FoT Page' 22 f OR SALt HOUSES t OWNEB Ceadalarla l-bedroom. double oarate. Urn atllltr. Ill coo -. am j ATTRACT1CE I larte rooma. nook. full ' baaement, onttnlebed upetelra. ahrube, flowera, aebvenlont locatloa hear Sa lem huh and rarrkui ocbooja. Fbene "Etr l-tlit. iu Must BAVE tmraealeta able, toot bun i our eoultr m 1-bedrooee. two-bath home, lnoulr, hi UU him tr phone 14,11 alter Book 1. ell. 4 UDIOOK. l bathe. 1 fliealacea. dou ble aerate, playroom, ntw, will trade lot rnuut reeldeaee. Phone Mttt, alll $750 DOWN Br wdt: 1 -rear -old t bedroom Shako, lmmea. bote. 1 blocs U but. 4 block! u achool. Drive br 4111 TbWBU. Clil 4-1111 (at errelntrmnt alio MT1.1. OR, UMI WITH OPTION 1 l-bodroom horn. 1 reare bid. 1m- aaeeulate threutheut. 110.000. amui dowa parment. ALLEN C. JONES. Reeltor Mi k. una po. -u. ve. l-uu i SOOTHVILLAOE ATTRACTIVE BIDIUI. HOUS Werr bleb L. rm, Hrepleoe, D. rm.. eooveuleal kitchen, utwtr. B. w. ; floore, lnsulttftd. W. a., aula all fur ; aece, attached aaraae, appr. UN m . It, t rra. Good corner lot. Dim by Jt Huuunr ays. PImh do Dot dlalurb Ubanta, far appetntmeal to at interior ecu JOHN J, BANK. REALTOR 4m a. utk n. uut alia OLDIE TTFI (-room beuae, a acre round, bear underpaaa. Portlana ltd. FVaUbod. e.aM. CaU IUH. all! Klumpp's NEWLY BULIT f-bdrm. horn 1th Itrtt IItIbk room with flrtPlM. Bireb kitchen wltb Iota . f baliutai. lou of clout cpaet. Ttia Wtk. Corntr lot vltb uututU tfciisa. SACRIFICE aa this J-bdrm, kosw witk hu-tlwaod floor. aiurnlBura crteiu, trul uori, liuultUd 4Dd wctihrttrlppd. Pkvd trnt, city water uxl Hwrr. 7 H A. trrmi. $iM will handl. TottU priM $500 doon, 141 per month, bearlf rodera tatod 1-odrm. home with llvlot room, bia kitchen and bath Vert cloee In Total price Hoo. L E. Klumpp, Realtor I0M ForUand Rd. Phone t-Mti .(re. I-3U4 olio TRADE OR BELL Kleo I bedroom borne In Keller on a loreo lot. Price II W0. Need a I bed room fcnaoe. Call 1-1101. Frabcea Knatp area, or Sundat, 3-0216. Id Brrkit. i-eM. an bjtkii at Co., juai tor. bill' LOW DOWN PAYMENT own tour own houei Brlno la the famllt. We help with etowa payment. Be emart, eat a atari! SlMUERS, REALTOR im Bute St. Ph. dar-ave. JM01 allt BT OWNER AND BUILDER Near -bedrooa home near ichool and bua. a blocka aaat of falrtrounde. 1MB Larien Are. alll To Close Estate I block to tenter of Hollrwood. laat IrUon St. 11-foot fronton, eor. v ber lot. Oood. email modern home. FuU baBtmenL. wood furnace, partlr (urnlehed. lloOO. , Salem's Flrit Drive-in Smith Real Estate 14n Portland RcL Ph. IT00T dan or are. alll BICE t-BIDEOOM home act Brosnlni avenue. Approximately Ve acre. Frlced ' to aeu. i-tiai. tin- Notice! Price Slashed 1. bedroom home, oloeo to atato offke aulldlnr. Haa 1 hatha and plentr ef oloaet apace. Could eaellr be made Into aparimonta. onir into, aee Ml a. nth. . alll S-BEDROOM BOUSE, furnlahod, H bare, sood sarden. see thla before rou bur. 4101 ArUoneBt.. off Brown Rd. alll ALE br owner. I4M0. H. Brhre. fl Oeanm at. alll- SWEGLE DIST. nMO l-bdrna, homo about t pre. Id, plaeterad, alto another bouaa oa back oi lot for mother-in-law. room oat lot for another houoe. Immediate ACRE EAST Hloa l-rm. home about 10 rra. aid a waTod rd. Will ewhanao eeultr lor bouaa la tows. Price U1U. NEAR ST. VINCENT l-rm. home oa lae. lot, pared et.. alee Of clean, rrlcb lM. with 11111 down BURT PICHA vn w, nuti at, o.: t-mt atvt-: Mr. IrVhi, 4-1 11. cllO LOVELY HOME LOCATED 110 NORTH WTH IT ( . b.i toom houit, lara lot, lovely lttm TneMB Sill K flpabnla. ' weet-v, VII111HI riBOni, la mahoaany. attached inras 13x21 ..r"u. ' iweo, neat, lull base-1 tnenl with I tooms. bath flnUhrd la knotty pine, asphalt Doer, utility room t plastered. Close to achooia, n..,,.1a?cl,a.1 bu OWfl" 71 th Phon 2. WIU trade for amaU acreate. jjjjj WALLACE ROAD Verr cloee In. 1 bu BJl. wllb lot. !L wlottt apace, lie. Mr. rm am rm. Rae boau. w-w carpet, contented kit. nook, rntlde utintr. lae. flnlthed double aaraie. la,, weu-l.ntuu-eped rard with aorlnkler erttem. Thla been, new apotleae home haa been reduced to I14.0M ONE ACRE -ilA ate ove bdrm. baua on Skfltn jva. ''-j itQ, ejooa wu. only CANDALARIA New 1-bdrm. with anftnuned p tiair. Din. rm.. attrartlv kit, Mi fura , double a a rue, bu 100 it, Voi 11.401. with only ti.tot) down. Completely Remodeled Older 1-hrtrm. houae that ha just aen completely remodelM and mod- wrnlaad. Aa oxceiient rental Invest agoni. fuU price rM. . BURT PICHA tT N. Hlth SL Off. j .A4T Eva.: Bob Conklla. 