Thursday, September 3, 19S3 THE CAPITAL JOURNAL. Salem. Orefffta Part 21 THIS IS r1 ""irfvi - - .... I I I- I J v I .. VV Kf-S i V I t aa J J 1. , Jerry and Tommy Young, ions of Mr. and Mr. L. N. Young of 760 South Commercial itreet, look at a Marine Corps iieU switchboard, radio equipment, and bandy talkey, exhibited here in a trailer placed in front of the J. C. Penney store and open Thursday from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m. The boys while visiting the exnibit recalled that an uncle Or. Wiley Young, Salem, served as a captain in the Army and was in France and England on duty.. MARK E T QUOTAJlONS ' ruRTLANto rvnnuct UBT Bottarfai-- lanvativa cuDjtci la la satdiat Chang Primitun auartty nasi mum ol on pet cant aeldttj at 114 red in Portlantf -71o lb.; first Qual ity M6c, ceconti Quality. l-6c Va..e route and country poinia. t cent its. Batter Wholes- i.oo balk cubta ta vboiecalc, grades aa, tl scora. see; A trade M acora. Sic, B. 90 acora 3e: C. 19 acora, c. Abova price strict! "Bom mat - Cha - Belling prte to Portland wholesaler. Oregon Uncle. 42-44c; Oreion a lb, loat. 41,-iOlc Igia to Wholesaler Candiaa agga tentainns no uua eaaaa included i.e a. Portland A grade lane, (l-USe; A grade medium, 64-ff3Se; J5 grada large al-COic. Partlaatl Dairy Karma attar Priea to rctantTa- oraaa A print, lie: A carton. Tie; A prtnta. lie: ear too. 73c; B prmu. tac Iin to aradaetn Caw I fed l a 0. Portland; Ung.adrd large, M-4tc doi.; grade AA lane, 69c doe,: A large, 63c dot.; AA medium, We dot.; A grada medium, 4e dot.; A trade amall noml ail. -3ftc Eft to etallere Oiade A A. .trie. 16c; A lane. 70 -71c; AA medium. 3-ic; A medium. 62-64c: A email, 4-45c Car ton 1 cent additional. Cbeeta Price to retailer, Portland, Oregon ling lea, 4fttt-4t)c; lb. loavea. , al-Me: tripleU, llic last than tin-: ' gtea Premium orandji alngift UHti i lb. for linfla vhfele WMra. ProceiMd Am- 1 orican chaeta. l-lb. loava to retail, 2 45o lb Paaltry i Ufa Cbtcfcona (No. 1 ana lit?, l.o.b. 1 Plants): Pryers, S-S lbs., M-30c; i-4 Iba., 39-lOc; roastcra, 4H lbs., and over1, -)0c; heavy hens, ail welihta, lll0c; altht hens, all weights, 19-lftc; old roost era, 14-16c. Urease Chlcaeaa No 1 dressed to retailers. Pryera, broilers, 44-4&C lb.; roaatera, all aru.. 44-45c; lltht hens. 30-1 lc; heavy hens, 3I-34c: cut-up fry era, all wia 60-lic lb.t whole drawn ol eic lb. abblta AvtMte to growers: Live whites. 4-1 lbs.. ao-e; 6-6 lba.. li-23c lb.; color Ml peiu, 4e lb. under, old does, 10-Uc, few hicber. Presh drenaed fryers to retallsrn, S7-5c: cut up 61-6&C. Caaatry Killed afeata V e Top ouality, 3S-30e lb.; rough heawlea, 30-3oc. Rata Lean bloekera, tT-SIc; aowa, Uaht, 33 -J 4c. Lamaa Best, 33-34 lb.; yearlings, 10-JSc lb. Matla Bet, 10-JJc m.; euii-uumr. t-c. Beef Utility cbwj. J3-36e lb.; cannir ' eutters. 17-18c: shells down to 13c. pretb Oreaaed Meat Wboleaalara to retallarat Dollar par wt. Beef flteers, choice, NX) -700 lbs., 41 43.80; good. 137.00-43.00; commercial IS7-3I; utility. 