TharwUy, September S, 1953 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, fisJem, Oregon nun t our ho Hr, 4 tie toi -1 4 ' Tin 1 i -. fl u to k 1 L n Vc:: Earnings ; . Report Mde ?X More thin four In five "re lar" workers la construction end lumberiac earned more than $3,000 In 1051, according to tabulations Just completed by the State Unemployment Compensation Commission. Of the 18,070 employe! el construction firmi who worked in all lour quarters last year, 14,730 or 81.S per cent were paid at a rate in excess ol $250 a month, while for lumber end logging concerns the proportion - was even higher with 82.8 per , cent of the 71,380 regular work ers in the $3,000 class. Other main groups who re ported a higher proportion of regular workers in the over $3,000 group than the 60.1 per cent over-all estimate included transportation and warehous ing with 79.5 per cent; whole sale trade 77.3 per cent; mis cellaneous manufacturing vo. per cent; and communications and utilities wiu 7Z.s per ceni The utility group, however 1d all Industries In the propor tion of all workers, who earned v uDwaras ox usv a moiuu. w most half (48.0) of the 18, 10 employes reported were in the upper wage class, uuuues also led in the proportion of "regular" workers witn ea.s per cent being paid in .every Quarter. Miscellaneous manu facturing and wholesale trade were next with 47.0 ana 47.1 per cent respectively. Only X 8.8 per cent of the food proces sing employes worked through- cut the year. Highest median pay for all workers (iz.iwuj auo was re ported from tut communica tions and utility group. Others over the $200-a-month average for all employes reporter! in cluded miscellaneous manuiac turing $2,895; wholesale trade $2,823; jumoer ana wooa prod ucts $2,707; ship repairing $2, 696; and transportation and warehousing $2,450. . ' In other groups, such as re tail trade, the median for all employes has more than tripled S in. nine years up from $317 to $1,014. Canning and preserv lns olants gradually came up from $110 to $390, while ether food processing went from J053 to $2,064 in the same period. Finance and realty have more than doubled from $1,042 in 1943 to $2,198 last year, and service workers have gained from $414 to $901. ' .... . , Annual Reunion Held At Overhaults' Home The Overholta family reunion , was held August 10 at the 1. W. Dart residence, 390 south 18th street A potluck dinner was erred the following guests: LeRoy, Anna and Willard Over holts, Portland; Lura and OUbert Holey, Clarence Over holts, Staytoo; Marvin, Mabel, Terry and Linda Overholta, South Santiam; Clifford, Mab el, Twila, Bobby and Bonnie Price, Hehalem; Ted and Beva Weber, Sweet Home; Bill, Billy and Larry Weber, Calif.; Al, Batty, Randy and Marlyn Lam, Sweet Home; Ted, Mary, Mike and Debbie Tinley, Kelxer; Gerald and Jennie Flnley, Reedapoee; Letter, Oiadys and Trenkne Quigley. Corvallla; Xtta Sigmac, San DUgo. Calif.: Bex, Roger and Debbie Dart. Salem, and the host and host- Meteorite Suspect In Labrador Crater Washington in rn.a w,tin. el Geographic Society says a crater discovered in the wilds el northern Labrador may have been dug by a big meteorite. The society said lodttl think the nit back 3,000 to 18,000 years to we