1-M alio CMSSIPIID ADTRRTlatlNS Per rreri. Uaaos ia. Far brer 4. For Were, t tlmee 1st For Wora, I aaoatb aa. No BefwaoWMIaloiwea I War A. VKADEBrS la Looal Nawo (Mama Oalr, Fr Word .. te Mlotmam 10 Werda. ' Ta Ptaaa Ad la Sana Dart . Papar, Fhana 1-I4M Brfore 10 a.nt Halpt You Owarcema FALSE TEETH ' Loetanttt and Worry No ten per bo Sbhorod or fool lll-at-o... bocauao of looeo, wobblr falea tooth. PAbTrnxTN. aa Imomrod oiboiiao mon aeldl powder, oprlnkled aa pour Biaue holda them firmer ea liter foal more comfortable. Boelhlne bad ooollbt to fume made aero br OKeeoalre acid moota. Arokl ombarra.ement caueed bp looeo jtlatee. Oot FAS TUTS bodas at ear 4rat sura. . FOR SALE HOUSES WIU, TAKE eoultr la m I bedroom bouaa la otchanie (or caab ar laria trallar houae. Fboaa l-44lt af eee a llbl Llvlnatton Ave. mil BT OWNY.B l-bedroom elder haul. I an cad coruar double let, fruit am Ireea, but 1 block, star Baker ecnooi. Raaohabla. lot X. WUeea. 1IK1. alll BT OWNEB Klnrwood Heuhla boraa aa aod acre. Oood view. aU heat, doable plumblnt. Tbraa bedrooma. aaelber ua flalehed. Roomr. alaeeeal M lire la Phone i-liaa. alll NEW I BEDBOOM boraa, central ball oar, decorated. It bathe, eov ared patio, baaement with fireplace, claeo la boaptlal off O BL till teel Court. all! BT OWNER 00 000 mi approval, full eelllus price H.vta. i bodroora juburbaa. Baiall Oowa parraeat. Thl boroa mual be aeea to appreciate. Phone 11101. alll FOR SALE LOTS LARGE LOT oa FUhtr Road. Uako offer a aoiio ireat attp aioe. rum" I t aara. aa"1' ' rvnr.rwoon Choke bkll. lot located a Til Tbonpeoa. FuU price wltb porlaf Idavalla paid, f iteo. BURT FICHA tTa or. pitch st. off.: s-ibcT ee : Bob Conklla aalie FOR RENT FARMS lab ACBES Cloae to Salem. Re build. Inaa. Phone 1-4M1. belli- FOR SALE ACREAGE VI ACRES CIom to Meal. About U term botton laixl, nt bultdlBM. f3,0M down, baJaoci ll.ftOO per jw. bbJU REAL ESTATE Near Schools. North An ielltnl wiUeonetrueted 9f wr Knfltwood 7-room fanllr homt with fuU dry, rtrfpisca, hp rat dinloff room. Mautlful ltt Uneai-in bick rard for th eblUrea. tiick iMMtwaaioa. fthown br appoiau aieaL call tw. Propp. ev. mn. Large Family? And yon ntetf ticelleal low-eeat hovMiDt. aorthr W bar a dandy ldr typ room family aom ia i eel lent coadlttoa Insld and aut, lo cated aa a lane, beautiful corner let wiUa all kindri of fruit, aula, rapea, et. Double laraae, city bit bandr. aay walk la dlataaea of. Catholic trad citiooJ, Orant or Llvlaaaton. A lot of home for only 50. Cally KeUy. Jtva. pb. IUH For a Couple A dandy l-bf-droom noma with fire place la tha Xat Xai lewnod dUtriet. i Con r en Hot kitchen. Uuide utility. lire lot, two aaraioa. l0, Urmi- CaU Mr. Xubert., Xv. 3SM. Mr. Family Man Solva your trouble with thla oyer popular Colonial trl home with 1 bodroooia, nuraery. den, fireplace, pie- tura wladowa, view, doublt aaraee, trlplo plumblar. lota "f extra la thj one. Owner neod snaller horn aad WIU trade. AIM ia position to take reaaonabl amaU dovn payntDt. CaU Mr. oSourne. Xv. pb. 17217. Good Buy , In a two-bedroom home three rear. old. Will o O.I. or P H I. ooooo. Oood locatloa Joutb. aear bua, achooL pared etreet. Money To Loan oi up to 10 reare oa tood bomee. Bo eommleelon chariaa. Joe L. Bourne, Realtor 1140 N. Capitol . Pb. 11110 CllO1 UNLESS YOU CALL you'll mer know what a wonderful buy we hav la ibU I-bdrm. home UNLESS you call. OUTSIDE Q 1x2 4 1 yard plaaud ta fin roaaa. traa ok carden. Completely fen cod outdoo flrtplac and roat trellla. TNSIDE IH bedrooma, flrcplae. dining Toom, extremely dean. Mparata workibop and fruit rooai. clltna below FH A. at 19400. Aak for SAN DA VI. home phon, J-7031. 1VI0 atr round Road HOIXTWOOD DISTRICT cllv SALS OR TRADE Oood aub. aroccry tor and iaa pumps. Dolnt profitable auataoaa In a tood location. Approx imately 700 for ooulty la real oat ate, bulldlncs. stock and fixtures. N.MThU clean horn aituated an paved atreat cloao to but and achool, haa I bedrooma, carafe. M x 130 lot. U.lbO Locatod an North Church at. l-room homo with bament. Also amaU bouaa oa lot tmltabl for oa person. CaU Stanley Brown or O. T. Ilume, Co-op. Broker wltb State Finance Co., Realtors ioi a. Huh at. Eree.. 1-0M1 or l-ft0 Ph. 1-411 cllO TRADE YOUR CAR for ahla ale country bom oa S acres all In fruit nuts. Nice hdvd. firs S bdrms.. deep dry bastnt. AmaU atable foT pony or chicken. BuUt-tn dtep fTeetve. Located close In east. UOVINO TO TOWN SELLING THIA FOR ONLY 110,900. "KlO" FIOOINS HAS TUB KEY. Ev. ph. 4B4. NELSON SOUTH 15th STREET Newly decorated attractive 1-bdrm