133-30; commercial cows. Regularly 4.89 4.29 A ON OUR 11 TOP QUALITY II HOMEojward W lExrerior While I FAIMT4 S IN 4 Gil. Illl LtllNSEED Oll IT 2.89 VALUE Z WHAT THE MARINES USE. te" v ir i ' i 133-36; utility, 131-34; e inner-cutters, 113-31. BcH eats Choice steefa bind auar ten. SU-a7; rounds, aM-M; full loins, trrmmed. 170-16; triant.ea, $37-33; fore auarlers, 3634; chucks, 3$-36; rib. ! S49-5&. , Veal aad Calves Oood-chotcc. I3t 31: commercial. 134-30. t-aasbs Cho4ce-pTlme. 637-40: good. 333-37: spring lambs, choice-prime, 47. .SO. . afaltaat Oono choice, 10-13 lb at -44, Para Cats Loin No i oi. 44 40-56; utUlty 6-1 ahoulders. 14 lbs., 38-4 lc; spare ribs. C3-U: fresh ham. 10-14 lb, 163.66; pork carcaasaa, 130-170 lb i.. 638.50-40. 4 Bmaked Hams Skinned. 663-61 lba.. fined lard ta drums 114-16 to: slai bac on, 6S5-73. Portland MlacaHaMaaw Onlaaa 60 ib sack Cant Red Olobe. mad.. 3.76-1.00: while globe. 3.n-2M; yellow med. and large, l.M-1 75; few 3.: Waan. ygllowa. med 1.70-3. 00 ,Jrt 1 15 -1.40 Palataea Local Triumph, luga, 1 M 173; Boardman long white. No. 1A 3 30 J.JS; No. 8 M lb. sack, B0-85e; Oregon Ruasctte No. 1. 3 50-1.76; 10 lb. meh. 60 63c. local Russet. No 1A. 3 75-1.31: Calif, long white. No. 1A, 3.U-3.00. fair, 2.50-3.76 Name brands to 3.36. Wah. Ru.iseta $1.76-1.00; Wash, long white No. 1 3.00-3.35. ' Bay U 63. Na a green alfalfa, da uvered car lots t.O-b Portland and Se attle, 36-30. Weal Urease basis, Wlllamstte Val'l ley medium 51-t3c lb.; Kastern Oregon fine and half-blood. V63c. Wltlametu Va.lley iamb wool 43e: 13-month wool ib-bOe Mahatr 0&-670 ib. on 13-mootb crow th. f.o.b. country ahlpplng point idea Producer paring price t.a a Portland calf aklna, 19-1 lc lb . accord ing to condition; green kips. 15- 17c lb.: green cow hides. 6-10c lb . according to weight and quality; bull hide. 4-6c lb.' glue hide 60 par cant below price tor above clauea Fllberta Wholesale selling price No i medium Barcelona. 13-340 lb.; ahell- ed. 49-aia lb ib : Ucht halve. 7t-63e lb. 1 Walaats Whaiesale aeillna price. flrt ajuallty largo PranquetU. 33-$0c lb.: shelled llshl amber halvaa. 70-711 Uiht halves, 79-Q3e. . - . , . Pertland Orala ' Portland No bids or offers. Thursday's car receipts: Wheat 74 barley 3; flour 6; corn 3; oat 1; mill feed 6. M lit SYwtSV 1 SALEM MARKETS Compiled from reparta of 8 a lea dealer for the taldaaee of Capital Jearaal readers. Revised daily.) Beuil Peed Prkaei Habhll Pel!cu - 13 6 00-lb eag) $4 IP-J.o noo-ib. bar-. Csg Math 35.05-641. Dairy Feed 63-45-3.70 IM-Ib. bin: 305-4.60 tlOO t-f. pasture mis. 63 95 4100 wt I Paaltry Bar las Price C'oioreo trrera. 30c; eld rooster. 15c; colored fowl, 19c; leghorn fowl, 16c; roasters, 30c. . Kgts- 63-OOc: small. 