ume when a large meteor ite probably nluneed the earth's atmosphere and burled Itself on Quebec's Un gavr Peninsula to form Chubb crater. The newly-found crater 1 183 yards in diameter and eon tains a round lake whose -waters are apple green. Dr. Victor Ben Mccn. dlrrt, ' or of Toronto's Rnval ftnt.rin Museum, reached the new araier cy air last week. UWtsnWWXNlUX 7l WANT V"TT eKA4 WITH vwrr . CLA Jaiesofrutm 1 U u yi ro a vfLvrry I Haas a Crekeei I I lawa lor Inrisg A" I seatr. ,f5) ll MaWrfeamV j J n-ii in n In The 1 1 Capital Shopping f 1 1 Center I Giant water toys and beach balls . . . Limited Quantities ... While Existing Stacks Last. I Hurry! Individual Sise ROCKINGHAM TEA TOTS The most flavorful brew 1 Vt cup also Rocking- TQf ham type pottery. ' H-dlSwr lou DECANTER )-m. else. Oraaft i A VALUES TO $5.00 PINS IARRINwS NICKLACIS IRACFIETS SMtinl allctiM f tm (w)!ry. hpntw Uwlrlirf, vary !( Z sVW k Bubble Bath Assorted Fragrances 3 boxes 98c' Woodbury Shampoon y 29c, Tussy Hormone LoHonRu, 1.75 i White Sidewoll brush 2 t0T 15c Canros Work Gloves 29c Gemey Perfume geun .. . ... 50c- Black Flag Aeroal Insecticide 69c CheramySkin Balm SVZg .1.00 'i MM Artistry NYLONS 40 GAUGE 12 DENIER A " -- BWl ---' J CSV Bewtsejei erases rvBaveperaal (t SvaMftAaMt evhrfefced a 1- J Aa arvn fjervj tpevas tcssftlfel eceetiat heels laSlvleaally CeV) -II. eaetsd ta CV " pair ( V - i Um4 TcU S 1 DOXJ SI n- sw i I JMLMSLMt TOOL ASPIRIN TABLETS ol 100 69' FLASHLIGHT 2-Cell "Rose" Black Enamel Metal Case BEER GOBLETS Clear Glass 15-oz. Size Hollow Stem for MEASURING CUP 1 J- P'cnic'-.fresn'.'S' - "freasnre." - j,95 Fever Thermometer wVTn Imported Latex Gloves ffll Sizes. . ' SaccQhrin Tablets m . gr. Baby Bottle Brush Xll 6c Thm-Pre. JeihylceUuloM WWers TX15 I ninClTI for Reducing Diets Found Box A.T ; mouth SUN GLASSES i-, . 1 'Co'wedrVe..i .ef... KODAK MOWNII 127 CAMERA Fr beainnerjl uoW 127 turn. lasfmai Varlehrawt DUO PACK FILM HeHJ.v BhM Owl VSTOM fttOTO WMttMWe) MJ 1 I 'iwmw "; I - ss "I Sparkling, Crystal-Clear 12-oz. HIGHBALL GLASSES WonAarfnl fnr .11 Ihni. t.ll X drinks! Chip-resistant rims. Dtnns-Mfcfct Folding Metal SHOPPING CART $4.95 Vaiutl 290 hilt flat fw trr.g.. Sturflily vtMtV Rent sf..fl Mewl IN. M"J a xuioMOS BOTTLE II"""' . efl teMseleds fl7 Hot ttews er can be He rv: He wieuth e eeTll WorVro' Lefc Kl with Pint Thermos bottle t.Sactioa Teitrea BRIEF CASE .jt j yjiaaaatiaj $1.91 "CWeT 40-Hew M LJiCXtl im clock lm, 3 " wehUr aew I.W LjGeaBrteaSs rpaaaeJJI m I IH I (Tn LUNCH KIT HM! bun rrr'i U I ft - ' ZS' " I ,.r..dC..v I V LaVl SCHOOL BAG L J fft I l'-lJ 14.11" I -MWSO u. .. I f l f ----- rJg,gaaMaaewa a k ga a TWaL " - - -j s..l I.K ! - - a st.n ana II I m bpM'Bkfw UjSs' , -tfM NIWI lbyCarPn tSfH JORDAN 0 SrTdMV leS rirt- "M,"",:"i"i!i fl SAFETY lggfi ALMONDS CC3 HPI WR.ST WATCH rj seat .BBSlir- 7 VesesiM 1 t .1 . i I I 1. W Bb s II mm.' . TIB FMi f n T JT JT eW L. km - aaaBBBBBaaeBnaBBBBaBBalBVaaMalBaaMBaaal imporrea BRIAR PIPES Seneetionel sollection of HeTf en, French end English briars! Assorted shapes and styles. guy now ana sevel Values re $5.00 YOUR CHOICI u .. BARBECUE GRILLES PICNIC STOVE $5.8 7 saaisaw a.i .a tli. rryiii,. Cheeelete, Cu . St re wherry -andVenllle QUOIT 91 Mm for