piasterea nnroe, hdod. nr., tU. rm. lot W a 1M. aaraee. ov et.. 1 ttlk te bua. iood tardea spot, Onir 470. .au ears, woo t tea. VIEW ACRE Thla uauaual suburb in horn waa built to b lived In. Llvin rm. 14 3d with weat valley view. Una red brick fplace.. natural wnort flrtUh with oren beam eeUlna. Lane ftnltied dormitory. upitelta rnnm, Irtral frr 1 Nlrma . lot or iree ana srnn area. Only M46) van airs, wootirn. Owner Leavinir State Juat SUM. lae.ndmi coal, tin me thl excellent 1-bdrm. homo on paved ai.. araeweiRB ana sever, yours. Beau tifully latKlacaped yard. Homi eolrk and apan taalde and out. Total price oa i.JOO. ceii at. watta. i-73ta. SUBURBAN HOME Neat. coar. 1-bdrm. beta located On areek. Meal for CBlktrea and aeia. with fenced-la yard, wm trade tnr 1-bdrm. horn near Loan ar Eniiewood Dial. Frit MM0. $1500 DOWN ' Cloie in to Capitol A tend older tbdrm. home, kitchen modernised. Interior food thruotii. ae roof. Ice. lot, oa pvd. alley. Lots of frail tree, all for mto. iibop owa. DOWN TOWN 30-Unit Apartmrnt Owner health forco liautdatioa Wonderful earn in record ntitm aver l?0f per mo. Property in oood eond Excel lent torau far bo arranged for aualtftcd buyer. Owner wm a-oot bom. coatrixu. or morttwa aa dwn. vayaaeak Frke l.iXW. CaU Mr. oUrhmtdt. NELSON & NELSON BFrCtALir.INO REALTOR ejea a. Iliab aa. Fa. f-lloo , sill fe Dial 4-4494 REAL ESTATE "ELEGANT ESTATE (NEVER BEFORE AJJVERTIBEDl Near ibree-aedroora home ol oleeaat de.tia. 1 batna. fireplace, wall-to-oall aarpellu. aeolaf raa, partp tat. ar dork abop. baeaet.. oovared patio, double laraaa, euperler ooaelroclloa. beautuul larea -" are ONE OP ENOLEWOOD- BUT MPT ESTATE!. fcELUNO ZELOW RIPLACEUENT COST-ONLT IM 000 SEE "E1C KIOOIMB FOB ATlaT. XVE FH. aa4. BARGAIN DAYS ARE HDII AO A IN t REDCCID fR!C 1 70 TO MA a WnMk MAt-M. IW WIU wan to 9 an wiiu.a bdrn. AOB tub aowa. nra., ai kitcbea. roomy llvlna m.. utility n arai b atoraae tm. Lot la over OM fl. deep, well-kept trouada wttb vl- yet la wo, enolea tardea aon. bkias IKO AT ONLY RIOHT ABTT CAN RAVE VERT UZEHAb TVllaa, FORCED SALE TAKE ADTANTAOB OF THIS WON DERPUL BUT la late bunt 1-bdrm home wltb cute heetolator Dutch fire place la lane Urine rra, alce-aleod dliilna rm.. bdwd. fire., aacelleal kitchen with asenr bullt-laa. Beautiful lawn laree loL Ctllltr rm., earaia. IP TOU HAVE OleOO a WANT A OOOD but DO Tuurutaxr a ravon AND BEE THIS. Ben Colbath, Realtor If Court St. DIAL 44404. Bee. 11I OJ 10' SALEM'S ITRST DRIVE-IN 3425 Portland Road SMITH Real Estate Ph. 3-7007, Day or Eve. Pre-Holiday Specials! 7. Acres clone in. Older typ three- bedroom homo w aiorera. Barn, chick' on house, family fruit. Acreaie all la cultivation. For oloa In location and aereai. too, thl la It Priced at M.TBO. Terms. m acres la beautiful settinf af trees. All kinds of fruit, flowers and shrub. Cap Cod typo ureo-bedroom home. Lirlnt room, dlnett. modern kitchen with plenty built -Ins. Insld utility. Hlth en a knoll and a beauti ful Tlew ef tha mta. About tea year eld. Has lara carat, chicken houae and priced at only M.7H and ll.ftOO down, balance ilk rent, owner win trade for bom ta (own. Thla acre- ace la only two and a half ssIIm ant and an idai amaii acrsac. f Acre, two-bedroom horn. W-ft. Ilvlnc room with picture window and fireplace. Separate dlolni room. Wall towaltcaTpttni. Home la In beautiful setting ef trees. Family fruit, flower 1 and shrubs. Lara chicken bouse, tood J well. Located Just thl aid of Oervaia. Priced at 10. too. terms. Owner will trad for two-bedroom bom la Bailee. Get Ready for School! In Washineten achool district, oa alee lot 70x140 and aU fenced. Haa plenty ehede and fruit treae, flower -and shrubs. This bom baa basement, two bedroom. Hvlne room with fireplace, e par ate dinette. City baa at door and close to ahopplna area. Priced to aelt aal only II.3M, terae. Owner will trade for larier home. , 4 Bedrooms: Close ta Wasblnttoa chool and aiorea, bua by door. Family fruit, flowera and ahrube. Thla la aa excellent locat'on. belna a no. s aoae. Could hav your home and business, toe. Owner will trade for amaU acre- ate. Priced at 7.He. Term. H Acre with two-bedroom borne and located rlrht In the city. Cloee to achool, bu al door. Fruit trees, and aardea apace. Thla also la a No. 1 aone and ea ideal location, nines ra family forces sale. Priced at 17.350 and Sl&oo down will handle. Balance at ato 3 -bedroom home, up need a nttle flnlshlne. OH heat, family fruit, tardea a pot. close to school. Only m years eld. on nice lot H I 13. An extra lot poxBa included la aal. Priced at only 7,140. Terms. . CloseIn Location Two-bedroom heme, llvtni room and a Derate dlnlni area. Pull baaement and aawduat heat. Fireplace, aad bu by door. Nice flowers and shrubs. This Is an Ideal location for retired couple. Priced et 1.500. Terms. Immediate possession oa thl. Own er moved to Portland. In Bt. Vincent d let r let thl two-bodroom horn. Livine room haa fireplace, separata diaint area, kitchen with breakfast nook. Automatic oil heal. Cloae to bu. priced at only tfl.lM, aad 11600 will handle. New and Beautiful! 