33c. ,' Khetelale Prteto- -Egg wrKHeaaie prices generally s-7 bleher than the price above Lane grade a generally guotew at 73c medium 68c Bwtierfat Buyina price Premium 70 11c So i 47-9c. N 3 66c Batter Wholesale grade A parchment, tie Lb i rctalL 76e PartlaneT Uvestork Portland ojPj Trading was slow en cattle and sheep and active In hois and calve on the Portland livestock market today. Cattle 150; market alow: steady but some bid lower; small lot good 11 00-lb. grau st errs 19: few good fed steers held above 33.50; short load oood short fed ne iters unsoM: canner-cutter cowa 7 6.50; ahell down to 6; few utility cowa l-ll. Calve B0: market active atrone: manv sales 1-1 hither than week aea on heaw calves good-choice vealera 16-31; prime to m good-choice above 350-lb. calves 1-I8: few choice around 150-lbs. 19: culls down to 7. Hoc 300: market active, strom: choice i-i Dutcners lao-zaa a. n.ih-iT. head 37.15; choice 305-370 lb. 35; choice 336-400 Ib. sows 33.50-33.74; medium grades down to 30. Sheep 600: market alow, ateadv but moat bid lower: one lot choice-prime 97-lb. wooled aprlng lambs 17; few good- cnoice anorn sprinter 15.50: few tood choice 70-lb. shorn feeders 13; good- cqoicc slaughter ewee l.H-4.50. Chicago Livestock Chicago W On a further cutback In salable aupply and a promise of cooler weatner, bo prices rebounded la to no cents a hundred pound Thursday after declining, for most of two weeks. Cattle were unevenly 30 cent higher to 36 lower while aheep were steady to 40 cent lower. Most butcher weights of hogs told from 131.00 to 634.76. Sow mostly made 121.00 to 923.70. Oood to prim steer aold from 117.00 to 637.00 and good and choice heifer from 916.00 to 633.50. Cows usually aold from 611.00 downward. Receipt were 3.900 hot, l.00 cattle, 1,000 aheep. j Atj? jUtiSa. eTgr M . ' gaajaaas ga I 4y kjrj--":- SfrR g?t Capital Journal STOCKS Br The Asaactated Preaai Aomlra Carporatieai Alued ChemKai ... AlUa Chaimere Americas. Airline .. ........... American Power Ugk . n , 04V , U4 ; Umencaa Tel. Tel. ..U44 .. 74 JWV .. wo .. 41H .. 19a .. 01 M ' .. 33 S .. 131 .. 40th .. 3 .. 07 .. S .. its .. 11'a .. S9i .. 1 .. On .. 9744 .. 43 .. UVa .. .. 94 .. bi1 .. A94 .. 36 .. M .. 5 v 96 94 3V .. V .. tt .. U .. 9 .. 1 w .. 11 .. 00 .. .. 39 ,.U3 . .. 09 ., !9i 13 .. ' .. 31' 44 .. .. 49 ! .. IB'i 014. .. to .. 33" : 99t4 i .. 91 .. to .. 37 7 .. 36H .. 39 .. 13 .. 40 ..103S .. 33 ... UVk .. 9 .. 34 ... 36 .. 13 V, ::: fit: ... u ' American Tobacco anaconda Copper Atchuoi R I. road Bethlehem Stat I Boein Airpiata Ca, Bora War net Burrewr- Addtna Macblatt., California Packing ... .. Canadian P elite ' .... ; caterpillar Tractaf . . . Celaaeat Corporati ,. Chrysler Corporation CUM Service .. Consolidated tamom ... t Co'jtolidated Vulto ... 'Crown Ollerbacb Curtt WrUfct DouKla Aircraft ,. Du Pont Nemoura Eastman Kodak ......... Kmerton Radia ........ OeneraJ Kiectila ., UeoeraiFood Oenera Hotora , . Oeortia fit. rlywood .. : Ooodrcai Tire Homaataka alining Co. , International Harvester International Paper John aranvllle KatMr Aluminum ...... Kennecott Copper Ajbby HcMea Lockheed Aircraft Loewes Incorporated Lone Bell Montgomery Ward ..... .. Nash Kelt in a tor York Centml Northern Pacific Pacific American PiU .... Pad lie Oaa Electric .... Pacific Tel aa TeL Packard Motor Car ....... Penney. J C Pennsylvania ft IV Pcpai Cola Co. Philc Radio .. t Radio Corporation Raronier lncorw , Rayonlet Inorp. Pfd. .... Republic Steel , Remold Metals Oil Hafeway Btorea. Ine, acott Paper Co .... ... Beara Roebuck at Ca. ., Boconr Vacuum OU .... .. Sttndtrd Ol) Calif Mandard OU N J , Studebaker Corp. Sunshine Mining Swift m Co Traneamertea Corp . . , Twentieth Century Pox . Union Oil Company Unijn Pacific . . United Airline . United Aircraft Uniteo Corporation ... , United State Plywood . , Uniteo State Steel ., , Warner Pictures Wuten. Union Tel. . . , We5 tint house Air Brake . Wfitinchoiuc Klectrk . . W wl worth Slach Market New York The downward trend1 af the tock market wa resumed Thurs day after a two-day Interlude of rising prices. The ftll waa not severe. Ores test loiRe In key area went to between 1 and 3 point. Oatnera were amall. Volume wa down to an estimated i 900,000 shares. That compare with 1,-1 110.000 ahares traded Wednesday. The market started narrowly mlaed and quiet. That air of ateadlnens wa maintained until lata morning when a gradual retreat bee an. Cbleace Oraln Chicago uP) Home aevera price cut were made in grains on the Board of Trad Thursday while lard boomed alone Into new hich ground for the year. Soybean an dcorn met heavy aalllng early on newa of Mattered moisture In ine mrawesi wim more promised. Wheat eased at tha start In aympftthr i wttrt in corn ana soybean downturn. Later, wheat developed greater weakness than corn, mua neoginc pressure ul flced to send price down la. face of 0 lack of demand. , Wheat closed -3A lower, September, 11.90-, corn IS-11 lower. Septem ber I1MN-N, oats H- lower: Septem ber 71 rye 1 to 1 lower. September 91.09 S, aorbean 1 to i lower, Septem ber 12.56 4-t and lard 30 to 96 cents a Yiuodred pound blrher, September 317.30. Funeral Thursday For Vyalter Hoffman funeral services were held In Portland at the Lundberg Mortuary Thursday afternooS lor waiter Hoffman, former!" . resident of Salem. Interment' . . was In Lincoln Memorial park, lee Emerson Hoffman, who died in Port-i tmerson land Sunday after an illness of Albany Services for Lee two years, was a native of the Edmond Emerson, 11-year-old Liberty community. He was 62 ' n Mr- ,nd Mr- rtna Em years of age. For 30 years Hoff-. erson, 81 S. Columbus St.. will man had been a private chauf-1 nell ' tht Fortmiller-Fred-feur In Portland. jerkksen chapel Thursday at 2 Survivors include a sten-' P Burial will be in the WU- daughter, Mrs. Opal Bready of rorttana; sisters. Mrs. H. M. Doud and Miss Violet Hoffman, both of Salem: three brothers, Oris and Harvey Hoffman of Salem and Chester Hoffman; and two nieces in Salem. Mrs. John Kolb and Betty Doud of Salem. Two Men Hurt in Polk Co. Mishap Independence Two men wer injured seriously Wed nesday evening in two sepa rate automobile accidents at Albert Matson. 