with the pulp mixed with an equal amount of soft bread crumbs seasoned with finely chopped onion, butter and pep per. Sprinkle with fine, butter ed bread crumbs and set in buttered baking dish to bake about 20 minutes In moderately , hot even, 279 degrees. ' Deviled Iff and Bacon Blend a pinch of dry mustard with the flour for the white ' sauce in preparing creamed eggs. Fill tomato cups with the creamed . mixture. Sprinkle with bacon cut into tiny square. .Bake; In moderately hot oven, 375 degrees, about" 20 minutes. . . . - NATIONALLY FAMOUS. r ; ! V WISPRIDE CHEESE CUPS LINKS WIDGES In all yoai tararlto Havers . NOW AVAILAILI AiWawfaaStata WISPRIDE is a natural Cheddar cheese,. , -!. not a processed or cheese food Distributed Exclusively by COLUMBIA PRODUCE CO. , ' ... 201 S. Z. Oak, Portland 14, 1 VZ2188. tod re cicicic in mmmn w wu Not a powder! Not a grind! But n&!ions of tiny "FLAVOR BUDS" of real coffee... ready to burst instantly feto that fcnous Maxwell House Caved IK jJlll il L-lsP LOW III PRICE BTteTTJ nu Ma-llfM "iKtats"st as apefe us us sa niiairai! An amazing discovery from America's lead . ing coffee company! So 'different so deticiout it's already the na tion's largest-selling instant coffee! In the famous Maxwell House kitchen, this superb coffee is actually Uusiul for you. At the exact moment of perfec tion the water is removed leaving the miracle "Flavor Buds"! 160 Part Ceffet-Na FOari MM1 Jest add hot water ... and the borst mc "Flavor Buds" flood yoarosp with the richest coffee you've ever tasted. You 11 never go back to old ways! Sam awaer, taal The large econtxny size jar saves up to Tot, compared tothreepoondsof gruaud coffee! 1 -"BC3,SL A i-.taat bo 1 . N lip wLsgafit' :g Th only instant coffee with that BIGGEST LITTLE MARKET IN TOWN Where Your Dollar Gets Time and a Half zto , 1 BEEF ROAST J, PlCniCS fcS1 k39e R.I. Reds I ea ..'. w . T" Tandar , Ready fa lot MerreH's Pride T.B st..k Aged Cheese u. i cP1Jr 98 WTC lb' Year Old Jj uraork ' RIB STEAKS DarAn n (pm BOILING BEEF .49c BaC011 MorrelU Pride lb. (0lC 19c lk Tender Slab Bacon, A t a lb. average mS U Lean-Meaty GARDEN-FRESH FRUITS AND VEGETABLES UOIK6 1IME VINE RIPENED TOMATOES Cantaloupes Elbarta Peaches n f Vine Ripened Bertlett Pear. 2 lbs. 19C O OC- ' Italian Prunes , ... . 9 ferZ9C Sweat Can. ' OPEN ALL DAY . Idaho Desert 0rcha,J MONDAY, LABOR DAY APPLES FRUIT JARS POTATOES daac . All u.s. No. 1 BANANAS M, $, OQ Sizes 10 ,b, 29c 2,bs29c ''98 SUGAR SPINACH pSvk MARGARINE in OOs. Extra Fancy PRtttKYti 2lb..45C spl! 2 "a 33c i?ar25c HONEY New Potatoes COFFEE AUS .... . Little Prince .. DQ 10-lb. HQ No. 2 1A Lb.OTC O. ' Poil OyC Con lUC All Popular trends Caw stjC sun!l!t.Py ttJXr BROADWAY fAARKET CRACKERS' "rdSaK11 Broadway ind Mrid $1. BREAD Sror.Horl...trnfrm.Iv.ryOn . OAf Every Day at 4 p.m. No Limits lay All Yaa Want OC Eacept Tuat.4. Sat. Prices Good Fri , Sot.. Sun., Mon. COOP-TO.THI-tAiT-Pet.OP flavor