1331 ft. of floor epace la thl new two-bedroom home. Specious Uflna room with fire pi ec. Separate dialog room, very modern with break fast nook. This home la all In the latest of colors, beautiful hardwood floors throughout. Built-in vanity la lovely bath. Automatic Montaa oil heat. Laree lnatde utility, plastered tarate. Thla home baa two coats of paint oa shakes, three coals an trim and very well butlt. Close to shopptni center, school and three blocks to city bua No drlve-brs on this: wa hav th key end will enloy ehowlnt you thl home 111. B00 la the price, and term. Excellent location and la perfect con dition throughout. Two bedrooms. It in room with circulating fireplace ver modern kitchen, bath with shower. Clnee to everything. Call and let ua show you this. Shown by appt, only. Priced et 113.500. Term. Acre of the best aolt. Home haa beau l it ul shade. Oarden spot. The home has No. I oak floors, specious living room with dinine eree. Modern kitchen with eating area. Insld utility room. Plenty storage space ever ett ached ae rate. Thla home has forced air Delre oil heat, also fireplace. Almost feraot to mention tha two lovely bedrooms on master else. Priced at ll.OOO. Term. No parking worries at any time. Just drive out and drive in, or call and let us show you any one of these homes. SELL OR LEASE IWrTN OPTION TO BnT-INDTB TRIAL SETUP. let 4 Oxl J. Over 70 eouare fet warehouse spare with oil furnace, privet efftcea, 4 rest rms large covered truck ar machine ehed end enother email bVdf. Trsta track for box care. Right la the heart of Weat Belem Industrial area. PRICE 4flM. or leese tor 1400 vor month with option to bur see "Kiev kio- GENS, Bv. ph. 4444, i To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Dial 44494 it KDial 4-4494 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL, Salem, Ortgoa REAL ESTATE TWO BEDROOMS - SOUTH! Tkle l-reer-eld have W wall located cleoe to leree aaerhet. twa bloeba treat McKlalor achool. one block to traneperlatloa. Haa llrtaa reoav aloe httahea, braabfael book, attached sereae wltb atllltr. Lot be a lea. our water, home plaatered. Wall priced foe ea.aee. can Dale Barbara lot apaolalmeal to aee. TWO ACRES - THREE BEDROOMS " Beer how tbroo-boaroom. all eoclodod. Owner aaaloue to more ta Calif era la. Law aowa permeal rlebt aartr. Frlced al oalr 111. roe. Call Chat Bawllaa ' W2 ACRES - 3-BEDR00M - NORTH ! Bere la it, thai lovely tbree-bedroosa home e lli acre leeatod seer atelier, yea bare been looting for. iUaess fore sal. Ton muet eee thla. Priced al only Ub 13 000 do on. Call COet Bawllaa sow. 88 Acres - North - Trade for Income Property Thla floe form baa 140 feet hithwey WE frontage, S good well. -etaaehiea bare with eemeot floor, eooo m. ft. broodlav apace, wait-la freeeer. Thla M acres baa an exceptionally aWe three -bedroom heme. Par mere tefomeneo, cell Data Rajoura. HERE'S ONE THAT'S A HUMDINGER! Very alee aad eleaa large roomy twe-bedTooa heme aa wonderful 'a ecre with real tardea, lota of pretty shrub, velvety lew a, attached araae. Horn la almost new with be rd wood floor, laaulatioa, weather- , atrippina. etc We hove the key and will be happy la enow you through. . ceil Jit., YOU CAN'T GO WRONG ON THIS ONE Niee close ta euburbea acre. Lot ef fruit tree, ahrube aad flowera. tood tardea. Two-bedroom borne, lerge living room, dlnlni room. . kiMhea, bit larat. 14 a m workshop. Available for lmntedlate poa aeesloa. Only 17,750. with amaU down payment. Call Jim. RAWLIiVS REALTY (HOLLYWOOD DISTRICT REALTOR) tow M, Capitol St. olfles 1-4001 ar 4-1111 Tlobetti 1-ltM Chat 1-0310 Exchange What You Own for Other Property You Prefer STAYTON 41 Arret. AH under Irritation. I - horn or Income property la trad. - . DALLAS Busy Launderette aa.eoo. Ood money-maker and Income eeuld be Jbubled. Owner will take 1 -bed room home, Belem or Portland. SALEM Nice suburban S -bedroom hnm with ft acre of peache. Owner leav. Ing town. Analou to aeU. 1 3 7, KM. will conaWer home a part payment. GRANTS Beautiful 1-bedroom, rustle flnlMt borne with fireplace end hardwood floors. Also small guest houae which could be used es doctor' offlee. 