74. South ' Bend, received a compound xraciure 01 nig left arm, an in jured knee and cuts In his mouth when his car and a truck driven by Donnavan Hampton. Independence, sideswiped on a curve west of town. Hampton was uninjured. Floyd W. Dunlap. 50. Colton. Calif., suffered ' head injuries when he fell from his auto mo- bile while driving through In dependence. Chicago Onleeta Chicago jp Supplle moderate, de mand fair, market steady. Track tales 0 lb. : U. S. 1 nnlea tttted: Idaho White Spanish I -Inch and larger 1.79, uninspected 1.96; trueklot ale delivered jobbing street basis, Colorado flpanlah 3-inch and larger 1.90; Michigan Yellow Olobaa 79 per cent llnch and larter 1.00. Street salts lbs.: Spanish 3-lnch and larger. Idaho. Ore on and Wash ington 1.70, Colorado 1.63-1.70; medium Yellow Globe. Midwest .90-1.10. some Michigan 1.36; New York 1.36; Whit Globes 3-lnch and larger, Idaho. Oregon and Colorado 3.00, i to 3-lncn 1.76. some tjamornia iji. - . Portland Bastslie Market Portland tu.B Wholesale prices of Wenatchee BlbarU poaches were 1.7a 3 with Hale at mostly 3.00 today; Italian wrunoa and Bartlett pears from same district aold at 1.79 for 39 lbs. Mid-Willamette . Obituaries Jesse J. Reeser AlbanyGraveside services will be held in the Riverside cemetery for Jesse J. Reeser, 57. who died at Salem after s brief Illness Wednesday, it was announced" by the Fisher Fun eral home. Time of the services will be announced. Mr. Reeser was born at Almira, Ark., and came to Oregon 39 years ago. m Whatever You Have to Sell Whatever You Have to Rent Chances are you'll find someone who is looking for usf that very thing through the Capital Journal classified columns. ' Try II NOW Phone 22406 Before 10 A.M. to Place Your Classified Ad For the Same Day's Paper SAY "CHARGE Surviving ar. .even brothers, Dewey and Simon Reeser, Van Nuyi, Cal.; Walter, Ed and Cecil Reeser. Albany; William, Tangent; and Ray Reeser, Brookings and three sisters, "V" f" b ,nd Mrt- J,M "U ol lamette Memorial Park ceme- lery. ine youtn was drownea Tuesday in a gravel pit on Cox ! creek near Waverly Drive, 'while hunting frogs with two ' companions. He was born in ! Craigmont. Idaho, and came to 'Albany with his parents eight years ago. Surviving besides his parents are a brother Lynn and his grandmother, Mrs. Bessie Ray, both living at the family home; paternal grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Emerson, Nez Perce, Idaho; and Mrs. C. M. Charlton, Sa lem, Is an aunt. rw. kA Cundiff Stayton Doris Marie Cun diff, U, died in the Santiam Memorial hospital Tuesday, September 1, as the result of burns. She was born Febru ary 4, at Madison, Kan., and lived with her parents eight miles east of Scio. Surviving are the parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Cun- diff; two brothers. Roland Cundiff and Delmer David- son; and a sister, Barbara Davidson. Funeral servics will be at 2 p.m. Friday, September 4, at the