137,504. Owner will tike home la Balem a part payment. SALEM unit motel with I -bodroora home, north on Highway tt. Ideal Io cs tie. Could be Improved aod make large Income property. Ml. 004. Owner leaving for California aa. will take alee home la trad. 'NEAR SAN FRANCISCO I acre. Chick ea farm wltb i-bedroom rustle fin la h home wltb hard wood floors. Place U wall equip pod. Price 135,000. wiu trade oa epertment or motel. 992-ACRE 154 acre under cultivation. Oood 6-room older type house, modern. $44,000. will teke eastern Oregon ranch or will conldr income prop- ARIZONA Near Turn a, 13ft sot as tood rich alfalfa farm, al! under Irritation. 1-bedroom home, I years old. modern. Tenant bouse and other outbuild ing. Also H acre citrus grove. Prloe 170,004. Owner would trade for large farm la BaJera vicinity. SALEM Well located orocerr Itoro wltb Urlnt buarten. 111.000, plui Inronterr. W'll lake trade, Will bt ieein( you at the State Fair, Salem, Oregon, In Grandstand Buildng, Booth No. 6 1 phonc a-aaaa vV fl-bb-Bapjbba.eUpxba.WCALTOW I ! f, 1696 NORTH CAPITOL BT. )SSt0 BALEM, OREGON GRABENHORST SPECIALS FA1RMOUNT HILL Xieeptlonal 4-bdrm. home, lineal oeatlob. dble. plbr.. wall-to-wall carpatlnt. lae. din. rm., fireplace, full baamt buto. bU heat, loralr rard with oak treea. OH.bOO. CALL ROT FERRIS NORTH OF 8WXOLI SCHOOL on Brown Road 4-bdrm, plaatered home with 1 bdrma., attached teraie. Price rsioo. CALL O. H. ORA BENHORAT, JR. UAMBRIH OARDEN8 1 bdrma., full baamt., apaeloua llr. rm. with fireplace. Dm. rm. rerr convenient kitchen with brkf. area, lae. beau tiful rard. Terma. CALL H. K. LATliON HOME - OAROEM . CHICKENS Here U ana of tha boat doealoped 1-ecre traeta we hare aecn. 1-bdrm. home In beautlfullr landecapod aettln,. Treee. flowrra. famllr fruit, oarden. fa feet, eTerrthlas do elrable for auburbaa Urine. Tou keep It bp aod It will keep rou. CALL J. K. LAW CREEK BOUE Col. .trie. I bdrma., m hatha, beautlfullr decorated, aprlnkllns aratem. fencM. lae. patio. Yard barke up to Kill Creek. Boo thla lor real lirlnt. CALL RICHARD I. ORABENHORST ' CENTRALLY LOCATF.D Oood old.r true. I bdrma., loralr eeltlni oo eulet etreet. llr. rm., dla. rm., fireplace, full beam... aplendld condllloa turnout. See It now. CAU. ROY 8. FERRIS BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES- COFFEE SHOP An Ideal location. Beatln, eapacltr 44. Bieelleal equipment. Price I0P50. BEAUTY PHOP-W.ll located In one of Salam'e bualeat dletrlcla. Neat and clean, wltb rood equipment. Price 11000. Shown br appt. onlr. - , BHOE REPAIR SHOP In one of Salem bueloat dUtrlcU. All atock and equipment goea. Terme. LAUNDROMAT A aacrlfke. owner muel aeU. Aa e.tabllehed bua- Ibeaa, well located, beet of equipment. CALL B. K. LATUOH GRABENHORST BROS., REALTORS in s. Libettr at. Fa. i nn - BTenlnu or Sundara oall Ror a. Ferrla Molt 1. X. Law 1-tUS X. K. Larmea 1-lltl alll REAL ESTATE SNUG 2-B.R. - $7200 Located at. Vlncent-Hlthland die Irict. let eq. ft. of floor apare bunt Inlo a wniKterful J-bdrm. home. Lot OOelM. Cherrp and oeir tree., won derful oerden eon. Onlr reara old Automatic wa.ber rnrluded. Til. home la Una roiMitinn for onlr IT100. Aak for CLTTP BOWDER, homo phone 14 PlIrarMtbi. Wftbaafl HOU.TWOOD nurnucT NORTH It Acree all run. l-rm. mod. home Baaie ar alreulater. Ram. earaae, h.n houoe, fruit, aear Woodbura bad HE Sl.000 aa. II too. BO-VELL PRAIRIE at acre-, aji cult. l-rm. eaod. alae lered home, barn, a e rate, hea end brooder bouee. machine ehed. Oood ooll Si locatloa, pavement. Fern, fruit, torn, walnuta. 114.000 NEAR arLYERTOW TO Acre., all call, boat at eoll. eetao bottom irouad. Irritation, l-rm houae. bit barn, aaraie, machine ehed. t benbeueee, tranarr, I acree berrlea. Riahlr aredweue. farm, tood mra tloa. M too AL NtDTH. CO-OP BROKER bIT. ANOEL LAND CO. Fbwaa Blue 00 or oreaa t ooir REAL ESTATE Urn 1-010 Dale Karbura l-4t cUO bedroom lll.aoe. will take PASS FARM REAL ESTATE Builders, Here Is a Deal! 4 acres ea Browning Ave. Nice bu l Idiot sites. Liberty out. weier. Only 14500. Some apples, peart, cher ries prunes. Oood term. COLBATH LAND CO. pa. letlt sit Court St. Eva. 41114 elite To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 JOE PALOOKA jBJ at IM.Iirr. CU.UiSi tut COLUMIT TkZf OM...TMa. WAS I &OSM...COCO THING J i ll BE BPAOv". rwT KkiMlRCV flM MfwyX ' VA CNf" V-rWY...VVHA-t 1 SOMI O0SSIF. t PlPNT LEAVE jlN A SC7 rt fVtS I A PBErIT 1 AM" 1 P,0N'T ANT COUWrtlSTS..! ARE YA BEADV ALL THE ClIPPlNa 1 reONSVl B'& S M'wi Tt00""'UM" MtVgSl PCAD TMflA ) V Tt, HONEY f ABOUT US IN THE T?cwS'. - i r- REAL ESTATE KINGWOOD HEIGHTS Move leu this beautiful home ta fine aelebborhood al a minimum ce Beautiful view and eulet etreet, Large let, ell radlaat beat, apaeloua 11 lo toosb wltb Inskle pieater, paneled fire place ea Teunasiown kitohew. WeU kept Isaalde aad out aad offered for only I444. M i. Urme. Aak fer THaXalA kiitNKBlTa. heme pboae 1-mu. loot Felnreunda Road ' BOLLYWOOD DISTRICT ojlt Back to School SELECTED HOMES TO MEET TUX PROBLEM OF SCHOOL ING FOR YOUR CHILDREN L KEIZER Newly built 4-bedroom bom with Imrnaa Mar I rae. wm. mwJt ll...!iaa Diaiaa room plua eating area la iaraa tiKoea. tveuete a araae. ju eel ball aero aa paved etreet. 2. LESLIE B-bedroom borne aa ea one floor only 41754. Baaement with aawduat furnace. Larte comer lot wltb both euecte paved. Bua br door. Will race tor a amau home. 3. SALEM HEIGHTS Mew at-bedroom, reellr oute. At- tached tareae, auto, oil heat. Close to au and school. Oood term. 4. WEST SALEM Special i-bedroem, lirlnt room, kltehea. broUfaal aoek. Smell lot. two town.. 5.. LINCOLN Need a tood handy man with a hammer ea-. Material oa prem ise. Two-boadroom home. Large lot. oooa wtyi. only fttaaft. REIMANN . REAL- ESTATE . LOANS AND INSURANCE Ml South Hlth Street Mono 1-1101 Fhone evenlnte aad Sunder: 4-1011. 1-lOtO, 4-11U. 4-tlll. 1-1114. ollO aarr WE SPECIALIZE IN TRADES Want action? Lie! wltb ua. Sales for the month of Aueuat throuth our Idea. I40I,4W.M. VERY COZY Out of etate owner etra aell II. Iiooo down. Hlehland Diet. Alt. true. Fatlo. Wall-built home. Nice rard. Au tomatic firs alarm aratem. Full price aalr 140. Neat and Easy To Buy Onlr $1000 down, wired for drrer. Plumbed for waaher. Wired for drrer. Intulated. 1 rr. old. tt blk. to bua. Owner learlao. Bllhland olitrtct. Full price 14PM. $900 DOWN Uodern 3 -bed room. Oar aee. Blacktop etreet. to ecre. H blk. to achool. In good condition. PloweT. Prult. Shrubs. Taxea only 3ft per yr. Pull prlc onlr MOO. Honey for the Money Bhinr new. Large close ta with eliding doora. Oil forced air furnace. Inaulated. 1 blk. to achool. Surrounded by new and 'nearly new home. Lawn U In. Inside elty. Large lot. Lot of room for aardea. Pull price 110,600. Candalaria Beauty S apaeloua bedroom. Pull basement. Lovely view. Crorteoua fireplace. Cor ner lot. Porced air oil furnace. Bus by door. Owner will accept a amaller home aa part payment. Pull price only ft.404. 45000 down will handle. BARBECUE Thl la a tine eetup for couple. Truck etop. Oa main highway. Bide., all equipment, ttoci. for only 15,004. Term. Owner forced to aelL 2 APTS. PLUS a smaller busineaa rental, t apt. fur nlahed. Highway frontage on esx north. Oood repair. A buy for ftfttftft. Liberal terms. Rare Income Property Tee, thla le unueuaL Bo dearrable, vacancies are almost unheard of. J houses oa one lot. Room for another. Almost new. Inaulated. Loeetlon de el r able. Pull price only I14.7M. Terms. APARTMENT Unit. Monthly lneomw' W7. Very low overhead. All rente reasonable. No repaira required. That property la not new but It'e O.K. and worth your in ve ligation? Liberal terms. Pull price only 115.000. Y4th ACRE Onlr tenft down, oood amaller mod ern heme. Oerate. .Chicken house. Pored rd. Lota of flowera. Several fruit and nut tree. Gropes. Berries. Near Salem. Pull price onlr 13800. $1000 DOWN on thl 10-acre tract. Cloae to Salem. Haa modern house With 4 bedrooma. Sep. utility room. Cerate. Barn, chicken bouaa. 130-ft well. Pull price only ftftlftO. 20 ACRES MOO dowa. All under cultivation. Onlr 0 mllea from aalera. Modern 4 bedroom houae. 10 br 10 barn. Chick en houae. Tool ahop. Well. Price hae keen reduced to OMM. Duck Hunter's Special Tear "round lake oa thla piua aeree, Chohalle eoll. 4Mj mllea from Balem, Hunter'e oabln with water a eleetrValtr amoat beautiful evorrreena. Lake border, a aldM of thlt property. Juat 00.000. ( For Borneo and Bullae Opportubltlu all for: DAN ISAAK five.' 4-ltlll . BAY O RIM MITT lEva. 1-1I11 MR. CRAWFORD (Bra. O-MIOI For Farma onlr. call for: UR. LEAVENS I Eve. I-47MI LICTNRXD AUK IN WASH. IDAHO F-B-A. JaORTOAOBs CONVKN' TIONAL LOANB bt-TKAR MATURITY Al Isaak & Co., Realtor Off. Phonai: 4-11 11 or t-llio Be : .4TP. 4-1111. 