Weddle Funeral Chapel, Stayton, with the Rev. Guy Armstrong of Turner officiating. Burial will be In Lone Oak cemetery. DEATHS Minnie O. Bid Minnie O. Kid at th resident at 1950 Warner St.. Sept. 1, at tha aa of 93. Survivor are: Two son, Bart and Henry oi saiem: orotner. J. a. Hanson. Salem: granddaughter. Miss Clara Drake, Salem; three great grandson, Barry, Larry and Terry Bid, all of Salem; also several niece and nephew. Funeral aervtce at the Virgil T. aold en Chapel Saturday. Sept. 9 at I p,m. Interment at City View I cemetery. . ... Lawrence Merer Lawrence Meyer. 74, In thlt cltv Bent. t, 1963. Lata resident of Portland. Serv- tcea Friday, Sept. 4, at 19 a-m. In th Wjv t. Rltdon Co. Chapel. Concluding eervtcee at St, Barbara' Cemetery, Blmer Clarence albert iim.r cin. Huuxrt. iu niidnit of 990 Fark Ave., In this elty Sept. 1 at tha aa 49. Survived by wife. Mr. John. nte Hulbert, saiem; daughters, Mia Carlata Vay Hulbert, Mia Lola Irene HulberU bote, of Kucen. Scheryl Ann Hulbert. JcanatU Loralno Hulbert. both or aaicmt outer, bar, atuan Mora Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, Mrs. Joe Hoffman, Hemit. caur- Mrt. c. Anderson, Hirer- side, Calif.; brother, Ansel Hulbert. Ban jsnciio, uami.. Roy Hulbert. River- aide. Calif., Lloyd Hulbert, Los Angeles. caw., rioya nuinert, Hemit, Calif. IT" PH. 22406 A 4 .11 It Mtt - tl. mother. Mm. Janata albert. Bam I. Cat if. AnnouaeeaMat at ear fee win be made later be ilw MeweU-Bdward Ca, 14Nent, Cbristeaaawa ndolpb ChrlsUaaaea. lata resident of Dalle. Or an. at a local hospital Sept. t at the age of SI. Survived by a e. Ball ChrUMaaeeu Garner. Iowa, Aa nouBMemcnt of service will be taada later by tha HoweU-Idwarda Co, Uaaaaaw BedUvaa. Tarraad Kd aaaod Sullivan Tarrant, law resi dent af 1390 Oak St.. at a local oaepltal. Sept, 3. at the a a af 39. funeral aervtra will be anaounced Uter by Howell Bdwarda Co. lean KlhabeUi Ctaarwatee Mr. Jean Bllaabeth olaarwatar. , at local hospital Aug. 31. Lata resident 1330 H. Liberty Si. Survived by nua- band, John Clearwater, Salem; eUuibter. Mr. Kenneth O Ml fie, Salem; parent. and Mrs. Thomases Heel, nalern: sbter. Mrs. Bdaa Rogers, Salem; two brothers, Carlton Reel. Salem; and Wei- Reel, Oakland. Calif.; :v grand- or nntiuDic nnno Y nB gT- awJ- i99(0JbSb 1w44 APPLIANCE REPAIRS Ph. 2-5665 UNITID M PAIR CO. 235 N. LIBERTY Authorized ReDair on All Major Appliances- and All Sii.ll Appliances Guaranteed Service Pickup and Delii-ery on ' Large Appliances " Ivan Royse and Walt Claus. Owner - ARCHLY tVcW0 fl,. 