4-0414, 4-WW. S-TOTO. It a. .newer, eau a-llea clll' b REAL ESTATE SIN MILL BT Cleat to RICHMOND Bch. l-bdrea. home aa oa. floor, laeulatod eb weotheratrlpped. ell boat, oauara block bdwd. ' atllltr aa main floor, attached a-car aar. Aaklao 111.000. Owner U leer lai. mar ooaelder a leaeonablo after. llOt BRENNER AVE Jual eaat of Laaeaeler Drive end north af B ttreek N.w dUUIct. New 1-bdrm, ranch elrle home with lane luiir plaaured 1-c.r. ttraee. tailll lot with the lawa ta. Built tt eltr Mo. Varr falllr Priced at OlO.TbO. 1000 OARNET Street, la the Enjlewaod achool dlel. Real cloae U Jr. bnd Senior huh echoola. 1-bdrm. at den, fullr Inaulated. rerr aeal ana cleaa. medium lao lot wlta pvd. et., walka, ahado trrae. a tood bur at ttett. FlaaM toa t bother th renter. 171 BOONS ROAD I lb ACBBB overlook tnr Salem, aartbeaat tlopo, lens rood froalate, etarur bouee eoml ftatabod. dlateat awaer has re duced u, price to Make aa offer aa bb larma, lit ALICE AVE . CANDALARIA DISTRICT i-bdrm. ranch atrle with a NEW ENaLAtID kltehea, oil piped fura. A lop location. 111.000. 14!t N. COMMERCIAL-INo. I Bualaoae Zoaa). I nice awAooeaa. . all aa one floor, aew carpotlnf In the larte combination llvma baa dinlna rma. Full eep art baamt,. ell furnace. It-fk front lot, worth too mon.r at 111, loo. ED LUKINBEAL, Realtor ill N. BIOH EVE. aaS LYLB FORES S-0M7. XD. t-1104 REAL ESTATE $750 Down You'll like this 3-bedroom Home with all floor furnace located oat paved etreet cloae to achool. inaulated. Plaa tered. Concrete foundation. Hardwood floors. Al for 17.450. and SH a moath. LOVELY 2 BEDROOMS W blthly recommend thl newer type home la the desirable Bast More land district. Big ltchen. Dining room and living room combination with fire place. Ported elr oil heat inside utU Ity. Oood let. Pull price 111. 500. HOME AND INCOME Here'e a tood return on your invest ment. 4 rental that will elve you ftlab a month. Separata S-bodroom homt for owner. Oar ace. 14 acre elate la eaat. Prult and nut tree. Oood place for horses, aowa and chicken. All ror I if. 7M. RAMSEY, REALTOR lou Norui commercial Office 4-01.1 Eve. Al Eender 1-1040 Bve. Jim Rameer 4-IMO .110 WANTED REAL ESTATE WANTED TO BUT from owner; Oood farm, or could trade very nice rench style borne. I years old. 3330 Lansint Ave. ea210 WANT A OCOD buatneaa. Income proper ty, or home. Wiil trade black 1449 Cadillac 'S3' aedan, new white wall tires. Also, 1444 Royal Spartan Han- alon trailer house with bath, hot water, heater, dolly awnings, etc. Also thousand or ao cash. W. Bentoa Smith, Th? Top Hotel Trailer Court. J680 ' S. Commercial or write Boa 114 Capital Journal. ca3l0 NOTICE: If your property le for sale. rent or exchange. Hat It with ua we beve all kind of caab buyer STATE PIN AN CI CO, REALTORS 161 S Bltb Bt ea BALEM HOME Have coast cabin aa dowa payment. Phone 20331. ca313 WE ARE In need of food bouse to eelL la or near Salem. If you wlah to list' your property for tale, eee ORABENHORST BROS.. REALTORS 13, s Liberty Ph 2-3471 ce EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE INDEPENDENCE CAB CO. Wants to-sell business, por details, write Inde pendence Cab Co. Independence, Ore. Phone 73. cMl4 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES HAVE TOD EVEB bad a desire to own your own business? Here le your chance i Due to ill health, owner ore. pared to make big eacrlflco for aulckrl casn aaie or email iroctry. Attractive living ouartera attached. Oood loco , tion, near Khookt, bu line. Will con elder trade for S-bedroom home In Selera. Write Box 104, Capital Jour nal. edsiS TO LEASE a large rooming houae. Cloae- ln . To a middle ated man ana wife. Write box 204 Capital Journal. ed212 POB LEASE, good major oil company in emeu town near Salem, call 4at. Cdll4- WANTED FURNITURE 2 nc Sar FOR SALE LIVESTOCK BAY MARE. 1 month, colt. Fhone 11204. Sundara or evenlnaa. ell!" SIRE SERVICE BY ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION SIRES PROVED OR EAT By th Performance af Their Vajelected Daughter -$7.00 per COW No repeat aervlce oheree, ao herd elan up. no memberthlp fee. Dalrr and beef breeda. CALL COLLECT WOODBURN 4191 ALBANY 2486 ' WARREN'S PROVED SIRE SERVICE 210 14 PL' LL-BLOODED Suffolk ewe sheep. 1 mile oa Tillamook road from valley Junction. R. M. Max field. Rt. 1. Willemina. 313 LIVESTOCK WANTED LOCKER BEEP White face Jereford. 34c Locker pork 45c Nothing down. 4 mot to par Custom kllllnt Trailer loaned tree. Saleaa Meat co 1135 S 15th Ph 4.4M oa RABBITS NINE RED Calfomle doe and eeveral yount bucka m doea. 2 senior bucka. 4410 CI alter Rd. 4-3081. eb311 PETS MALE BOXES, dark fawn, l'-e rra. Verr tood blood line, proven elre. Hint. Phone leoat. er!10 PARAKEET, Carefullr .elected roun, bird.. Choice colore, llto Llvlntaten. 1-1I41. eclll TO OIVE AWAY two nice klttena. Phone 1-1111. eel 10- FOR SALE Deodorltod akunk, lit. Ph 1100,. orlio To Place Classified Ads Phone 2-2406 Thursday. September 8, 195 REAL ESTATE PHONE I MM . .....OOOOOOOOOOO. OOOO'.O'O. PETS BOLLYWOOD AQUARIUM- 10M McCer, one block eael of B. Cepltol. lib blocka north of Madlaen. Fh. 1-4001. ocliy CUAMPION BBED BOXES fupptaa. OV rrr pup potential champtpa. ISoero Tropical Flab. Turtle a up pile. 1 mllee from Laacaater aa McClear road. 4-1111. Cloaed Wodnee dar. t"0 LEAVING TO teach achool. will aell . llftr pet dota bt II apiece, bBaa Bom ore, Route 1. Bob 111, Monmouth. jeTa j Sf . ?7rrj)jjrrrrjjjj?rja" FUEL PLANE at END Orwn or dry Out of low a deUverle. Sawdust; blowers and P.O. WEST BALBal PtJBL CO. 153ft Bdaewater Pa. aeftlt FUR 3 A LI rOU L I RT WHITE COBNUB OAMI CHICKS, ae delmod the true trior of tomorrow, now arallable to commercial frrer rowera. Frocaaort par pretnltna price, fo? thla broad doublo-breaetee) frrer. Ouantltlea limited aad U an ao.ll.Me. trr tha bait beet, tax flrli enarotlon Arbor Acree While Beckl. Year-round hauhaa inr; Thuradar. Alao. New Hampahlraa. LEE'S HATCHERY UIO Center Street Fh. 1-1111 Hire Dressed Hens, ph. 4-1090 NEW BAMFsHIBS PUBlta, OMtlthl Old. Fhone 1-1110. fill WE ABE hatchlria New Hampahlro Oeld ea Broad and Arbor Acre. White Bock, averr week, apodal prleat t. rear around frrer arowera. Fox'a Ratahorr. 1110 State St. Phono I-4M0. f PRODUCE CANNINO aad freealna beana. Lota el them. You pick 4e lb. S mile, north eaat of roller oa Lake Labtah. Watch alan to bean rard. Balpb Hoeelar. Phone l-tMO. fflioe U-riCK PEACHES at 1110 Wallace Rd., I1 miles from bridle. B. I Foratar, Phono 11114. ffllO' OBAYENSTEIN AFFLES AIM peert. U pick. Phone i-atlt fflioe BARTLETT FEARS 11 II aad 11.00 Per boa. Fhone 3-1134. 4111 Claitor Rd. fflloo PEACHES Improved Bb-rrtaa and Hale.. Releltb worth lnaton. 1 mllee eaat al Orand laland Junction oa Grand laland. ftlll FICKUNQ COKES fraah daUr from our farm field run ta pound, orffanlcallr srowa notatooa rod or white. Foacbeo sow oa market- Phillips Bros. Parka Market, OSM Portland Rd., Salem. Fhone 14011. It' WANT TO BUY Sweet Cora la field. Clrdo A. Scheie, Junction city, ore. Fhone 0-1011. fflll MOSY VARIETY af peacbee la eoaeoa. Worm free oraraaalaln. iv mile front brldee oa Wallaoo Rd. L. B. Wendt, trow.r. fflll PEACHES, 1. H. BALES and Improved Elbertaa. let load, weemooaar, sept, lod. Puritan Cider Worka. 701 Bdte water. Weat Salem. tllll- CUCUMBERS FOB DILLS, U buaheL Phone 4-1000 evenlnte. iie CANNING PEACHES are sow reedr. loot Funer Kd. PEACHES Improved Elbertaa reedr bow at Kron'e Orchard. IUj atllat out Wallace Road. Phone 1-tlll. ffllO BOXES FOB SALE br truck load. Apple. lettuce, eant oranre. Clro. A. Scharta. RL I, JuncUon Oltr, Ore. fflll BARTLETT PEASE, (hill flavor I. R. W. Clarke, Rt. I, Box Olt. Orcbbra Helthta Road. fflle PEACHES Improved Blbortbt, , Balaa. Rip. Tomatoea, ll.n buahel. OeatalMpea 4. lb. Frunaa oa Bartlett Pearl. Oroea Appl. Mkt., S BUM aorth ea to-B. fflll HELP WANTED MEN OB womea for hop pioklnt atbeblno or one truck. Call 0-1130. alio CASH1EB-BOOKKEEPEB Spoodwar Rutaurant, 1110 Cater SI, Be phono calla. - KITCHEN HELP San Shop, 1400 ForU lend Rd. rrcBEN belf Applr ta per arm. Apeedwar Retta ureal, 11T0 CentecSt. If You are tired of hourly waits, with aa opportunity and ar not making at least 1135 per week, ere honest aod mbltlou. ae us retarding our na tionwide organisational contact work In Oregon. Car allowance A boaua. No ace limit. See Lloyd Veugha at th Senator Hotel, Friday, 14-4 p.m. en ; OP PICKERS urgently needed. Early ciusiera. Transportation from employ ment office. Salem. Ernest St Prsd StadclL Phon J47I4 or 14.14, Bltver ton. im HELPW ANTED MALE EXPERIENCED OEOCEBY CLEBK 4Vav- tnc center, llpo Portland Road, at" FABT TIME MAN to operate bower inter lor land eletrlnt. lira Borwar St. faille THOROIlflHLY eiperlonced eervlce ate. lion men. prefer standerd Oil oiperl ence. Waller H. Hotel Co., chemekela Sj Hleh oalio- HELP WANTED FEMALE EXPERIENCED eeceeaoTT eeluledr. Per. manent poaltlon. No alcht hour,. Ap plr la perioa. FRICTS, 111 B. Ubrrtr St. ,b- SAI.EHIriY Muet pier piano and bo .iperteneoa muelcaur. Will, Mueie Rloro. ebllie By Ham Fisher a e - TPtT4J---BW'vve . -yt, FaV. v