04226 HARRY H0IS0N 4250 PORTLAND RD. Located on Highway 98 Next to Totom Pole (Chemawa) . . Custom. Made Bows. Arrows, Fishing Poles And Other Archery and Fishing Tackle SEE OUR BOOTH AT THE OREGON STATE FAIR AWNIMGS-TEMTS-TARPS Ph. 3-4788 SALEM TENT AWNING CO. 724 N. LIIIRTY v Canvas Goods of Every Description "ANYTHING MADE TO YOUR ORDER" CHINESE FOODS CHINA CAFE 2055 FAIRGROUNDS RD. . ' Specializing in Chinese it American Foods Featuring "Good Foods - Well prepared" Bring the Family Call for Rrwvstions for Dinners and Parties CONCRETE SEPTIC MORTARLESS RLOCK Approved Reinforced - Rectangular Precaat Septic Tanks) . Manufacturers of Mortar Blocks Interlocking Blocks) In Pumice or Concrete Also Chimney Blocks ' Equipment Sales-Rentals Ph. 3-3646 I HOWSIR IROS. 11IS S. 12th ST.. I Garden Tillers Power Mowers Paint Sprayers . Alt Cony pressors Sander PlumblriR Tools Power and Hand Mower ' Sharpening Repairs on All Small Gaa Engines FLOOR COVERINGS - Ph. 4-5751 CAPITOL FLOOR COVERINGS 217 S. HIGH ST. Armstrong Si Congoleum-Nalrn-Asphalt and Rubber Til Residential, Commercial Installation Rugs and Carpets Estimates Gladly Glvenf 1 an. IRRIGATION - PUMPS Ph. 26038 STETTLER SUPPLY CO. WO LAN A AVI. . Water Systems Deep Well Turbines ' . Aluminum and Steel Irrigation Pip. . ' Galvanized Pine and Fittings WATER WELL TESTING 1 Complete Service on Any Pumping Equipment MOVING & STORAGE Ph. 3-8111 t n RED STAR TRANSFER SALEM-PORTLAND MOTOR FREIGHT -' - "A Complete Shipping Service" Office 1120 N. Liberty 4 Whse 0 g. Liberty OFFICE MACHINES .Typewriters, Adding Mschlnes! Calculators, Accounting Machines - SALES SERVICE ' RENTALS '. CAPITOL OFFICE EQUIPMENT CO., 531 COURT R. W. "JOE" LAND OIL TO BURN ROAD 1174 Krigewater St OR 3-5749 OILING WEST SALEM ROAD TWEEDIE FUEL' OILS OILING STANDARD OIL DEALER . PLUMBING SERVICE Ph. 3-9811 NELSON IROS. PLUMBING t, HEATING Repairing 359 Chemeketa Contracting Residential Commercial Industrial PRESCRIPTIONS We give Penny Saver Stimps THE QUISENBERRY PHARMACIES Ph. 3-3157 UO I Uberfy )t0 tswrt. DtwirttM 1440 tftf. Medktt Csttai 24-HOUR SERVICE Service for Your Convenience. FREE Delivery Dally 8.00 A M to 11:00 P M 130 S. Liberty Store Open 12:00 to 2 00 P M and 6:00 P M to 9:00 P.M. All Sundays and Holiday! Radiant Glassheat Radiant Glatsheat af Salem 1 S40 Fairgrounds Rd. Learn about the Miracle of Glassheat before you buy any heatlnf svstem at anv nrlr rnM(n.ntat niB.hA.( No Chimney a No Maintenance a FHA Terms Easy Terms b i ear Radio Repair MITCHELL'S Radio Aotorolo "n Dealers Pick up TELEVISION1 I SALES VALLEY TELEVISION CENTER 2303 Fairgrounds Rd. In Woodburn st 171 Grsnt St Featuring MOTOROLA . RCA VICTOR - HOFFMAN DUMONT TELEVISION SETS children, Jsmee aad Donaa 9t Salem . Services at tha Vlratl T. Oiliia Ca rriaay. bmpl u pjw. sMtnaJ at Belereat Mamarto. .Hb Ute Star. UaxalS W. Black eJftsietlM. CBTICU1A kriit saulif iairiviaut is 7 lift Trotibled arkli Msrkheaaw, reugh. buwtpy akav. extar nUy cauard pMnplea or naaf vuttcura noap ana Ointment con tain Oxyejuinolino. Sal ptWaied Pecrolaruaa and Chlorophyll-" have) bean kighlr auccettful for f year. Buy today. Ph. 2-6596 TANKS Ph. 37324 CO. 14th 9 1. HOYT Ph. 3-5584 Ph. 2-4151 24 HOUR savirj Ph.3-9123 rn wvaa. Phone 4-6263 uuarantee ' Ph. 3-7577 - Television 1880 Stato tot er . and Delivery General Electric AND nl Salem 2-1413 SERVICE m. Woa4biini3411 tOBM COURT & COHMfSCIAl